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Durham Review (1897), 22 Feb 1906, p. 2

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" ll, "I tun not. saying it by way of com- tte', to my own people, but the truth that among men of educttion And good atamiing in London it is the west thing to hear one give went to an oath. You ”y lit in the club. for month nfter non”! and never hear a bluphemous word uttered. In fact, ”any in head h England only from 'he tips of tho "In at! vulgar. and, amino, 1 m nth: merprUed hr having not tm. - a. of "of“. urban. by Ant. ati- at the but. and: and!!!" N am fond of Americans, but I could like them even better if they would not garnish tlmir eorwersntiotm with such a “gratitude of prut'uuity," remarked Mr. Eilliet Searight, of Land”, at the Shorehaln.’ Instead of using a knife to cut marsh. malows into small pieces for the decora- tion of certain dishes, use a pair of scis- Iors. This is also a good method of em- ploy in cutting old-fashioned molasses candy. 7 Boiax is an excellent cleanser of milk bottles. After rinsing out the bottles fill them with clear water and add a. good teaspoouful of bomx. Allow them to atand for about an hour, when all cloudiness will have ditarpeaied. Never allow a take of fat to remain on the top of soups and stews. It makes them turn sour more quickly than they with -ta otherwise would; A Emallmtiff brush, such as artists use when paintnig in oils. is exeellent for brushing the dust from the crevices in velvet trimming and from between rib- bon folds. lf a Hamburg steak iggierved with a hot tomato sauce it will be most appe- USEFUL HINTS. Med dish towels should not be drop- s: into hot soupsuds until they have n washed first in lukewarm water. The hot suds sets the dirt. A few photographs have ben used by the Japanese army in lower Manehurid, largely through the efforts of the Young Men's Christian Association, and the Ioldiers have shown continued interest. Whenever the phonograph is in opera- tion there is always a. crowd of inter. ested soldiers who will not leave until the music ceases. A phonograph, gra- phophone or gramaphone' equipped with a Chinese record invariably attracts a throng. the limits of which indicate the zone of the carrying power of the instru- ment. Those reproducing the songs of Chinese actresses seem most popular. cure such a wide" range (siai-iii'ei"iii' eluding Bright's Disease, Rheumatism and Urinary Trpublea. I took in all twelve boxes, and now I am perfectly healthy. My pains are all gone and I am able to work. I heartily recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Disease." Dodd's kidney Pills always cure the Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys strain all im- Euritiu, all seeds of disease. out of the load. That's why Dodd’s Kidnev Pills- thmlitrht Soup ilibot'tor than other mpg but in but when and in the Sunlight. way. Buy sunlight Gap and follow direction; "2hen I started to take Dodd's Ku. ney Pills. and I took them all winter ma. 'ryn.merowltile.l was unable to work. New He's Perfectly Healthy and Able to Work-hives All the Credit to the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wapella. Assn" N. W. T., Feb. IP..-- (Special)---Cured of Kidney Mame that had laid him up for over a year, Mr. George Battleman, a well known man one, is loud in his praises of Dodd's Kid, My Pills, tor to them and nothing else he claims he owes His cure. "Yes, I had Kidney Trouble," Mr. Baruenmn says. "I had pains in my back and in other parts of my body and though the doctor did what he could for me,kl grew worse till I was unable to not . Till Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured his Kidney Troubles. HE WAS LAID ll? M OVER l YEAR negro. Joseph Weidman, a wealthy Viennese merchant. recently left Mohammed Med- lum, tlt young negro whom he had adopt- ed and educated. $35,000. Frau Weid- man has now died, leaving her entire for- tune, estimated at $400,000, to the lucky can; points with the national religion of . apan. There is one mad dog to every 27,000 Kople in Austria, one to ever 20,000 in once, one to every 100,000 in Germany, one to every 180,000 in England, and one to every 250,000 in Switzerland. Three' magnificent motor cars, each fitted with a dining-room and kitchen, Ire now running in the suburbs of the city of Pisa for the benefit of tourists, who are served with meals while travel- ing on the ears. The works of Schopenhauer no being translated into Japanese by a. young hpnneee professor " Tokio, who holds that Behoirenhauer'tr doctrines agree on Lionel Terry, the Englishman who thot In aged Chinnman in New Zealand to draw attention to a book which he note on the "yellow peril," has had his sentence of death commuted to imprison- ment for life. m woman own-m. bets st M Interest With s new” Flam. undo: has n Silence Club. The season's herring catch at Par- louth end Lowestoft totsls 610,tr98,000 The blind beasts of Naples have or- A divorce has been granted s Paris tom incense her husband wss too " hetionste. A football club has been formed in lustris consisting entirely of nobles. The world's, dancing masters in con- gress st Paris have demanded the sup- iression of frock coats for bridegroomU, Ind decreed that the French custom of Icing married in evening clothes must iecolne universal. The Paris Nitin, with French journal- stic enterprise, is publishing the memoirs of Marie Ando, the maid who accom. innied Mme; Merelli on her trip to Bahia with the nbscounding bank clerk, Gal- ny. Lionel Terry, the Englishman who Phonoguphs in Japan, American Profanity, Ms always cure the dneys strain all im- , disease. out of the Dodd’s Kidney Pills , , Justice is quick enough when it rally 3:." In“ to be. On Dee. an: I. negro in l “can: town near Little Rock committed In “qu: in ttte upon n white woman. He was ”mud " Mat HM immediately. placed on trlnl on Jan. I. m convicted on the same day. and mm m- I to ho based on Feb. 4. thirty-tin an - in it tow the erhrtq was committed. This I. - do. I qtrtt. to qtrte. " Inching, but it rud- Mt- - - II It. “In. h4- - _ Corean Minister and His Pay. (Corean Daily News.) The Conan Minister to Paris, Mr. Min Yungchan, who went to Washington to protest against the treaty, has wired for 1.000 yen to defray expenses. A. Mr. Megata now holds the purse strings Mr. Min has only n sporting chance of get- ting the money. Season for Tolerntion. (Boston Transcript.) Don't scold the youngsters it they take a much longer time to do an errand than you think is required. Being human, you can’t expect them to resist the temptation the shop windows offer. You can't resist it yourself. and you realize. possibly, that you are a little nearer perfect than moat of your friends. You are late these days at every appointment, even at keeping one with the dentist. because of the hoidupe the windows prove. Before one you hover. weakly promising yearn]! to be good at the next temptation and pass it with overt- ed eyes. But you break your promise; at the very next attraction you Itop and ed- :nire and “your journey up or down town I: I continuous perform; broken. Bo don't you an the next week or .0 be a to those lower than you righteousness.' Minard’a Liniment Cures Distemper, At the Robert Burns anniversary din. ner in New York the other evening. one of the speakers told of a friend of his who had just come bo this country from Scotland and moved into a. Har. lem flat. Said the friend to him: "I’ll no be able to bide in the ‘lmose there." "What's the matter, itU just as good - Luv ,7 ___ .. . . .. - This was the day and the end of Africa --qtrtd we turned im-From The Canal, by Elizabeth Washburn Wright, in the December (Christmas) Scribn-er's. "riiiiiioiiii'fi'i'l"i out like a ghost, and the mountains and the rocks and all the shore outlines stood out black and clean- cut. There was no more night after tht. We lay in a bay that was as smooth as a mirror and reflected colors like one. It was pink and peach and swimming gold, and all the air fresh and new and aflush with the morning. There were mountains faintly jagged against the sky with the moon slipping pale and dim behind them. While still she hung, cold and tttTty-loolcing, the mountain flushed at their base, and aver in Arabia the sun came rolling up. q their long necks to stare at the lights. [MoumfuL solitary-looking beasts they _ were. They crouched on the desert with i their knees folded under them, and we Just then our search-light dropped its hood and sent great fingers of light into the blackness ahead. Out of the south came another light, powerful and yel- low, but poking and peering in a helpless way like something lost. Then both lights vanished-and the trouble in the sky meant dawn. V Perhaps I slept. When I looked again we were in open water, with a low, sleeping town behind us. A melancholy spot with half a warm feeble lights. Suez it was. A cold wind struck acmss it and made me shiver. t We were four hours going through (thi's' little trough of water. And all i that time there was nothing to see but fills cold, dim desert and the empty, l low-hanging moon. Towards the end we sighted a watehdire--smau and lonely in the desert. There was an Arab near it wrapped and hidden in a long, trailing clonx. He sat with his chin on his knees and looked our way. Two camels hunched beside him, slowly chewing. They swayed It grew colder and the loneliness un- bearable. But vou cuuld not even think of sound. There was nothina but the night and the desert and they bound you and would not let you stir. t u for toe; 60 for 50c:100, 81:20). a; 600, $5: I" ditterettt. Largest 1nd finest noel II Canada: 600 mixed, 83: album. :11 who; _ R. Adam. Toronto. Ont. passed near enough to see them flap their scrubby little tails. But the man never moved. We watched him till he slipped out of sight. PICTURE POST cmbé, ENGLISH on Scotch. 6 for 15 cents. Dominion Sup- ply House, King street, Hamilton, Ont. l mam] by New Grand Trunk Pneitic Complny and other Canadian lines. We Ire "eeptiot1ally well prepared to train youn: men tor railroad operating Ind to supply competent graduates. Address Cantu! Tel- egraph School, 3 Gerrard street east, To- ronto. W. H. Shaw, president. WANTED, COMPETENT GORDON press feeders: wages $7 to :10. ac- cording to qualifications. Robt. Duncan Co., Hamilton. T ELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE IN DE- mam] he Nan Grand mm...» n.-|n,. Ieslan well; mdaGr, factory and trolley; ply quick. Write If. AGENTS. WE ARE PAYING LARGEST Cttmgnisttittntt or any comp.” doing an honest business; we mtututtteture the hill:- ost grade ot tlavorintr powders in America: you can make trom tive to Mx dollar, 3 all Apply to us for particulars, hunt; 1fy_turtuetuiiU Co., Hamilton, Ont. 111 ... Inuit-hi“) H'"""""} Themuarongtreen an “ententeeor- " lAND AGENIS dials" in fashions, says the London Ex- press. Parisian men can scarcely be dia. FARMERS wanted “1 over tanada " tinguished from London clubmen, arid the sums tor Western Csnadn land. All select- A smart Englishwoman is a. Parisiame to ed landl. Liberal commission. Audra: the tips of her dainty gloves. There he: now begun an interchange of civilitim in FARM LAN0S dofht't,itt'afitt . B li gto read , eGogoutritterin urm nu. e 2ir.Ltuelc_Ei.tet.ytyces, who waged a mild sensation at Christ- GENTS, WE ARE PAYING mom , mas time by displaying dogs' boots, tai- A commissions ot any company doing an liar-made coats, collars and foot-wtrrmeru, honest tl,',"',',",,; "0 '/"l'll'/herfrt, 1",',2t/l; in his window, is;now receiving orders at: Tff Jeu/et'rt,r,iy'pt"e,",,/g dollar, i 'Re tas ’for “smart twe.edsf . day. Apply to us for particulars, hunt: Th dogs coats made in Pans are a Innutwturing Co., Hamilton, Ont. littlp too fanciful and the French ladies @â€" whii own "bulldogues" have developed; a taste for tweeds and tshepherd's plaids MISCELLANEOUS. with which to dress their pets. They‘ [have discovered that even a toy "bull.. ACRES DAIRY FARM - FINE 'dogue" feels deeply humiliated at hav.. 1 1 1 buildings and surroundings; ar- , ing to appear in public in a bright scar- Lesian well; modern eaulnments: near suzar 2-; ___L .. . ... .. - - _ - . -" -. m. " " w w " continuous performance of promises _ Q- " -- a; M _ _ ' . . _ rhtypq WANTED} Speedy Justice in Ar“ Souvenir Post Cards THROUGH THE SUEi CANAL, Could Not Wag Its Tail. AGENTS WANTED. gon'} yoiCtitiiiil"roii aiiii"il"; " [AND AGENIS to be a hit hire. TirirGi equipments; neir Sugar owner going west; up- E. Shana. Berlin. Ont. In my the male oi in tl mum’s Limment Cum Diphtheria. htdiqttttahH, A Regard for Appearance. (Ladies' Home Journal.) A milliner endeavored to sell to a. cot. ored woman one of the last season’s hats at a. very moderate price. It was a. big white picture hat. "Law, no, honey!” exclnimed the mom» an. " could nevah van that. I'd look jea’ like a blueberry in n pan of mile."-- MANLY STRENGTH AND WOMAN- LY BEAUTY depend on purity of the blood. and much of that purity depends on perfect kidney filtering. It these orgasm diseased and will not perform their tune- tions. man will seek in vain tor strength and woman for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities through the body’s "tuterers"-reptu" weak tspota.--46. It Thompson brings his dodgers here Just keep his temper sweet, But do not print 'em, ’cause you know l He's nothing but a beat. And it you're writing personals 'Twlll do no harm to mention I'm in Toronto to attend The C. P. A. Convention. The Rural Editor's Outing. (Toronto News.) Now Jimmie, keep the ottiee clean, Mind what the foreman says, Do not indulge in any ot Your usual idle ways. It a. subscriber should pay up Just raise the office flag. The copy's In the lower drawer, Don't let the printers lag. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD’S LINI- NENT and it was as well as ever next day." -- The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says: "I consider MINARD'S LLNAMEST the BEST liniment in use. The Elan: on which Eddystone littht- house stun s is the smallest inhabited island in the world. At low water it is only 30 fAt in diameter, and at high water the base of the lighthouse, which has a diameter of only n. little over 28 feet, is completely covered by water. Address THE MBPWIN cn.. Windsor. Ont: Will rentore gray hair to Its natural color. Stags tal mg hair, causes to grow on ba d heads. cures dandruff, Aching and all scalp diepaaes. Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Not adye. Price " 'te)-" Introduce WI n mail 'trst order for so cents. com or postal note. Canadiziii Ham Restorer. HUME. The right of a. man to work if he de- " ----_------ sires to work and there is work for him l ITCHING! BURNING SKIN DIS- to do is fundamental. If that freedom is BASES CURED FOR THIRTY-FIVE assured in the mine regions there needi , . . be little uneasiness about the result of : CENTS.-Dr. Agmrw's Ointment relieves the threatened coal strike. Should it I in one day, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, come there are two ways in which a coal a Wald Head, Eczema. Barber's Itch, Ulcers, strike may be broken. One is by the es- I Blotchers. and all eruptions ot the skln. lt ttiblishrnergt in net as well as in law, is a soothing and quietlug and acts like of the right of the individual to work magic in the cure or blby humors. I'6e.-47. unmolested. The other is by the consent ----_- ""‘ of the people to an increase of $50,000,- I No Such Article For Sale. 000 or so in their annual coal bill. WNW nu Damian...“ t 3 let coat lined ‘with satin, and pro- vided with a pocket from which peeps a tiny handkerchief. A growing business is being done in '. waterproof boots for dogs, and also those [stick-up collars and ties which look so I well on a smart pug. Cash or, Cure Smali li'reddie-hG,art but as I for. got my promise, I won't hold you to yours. Stern Parent-Freddie, didn't you pro- mise me not to play marbles again? Small Freddie-CY) sir. Stern Parent-And didn't I promise to whip you if you did? DOG FASHIONS. Waterproof Boots, Linen Collar: SHILOH Ifit w'am't I we me. this of: would not be made. cu anything be him P If you have I Cold. Cough. r disease of the Throat, Lungs or A3939. try If Shiloh' Comma . a Cure fails to cut your Collar Cowman get buck all yo: iyidfstit. You are sure of n Cure or Coal Strike Considerations. Smallest Inhabited Island. per bottle. All dale: “Lam's; Yours very truly, x. G. McMULLEN. Freddie Satisfied, 3t3 tteaiuii oiGuiGtuiii%t iarGer' Little Ned In out to the poet office one any to get the null. The poet ot8ttNt was {In of people. no the little follow we: not netted, When he and for the In" the If John Barleycorn knocks out a. prize fighter at 42 at what age will the busi- ness man throw up the sponge to the great champion , We are told that Bots Fitzsimmons was not a. drunkard. He was a steady drinker. Few business men are drunlmrds, but many of them are steady drinkers. A business man may go on for years drinking steadily, and if tho punch in the stomach in the shape of unforeseen difficulties does not come he may pull through. But who can say when it will come or that it will come at all I Is it possible that the business man has a better chance to survive the punch than the pugiiiett Sir Patrick Keith Murray has pre- sented to the nation an old cushion on which the crown of Scotland mated. and it has been placed in the jewel room at Edinburgh Castle. The cushion has been in the Won of the Keith Murray family since the marriage of the late Sir William Keith Murray, eighth bar- pnet, to the heiress of the but of the Keith Madgehaza and who thereby be- came owogt of Dunottu Cutle and Ravclstoq Hume, near Edinburgh. TORONTO The Law’s Delay. I J. Noble Ilayfs, of the law’s delay com- mission, says the New York Times, at I. 1 recent meeti g on this subject told the ! following airy as illustrative of the eoodition existing in some of the courts l to-day: "Not" at int," said the tiroditor,. "well all be too busy on that day." "Well," saifMr. Fox, "raiher than put you to any inconvenience we'll make it the day after." Ii Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, "Are you fox hunting or hare hunting this morning, gentlemen?" he asked. "Come now, Mr. Fox," one of them called up, “tell us when you are going to par that bill. Just set a data and we will leave you in peace." "All right," was the reply; "how will the day of judgment suit you?" "Charles James Fox, the famous Eng- lish advocate of a generation ago, and his secretary, Mr. Hare, who lived with him, were both noted for their impecun- iosity, and their creditors spent much time in dunning them. One morning be. fore daylight there was a violent ring- ing at, the door, and Mr. Fox, going to the window, found a group of creditors "No II" (or you." "Nd run he.» and m m “up a few nights the B flat playc‘r found the valves on his comet had stuck. He wrote to the factory asking what kind of grease to use on the valves. The house answered him saying that comet players used only saliva on the valves and never used any grease of any kind. The B flat player then wrote.. "Gentle. men: Please send me 25 cents‘ worth of saliva. I ean't get it at the More here. Inclosed please find stamps for payment." His reply has not yet been received. No Such Article For Sale. (Perry, 0k., Republican.) After the newly organized band at Morrisop Aad, ‘dcs'iftsd_ fryn pryrtiee for i Returning a Sivege Verdict. New York is nothing if not imitative. It apes Perle without the wit and hrllliency ot the French capital. It imitates London, but succeeds in reflecting only the cheap and mtyretrItyioutr. A sapheud with a cane and monocle is the most popular ideal ot man- hood in New York. The whole town is one glaring gilt-lettered beer sign. It has hardly any home ,llie to speak of, and whet is spoken ot is not mentioned in polite society. it is a parasite among cities. living upon the industry of the country at large. It you doubt it consider the recent disclosures of how its captains of nnanee have waxed tat upon ill-gotten profits gained trom burglar- ious use ot the people's money. Its munici- pal government is a synonym for corruption the world over.. It is not only wicked, but degenerate. Its daily conversation is the gossip of the red-light district. it warships wealth, however gained. There can be no saint on money that New York can not con- one. Early Bin! Catches the Worm, Equally good with hard or soft water. John Barleycoru's Punch. by the denier from w h o In {on buy Ban. ight Soup if you and my e I u I a f o r complaint. [Mu Roland“ tttttC' An Historic Cushion. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the qriAsutht.,t way. - Broth.” Limited. Toronto A pessimist "is a man who loves him- self for the enemies he has made. In some society a round of drinks make a may pqunre. The boy thought hard for a minute and then gave this description, which would be hard to beat: "It's a donkey wearing a. football jersey!” - - - -‘ 2e,aet,"pt'er.a,tBgtot,tt"teeetan--.. I'm: de-tres. we!!!” and free lump]; 11.3.an line”, ae c '_-r--------,--:""-' "Now, my lad said the teacher. Removes 111 Hard, soft or allowed lumps and blemiahes from homo, .blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone. sweeney stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one hot: tle. Warranted the most wonderful BU. missh Cure ever known. ENGLISH SPAVIN LlNlMENT Conmience money is turning up with I frequency of inc that would indicate that the world is becoming better. A man walked Into the Atchlson office ot the Pacific Ex- press Company the other day, Ind, tossing a silver dollar on the counter. sol-l: "I Ins- overpaid that amount on a money order nearly 11 yea ago, and it has been gnawing at my flesh ever since. Never mind my name; just keep the money 1nd forget it." With that he went out. Next thing we know somebody will pay n railroad beans. ho once rode on a pan. "I had valvular disease ot the heart," write. Mrs. J. s. Goode, ot Truro, N. s. "t cut- terred terribly and was often speechlenuni partially paralyzed. One dose ot Dr. Ag- new’s Cure for the Heart gave me relief, and before I finished one bottle I was able to go about. To-day I am I well wanna. Drugs Prom Germany. According to the Berlin Export, the total exports of German drugs, dyes and chemicals for the ten months ended October, 1005, amounted to about 1,022,- 400 tons; imports to about 1,200,000 tons. Increases in the amounts ex rted occurred in the following articles: potas- sium cyanide calcium chloride, chlorate, manganese chlorate. bromide prepara' tions, aniline dyes. acetic acid, ammonia. FIBRE WARE mucus m M, 1ttil) Basin or " M ""Gnfmyutkiiiii'" Fizz For Correct Answers to this Puzzle FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN SPEECHLESS AND PARALYZED., IERITST’ LEM? “WISE? OITlEBII msm‘ ON name supruan THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Gnawing Conscience in Kansas. (Atchlson Globe.) An Oriental Definition, vou WILL ange Blossoms lad, describe the zebra." “kimono-vb "In“. B. ED DY'S FIND THEY GIVE YOU SATISFACT “IRY TIME humid - pen-Ion who groves that Magus” cont-.m- any in: u r I o u I chemimlu or any tom: of .rlutter:ttioe. $5.909. to a.diu%a7GGikTi"aTelhety'ee'1"y Pe_erdttrsiiTiaa 1r1'efsh1'Alr'3,11t 'll'l1l'ghWti'ft.t, nmxfl-‘fifi-‘F;m“~£ ef. I your min on. a,“ - u " - a... hi . a. 'tthte- g ','ll'.atNttt “3""...0” mom” h" 'eefreaiBo"FihGi I“ 1ttitit.'lr:at Mew Junk. I . 'ii,i'ith't1oefAelrrfz'ltkt,5ti 33-h m Pdtrt, - are"! 2 than» ae.'. WI'ah"t.'iri" qrhetE tnt,tr2 7mm opouo tho Pun." I I aft“. litt Pa't GTAl='lra'lffWat't .u m m b “a - - um- _ will _ H- ".L2rC"'C'",-"e9 T"."".'"-. Tum LetCte-krGiiaGTi, gnu-um wimpy“. will 9.22m we? WITH """l'1', Work: But Father. (C evelnnd Lender.) “Please, sir, will you give a dime to a poor orphan t" "Home it is, sonny. In your father dead t" "No, sir. He's de orphan. Di. money'- fer hint." Minud's Liniment Cum Colds, Ete. Church-You say his boy h in col- leget Gotham-Oh, you. “I: he interested in the future of foot- ball, do you know?" "Oh, yes, indeed." "What position does he filly?" "Oh, he doesn't play It ntl. He's studying to be n "rgeonP---Yonker. Statesman. Spunking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional aune for this trouble. Mrs. M. SUM. MERS. Box it, Mud-or, Ont., will eend free to any mother her succeuful home treatment, with full instructions. Bend no money, but write her todny if your children trouble you in this wny. Don't blame the child;tliechenceeoreitcnn’t help it. This treatment also cures adults 1.e,tyitdptotie troublet} with urine dif- ficultfés 5y any ol - "Tutu not so bad. She an: given my, wasn’t she t" "What wan the matter with it?" de. mnded the editor, "Well, her nuns h Gratis, but you pn’rLted " Gntin.”_ - “I have come," said the old aubseriber, ‘to oompluin about your report. ot my delrlytet's 'wodfing." LES8mttl6.-'rhe hopeless heart sickness tint. settles on I nun or woman whom nerve- aro "attered by “nae cm best be pictured in comm! with I patient who has been In the "depths" And bu bun drag- med from them by South American Nervmu. George Webster, 92 1'33th Ont.. says: “I a?" my lite-to it. Everything one tin ed to mgre."-44 ed. In “of, the heart will be enlivem-d on one had by the blood traversing n and on the other by the oscillations in pressure, which not in a my mlmnls to what h“ hen called heart massage. The fact that in this novel Wm. his lung! are filled with blood at tho same time inspintion occurs is of the highest importance, u it greatly facil, itateo the exchange of gums. Sumenfnl result; can thus be obtained Avert in case. when both spontaneous mspira~ tiou and action of the heart have can» Ipnce left between the body and the shield and which tit inclosed air-tight. the air in cltenntely drawn out and forced in by - of suitable my irnttK Now, this shield is plat-mi than the abdomen and the lower pan of the thorn, no u to cover as with i bridge the {whole of the former, wlniu, the tightened edge in mule to post on resisting, pm; of We body. Jn the The emu-neu- consists " a. lab-m; united shield fitted with flexible cr- union which an be fitted air-tip” on ita edge, while to convex part my tie- an aperture te. which u tube mm level mm W to: the in Manual. A novel lpllttlll designed for a. in "animation has been and, it in and. wipth lume- by . Hung-rim scientist. Thin it tantrum” by the use tl' nttdominal I . o ouch " in shown m the map-lying illustration, repro duced from the Scientific Americuv, TWITCHY HUSCLES AND SLEEP, BETIER THAN SPANKING. snows EVERY T-na " mm “THING Right] y Named. Interested. '.h.91ettto- 'ellll,t'A'ar ION the bodf and the i. 1906 A Kan! Rel " 1 and Men Will to Receive Re id Notice. tit aft mm of Panama, pot".. ombrpfilg ll Coal Men Imn: BOHISidesan tbtratatsaad Media fUll I) WILL SHIPPI Miners Hal NEH “Id fo

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