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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1906, p. 7

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Wu me by l-tttds 9-!- UTE 73:33 In.“ 31.1.... I. for. "iod m to 1.13pm ttra "we? - Ivon- tho " " I). l "no “of --V In.“ q properly 5.3!...” Iguana. Hf y T1113 ON f uzzle SCHOOL. 7. 1906 and D Crew of the Cruiser Marblehead Wanted Shore Leave and Got That Tired Feeling. Nimmn m U. S. Bl1lr JACKETS REFUSE TO WORK. lips. "I monsttnu .promhe. " The _ rcem' occurred Peoria Journal. trawl him \wn Crew Worked at the Pumps Until She Struck Bottom. New York Life mt“! "LEAVE CITY OR KILL YOURSELF," WAS EDITOR's ULTIMATUM. "ttange, so h-rrihlv. that in match must he found in the pages of tragie fiction. He wan told to become an exile or kill himself. And he ehom. to die. His mig. deeds had become such that Peoria rose in rebellion. ot' the Journal: Charles Herald-Tran/pt. and the Mar. Even ltis suicide was unusual. Ap- paretttly he took the poison and then .at down to propom' a last message. The but line. "Time fails me should I attempt to write personal messages,” indicalw he wa-A dying as he brought the letter to a PM. Eleven Heroically Fought the for Days at a Time Strange Story Back of the Suicide on Tuesday of the Millionaire Minister of Peoria, Illinois-His Suicide Un- usual. President and Agent. New York, Feb. Lo..-ie special com- mittee appointed by the trustees of the Yew York Life Insurance Coupe-y to investignte the affairs of the tau-pay today made a partial report of its labors to the directors, which we: adopted. This report deals pnly with the "Idiom of Andrew Blmilton, the legislative agent. with the company, Peoria or die latter murw.’ ment uni SHIP 0N fIRE AT SEA; S€UTTLED BY THE CREW. tttttttt niniiter in a m pm " " It runlpln mall in They 't'orttt tl EDICT TO PASTOR. tttl rive VESSEL SPRUNG A LEAK too exh yesterday "plain"! that they t ireih vegetable and Wert' not fnrthcnmin Pioehilimpte Bay. th nulnuly actually rel known mmittw " EXPLAIN OR “PAY. spti Wa-lt., Feb. P.?..--)' sttreir " 1vvkedsaipCtutllenger, burn. lzttlwl on the Coast of Japan -n- Lit the Shilmno vesterGav the HI millionaire Wash Survivors of the Wrecked Challenger Ar- at Seattle. Wash., After Terrible Time. " oft-w nnhlo 'n tlr Ir .ul ham sent to San of the Urivutal lim l horn (rm-ca of the (I which they had passe nth they had fungh minister in th Hi " old .ln (‘H " "I nit, tner HITCH they had fought the l wooden bark and at as kept afloat by only nrk on the part of “w Por days at a time, to gm their sleeping ' ship mu timtlly sour aw coast they were " ‘d to get “share. Thr H It t to this country without the loss l'he three . M. Pen tlu the 1htrhlehol w Minn-d in " whilo at tttt. k tree local editors rand a startling to " th mm no yesterdn y rk of the suicidt pastor of the bank president Governor Yates' lies a story and Stun-s Senator, most strenuous mast office of the hrve men who Pemiell, editor R. May. of the w publisher of Diumul ittretl When the sailor“ rt the Flames for a Month and Time Got N o Sleep or Rest. them ttlmlttt tlu y m " n trim' may. to eoal IV ll Pieeh 'ttt Ct'r xl" ll H1 tl " U H " Sm " Souris.5ran., F'vls.12.---An explosion of acetylonn gas oernrred in the King Ed- ward Ilotiyl this morning. wrecking sev- eral rooms, but fortunately no person was hurt. A Toronto traveller, w. Dur- kin. who was auignvd to tho room in which tho explosion oeeurrvd, was not. in. but had left only a moment before. It is thought there was a leak in the pipo between the ceiling: and the floor. and that sonic-our. trying to locate it, caused the explosion. The windows in the room above were blown out. and the floors and walls badly damaged, while the plaster was knocked off the ceiling beneath. and the walk throughout the building badly cracked. A fire started. but was extinguished before mueh damage was done. drifting 800 miles at tho mercy of the sea covering a period of more than To duyi. is told by Nee Qua, Chinese, boat. swain. reseued from the wrecked steam. or Marieehan, in False Bay, on the Alas. kan wast. Tho Marieehan onenuntorvd ln-r first rlitrieulty about 400 miles off Cape l/lot. ACETYLENE GAS EXPLODED AT SOURIS WITH GREAT FORCE. WAS NICELY TRAPPED. 'ro mnnmitlm- rovmnmends that pro- cwdinga be instituted against Hamilton and McCall for an amounting or repay- striking in Chatham straits in a north, “Tat gala Thirtymino members of tlio (-row succeeded in making the Rimm- where thvy lay for inur days almost pu" i~hing in tho eolil, finally being rvsrcue,l by tlu- Georgian and taken to Juneau. From there the refugees Wert' taken in this rity where they wer" not allow- ml in land. Last night they lt-ftr'fm' Port Townsend nu the steamer DOM-a A Toronto Traveller. Mr. W. Durkin, Had Just Left the Room in Which the Explosion Occurred-tak in a Pipe the Supposed Cause. CLARELLO . ARRESTED AS HE CROSSES THE BORDER. afloat. work “a John A. 1lvCall, late president oi tho company. all-n comm in fur a share of tritium”. lls- i,s blamed for his methods in "ontwetion with the bureau of taxa. tion and logislation (luring the pm! ten yeah. and for allowing Hamilton to pay I'll! nut mun without a proper aeeount, Abductor of Twelve-year-old Girl Left Toronto, for United States, Appar- ently Enjoying Full Forgiveness of Victirn's Guardian. Niagara Falls. Out.. report: Tineettgo Clarello was strrested by a constable ment an”... - ....-_- .-- ".t-VI Clnrello bitterly Wider] the uncle who had tricked them iteto retamtrrg to United sum sail, and his child We was widely mud. ., ship. most of them worked so haisurvly that tho jolt took five tlays instead of me. and that halt' the coal with whirl: he Marbleheud was to be charged was iurnpol into the um instead of into the tuni-Wm. nix'omive mount-s, it is said Were writ-tut nu the mull vars. Punishment of various sorts was metvd out with n lib- eral hand and when the vecmol arrived at Sun Ding”. she brought at thoroughly csnrrpt'rattul t-n-w. The grvntt-r number of the mom have only thrw or four mouth,, to svx'n- and they devlatv they met kWh"? JiGiailii from kaliinille, armed with . warrant for the bride- geert'tyrr.ttt foy QMMil’m. F f the: of the mom have only thrw or four mouth,, to svx'n- and they devlatv they will not w-ship. Thu story of th" trrntble On the Marlrhr ht-nd is Obtained wholly from numbers m the rrmv. but the, versions of the af. fair given by them tally elosely with HIV“ nthvr. Commander Mulligan duclined flatly to my a word about the affair, and the other officers are equMly ra- nods hn " HOTEL WRECKED. SP"! ' CI 11'er ignmont l of hi, APOPLEXY MISTAKEN FOR DRUNK. ENNESS-ARRESTED MAN DIES. Be Invites the Great Powers to Exercise a Joint Protectorate Over Corea for Five Years With Respect to Its Foreign Affairs. London. Feb. 12.-Dous:las Story. tele- graphing to the Tribune, from Cheefoo, under yesterday) date. states that ho hm obtained tram the Ernpnrur of Corea a document hearing the imperial seal. the original of which. ho says, was proved hefnre the British consul at Cher-fun. In this document the Emperor denies that he signed or approved the treaty with Japan. or consented to the appointment (if a Japanese resident, and "invites the great pm’rers to exercise a joint protector- ate over Corea fur a period not exceeding five years. with respect to the control of Corean foreign affairs." ARRANGEMENT WITH JAPAN DE. NIED BY COREAN EMPEROR. mm to a hospital, George Stanley, a re- tired business man, was helped to his death became two policemen could not distinguish between a serious ailment and a spree. Discovered Five Forgotten Stock Shares In Worth a Fortune. One of the largest hive-tings of thermo- pltisrs no“ in this city sinus Mrs. Kath- vrine ll. Tiwgley joined the Lotus Eaton. of the Pacifie slope had gull-crud in Assembly Hall. at Fourth avenue and 'rweut.v-eceoml street. Grave looking the" and WomPit, in gold rimmed eye- glasses, wrote down tho observations of C. J., B. A. (t. f.), in rod edged book, covvred with alligator leather, and most of them looked us though they were glad to be alive. . It i, om of the contentious oi (see ulnrv). that many person" walk about thi, world without knowing that they un- dvad. They hwve an unpleasant way of not paying any attention to doors, but jtrst nlilp through walls without say- ing, "By your 19min" At first, of CUIH'M‘, they feel as though they are humpI-wd by the body, hut before very long they bvvo;ue at'C'trs tonwd to the new conditions and walk anonnd with tlwir i1nuv,er hit-lids. and tin-y do not have to stand in front ot tho doors and say, "After 3011." It i, possible for them to "After you." It is possinle for them to enter any room alongside the most ru- tund person who ever was, no matter how mun-ow the doorway. According to the sage {mm Colo1ulro, it requires son-ml any: for tlw pvrsnn who has Jepartrul from the sun-nu oi hi, e'osttnttary activities to realize that any- thing mumml has happt-m-d. . "Th-on." resumed All". Jinarajadaqa, "he 5005 hi, body put in the vuirin and he mmmt interfere. He realizes that Mr. Jinerajit4lasa dwelt upun tho iaet that the maul who gives “my to Um waving I'm- strunz drink in this mm will he punished in the disemluuliotl stat" by esperievringr those bibuluus :lmiros. M-t be without the playsimll mvuns Hf punishing them, 'rho.ve who,e pvt viue was the planning, of financial selrentvs punishing them, Thin”: who,e pvt viue was the planning of financial selrentvs to (‘rlwll tlu'ir rivals in finance will con- tinuo their mttchinationi,. but be bt'.kr.ul mt the last moment by the realization that they have no corToreal entities, and um th.cret1sre, unnhln to make ilelivvries. It is the Mm of the East Indian Savant. lmwmvr, that the trulay gund hare no trmrblvs. and nitm‘ a qwriml of yours lmwt-va trouble rm urn Mr. Stanley. who was 63 years of ago. was born in London. Out. About forty years ago he went to Jackson, Mich.. and 1vtr;r,agsed in the oil business. Ile ro- tired from business last fall and made Detroit his home. 8m, N.Y., Feb. 12.--rn searching . drawer in his barber shop today but Wood dheovered n certificate for worth between 816,0!!! and MM. The pot ulna of the oertifieate to due it a nature to the accumulation ot div} his. (humiliating with nanny, Mi. Wood found that the stock m I'M, all was int! by a “on m‘!- _ _ he is in a different world and he cannot make lli‘mivlf felt. Ho 9005 other!) ar. ranging his affairs in " way of which he (luvs not “ppm”: and he does nut Gke it. yvt he can do nuthing. Sooner or later he realizes that ho is 4lead after The Coroner is investigating the can? to find if there was further neglect after the initial one made by the two officers who sent Mr. Stanley to the Wood. bridge street station. f1ve slum ot stock or the Bell TM». phone Comp-Hy, for which he paid 85 "am” new, Nr?, “d. 'tltit8rt, m all. Ills 'drape is tlu» mum- as it was, yet he has no currporeal frame. Hy is trot, thirsty nor hungry. nor does he suffer fatigue. For him there ri, neither s-tur light nor ilarkrrvse, although he is tiltio to oliervl. that far thoso whom he SUCH on earth there is the alteration cf day and night.” Many Dead Don't Know It-Describes How Dry Life After Death Furnishes Punishment for Those Who Have Been Bibulous. _ NewYurkfvb. l2.---Attettd, winks all. to we name vi C. JitLil'lJz! mm. ti. 4.. who of the future knows thc A, tl, C. Front Colombo, Ceylon, he comes. and last night he mun-mm a large audience of tlumsuphists on the theme lit-m um and Hell in Fact and Fancy. th, seemed to have friends in both places. from whom hc1lvau ginning-d every dutnil. _ _ TELLS NEW YORK THEOSOPHISTS I OF CONDITIONS IN FUTURE LIFE. P0ueWiN'S ERROR. SIGNED N0 mm. i, HEAVEN AND'HElL ‘WITTE REVIEWS A BARBER?» LUCKY WND. ag F the largest hum-tings of theme- ml in this city sinus Nts. Kath- Tingley joined tlu, Lotus Eaters that the trill!) and! nftm' a min to this liie l The peasants must be prepared to buy 'private lands on the easy installment i plan. as provided by the Imperial ukams of November last. l The spokesman of the delegation replied that tho peasants did not wish to buy land, but were determined to re- [ eeire it as a gift from the Government. I At the close of the audience and infor- mal discussion. the. Premier thanked heaven that the conditions in Russia were different from those prevailing in lother eonntries. He said, according to itho published report. that a French i President was dependent on the electors g and an English King on Jewish bankers, ’ but the Russian Emperor was independ- ‘ent, The eonsummation desired by the g revolutionists that the country be ruled th Poles, Armenians and Jews would inot be realized. The Premier is said to have. added: "The greatness and lmppine<s of Russia are due to the F Emperor. Without the Emperor you I who now wear long coats and high hats i would still be peasants." THE UNION NOT INTERESTED AS IO HAVING WINE AT WEDDING. New York, Feb. Pd.--., special to a morning paper from Luekpurt. N. Y., mys: "Whether or nut wine is served at the wedding breakfast of Alive Jloose. velt is none of the Woman's (hristian 'fcmperatwe Union's Inn-dues." declared Franee, W. Graham. of this my. Presi- dent of the State W. C. T, U. "l know some Western branches oi he Union have protested against wine at the wed, ding hreakfmt uf President Roosevelt',-. diutghter, but I assure you that such ae- tion was not sum-tinned by the Sluts- or Naticnal organization. Flo far as I know Lune ot' the New York State Unions are runtemplnting such a protest. It would not be countenaneed at all. but I do not think there in any possibility of such a thing happening. The majority of tho unions in the country realize the impru- priety of such action. All oi them ought to." Tho Harm men for years have claimed tho right to (-ultivutt- Vatr'rsay, but haw bven unable to get tho TI"e1ssrr.v pa-rmissiun from the authorities and now they have rioized the island, have a!» portioued it into small farms and haw distributed them aiming themselves. N rvgular war expedition was fitted out by the invading islanders. who cui- h-ctml a fleet. of boats and with flags flying and pipers skirling highland hut- tle tuues, it mun aiieetvd a bloodless landing on Vatvrsay. hitherto used " a game preserve. Ihere are no police or trooirs in t imnudiato vieinity of this faraway lot. so the Guvornmont's action is hp, percd. W. C. T. U. AND AllCE Rev. Dr Tucker Say: That Anglicans Are Falling Behind. Montreal, Feb. 12.--Ret Dr. Tucker. general secretary of the Canadian MU. dorm-y Society, founded by the Anglican Synod of Connie, delivered an address before the Montreal Synod todiry, in. timatilg that lhe .Conadign Anglian not~ been for this unhappy wur. if only victory had been our~. all would now be well. llut God did not so will it." At the conclusion of the conference the Prvmier promised the delegation that; they would be received in audience by tho Empcror. Ila gave the same plo.dye to dcputations of lluriata (a Mon- goliuu pmph- living chiefly in the Gov- crmm-nt of Irkutsk and Trartsbaikal), who wcrc hove to demand spwial roprc- scutntion in thc National Assemhly and that they he permitted to live in their old conditions of uomadism. Chunk In: fullen behind in progress, giving plue to the Pmbyterinn Church In! the Methodist Church. He deem-ed that Ontario, in funnel fields. had been loot to the (have! of Englnud, end proud but; min; fn regard to the The Prvmiof is reported to marked in conclusion: "If on f, Receives a Delegation, Who Say Peasants Demand It atsaGift-Premier Extols the Emperor as the Cause of the Greatneas and Happiness of Russia. St. Petersburg, Feb. 12.--A delegation of citizens of Ekaterinodnr, Caucasia. sent to tit. Petersburg to obtain the Emperor‘s personal assurance that the, land quomtion would not be settled by the present Government, but by the National Asnemirly. waq received in au- dience by Premier Witte yl-ntorday. An iutvrtsthq.,r alt-mum of the interview was published br-day. The Premier point- ed out that the agrarian problem could not be solved by a division of the Stat» lands alone. tttnounting only to 16,000.- UOU acres, much of which is forest land. Edinburgh, Felr. P.?.,---'" vrofters of Burnt Island. in tho llvhridos, have r't‘lz- ed thu m'igltlsorinrg Hand of Vatt'rroy and dcelare their intvntinn to resist by furn- of arms any mix-mm to dislodge thrrc. Highland Crofters on a Warlike Expedi- tion. In SAYS PEASANTS MAY BUY PRIVATE LANDS. SEIZED A GAME ISLAND. CHURCH MUST LOOK UP. ' TORONTO lANll QUESFION. tNi to have ro- If only it had ALFONSO’S LOVE MAKING GETS INTO RED TAPE DEPARTMENT. unkncwu in Venezuvin. "Puerto ('nlwlln and La (mini arr the only parts ramble of making own a slight resistance. The former has two modern six-inch guns and the latter has four modern six-inch guns. with the us- ual display of old Spanish pieces, which would be blmsn to pieces at the first shots. and urdul's have been omits to the colors. "Information from dieates that tho pm President Castro. " expression: of a (ll overthrow the Prvqid soon as the Fremh l "It is doubled whether President Cas- trnc-m raise mM'x- than 10.000 men,who will take the field with any Show of The People May Wise in Rebellion as Soon as a French Blockade of Ports is Declared. The Monarch Informs Bis Cabinet of Hi: Betrothal After the Formal Ack- nowledgment is Made to the Premier -Prepartttions " the Capital. 3iadrid.Feh. P.?..-lhe hetrothal of King Alfonso and Princess Ella, of Battenncrg wa- to-day for the first time acknowl- edged officially, the King formally com- municating the information to Prime Minister Moret at a private audience. The formal announcement willbe mode to foreign Government- on Feb. 20, utter which the mrringe contact will be sub- mitted to the Cortes. and the Govern- ment will cooler with the King reprtlo in: the date of the wedding, which 'rrirtetttJ.rtii In)!” E , CASTRO PREPARING roll WAR WITH fRANCE. Busy Enlisting Men for the Army and Orders Given to Call the Recruits to the Colors. ' Later'King Alfonso communicated the fact of his betrothIl to the whole Cabi- net, at a meeting of which he we. tresid. ing. He related the heparin” at BG atria, and aid Prince-I mil be. me . convert of her own mold to Catholicism. King Alfonso nominated nine mu women belong'ng to his mother’- can” l omtlhl. PHASE. “Ogilvie'a Book for 3. Cook," contains :30 ”gen of excellent recipes, some never before published. Your grocer can tell you how to get it FREE. ' ' Say "0gilvie's Royal Household " to your grocer--he'll do the rest. Ogilvle Flour Mills Co., Limited. MONTREAL, Royal Household Flour In Canada the only flour purified by electricity is therefore it is the only flour that can be considered as absolutely pure. The electrical method is employed by every big mill in the United States. There is only one method of making flour absolutely pure, and that is by elec- tricity. No impurity can withstand the searching, purifying work of this electrical process. Absolutely white flour makes the most beautiful white bread-the kind we all like. But white bread is not necessarily pure because it is white. To be pure it must be made from purified flour. i' hpllll. Inc In?“ are tit'ttttNi Witlt Aluuu‘t' rifles, but they never praetire t4lrootitsg. "The Venezuela naval mush“ of tit" small craft, concentrated at La Guira. "Well posted persons expre.“ fear that the French citizens. in Venezuela will In- in great danger if war hreak- nut, Pre% dent Castro is of a vevengvful nature, and the inhabitants of the "ountry are at his mercy. "rt. is reported at Caracas that the American Minister. Mr. Rib-sell. is per son. non mat: airing to the apparent siding of the 1'nitod Statee with France. and that he may be given hi, passports. Matters are nearing n climax. President Castro will compel ohediene to his will. "Five days ago the El Grito Pueblo (a newspaper) suggested that the people should not resin: the French. The editor was immediately imprisoned without a show of trial, and the paper w“ sup pressed. "The German C'haruro d'Affain-s indig ntuttly contradicts the rt-porrs. mid to be circulated by Preuident Castro and others of his sntrroundiurrn that German) is supporting Venezuela's policy against France. "Gen. Aleantara, a. Tenormehtu. mluvul ed at West Point, has been appnimod to the military mmmand of La Guira. "a has received orders to fire on any French warship: the moment they are sightwl." to ttet as ladies-in-waiting to the brid The decorating and furnishing of tt apartmvmn the couple- will (occupy M 30511:: on awe. - _ . l'n-pnrutibnn at the Palaoo of El Faun ado are also proceeding. confirming the reports that Princess Ena will reside there on her arrival in Spain until after the wedding. llvr brother, Prince Max and", arrived in Madrid to-dny. King: Alfonso met him. and hammer they in- spmunl KI Pll‘ldo Palace. FIVE PASSENGERS HURT OI TH! spirit. The mm are ti rifles, but they never I "The \‘mu-zueln mn' small eraft. r-mu-onlm CENTRAL I GEORGIA ROAD. Forsyth, Ga., Feb. P2.--A rear-Old col- lision between n Chieago tgain I.“ t Florida fut train, which left Atlanta at 1155 o'elock Int night tor 8.an occurred the: miles north ot thu dty on the Coin! St?t,'td'g'td - ly after gang». - P"'e" In the rear sleepiig at at the 86.3.5 tmir CI"' “sturdy“! w M Mr ht. ThefauertraittwaaheidatAt- hats foeesrt-tiet-dutt M thatiertnil. It WWII. B-tnhtmhtnrheeettteee.U Nth Mewknordgul. Mikael-I Wham TRAINS COLUDE n art' armed with A h. y. hm

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