West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Mar 1906, p. 5

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- In 1906 he Mid- i2ll LEIGHS CAN ne ihe celebrated Impéiarcaapsaaa gGi,yiih,iii"ei - Whether it N one of the chronic sort fair. it med- drTiorinw. IT WONT PAY To LET IT an. Y: " it an! thestatt of you. yc-u (mm 0 II has to run its uzmw then. If you b the Hit Cut e-a-L'ohrin-aahty Tablets get nu, Imperial Laxative Quinine in 25c boxes Thetu. will knock out any ordinary cold while yu-u wait. if thwy alu not give satis- fncIinn, We will refund the Ix. Fbmey for 23c It " thebest . . » u unwed cure, AT 'ugh cure we ever had When You Feel A Cold Coming MARCH 1, 1906 m, G (t J. McKeohnie ,ttiaEeyyiMigyi $2; Don‘tfdelay: knock it out first thing. altPaaatratocirveaaore, Siiiitiiirsst,d'iLgis puma: arieiei6githgiegk The N.,G. &J. MoKechnie :llyltiilra:ww qlliYesii'i'uaraitait; EL ee..,,', Is::, f fr, n,,,,.] _'lr,l',rri',i, 3;“, FWKE§ 21% ' a“ 'j) , 'ij?ilFt') [rSiiiiiip, d '353. gig} :,lj'is)ili1iii-i--i--it--iii1, C-i-s-ii-r-za, li . if; 9558”? = 'ci-IRE-n I - iifrh"re I tf%Ni-iisCiiit5 E a 2? ', (i,t;iitif)iiii'ii'i-ri-il), 5 ii),', iit0iittifaE ii Ai x 'llili'ii $1355 irl) ~ tttCai ii) l )AftlANCari, In Crockery . . . Our Groceries . . Christmas and New Year's having once more passed around, we have commenced the season of 1906 with a fuller and more complete iw. of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, etc, than ever before. close prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE". Call at our Warerooms----one door South of the Post Office. To reduce our stock We are offering lines of all grades and makes at very (The popular Cash (Store. See our large :stock of JAPANESE WARE just opened. Are always of the freshest and the best and for A SHORT TIME ONLY we will continue to give 5 lbs. RAISINS for 25c. (New Fruit) Have You a (laugh? The Popular Cash Store. Eiféurham Furniture Co., Ltd. ne cf the chronic sort or just a temporary " AY TO LET IT tht. You mm gm. at our Strre ' a - .. -- _ ,, The People's Dru ggists -pleamant t , take --tt quar- 'ine, Eucalyptal and f2'esiE2srdiF,..?sat M tll'fft.SuTd"ppgeftettei,tiiiir,Ei: " "qeiti,hiiif.,9 Y km 1tlblt't'h'ht'fa'tt?dti,'Fi?ii2ii.ihi5 yttdiireFOGia Erin's?» m1}; 't're"i'l2'llt%t ity of hnrhtg 13:11:. hunt basin?” unnamed mhflW.AJ_E-:.,¢Prx~ Mr Albert Middleton had a wood-bee on Wednesday last. and managed to get quite a large pile at wood eat. In the evening a very pleasant time was spent by all present, the chief amuse~ mom. being dancing. Glad to hear that Mr Will Newell is able to resume his duties at the F'ur. niture factory, after being laid off for a week or so with a sore finger, which he had badly injured while at work there. A number of yOung people from here spent a very enjovahle evening at the home of Mr and Mrs David Watson's, Welbeck. Mrs J. A. McDonald, and daughter, Mrs J. MeGiilivray, both of Westhope, N. Dak., visited friends in this burg last week. On Friday last our young.' people were out driving in a single cutter and made their wav to Durham. On their arrival in town, they were met by two young men, one of whom accompanied by rme of the ladies in the load drove of? with the horse and cutter leaving the rest behind. We dare say the cvuple in the cutter had a very enjoy- able ride. while the party left behind were lamenting a 2 hours' and lalt delay. MrJas Sharpe, of' Rothwell, Man., visited at. the home at her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm. Vessio, Br. Glad to see a Mekeehnie once again on the Hugh McKechnie farm. Mr John W. Mekeehnie, ot Durham, hav- ine bought out Mr Arnold Noble, whose sale takes place on the 6th of March. Wtirirar7iiaiiirFirto%, 22't2i,t': In; one of Ann”: PM. at “my I A meeting was held last Tuesday at Rnekv Snugeen church for the purpose of looking after the cemetery and ap- pointing truStees. a matter which has been neg ected fur some, time. Messrs Arch. Mekeehnie, John Sm th and Duncan Clark were app inted trustees and it is likely there will he annual meetings and a more general interest taken in im welfare. A drain along both sides and atthe back is under con- sideration. Pleased to see Miss Carrie McKech- nie home from Stratford, and in good health. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doetor'e medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pi-u- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. --_.W"rirtk""""."""-'"eei_e'_ai+ J2.eht, 2tAeietetT.CiAWtsF.itTG7.'i, ADoctor's Medicme The boot kind of . testirrtonia1- " Sold for over uixty yam.” We havo no “I W. ”but. mitt-nun. ofn11tmrgrsqdut-. “ca-1.11m o I:- n. C .. - m Munch ot yer’s ',ititsist',:,'l." Rocky Saugeen. ‘ILJ Psi)? The following valuable farm stack and unyie- ments: 1 horse, 8 year old, 1 horse. 9 year ol , 7 cows, supposed to be in calf, sateen, rising3 you old, 2 heifers, rising 3 yen old, 8 steers. rising 2 years old, 2 heifers, rising 2 yen-s old, 60 hens, trealms, brood sow, master-harris binder. cutter. mower, drill, nearly new, horse rake, WW". plough. set ot iron barrows. set of bob sleg s. nearly new, bum. hlytack. gravel box. x cut aw. fuming mill, turnip pnlper. nearly new set double harness. robe. net single Mess, 2 set wrippietrtwr, qmntity of My, forks, chains. rakes And o her uncles too numerous to mention. Everything must be disposed of u Proprieter has sold his tum. Sole " one o'clock. “up. Terms '. Sums of ss and under cool: ', over that .- mont 10 months‘ credit will be give: on oppmved Joint notes. , per cent per Lanna: discount snow- ed in lieu of notes. PM burly necked us all: for 'tep-rr hul. Mttt't)eephm, was. Invoice elem. cu: Vellum nine of 't1t"uri,t.'i',','ar,', had no one elsewmywmd. "ttre-ttttttttttid. Commence now. amnion be. ARNOLD NOBLE, Proprietor of Farm Shock and Implements. The muiersiened Auctioneer has been in- structed to sell fre Public Auet ion at lot 30f 13, con. l, w. G. R., Beutinck. just west of Rockv Church. on Tuesday, larch 6, 1906 The Rev Dr J. Frazer Smith. of ilotn- her. as a former member of the Dor- noch congregation, and also a member for many years at Mr McDiarmid's Billie this: Wttte asked to deliver the address. The text chosen for the or. union was 2Tim; 4: TS. " I have fought a. good fight, I have finished my mane. l have kept the faith t Hence- forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day l and not to me only, but untoall them also that love his appearing." The funeral. which took place on Monday, Feb. ii. was: largely nttended. The Rev. J. C. Tolmie. pastorof tit Andrew's Church. Windsor.. conducted the service-sand was ably assisted " several members of the Chutham pres- hytorv and also the Rev Mascus Scott. of Detroit Besides the widow the deceased Is survived hy two sane, Dr George Mr- Ihavmiu, of Near Orleans, and Archi- bald a lawvvr in Chicago. also two daughters, Miss Katie. of New York, Miss Jean, at home. He is also surviv- ed by a twin brother at, Ottawa, For many vears the stately minidtei- ial, almost military tirrure oi' the grand old man has been familiar In Windsor people and his kinle and courteous presence will he much missed. As a minister during his uctiveservire, his pulpit manner and matter were typical of the impressive dignity of the old school. free from sensation and the semi<ernlnr Vanities that mar modern day sermortizitur. He represented a clerical class that is fast passing away. The deceased was horn in Scotland and was in his 78th year. He was or- dained to thd ministry in Canada neur- ly half a ventury ago. He was station- ed at \Vulhwelnwn for seven yuan. Amherstlun-g for four years. Mekillop for the mum period. Dammit for nine. teen years and Napier for three years_ [The fullowiuz account of the late Rev. Mr McDmrn-id has been kindly sent, as by Mr Rum. Mills of Tilbury, fox-nwrly of Dotnoch.-Ed.l The Rev A. McDiarmid, retired Pres- byterian clergyman, who for the past eleven years. has lived in Windsor passed away suddenly at his residence, Windsor. on Friday. Feb. 3. With reference to Mrs Campbell‘s health in our last week’s budget we wish to state we were in error in say- ing she had to undergo a serious oper- ation as such is not the case. The fault we own was ours, we might have. known betteras the source of its origin was most untrustworthy. The scarcity of snow on the roads this winter must suggest to the most careless pedestrian the great nemity of all Imthrnasterts taking special pains toleave a good wide clean bottom ditch free of stones and obstacles. By doing so one can travel along with sleigh or cutter with a fair degree of satisfaction. We trust that a hint to the wise is offieient. Several are croaking yet (now be careful Mr Editor) round the corners with we grippe. _. _ We have boiled it down to a finish when we say that pastor D. .1. Cam- bell's sermon in Knox church. Nor- manby, on Sunday, was the produc- tion of a Mastcrmind most effectively applied. Revival services are begun in Oreh- ard Methodist church and will likely continue for a fortnight under the su- pervision of pastor Holmes. Offouurse we'll “shake” swing the error wmsentirely ours and tor accus- ing ve Editor falsely we are serving an hard labor. what in all likehhood will be a lite sentence. Miss Many Ann Stewart is home at he corners again, after spendinga few months in the vicinity of Holstein. On invitation of our Farmers associ- ation. Mr B. H. Miller, M. P. has six- mfied his intention of being willing to come and explain his course in the last session. and ulso the course he intends to pursue this session. In all probabil- itv arangement will be made to have Mr Miller with us about the 2nd of March or there abouts, as he will have to leave for Ottawa on the 7th. Even" one cordially invited to attend and hear him. Partot an icem in our last budget was Written a good deal on the prin- cipal of th tietion " and tor doing so we had a. narrow escape of having “a fraetion " on our nose for Sunday, but by a Male tact skillr.ally applied, we gm out. and have beinésinéi'ng Songs of delivenanee ever since. The Late Rev. A. McDiarmid. J, THE DURHAM REVIEW CREDIT AUCTION SALE TORONTO. ONT. Intended tor mat rat? w. J. ILLICIT. Principal Cu. Yup am an NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Blythe's Corners -. BOBT. BRIGBAM. Auctioneer. A Swell Tudhope Cueer Barclay s, Bell Opposite MiddaUgh House Stables afi(lll()llillf 2pielrgt.1 AAV. Watson Bans ax , Biscuits in great variety All kinos of Cakes made to orde W EDDING AXES otuuTeeialty Gad-ply in Ind-an It 25:. segue-asap...“ W0 Mac-“m will-ya haiku-bur ”but“ F irst-Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Grand Mogul Tea bestposshleblendot'the finestandripestteas. Dis. Watson’s Bread-T h B a a paperbringietoyouinthe dustormit:mber-thep4 Cg"iett (flippers Grand Mogul Teaisa produd of the sunniest mountaintopsinCeylon. Ptepeuedhymachinery is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutter-the best, the Tud- hope, at no more expense-- and will have had its use for the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours. or, at least, take a look ove'r them. thutdren 's, . 1 Mamas and Women 's au Wemaina’er of Mountain Grown Also other high-grade Manitoba Flnurs, per barrel 34.75 to 5.00 Ogilvw’s Royal Household, per barrel.. " a! 5Jaeees Ceylon Tea for 2% Do you want to know where to buy I so Anna than Durham, wen “unwed. “coo Above mm. well tatilt, well "tt awnn mm, good m {cm , Roman ' well in ved and lo " 'Sgr,drt'l,'tNall', m film plane new cum. - ann. c. b. R, mm: on. " Aural PM. In": suntan." Licensed. Auctioneer to the County of Grey. Hound AuetimtoertortheCettir. ltlr tp,',',',',','",,',,, be left Su, [lipid-Int Wage. moms. ,"lth1hll'tsWlal, on: ":03le Durham. Nov. M, NM. Ala-gonnmbcro! mWh-khbu manna-.6 "jii.oyjariq.TtyyyttLc.P- JOHN CLARK.) was; 54-3.: Barrister. So1iettorin Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner, be. A. G. Mach] K.C.2 W. F Dunn Barristers. Solicitors. Conveytneers Ae. Money to Loan. ottiee---Caider'. Block. (war Post 0mm Term madame. Amusement- tor “In no to and. he, mun be made " m. Bum! 0t tice, Durban. It umwudonoc addr-ed there, or to Ceylon P. o., will be pun-ml; amended to, Team on cppllcuton to D. IoPllAIL. Ceylon P. o or to C. IAIAGE. Durban: HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Sumo-om of Ontario. Room. Over J & J HUNTERS New Store W. C. PICKERING o. o S., L. o. S. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto l‘nlvor] 'i md mu Royal Pollen Dental Bummo Gum Dentistry In Bil it. crunches. Lu. Indium to 1100mm“ Ihoudon. En.) and to Knnpp'a (New York) Ere 1tmpitatd. 0mm. " PM! gt, Mambo: Cellu- Physician ad Eamon 0M. - (we. und Ruldcnco cor. ham“ and Goo-o a... In [001 of Hill. Old Moodle (mot. OPIlCl uOUII J. G. BUTTON, M. D, C M Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A Ren- eral ftntncial business unnamed. 33W!!! ho u Knuth "can. Durham. thou. Baum!” In each month. noun. i-trt 2mm L. R C. P., londol, mun Graduate of London..New York and cat' I... Dian-es of Eye. Ear. Nose, and Throat t PIYIICIAI & Brunei, Office over J. a“. Hun-tofu Sun _4,, f IIOIOA.I. ARTHUR H. JACKSON, Mee, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. tr-ll B. II or to C. BAIAGE, I)! I? Ceylon bu telephone one: atSpattt:1=tn,.eextz. Mee. McIntyre Block. over the Bank '. MoPHAIL.) J. F.G?A T D.0.tr, L.'O.S. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., - Bpoci-l Intention than to Dial-n o' Women and children. Will be a the Mild-ugh "outta, Durham. the mu Wedneulny ot ml: month fem. 10 t. In. till 4 p. I. Licensed Auctioneer for Go. Grey Eye. Ear, Nose do Throat Notary Public. Commission". BUREAU. ONT. (Lower Town) MACKAY * DUNN. Telephone Cennectlen No. " MEDICAL LEG-AL. J. P. TELFORD HOI'BR TENT . B. Miller. "I mom mun-en CON V EYANCER. _lyte. Money to Loan. DR. BROWN. DR. BURT nenr All-n Milo-ao- 2-t p. I 7to Oh. Own Sound 74p.-

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