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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1906, p. 4

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L it? my?" 1|ng u “minus. VINE The Canon are of the Brock I Wtbre, China,; ville make, beat of their kind, and h and 1 I price that meanaasaving I . The Sleigh: are the . --- well-known Bain mhake. mi h G t a first 1 . t 'ces t at are r t e was; Armt "no", . m It lat Keeler's this ¢ I Threw g CUTTERS and SLEIGHS SAVINGS BAH! -meres allowed on savings bank deposits of 'l.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every mum "ordbd customer: living at. diuhnce. J KELLY, Agent. A general Banking luminous transacted Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at curl-em rates In Shop West of the Mid- dang]: House. I‘APTAL. Authorized. __.. . “taxman CAPITAL. Paid up. . . . . .. . . . . LUIMXU ESKRVEFUND .... .... 1.000.000 AGENTS in all principal pomta m Ontario, Quebec. Msmtobs. United States and England. W. F. COWAN. President. a. P. SCDOLFIELD. General Image: DURHAM AGENCY (Rlll,Ull) BANK 0f CANADA llllinstrlltrris Agency Also Wilhelm’u Wrimzera. all made Raymond, Sewing Machines. McClazy Agent for the Dillon Hume BOM ETH [NU NEW IN the implements of this famoustirm's make are kept on hand. Just now we want tO tank to yon about peering chfarvasaars Head Office, Toronto. To make room in our Shoe Department, we are clear- ing all odd lines at cost and less than cost. Jhahrt Sara. We can give only| a mere list of our goods. but In quality and adr tummy to t e needs of South Ora-y we are not excelled.. Dcering Barrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, hxeney’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned mticlns, fair prices We are .- Wow Si,tshams, Wow Cdambrays, Gu, £awn: d Prints, Wen} ahronsrs, We!» "dit-tutters, 'tiotmsttiatgo, 'eu, WA/mW/oar, Weady~ At-, Woar Wallet: The heat In their line " we handle only the betst, . which we consider to be the best values we have ever shown. re receiving daily large Geods which we have pa ready for your Ji?oot, and (thues \VASHERS: The Perforated Drum. onlv in NEW GOODS -- ' -- Cant am: McClaIy Stoves for Coal Dillon nge Stay Fence. - GREAT BARGAINS await you here in Watches. Clocks, Jewelery, Silver. ware. China. Books. Stationery and Fancy Goods. Now on at keeler's BIO JANUARY SALE The undersigned otr, property in Upper To,, particulars. apply tq DIED Moorue.--In Glpnelg, on February. 1906. Jas. M; years. LarnLaw.-.-rn Normanhy Mrs Thos. Laidlaw. Om on. Sharp) need 79 rm Ytrvxo--At Hampden, on 29 January 1906. to Mr and Mrs Thos. Young, a .5735 ftarm Maahz‘nery. I1RRre--Prtorpm'r-At the manse. Mt Forest, by the Rev W. G. Hanna, B. A. nu D..L a _ Rey .. .. -- - - _ J J. -e" V _. . u. nun-nun, D. A). on Feb. Ist. Miss Bella v. Profeit, of Mt Forest. to Mr Angus Currip, of Da- kota formerly of Farewell. SOD. I large consignments of New ave passed in stock and your inspection. 'no 3/5700. w.--rn Normanhy. on 4 Feb., 'hos. Laidlaw. (mother of Mrs Sharp) aged 79 years. 'or!ock. FOR SALE. bsM'iiiilfirGTiiri, A few doors South of the Middaugh House, eler & Sons , on the Buy Comer. MARRIED BORN FOUNTAIN PEN JOHN ROBERTSON. Otters his splendid 'own for sale. For on Friday 9th ' Moore, aged 72 or Wood the Idea l In the thriving village of Hopevifle. FTownshlp of hon)", two story brick an" and residence, 'een.trall, situated. Daily mail l Telephone in store. Good stone cellar full sin- of house, Rood kit- chen attached; alt well liniiheif. A "orehouse and "able on lot had shaver failing well with ttttee wimp. Poe Imlon 'von nunon of" on [ um FG' “9- mm. 'frrv'tii'rt1 ml.- o Rob. 15590; W. J. 9mm... l H. H. Miller. M. P. and his dau, were present from Hanover. and more. Priceville and other places represented. Chief Wm. Black made man and made an apprup speech. The ispcier/has over 820 on ter paying expenses. Piper McDonald and his clever danc- ing daughter Mabel, gave a thoroughlv Scottish flavor to the evening, Mabel in the Highland fling 1nd Shewan Trews is hard to beat. Miss Dickenson in her double capacnty as singer and accompanist, appeared a, times.' No light tent. l Will McLeod confirmed tus previous popularity as a refined humorist. His Pieces were all new. exec-El the one sung l ' request. "Hate any ody seen my _ brother Charlie." which is at mine of fun asis "Naming the Baby.” a veritable storehouse of names of places and people noted in the Boer War and applied by a fond mother as a. name to her baby much to the perplexity of the delay- man who chnstened it. He was re- called every time and gave as one of his eucores the "tuilov'ii Hornpipe " in a manner never equalled in Durham. Miss Dickenson was the bright star of the eyening. Though she has sung in Durham three or four times no one thinks of het getting stale. B common consent it is conceded she ell",',') her- Selt' on this occasion; her perturmance with the old fashioned spinning wheel (seemed at Mt Dan ?icArthtarii) was: delightful variation, but the old "Lul. laby Song " which she sung by request was the heat of the evening, for the tender strains, whispered yet, distinct, held the hushed audience; as if by " charm t a ttilmte to her magnetism, perfect articulation and skill in inter- pretation. Mr J. Rhynd Jamieson was a new ar- tist here and has been singing with great acceptance in several places. He has a good voice. finely mod ulated. but in power did not seem to have got the measure of the hall. He had some good selections and was encored several times. His habit of glancing intos book while singing is a mannerism that detracts from an otherwise good stage presence. l A/G/nc,, am happy yen: “Rev Mr? on Manda) nary of A: Mr (falling and it Wad huilf. the he l The eighth Annual Concert. of the Sons of Scotland Umnp here was a. suc- cess. Every seat on the plan Was sold, and a few chairs weie placed in the aisles when the committee instructed Mr McFal-lnne to stop the sale. All the performers were on hand in Lime and the Concert went like clockwork. The committee had Mrs Newton engaged for accompanist, but to their regret, the illness of a sister compelled her to Rive up the position. The committee found an able substitute in Miss Mae Dicken- son, whom addition to her own num- hers accompanied the Others and did it brilliantly. “Rev Mr'cuuing B. A. left for London on Monday. to attend the 25th anniver- sary of Astin St Methodist church. Mr (falling wan pastor of that (harm: and it WM during his term that they built. the beautiful editiee. The_cungre- {union intend honoring him by letting him burn the mortgage, Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull. over 40 years resident in H. Bontinck. moved into town on Tuesday last into the house they purchased Tcently in the old aljoe block. We welenme than as citizens and trust they may spend many happy yeah. amongst us. e... Miss May Harris left, Monday to " tend the wholesale Millinery Openings in Toronto and will thence go on to Ed. Ponton, where she has secured n posit- non. Mrs Malcolm Cameron, of N. Dr who h visiting friends and relations the vicinity was the guest of her frle Mus Jno Cameron. lately. Mrs Edwin Hunt, Trzwerston. is A guest at Mr Jnn. Hunt's at. present. She has been quite unwell for sometime mung to blood poisoning. Mrs Carson. in Fergus haipilnl. has not been so well the past few days. Her daughter. Mrs Hopkins, virited with her the past week. Miss Lizzie Brown. of Mt Parent. was a nuvstuf Min B. R. J. Mernon for t few days hut week and ttus. Miss Mathews, upper town, visited with be! old neighmra. Messrs Andrew and Wm. Derby. Bentinck, over the week end. it Miss Myrtle Orchard. of Holstein, " spendingafew weeks with her aunt, Mrs Arthur Mc-Clucklin. Miss Grier, of Pajrira, viu'rine ber aunt, Mrs A home last thsturdas. Mr Martin. assistant of Mr Mcllraith. attended his sister’l wedding in Arthur. last Wednesdav. Mr and Mrs r. Swallow and children visited her parents near Crawford. but Thursday. Mm Mellraith is quite ill at present. under the doctor’s care. Mrs Schultz. Cypresa River, Man.. is Visiting at Mr: Ben Mule’s. Mia. Maggie Gndd left Monng to take a situation in Toronto. Mr Mortimer, of Guelph, spent over Sunday at. J. W Crawford's. Dr Jamieson went to Toronto this Week on Parliamentary" duties. Miss Kmuder. of Louise. visited town and Hutton Hill friends this week. Miss Bice, near Ail-a Craig. in v ing her brother, Rev Mr Bice/at rectory. FOR SALE Ben Nevis Concert. THE DURHAM REVIEW k made a good chair- appropriate opening P. and his daughter u yfplovortnnd Dro- -.o-..o - -- 1 Mrs 'Meiiié, Hewitt}; hand " 1.7 who has been o yf .N" Dnk., z Mdiiii 'iu"a"iimTariii."iiiiiii"ii( Inns in friend, More we could any, hut space forbids. The tsituation is extremely satisfactory, and we congratulute the nhareholder- on the outcome. . With the memory of this meeting in mind no Board in future will rely entire. ly on otBeialst, nor will they allow any one fail control to open or close the mill when they choole. other supposition than moving, and iid Durham papers were vindicated. Their commnt advice to shareholders not to aacritiee clock. hue resulted in an im- mense saving to hundreds. WANTID: byChlcqo wholesale home, spec- ial representative to: etch wanna in Cland- - mm sud expo-m pad weekly. h- m none: named. Ittigirteg. Incas-m1: M,'tt mans. go inn-men: muted. m... hum... M.'eUlelt 939m- tile“: The great hour had come. notiiinstions V y weieputin and 22 names appeared on .re; the black board of men willing to serve Ing the Company as Directors. The bust- ling of the ballot began. some bb plump- ed " for favorites. All the old board stood and four of them have been re- turned. Durham was particularly pleased to see Mr McKechuie, near the he head. \Vhile lighting alone at w Strat- uc- ford meeting One of his colleagues te- ld, marked "Mcitteeionie dies hard." The he figures below show he is a lively corpse ed yet. and could spare a thousand of his he votes to his fallen comrades and still he nd elected. Amongst thedeleatcd are some he really good men such ss McKinnon. ed warden of Wellington, Robertson ot he Brantford.Colville. Alt-Nah and others. b'e Following is the list in order. with the ul vote, the h'rst seven forming the Board. n- Mr Hoyle was the darling of the meet- y.- mg, " tribute to his abilitv as chairman id and incisive reasoning in his arguments; . W. H. Hoyle, M.P.P. Cannington 6180 of Gilbert Mt-Keehnie. Durham 5168 H . ll. H. McWdliamo, Owen Sound 4907 At A. F. McLaren, M. R. Stanford 4195 n Val. Ram, M. P.. Parkhill 3480 r- F. B. McKay, Woodstock 3438 'e . C. W. Dyer, tit Thomas 3427 il The asterisk shows the new men. I- J. Cobbledich, Ihretee 3068 t Alex McKinnon. Hillshurg 2854 e J. W. Scott, Listowel 2636 Ui-Culville, Orono 2458 .; Duncan McNub, Claremont, 2808 A, McPherson, Longford Mills Zt33 1 J. A. Cline, Stratford . 1900 H. w. Robertson, Brantford 1475 Morrison Wilson, Woodstock 783 - 8. Trees. Toronto 677 l w, A. Tookey. Fergus 495 , A, If. Rodger-t, Exeter 465 . E. L. Goold, Brantford 258 t T, H. Everson, Oshawa. l80 , l John Kay. Paris 106 ' Mr McWilhamm who has been elected , President of the New Board. is a man of abounding energy with a. lot of techncial and general knowledge of cement plants. He is the hu'gertshaiieho1der' in the com- a1 puny and as such has alwsys been con- vinced that the Durham proposition N was a good one both in the present and et for the futuie if under sympathetic management. Mr, \Voods plainly de. N clares that Durham mill has never yet had a fair test, the new President seems to feel the s-une, and we believe the new Board are determined to spend their energies in developing Durham mill and will certainly indulge in no whimsical schemes to move the big plant. V I There can he no doubt the persistent ( cry-of no marl. and no commercial marl, had the effect of running etork down in = value. But for the persistent Agitation - of the Durham papers matters would have been worse yet; we were told that the proposal to move the mill was an invention of the Durham papers. 3 tis- sue of lies, &e. This would not no down with the meeting, for, ever would ante the ghost of thst expenditure at Port Uolborne, unexplainnb e onsny "ac, _____..-..£; - nL-~ __ - . visit- t the yumuuu man was met With a chorus of 'uo’n ' The begiungng had been all wrong, but wings were going better now and he had been amused " the penitenual unmade ut some members of the old Board. vvuwu give Woods a big “my as manager to prove his report true. Laidlaw. ot Toronto, and others spoke on the Bell's lake proposition and the certainty ot an eastern railway Ko- ing through, and Was inclined to think weshould eleet the old Board, a pro pusition that was met with a chorus of Mr Scott. claimed that deception was practised in the early stages by both American and Canadian promoters. He recalled early tairy tales bat ad. mmed we, had a first class miil. Would give Woods a big “my as manager to prove his report true. Mr Cline wished toeorrectan ap- parent error abroad that they had moved to remove the mill. Any share- holder could prevent that. 10 Y, paid to Cowbam f r engineering he bed lieved could be recovered, and discus sions took place as to the part played by Stnnhope, McCurdy and others in early days, which might make their ears ring. Mr Ehrhsrdt gave the information that not onecent of the company’s money bed been paid for selling pr1F- moters' stock. Mr Calder in answer‘ to the charge that Durham had not carried out its agreement showed plainly that " not one 5 cent piece of shareholders“ money was paid for sell- ing the stock agreed to be taken by Durham , Mr Witthun wilted and the revelations thnt did not reveal will likely be kept for another year. It was interesting to learn that Mr Witthun was the man who recom- mended the $6.00 a day man and ex- penses to examine rock propositions. Mr Cobbledick's turn came. m complained of execssive wage sconunt but had been dubbed a kicker Didn't know what it cost to run the office but favored dismissing one chemist and drapghpsman. bought hill. Be attacked them for the promotion money they had receiv- ed an old charge which they met by asserting they had given ample aer~ vices " value in return, McLaren went farther and said he would not do the same again tor twice the recompense and gave insane“ where he bad eav- ed the Company thousands of dollars by action in Parliament and out of it, TORONTO A Rousing Meeting. Continued from Page l THE ELECTION. " not one 5 cent place of 3' money was paid for ttell. A agreed to be taken by Mr .ivitthpn, wilted and 'ffiiiif;'iii.ial:' w. ff. BEAN wered. and discus :o the part played My and others in might make their Black 1ittttt Union-slum ' “0........................ Men's ©ardt-t,uotreta... A full line of the BEST G; Bod Comfortors. 601 72 in, " 81.26 on Flannolotto Blank“. large 1114. 1.20 or Hoooyoomb Wool Show“ In white, block. red and my, Btht. 75., n -- THE? BIG _ __.-..--_y :LmUVCS and prevents all ROUGHNESS, RED. NESS, CHAPS, IRRITATION, TAN, etc. It is unequalled as a SKIN TO. NIC as well as an EMOLLIENT. Parker's Drug Store 1sell,'," ssi “The Gem of Toilet P reparations. " The beat values-one Doet't forget the Big t. ud Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. I therefore come before the public a stranger to most of you but not a stranger in the business as you will find from experience by dealing here. r “we It has no eq- sosr ual for keeping the skin SMOOTH, SOFT, and WHITE at all seasons. It entirely removes Do you want Jewellery or do you want Dry Goods? Now as I keep nothing else but strictly highclass Jewellery, I am in a position to look after the needs of the town in that respect. Baptist Anniversary Services. Diamonds and Jewellery 'ercy a. h. Webster ssso6 i, xfléuefifl a $6365”? Strictly High-Class PRICE 25c. at up only at --:.r...r.9t “on .chu.....n..‘l a.“ BEST GROCERIES so' Price to all 'ltrtur's Block a"riaiii--atark H E 3."? SELLS CHEAP from had of 500 n. hntfle. mum Tefft Medicine Co, Tefft's 15 Ladies Skirt, we Skirts, we: Skirts. Wen Matthews " CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURs V . ' DRUGGISTS nnd Book-.seuer,. ' 0 ' tsus‘muusnu THE RELIAUL F, GROCERY This oil ls used only externally and is good for Him. Tumors. Near-yin. Cuts. Bruins Poms, fih.!ltiuitG,' Bwelllngs and 'tur2ointi, Old 8oma. Cancer of the Lip. Son Muucles‘ Chnpped Hinds. ,'hlieut.ndtuii", Belem. Cure- Bones of Thrush. Shoe Boils," Bore Shoulders. .trt.empeta," Cuts, 3nd swelling: of n" kinds. swollen udder on cows. Bar!- Wire.0aii. Ogilvie's Royal Household a. m. FINDLAY. Dromore. or Lyman Bros, Toronto. Men 's, hyal and Chit drew. Suits 'ttttt Over Goats at “mil". MEC- “an- Now is the the to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all " reduc- ed prices. W‘“$$Q‘, Has in More and is prepared to_supply you from full stocks at Groceries. Fruits. Confee- tionery. and Flour and Feed. and the Celebrat.d CLYDE}- DALE STOCK FOOD and remedies alwayalmn hand. MacFarlane & Co. 85. 25 per bbl. it is going that. FIDTIR a were $3.50 i,,." FEBRUARY 15. 1906 2hey will lend the necessary aid and make vou feel like new. Pleasant to take and unld in action. they make the most per- feet. laxative and liver rmtululm' that can be found. Price 2.1. JOHN ECKHARDT. J. M. FINDLAY. n A tired. sleepy. "heudu'hry" feeling is a. oymplon of an over- tnxed. alumna!) liver. “Him: the liver lugs take The llVer'n work is greatly increase-d during the winter months hv heavier foods being eaten. More wdenvury habit. ulna tM'em to have, an ettect on this organ Ibnu-uu-n it to IHC. FOR MAN not only mammal”. hut it ttottt- iohes. Every doeq "mayhem and lmildg tint". rupidlv re- plowing that which mu Wtttsted durtng the ilhm. [to etrvrt n permanent. It " plenum 1.. take and you'll like it. We Warrant itto give quirk tend sat- isfucmrv results. For quick recovery arm”. urn! strength and vigor ann- nevere colds, trrippe or other tly. hiliuting winter Mlmonu, " good tonic is "rsdod A simplv ulimulnnt may have. a In“, pour] client and make you feel stronger at ttret, hat our were 4005,5125 Were 5,00 for 4_m CARR'S LAXATIVE CURE manufactured only by Dr. e Co., Markham. May be J ECKHARDT. Bunesun. mnnr A .. -, When the Liver lags Skirts. . PRICE 50 CENTS. When Colds Debilitate EREEN OIL prepared by OR BEAST . to clear Call early CELnXIR eoih, iiGii Latimer MEN" l , “333* $3 3,1 " EN, G fair, it m the celeb um. Three wil whileysm l fiction. we Hmm" the best Cute. Imperial Lax , Our When FEBRUAR‘ it 'on The InC N" ACd UH.

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