West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1906, p. 6

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" " [land's Liniment Cures Distemper. Greatest of All ply Docks. Hamburg, which as a port seems to is" beaten its brilliant rival, Antwerp, b building a dry dock which will be the largest in the world. It will lift 35,500 tons, which is a little mete than twice the may of the present leviathan of dry docks. Thus the biggest ships of fhe.yrorll myt_lrtr dotkelt tt Mars Lady Mnrjorie Sinclnlr~Tho young wife of Mr H. Campbell-Bannorman's trusted pri- nto secretary Ill‘l already a clone connec- tion with Liberal politics. tor Sh. in the only doubler ot Lord and body Aberdeen. "or III-triage to Captain SInclulr won 1 brll- "on! event. but few of her {Honda would “on hove prophesied that the gallon: bride.. (room would noon be a Minlnor. Lady Mob 19131. Is very clever and intellectual. 7 my Actott-Ladr Acton is as yet. unknown no I London hostels. for after her recent Innings to the young peer who heads the - 1orda-ittorBiung, she accomplnlod him b M: diplomatic post in thritzeriand. Lady Acton in pretty and original. and his lived much of her lite shroud. by the end of 1007 or beginning of 1908, when this dock is finished. Some per- ms, themselve- s good deal clover than a. preclusion of mu, “fact to believe thnt our German friends are olow. The ac: they are netting the world in indus- , commercial and territorial expan- d”. in the eon-auction of chips for the my and the merchant marine, in ”it of in“): and income. in ' n- adulation 'tttd “quality in hunt- " and doing bruins, is at "out the ma now visible uwac. In. Lulu Harcourt-That daughter-ln-law of the late Sir William Vernon Hareourt, in on. of the few Americans connected with the new Ministry. She pout-nos til the adaptability of her nation. Ind her great wealth should make her a valuable Iddltion to the nulls of official bonuses. To be a vlgtNtttttte-Mrtr. Spencer. who by new is Viscountess Althorp, is the wire of the Liberal Lord Chnmbcrlaln, and mm- h-lnw or the "Red Earl." whose name she In low borne for nanny nine years. She vu before her mun-go to lord Spencer's Inn-brother and heir-presumptive. an. Mar- tin! Baring, daughter ot Lord Revolntola. In. Gladstotho honored name ot Mrs. Glad-ton. has several worthy bearers union; Icon ot our generation. none more churn:- In. Ind popular with all politicinns than that d In. Herbert Gladstone, the wife ot the mini untesman who. " chic! Liberal whip. well corned his present promotion. Mrs. Herbert Gladstone was a Miss Pit, daugh- "r ot a wollvknown Tory M.P.. But she has now become an ettthttaitpstitt Liberal. "WM -e--3r, .OIt.vhydo-'t yon.- aMgthq sum Jl"l,%'lrf. 'dttrMt.T'.'t English Women Who Combine Politics and Entertaining. my Carrington-Lady Curinxton has long been known as . brilliant political hostess. and now who win load the Cabinet entertain~ mu. Tho dlughtor of Lord Sumeld, she has been trom her birth tt favorite Men] of tho Sovereign nnd Omen Alexandra. liter n struggle of null, yous, tad 'atrthetirsttimii.n 110 ”argue-nan. ii any- - voted in {homil- of ..MeeavinaiNtaret “Wt. ma 'r-ttttto-tht-tadd- --uttwoi-iu+ English women who are suited to it take the utmost Interest in politics, and work tor unit lored ones m a wuy to surprise their American cousins. There are runny charm- '" women now reckoned among the fascia- ntgn. Liberal hostess". _ my Bnucbamp, a very lovely woman, who is a. In!" of the Duh ot Wetsttnltt- In. ts n Itrong link between the Liberal My and our future Queen. for she is an “In“. friend ot the Princess ot Wales. A. allure” of Mtrdrertieht Court Lady Beau- clmp is bones of one ot the “nest ot Eng. lllh country plnees. lady Denman-rn spite ot her youth, Lady bellman has already taken a high place “on: the bonuses ot the Liberal party. Che inherits her social gun from her brit- llnnt mother. my (We-emu) Pearson. may Dolmen is also keenly interested In every Aiydyrrorhilantttropt. " well as in politics. Mm. Asqulttr-Then there's Mrs. Asquith. Pow living Englishwomen ot her age have boon more writton about than the clever turl original wt“ of Mr Henry Cittnpbelt-Bnnrier- Inn's most experienced Cabinet Minister. .0 was. as I" the world knows. Mm Mar- “ Tenant. And is supposed to have aug- Qntod the {onions novel. "Dodo," to its Inter. Mrs. Asquith is a delightful hostels. and some years ago was famous as one ot on choice courts rejoicln; in tho name, Tho Soula. FARMERS in!“ .11 over Canada a amt: tor Wanna Can-d: land. All seleu Cd lands. lel commlulon. Add”. PICTURE POST CARDS. ENGLISH OR _ Scotch. C for 15 can". Dominion Sup- pl! Homo. Kin: Itroot. Hamilton. Ont. fARMERS WANTED u for toe; O for “2:100. 81:”. tt; no. i: m ant-rout. largest no! that no“ In Canada; no and. 88; “will. In prieea. W. R. Adam. Toronto. Ont. T ELEORAPH OPERATORS ARE IN DE- mand by New Grand Trunk Pacific Company and other Can-dun lines. We an exceptionally well prepared to train young Inca for railrond operating and to supply competent graduates. Address Ccntul Tel- egraph School, 3 Gerrard street east, To- ronto. W. H. Shaw. president. AGENTS. WE ARE PAYING LARGEST tonal-tom of may com: doing In honest Dunno"; we manhunt. tho mph- qst grade ot flavoring powders In America: you can nuke trom tive to six doll-n a dar. Apply to as for particulars, Iwama unnutmturlnx Co., Hamilton. Ont. " pm: feeders; III” Ft to tto. af- cording to tttuWieatiotta. Rom. Duncan Co.. Hamilton. YOUR l'ORTUNE TOLD FROM THE cradle to the gun; matters of busi- nu. love tad martian made clout. What t toll come- true. Send birth due and IN. Prof. Luau, box u, an. Cunegonde P. o., lam-n]. Que. 111 ACRES DAIRY FARM - FINE bundling: and surroundings; ar- le‘skn well; modern equipments; nenr sugar factory sud trolley; owner going wetrt: ap- ply quick. Write F. E. Stunts. Berlln. Wit. WANTED, coupmx'r GORDON bras tendon: In... " tn no. at- tin twinkling.“ ,,8'ttltat2h',r/2r,ttp,'g'g mwmumm P. 0. Box SM, Souvenir Post Cards AGENTS WANTED. Honda: Wasn’t "can. AS [AND AGENIS MISCELLANEOUS. LIBERAL HOSTESSES. FARM lANDS Winnipeg, Man Next morning the swelling 'was gone and I attributed the warding off of an ”tuck of Quinzy to _the free use of Some time ago I had a bar] Uack of Quinzy, which laid me up for two weeks tag can {log of mont _ _ Finding the lump again forming in my that. I bathed freely with MLNARD'S LINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the liniment left it on tll night. MINARD’S t.INfMENT. Teeming Millions of India. (Chicago Chronicle.) According to figures printed in the British blue book and based on the latest census British India has a population of 294,000,000. This is 41,000,000 more than it was twenty years ago, and the in- crease is greater than was to have been expected, in view of the high death rate, which was partly due to repeated fam- ines. One hundred and ninety-two mil- lions of people support themselves by agriculture, and live chiefly on rice. There are less than 3,000.000 Christians in India, of whom 2,600,000 are natives. More than two-thirds of the whole popu- lation can neither read nor write. In ten years the taxes have increased from 6 cents per capita to 45 cents. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. When Milky Way Nikon ,the mem- But, fell seven! bandied feet and land. ed on top of Spin ',thT/2,",tt the air pare! new to glue: . up. aut before I. expired he poked: "What m that “My I fell on” "A ulna,” m the "ply. "rh?t-tttehouai"ltdfmtr. tr and - ‘ny. roar. [She's ott on her annual jaunt once more: dammed to the sideboards tore and an, 'Passengem clinging to axle and Ihaft, ‘Bowling along at a merry old clip. Everyone anxious to hold tho whip; All strapped onto her snug utpl tight-- Bless my heart'. It’s a glorious night, Thls Jovial annual New Year start Ot the titne-worn, ramshackle watering cart. Pausing only to take one slug of the good. clear stuff from the water She could not deep " night and had to sit up in a chair for two summers. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Mrs. Kinsella, speaking of her cure, lays; "Afer the first box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I felt much better. Then I got more and they did me a world of good. I have never slept in the chair since I used_DoM'tr Kidney Pills." Woman's health depends on her kid- neys. Nine-tenths of the iurealled ie- male complaints are caused by uric acid in the blood. Cure your kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and you can have no uric acid in the blood. "or m PM In: new IMrth00"mL-ahisuauirtooottan Wonderful Cure or Mrs. J1me. Kin- sella. Who Slept In a. Chnlr for Two Bummer-What Sh. Sun or it. St. Malachie, Que., Feb. 5.--(Speeial)-- A cure of great interest to women has attracted the attention of those inter- ested in medican matters in this neigh- borhood. Mrs. Jas. Kinsella, wife of a. well-known citizen, had suffered from a complication of troubles for about taro years. She had a. pain in the right hip, in the back. and was obliged to pass water every fifteen minutes in a. burning itching son} of way. _ _ A _ ae-tras---""'----'" ,rariiratter_Dtq--cWhnt cunt-mouluchmtm unmountnnVuun'onu- mumnumwm TtT,ttIA,",'"l,".gtg"' an.“ mum-any” now tvo_0'%astert.06-e- The wagon And closed Where the And wait": "Whoa.'" Sneaks round to the back ot the public house. Comes out at the front with a first-clam some. Ties up the liner, stave tho horse: a THE [MUSE fl? WOMAN’S TROUBLE cramp, And some tim1 the water too cold and damp, Till a month drugs by on loaden wings-- One drouth-dried soul to tho- wagnn cllnu. And lag plant's hls throat and he thirstlly ls Diseased Kidneys and the Cure is Dodd’s Kidney Pills. thinks. “It's gettin' B dun long time oreen drinks." . He looks at the sprinkler red with rust, Not enough left to lay the dust, And passing a bar the pace you" Mow And he pulls on the reins and whispers bad; _ V 7' For long before the whip they find The can rolls on. and they're lett behind: Then one and another is seized with a plug; And away she goes at a gnodwlean jump. With a {unwell wave from the old town Pump. {But the vlllago grogahop winks its eye ‘And tlaughs in Its sleeve as the rig rolls l r, And the brewery sign ttives a. 3&qu leer And mocklngly murmurs. “Uneadn beer." But the passengers laugh a we Jeer and Boo". And jluutlly any. “What! we fall off? Well, not on your me. we're here to stay." And it sounds all right-on New Year dav. The first stop comes at the end of a week When the oft-hind spindle begins to weak, And the wagon shows up at some back street, _ And the driver slips down off his seat, For a drop ot otil tor the wheels, 'tis said, But the driver gets oiled up Instead. Then ott once more at a rattling clip. TUI some one, rarelesuy drops the whip, And some climb down to look for the sad, But tltePearch seems to put them ttlt to the which. _ .. N V“ _-._‘_ - And, says: _"Dott' can 't y' ner' c'm back.” St. John. Out of a this; Hakim. tt for mother New Year day, my G. S. Apptegarttct She's on! with a rattle and is bank in the barn once more. and locked ii the stable door, horses peacefully munch their K. F. WORDEN. and whispers Miami's Liniment Cures Gnrget in Con. f "ci; on, iir, P' ap aid the Chief Jun- ‘tiee; “you're giving than ma." land’s ”that Cum Diphtheria. The motley crew of millionaires and social parasites which massed around Justice Deuel's disastrous legal boom. erang throw a. somewhat garish light on our American pseudo "istocraer--the so- called four hundred, whose daily life is chronicled in the newspapers and whose golden feasts and functions excite the gaping envy of the lowly. One can bard. ly blame the judge and his Immigrant old lieutenant for .'%eehing" such juicy and easy marks. The most startling feature of the case is the way in which hard-headed, unsentimental captains of finance succumbed to the attack. A few yen: ago George F. Haley, of Biddeford, we: trying his first criminal case before the Snare!“ Judicial Court of Main, with ief Justice John A. Peter: on the bench. Mr. Haley we. in the middle of his plea when a men in the Audience fell over in . convulsion. The Petr “we! stored, lieytrt.e, Minard's Liniment Cues Colds, Etc. Mrs. Slater, a young woman who went to Spring Valley a. few weeks ago to teach school, turned on the water faucet yesterday morning, when a bright gold nugget rolled out. Several particles of fine gold also accompanied it. It is be- lieved the metal came from rich placer ground located close to the water supply, and more of the metal is expected. "As far as onions produce drowsiness," says this doctor. "it would do about as well to use their juice as a smelling salt as to eat them, though the effect would not perhaps be so long. The rea- sons that onions are heathy is that they induce quiet sleep. The idea that they are particularly good for the digestion is partly erroneous, especially when they are fried. Opium is bad for the digestion. but the little that is contained in the onion does not harm." is not definitely known [that nuggets flow through the water pipes until to. day, when word was brought to Winne- mucca. from Spring Valley to this effect. It is Healthy Slumber Because Opium Furnished is Small. The present popularity of the onion as an article of diet, so great as to have caused comment in Philadelphia and many other plate, in perhaps to be ex- plained by the fact as set. forth by a physician that, the. onion is a cousin to tho poppy and contains a mild form of opium. Gold From Water Faucet. (Rene correspondents of San Francisco Chronicle.) Though it has long been known that gold is plentiful in llumb/dt county, it is not definitely known that nuggets THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE A PRIS- ONER.-3irs. Z. A. Van Luven is the the governor ot the county Jail, Xapanee. Ont., and was a great. miter-er trom rheum- atiem. When the best doctor: in the com- munity and "specialists" hailed to help her she buried her sceptism ot proprietm rem- edies tutd purchued South America Rheum- tttie Cure. 4 bottles cured her.-" - "w r . Jl';12iuarttecr,3i" the most stubborn cases. Soothes irritation almost. instantly after P.rst application., It relieves all Itching and burning skin diseas- es in a day. It cures piles in 3 to ii nights. 25 eents.---39 RUNNING MRES,the outcome of neglect, or bad blood, have a never-failing balm in Dr. Agnew"s Ointment. Will heal "'I wonder why ihey wake the ship window; thaw round little portholes with hinged frames in them instead .f sash," she mused. woarily, remembering how stuffy the st.ttteroottt mu. Then the}: both gulpchl strangely and were very ailenL for the space of 'everal minutes. "I don't know,"he n-plit-d. with an ref- tort, 'unl.ers it iq that they didn't want to make it possible for war -passprvg"r to (Now up the sammy" Tim-y warn stretched in their doek chain and twin}: to make theutselver, think a son “wage was simply Mo love. ly for anything. Easy Maria in the 2',t,r--"'"t-dr-'- I,“ Are-ram. “manhunt-ilk. 'ti-wut in your up? 'ur" Wit--Tireattrtihse, ym hol- 25e. with guarantee wherever medicine iced is found in the many testimonials of those who have tried Shiloh and been cured. Mrs. Archie Taylor, Asaph, Pa., writes t -- "I bought a bottle of Shiloh'a Consumption Cute and found it very beoefirUl. I havelwo children. and lhey had a Imihle cough. I gave. them everything I could think of. bunhey go! no heller until one evening my Maud bong t a houleol Shiloh. We gave it to the children when they went to “and they alert all night. ll cured them completely. I thal always keep it in the house." bo J Youomotlae expected to have hilt in Shiloh': Communion Cure, ' the Lung Tonic, u I care for Coldn. Cough: and all diam of the air passages. if you have not tried it. Wehaveraithiuft, andwe guarantee it. If it doesn't cure you it costs on nothing. If it does it costs you 25c. fill' fair." Try it to-day. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the most obstinate cam, and we do not hesitate to any that it will cure any Cold. Cough, Throat or Lung trouble. if we did not believe this We would not guarantee it. Shiloh has had an unbroken moon! of succeu for thirty years. It has stood every possible test without failure. Further Encouraged the lawyer. ONIONS BRING SLEEP. Mystery on Board Ship. In San. Yummy. ad for Tau tron "l Button") Four Hundred. Proof Faith? TO STOP KICKING. In making cement. roofing tiles it is often found that they take a, long lime ' to set, or harden. One of the makers of ‘these roofing tilci. who had seen eon- siderably troubled with slow-setting ee- ment, noticed that plasterer facing a ' wall with cement, threw u handful of soda. into the mixing pot. On inquiry .it was found that the purpose of ‘ms [was to make the. cement set quietly. l The roofing tile-maker went home :nd tried the experiment. himself. The 'e- g sults appeared satisfactory. since which . time he has added a handful of soda to each lack of cement, and has had PO further trouble from slow setting. it remains to be seen though what in the long run will be the effect upon the 'l' al- ity and durability of the product. TORONTO Remove- all Hard, soft or tsu.oused lumps and blemishes fro'm horses, blood Ipuvin, curbs, splints, ringbone, tweeney, Aiflea, sprains, tttnd swollen throst, GUN, ac. Site $50 by use of one trot: tie. Warranted the most wonderful BU. milh Cure ever known. WW." ..... l,..;-.-..... _"' ,-__---,.., he, , less. The question of recovery seems to be whether the patient is strong enough to bear the poison produced by the germ until that poison is strong enough tot kill the germ itself. It is a duel to the ' death between patient and germ, and if i the patient would win he must begin to , train long before he has any suspicion that the struggle is coming. Jn other words, he must keep in good health. I For two days Billy Shannon, 1 all”. who tried to - from this district with- out ”yin; " board hill of .0. remain“ china to I heavy knight VIM, (hm ho- iau no jail in which to confine him. Fin- Iily Beverat ttt " friends can. to his ru- m Ind upon their pledge in vol _ M. m_wt_hin_'§o work}. a "tecett The Dread Disease Pneumonia. (Nebraska State Journal.) We spend time and money in fighting the white scourge and one of the imporr. ant measures proposed for the Iowa Legislature to act upon this winter is the founding of a. State hospital for cor.- aumptives. Yet it is doubtful if chin disease can lay claim to a. larger num- ber of victim/than can pneumonia In the presence of the rampant pmmo- coeous_the physician _as practietrlry help. (Dunno: Correspondents Stet-anon!» in.) N. TI" pl" null u: val In a - “In! " In pay!" In claim at a. me of use . any. uteri was". um ”not!" mm at and Cam. ttq-ner-sta-nb-tFMS rigour. P.tst,ee,tee.u,e'ter,l "ehatnedthettUmrtoanr-. hat, 'ttettutoitstmtetht.t_theeti, mhvuwumvma’nvun hvumllubodmmmor_ Mun-mum”.qu to - um " In”. - my t-ietretqhtm-deeeeetMM.g_. mino- Tuutr1totaetrettatro1U%tth. mutation of enhanced meta of cell- dertintf-oethrehieettftuHtth. - authority of the "on a. It. in”. a! the jug-atom: in h- ”abundanc'“ INiusli SPAVIN LINIMENT Interesting Experiment Made by Maker of Roofing Tiles. Roe}: Products reports ilu. following interesting experiment: PLAYS A TRICK ON KICKING HORSE . WHICH WORKS WELL. In the mmntimv. however. he br- gun to think of a s.heme to break the animal. lle dot-hint on one last night. and this morning when he took his plaee at the depot he brhught- forth two luxury pit-roe of rin. Thom- he attached to the hit, un eaelt side and the ntln-r vutls no fasitmed to straps which "itvletl mu'h hind log. just above tho hoof. Tlu, horse nut- it'ed the strange "vtion of its new owner, but remained wry quid. A nnmlwr of trln-knian watched the pro- vemlings with iuttuvut. several minutm "lapsed before the have got tummy and tried to throw his heels against tho mum" box. The at. tomptcl elevation ofhisheolq pulled the ropes, taut. and tln- animal's head was jorked quivkly Inward the pavement. Surprise seemed to overcome the horse and, fur some lllllt' he did not, again try to kick. He apparently was nut, satiUied and in a little whiiv he trim! it, again. “is hind fool now-r 10ft the paw-mom. hut instead he was thrown to his knees. by the quirk pull on the bit. The hone continued to kick for at time. hut to no effort. . The truekman (old a number. of friends that he Ioarned of this met had of break- ing a. kivking horse in the West. He said it would take lime to effeet the cttre. but in the end the animal will be as docile as a lamb. A novel.su'heme to prevent a horse from kicking was introduced lately by a trucknmu in front of the New York Cen. tral Statinn at Buffalo. The truckman rowntly traded hi, horse for an animal that looked superior to the one he drove. Ile drove the horse. down to the depot. stand yesterday for the first time. A few minutes after arriving there he tew minutes after arriving there he learned to his sorrow. that the animal was afflicted with the kicking habit; that is, kicking when standing still. The animal was so proficient with his heels that he knocked off a section of the dashboard. The trm-kman had no otlwr luu'M- to use. M) had to put up with the kicker. In the mmmtiinv. howrwer. he lit-- gun to think of a win-11w to break the animal. lle dm-idnl on one Fast night. and this nmrning when he took his plaee at the depot he hrfmght forth two ln-zu'y pint-pa of mp9. Thom- he attached lo the hit. nu eaeh side Faith is the dun: to the (loving any, Doubt In the hooded akin: Belief is the man that warn“ the heart And netted: the soul night. Doubt II I keen and Icy wind That blow: trom I bitter short. So hide yourself In the mm of nun. And court doubt'a Nuts no more. , Doubt and Faith. (Will Reed Dunroy.) Doubt is I keen and Icy wind Thtrt killeth the tlower of "lttt: Each blossom Wilbert": in the blast And vanisheth like a wranh. Hope I: the dew and gentle rain Thu watereth barren fields And the desert wute It failed: cu A bountiful harvest yields. Doubt is the child of grim denpnir, Who lend. to a tie-cine realm. Belief is a pilot to hubors cum, Bo set belief " the helm. SODA TO SET CEMENT. A Nevada Prison. {astoned b "sul hind leg Ge horse not thought ing him luanie--No. but I think every woman would have a voter.--) Woman', Journal. "So she married that. awful Jack Rounder? Why. didn't she know that he had been blaekballed by every club in town?” Emilio-I believe in woman’s rights. uurtio--Then you think every womar “cud have a vote? "at-et-er.).-'--,'.--.-.. gnaw-mph. R. mm.“ m, mrs,i'iit"iiiiiririatrt, FARMERS mo DAIRYMEN FIBRE WARE mucus Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if yen find my cause for complum. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc.. tions). Best for all household pur" poses, Sunlight Soap's super" iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Equally good with hard or soft water. is a perfectcleancr and will not injure anything. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Sunlight Soap c=aa=a=a===a=r=ieNeeee 1. 'i"irlWfiiFAiFfi hiil EEEEEiEiEEiEiiEi%%1ati' 'OIVEN AWAY BRIE rttt32tttiitltt A 11etttttrtttt this, Puzzl- Orange Blossom. Chances of His Staying Home. Woman's Rights of Two Kinda "o"" “on“ ' “in INSET ON BEING SUPPLIED WITH DOTS EVERY THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Lever Brothers Limited. Tomato -; IE that'. why she took him. She thcrt'tl he name vlmm-c of keep- at home oveninngs." "" '00 WILL FIND ”I? GIVE too SATISFACTION “CRY “HI E. B. EDDY’S unnum- . Tho I'll-h. bu. _ti'r'i-.4 ttiiitli'lii'i'i,'iii1ti'itli5 ' n'". waif." - '57 CATARRH uni was RELIEVE!) IN " TO 60 ”NOTES.~Onc shalt puff breath through the blower supplied he: and: bottle ot Dr. Ann": can?“ Pow- dtr..dltruse? this powder over the We Stuffing Turkeys and Ballot Iona. Taking the whole year round, it up- [wars probable that fewer turkeys are stuffed per unnum than ballot borrm. Perhaps More”. Torrey and Alexander have left one Important. sermon unpreached. The present duty of every man, woman end child is to live this life without reproach. and there in except“ tor this world that must not be overlooked in concern about the next. in conducting their whirlwind of re- \‘ivul here the evangelists completned that those already converted filed the be" so that those perhane aomewhat too readily classified as sinner! could not gain - lion. Many people ot deeply religiou- nat- ures have haunted - Hall during the past fortnight, neglecting all eiee to revel in emotional, vocal and declared religion. It might have been well it a final meeting he! been held, behind closed doors, for theae. Through these people all the currente that bane affected the community have planed. and not without telling on some of them. To these the evangeiiau might have given Mme admonition, reminding them that the home needs to be preserved on . place at- trnctire to every member ot the family; that true religion can moire itself the cause of family discord; that exhortation in lo- Judieious if it drivea eons from the home; that . Christian in a hurry ia about as in- effective as any other hntener; that if a person's religion does not make him or her more happy and cheerful, more companion- ubie through lite, a better wife and. mother. a better huhend and father. it in curiou- and needa to be looked to. Perhapeeome of those who were carried off their feet during the out fortnight ehonld hue placed beck on their feet by the vengeilets before they went away. ot the nan! pus-gen. Pnlnleu “a delight- ful to use. It relieves malady. and par- manently cures clurrh. hay. fever. colds. headache, me chi-on. walnut “a duf- nous. 50 cegtts.-41 iiitt,thtttgAv'.' A Religion to Live Br. which... E3353 Ttnt' F x Stun Mew York Life from: New York. Feb. mittee uppointod b New York Life I investigate the " may made I labors to the adopted. Thin the mention of A Crew of M U. S. BLU LEAVE t WAS I 111m tl Heroica M Ele SHIP gl M. M " EDICT TO mu- - ven bu rive at EXPLAIN

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