West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Feb 1906, p. 4

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‘.' A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed ,t enrrem rote: SAVINGS 3.185 -nterea allowed on savings bank deposits of all!) and up- wards Prompt attention and every facility, afforded customers living ata distance. J KELLY, Agent. AGENTS in all principal poutta m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United Stains and England. The Cutters are of the Brock- ville make, best of their kind, and a 1 price that meaneaaaving The Sleigh: are the well-known Bain nuke. in greet uriety, " prices that are right alll)llll) BANK AA (llllll)ll W. F. COWAN, President. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. DURHAM AGENCY All the implements of this lemons tirm's make are kept on hand, Just now we want l0 talk to you about SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERtr. The Perforated Drum. only in the + Raymond, Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. CUTTERS and SLEIGHS CA PTAL. Authorized . . . . . . "8?/MWn Deming J1? anaesters iuirihWi,,Yuid up........... '1;000.0I.u ESERVE FUND ......-.... 1,000,000 In Shop West of the Mid- daugh Home. lllltutylltrris Agency Head Office, Toronto. To make room in our Shoe Department, we are cl ing all odd lines at cost and less than cost. We are receiving daily large consignments of New Goods which we have passed in stock and ready for your inspection. Wen) John Mum Wen) Shtshams, 7/9112 Chumlsrays, 'ew dhuvns d Prints, 'ea, &tirtotgs, Welt) 'd"itamtettettes, 'Gotmrlliztgo, 'ea, 'thitét0eer, Weady~ AMyear Walk“ TVe can give onlv a were list of ourgoods, but In quality and ad» mhilily to the needs of South (art-y we are not excelled: Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, licney’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned anticlns. fair pl ices $5017.22. (31arh. which we consider to be the best values we have ever shown. Also Wilhelm's writtRers, all made by “735561: of Ayr. The best In their line as we handle only the best. NEW GOODS - -- “.. J??oots and (thoes .... - ... Cash aim Ono Prvre. Sisqnd Warm Maahinery. - I but. red and any. 606. 150.! on BI 1itttt In sod "VI no. . .t'.ty.tf..te.l . .ttf.. .. . ' .ggh I Man's Cardi-Jaertrets.........qt “Oh 5A Ml Ila. of the BEST GROCERIES ;THE i'B/G W. H. BEAN V- soo"' ual for keeping the skin SMOOTH, SOFT, and WHITE at all seasons. It entirely removes and prevents all ROUGHNESS, RED- NESS, CHAPS, IRRITATION, TAN, etc. It is unequalled as a SKIN TO- NIC as well as an EMOLLIENT. “The Gem of Toilet P reparations. " Bod Comforters. 60x72 ist,tst $1.25 9: Pharaoh“. Blankets large 1134. 1.20 pr Honeycomb Wool Shawl. in white, tJe', sooW Parker's Drug Store The best vnlue.--one price toall 'orlock. 60‘ch 1 Dont {want the Big 4. A tew doors South of the Middaugh House, P at up only at ':,,,1s,i:v,jj,.' ' $66369? PRICE 25c. si, Calder": Block BE It has no eq- ear- SELLS CHEAP Mr Fred Kellv In home fl om Toronto for a few day. this week. DEVELOPING 14lUaENIA.--.Aetual work has begun at, Eugenia Falls looking bs wards the development of the water- power there. A tunnel 8 feet; high, 11 feet wide and 800 teat long is to be bot. ed through the rock, giving a. head of MB feet A concrete steel dam, 43 feet high will be built across the river above the falls proper. partment of lands and mines ', amen.d.- ing and consolidating the liquor ll cense act ; amending the volunteer land grants act; revising and amend- ing the railway act; the street rail- way act and the electric railway act ; amending the agricultural and am not; amending and consolidating the several acts relating to companies ; revising and Amending acts relating to public schools, and the acts respect- ing the departments of education "s rs- specting the university of Toronto; and tht,t'tigi;f,',',' '."litlrg,t't7, re- venue act, 1 , provi ing for the tax- ation ot railways and amendments to the mining laws. hh Wm. Laidlaw was in Owen Sound this week and w... a. guest of Mr R. H, McWilliams. Mrs Jas. Carson was brought home Tuesday from Fergus hospital. still in delicate health and her condition is calming bee friends much anxiety. " Those who will not take the trouble ot planning to arrange to take in the entertainment on Friday night 23rd inst, will certainly have some- thing to regret the rest of their lives. Come and hear Mr McEwen speak. " Messrs C. Keeler and w. Kearney vis- ited Chatsworth friends, Sunday. Mr Will Swallow returned Tuesday to Toronto and will shortly go on to Winnipeg, ' Min Kate McCormaek, Aberdeen. left Tuesday for Toronto, on a visit of a week to relatives. Miss Dick left, to attend the whole- salemdlinery openings in New York, and will no doubt return stored with the latest, styles. Mr John Cliff was in Owen Round this week, and in company with Mr Mewilliams, was shown through the works of the Imperial Cement Co. MARCHMBNT-ID Durham. onTuesday, Feh. 20, to Mr and Mrs Waller March- uxent. aduughler. McLEAy--In Bentinck, on Teesday 13th FeLrunry. to Mr and Mrs Duncan Mo. Lean, a son. MrLNE.-- At Louise, Bentinck, on Mon.. day 12 February to MI and Mrs A. A. Milne, a son. HAsTrE.-In Snlhvan. on the 5th inst., to Mr and Mrs Donald Hastie, a daughter. McINTosH.--In Holland, on the 15th inst., to Mr and Mrs Alex McIntosh, a daughter. RowE.-In Mt Forest, on the 12th mat, to Mr and Mrs Ernest Rowe. a. son. wrLsoN.---In Proton, on the 12th inst., to Mr and Mrs Wm. Wilson, udaugh- ter. Budget from Blyth'a Corners receiv- ed as we are nude up. We make room for the following item. Among the measure! that will be submitted during the present session of the Legislature will be respecting county councils; respeeting the de- Mr H. H. McKague, traveller fur W. J. Gage Co.. was in town Thursday on his semi-annual round. Mr Jas. Brown. who has been visiting at bin mother's, near Crawford. return, ed Wednesday to his home in West. hope, N. Oak. Mr. Henry Cameron ofthie town lately acting manager at Neepawa. Man., has been appointed to the full mtsnagerehip of the Merchant! Bank at Shoal Lake, Man. Inspector Campbell has been tronfin- ed to his room for a couple of weeks with an illness following an attack of the gripper. Heis under medical care and we hope to see him around soon. The Review will at any time be pleas 0,1 to receiveitetns of a. personal or soc- ial nature, but if sent by note or letter must be signed (188. guarantee of grad faith, the signature of course not for publi ca l ion . Mr H. B. Miller, M. P,, is expected to address the association some time the week following. BArtKMAN.- In Bentinck, on Friday 16. Feb. 1906. Mrs Barklz‘an, (mother of Mrs Geo. Hutton.) WmtrAKrrR,--In Durham. on Bundav, 18 Feb. 1906, infant son of Mr and Mrs G. Whittaker, aged 1 your, 16 days. M ILLmAN.--1n Bentinck, on Monday. 19th Feb. 1906, to Mr and Mrs John Milligan, a daughter. WANTED; ”Chic-co whole-1e home. wee bl mus? to: and: Home. In Pte "Inrt m "Pqe., - - . HetyP1etyftee., .1}!!!- qtterd-ftttt "W Eiidisaiiita -- riitiCTatiiFiaiGri rG'a"i"ak: tlttlta'rgtg'2,d,'ata1ttt,i “In. "Ami""--.'-'.'." I; --- Work for the Legislature. Blythe's Corners THE DURHAM REVIEW BORN -0-.. DIED Matrimonial felicity experienced many diC1eulties in the early days. llev. Dr. Stewart of Kingston was the only regular clergyman trom the Lower Province line to Kingston. Sighiug sweins were com. pelled to wait for months and in some cases for years before the golden oppor- tunity presented itself. To obviate lb 3 [ difiiculty, in many msttu1ces, magistrates, icolonels. majors miinisutn and surgeons consented to perform the ceremony. By _ the Act of 1783 theru, irrigulur marriages livers eoufirmtsd Public opinion rapidly changed in favor of conferring the right I to marry upon ministers of all denomina- tions and in 1798 an hot was passed ( “hicli mode it lawful for the minister of _ any congregation professing to be a mem- _ her of the church of Scotland. the Lath. eran church. ore. Colvsnistic church,lo marry according to the rights of such church. By I clause of this act the _ clergyman was compelled to appear at the Quarter Sessions, prove his oitieo and take his oath of allegiance. It will be observed thst. by this Act. the Methodists and some other denominations were treated with contempt by the authorities at that time ruling the province. In some in- stances the ministers were not disposed to quietly submit to the unjust law. Elder Ryan and the Rev Mr Smith. Ryan’s sou- iu.lsw both performed the ceremony. Ryan was in consequence benished from the Province. but was pardoned Sin th stood " trial, acted as his own lawyer and got free. Justice was at Lat done by. the Act of 1881, which in addition to the churches named. made it lawful for the remaining orthodox denominations to solemnize matrimony, sfter buying ob. tained certificates from the Qusrter Bes- sinus. In May, 1814, the government appointed five persons in the province to issue msrringe licenses. the paint in Eastern Cousds woo Cornmdl. Before this, notices of the intention of persons to marry were posted on trees " the road. slde In order to keep it secret. the portion most interested would often take them down. The costume of the bride did not consist of s fsncy hot. kid gloves and s " dress. But the most complete wsrdrobo consisted of s homespun dross. deer skin penicoots dyed blue train the but of the soft maple end . squirrel skin I bonnet. " my instance bride and: bridegroom mounted the some horse sod l rode swoy. quits homily to the noorost Wrote. The honeymoon vasomo- tinos his: to o vehicle node by sowing the wheels in he or] at s loop loo. I!" on onto 1'tfltAUTl nigh-go: aee. And they lived MM The axe ot the Whitney government has been busy throughout the country. but as far " South Grey is concerned there has been little to complain of. At last however, a notable chenge takes place. the Globe of Monday an- nouncing that Mr Thus Davis. of Glen- elg, succeeds Mr Thus A. Harris as License Inspector for South Grey. While w :must admit there has been no unseemly haste in dismissing Mr Harris. " it was often predicted would be the case, yet it turnishes an instance of the evil effects of partyism, which too often traerifieeg a good servant slmp ly because his political color is not right. We are by no means saying nor insinuating that the new incumb. ent is not wurthv, for we have no reas- on to think so. bat it is certainly not for merit or neglect of duty that the old one is dismissed. About twelve only of the old set remain and it is ab- surd to suppose that the wholesale dis- missals were " cause. It is of no use hiding the fact. the spoils svstem is in operation in Canada as well as in the States, and both parties have stooped to adopt it. We congratulate Mr Davis on his ap- pointment, showing his influence and standing in his party. and have no doubt he will, by faithful and eflieient service, Ree? up the record of " pre- deceswr in bouch Grey. --The British Parliament was open- ed on Monday by King Edward in person, with the usual brilliant cere- mun.es. The speech from the throne isregareed as the most. radical ever given. is W. K. McNaught, Pres. ofthe In- dustrial Association, his opponent being ex minor Urquhart. The latterisa most capable man municipally bnta Toronto seat usually gees Conserva- uve. --The Ontario House, opened las week with the usual cclat and thist week wid be getting down to busi, new on a good program in which edu- cational matters promise to bulk large- IV. The country will welcome a ful- filment of Premier Whitney ’s promise of bringing important matters down early in the session. and thus get the air clear 'or the meeting of the big parliament in Ottawa on March 15. --Sir Wilfred and Lady Laurier Ir 1n Toronto this week, and are being feted and honored to their hearth con- tent. We presume more so. The premier as usual has made some tell- ing speeches. --Hon. G. W. Ross has declined a nomination to the Senate, a decision that will add to his popularity, for without doubt his presence on his old fighting ground will and interest ID the debates, and be gramyinz to his own side of the House. none too plenty in forensic talent. A keen contest is in progress in North Toronto, a vacancy caused by the retirement of Dr Beattie Nesbitt on his appointment as Registrar of North Toronto. The Conservative contestant TOPICS OF THE WEEK Change of License Inspector. Some Bits of Local History. TORONTO tiltracl_ahur., c. 3...”. “mm; Shame- mum enters: gougin- term . We“ hun- eQlly,',','l8,'fh"llillt."it1ta','gt'tt Allhl'/A% .ttryetimtomt,rrsakirtgitaiirit' dour-.mp1”. Sn" and Equipment. The school is thoroughly uirped In teaehi obillty In chemicolond chemo. magnum “(if any, 'dis."," for full Junior Leaving on Immo- tion work. The following competent M on in Charge t t ”3,11% Stlth',tg2e Stt,ttt olfluf1"g to enter runny work. f those s,'tt,ttrtttrt.tysc4gitt . w"; tack Jd? in , ii iiinCirirttiiii," GsjGiiafiiGiriGG"'ii'r, ',Xal2lll End women. Semi-Me moms for m3 dlpu'tmont and u separate duh for out: pupil with plenty of pelican] help. Full punculsn Ient free to my “dun. Adda-s '. c. A. mm. Pun There are some useful articles in our Store for the women, that have to be enquired after, as it is im- possible to have all our goodsso that you can see them when eu- tering store.. No woman should be without one of our BREAD MIXERS. Ask your neighbor about. them. No home is complete without one of our GEM FOOD CHOPPERS. They ate the kind you have been reading about in your magazine. Oar combined LAMP GLASS CLEANER and CORK FULLER is selling tast at 5e each. Four complete courses of study, suited to the needs of :11 chases of young people, , Th B n Co no for you men te,'sir't'ststes htMtt $003 bushes. m5. to qu ity them to do bus nest for themulvel And when. This course 5 ml tome biz-Ina: mun. the farmer or the pole-noun mm, 3100 Int clu- prepnntiou for young people who with to gonna omce work. Why injure your hands sert1bb.irut when vou can bay a sell-wringing MOP socheap. - We always have some WIRE DISH CLOTHS and have sold a great many lately. Buy one of our $1 BAROMETERS FOR 25c, and you will always know what kind of weather we will have. Have sol, seen our POT SCRAP- ERS? They are the latest. Call and examine them h t Iefylte' 1t_osht"t'o"t'Mogiettttd 'lute We have the following goods to clear at the following prices : Tweed Gaps. regular price 500.. now 350 Gitls Boots. '. SUI). " 50c Boy's Boots, " $1.25. " 7iie Remainder of our heavy coarse rubbers at, reduced pluses, Women's Dongola Shoes. patent leather toe caps at $1.50 to $2.25 per pr. Men's Split Bluchera! i .. Kip a6 All In All b6 Dong 66 rightE New " Dong Oxfords prices; Goods C. NICARTHUR WINTER TERM AT THE .QMIMMMM Durham School mos. ALLAN, m th'asscertuhnte, mum mes L. It. mans, B. A., Chili“. Modem ma English. MISS H.038“: chEBBACH run We“: and that! yen amuse“; Queen's Univ“: . Ede-Ice. gm, Ind my“, Begins Tuna-y. Jun. a, 1906 Any umount of good butter wanted. BI ing it along while prices are good. Do you want Jewellery or do you want Dry Goods? Now as I keep nothing else but strictly highclass Jewellery, I am in a position to look after the needs of the town in that respect. I therefore come before the public a stranger to most of you but not a stranger in the business as you will find from experience by dealing here. Diamonds and Jewellery Watch maker, Jeweller Optician. 'ercy G. A. NEW FOOTWEAR HARDWARE Facts For Purchasers W. BLACK Strictly High-Class talisman-dun... Webster and F Prevent i Chapping FEBRUARY M, ' Nn't Suffer o . ' From Piles t It's true Liqu pi Ine a battle. manufactured only by Dr. Tam; Medicine Co.. Markham. May be had of JOHN ECKHARDT. Buttes! J. M. FINDLAY. Dromore from Lyman Bron, Toronto. Matthews & Latimer Tefft’s GREEN OIL THE RELIABLE GROCERY l.§‘~&s.ss‘oass§~0 " Ogilvie's Royal Houuchold ,, 15 Ladies 6kirs. . .to clear Skirts were $3.50 for $2.75 Shittwere 4.00 for 3.10 Skirts. were 5,00 for 4.00 CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGISI‘S Mid Book-sellers This oil ls used only extol-only and is good tor Hus. 2ttppiua, New ll. Hm, Armies Poms. f‘hilbhlm, 5‘13“th and trtift Joints, o d Sou. Meet of the Llp. Bore Muscles. clumped Hands, .9teutpatism, Ream, (lures Hons of Thrush. Shoe Bulb. Son Shouldm. Benches. Cute, ind Swelling: of all kinds, swollen udder on cousin!» Wine Cum. HM in store and is prepared to supply you from hill stocks of Groceries. Fruits, Confec- 2rrdi, and Flour and Feed. and t Celebratd CLYDE' DALE STOCK FOOD Ind remedies than on Mad. FLOUR 85.25 per bbl. Cull only it is going that. CA RIPS Pl LE CURE Skin chappinu in much mono common during the winter months' than " should hr. We often wonder M. people being so ctuvUtm of their comfort. even though they [any be inditNrettt m then- uppenruncc. There is nlnsoluuly no nerd of suffering with Bore, chap- ped rkitt. ble the me of vou can ked p your skin in I .oft, healthy condilion all winter. Ftost Cream ion. 1otionof exocplimml qualities. Not only will it prevent clmp piie,ltut if the skin has been "neglected and is rough, ul- tioned and more it willquuly heal and restore it to in natural softness. Price 250. [Us true that piles are ol - urinate and nature lo lr, cured by any ordinary rem- edv--yott [womanly know mat by exp"erietioe---hut in not an ordinary remedy. You‘ve tut, to uw it a mall time to he wholly cured. Though prompt m "ttect n is harmless to um. Relief " experienced from the first application. As we guarantee Carr‘s Pile Cure to give entiie satisfy-- tion you: monoy will be Prompt“ and cheerfully n- und ed if It fails. Price 2.30. Mena, Bore and Chil- dxeu'. Suits and Oven tiou FOR MAN OR BEAST New in the time to buy your Winter Goods. We lie Idling all " reduc- ed Prices. FROST CREAM ,MOWO$? prepared by it ttitnihtr redne- GRANT. ', Bum-sum ‘. or gt w fa H When FEBRUA it! It (c "Th (W's' l)Al L'd

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