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Durham Review (1897), 22 Feb 1906, p. 8

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_ I _ x. I ' {THE PEOPL E's STORE: CLEARING SALE? OF DR Y CKMNDS WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPS 211tttte,,ht,tt, WWWW% --_- mm»: mpmwg 1e'er_tlr_sttitefl,e.ttlc-1f-r'.11r 1'3 J ust 3 Ladies' Fur Conn left. A bargain for the early pur- chaser. Also a few Men's Fur Coats to be cleared. J. S. MCILRAITH FURS ROBERT BURNE We heve eoIne eizee in e few lines of Oxfords end Snap Slippers which we ere cleening out " prion that will one money for the lucky pnrcheeere. Spring goode ere beginning to name in end we ere crewded item top to bottom end we need the room for the new arnvele. We will be pleased if you will lend e helping bend in making room. Anything we have left in winserlines are down in price. Cell early and get e ehere of the good thing; People are wondering and inquiring " how can we sell the goods at the prices we do. " We answer " we're . overstocked." We bought too much. better to lose something now, and get the ready cash (which we can turn over and gain back what we have lost before next season) than to keep the goods. Reveal pieces gray tweed Suitinga, 56 in wide, red from 81 to 500 yd 1 piece onlv mu blue .. .. .. 1.25 to 75c yd 2 pioces navy to! brown tweed effects " th Ltioto we yd 5 pieces Dre" doodl. venetian and fancy; red. from 75. 85010 50c yd It .. black. and colors, worth 45e to T5e, for. . .25c yd 10 .. worth 20c to 30c for. . . ..15c yd or 7 yd. for 81.00 A FEW HOS/ERY SPECIALS MORE BARGAINS 25 doa pr;SOCKS, this week only . . . . .. .3 pairs for 250 Au Ar line of Women’s ALL WOOL HOSE, all sizes, 250 , Butter, Eggs and all Farm Producettaken at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. We have nearly all lines reduced but have space to quote only two in each department. 150 garments Ladies' Underwear. worth 25c lo 40e, at 19c garment 200 '. .. regular and extra large-sizes. worth 600. selling at . . . . . . .450 per garment. Other lines in Women's and Chlldten's Underwear reduced in proportion. We have a stock of over 1000 garments. B0tMERY--25c and 30e lines reduced to 1tt, per pair. " e have Btled a table with these goods--- envy Wool Worsted and Fleece-lined Stockings and marked all one price. 19c. Burn heavy ribbed worsted Hose reduced trom 60e to 390 per pr 50 pr, IAdIn' and Children's Gloves worth26e totne, at par pr 5:1- lndies’ Swede and Cashmere Glove; were 50c. now per pr Yul Glove. reduced also. Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves Is now on in full swing at the People's Store and consists of Flannellettcs, Cottons, Shirtings, Cot. tonades, Flannels, Ginghams, Prints, Tweeds, Remnants of all kinds. Al e have no more space to quote prices but come into our store and you will see Flamte11ettes, Wrapperettee, Ginghams. Prints, etc, all marked down in big. red letters to amazingly small prices. This is a genuine bargain Sale. everyone is convinced as soon as they see the goods and we quote prices. TERMS: Cash or Produce (highest prices paid.) In the Dress Goods Dept. Red Letter Sale H. til. MOCKLER Cancun work and repairing u maul. SOME BARGAINS IN BLANKETS 8 pr. all-wool blankets. were " per pr. now a, BO A few pairs of White and Grey F'1tusne1lette Blankets t oo In ge nize, clear per pr - We're clearing out these lines, all genuine bargains, to secure space for the display of NEW SPRING GOODS, which are daily arriving. , CLOTHING Suits 7.50 ,JHUURLDK -e GREAT Nearly all this season'. goodu- per- fect fitting & up-to-dute The Down Town $15 Suits for. . . . $11 12 .. ..... 9 11 .. ..... E Io " ..... 7 9 " ..... E Many odd suits, 84. 6151333 SHOES Spring Shoes are already com- ing in. All new styles, siz- es, and prices. Call in early and secure just what you want. Shoe Store T7 g M. " ' e A very pretty wedding took pluck nt the home of Mr Chas Bo le. on the Milt met when his daughter. Diary Wray was I united in marriage to Mr Walter A. Ledinghum. of Weyburn. Sui. The ceremony took place at. 6.80 o’clock tn 'tle presence of 70 guests. friends of the bride and groom. Rev It. B. Leding- ham, of Weldemnr. brother of the groom. assisted by Hey N. A. McDon- old, of Domoch, pastor of the mine, tied the nuptial knot. The bride enter- _ ed the parlor. escorted'by her father, to _ the strains of the wedding um ch play- rd by Miss M. Gun, of Durham. The fair bride wore a. dress of white silk. trimmed with allover lace ribbon. and applique, her bridal veil held in place with a bunch of cream carnatiOns. The bride wan assisted by her twin sister, Hanna M.. dressed in pale blue nuns veiling trimmed with white applique and wore pink carnations. The groom was supported by Ilia rousm. A. M. Led- t inghnm. of wiiliamsford. After the ceremony and congratulations of the friends the guests retired to the dining room. where n sumptuous dinner was served. The evening was pleasantly spent in games. music. and u program consisting of speeches, solos. ere. The presents were numerous and costly. the groom’s to the bride being $20.00in gold, and to the bridesmaid a handsome gold brooch. The happy couple drove to Owen Sound next day to l isit friends: before starting for their home near Weyhurn, carrying with them the best. . wishes of their many friends. Moran Bros.. Duncan Brow. and Boyle boys are rmhing out telegraph poles, they are all hustlers. Eve? swamp has a gang uf mm and the mi 1 Ends are fillingup, Chat, Duncan and rank Boyle start for the west manly there to seek their fortune. Thus Moran has got himself a high stepping driver. He don't turn out now to let the boys pass. The scholars of No 4 are well pleased with their teacher. Miss Binniejwho is taking a deep into-rest in her work and gaining the good will of her pupils. " Bay that was the most enjoyable little party, that ever I was at, "-we he ve beard these words over and over again during the lest few days. The party referred to was the meeting of the choir, of Zion, and their friends at the home of Miss Olive Cook, the or ganist. to make a small presentation. end to have an enjoyable evening to. gether. And we can say with the others. that the occasion was really one to be remembered, there gathered I together about 70 mostly voung people I though we could notice four or five, gentlemen. whose heir was getting scarce. every one appeared so intent on having a good time, and every one tried to do what he or she cou'd to meke some one else enjoy it. Games were indulged in till nine o'clock. when Mr Thee Jack bade the people all come together and he would lever them with ascetch song. When they were assembled and somewhat quiet, he called on Miss Stella Jack. who came forward and read an address. exgiluining to the surprised parents, of ins Cook, whv we were met. At this point, Miss Myrtle Bunt stepped forward with a beautiful silver sugar bowl, one dqzen silver teaspoons and , Games, music and chat filuU up the evening and we broke up the meeting about two feeling that we should re- member the oocusion for years to come. In regard to Miss Cook, she is so well known in this neighborhood that she does not need a word of praise from us. but we feel that we can say. with- oat fltsttery, that Zion is proud of their organist. She is a most c timable young lady and no one can converse with her without feeling better tor it. After the presentation Mr Hunt was called up and gave one ot his fine speeches. Mr John McNallv also im- proved the occasion by making a weed) that was tall of wit and humor, re H. Williams and Miss Stella Jock gave recitations. Smgs, reeittgttong, speeches and gramaphoue music filled up the allotted hour of program. Sup- per was now served. and the daintiee that were passed around would make a. more bashlul person that your scribe wish he wele better acquainted with the cook, who made them. beautiful rubies. She took the organ wlwn we were nearly without an organist, and when she had barely the rudiments of music She took up the work manfully and stuck to it through thick and thin, never missing a service or practice, always jeytul and sunny, she gets along when a more austere person would give up in disgust. Bat, we mast stop here, else if We tell every one of her good qualities we shall be apt to call in a host of admir- ers, and We do not wish to lose our friend yet for Years. A dance and party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs A. Hewitt, on the night of the 23rd. We understand a most enjoyable time was spent and we noticed quite a tew sleepy persons the next few days so we conclude, they all had a good tshare of the light fantastic. Misses Agnes and Ida Jones, of Ceylon, spent last week as gues s of Mrs Wai Timmins. They spent a. good time and left quite an impression in the neighborhood. More than one young man looks very gloomy these days, since they have gone. Mr Wm Timmins. who has been laid up tor more than a year, is able to do his chores again We are all pleased to see Willem again. Mr Charlie H, Cotton is a most es- timable young fellow, quite a favorite with the ladies, but is a little too bash- ful, but he promises to mend his man- ners. and o iimt step, has Joined the choir. Now one III grow. THE BUREAU REVIEW Olascott ring, set with'pearis and Ebordale Sorry to report that Mrs W Jack. so long ill, is not much better at time of writtntr. We verv much miss Mary am} hope she will soon be around a- cam. Mr Wm. J. Greenwood returned Samrdav from Listowel and other who; where he has been holidaying. til are glad to see tum looking so we . m FIB. '06--R Morin. 3nd Con., Normanby. will well stock and imph- mvnts on above. date, no reserve. Usual terms. Sara nt one o'clock B. H. FORTUNE, Auetioneer. TUESbAY. 27 Frrm.--M, M Cnmpb-‘ll Lot 64. con 2. w. G. R., Bentinck will sell by public auction on above date, meStock and Implements. Terms: 10mm credit on approved joint, not”. r, per cent for cash in lieu ofnotes. Sale at one o'cbrck, No reserve. farm rented. tiee bills. D. MCPHML. Auctioneer. $Vrrrvs'ree,DAv, 28 FrrBc--G%lter Horu- burg. Lot 13, Con 3, w. G. R., Bets- tinck. will sell by public auction on u- bore dttr. BUrm Stock and Implements, Terms: 10 mos, credit, 5 per cont dis- count, for can. Sale at one o'clcck, See hills. THURSDAY. 1 MAncH.-Ano Chis- lett, Lot 29. Con 2, S. D. R., will sell by public auction on above date, Farm? Stock and 1urplementa. Teruvet 10 mos credit. 5 per cent discount for cash. No reserve as the farm is mm. Alan household furniture omitted in him tiale at l o clock. See posters. D. MCPHAIL. Auctiouetw, \Vpdnnsd: . 7th March. Rum. Adnllm, Lot 34. Con 'higlVd,'l will sell, stock. irstplettrenus. and household futtiture. 12 mm credit, 5 per cent cut, off. Sal» at. 12 o‘clock noon. Next, week we will publish a detailed list; ___ _- _ A Mal In Elmwood on Saturday Feb, lush mat. MUo'clock I In Members all pro-put; Roan in the chair; Minutes ot Janu..ry meeting read and puma. To the council of the Tp. of Buntinck. ueutlemen--Your committee sppmuxed to 'sttquirpihus tho'lheaaurer aunties re- commend that a new band be taken for $16.000 from Wm. Irvine u Tlrtmsurer, Andrew Han-tie. John Paterson. Juno. Pourson and Archie McLean, .u of Tp- of Benunck. jointly and revert“, to sure- tiel all ot whom up or to be in good stand he a this time. at “all youre-luv- id Merhol, Bun l mu Mmdici. Aud. tbe-Bee" swimmer J elm Muniick be WWII sad that they be paid etch 31.50 far looking up Tron. lured". and ulna 01.60 to Rom-un- tor reach and cheques i-l-C-ua. Willu--im'aum Thu the Tron bond " itis now Ind he tsetmrud---turtied. Beioam---Wsllu That J PTolford be and 02.00 for payment in tuo for True Bond -Cmiod. Brutuuu--Oronits That Auditor's re- port " now read be accepted Bud that each be paid M for tueirtserrioes and nDBQ'ICI do i"utrcaeyd. - Aiw1ieatiooe for uff1ee ot'Aanesaor re- caivod from James Mauser. Moueanck- tits, E W Purviu. RichArd B Hopkins and John biennium. Brioaui---Wiilit, That Richard ll Hapkiun be our Lana-or for tho "" 11M} " the ulnry the Council armed at the hut. mrotuttp--ctueiod. ANBh'DMEttr Wiuon--cronin Thu Jun Mauser be assessor for tho Tp of Beutinck for 1906 " the salary ot "6--Loet. -Tviitiin--cronin TUt the clerk pre- pate in By-law to diride the anship mm 8 polling dioione-C.rritsd, witson--Willis That By-lsw No 4 for Ifhd commuting the Statute Labor m Elmwwd be and is hereby "sptssltrd- Carried, _ __ l crouiu--WNO That S Dickson a. new of 1905 be mid $2 tor pus-mung Financaal Statement. aiho Wm Ivyme $4 and chaquo do iswue-Grried. Willir-Wllsun That Councillor Brig- ham be paid 01.50 for services in connect- ion with this division at Lot M, Con 2 & 3 N D B and cheque "io-carried. crouid..-WOon That (hm Council you: to Ehuwood library " and eheque do "couv--Carryd. m Wiuuuv--Willo That the Tremurer is hereby instructed to place the Tp money no the Merchants Bank at Hanover uh be. lug more convenient for Tp buainesar-- Ctnied. Tur, following accounts ware ordered to be p0lHhltyv Cuuucil of Urey 82.1o goo l, to an indigent in Poor Home hum the I'p. Municipal World 04.50 Amen- uor‘s umbiunsry. Mr Livingstone. $1 75 repaiuiug culverts in Elmwood. ' Brietmat--i'rotfttt Thus Jer, Manner be the operator of grader to the year 1006 at ti." per day for work-thun'" PATanu'rzns Genhnn 1totur--D Smith. , Ladiug. ham, DMcAnlmr. ') Wilkie, J Ewen, J Ferguson, D McArtlmrJ Burt, W Ita. clne Jr. Con 2 & 3. W G It -R Corietr,. J Stewart, D Wanna. J Welcn, D Campun s'Patherboaeh, It Grier-son. li' Cabou, E Edge, E Grazia. A Anew]. S Langnu. J McKenzie. W Piston, J Banana. Dur- bun Itoad--A MIgWOId. Marshall Jack. ha. Wm J Munitck,G Wain. W Luiug. none, F Buy. Con 2 t 8 S D B--a Helm". ll Tramp, C For-mm. P Branti. gun. FBarkholtm J Whih. J Charlton. W Derby. Con ft h 8 N D B-C Hunter, S Diebol. J Noble. W Smith, T Kannodyl D Adlnm. H Miller. Gov.4 & li--" Hun- el, l Carson. l Jmith, Sr. lf Smizh. I Mal-dick. BABgtgnn. J Eagle. Con 6 t T --1? Monk. L 31110:. A Redford. l Garner D McDonald. 6 Brunt, A McCallnm. Con 8 & 9--o Boulden, J Black: Kluegar II Allan, H Scbzemert. S Boyd. A Me. Donald, D Lwinaston. D McKochme. Elmwood-G Bohlander. Con Io & 11 --1? Cooper. S Dickson Jr, J been"; Kaufman. W Orr, ll Boyce. Con 12 a {a --3 Pepper. J Honey. 3 Sweeney, ll Crou, J Walker. Wremim, G Huvie. Con u b 16--L Brown. "utitther, 0 HoCulin. 1hxmht--BrittUm That the report of Bentinck Council. Sale Register. JOHN CLARK Auctioneer. D McPhnil. Aw. NEW GOODS J “chm-I. G Tolchnrd. C Cotton, 1 Hemt. son. I Schilling. F Shovel]. PoUNDxEEPEBa It Ledmgham. J W Smith. T Bailey, I Hutton. J W Johnston. a Scheuk. It Punt-on. Jr. G Leslie. J Duthwonb. J Lceson, ll Oeisel. FENCE “swans N lit-Luau. I; Cullen. tir, J W Smith. W Hum. W Griersuu. A Meyer. J Pant- s ar, a Brown, W Irviue, L Digit. T Clark C Lawrence. wmis---crouia That this couucu am now adjourn to meet " Allan Park on Monday 28th day of M" on" n I Court ot_Reyision and for truuudion of bust. Gu-ctr-usd. 200 “Tel. being Iota 27 and ar, con. 2, E G R, Glenelg About 110 acres clear. ed, so good hardwood hush, 10 Rood pe- dar. Fairs building" and well watered ' che Rocky bitumen rum through I cor- ner of lot 28, which would make a Rood wnerpuvw-r. 5h miles from Durham ; conveniently situated. The nhove pro- pony will be suld together or in parts lo suit purchaser. For further particu- lars apply on the premises. or to MCCORMICK Imus” Rocky Suugeen In the tlniving village of Hopevillet Township of Proton. lwo Mory lnivk nature and rusidenve. centrally rimmed. Daily mail l Telephone in “on. Good alum: cellar full M29 ot house. good Kit.. chen a (ruched: all well finished. A slut-elmusu and stable an lot and a newer failing well with first-class pump. Pos. session given in c month or when agreed upon. clear title uu'eu. Apply on the - Iwteiret' to Feh. 1'2. um The undersigned otters his splendid proper', in Upper Town for sale. For Darin-nuns, apply to. The Manse at, Amns Presbyterian. church Dromoro. Purchaser to manure the building and clear off all ruhhish during the mouth of May. Apply to J. M. FINDLAY Brownie. 4 bottles best 103 EXTRACT.. ..25e 4 lbs CUBBAJ 41b: RAISINS..................25c 5dozCIDTH 8 tins NONSUCH STOVE POLISH...... ...... .... ... For new Mame at Amos Church, Dromore. To he built of Cement blocks. Plans and Speculations of Mocks, Car.. pettterWorlt, Plantar-lug and paintin mu he had from It, Renmck or J. If Findluy. Dromore. All material tor making blocks to be supplied by Build- ing Committee. The lowest or any tender may not be accepted. Fouled tenders will. he received up to now March " J. M 1rvsrrcAtuhomom. About 7 miles from Durham on the Gurafraxl. Road. Title good. Poun- sion at once. must he no! . Apply to Durham, Feb. 22. I“. 100 Acre FARM for SALE TENDERS WANTED. THE BIG STORE All we ask is the nu WC ass A; u". rllvanyb‘ -- ___' u - extraordinary creations in Dress Goods, Belts, Cottons, Shirt Waists, Silks, Shirt Waist 'Ends, in fact, everything dainty that you can think of. We know the ladies like looking at pretty goods and as it is impossible for us to describe their worth and beauty on paper, we ask you to come. FARM FOR SALE Saturday Grocery Snaps ALEX. RUSSELL FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Dress Goods, f1 W. J, Gunman. The newest thing in At m Belts-the Gilt belt. Al- so shaped leather belts, silk belts, all colon, New Corsets I possible to describe their New Collars trauty. Come undue them EVERYTHING NEW. JOHN Rumm'rsus New Belts J. P. Tubman. privilege of showing you our - . - n-AJ- DA‘OG The new Habit Hip in short Corsets medium send long. Tape Girdle It 35 cents per pair. '01.; we" In Every Department Being lot No. 20 On 2nd Con. N. D. R. and 22 and as. on the 3rd Con N. D. B. Glenelp. remaining 150 an". more or less. 125 com clan-9d. hulauce hard- wood huh. " mile-{mm P. o, and school. church nu property. woli Int- ered, wells and running wring- Build. ings In good "pair . Jil ho sold on Ilnd from Prirevill.. " cold rtvcwumu tiveu lnl' work lhil tall. Pu l Whitest-- rvumuhlo It-rm- " miles from Durham given In" work thid tall. Full pone».- ion in lurch. Chu- title given. Apply to the proprietor. D, GnAnAl, Pricrvtlle, or to A. H. JACK-ml. Solicitor. Dmbuu FEBRUARY " Thorough Brod can. cud YO’kshll'o Hon. All registered Mock and likely uni nulls. Applrto _ _ _ A Jan. 2, 1905. Lot u, Con I. N. D R. containing 100 were-z. more nr Ian. 85 urea cleared, Spring creek. good well. mmk barn, Im- plement house, largo. fume (”w-Hm; house, good orchard, (-nnvenie-d l,, church augd school. Building. {ml-w. Au, all in good (-ouditinn. 25 "ttpu Bluughed. lulu under fall “Lug on the prams”, Io Dunnld Bent Paint-£93k"! given any time unu- March. For further pal-twain: "l We have a Urge numlwr of I“ .11 _ for Sale In the following “our." ... Btant. Ewaex. Elgin, U'rev, “atrium .1 at Huron. Kent, Lmnhtun. burnt“. 1:! dieser, Norfolk. Onturin. Oxfnxti. p, It Perth, Simone. Vicmuiu. “(arm I. ' \Velllugtm.. \Vrllnnd. Wentwurvl. an York. Alw many Busim-u :va is', "t dentin! pmpert ion: tor Snle in all I N'lsir' the province. If you have A Far it, A I other property for ode. write in: t,t,l bet-Inn of selling Real Estate. The Wm" Bell Esau Exchange Ltd.. London, Orttaro WI. lv. RAKAOI. Agent, TI. s', .- A Fine Duthnm Bull, bred h. tl Imported trtoek, 14 mus. nld, Building lot on Bruce tit. Durban . ‘. so a. Brick human que street. Pour your old Clyde nun. Anni) ', Wm Doggone. Bucky 8.11,!" n. [ALSO at. 001:4. 8 D R. in the 'i " I? ship of lilo-min. in the County nf .:r-V, ST urea: 40 new. cloned. I? Ir '0' mixed timber, level. well dam-d. “In? Century well and an." "mom. (tae clan and! log home. frameharn M x N) with luau-mom. 1; male- from Ar ' et I nasd P” we. or price and lr 7:1 ' npply to Jonx chlnz. was. con 4, a I) ll. Price“!!- PO, Um.. r,l (n Am noun. Pmp. he“ P o, Form» Co. l Mi-aaa. U U A, STOCK & BUILDINGS FOR 5 lid 4tuCURRAN'N ..... ......25c tr dog CIDTHEPINS.. ..... 25c FARM FOR SALE' FARM FOR PALE. Crepo1ie Silk Chnmbray Mummies. Lustres, &c. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Farm for Sale. race. SCAR! a Sosa. Rocky Balaton P. tt &c. " ["1 ti Ja 'Isl,,')',))',',',".'-': "od VOL. MA Sum t' MOI Ove pti Un ll an It" A" tul m‘ II If "

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