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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1906, p. 8

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" ly ' I Yttiy,,t',1tti,ty,,, 1illWhhhMhfwkg ., l ;. MORE BARGAINS I-lr-tlr-ttge-rl,,',.,,'.:?-!-.., "ik-; WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPs THE PEOPL Ers sromp, we have no more space to quote prices but come into our store and you will see Phutnelrettes, 1hrrapperettes, Ginghams. Prints, etc, all marked down in big. red letters to' amazingly small prices. This is a genuine bergain Sale. Everyone is convinced as soon as they see the goods and we quote prices. TERMS: Cash or P-Htuee (highest prices paid.) CLEARING SALE OF DR Y GOODS Just 3 Ladies' Fur Coats left. A bargain for the early par. chaser. Also a few Men's Fur Coats to be cleared. We have nearly all lines reduced but have two in each department. Other lines in Women’s until, proportion. We have a stock of L52 gal-pent. Ladies' Underwear, 10 odd coal.- 2.50 to 85 e " coats for . . . . . 811.50 12 coats for. . . . . . 9.50 10 coat: for. . . . . . 7.50 Overcoats' CLOTH I N G Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves JO Severn! pieces any tweed Suitinga, 60 in wide, red from $1 to 60e yd 1 piece only navy blue .. .. .. 1.25 to 750 yd 2 pieces navy and brown tweed effects t6 t6 1.50 to 90c yd 5 piece: Dre-u Goods. venetian and hutepts, red. from 75. 8tkto 60e yd " " black. and colon, worth 45e to 750. for. . .25c yd l0 '. worth 2De to me tor. . . ..l5c rd or T ydl for $1.00 ROBERT BURNE People are _wondering and inquiring "how can we sell the goods at the prices we do. " We answer " we're . overstocked bt We bought too much. better to lose something now, and get the ready cash (which we can turn over and gain back what we have lost before next season) than to keep the goods. H. H. MOCKLER iti iiiGiiiiiattiti"gUt F URS "fr Lndios' Swede and I I Glove: reduced sloo. We have some sizes in e low lines of Oxfords and Strap Slippers which we are cleaning out at prices that will save money for the lucky purehuere. Spring goods are beginning to come in end we ere crowded irem top to bottom and we need the room tor the new arrivals. We will be pleased if you will lend 3 helping head in making room. Anything we have left in winter lines are down in price. Call early and get I shore of the good things. Custom work and repairing " usual. We have no 25 doa prlSOCKS, this week only . . . . . . .3 pairs for 250 An At line of Women 's ALL WOOL HOSE, all sizes, 250 u MCILRAITH A FEW HOS/ERY SPECIALS In the Dress Goods Dept. Red Letter Sale Is now on in full swing at the People's Store and consists of Flannellettes, Cottons, Shirtiags, Cot. tonadus, Flannels, Ginghams. Prints, Tweeds, Remnants of all kinds. ‘M... --aitht and we linen reduced to or pair. We have all!!! a 2.eeittt, t.hese 'lf,l,'hulltg Wool Want-d nu! large tins. won th tne, ' Eggs and all Farm Produce taken at Highest Pri Cash or Trade. mes' Underwear. worth Me to doe, at MN, garment " regular Ind extra "iars, wo: th me. telling nt. . . . . . .450 per garment in Women’s and Children’s Underwear reduced in a have a stock of over 1000 gnrments. an}! We litttredueed to “in nor mar, u- 1.--- We're clearing out these lines, all genuine bargains, to secure space for the display of NEW SPRING GOODS, which are daily arriving. A few pairs of White and Grey Fhuinelirtte Blunt". largo vile. clear per pr f. oo 8 pr. All-wool blankets. were 84 per pr, now SOME BARGAINS IN BLANKETS Nearly all thi. Jonson'- good.-- per- fect titiintt & up-to-date GREA r The Down Town Many odd miitr, VI, Ltii 815 Suits for. . . .81160 12 1. ..... IMO 11 " ..... 8dio 10 " .m.mm 7.50 space to quote only r Wbol Woriitiiiai' 1 one Price. 19e. 60e to 390 per pr , tior, at per pr Oe, now per pr GRET’I‘ SHOES Spring Shoes are already com- ing in. All new styles, siz- es, and prices. Call in early and secure just what you want. Shoe Store T7 Andy in the ri, ex " Lr, ““3: ioiiiiir'7i'iri35,iiiv' a V a“. m V n Gunny ninth it with In.“ Glnd to- iaTiiiai Dan bu " tracks to the grove again. Wedding bells no ringing tti guy home- are lucky they as Mr Wm McCormick is at present helping hie btyrther-in-iaw, John Nich- ol to take timber out for his new barn. We heard there were two wild geese seen east ot Birdell. at least people think they are of e aooeey hum-e. one we underotend was sitting beside a. shell seemingly in e Hence while the other wee perched up on a buggy somewhat "opined also. mun-um: so seriously ot taking a trip to Ireland. Success Howard. The social at Salem Methodist church on Feb 2nd was a very pleasantevent. The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was largely attended, the program consist ing of selections on the grtphpphone, reading. recitation: and selections bv the choir and Mr J no Chi-lets render- ed n beautilul Bolo entitled "The Conan: Club. " ,, "__-- -.w- II All l|ls visit in 'he park one Galiiiii lately in good company. We are sorrv he in thinking so seriously of taking a trip to Ireland. Success Howard.' - Mr Howard Wauun visit in 'he Dark one ova Mr John Peirson and son Albert are busy cutting wood for Dan McIntyre " present. Mr Dan McDonald. from the north- west, visited in the park one day late- Ge . -_ -- F... vvullI-IJ- 1.1111"! was a large number of stout, hearty men and women gathered to lend Mr and Mrs Campbell a helping hand. The question was, after the Pitt was killed " What will we scald it in T' There was no barrel ever made would be large enough. Some of the honest far- mere thought the wagon box would be large enough to scald it in ifthey would take the end boards out bntone of the cleverest of the men thought it would be wise to scald it in the old well. So you can imagine it was no, chicken. it tipped scales at five han. dred and six pounds and a quarter. Mr and Mrs Samuel McMurdo visit- ed friends in Proton last week. Mr Joe Campbell butchered the mammoth pig one day last week. It was the largest hog ever butchered in this part ot thy coqntry. There was Messrs Dan and Alex McDonald tended the funeral at their cousin, Alex Black, late of Prteeviile, Mr Thomas Fishernis at irisJntsta.y. ing with his sister. D. McDonald, ofthis burg. Dear Mr Ed. it is some time since I scribbled any news for our worthy paper and I think perhaps my broth- er or sister out, which ever it may be will be taking a well earned rest this week after the long lingo they wrote up last week. I hope there will be no Offence for me encroaching: little the week and I hope they will will strive to keep us informed S?ueerning the writing' and wedding bells. etc. We and the copy. still preterved reads pla nly ' averaged 434 lbs each.' The mistake was pluinly not ours. Shake brother, we're a pair : ' Even Homer nods. '-liki. Review.] into ‘crscking ' and we mav have supposed a iitttu'e of speech was being indulged in for the sake of emphasis. It occurred Jan 18, copy now destroy- ed, and we stand corrected. " to the weight of these Yorkshires. we did hesitate' to insert 434, but knowing that ' Normsnby can do it, ' and rely- ig,, of Proc0rretrponderlt; in it went. A than time ago a conplent letters changed in a reference to the grippe 'Ydeitappear vulgarand last week about those four . hogs weigning 434 lbs each instead of 234 the people simp- ltr said 'het a liar. " Just think. Mr Ed. ot the abate we receive from your oversight. But We will forgive you as no doubt the cement meetinghvus rattling you. l' To err is human, to forgive di. vine, " and we compliment our worthy correspondent on showing the divine spirit. The iitut mistake consistad, 1ppt".tPt_lv,. in matting ' creaking ' -. .-....... “nu m """"'""'k rap1uir. = . Say, Mr Editor, we will have you served with an injunction. it Von con- tinuew make mistakes in our budget. A _L__‘ 42d, _ __ Miss Jean Marshall came home Mon- day tram Stanford, where she under- went a critical operation for the remov- u] af a lump trom the neck. She is now spending a tew days with town friends and is recovering rapidly. = . 22nd. As Itoti "h-tirc";'"'";;,,,;"';'; choose from, intending purchasem will do well to attend. Mr Wm Thompson's horse ran awn on Thursday lust and did considerable change to the cmter. etc. Had W1. had the free use of both arms doubt- less the maiden: would not have hap pened but like_moot other ardent lov- Congratulations to aster D L Camp. bell on the arrival gnnrday 9th inst of baby No 4. Bat there is always a cloud near by to blight our happy hours and Mrs Campbell we hear has had toundergo a critical operation. We hope she may be long spared to herloviUt and devoted husband. We notice the Auction sale bills of ty _Robe_rt_Mprice are out for Petr. Mr H Hutchisnn has obtained 'an English man and his mie. to help him run his ranch this incoming summer. era. we can easily Imagine nis left um being taxed to its fullest capacity and the horse, being a sporty animul. took no the situation " a glance, mudoa spurt and gained bislibertv. Intended for Blythe’s Corners Maple Park ' from Bwinton Park Peet. lambs but paid_n flyine PM traced Danna 3mm silemly, " d at- , Mr Seeour stock of Halters, Horse 'Blankets and Robes before you buy elsewhere. I . In Axes, Axe Handles, x cut ' Saws. Saw Wedges, Axe Wedges, Cant I Hooks and Handles, we can satisfy you If you clothe your horse comfort- ably at the proper time, there is not notfmuch danger of him catching cold, but if he does take cold. we hm the article to cure him. We have some great bargains in Skates. There is no necessity for any person being wishont a pair. Who would deprive his child of the pleasure of a handsleigh when you can buy one for 25e Only one Toboggan left in stock Who will be the luckybuyet ? You ,tillfing in The Hardware Store The beef ring is not settled yet. Railroad talk is somewhat cooled down We hue neither good sleighing or wheeling on our roads. The - mton Council held a meeting hereon Saturdav. 10th, in Bilton‘s Ho- tel and was called a noisy meeting. The question of Ex-Reeve Wilson and the gravel affair was up before the council. The gu-lty parties tried hard to argue on: their case but not much was done after all. The ordination of the Rev Mr McInnes took place at Cedarville on Wednes- daylast week and he took charge u' the Morrison Church, Cedarville, and the Esplm church near Hppeville, On Sunday Itch he preached as their minister. A fire in our village on Tuesday night, 6th-thc store of D K McArthur and Son I " burn down and neural! the contents. It are ted between 9 and 10 o'eloek and went verv last, 130nM- quently very little was saved. The wind was from the east and the build- ings of A H Barnett and Adam Scar- lett were in great danger but the neizbors turned out and did good work in saving a stable and storehouse for McArtburs and Burnett's buildings. We hear McArthnr's goods Were well insured. We do not know if thev will build again. eurttl2ictst xou require for Win- . - _.-- -"Pt"+s* In nu! deceased. The others we do not know, The grim reaper called at the home of Mrs Wm Sharp on the 4th inst., and called off her mother Mrs Thos Laid. law, who has been residing with her for some time. Mrs Laidlaw was in her 80th year, her husband died some years ago and seven dang hters remain who will mcnrn a loving mother, Mrs Jackiyn. Brunt, and Mrs John Mather. Priceville, are also daughters of the A--" FTS, . - Mrs Geddes intends leaving in a few days to take up her residence with her son in Be worth. Her many friends here who have awninted with her the bet part of her life will wish her all comfort in her declining years, and feel sure she will still think lovingly of old Normanby. The larm is for sale Mrs Thos Fulton is its” psorl;'i1av- 1113 being four weeks in bed, but Mrs Thos Byers is recovering from her ill ness. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Thos Young fn the birth of “other non. Mr Anqrew Derbv intends leaving the (arm soon, and is in the midst of buildinzu house for himself in Hun- over. Sorry to lose him tram our neighborhood but wish him happiness equal to that of his boyhood 'g home. trtfiports and Winter Work. Mrs Mekillop, sister of Mrs Young, returned to her home in worth alter a short may. Mr Editor no news having appeared from this neighborhood for some time, I venture on a few items. Mr Stuart. Mearns came home recent- ly from B. C. Be returns in March, End his sister Minnie may aocompmy tnt. TORONTO THURSDAY. 1 MaBtar.-Amca Chis- lett, Lot 29. Con 2. B. D. R., will ttrll by public nuclinn on above date, Farm Stm-knnd 1toplements. Terms: 10 mos credit. 5 per cent. discount for cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. Sale at l o clock. See posters. D, MCPEAIL. Auctioneer. WIDNIBDAYJ28 trrus.-jrntter Horw burg. Lot IS, Con 3, W. G. R., Ben- tinck, will sell by public auction on '" bove dun. Farm Shock and Implements. terms: 10 mos, credit, 5 per cont die. count, tor cash. Bale ut one o‘clrck. tree hills. J.- -"w. "run. "" uppnu‘eu JOHN “BIOS. a per cent for can!) in lieu of tttttea. Snle at one o'clock, No rmrve. hsrm rented. See bio. arm Per, ' m--R Nnrnunby. will sell nun-ts on above date, 'et ms. 8n]. tn nun n TUESDAY. 27 1rtrtt..-Mt M Campbell Lo' " Con 2. W. G. R., Brntinck will ell by public auction on above date, FrumSIock and Implements. Terms: y mos. credit on npproveq Jointytotori, TUESQAY.‘ 27 Fun. HARDWARE . BLACK "In, m--R Morice. 3nd Corn. by. will sell stock Ind impler n above than, no reserve. Usual Sal. at one o'clock Sale Register. . FORTUNE, Auetioneer. D, MCPHAIL. Auctioneer Hopeville JOHN CLARK Auctioneer. tiarttpden. Hep- About 7 miles hom Durh ~__“ Garth-us Bond. Tm. In: Je, the “on " once. must be mm]. L". Durham. FOIL”. m .. t 100 Acre For new Manse at Amoe Ohm-ch, Dromore. To he built of Cement Mach, Plans and tmecithuuiot" of blot-h. Uar. punter Work, PlutPnng and plinth: muv he had from R, Weitmek or J. If Findlay. Dromore. All ”term tor making block- to be ”milled by Build- ing Committee. The lowest or “y tender-um? not he menu-d, Pealid tender. 'II he Round up to 10tl March " J. M. FmDLA' mm--- The Manse at Amos Presmrtertat. church Dromore. Purchaser to remove the building and clour otf I“ ruhhioh during the month of Mar. Apply to J. M. Futon! Dromolo. A meeting of the shareholders of the Durham Furniture CPO. Ltd. wlll he held in the Town Hall on the M. at8 p, m. when a statement. of the year's opera. tinns will he presented. A hr-ld We increase the Bond of Directors. also to change the annual meeting will he voted m. Flt-she: ton 112 Proton 40 Pricpville 67 Ces lon tio Pnrtlnw 45 Ora naevdley 46 Eugenia ME Vnpdelenr 51 Total vote polled-Nt. The Advance says: "ArtemetG has justified its tradition by passing the lo- cal option By-law with a. majority of 302. This is better tbnn its most san- guine adherents bud expected. Mid it will Rive the law a prestige and force which a. small majority would have lack- ed. The township speaks emphatically and this nugnrs well for an en orcement of the law when it comes into force I next May. The victory for load option is considered phenomenal when the strong interest.- against it, are consider- ed. An analysis of the vote shows that Vandeleur was the strongest in temper- ance sentiment having given 85 patent} in favor of the hy-law. The other divis-z ions cause in the following order: Port- low 81.8, Proton 81.6. Eugenie 79.5. Orange Valley 74 a Flesherton ara [ Pticeville 61.5, Ceylon tu.9, frdiioGiiai, is the vote by divisions: i With no uncertain sound the town- ship on Tuesday of but week. empha- sized the verdict they gave in January Int. Repulsed hy the council of 1905. the temperature element took itsrortotf and returned a council in favor of local option, and now have carried the mens- ure trinmbhnntly by the good majouity of 302: a. fine imam-90f the pone: of the people when they make up their mind, TENDERS WANTED Tan Dunn“; Evan'rvnn Co Artemesia for Local Option. Just a. few You should see them; of those cheap F “r Coats The cheapest; Furs Having gone through our entire stock we have found a number of lines that as slow sellers : these we mean to clean out. 500 DRESS GOODS, all colors..............35c $1 " buck...............) 12le WRAPPERETTES.....................08c 1210 FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS. . . .. .6 for 25c 3 bottle: 12k PICKLES for........... 1 can PEAS................-... 3 cans CORN................'....... 3 cans TOMATOES.................. 4 pkg CHINESE STARCH........... , lb pkg Dunham’s COCOANUI‘...... FOR SALE; After Stock-Taking Bargains SATURDAY (lfliBliiilll BARGAINS FARM for THE BIG STORE ALEX. RUSSELL Notice. 'e. _ Ai.jiiite7ii'it'0i, be “applied by Build. he It!” P WW up to 10th . FmDLAY.Dromm-e. For Against M " 112 " " ff 9 SI 5." 6569355 ever sold in Durham. 42 41 10 16 21 SALE W”??? Lut, 76 nab Ior.............. ... ARCH IOCOANUI‘............. woman. (on t. 8 DR, in the Town- chip of (Hawk. in the County of Grey, 57m: 40 our. alum. " were: mixed timhrr, ka. Von Iain-d. wu- tend by well an! Old! mum. One story-up“ Icahn”. mummxao um: 1ittaiiU, 'd,Afii" ham whool and “0&0; "to. and term. :pply to. 1m Shim" --"-. - "'0'. CMO. Buildinz lot on Bruce SI. Um no u Brick ttmme on In. urea Foul- your Old Clyde am. A Wm We. Rnekv 8- STOCK & BUILDINGS FOR SALE. A Fine Dubai) Bull. had from impound stock. u men. old. an“); . Yard to". Alw 'Putty dentin Prom-run n the Province. If, other proppr" 10.. In”- -1 ... We, have a large number of Farms for Solo in the following Counties-- Brunt. _ Lritrin, Grew. Holdimanq. Huron. Kent, Itenbtott, meoln. Mus die-ex. Norfolk. Oahu-i0. Oxford. Peel, th. Bilucoe. Vidal-in. wrsterioo, Wellington. Wollood. Wentworth and York_. Alto mun: Bun-inn. 3nd Rui- denud proportion or tUte in all purl-20f the province. It you In". Form or other prowl-1y for ode. write for on!" terms of calling and Iowa. The Wanna In! Me. kahuna. but. London. Ontario. Wu. w. hm: Agent. Thistle -.--.--, FARM FOR SALE. Lot 14, Can 4. N. D. R. containing 100 was. more or less. 85 more. cleared. wring creek, good we“, hunk barn, im- rfu"hef" home. large frame dwelling cute. Rood orchard. (mvouient to church and srhooL Building. fences. &c all in good condition. 25 news Bleached. 4 more. under fall wheat. mansion given my time ntter m Much. For further particular. apply on the premium. to bank! Benton. Prop. ------------, PM yo 2. Jan. 2, lma Thorough Bred Cattle Ind Yorkshire lion. All resist/crud Stock and like” nub. Apply to - wood truth. lt mile. from P. o. and Ichnol. church on property. Well mm ered, We". and running trite Build. inga In good repair. Will tq mid on reason-bl. term. " miles from Durham and from Pricevilla. If cold "eMlon given tor work Ibis fall. (r1u'frll'21C',e ion In March. Clou- title given. Apply to the proprietor. D, GRAHAI. Prirevtite, or to A. H. JACKsox. Solicitor. Du: ham Being lot No. I) on 2nd Con. N. D. R. and 22amt 23. on the8rd Con. N. D. H. Glenda. contuniu 150 new... more or Inn._ pr for?! clam, unnec- hard. FARM FOR SALE' Farm for FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Iltrmg. SCAR! & SUNF. Rocky suugeeu P. U lean. Apply to '. Rocky Batman. and likoly uni l Dal-hum. " Me Me 2lie 250 25c 07c 5-5 3:513:51: ".r'l/hl,"h','hlhl,'y: I .I.lI.I pp ll] ('/h'llh'llh"/h'l'y: Eli}; 'h"/h'l.h4 5-52 VOL. Ja Staple " RUFFS, PRU Our Jar has c ORE Toqud Pr ome at SA LE Dress Re " ll " " w

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