West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Feb 1906, p. 5

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, 1906 "Co. - EN on. - RANT. SALE FURS atimer 3.10 4.00 by Dr. May he Man or " When You Feel A Cold Coming Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes These will Lmuk out any urdinury cum while you Wail. " they do no! give saris- faction, we will refund the 250. tair, it med. dot-tori" Htmey for 25c. It is the best cough cure we ever ltad---plensnnt to take ~u an" ulllerd cum AT _ ' " it you thertatt of you. 3ou can’t c t II ha: to run its (hulw thrn. lt you w m the l1. st Cut tr-a-Cold-in-a-Drs?' Tablets gr t on, FEBRUARY M. 1908 he celebrated Imperial Compound Syrup of White Pineniuayptal and Don'tldelay: Knock it out first thing. Cllllli?haiarraiadit,Nbmauar-ee, Sale 'itrii6reW2.truF,? Eg, s,ss,iiss,,s,as,ai, “a!" 1tra Gi" "iaaakagyiiiygsgL2ss,:s'; ”The 2lyitiirear'Ngq;r 4lGlrear:ilicairataig; on DA It LINGS. To reduce our stock We are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our Warerooms-----one door South of the Post Office. v, hmhpr it in one of the (lnmm- snrt or just a. tmnporary " ",C. rr wnx'rr.n_r '13: LET run}. You ran get at our Stu-e- Have You a Cough? Burham Furniture Go., Ltd. The People's Druggists i It is extremelv important to remember ithat advanced eonsumptive patients who fan able to go shunt perhap~ able to work {at their calling in the ot1ier, or factory. I when ignorant or careless! runstitiue the ', greatest danger to health at cannmnnitv. IThey mud. be oniiuiilermi M the must fre. Ltlllhun cunmuf infection. The carelens. Hgnnrunt or helpless consumptive when ‘ciint'inod to bed c-ui do little mute than in- [ feet his room, but the advanced patient :zthle to Follow some calling: can II he is i tsure/rss, scatter 7 000,000,000 bacilli [ Of all tuberculous patients. he should l a ‘most carefully instructed and should be most Jenny, impresueil with 'he fact that lourelessuess in the disposal of the sputum l is danueruus to him-eel.r in well as to his l neighbors. I As yet people gamer-illy have not been (educated up to the print at which they lure willing to carry and use a pocket fhurk or cardboard purse. L'erne desirous to 1 conceal their condition. they are extremly l reluctant to do anything which would cull l txttentiot4to their iuiirmity. Some war less llikolv to cause remark [DUNS be found. I Probably the Met that can be dune in the imezummeiq to suggest that tuberculous men should have two pockets lined with l some materal whice can be easily cleaned land that they should carry 11] line of these ‘pockets very cheap handkerchief: or hits l of cheesecloth or other cheap material cut (like handkerclueh, which when used can ‘be put into the other pocket and there kept until the close of the day when they can be easily destroyed or ~terilzed by boiling after their return home. In this way they can he escaped observation and at tho same time secure their fellow-Work- man and associates saainst danger. When so simple a. precaution as this, and one so easily within the reach at every right thinking man Is available, not to make use of it woulJ§seem to be little less than criminal neglect. I There Is no disease when) one case in a I funily can more readily became the cause 1 of infection of other members. particularly fin the stage where the consumptive be. Igim to be eonfined to the association of the :family members only. careless. scatter 7 000,000,000 every day With the greatest cam- The following points and suggestions regarding the prevention of Consump- tion which deuerves the attention of every- body, are gathered from a recent article by Dr Knoph, at Now York which is to be found in the Medical Record ot Novem- ber 1906. There are more cases " advanced tuber- culopis to be treated than any other du.. use. There I: no disuse where so much on: be done to render the pani-nt comfortable and hopeful as pulmonary tuberculosis in the advanced stage. A"ij'i'ji'i; Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor", Here's an intro- duction! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. hommd of atq.tigrutnia1--. "Bota to: over m "are.", Is It Your OwnHair? Consumption is Preventable. 2M,S,agrr.i'tiuetr""'"" Comm H _ - their. timuuhttee. Ru Intel] received 126 all: for mump- ',th hookteepen, caattiertr, invoice clan. etc. We “ed nine of thee pontoon and 1nd no one she may to send., this P the school to “tend. '. We feel certain that this wctinn of country will give a good support to this paper. and that with the rapid advance of Dundalk. the Guide will also partici- pate in the prosperity of the phice. It ll only tive years since the first, build- ing was put up at Dundalk amt ion for the Railway company. In 1872 Mr James Raid erected n building for him- tself-the first In the village. Mr J. J. Middleton w“ the next toluuild. Mrs Stenlon next. and Mr Hem Graham followed in 1873. It is therein-e about tout. years since the firnt buildings were erected at. the Railway Station and now there is a prouperous village With over 400 inhabitants. " of Farm Brock and Implements. The undersigned Auctioneer has been in- structed to sell hv Public Auction at lot 3 of 13, con. l, w. G. R., Bentinck. just west of Rocky Church. on The following valuable farm stock and 'Jlft ments: 1 home 8 yen old, 1 horse, 9 year ol t 7 cows. supposed to be in calf, listens. risings year old, 2 heifers, rising 3 yen old, 3 steers. rising 2 yenrs old, 2 heifers, rising 2 years old, to hens, 6calves. brood sow, money-hurri- binder, cutter, mower, drill, pearly new, horse rake, wagon, plough. set ot iron barrows, set of bob ttl ghtr, nearly new, buggy. hnyrack. gravel box, x cut saw. fanning mill, turnip pulper, nearly new set double hornets. robe, set single harness. 2 set whippietrees. gummy of hay. forks, chains. rakes md other nrticles too numerous to mention. Everything must be disposed of on Proprietor in: sold his farm. Bale " one o'clock. sharp. Terms '. Bums of *5 and under cash ', over that s- mont 10 months' credit will be given on Approved joint notes. 4 per cent per annum discount allow- ed in lieu ot notes. ARNOLD NOBLE, ROBT. BRIGHAM. No, reader, this in not thetitle ofa new paper. nur of a traveller's guide book to the mazes " the big city of Dundalk Inn. an ulmnst for mm: name of the ttrst paper J'//ll'u'Jrf'/, Dundalk a file ot which has lately come into nur pannuinn. The publish" was Mr Joss eph Townsend, who mthsequerttly mov- ed from Dnmlulk In Durham. and lunged the ,ertt-tsld .. Guide " into the At Grey Iteview, " Council met Feb 7. minutes approved, Com Robb reported fiiliug in a. wuhout 5th side line. Con 8-0, by J H McDongnH. coat 91.50. Report adopted, Com. Ferguson reported selling tree on Eg't und Glam-lg to T. Gruuby for 6oe. Eg't‘s phan- M cts Report adopted. Com Momma! reputed on March‘s budge bemg partially destroyed by the “cabal; G' AUG! 4 rock elm stringers. 38 t.. $12; P Match. drawing umuer and gravel and myth 04.50; 69016 Eckhardt 2 any: work " ; G Robb, do $3; W. F. Jordan do M; W Rena do 83; W Sine]; do 83; 11 Read. work. 81; W Seaman. 30 pounds spikes, $1. Reports apupbetl. uotu'r paid b7tor fare and overseeing. Cam. berguuuu cusrtttied that he had ex- amined Registry Uttiee re Treasuver'. Surelies and found them suiatactory. (Just. ot much 81.75 and 82 was pend for ma arrvnces. Resolved that the following accmntu ptuus---O Hargave gravel, 78 cm. W B Sut- ton, express charges. M an. Municipal World Assessorn’s Supplies and forms. 613.49 ', Ozark registratiou.--24 marriages 74 births and 39 deaths. Fees $27.40. Council adjourned until May 29th, as a Conn Uflievision and general business. D. ALLAN, Clerk. PM Respecting an account from County Clerk tur goods supplied W Romaine at. Home Of Refuge. resolved that the elem are: this account thk to County Clerk for (umber lutormamou. The treasurer Was paid 33 as expenses to Aytuu re arrest. at Selma] Debcntuieu. By-Law No 197, tn nppoiun l’uilimasters. was ptststsed, list will he published. Aud- llol‘s presented their report, was examln~ ed by reeve and council. and adopted as read, $10.00 each was paid " their ser- noes. The Municmal Council endorseo the request ot pemwn re improved mail ser- use: on Cr. 'l', ll. Durhzuu branch. BrLo No 195 to appoint an Assessor was [mused 1) Melanie received the ap- poLntmeut, swan 880.00. Bv-Luw No 196, to twpointeolleewrp. pan-ed. W. Lawrence wan appointed tor N. 1).. salary 535 ou. D. Hunter tor ti. D., salary. Mli.oo. Jtto. \Vudz ell was paid 83 87 for Wood supplied to Hrs Barclay. Jun. h. Swauston and others presented I Lennon asking for a drain under the Munlmpal D mags Act was granted mu the . necessary notice to be sent, to Mr Dam, Alton, who was appowted to do the work. anng to the change in tho County Council. By-Law regarding the mainten- ance of the inmates of the County Home of Beluga, than no more grams shall be made to the pear in this municipality utter thy first of May. 1906, We solicit the business of Manumctttters, Itttth1e.erVnd others who realize the ndvisabil- it, bf having their Patent business transacted by Experts. Prelunhnry advice free. Charges nioderate. Munster". Advlscrsent upon re- mat. Mnrion&mrion, lie-rd" New York Life g, Mantra-1 t and “IAIN-gun. D.C.. v.3 A. 4TH! DUBHAK REVIEW CREDIT AUCTION SALE TORONTO. ONT. The Dundalk Guide. Prriprleiirr Tuesday. March 6, 1906 ~“DMPTLY SECURED Egrcmont Cause?! W. J. BLMON, mun! at. You...“ an. TORONTO I ROBT. BRIGHAM. Augeoneer, Tudhope Cutter Opposite Middaugh House Stables (hllff(lll(lllfllf 2pal2t.l AAV Watson Barclay 8' Bell Watson's Bread-Th " rs First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Buns ttt l Biscuits in great variety All kinua of Cakes made to orde W EDDIN G CAKES our tspeeialty 9iett &ippers '0lisses' and We”: en 's nerves. Nocturne-cub stitutefkrhitteet (huidren 's, tisfadtion oC'iust as good" or paaedirtottisontVd. Grand Mtaulappealstothe Grant; Mogul GidLiria 1&1th Ilia! T V 6rrtydt pain as" In a: estposs'bleblend ofthe finestteasd'Ceybr-and amsr6youdouhlethew is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutter-the best, the Tud- hope, at no more expense-- and will have had its use for the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours, or, at least, take a look over them. fmmadulteration--thertk> Clend Mogul is not exposed tostore duster aimight packages are the housekeeper's proteaion " tu, Remainder of Ogilvw’s Royal Hotrnehold,. .. .. per barn-l . . $5.25 Also other high-grade Manitoba Finn", per "rrei. .. . . . . . .85.40 at fPeet's Grand Mogul A Swell atthv9thsthaetd9h Pure Tea for 2% Fon tura.---'nro-rear old nun General purpose. Also some well-bud 'e,"at."he,tt hubs. Tor-u nu- ongb e. Apply to - - JOHN CLARK.) Dun-hm. Nov. M, m. D. McPHAILJ Jompuny and print. Fund. to Lon Ion Herman at low.“ In" of name. Valuation mad. " lcumnount 1nd ennui Vulnnmr 0ttlee --LOWER TOWN. DURH‘I. “no. Ind Ramona. Cor. Oar-ha and Ga BL. I. [out of Mill. Old lend]. (MC. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance" Att. Money to Loan. A. G. MnoKIy K.C.‘. w. F Dunn J. G. BUTTON. M. D, C M ' HONOR. GRADI ATE Ton mo l'nivor] md unto Ron] Pollen mm Sumac G m Dentistry in Ill m brunch-o. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal (bingo of Dental Surgeon. of Ontario. Room. Over J & J HUNTER?!) New Store Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, he. Lu. “mum to Merorfuld'e (lo-Ron. m) to Kmpp‘u thew Yorh no Harlan. P,o!1qetiotm and Annoy promptly Ina-dad Wills. threds, Normans”, Lou“, mono-u &e, correctly pup-rod. F.rrtuqq of icon-0d p. r- Ion. looked um and Exocutor‘a and Ad-iul trnwn‘ Account. propurod and pained Burrito Court Saline-I. Prob“. of Willa. Leno-v of Ad Inliuatrutio-cnd autumn-hip obtained. sou- Chu undo in Bogs-my one. and Titles "ported ottue, 18 Ftoo " .- _ -_- -- 0's: Sou Will he at the luau?) noun. Durham, ttse t1rat Wednesday " ouch month from 10.. In. an 4 p. II. ."m ho " Knapp Mouse, Durban. than. Baud“ in eBctt loath. noun. '-61 1 u.- W. C. PICKERING D. D s., L. o. S. Gmduate of Lrrtdort,.New York and Cif I... Dinne- of Eye, Ear. New. .ud Throat "GikrGrirNrtoat -F.- -d.7ir-iCik' iii-iii _ “waded to, Tutu on twin-non a D. IcPHAIL. Ceylon P. lt, or to C. IAIAGI. Durham Order- In ho left a In: 1mm: Fam. yoga; lcmnon'n old _ or " the Bum Lleenud Auctioneer for tho 0.. of any. on. law Amended to. un- will: Ilia',' Jet ha left At _hh_lmpkn_cm_ Wu.- Tm model-no. Amp-om. tor all: u lo aqes,4e., Inn! btmade u pm 8011,}: " omce--Calder's Buck. our Post oflice PIYICIAI A BUIIIOI. Omeso over J. 641. Hunter-'0 Store ----- f 8to 10A... 9-tt B. I: Mn HMO». w. 1006, Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Linn-en. A Cen- eral tttsane. butinou tun-acted. All Charge- Mcderato Auctioneers. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., - Epoch! utention [in to Din-nu 0 Women And Childmn. or to c. IAIAGI. m - Ccylon In. "elem do. lumbar Coll... Punish-n at III-goons Dunno. NOJTRV 'UILIC CONVIV‘ICIR, no. ARTHUR H. JACKSON, mee, McIntyre Block, over the Bank Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat moo. over Gordon'l Jewelry Store. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Urey J.~F. GRANT, D.D.S, L. D. s. MEDICAL G. LEFROY McCAUL. Telephone Connoctlon No. " BARRISTER. SOICITOR, DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) Notary Public. Commissioner. MACKAY d: DUNN, HCI‘RS TLaEKS-ats,aL, ENC? J. P. TELFORD CONVEYANCER. be. DB. BROWN. DR. V'URT Money to bow. OFFICI HOUII Licensed. Auctioneer to the County of Grey. R. 1'. P., luau. Paatnat War, EDGE mun Bound

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