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Durham Review (1897), 22 Feb 1906, p. 1

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Mr 16, 1906 dd see them eapest Fu: "In. ( have found a. : these £803 P o, Ont, LL Llip/ ale rgains . . . . . .08c 6 for 2te [Si aunt-0n r & Sosa a. more or rd from stun... and .th‘t‘ hard- P. o. and Wolt nut- " Build. 'o null on n Durham "r_togt n pout-90- 'll, Apply Thistle l-‘nrml ortieq-- inland. n. Mid- ri, Pool. Mex-loo. rth and " uni- part.“ 'arro or for our SALE. ply to 35c 75e non. Prop. Walling nut. to m. " or 25c Me Me 25c 25c 07c K803 N. D. R. lean-Pd. ‘n, im- “yucca, at"! N heat. Fr In apply y uni urs ham if TAYLOR &CO,Dromore i! iiggsnaiargtargaargsiasagm mama I. l, I. fixxgmmxmmmmmxm 333:; iii TAYLOR & CO, Dromore f,i,' TPAN itli! '48glZlKxlfille%ill1lemefilegtlgeytygataiagigggigg El mgmammmmxmmammma‘ iiiiiiiiiiiiigtgtiiiii- iii? 'll) ' QPIC'S‘ . Fiessairzztti"; 'il','.,',,,'?," m Bl a; Prices Slaughtered giszgomm‘ VOL. xxvliriiir a Come and see if everything isn't exactly as repre- sented. PRINTS Toques and tiloods Short Ends DRESS GOODS James Ireland. 2 Our January Sale of winter goods at reduced prices has cleaned out a good percentage of our winter stock but we still have some bargains in se- veral lines, all of which must go. It will mean a great saving to you to take advantage of this Sale which lasts until after we get thru Stock-taking. We men- tion a few of them: RUFFS. Staple Dry Goods, SALE TERMS-GA or Produce at Market Prices aple Dry Goods, Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods ty Suitings, Embroideries, Ribbons, Boots and Shoes, Carpets ty Linoleums. Hats & Caps, Tweed: & Worsteds. Ready-to-wear Clothing, Gloves ty Hosiery, Trunks & Valises, F Blankets, Prints, Remember As our time for quitting this store draws nearer, we are more anxious to clear out our stock. Moving goods is a very costly business-ies easy to move the cash. For this reason we are cutting prices so as to make the whole stock do the quick exit act. Come with the crowds and We have a few broken lines of Prints which we are offer- ing at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. It will pay you to buy early for Spring. In red. blue, cream and white, Some very pretty I lines, reg. 25c to 50c; YOUR PICK FOR . .... 9c t Ends ranging from I yd to 12 yds. These goods are principally Flamidcttes and we are of.. fering them at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST of manufac- ture. Be sure and have a look at them, A good range of Fall and Winter Dress Goods in very pretty patterns and combination colors, the prices ranging from 85c to $1.10 per yd. YOUR 75 CHUidF. max YARD...... ...... ...... ...... C MUFFS AND CAPS. We want to sell every one and every one will go at an extra special price. Only a few Furs left Cost not regarded now. CUT PRICES RULE ON EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE. BUY. Blankets, Prints, etc. (iiitttit Next the ’lown Hall ---i' .' "'“" u - ‘“ _ E As EARLY oPEsus'a.-Durham's la- crosse enthusiasts, profiting by their mistake of last season in not holding an early organization meeting. have this your got down to business at once and held a meeting last Thursday evening to consider the situation for the coming season. Oflnst year's players all hat one are available for this season's team, while chances are considered good for securing a couple former stare. If he. cessury, positions may be found in town for two or three good players, and with some promising juniors in line, the Durhams will be able to pick out a fast team, the equalof any in this section of the country; an all-home team also, which is something we have been no- able to boast of the last few years. The Club will require funds to keep the team up to, perhaps I little above, the stand- ard. also to clear expenses. so when your opportunity comes, give it your assistance tind ' 8 8. The proposal to bar Owen Sound from the league. if possible. met with unanimous approval. A list of ofBtyers was drafted, which'will probably be ratihed at the meeting for election this Thursday evening at Dar ' ing‘s Drug Store. Everyone interest- ed in lacrosse, even slightly. invited to attend. l Lot io, con w. Ettrem t. Uromore _ Altemeein Agricultml society held their annual meeting at. Pricevllle on the 7th inst" with a. large number of members in attendance. The following omcers were elected t President. D Me.. Millan: lst Vice President, J Nichol; 2nd Vice President. W. J. Meades t Directora--Jnmes Paton, James Oliver, David Harrow. John Eckhart, John Fuirhmru. Duguld MtCmmack. M. L. McIntyre. Alex Muir, Her hert Watson. Delegates to convention in Toronto on Feb. 21and22, D. McMillan and W. J. Heads. The meeting was harmonious. --Advanee. SEED OATH Iron tMLE.---The under signed can an 1y th limited number with pedigree Banner Outs, grown from hand.aelee' d heads of the Srd year. These on. took the second prize at the Pro cianair at. Guelph in Dec '05. The buy gets a. certificate of registration. on per bushel. Apply early to . L. DIXON, Lot 15, con 22. Egremo t. Urumore Under tho aucpices of the Pl'elhyter- ian Ladies' Aid Societv, the first week of March, the Rev. T. Wilson, of Walk- erton, is expected to Rive another of his popnlar lectures, illustrated by lime light views. Remember the evening with Dr Paton and watch for further particulars at to date and lubject of lecture, rope in the burn. Deceased have. a widow nnd Large family. can"! of whom are grown up. Temporal" in- sanity is the only reason which can be assigned for the act. FARM FOR SAL --South half lot 26 Con 18 Tp Norma hr, fine hulldlngc. Must be sold. Appl to Arthur H. J am, Durham. Sacrament of the Lord'I Snippet will. be diapemed at Bartu' Church. Rocky Sumac-u on Sabbath next, " 11 3. m. Prsparatorr services will be held on Friday ttt2. SOP. m. And on Saturday at 11 n. m. An evening service will be held on Sunday at 7 p. m. A SULLIVAN tMmorDrt,-ta"t Tuesday morning Fred Kemp, of Peahod y. took " own lite by hanging himself with s The Great- Brest, Life Insurance Com- pany affords the highest security and pays the largest profits to policy hold- ers. W. F. DUNN, Agent. Colds are more a ily taken when the liver is sluggish. Keep your live: right by taking Carr' little liver pill. 2 for 25 cts a: MncFur neu. All account: not settl‘d y March In yin be placed In other ban for collect- Ion. Whe miment Wandorfulil rubbed in all aw ings and stiffness diuppnr. Try it-fu guaranteed at Macpar.. Inne’s. . " In 2-} ttouta--. eep a bohreads. 10 APPREN ES MuNatD.-.To learn the Millinm~v e. Apply at Miss Dick's showrooms.' Lambton St. J. L. Fl ity is now in a position to suit everyb in Durham with a. suit from 6 to It an old. Mr. Jno. IV.' McKechnie has bought from Mr. Arnold Noble. the Hugh Me- Keehn‘e farm at the Rocky. DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ii-ri,"'""'""""'",";'";" Mas A Bhsm. tit I A MINISTER CALtarD.-Rev D. L. Campbell, Dromore and Knox, Nor- manhy, has received A call to Mcore- tield. We have not learned whether he will accept it or not. Should he de- _ cine to go there will be A unanimous charm of regrets at the prospect of loa- ing him, for never we fancy existed a warmer bond between pastor and peo- ple. Mr Cnmpbell'e field is a. very hard oneto oversee owing to its extent and distance spurt of the nations. We think the time bu fully come to con- sider a. management of the stations, melting Holstein and Knox and Amos and Fairbairn running motes. This would reduce the sum of the tnvelling considerably. However its none of our business. but in common with nanny others, we would regret to see tfel, Comphell leave this port. I SUCCESSFUL CAnsrvArs--The flvst fan cy dress Carnival of. the season Was held on Friday last in the rink here, and was very successful. A sleigh load or two came from Flesherton and Hanover. and hut for the indifferent sleighing. there would have been many more, We hope the band boys may met with success in this mild season. The prize winnels were: Ladies' Fancy Dress. Miss Vida McLachlan as "Summer Girl." Genta' Fancy Dress. H. H. Mock- ler as " Bassamo" in Merchant of Ven- ice. Girls’ Fancv Costume, Miss Mar- guerite Hutton, in a Turkish outfit. Boys’ Comic Costume. Robbie Saunders 'vea"dude." Boys’ nee was won by Allister Saunders. l 700 cotrvsmztsAvtutsreiuts Crossley and Hunter bade farewell to Mesferd last week after a. revival season of four weeks. during which the town had been stirred to its depths. and 700 converts declared their intention of leading the better life. Thev are now in Barrie where similar results are expected. \Ve think sometimes Durham would not he the worse of a. warming up, and as spec- ial blessings seem to have attended these men. why not invite them here ? They must be spoken for in time as they have many engagements ahead. Who will move? to put their foot down with tirmned against any such attempt to mumbliuh a drinking den within their bounds. Bee our large stock of new white. wear at B. F. Mo ockU. cut of the town line and adjoining Priceville. A licemo will then be ap- plied for, for Priceville on the Artem- esia side will be .. dry " after May lat. It this be correct there will benfine opportunity for the new Inspector and Board of Commissioners of South Grev, OUT " otrT.-- We no credibly In- formed that an etfott in being made by putiu in or new Priceville to purchue and tit out for a hotel the his residence at the " Highland Hills, " aleneht, just had the honor of playing With thun Rulings. the famous Scotch curler, and of course was on the winning side, CBP- turing rich prizes. 03mm BoNtmuas.-A letter mixed from Mr Jaa. A. Hunter, Minu.. after renew- beeing the Review and uying some kind walls of it, gins some psrtteutam to show that "Jim " is and will be amongst the curlers. H. van amongst the plnyen at the Duluth bonaplel. and Norrct--Ait who " signed the roll of S. G. Rifle ”so tion or intend to, are hereby request tn go before Police Magi-true J. P. for or other justice of the pence and t e the oath of allegience at once, FUR Urn L T -Between the Snug- een bridtte: an of town and Bones- cn corner. a taco akin mitt. Finder will oblige by le inn with Jun. Me- Queen. we " of th Middnugh Home. or it Don. MucFu-la e’a. Bunessun. Mr Wm. J. MacFarlane has dimmed ot his lGctriemithirst business to Mr Bell. of Wtslkerton, a. brother of Mrs Thos. Lauder. Mr Meir. intends going farming on the Allan farm on the 2nd. Owen Sound. sent I. deputation to wait on the Minister of Education to Toronto to trv to secure one of the three new Normal Ichools to be instil- uted in this Province. Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Grant Whittaker in the loss of their only child on Sunday last from the effects of bronchitis. It was a fear days over one Pear old. OYSTER SUPPER. ‘ourt Durham, No 446, C. O. F. will hol their annual Oy- ster Supper in Calder Hall on Friday. 22nd inst. Ladies 0 rdinllv invited. Admission 'diic Mums Y P',',ty1r.y,irt Wamn. --Appir at P. tdorioct's. Call in, boys. and tak hrrk at Flat. itr's new and up tp date' its. TORONTO iltrittt). I .After narrating the chief facts our) it: _').ijit'ii. ., £3133“ jj), ' friend proceeds : "The bride iertnmr'; r. 1'/e J " ' 'i) 7 ya . j Cr upon the arm of her father entered the , ' 'hr/s',"--))",?,,"-:-':..'-..'?,.,., / ' parlor and being suitably attired in _ / My , 'ttf-cp-sara")',) , M ' I:vhite silk. viilth C,11',' carnations in her‘, _ 'cj?.'-)"):' [fjii'e'i'iili'izicii,:ii'ji- //(;/:‘£ air was we wort y of all the edmir-i “We.“ 1oNNisi l/i (/gf/hry, l etlon which she received. As for the! "t 1.5:}‘Q “A; //’/.//7'::: Rroom. he never looked so well before. I Mc. V l ir, 5 'ii/i/ii,')',))',!,) Thus happily did these young people. can memJ lit 1:2; _ enter into the true spirit of St Vela»! 1 tine's Day in n moat practical and ntle- _ factory manner. Mr. Boyle in a It,',',",',',) Keelers Mammoth ing host. His is ever a hospitable home. I In the bountiful repeat prepared. in the J ll S warm welcome given. in the happy ' ewe er y tore union of friends the repetition of former ', Rebel occasions wee oheerved. An incl ld known to " go?“ for In". teresting program of “cred conga. "mend mum " be I the Pet epeechee. etc. wee eucceeefully cre-1't2"d pat: t bu?" availed! ted by Rev Mr McDonald, The eyryltll2'U'tl'f,'t2 'ruttt . “a or . pelted right " . ht lence of the meny gift; than the high pritse. We am” a" Dir 'otl,tftt esteem in which the young couple on We do [ell mm a"... m of the held. In come two week' Mr and In. Jewellery that is ”mm M... Waiter [Minghem intend journeying Come with the mud go ch. Buy to their own home where they will Shanon the Buy Corner. undertake a. there of the "eapoettribiiitr of moulding the life of our great Cen- ndian West. Needless to In}. the R. B. Keeler & ' sons but wisheeofthelr wide circle of Meade - All goods bought It Kaela". wll atteetdtheaoathertto. : ttotntrravesdfhreoresttLiii. " friend sends us an account of the I Ledintrham--Boyie wedding from which i we make an extract, a full account being already in type from GMscott,’ whit h see on page 8.--Ed.l I ,. ,,_._--- “I-.. ling that rolled up against them in Fleeherton, the home team won the re- turn game here Monday evening, with a. strengthened line-up over the former match. For the size of the village, Flesberton sends out at strong well hal- ancedteam, but the Durhams put up the superior brand of hockev. and with the advantage of knowing their own rink, 1 landed the puck in the nets over twice toonee for their opponente, Ot neat t team work their wnelittls, being largely interfered with Ire the posts up the centre of the rink. A new one for next winter, or at leaet a. remodelling of the pieeent rink, is the cry of the town.i Being renllv I new some to the my} jority of Durhamitea, brought out a] large crowd and with proceeds of $14.70 ' there will remain a email balance on‘ hand. Following is the line-up: ( DURHAM FLueaxn'roN a U. Burt Goal C. Ottowell ( W. Lavelle Point. Armstrong F P. Gagnon Cover Ed. Bentham I B. Moore Rover Abercromhy ; D. Munro Centre H. Boyd: P. Matheson Right Wing Richardson; M. Smith Left Wing W. Livingstone llill. Markdule. referee. I Celebrating St. valentine's Bay ’ Dr Jamieson, M. P. P. wee in attend. ence at the ennuel meeting of the Geor- l gin CemenlCo leet week. Keen canteen prevailed there a here, and the Doctor bee come home with the honor of being appointed one of the Directors. Thie plant declared e small dlvldond in Nov. ember and mother in January, though carrying: debt an large if not larger than the National. " thle had been done here " Director McKechme once proposed, it would have prevented . number from shsutrhterintt their chock who could ill "orxt the [on Pres. McW'illleme we: also in Georgie. end we were informed we: on the look. eut tor my hinte that would or could help in ranking the Netionel in env le- epect better. The very mild winter we are having will no doubt lead to in earlier re uumption of operations than usual. re- pairing " well advanced, and betun than all, orders are being leccived ll ready for aummor delivery. - ,,...- w -. -..- "u. , Board are holding their first meeting in l Durham, and we hope to be able next week to Rive at least some of the busi- ness transacted. Every man of them we believe is actuated by a desire to ‘ make the peopertv of the shareholders l more valuable and to see the mill thor. oughly tested in line with the declnr. ation of Mr Woods at the annual meet- ing, that the mill had never yet had " thence to show what it could do. Pres. McWilliams, we understand will take charge of the mill himself, more with a desire to raise it to a top-notch of excellence than for any salary involved. '; The personal oversight of such an ener- ‘ getic man of business. whose thought: l are all at home, who believes in thel mill and the sources of " supply. can- l not fail but attotxt a rosy prospect to the many shareholders who have invest. I edgood money in the Durham plant. The very mild winter we are buying l will no doubt lead to an earlier re- sumption of operations than usual. re- pairing us well advanced. and better Br the score of 13, AI we go to press to-dar the new Durham Won in Hockey. Cement Movements. ----iq----.-....-- =-rr. almost equal- Fur ereet ion at huetaker's residence on the Saugoen mt'rery proporl F. Plans and "peeiti ions to be sewn at tbe residence of th donizned. Ton- dere received up to h Murrh. Low- Q or any tender no resurily lawnm- Store nex titandard Bank. Durham, the best b inese stand in town tor general star will be arranged to suit (Hunt. H ed h; steam, electric lights. Appl l oN. clntyrc. A meeting oft e nharoboldors of the Durham Furnitu .00. Ltd. will he hold in the Town Hull the 21rd. at 8 p. m. when: statement, f the yesr’o orn- linm will be me tad. A hy-l ' o incmse the 50% t Directors. ith", to change the snnucl I .ting will he voted JD. A meeting of the Dmhum Lacrosse Club will be held in Darling'" Drug Stare this Thumdny evening, Feb. 22. for election of amt-era and other hud- nou. All interacted in fuuherinx Du r- Gru's int-roots in the National game MG invited to pe present. " The - for white you nu nomi- tuteu a e9rpenpo_ttdintt one for white h‘ll, both in felt and in lingerie. The white felt. will be worn late into the advanc- ine spring. The Nit is of the cum- an! valet, intmducod during the winter, 5nd the trimming Ibo“ when!" of tulle voluminomly planed. and curling tips Mat nestle above the ear."-i.trii 12ttr Lord in The Delinentor tor are . I Piquer are going to he worn. and they will be partipubsrlr smut for GGaiid flocks,' and also for separate cou- And wraps. The pique. thew War. ioue style. of cording. from very tine to verv huvy, and their tirtnnem, delight- the hearts of the ladies tailor. Eyelet embroidery shows to ndyunum- on pique. mther by itaett or in combination with mot ft of 'bsubr' Irish In”. Honcho or Danish entwork in 1100 used. and maniacs to be as popular u the 'h"u'lllJI of recent seasons. The high clan tailors n rt that white broadetoth, some um! if“. no in unprecedented demand. for simple wnlking autumn n for Visiting and driving. They advise their pun-om to select only high grade material, Immune the chamel- urn-lotion coil very much more readily. " Despite the free use of vivid colors. than will be in the inmmity. and the coming: season will be distinctively 5nd eluphatlclliy white. Norrcte.--Au ae cunt due to Mr Alex Gordon, vat/cam“ nod jeweler must. he settled on or tom, March s. It not on settled quota ill be invar- red nu they will he pinned i other hand. after that. due. Apply “the residence upper Luwn. Durban. I t.d% _r' "e - f7??? , t c, I} ' .,i V “ t k " m, - if; . " ,1 an tlllt.lh r' 1 l fit , 77‘}? W7, K 6 _ f)) . Itil ', 'ie, us: ' f ' y' 'ilii; aiiiii/i5iiii) l ' :7 47:13:. 'jfi 'N i " {/I/V/ _ Tll t"r J, 't' ia E - 'ii CK “311‘ . {I'm , r A». , h "A I , “.1le - I ll " . .,ji?;if:i ti5,ijtijeiii'? / , B, in ci1i'-i','?gSli'; , , 'ill), td The-c. â€" [r ll iQ ll Mo: I -au, J, t ig, “I; can» no... _ " it I ”I TENDE as WANTED. The Great w Life [mm-woe 00-- puny sell. eudo menu d other por. icies at I hswor ta, tt other com- ptnles. Ask for ur g: before you Insure. W. F. Du u. at. Norrct-A mo“ due to the late ttru: of Show and auburn mun he settled before mill cost; will he in- curred. ; Ilwo Hon , MIA-t as 6 room no! one 8 mm. H.. If rune and huh Apply to W Black. Don: ym patch ken, time P " not take it to TIM,') .. ke cu: (it. watch" Tn Walnut Fo‘urronl Co. Ltd. CHAS mums. Pun-n m Puma”. Your heighten”: M": outs. acriho yearn": or. If your migh- hor humor. yuan. kindly give him 3 gc-nue hint to and a. " nan». Suva you “hound unu- hlo and given hath homer Isth- faction. 86c tat the end of the year. Send all orders to A White The Review ,To REM. Don't Borrow Bahia AM) LRNAHAN. Notice 'olice. lads H. Bnuwx Durham ' Ont .. Gordon m1

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