West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Mar 1906, p. 4

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WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPS SUM ETHINU NEW IN WASHE'1tt,': The Perforated Drum, onlvin the Idea Raymond. Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. Deering J? arveséers 15 Ladies 'Skirts. . .to clear Skirts were $3.50 for $2.75 Skirts. were 4.00 for 3.10 Skirts. were 5,00 for 4.00 CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS We, have some sizes m a few lines of Oxfords and Strap Slippers which we are cleaning out at prices that will save money for the lucky purchasers. Spring goods are beginning to come in and we 21m crowded trom top to bottom and we need the room for the new arrivals. We will be pleased if you will lend a. helping hand in making room. Anything we have left in winter lines 'are down in price. Call early and get a share of the good things. Custom work and repairing as usual. S. MCILRAITH To make room in our Shoe Department, we are clear- ing all odd glines at cost and less than cost. Men's, Boys' and Chil- dren's Suits and Over- coats at tnmilar reduc- tiona. We are receiving daily large consignments of New Goods which we have passed in stock and ready for your inspection, Now is the time to buy your Winter Goods. We are selling all at reduc- ed prices. We”) Singhums, Wear) Ckambrays, Wow .6awns d Prints, 770w 8hirtmV, Wen) 'ditamtettettes, t7oeveieotsm, We”) '0Jhitétthtar, Weaa’y- (ti-Wear Waist: .C. L. GRANT. Ive can give only a mere list of our goods. but In quality and ad" {ability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Runey’s Har- ROSS, Palmerston Buggies. liemwned mticlbs, fair prices f ohn Shark. which we consider to be the best values we have ever shown. Also Wilhelm's Wringers, tifrhiLhrFWtatiotrirt Air; The best m their line m we handle only the best. 1.59.5 NEW GOODS - -- _ ,'itoots and &uses -- - Cash am: ' Prtes. - 7 e --- _.-‘. -ua‘uuuui: In- puuy sell- endowments and 'iit'ilU"lgt 1cm ata lcwer nu than other com- mam. Ask for our ates before you ill-nu. w I? n....- A“; - """'J Aymv'w and prevents all ROUGHNESS, RED- NESS, CHAPS, IRRITATION, TAN, etc. 'N It is unequalled as a SKIN TO- NIC as well as an EMOLLIENT. "The Gem of Toilet P reparations. " twell,'," i,oosso"'" N Parker's Drug Store 35nd Farm Machinery. The liet We1t_lfit9 Insqmnpe Com st' <.' The Down Town sd'" ual for keeping the skin SMOOTH, SOFT, and WHITE at all seasons. It entirely removes '. P. mar, 5 3.1g A tew doors South of the Middaugh House, N 'CV" PRICE 25c. at up only at Shoe Store “nu-.5 a pa, t "cut” “mug L' yrs, 7 heifers rising J yr,lsteer rising 1 yr 4 calves 4 months old, ' well bred ewes, 1 Oxford Down ram, 2 sows su posed to bemglif. 17 store pigs, 1 S'rau"yTrU"rfl," 1 M,-H. seed. ll nearly new. 1 mower new new, 1 disc Iar.rownearlr' new, 1 set SKI-mg mi hmows, 1 set barrows for 3 horses, I envy twin plow for 3 homes, 1 twin smirk”. 2 long plow", turnip sower, tretttBer “an M mill, pea like, mlkynkc. cutting box, 2 tn p Wipers, 2 WIG- ons, 1 non-1% new, to?bum_m cart,1 cutter net bob sled; tr, long I eitth 2 My racks. wood rick. N831! pole grain audio. set anon tut 1.”. no“, ttet tre, be“ "tringte bane-0.. some“ n] Ith churn ma 1i1ti'ef3lt'x',' tu'r.t"lMat.t 'tttPutty/trib-iii,' m.- ' bun-u. tN ' Home! 1.'%tafiifiihii nu- 'tgewtm cation. Tm; under cub. over that mm M mqwmd rising 2 yrs 4 heitisii, risiG' fiu TiGG1; :13ng ' - b , tr 1 irr,fi'it,,ieir?g:'ir,T,,iii'i' 21:9: spa-am old, 28. - -"'_ "Wm... ..... v. %F"K'WM.-- 2 used mares in foal, l mareSyrs. oldiu toN, 1 mm 12 you: old. 1 driving horse 4 years old, 1 driving hone rising? years. 1 colt rising 2 yrs (heavy dratt,)2 sue as colts, 4 cows with calves " foot, 3 cows aurposed to be in calLlfarrow lor, gardens an] (3'3th Ita.r8.9ld, b steers are at lot bi, ksiC.Viiiie- GraicGi7 i7eiiiGi)"y' glare); 7, 'f?yylttyl.iiwiug _will bts_ptrered:C- ks)?, Our newrgmioister, for the Presby- terian churches ot Cedarville and here is stirring things up. He is very busy in church matters and as spring opens, we are expecting to see all branches, prayer meeting and Sabbath schools doing good work. We hear that Mr Thus. Davis, ot Glenelg. is appointed Tavern License Inspector, in our South Grey, and we think there are some disappointed in not getting it. Alter the change of government we understand that the old Inspector was to be replaced, but we did not hear the particular reason, and we understand a large number applied, amongst them one in our vil- lage, who With others say that he had strung claims on the: new party, bat disappointment followed. How will it end ? Mr. Hay. station operator, is trang- ferred to titration]. . Miss Mary Gordon, who went io Fcr.. giuat New Your to leach in the High School there has been granted an In- erease of 8100 in salary. We beg In congratulate our old pupil, and hope "he nmv long retain the good will and confidence of het employers. The next regular meeting of Ben Nevin Camp will be held on Friday, llth March. A full attendance Is re- quested as aux-angnuents for next Du- uuuinn Dae Dentonstratirm will be dis.. cussed. We hear of a certain Tavern Li.. cense Commissioner, in his travels, canvassing parties to accept Magis- trates Cumniis,ionis from the Ontario Government. The ones he wants are men, who will give him some favor. We think this is strange procedure. Me Doug. Munro returns to the West this Thursday morning. Mrs Wm. Black, who went to New Orleans last Wednesday, anived on Friday, and writes home .. then-mes are lovely, picked three " Aunt Jon- nie's vine to-day, " Lou of roses here too, but they are all on the Indie; cheeks at present. --.A very important commission has been appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment to investigate the insurance situation. The revelations in the States has aroused suspicion all may not be right here. Judge MeTavish, Mr A L Kent, Montreal, Mr J W Lang- muir, Toronto, compare the commis- Mon. Some ot our neighbors have had law suits in the [Divisxon Court at Dundalk, over very triiling matters last week and quite a number here went out. to boar 1t. Mias McIntosh, of Port Eigin, spent a few days with her brother, Norman, In town. Mr and Mrs T. McUomh are movmg Io-duv, Tuesday, to their farm near Bunessam, when: advantages are for them still in execss of what the town others. We have enjoyed their neigh- horship and wish them success. Mr John Little, of Holstein, accom- panied by bis sister, Miss Myrtle, visit- ed the horne of Mr and Mrs Geo. Uamp- bell, Aberdeen, last week. Other guests at, the mum- home were Mr Nell Mc. Arthur and his sister, Mists Kate, of Keady. 7 Miss Susie McClocklin. totwhing near Grand Valley. made her first visit home over last week end. Mr Frank Harris " on Monday for a point in the States and his abilities will no doubt lendiiy tind hm: a. position. His sister, Miss May leaves tor the West thin week and will go at: {arms Edmonton, where her blower Will is. Farm Prh Iglgleyegpg and Housellplgi farpit Mr Beard is home from a trip and visit iniToronto. Mrs Dr Wolfe accompanied het daughwt. Mrs Bradlev. as far as Toron- to on her journey to the West, and will lemaiu it law weeks. MvChas McKinnon left, on Monday for Anemia with two full car-lomlsnf horses. Mont 25in all and will nu dunm and ready sale for them amid the great rush to the West. A brilliant “At Home" function was given ar 13 Queen's Park on Saturday last by Mrs J. B. and Col McLean. the [utter well known here. A long list of prmnineut people are tttttttttttttted by the Mail and Empire as guests. Mr Chas. McInnis, J. R. Yeovil W219 a guest of Mr am} Mrs C Ralualge for a night last week, while in town taking ane w his declaration as J. P. Mr Ball, of Muauirv,tev. and his daughter, Mrs (Rev) Wellwood, at Chat-Worth, were guests of the latte-1's aunt, Mrs N. w. Campbell last week. ttei/F Sam THE DURHAM REVIEW Auction>ale. Hopeville -- -e -*‘-v v r g ot notes. "Trl"',',','. D"eteg, “Miran Some patriotic songs by Mr Ramage, thanks to those taking part, toilver collection, some desaltory discussion and then “God Stve the King " on , toIttr midnight, and adlot1miitent. MessrsJ Kerr, Jas Mack and Jag Moore pat some questions as to the standing of the Asso'n. in memb tship, how to deal with the Promises of candi. dates on matters 0 tariff or school I questions. etc. They yvere answered that members were tree to exercise their franchise as they choose, but should consider well how he is voting. A question by Mr Moore as to the sal- ary of the others, Mr McEwan in par. l ticnlar, brought the answer that he, McEwen. did not receive a single cam the Secretary was paid a small salary and " travelling expenses. ( Agriculture had done more to build up Canada than all other industries combined. Our representatives are afraid ofthe kickers at home and lollcw their party closelv. It you can back up your claim with a large member- ship they will pay attention to it : ith votes they want. He advised farmers toget together, to shun jealously. suppon good meas- ures. condemn bad ones. He was pleased tube with them, pleased with the good order and large attendance‘ considering the bad roads. i Where the Conservative party spent one million on the military. the Re- form government, he alleged, PD)- posed to spend sewn millions and asked, is that developing the country? While it was nice for young ladies to te able to play on the piano t'wag also nice to have abilitv in the kitchen. $2,00J,000 was given as a bounty to iron and steel men, encouraging them tn ride round in their automobiles. We should get fortv instead of twenty lbs sugar for a dollar, had the govern- ment bat carried out their promisestv reduce the tariff on the necessaries of lite. Notwithstanding the large sums granted bv municipalities to railroads, they, the railroads, put upon us exces- sive freight charges and made reduc- tions to Yankee railways. Railways should Contribute to the revenue of the country as well as farmers. I Mr Robt, Leggeste Ind children visited Mr and Mrs Henry Tucker, of Walkerton. recently. Mrs Thos. Mightbn is at present vis- iting her daughter, Mrs J. Smith, of Hanover. Miss Martha Torrey, who has been visiting for the past month or so with triends in this part, returned to Mea- ford last week, where she will resume her duties as dressmaker, Mr. D. McIlvride as chairman, read the rules, constitution and aims of the Society. Misses Pettigrew and Mell- vride contributed "Robin Adair, " and on urgent request Mr. Wm. Ramage gave "The Man behind the Plow." Mr Wm Allan emphasized the fact that the farmer was the bone and sin- ew of the country, the producers of wealth and power, enlarged upon the injustice of the expenditure in connec- tion with our legislatures, and especi- ally of the salaries of the Senators, some of whom gave only 3 days atten- dance. Mr John Morice on the violin, and Miss L. Fee on the organ contrib- uted excellent music. Mr McEwen at length arrived and was welcomed. He came as a farmer to give a plain talk to farmers who often failed to realize the dignity of their position. They were not doing justice to themselves in not demanding proper recognition from other profes- sional men. His leanings have been strongly liberal, was a follower of Hon Alex McKenzie, but the present party sadly astray from his policy: was in- dependent now. The hope of the country is in the farmers, who, if they would only unite, would accomplish much good. In 1903-04 there was ex- pended $66,500,000, in 1904-05 there was an increase of 12 millions and yet there was a surplus of $4, ooo, ooo. ed indemnity, the fact that they were largely called upon for contributions to objects, charitable and otherwise, even churches not being exempt from the humiliating attitude of looking for aid. Miss AdelineJteay spent a few days last week wuh her sister, Mrs’ John Murdock, of Allan Park. . We are glad’to hear that Mrs John Coutts is recovering from an attack tof plcunsy and bronchitis. Mr Henrv Matthews is at present staying at My Thos, 11irhton's. Miss M. Robinson, of Normanby, visited at Mr Wm. hiecallueh'sone, day, lthtely. Mr Henry Reay and two children spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs John Backus’, ot Varncy. Mr and Mrs Matt. Campbell and Miss. Foreman, visited Mr and Mrs T. II. Lswrenee's last week. A well-attended meeting of this body was held in the Varney School House on Friday last to hear Mr McEwen, President of the Central Association, who arrived on the evening train. The member for N. Wellington gave as a rtason.lor syppyrting the increas- Miss May Livingstone has recovered tron: an attack of La Grlppe. Prayer meetings are being held on Sunday mama. They commenced last Sunday at. Mrs Edmonds and next Sunday night will be held at Mr F. Wiseg. Mr Thus. Lawrence is recovering from a short illness. Mr John Tucker, of Walkerton, is visiting at John It. Leggette's, Farmers' Association Meeting. 'F Vickers. 3'911 A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed " current rates SAVINGS BASIS. -nteres allowed on sawing- bank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention cud every facilitv afforded customers living ata distance. 1 I KELLY. Agent. DURHAM AGENC CA PTA L. Authorized. . _ . . . "2,000.0u0 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000.00 ESERVE FUND ........... 1,000,o00 AGENTS in all principal pomta m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United Slams and England. (llll!i)1llj)lliUf (llllllll P. " t Con . for those who Je,, 1'flP/itPtl3d stu&8._ We teach read- ing, spelling, writing, arnhmouc to grownup young men and women. Separate rooms for this department and B separate deck for each pupil with pl any of personal help. Full particulars sent treeito my address. Address: y. f, ILMNG. “in a The 2Ptngg',l', Oran" for young people who W15 I to become te egrap apex-mars or to enter railway work. 2 h S nh-nd Course for REE} peep]: 'to 'ttgy to become. stenographeit, re- Ixrrters,ete, Four complete courses of study, suited to the needs och]! classes of young people, 1 Th 3 sin I Go no foryoun men and womzn MI', wk: a 3008 business 't2lllll'd to qualify them to do business for themselves and others. This course is useiul to the business mm. the tumor or the professional term, also flrgt class preparation for young people who wish to go into omoe work. W. P. COWAN. President. '. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Hunger. Why labor so hard without a Wash- ing Machine when you can buy one so cheap, Ask Rom. Wehlrer alum! our 81 machine, We have all kinds. CHURNS OF ALL KINDS Name a chum that we cannot supp- ly yon wu.h.from the simple Dash to the Bull-Bearing Tread. We are hearing great, repm ts regarding our Rocker Uhurn (we: y day. It is fast taking the lead. WINTER TERM. AT THE pt7ih.-aM'AeEegpt7 m WASHING MACHINES We've just rot-eiged an au=lcnrtment of . ma e s via t to order, s kirts out of pfur- uywn cloth. The cloth is worth trom 81 to $2.50 per yd and we sell the skirts Cds, $3.00 to 6.50 and 7.00. Call and see those skirts and compare with anything that you ever saw in this line of goods. Also a. varied supply of Ladies' boots, shoes, slippers, rubbers and earth”; overshoes at lowest pl ices. z: Also see our many varieties of Girdle at. . . . .50e each corsets Stand-by at ' .50c each D & A Corsets (q 750. 81 and 1.25 per pr FOOT-SCRAPER HORSE CLIPPERS In Home Clippers We can sell you what you hke, ranging in pl ice from 75c to $2.50. BUGGY LAMPS Whg; drive these dark night: with out nving suitable E',',',",,',','",',','; Buy one of our Buggy amps and let your light shine. There is nothing iuauutactured to etual them. Begins Tuotdly. Jan. 2, 1906 . MCARTHUR Head Ottice," Toronto: Of Interest to Ladies W. BLACK and GUTTERS and SLEIGHS All thelrnplementaot this ftptnoustirtrr. make are kept on hand, J as: now we want IO wk to you about Matthews ik Latimer ---' " Ogilvie’s Royal Household " I Sho West of the Mid- n flush Home. w. H. BEAN American --- C2Ga'i.LtUsv-.v.,._ndt crrstiLiiiiriait Imitation cut (lumpect- Doubleglus cu Cla-v..........: Chin: egg mfg. . 'Sl dog. Nest no: I J THE RELIABLE 'tl GROCERY ',0P long, 27" wide WA? pr 2/: " 27" widewc pr 12'A " se widelioe pr 8 " W" wide 70c u- ( MacFarlane & Co. _ . "---e" L7,rCT.rrrz-t-r-r- TIM. Lin... 54 in “den; titl m u Hen twilled Cotton sheet! , " in wi Lug?“ x 4 size 7li'lure"iee't'll%2d'leCi, TABLE OILCDOTH. " in wide... .... . .. FLOOR " l 11/-..Aa "A- -- - . 11trr, PM»; ".4 lhnstylltrrg Agency Sweeping Reduction Wall Paper DRUGGISI‘S and Ham-sellers Has in store and is prepared to supply you from full stocks ot Groceries. Fruits, Confess tionery. and Flour and Feed. and the Celebratt d CLYDES- DALE STOCK FOOD and remedies always on hand. wan [area-cut glass _t.ttim0inr.._..T".T. FIDTIR 85.25 per bbl. it is going fast. John McQueen T lIl In order to make room for our new Spring stock of Wr il Paper, for the next 30 days we will give Remnants in room lots at a sacrifice. We must make room this will save you 8. l=3 discount off LACE CURTAINS wide 'ak V Call and Bee ' mm wide I, I'ind2: ,-..............al|; ’u 'Alad2ydi “alien yd 92'!"-MI in: i; illi. long Mfg dishes, mum Call early ; 25c; as in wide 50c SE , 1906 s'etliuiC'.'.ti'G' HE us Caldera Bil wk " ttt wide, 25c yd .zisendaic’éa}. SELLS o' W wide 85c p wide in if widelAO In h, white 'dr' mm per pr L' 14-250 " a: THEE 01.75 each .75c down CHEA In i1 {an When II he the " Imper These w h I lo "" he H, " 3N, MARCH it ceit Th n A“ “A!

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