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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1906, p. 5

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lax EMS te NT IQ: - JtCo - mer )t - Whether it in one of the t 1vonie sort or just fair, it needs doetoritus. IT WONT PAY TO LET IT Go. You Hm ii the celebrated Imperial Compound Syrup of White Pine. Honey for 'ac. r unwed cure, AT These will knock out any ordinary cold while you wait. If they do not give autis- faction, we will refund the 25c. Don'tfdelay: Knock it out first thing. If it gets than”! of you. you an”! cur t II hos to run it. wmw then, It you W1 n the best Cut r-n-Cold-ist-n-Ib, Tablet: get our Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes When You Feel A Cold Coming FEBRUARY 15. 1900 , Furniture The 'i'iC)urharn Furniture Go., Ltd =ie?ftSi " Rir6il ’- . _ . Cs".'?: u, N vs kt ’ 1-fs'i2 / x‘ s "a" Q G Fr. yt dliE . 1:i' , . ' , L' (1llyltirimmir DARLINGS, To reduce our stock W close prices. WOOD Call at our Wanm mperial Compound Syrup of White Pine, E It ii the best cough cure we ever had-Neat-ant to T, Have You Cvugh ? our Warerooms---one The - 0 ,7- -er..e- “navy “I: Vbl.’ , LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ilF2.'9allhaieraiysai,ystiii: People's Dru ggists . are offering lines of all grades Going --pleaaa nt to sud, door South of the Post okJi. -__ ._M.9r.. Jun unveulul UH ‘skimmed milk. Then Edd a little liuseod " ti'rrpraotry "r, meal and a little clovor lay in soon a! it it at our Store , will lake it.. Eucal yptal and: Keep _ in good growing condition. not It quar (The REVIEW to January 1, 1907, for Tse. Send now. . Gain of 275 to 300 to etch bead. Ending. wee strongly recommended for being the best and the cheepeet fodder. Sow corn as early at: the 80.80!) will per- mit, than cultivate and hoe. Keep elem. Cut with . hoe cloee to the ground. Don't plow in fell. on pasture too bare it in folly to oat past- are bare. For permanent orcherd grass 1 good and proved mixture in Kentucky Blue. elaike and timothy. Cm the first year. then puture sud don't meme too here. . -eH w... PM..-“ [it iii-re with hoe but would recommend ‘ploughing some as potatoes. turned hogs 1m in fall, 2a hogs for 5 weeks in spring. i Feed lo lbs of barley chop to each hog. [Out of the , of an acre is claimed to have made $35.oo profit, I Mr McMnaas, On the Breeding Bull, said that " was disastrous to the country to breed our grade (own to dairy sires but breed to the best. A good head is a good indicat- ( on ef 3 good feeder, get. a good fall healthy 1 eye, broad breast, deepand lull around I heart. showing strong constitution. heavy ihsuk. A cow of this detreription---ireri, for breeding. The shorthorn is not spoken of as " milker in this country but tsht,l is in the old country. Some of , the best milkers are shorthorn and" be. l cause they lcok after their breedirg and l milking qualities. We want good million . in) raise our calves feeding the young. in}! new milk 1 quart and never more. 8 . [ times per day, for the titat 4 week: than a. little skim milk until " six week: you have him on skim milk then keep it in good growing condition and endeavor to ship him " " years going " to 18 hun- dred. Then buying our cattle for feeding we wont ttood square animals 1200 lbs. Do not let cutie at” out too Iona in the fall, when cold nights. Po Pt let cattle Il Keep in good growing condition. not ‘_ j too much fat. The tirst yen in the mak- l as of the animal, have the heifer drop l her first about. 28 to 30 months. Allow 1 the cult to suck far the first 2 or ll day, [lees danger ot'millt fever. Milk the heif- jer about 10 mnnths the first 39in. then iafter that about 9 months. The third 'venr the good cow hhoulrl put forth 6000 'lbs ol milk if she don't do ttettriv that. put yher away. IL, advised keeping a scale l(or Ilalcock test) and test every cow. v'wlbs per day a lair cow. Feed the June igrass. it is the best. Sow + of land eVe-ry 110 days of veiches and oats for to help Mules. Dry timuihy. ensilnge and clover; Hwy With a few roots and cut straw furl ; winter feeding, with about. lo the of grain l when milking. Outs, barley and bran. i Pause the bers butt u) expensive. Feed the Stands that are milk producing. The lcow- should have water whenever she nvnuts it. do not turn them outin cold : weather. lmye the water IU stable for l them. The Cow. The Feed. The Man fbutctietly the man. Be kind to them, (Give, them puts instead of kicks. ( Ma JOHN PHILIP. l Oh how to grow artichokes for famiino ”V- .. ......,..uuvn nun luau hogs. Ha commended all farmers come toluslitute meetings. He got a 81.35 per bushel two years ago. plan ' To speed on the cow from a dairy ttttusd-point of view. farmers should se- glect the best dairv cow. The Holstein ileaue. bemg the best for a flow cf milk (but low test, while the Ayrshire comes )second, with a fan flow of milk and a {much better tent of butter fat. But the speaker laid great stress on the hreeumg. Do not mix them ; whatever clans you are breeding, tstitsk to that breed. Another ' fault its we breed from young bulls. which :d” not produce as strong calves as the based bulls. Select the best heifer calves. l, 19t the calf euck the cow for 3 dave. ; then take it away and gradually take the Inc? mile away from the calf. By the kend of the 4th week you have him on c,...'-.-, T " ___ The Cow. The Feed. The Man and makes at very Farmers' Institute at Dromore. Sale matings. He got seed wo years ago, planted it would recommend potatoes. turned hogs Mencken for feeding a a: condition. not kn - GEGFiGiii - "Fl. Ina-- - was ! 'lh1'llt'lA"li1'tr1 time. m8nhiste ha. W.3. mom PMrtotra1 Got. In. a ”and. to We nation the busiuen of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the advisabil- it, of having their Patent business tnnacted y Experts. Prelmmnry advice free. Charges modemte. OII’ Inventor'- Adviser-eat upon re- ‘gadeat. M:rlon&lnrlon, Reg'd.. New York Life . g. noun-ed: m 'Vniqlietia. D.C.. U.Ba. You Ryk Nothing by attending the popular ttWiiiiViirfii,- constipation retard ro- covory. euro these Mth Ayes"- Plus. a. O. A " “an. In," 00 Loan. I... , SAISAPAILLA. e rs nus. MI V1302. w. I." no new. t w. ”his“ l to his!” "att our munch”. In loving remembrance of Mrs Peter Mountain, who died February l, 1906. Just " the bmkinglof the morn, The hand of dent l0 cold. Removed from earth, a sister dear To Join the heavenly fold. We have to mourn the death of one, We did our best to save. Beloved on earth, regretted. but Remembered in the grave. Oh '. not lost but gone before us; Let her never he forgot: Sweet the memories that value o'er us In our hearts they perish not. Our light troubles for a moment Are not worthy to compare With the beauty of our Jesus And the glory we shall shore Could we but ask our sister. Annie 3 It its well to trust the Lord She would shaver quickly. saying Joy of Joys it does tutord. Strosgyoung men and fair young women Creatures of the living God, Are you trusting in Jehovah, Are you walking heath his rod. Joy in life and trust in Jesus, Peace in death it surely gives, Greatest joy beyond expression In the plaee where Jesus lives. Good-bye sister. how we miss you None tut God. alone can tel Yet if faithful. we shall meet you In a better ltutd--ftsreweu. .Rev Neil Dewar. senior minister of the United Free church. nguuie,dled in London on Tuesday morning of last week. Mr Dewar was for nearly ttfty years: a minister in Kingnnie from which he returned about, eighteen months ago. when a colleague was ap- pointed. Besides performing the duties of a faithful and scholarly niiuiutry Mr Dewar devoted a ttood portion of his time to the study and writing of gaelic, in which he was an accomplished schol- RP. His knowledge of the language and idiom was full and accurate and an hei was a very good clinical and Hebrew student as well, his semi: ea were Occur- l ed bv the B. P. C. K, on the Committee for the Revision the Gaelic Bible He was most helpful in connection with the New Testament rtTisien,. hut more es- pecially with the Old Testament being joint editor along with Rev. Dr McLean l of tit Columho's. Glasgow. The work wan completed about two years ego. Mr Dewar did a. good deal of minor wart. in translation into Got-lie for the l benefit of the Highlanders. He is lur- ' vived by one son and six daughters. The funeral took place at Kingussie on Tuesday. Hammer blows, steadily ap- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. Thotremthtndotatostimoniat-. “Sold for over sixty yam.” i fiirv--The undersigned wishes, to let those friends of Durham and vicinity. who still remain there shout, know of adenth of an old acquaintance and friend, the putlicnlaru of whose name death etc. are tnkrn from the Ohan Times of Jan, m. 1W. The Jar of Coughing Brave. Died in Detroit. on 6th February. 1906 at tho home of her dunghter Mn Mc- Nutt. Mrs Jooeph Gruhy. of Dornoch, aired 75 yea". Her denth was can-ed from old age. The remains worn brought home to her sinter'u, Mrs John McCorumcx. Glenrondon. on Smut-day. 10th inst. by her son Wm Grmhy and gland-daughter Mr: R c, Hunter. Do- teased was uldest daughter of the lute Malcolm MrQuan-io of Rocky SHURPOH. She haven to mourn one son and three daughters all of whom have the sum puthv of the nnighl'orhood. The funer- al took place. Monthly. at 2 p. m., to the Rocky (lemma-y. Ree Mr McDonald conducting the seniors at house and On Snobath morning. 4th Petr.. there pant-c to hrr rent. Mrs Wm Watson. wife of Mr Wm Wat-0n. forum my- mnster on C. P. R. from Toronto to Owen Sound. The deceased lad mm a siator of Mrs Alex iliflTr'ddfl. Ben- tinek, and Mr Arch McLean. o, Bound. She wasa res-idem of Toronto for over 40.vears and an amive member of West Presbyterian thuerh of that city. Besid. on her husband uho loaves to mourn her loss, (ma non W. J. Watson, Civil Engin- Per, of Chlcagn. THE ”URBAN REVIEW M ALCOLM M CPHEE. N en's}? M as mar WATSON. Mm; GnAanY. WRITTEN BY In}: 8151138. Obituary. TORONTO d an ,.. by iii' aii'uTGGiiiiik" a: q"r'iimhiia.akioua'Nka arcing Mogul Webb“: tottttodhmhh. QHigh'nthei aherteapussesses etqsert_dterenerraartA,. qMounmirtgrowstirtCer. kxxcuedandtakntkdtsy QGnndMogulT i't,"orlil'lk'i'l'd,r'AUe'rt hrthekxgts:butabiikj mancantellthe differ eneeinthefirstsirx tell Grand. Mogui Ta afii(llMllt 2Tiul2t AAV Watson Buns a: . Biscuits in great variety All kinus of Cakes made to order WEDDING CAKES ot1rtrpeeitslty First-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson',, Bread-Then Midous Flavor 3iett &ippers We have more new ranges in. All makes, styles and prices. Call and inspect these. We have one to suit you. Barclay til Bell WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. T U o H fl P E 'CARRIAGES CAI/drew Ir, '0lissw and Women 's Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. Also ot her high-grade Manitoba Floure, per bu-rel . .. .. . . . .65.4tt ...ASUSUAL.. Ogilvu-‘u 1to.vttl Household,. .. . . per harrel.. 35.25 (are S7temui,tarr of a! V9923 RANGES Teas of I mere for 2% in Gen-n! iirae. ua' in; 'a'rll,ltlglh'l'lr, luck. Xa, Mei h'Ti iiti itiTiiiuiaTCiFi"iC 1'lllfft ‘dllu'l on“. on: tum Dunn. tree. u. M. JOHN CLARK, D. McPHAIL Licensed, Auctioneer to the County of Grey. ytee,1Aeetttrettuefer. nu.- Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Guy was modem". ti'="g'tt tor al- a. mum. be, In" be " the Rqvtqar or thm, Durham. 3.: Comm-Ml.“ than. or to Ceylon P.0., will In pay-pay Bttended to, menu on .m to JMgeWll,0et.1T.tttt1E Barrister, Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public, Commiisioner, 8w. Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers to. Money to Loan. other. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. M-oKly K.C.: W. F Dunn Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of In rinse Licenm. A Ren- eral fittaneitd hulinm transacted. F ,,,____,", ""'""'-"t _..--........ to. correctly mound. Eetatoe of inculcd per- Ion. looked “at and Executor‘. sud Lam-n. tutor.‘ Account. propuod .nd Lttl 81: n ugh u Cqur. Gluing... Prob.“ of Wi u.1..mn of Ad "Imitation and Guudmunup Obumod. squ- cbu nude in Boat-my on» ma Titles mom. (I. Jompuy not print. Fund. to Lou on Mortal". at lowest rum of tnterest. Valuation and. by . communt and mum] Valuutor D. lePHML. Ceylon P. o. " to C. IAIAGI, Durban - Ccylon ha swam. aecct.ee.eua.eexa. otBee----Lomttt TOWN. DURHAI i3or.ieestiorm Bttd Anne! promptly “tended 'Ply, “04:40. Ionian", 1M, Agra-Junta 'At Ann-A0 .. _‘__~,~,J - _ . - _ ARTHUR H. JACKSON, W. C. PICKERING B. D s, L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal “allege of Dental Surgeon. of Ontario. Rooms Over J b J HUNTERS New more _ ARTHUR GUN, Utt1ce---; Money to Loan. Mee, aver Gordon‘a Jewelry Store HONOR 6114111 ATE Tommo Univ". ' nd an“ Roml Colleg- Dental Burma Gout Dentistry in all.iu bunch“. oMee, 18 PM! M, BUREAU. ONT. (Lower Town) Lat. uni-Inn! to Moorfuur. (London. hm to Irnnprn (New Tort) I!" 30-pin]: (we. in lacuna Cor. autumn and uee a!" u we. of Bill. Old loot“. Conic. -.-.-: . ' onto- noun '-u ' II. s-a p. I. 'l--q p. I TOIODIIIIO Cot-nutter: No. " Notary Public. Commissioner. CON VEYANCEBL to. J. aynur'rou. M. n, c M uoarnv 'unuc _ ooiiarLi, . .' L. I C. P., london, [will amauittot lac-Myer York and Utt' no. Din-den of Ere, Bar. Noee, and Throat 3'01 be n In Home Durham, tho Baum tn out: .3301]. hours. 1.: t I: Plrucul a "mam, - OM” ovu- d.&t4. Hut-bl“. Store I O to " A, I. HOURS11 In G r.- " {uh In 'h."ic'r£o"m.."" Aprtrto ..... - _ ..- ___'l. Baal. gygmsran, sale/70R MACKAY & DUNN, J. F. GRANT, D. D.S, L. Will tteat Ob. Kidd. h “on. Iho an. Wetlands] 'g out I to. m. till t p. m - Bred-l mum [In to on... a Woman and (mm. Ilrtth_1iltr,Nose d: Throat Mb. 0'11.“ I?!” In “I...” . LEFROY McCAUL. J. P. TELFORD Calder'. Block. our Poul LHtieer EN TEAL. ‘EG-AL. DR. BURT ,. BROWN. If Home. Imrhun, .9 you mouth trom Mcderato 'ICAL LE?!9°'~_BM) and . "at”. "I... iioirr"r, I-ot x w.- 0'00 Bound fed, m

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