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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1906, p. 1

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argams tnd Testing HEW 7th and 8th esight LL " Small Billa 8, 1906 206 25c 25c 25c 07c 08c 2be Me ll ll rs wed. im- Hing t to m "at. Isl. ply rd ten ICO ml "I lid " p III in ll d 55:4 lflllXlllillflllgllflllgll8llflllgtiaglggtgt - m mms‘fi‘i‘filfifiafifi“ g-gxtcz-txggwmmxsmmmémé333%; it TAYLOR&CO,Dromore 'Ili,) Eff-:33:EMEREWEEI‘EEEREREEEEE F',' 'iir,llames Ireland. 3 Ft U; lfil . . . I Mun iii aving=v=Business"lii:iiiii, ii, Sale j'lisiiii; i§§WAfi3m333233EEEHEEEWEEEEE , TAYLOR & CO, Dromore VOL. xxvn. NOT? Come and see if everything isn't exactly " repre- . seated. PRINTS Toques and l'ioods Short Ends DRESS GOODS Our January Sale of winter goods at reduced prices has cleaned out a good percentage of our winter stock but we still have some bargains in se- veral lines, all of which must go. It will mean a great saving to you to take advantage of this Sale which lasts until after we get thru Stock-taking. We men- tion a few of them: .. " were 5, " ......... 4.50 LADIES' UN DERBKIRT8, black & 1solortd,urtr,e fh..Pl.t pr 11.AP Come yourself and bring your boys and clothe them and yourself at manufacturer's prices or less. 54 in black frieze or Lndiee' suits or emits. was $1.25, In] 54 in black and colored dress goods, plain and fancy. were $1.25. ale price.......... .... .... ...... Golored anitlnge and Indies' clock). we; Me, sale price . . . GREY FLANNELS. were 300. sale price . . . .. .. . . .... . " were 35c, " ............... " were 40e, " ............... BLANKET CLOAKING. was $1.25. sale price.. . . .. . . . . MEN '8 HEAVY TWEED for panting, was It: sale price Cloth and Beet Trimmings for Man's Suits. sale prices. .. LADIES' SKIRTS-Grey tweed, were 85. sale prlee . . . . . ff --Blatsk, were 5, td ..... Nothing but bargains in Clothing Dept. We can't quote the prices on everything in our immense stock but to give you an idea We have had great selling since our Sale began and now have broken lots and sizes in many lines of WINTER GOODS. Everything left in Winter Footwear-Long Boots, felt and felt-lin- ed boots, &c, logging, lumbermeu'g socks, heavy mitts, wool tuques shawls, clouds, men's and boys' Overcoats. cardigan Jackets, men’s women 's and children 's sweaters. &c, &c.,-going at SLAUGHTER P R i CES . SALE TERMS-GA or Produce at Market Prices ing at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. It wi: to buy early for Spring. We have a few broken lines of Prints which we In red, blue, cream and white, Some very pretty lines, reg. 25c to Soc ; YOUR PICK FOR . . ... t Ends ranging from I yd to " yds. These goods are principally Flannelettes and we are of- fering them at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST of manufac. tun. Be sure and have a look at them. A good range of Fall and Winter Dress Goods in very pretty patterns and combination colors, the prices ranging from 85c to st. IO per yd. YOUR CHOICE PER TARD...... ...... ...... ...... 75c Note These Savings as or cash. was $1.25, tale pr. .65c i (iiiititttiit 1.75 am 1.60, "' C, 1914;." 1tctcr; . ._ we are offer. will pay you Next the lawn Hall ...25cyd ...27cyd ...30c_vd ......75c 19c ....60c A PENCIL IN me U1rreterr.-wtut was an unusual. nevertheless painful sccid- ent hnfpened to Brie. the liule five Pear ol Mon of Mr and Mre C. Elvidge E last Saturday morning. The little fel- low. in fun, attempted to kick his older Fil brother. who enught his foot, which unexpectedly caused the younger tofu" on his tare. On nrising. 3 black mark the size of a tech head was noticed on his 11er lip, while at the side of the E nose t e cheek was swelled and painful a to touch. Nothing on the troor or around him was seen which might cause this, and Mr Elvidge was called,; home. Dr Gun. being consulted. he decided something had entered the face and advised sn operation that after- noon. which was performed hr himself and Dr Manurin. The cheek was cut open close to the right nostril. and us- ing his forceps the actor nulled out a. iece of peper colored date pencil. tV Rout an inch and s half long, which had run in his lip end wee jammed in tight- parellel to the nose. It appears that the little boy had the pencil in his hand M when felling, and with the hand in I front to save his face, had struck the a tioor which forced the pencil in vex --swiftly. Luckily it named the eye. Elwin “use wss inserted to dlow all -- In...“ in AAA-‘- -- --T_i__= A _ 15ijllfie iiiilliiiiiui8lgttt 'ti Manitoba Flour 82.40 per 100 lb. at __ A Mu Rana. W a! Lmattoi to ltr,?'? 113:1 ft 1iiAi" r3505; ili' a: (ii 02:24 ii,iii)" X ',ts,,',ii"i,'i'r,'si'i, ii 'rei,,'ii,i,.i'i,;"", 3: ML: Q23; 5% if; a iiii,i:,iii'i,,i, s')',',':':"','):,",,,':, lib". ti d il 0.15"” (iii:', l, I ii', i ' n tit)',',)",,',':',',,::,,.),,'.', Apr, of: , i."t,i'tii'i'.ii,s',,.ii,.,"t,i', i't,),,'ai,)i,,'ii,'i'i',tti, 'iii, i,')) 1' NEW JrcwreLLErt.-Mr Perry G. A, Webster. of Toronto, has bought. out " Mr A. Gordon‘s stock and good will, and l is doing business in the old stand. He i has had 7 years' experience, is a gradu- i ate of the Canadian Horologicul Instit- l ute, Toronto, and comes with a deter- mination to meet the needs of the com- ; munitv by skill, care and good gooda. ( Though still a young man he has seen i some life. He was the youngest mun . on the firet S. African contingent to the Boer war. received mine acorn there 'and had the honor to he one of the num- her chosen to appear before the late Queen Victori.. We hope Mr Webster may have all the success he aims for. How He Got EvrrN.-'I'here " a storv of a young fellow who married in haste and is repenting at leisure. The other night he went, home and raised a. row be- cause the dinner wasn't half cooked. His better seven eighlhs ripped out.. "Pm going back to mother! Nothing nee-us to please you. If you dont like my style of cooking. whv sir, you must do your own cooking hereafter. You didn't marry a cook l " Pence was de.. clued about bedtune. In the small hours of the morning there won a noise down stairs. " Charlie. Charlie," she cried, shaking him out of a, deep sleep. "There are burglus in the house! Go down and catch them'." anily rolling over, he replied: " Aw Ruby. tro down and capture them yourself. You didn't marry no po1icemiut."--Ex. . p1 Did you seetho eclipse of the moon early last Widow morning P For near- ly an hour the earth's shadow fell di.. rectly upon our satellite. causing it to thine faintly with a dull, copper-color- ed light. As an aid in solving astron- omical problems. these eclipses take no part, as do those of the sun. but still it let of our most Interesting celestial phenomena. FARM ton "ra.-Mgouth " lot 26 Con l8 Tp Norwsnby, tine mildingc. ,lMt"t be cold. A ply to Arthur If Jnch m. D rham. I Mr Amos Chislect. B. Glonelg. in numb ing arrangements for the run: use of nhouse in town, having nod his farm to Mr Jan. Eckhardt. Ilia ule come. " on March let, MASSEY HAtuua.--Mr John McQueen in control of the Massey-Hun“ agencv here, is moving into the old stand west of the Middnugh Home, when with ample space. he will ht glad to meet all old customers and many new ones. grade of nottr can get It. iit 85.25 s" tnt this week at MATTHEWS a d LATIXIB. All Account! not settled Q Mareh Int yin be pUeed In other ham 3 for collect- ton. Thane in want of grade of fiottr can get this week at Colds are more easily taken when the liver is sluggish. Ion, your live: right, by taking Carr's little liver pill. 2 for 25 out a; Mtulurhsne's. OYSTER 1T,rtcgotuh Durham, No 446, C. o. F. will hold the' r annual or- ater Supper in Culderu Hall on Friday. 22nd inst. Ladies cordially invited. Admitoion 35c Ladies: Order your Lady tinge". Mnmronna, Cream puitn and puff paste shells at Watson’s Bake-1y. Orders promptly tilled. Telephone 38. The Great- West. Life pany afrorde the highs pays tht,je.srett profits 10 Appnxx'ncss WANTED. tAe. _Millinerv trade. Ann} m APPRENTICES MuNTED.--' o learn the Millinerv trade. Apply t Min Dick’s showrooms, Laubton St. The Great- West. Life Immune Com- pany atrorde the highs“ securit and DURHAM, Manitoba Flour 82.40 per 100 In. at Mrs Bangs. Thnrough Bred stock for “In. Apply to Wm Morrison, Edge Hi , Ont. MaoFarlaue’a Grip tablet. f taken in time are guaranteed to break p a. cold no 24 hours-K- box read ,fflt, of 'prptiirchitrret "I Dvim, -iG; d M m A human. THURSDAY. 'iuiauuiriiiriir"iiii7i"i"' to, policy'hold; 11M m The long expected report of Mr Farr e- proved a boomerang in its make up tll and its matter. The mountain was in 'e labor and produced a mouse. On the te face of it, it carried the convtction that {’6 the compiler was bound to prove from I g many sources that gravel and mud did in not make marl! Trials had been made 't in many places a here few would think of looking for marl, and even in places ' where Mr McKechuie had previouslg l- told them there was none. The Bout ‘e end of the lake was good. the middle we so poor " to be worthless. The in- f creased output of 1905 it was claimed r l was purely because of better marl a , statement Mr Calder punched holes in l, by proving by mam: of Mr Reid 1 that the number ofcars sent in in 1903 I , and 1904 were fewer than in 1905. and a 1 that the increased output corresponded l r with the increased number ot care. I t Tobermory lake had poly 12 acres of l I marl. Townsend's lake of no value t f whatever. Bell‘s lake wugood, black l I lake had some marl, no value. Gordon , ' farm in Egremont frmn3imstustoti t ; feet of marl covered with from 1 to 2 tl test of muck. Lots tr, 6, and l, on i , gravel road, no marl, other places t F struck gravel, "ttttt worth consider- ing. " Onthe Saug'een west of Dur- ham, were properties .showing tttttff ' which “an unscrupulous person might e call marl. " Fun at west there was c " Scarfs l Jd much 2 ot marl. Hopkins y IA and " It Campbelis 1 'of muck h attditxynfkto2otitdii,' and to sum it .up all the cost to digthese deposits a , was prohibitive. u. m: uiscussions it was asserted that Me Tookey, traveller, had sent in I orders which were turned down, and later solicited be the same parties, much ', grumbling met the statement of travelling expenses. especially the fact oi, chemist and draughtsman's name appearing at all. Decided objections were I uttered by man} at having a drtu1dhtsunatf, and the number on the local statf. was a surprise to shareholders outside " Durham. i We have antici ated the report of Mr Woods. "ffle,e it to 88V that he gave, with added emphasgs the statements pt the previous evenimr. in a convmcing. manner and received ample evidence that his word and work was satisfactory. to the shareholders, . The nppieuse that followed showed that Mr Woods bed captured the meet- ing, emphasized still more when the Beep. objected to being vauctioned. still more when Chemist Frost gaVe techinsi corroboration of Mr ood's findings, still more when the chairman shsWed tram government reports and persons! interviews with Mr Gilles le, the government analyst. that Mr Woods was well within the mark. stilrmore by the presence of Director Cobbiedick, who was led a mazy dance in his attempts to explain the buying of the options, which was done because they trus.ed Mr Farr implicitly, had always found him straight. de. A feature of the evening was the bringing to the front of the roorback circular. signed by issue N. Devins. urging everyone to revoke the proxies given to Gilbert McKechnie or any Durham man. Mr. McKechnie hsndled this most eifectivelv. wiped it out clean. for it was not again heard of, and very few if even one, revoked their proxy on account oi the hantie appeal. I A committee of 16 chosen equitably trom over the province was appointed , to receive nominations'from which to select a date ot seven to run " directors. i, There was much division ot opinion about this, and it wasn't trffeetive. as it proved for only Hovle. McKechnig and tin-wan..." ...-_- -', w, A -' s .. We are not in a position to compare former Annual meetings with that just held but those who attended all admit this was the most strenuous and best attended ot them all. Interest was bound togrow, fur had ot another 12 months 8006 by Ind still no sign of a dividend, not only so. the prospect of dividends were vanishing into thin air by persistent reports from some of the Directors and oftieialtt " the works" that (l) the marl was played out. and (2) when it was proved there was plenty of marl, that it was not of commercnal value. Those reports were emphasized by the action of the Board in author- izing expenditure in txuninink rock locations. and even in buying options thereon. Small wonder there was a strenuous interest, there being an actual [attendance of over 300, while considerably over 9000 of the 10000 shares were represented by proxies and otherwise. There were two meetings ; the first, tttttMetal in the Rossin House on Tuesday evening, the regular one next dav. It was clearly understood that l the Tuesday evening meeting was called in the interest of those who can: demoed the movinz'idea. and the large ball on the arrival of the evening trains, was soon well tilled. W. H. Hoyle. M. P. P., Cannington was voted] to the chair. and he kept the meeting well in hand. The chief interest cen- tred in the address at Mr. Woods. who gave some advance information from his_report to come next day. The chief points he dwelt on were that there ' were 9 or 10 years supply of commercial marl in Wilder'e Lake on a most‘ conservative estimate. He had not taken " 145 samples from the middle of 1 the borings only, but from the average of top, bottom and middle, a more; correct way. Seey. Ehrhardt, who was present. took upon himself to question Mr. Woods' as tohis findings, the quantity of organic matter present. M. dre , and without doubt Mr Ehrhardt found that Mr Woods was rg1tr tram exact knowledge. that his questions did not disconcert the chem " and more than all, that the meeting was decidedly in Mr. Wood ‘s favor, a fact attrib- utable to the calm. solid, gentlemanly way Mr Woods declared that the Lake was the most uniform deposit he ever saw. that there was lots of com mercial marl where the dredge had been and that he " had to state it as his firm I opinion that the Durham mill had not vet had a fair mu, " I Shareholders of the Natiaral Portland Ce: ment Co. have their say. i P IN ' . " . " - ~ - _ , . ' . q it??? "44:, w" TORONTO CONDEMN Tttfi PROPOSAL TO MOVE THE MILL A ROUSING MEETING. i'iitoijtrt). ioooymg and canvassing was done next forenoon is not asiderable. Shareholders found their way to the Labor , to find a crushing crowd around the i1eereur.v'e desk, tapers. adjusting proxies, dte. It was a slow, slow process the ottiee stuff were there. The registration was no; on in the afternoon. a: was decidedly in ,ME:,WR.;8.‘;;;: 'i"iii'rit'tr'i"g 'tttttletntutiy Way Mr Woods declared that the Lake Jeni: It ever uw. t_ha.t they _wu km of com mercial T l, Mr Winhun, at Hamilton. got up with 3 handful of documents and pro- ceeded in n "mastic [runner to cate- chixe Ichochnie, KcWillitms and neutron. Hu had intended to make his " revolulonu” but rear but the but asked him torch-sin thetnaa it might - the big work. “Rom- e __- vwvlv “VIII“ W " I we: decided to hear them. MecKny ’ with udmireble brevity outed he wee in the field, would help whether elect- ed or not end sat down. Mr Rats, M P placed his record before them” thev had been guided bv the ofhtsiaht, _', Durban papers hinted things. nernt- , ed how he got his stock, ittstifUtt the " steps taken in looking for rock. end l oiréred to relieve the N. P C. Coot " the expense incurred (this we: utter-1“ wards tempted.) Farr being [one he I would hire Mr Wood, believed the J mill would my a dividend. A quest- .1 ion brought the statement that Mr t Farr bed cloud the mill entirely of 1' " own accord. " earing at all. Decided objéctionu “in; l defhP,tigi'iccA,pcyare/t,t.ytst, "25' . e N l t'e , I t Null - “nigh land the number on the local trtaif ;ntinn will be given in the Vanni vorhool " at am. {on Frida; evening. Feb 23rd at ti. "Hook Mr Wooda, Fume it .to my tttat he Cave , it‘ll? siRu,'t',e.ttufetih/'opdtelng,, 1‘13} It the . prevmus ovemmr. In . capVInclng'. PnrGGiu%/iiis', inn ofthe Dominion of hat his word aad work W1. "tisiaetory ' Canada. Ate Mr "(Ewen inn well pos-ted [nun on All aubjrcta relating to the funn- lers welfare, everyone within reasonohle Mi Near: Toronto, made & ..e1tsrtsr:iiiiti'iii,' ot Varner ubould not fail to crime, but it temamed for Mr Boyle, [hear him. Lumen are cnrdnlly invited now a Director to give a crushing blow 1 to be pment. Silver collection in tho to Mr Farr 'g report " producing gov- Poor to help detrw elm."- emmont reports based on ovndenazsUP-I Fun BRICK Rum an. - Pyro BY In “an. quite " vnrinnce ( On and" (Grantham 'Wg,'rti; with what was now given. Mr Boyle mud In Rom Twmlev. Denim-k. met with Tleg,. as he declared Mr l were at church. tire in non. - cumin Parr had ypaotiaed the directors. ’m the upper story of their fihe brick 21tt'e; onddbeforr lielp could he to- ' on t woo "trope, . A home ho EVENING ammo. [and Ma sister wcre tho only Men 0’- The great business now w“ to eletst [mund' he "." " the stattle, and 'E' 'he the 2ttep, W tttstore doing so it Ledue I?ht1,t1.tht ththesd.t.discoi-" --n A.- A 5- L--- -. ..- - i p m., the mmutes were read and 'inted andin their hands was taken and calls for explanation of numer- ent. Just how it comes that c.3h on appear in the same column as assets At asset the iatter is may cause a tfe,ti. Ehrhardt, we must say. with Continua my“; Hat, GONE Wear.--Mr Alex Gordon. l in Maine" here for twentv your. left ‘on Friday lust for Wevburn. Saul" having mid out his Durban main... to Mr Percy G. A. Webster. of Tumnlr. ,The lure of the Nest attracted Ir Gor- don’s sum. Roy and Alli-oer. who each bought a iewellery hmineu in adjoining :Iocslities. To one of these. Boy's. h. i Roeg to take chute oeelng room for do. I Y_tloprnent, not pouible in Durham. 1 We sincerely regret to lone Mr Gordon. Iwhn has been one of our pmminent u pushing busineu men nod hu built up ir. Rood busineu here by Mr dealing and ithe handling of road good; He " Ac- lcompmied by his non Achol. Mulch; ie of the {anally - no" ,Vfi V: -... WI. “W". “at rout. of the {unhilv may glove iill Accompanying t e regret con the harm-wood who- for his town VIM.» by hi- ' clum- he". -..¥ "w“. .u-u-w lIlI' 3700. The house mu elegantly ttttish" throughout and ennuined some vul- luhle furniture. Much uympuhy It felt, for It and In Tmunley to he than rudely driven from their roof-nee in mid-winter. went up tttairs to make the heds discov- and tire dmpning from the ceiling she shouted to the MN. and the unhsppy rnir made effort to 01'an othom hut too tste. [gray about cam. [noun-d for l The Ottawa citizen niche 7th iurit. hat a glowing account of the Annual meet- ing of the Internattomu Portland Ce- ment Co, tt Successful beyond their nt- mmt expectations” hug been theiress. porioncp and shareholders, have enjoyed their Brut dividend. While they were meeting their trreat plant was still in operation. had never been shut down. They had fallen upon ha. pier lines limb the National, but, the “talc has umw turned tne corner and entered we trust. the road to success ; (‘numeaNnnv -.Mitm M. hirLarh- lam. ( who- tttother lives in Prim-ville t ' a. teacher in the Lawn-hip of “Mat Williams. A Into-iwtwof the l’nrkhill Glutte. h" nn "rtielesuaowitur that she is (wing .. unhnumtvd sntinfm-t inn " to lrustM-s and lunpor-tur. Her ability in school nnd conduct and deport.nm-nt “em-rally are spoken of in the wan high.» town. She passed at Lon'lnn Normal nhnol with honors and now gets I min-y of $460. l OLD Donna-u PASTOR DEAD. ..-Ree Arch. MeDermid, " one time pastor of Dornoch and Rocky Suugoen concreti- Itionn deed at Windsor on Feb. 2 He wu so years of uge and has been retired for eleven yearn. A widow and four Fb?,??, survive him. Roxana To Rev. MR. Ihrwntmv,---x invent Mun of the St John Son h“. _tlne futteriost net-omit of farewell hon- om to Rev Mr Dewdney. formorlv of Durham. but for 12 war! of tit Julio. He in now to tre proiuotpil m In- Rector of the Cathedral at, Prince Allwrt The St John people had become Warmly in. tached to him and his family and unw- him a eulogiuiit- addeerm. and a puru- of 8185 as well nu special gifts to himself and family. Norrcrt.--Att count- due to Mr Aiex Gordon, mt bunker and jeweler Inuit he settled u or before Mun-h I. If not no not” on" will be incur- red to they will be need in other hand. after that dun. Ap ly at the residence upper town, Durham Ar 1310:11ch Mrottrra,---An active gang in at work on "ffi'it'!"ir, repairs " the Cement. plant under the dint-Non of Mr John Clilf. The tirat meeting of me new Board when plums In Durham on Wednesday 21tst inet, The Great “You Lite Imumnce Cm.- pnly all. endowment. and other pol- ieiee at . low" nu, chum other com- psmeu. Ask for our um before you mauve. W. P. Dunn. Agent. NoTrct--Ail cunts due to the late firm of Shove-ll Id Lamb-m mmt Ina lettlod before I lor cost: will he in- curred. tur run. M the " u. mum- " Jan an? lave tho same with In (Rev) Newton and she will receive her own fur but “tin. . Would the Indy who “as the wrong tur run. at the " It. hum!- " Jan an. The Binder twine factories are he vine hard luck. \ankerlou is selling oft the plum mud Aswan may decide to an the same with theirs in a few dws. After t'ever'a days of mild weather, thr-h alums! ished the ttislet another mnwhll ie in progreu wlnc will helplnuinenu. Very cold. When L T iment \Vnnderful in rubbed in all swellin s and "itNeas dinuppou il‘ry it-fuily guaranteed at Mud?“- .ue'c. 15 por ieut, off tll Men’s Wearing Bank. fo the month of February. taught “the" Alatx Bonn. I'WO on}. to Let-otte 6 mum And one ti r m, H.- Furmco- and hath. Apply t w. Blanch. Duns y r watch hop time? " not. take it m , Jun-r .. He can tie a watch" Your nnighbor'o RIVII': mate scrihe vounelf; or. I! you: neigh- hor hozmwu yours, kindly [In him A gentle hint to and no " nun». Sun you time and trot" hle and given both better out“ faction. 85c to the end of the yur. Send all onion to CHAS MANAGE. Plume: AND Punusuu. The Review Don't Borrow Suawah AND LRNAHAN. Durham, Ont A, Gordon i',1

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