West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Mar 1906, p. 2

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it" guinea-mu -iiGiii7, "'3: _ - -- _....-.-u F"'" It}; so the only places of social 'lal'i2'i',i'g' for the men after the day’s work are the numerous cum. where they dine and rennin " the tnbles nnd chat for two or the. hours. The real news of the guru: in to be found ut-emi. qu. “triage: and deaths, chance. in “a, land new -hat. be. the all "-*-- __1-A A . - - -'e' “"va vl one“). u peanuts are eaten. and are also used in soups, stews and most of the meat dishes. A dinner in this miniature Syria is worth trying by one who likes novelty in his cuisine and picturesque surroundings. Seated at small tables, with 'eater-pipes and cigarettes at hand, swarthy. black-eyed Syrians in groups of from four to six play a game similar to backgammon. Some enjoy their after- dinner smoke and all indulge in coffee. They one s sociable, happy, well~msn. med people. While they glance up when u stranger enters. they do not stare one out of countenance, but pm used with Wiser or game. There an no Syria hen or distinctly native amusement places of say kind here. Seloono are few end far between, h Syrians no not I Making neon].- sweet pease dried, salted and roasted until crisp and delicious; great stacks of grape vine leaves which the good wife him bv the dozen and uses as dainty ashes for salad and entrees (the dishes to be eaten with whatever is served on them); Pistachio nuts, bnklawa, a sort of pastry, and many sweetmeats to tempt and interest the curious. The dried pease are eaten by the Syrians, 3nd hv Americans who know of them. as peanuts are eaten, and are slso used in soups, stews and most of the meat dishes. A dinner in this miniature Syria is worth trying by one who likes novelty in his cuisine and picturesque surroundings. Seated at small tables, -m. --A-- -.t-, __ . . -- - mnzmar corner in New York City. Down on the lower west side, in the Syrian quarter of New York, where troops of black-haired, olive-skinned children play in the streets, and lithe, slender and generally pretty mothers gossip on the doorways, the fruit stalls, bakeries and groceries are stocked with any things unfamiliar to the American eye and palate. There are boxes of; sweet pause dried, salted and roasted,‘ until Tue and delicions; great stacks; n unn- ---- --,- A Singular Comer in New coughs. ite. Siva 'ioTr" tle. Warranted the most mini: Cure ever known Remove. All Yard, loft lumps and blemishes from cpsvin, curbs, splints, ring! stifles, sprains, sore and I .INiusli snhuiimsr not In paying tG-this" 7, this dim going and be . a; to " mdhlduq Ida; Wearing No Man’s Conn. (notion, Kam, Slml.) Bell); a newspaper first. not and tll the time this paper will print I” the new: or att pumice-l mks with (action: during the coming campaign. It will has: all polmclans Ill”! and decently. going on tho theory that a mm Is not noceaoarlly a. bearable! Be.. cnuse be ls a. republican. champ beam he tn a dunner-at or crazy because he is a popu< Mat. Whuevu- views the editor has he will #rxtttNm, on this page regardless of the reso- Jutlon of the party. the action. of any com- mittee or the notion of .m. »... ".c, _. -_--- Fw.eq. mu guru; Ll8rtltttittn Kidney Remedy, Mr. Bayes continued: "I had been troubled with my kidneys for a number of years. I tried several kinds of plasters and other kinds of medicines, but did not seem to get any lasting benefit. Hearing Dodd's Kidney Pills no highly reconunended I decided to try them, and they made . complete cure of me. That is two years ago now, and u I said before I have had good health ever since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure once and for all. There is no stage or form of Kid, I ney Disease that they do not cure cmn- _ pletely and permanently. l -- ---_ ..l 51"" T'i and He Haa "Id Good Health Ever , £312???" "utee-storr ot Weu-mtown Now P delivery since Branaorttt Man. I to at least an Lower Windsor, Carleton Co., N. B., and there are Feb. 26.-(s'prcuf.)--"ver, I have good fayorable she health ever since I used Dodd's Kidney being the lar; Pills." The speaker was Mr. T. 11. Bel- employees am yea, Postmaster here. and one of the have to cover' most highly respected men in this part - of the country. Asked to give his experi- In Too ence with the great Canadian Kidney} Thm Florrli.I,, Remedy. Mr. 13011101 onan...J. ' vomit Tribuie‘. HAS mriiii" - I Jlllliil? EVER swam "-"..r. _..- Inuit}, muu we mbbit, pointing to the squirrel family eating lunch. . “Stuck again," cried the fly, alight- "hte the sticy paper." an see my finish," murmured the lamb as he entered the slaughter mm.--. "Things are coming my way,” said the bear, dodging another bullet] "Quit your kidding," exclaimed the fish. " the bait, dropped into the water. "Those fellows are nutty," said the nLk:A -.as'._x', ' .. “I've got i pin hawk, as “Here’s where I butt in," liking fer. the children. as, -- re. cent. dynamite, that used in mining. In addition to this it will (In away With the usual bad effects of smoke, and it offers the advantage of king best exploded by a fuse or an elec- ttie spark, thus making the use of sparks unnecessary. It is said that successful but. have also been made with firearms. A Mexican inventor recently al for n patent to cover n new expr The chin: is made that this exp] has about the lame breaking streng oldinary 40 per cent. dynamite, that in a-'...".., ., ....- m1. norm mLosm i m lime the ”Woven o: a lexical L Belyea. P. M., Proves That) Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure i Permanently. I Years Since He Used Them Now I nara, loft or 'all.oused blemishes from horses, blood s, splints, ringbone, aweeney, ins, sore and lwollen throat, Save 860 by use of one bot. ed the most wonderful Ble.. p-- "-- " W - rvvu‘ . News tho editor has he will 1' Petro regardless of the reso- party, the action. of any com- notions ot any boos. The ed- , tho bub been” to keep " AM M -.dt. __, .A Slang in the Animal World. Places of any kind cw and far between, ; n drinking people,. of social gathering the day's work are where they dine and - -vr w. ,uu, annexm he landed on another chic- mu run "tt TGrii5 humor. that this -dGiiiiiii breaking strgngth as recently applied laid the goat, Bill Hurt had on n high stand up out- I "el -43.: .1 I your-neck collar " the dance My Wi Ho doesn't how I. good thing tstat looked very much 5101‘" Minoan. mae-ttGia-. m. " y. - Mr-., _ _-- F Romain; Wag in linear]. (Simone Record.) fq'r'aU,tu",,1t,n,te,t, "Mama: 1:". 'tttatm _ mar mm... on. J.tCrrxtet,praaiiiii"iii mum Mise, A. Show And Mr. and Ahe Mind-r, who we. ”command in u...._ _ - THE STOMACH'S ( --The stomach is the “For the reason," replied Balm: noted for " polished diction, “Th: the handwriting ot this lather may the footprints of the whole case." Footprints in the Handwriting. (San Francisco Chronicle.) . D. M. Denna.» wanted to introduce In evi- dence, a with letter. and the opposing counsel, after objecting to ita introduetioG on the usual grounds, asked Attorney Del.. mu his purpose In seeking to make it I record of the cue. Bill nut had on expldsi Ye. I have handled MINARD’S LIN IMEN T during the past year. It is always the best Liniment asked for here, and un- questionably the best seller of all the different kinds of liniment I handle. Marion Bridge, C. B., May M, '02, "Maw? Oh, maw's down in makin' dinner tor the bun-ch.” Everybody Works But Mother. "Where is Edythe?” “she’s up in her studio hand patntln' a now shovel." "Where'a Gladys?" "In the library, wrltIn' po'trr" “Where's Chtrioet" “She's In the parlor playin' the planner." “Where’s Gwendolim?" "Up in her boudoIr curlIn' her hair." "Amt wheres ma.'" "Maw? Oh, maw's down in than 1rfrr,hasr. BRIGHT’S DISEASE- INSIDIOUS! DECEPIWEt RELENTLESS! has foiled hunmdsoftraststrrm- seiotteetostem the tide of its tVvagtttr-autd, not until South Mean Kidney Cum mowed beyond a doubt its power tto turn back the this. was there a gleam of anything but despair tor the victim or this dread Lrrm of kidney diseaae.-64. now and Mr. aeisrsia""dci'i"it, ""“‘ mrrmmged by m we government all the time and by in. sisting on a little progress day by day and year by year obtain our results as the Englishman does. by building up a responsive system of government rather than by depending upon occasional ebul- litions of genius to pull down all that demand some immediately. lt‘would be much better if we would keep an eye on the government all the time and by in. sisting on a little progress day by day and year by year obtain our results as the Englishman does. by building up a responsive system of government rather France each about $14,000,000. Due to V the large and rapid increase of rural 3' delivery since 1003. our deficit has grown I to at least three times what it was then, a“; ".-. ---- -EQ - I According to the international post i bureau. taking all the post-offices of the , world, the United States shows the heavi- !est loss from the management of its ipostal' affairs and Great Britain the largest profits. Nineteen hundred and ithree is the last year for which figures for comparison are available. and for that year we ran beind $4,329,000, while Great Britain showed a net profit of $22,000,000, and Russia, Germany and France each about $14,000,000. Due to ‘L- T, _ - - V - ,n.-- .‘Vuuvuq u" uul "u. favorable showing. the principal ones being the larger compensation we pay employees and the extonaive are-as we have to cover which are thinly populated. “m.-.“ a MI almond. lunch lisp in better than other an 'il1'd'dh','ld,'l', I m in but: “on and in tho mum: my. . the drummed yum, b Bar- "r""etidGiiiara"ira"la' at r'"te.at.teliericGrttiCA"oT. ------ JtAt..tttueii mumngl-a: Price of a Meat Ticket. Ic aimiGiiG"ii'i'd by Hm B. ra; Myth Leona.) “1 I. c. WW“- , Lord my. Qo'rtttoualrF-a've and. CT-tee----- t alt. to must you daughtari has In lur- ' "U!e'tty mum t.' Mr. gym-avast ot atom my [ In; W. ' nu. an: Cho- WIMP-Trim»: """'eti.tes.tciiLiiir3'lkhrr"A' (Leeuille Light.) _ M -"-_-.LLuz' Degr Mother: " Uimmy Smith had no hair on t That's all!” (bled the man, but m ‘down his pen, and wi advanced to the win: stuck forth his head. "Well, what is itt" "The boy, from a gr! called out.. trouble and worry, but in the end we are very proud of them. “Young trees are vexations. Young ‘children are mentions. I know a man who sat in his study the other afternoon writing a speech, when his little Ion called shrilly from the garden: " 'Papa, papa, look out of the window.' " 'What a nuisance children are,' grum- bled tho man hut ..m-_____A' . ‘ Representative Chalk Beeson, ot ' as, is the head of a forestry statibn gives trees to farmers. In an address to a women’s ecu; Mr. Beeson said: "Trees are like children. In the ginning they give us a great deal trouble and worry, but in the end are verv nrnml of 'hr-, YOUNG TREES AND CHILDREN‘ A Little Story Told Before A Cum" In Too Much of a Hurry, This remedy amid be L AiLi_,iiG. Cr""---'--;"-;-:-",.":"-"-".':'-","-', iiriiiifiiC1u:ij" A" ,1 ”mu“... In" pm! to the. lthguannlced to cure or your money is ramped. The price is 25e. per bottle. and all denier: in medicine sell ... Your Mom-re: con-mat eamht Fall and Winter Weather. “2K will 8gtgtl; t,Ttjij, r','ht,j'., ati' what it much; so ',,ltp, 'rt said am. It,,' ttttlt.,', J,"',',, J35,“ ax: R u: an. tt tttty.. tlull,"; and pleasant to In ,7 F--..--,'. Postal Profit an; iGi, (Cincinnati Enquirer.) NEIL FERGUSON. 's “WEAI. on won” u, asnea Attorney Del- kang to make it I replied Df1Tar, who Is to the international post ‘11:: all the post-offices of the ‘nited States shows the heavi- MW. ...-, tg man, but nevertheless he pen._and with a half smil other reasons for our won. "a'ut'ttiGuii letter mar, be traced with wouldn't believe you on the top of your head. r Told Before a Congress of Women. d with a half smilerl; window promptly and Chalk Beeson, of Karl- ‘a forestry station that P' said he. group of youngsters, a women’s cOngrass the kitchen at deal of the end we crown. The poetic Justice of the situation now do- maudc. that Tom Kelly be nomlnued tor governor on the Nattorm that the Statehouse dome in his it he will carry it away. The people should put that liberties in escrow and turn them over to Tom; ho chould Ip- point an expert to see warm they hue tense enough to live and Odette I.” who don't in with him that C public attic. E . print, sup. Tom Kelly in kin! " I LITTLE, BUT SEARCmNth--Dr. Trot . Stan's Pineapple Tallah- m not Mg mun- eons doses that contain injurious drugs or mtrtsties--they an the pure vegetabhe pep- gsitt--thq medians} em thorn this known: mm. and we tablets are prepared in as panama tom as the fruit melt. They euro “cotton. 60 9! box, 86 oettt--at _ V v”. "_.. “a Dill- Pcculiarly enough the zebm’s stripes, which seEm to make it so conspicu m2, render it almost invisible by moonlight. At tho Zoological Garden in gratifying fashion. Sylvia is the belle of the of zebra; she is "as fine as l It wears the stripes. Its stripes are black and white. It stands about 12 feet in height. It is a. stunningly handsome animal. 1 Its hoofs are more slender than the horso's Ita mane is erect, naturally "hogged." A switchy tuft of hair is at the end of its tail. In proportion to a horse its head is larger] its ears longer. It has oallosities on its forelcgs, while a horse tas t.hery on all four. The zebra is "foiiid'"ii, TIT; hi] try of Cape Colony, where it is edfroT extermination. the he- Minard’s Linimentvépres Bums, etc. Henrietta 1i'irisiiaii"Cioh, it ain't dat. But he always adds a postscripture: P. B.---Burn dis lettah." I One Suspicious Circumstance. Henrietta Whitewash--I suttinly am 'spieioua ob Ferdinand. Eb'ry lettah he writes me he swears ter be eternally true an’ axes me ter hasten de weddin', as he am pinin' away wit love. Mrs. 1v.ht.'tewa/ur--fva'a( I don't see nuffin' .'spleious 'bout dat. DAHY mJN0RS.---Dr .Agncw’s Oint- ment soothes. gum, and effects quick and affective cum an an akin eruption. common to baby during beaming am. It is haun- leu totubhairiao-oessaatmaa,and cures Enema. San. Rheum and an Skin Diseases of older mic. 35 (seam-65 I nut l Aa a builder of ships the United Kingdom .i.tfteet1?fhilyttyr_natidriiiiG'iri'rt, in a class by itself. Indeed, upward ot two- thirds ot the entire ship tonnage ot the world last year came 0mm British yards. The exact figures are compiled by the lead- mg authority show that while British build- ers turned out 1,805,000 tons the other un- tions rainbined command only 1,127,000 tons. This may be described as the actual ship tonnage that was put in the water in 1905 by nil countries. American yards came next after tho British in the amount of oom. _ structlon, but they were a very Jame second, l with onlv an TTT. “a... with anti -iii,iiirtoiiii', - --__ Vl'l Will restore gm? hair to Its natural color. Stags tal Ins hair, causes to {row on ha d heads, cures dandruff, tching and all scalp diseases. Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Not a dye. Price " era"q--To Introduce will mail ttrat order for " cent». coin or postal no“. caEiiiiiri Ham BABY mmoiiii no wind "Doctor, if you will I to rise and pick out Four what remains." In trying to avoid each 0 icy pavement, they both " came to the sidewalk facing with their pedal extremitie ably entangled. While the p was debating in his mind wl proper thing to any or do un fymstanees, the problem was the quick-wittod lady, who marked: I The late Dr. Henry Thayer ,the found. I er of Thayer’s laboratory in Cambridge,! wa son his way to his office one winter]I morning in the early '00s, when Elie side- , walks were a glare " ice. While goingi down Main street he (met a. lady com-l ing in the opposite direction. The lady! was a. stranger to him, although he was not unknown to her. I Editor in Sarcastic Mood, 1e is ereet, naturally "hogged." 'hy tuft of hair is at the end World’s Output of Ships, I fitetfiits of Toilet Soaps THE MERWIN co, Mm}. W w -', - - ' The Zebra. found in thrs.jriiis coun- SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS Equal to the Océasicnl belle of the Zoo's tribe "ls tine as silk.” =, v "H“, pedal extremities consider- you will be good enough I, “A. __-- ' - _-- V if“??? It . public "oiii% Kelly 1: km; at If the imperial Use SUNLIGHT SOAP: any or do under the cit: problem was solved by ”A,“ 7 ' . ‘_ Vhile the polite doctkir 1is mind what was the every day. Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium iist. , gt " of little value if tt consxsts of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Snap Coupons I --_-.--'-L, Users of SUNLIGHT ind CHEERFUL for nothing. for which you have it tlleres TORONTO Restorer. legs, I will tiid, "”55“" October's child ls born of woe, And llte'a vicissitudes must kn Th. Von But lay on opal on her breast, And have will lull those woes is ttamp. _ l or - NOVEMBER. Coupons are the same as protect- other on the slipped and 35; each other, vauscB co dandruff. . Contains Not a dye. [mall ttrat la] not... miter. Ont. =="= , I. ' l Kingdom ‘1 as to be P t rd of twa- , _ quietly rd.. (Ru- city Journal.) A mun"! munch that a. Jaun- ~ “I In! to at In. on in m 1tLN'?SectiLittyiir.iiiir5"G"a12 ~ " M rttat'e - “puma. n Mtg a. - " .. lull-.3. / _ ,_....°..y nu: sun null": Us printed or omitted. Why? Because he believes social publicity is a. good thine. A little thinking should convince him that if the newspapers can further his social upirstions they on also promote his business tunbition. It is worth while to be noted " “smog those present" in trade cirdes. Social and Business Prestige. The man who does not believe in ad- vertising does out exist. It is true there are men who think they do not believe in it; but they are tself-deeeivers. When one of them sttends a social function he eagerly scans the papers next evening to see whether he is chronicled " "among those present,” and he is tickled or disgruntled accordingly " his name is printed or (smith-cl Who u----._, ', Ottt. continued: T.l=.?. " 'We'il be hour.' If cold December gave you The month of snow and ie Plug In your band a tun Success will bit-s whnle'p Who first comes to this world below, With drear November's tog nnd "tow, Should prize the topaz' amber hue, Emblem of friends and lovers true. A maiden born when autumn leaves Are rustling In September's breeze, A sapphire on her brow should bind, "rwm cure diseases ot the mind. Lovor Wear a sardonyx, or tor thee No conjugal felicity; The August-born. without this , 'Tis said mun live unloved and The glowing ruby shall Mort Those who in July an born, Then they'll be exempt and 1 From love'I doubts, anxiety AUGUST. She who from April dates her years. Diamonds would wear, lest bitter tearg, For vain repentance flow. This stone Emblem ot innocence is known. The following "no, aathertt.rcated by I prominent Orientalist in Buffalo, is publish- ed by upsclal request. Anyone having u dif- ferent assignment of the birth stones will tnvor the readers ot Everybody's Column by sending it int Who on this earth ot ours. their eye. In March. first open, shall be wise, In days of peril, firm and brave, And wear 3 bloodstone to their grave. Minard’s Linimentvcv};es Dandruff. FEBRUARY. The February born shall tind _ Sincemy and peace of mind: Freedom trom passion and from care, It they the amethyst will wear. Too Buy to Get Hungry. "Failing to get a repl: pleasant information, the on deck again, and, tak beside the captain on an "What a quiet chap is.' " JANUARY. Br her. who In this month is born, No gems save game-ts should be worn They will ensure her constancy, True friendship and tidelitr. "U gusty day. slit,’ and the monkey shrugged his shoulders. "The pilot with affable gruffness went on:" “The South light isaway on the port bow now, sir. "There was no answer. "gut the pilot was persistent. He l, She relieved the gloom of her narra- 'tive with a description of a pilot. This (tpen was a eharieter--a shellback like these whom w. w. Jacobs describes in his sea. stories. "The' pilot." said Miss Mahony, “was once bringing a ship northwards. The captain, towards sunset, bade him go below and help himself to a glass of cold tea. "After taking the tea, the pilot pro- eeeded to munch a biscuit. "'Now the captain owned a large monkey, and this creature sat drowsily in a. corner. The pilot said: i I The Darwin Theory. Miss Agnes Mahony, a missionary to ’Liberia, was visiting Philadelptiia with itwo African slave girls-that she had , bought for $15 apiece. i Nisus Mahonv’s nicturon of [ihm-‘m Miss Mahony’s. pictures of Liberia were sombre. They were pictures of savage physicians operating on savage patients with pieces of broken glass, of men content and happy if their wn'es provided them with enough rice to support life on, or a climate so humid- that a rew months' residence there un- paired the white man's health. HT SOAP and GET THE FREE Ie same " cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet 1.___ to EV out money every week. Brochur- Limited. Toronto. THE BIRTHSTGNES. DECEMBER. SEPTEMBER r gave you birth. now and Ice lad Mirth- tand a turquoise blue, as whate'er you do. OCTOBER. APR! L, JULY. r shall MARCH, over the bar, sir, in get.a reply even to this , to his name Why? Because adorn born, and tree n, thd pilot went up J, taking his place on the bridge, said: know; is stone, and lone, you can get something you need and _ to rest. SOAPS can 1 your' father ”manna LAND onmuxm. "' . Li i 33mm. The ":22 I'i,e,,t.!itee,r, 'tt ted TERMS GTC-cet:--:-- Toes-pop, what " horse sense? Tommy’s Por-Horse sense, my son, is simply knowing enough not to bet on the mom. . This dim 1‘33th or 'tn m Non. ' _ 'CTra""iDllr'YNgiiii; mm- and 'e2"'fSat. 1t11.tlit4a't'att.t that). China. 7 m I KAmorne, Am..- n. - .--, u: "you've answered well on other points, l Now here's my last suggestion; l"When woman goes to cast her vote-- Some miles away, it may be-- Who them I ask, will stay " home To rock and tend the baby.'" Said Sam, "I own you've mule my one Appear 1 little breezy, Suppose you put this question by, And ask me something any! "But, since the matter seems to turn On this an on its axis, Just set the one who rocked it whoa She went to pay her taxes!" In class to an mm “I! In the than. what FIBRE WARE ARTICLES FARMS AND BLQCKS or LAND m M, 1lipilrjligit or m Pan Said Joe to Sun, In "em debat- Upon the womnn's question. “You've answered welt ttil other Now here's my last suggestion: FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN """"-"""-----------zct get Detachable telephones will in future probably greatly alleviate the horrors of train wrecks, as a plan is being con- sidered by the New York Central offi- cials to equip all its trains with these. As Telephony points out, wires run al- most universally along the railroad line,‘ and in case of accident where formerly} _ great delay and consequent suffering re- sulted from the impossibility of summon- ing aid, now the instrument may be "tap- ped in' upon a wire and communication established with the nearest station. Aid for those injured will thus be quick- ly obtained, and the wrecking train sum. moned with such eelerity that interfer- ence with traffice will be reduced to n minimum. Can-d- MANITOBA. 1ihyaidi'i"iiiG mo ALBERIA ITT""""-----;:.::.:::::,,'..")?! INSET ON "EINO -___ ---. Im- ._. - In WM of our company. which h mm UNDER ”can 53715115 1ttipIppetirtrir.Vi_ ORDER' or .rtryyrFiiiiri'. my I. a " STRONG. RELIABLE. {mun-(m, PAYrtttirii'i.' mm and.” out; to F- W u“"“” At the seventy-second annual meet. ing of the shareholders of the British American Assurance Company, held on “'ednesday, the 2lst inst, at the head of- fice, Toronto, the statements presented showed the total income for the your from all sources to have been $2.526,- 682.49, and the total expenditure $2.387,- 465.58, leaving a profit balance of $139,- 216.91. Out of this a dividend of 0 per cent. was paid, $11,234 was written off for depreciation in securities and office furniture and $77,504.91 added to the re- serve fund. The financial statement of; the company showing the assets and lie- bilities at; the close of the year appears in another column. Ct raG'iiii==ii'il""" "U WILL THERE The Mayor of Newark. N. J., bu asked the merchants of that city not to ndver. tise on billboards, and has requested land-owners not to permit the use of their property for unsightly signs. Com- pliance with his wishes would perhlps entail a. loss upon the land-owners, but 'certainly not upon the merxrhanta. They would be driven from one kind of adver- tising that pays to other kinds that pay better. For every successful seeker of publicity who has built up his business by billboard effort there are thousmds who have founded their fortunes on newspaper "ads." British American Assurance Company At the ttttvent-ons, nnnnnl h‘nn‘ TELEPHONES ON ALL TRAINS D GENEROUS u HELP . morn-Anus nad coma Tl The Pivotal Question. “Wm- lilu.liippy's “In“. "VP t awning '5- - I‘- Q. n.- FOR ---mnmiay mm mm own - "h'gteltt"a"r" Bray 'JSP" saT'tsrucrroN IS NO SUBSTITUTE Sums!) -- . Cl2f'f1P'm' 300%: than; - - - a In! CO irii%%fa'f7dt Journal ".RV TIME Iffamst, dim-1mg; mung“ SALE -"'==""'-"'-"-eas-.ee.ezeeese-. " meet. Not That Kind of a Place. tPhiladelphia Preu.) "Atl my that: don't bother hi all," said the collector. "No t" kid the merchant, "said could go u far u we axed, eh 3" "Well-er-a think the plate he tioned was farther than you'd like." P-er-tea-cr---.;, In. Wmdow'l Booth syrup should-.37: rm he use for 'lttl,i,', mung. lt loot-h. the child. ”In. the gums, Cures kittg'uriiu"rtTllle1'l,Ut tor Diar- thou. APPLE TREES _ qrritat In. or sea I for Men. w. 1.". fruit the: to be noun the hunt. Tho Bm, l sex-lea. Ont. _ v.-. “w pullK. Montreal to European I authorized agent, In I In“. Enclou damp tor v v- v“. U0 1'fe1ttt0rteese: too, 31:800. 32:600. 86; Ill "teemtt. largest and finest Itocx In Cum: an all“. 88; .ltrtrane, all prices. w. R. Adams. Toronto. Ont. -- -- _..--.vna Ann A null by New Grand Trunk Comp-n1 and ethn- Canadian Ilnes. exceptional, well prepared to tn. men tor "llroad operating Ind u oompount can“... Address Cent amp]: School. 8 Gerard street a route. W. H. Shaw. amid-M cordlngr I; j Co., Hamilton _ _ ' - "W w ANTED. coquEN-r urn. "A‘Ar-v .----- - panic. We can in on Wan-14;; I“; mu up“ . an opportunity in ' the than u. We will “up than MMWQI: LT/ri, ree'f2"'toimiuiGrVri'iri, abuvepr I'M , m.t.r.ett1Psr..paGGiGi' Souvenir LAND (4) 86 am» an. Wan m; fine buuamm tee .11,” Eur. 7 mum from Haun- (z) m ms. for.” at Waterloo, m “that: m and good balsam“, udp, in; M d m Prion 87,000 Anny. MEN FOR m and and a. Khan Fran Gama“; mrtr9tt W M my hem», can] my“ do“. in mm. W. It". “In Win; (show. [rope-L .. tooth: (l) targ,e, £150.33 THE any. ml] to u for pnmcuxm 'GrtttmeturtiOt'._, lawman, Ont Winslow'. -.ei-- _-.nv I " Alum-mum fell-He mum; h" n.- . Me. Thu-Pull hn been mat-a tr, 'er' ., [new My yum Ind [mum 11., I; ' forth. puma. donned. Ind ar- y... 'l. load by the linker- [ll-'10“: rustcp _', Iuhl circular. Price 01 an ly l, , a: Ii " , "t""meurvTruit't'i", annex.” 1'tr, T Adm VI A” PAYING LARGEST “It.” " a! 00mm" doing: In hem mm; '0 “when". the him, out all. of mun-In; powders In Amerva. you on not. In. an to m dons”, .. day. my to_u Itte wlculm. ”Hulls l. Tom ret 81.“. u . ""3 w PH” Flaunt: & GOULD, " Juan. drool a... burn, with ot newly, mu; {1;}! 7 mu.- m al. Print “.000. . MISCELLANEOUS. prel- "teirjirUiii'i"i: r in -.._n..,,.. no 9“” page hum and m In. an POE CATTLE mu- 1. [no - and return from to European ports. D. J. Lyons, I] mitt. P. Icon! strut. Hour on. u an". -- --- A‘ _ LE FARMS FOR SALE AGENTS WANTED. V tsees our EVEKPV tnte "‘ - ‘-M noon u tte blind in and; We pa, ho M.“ at Bmrwna' Nur ROY mm. co, quantum}? a" mum Trunk Plume “If Cnnadun “nos. We an roll prepared to tram young " Operating 5nd to supply um. Address Cantu Tel, ' Garrard street out. To- sh... president. drool M F“. township ot m, PA _L:_nov's :3le niTnéc " Mm Ctnada betd Pppt Cards “I. menutou, Oat unsound not near to you, 1039: stock ot he men aut. "ana",; Am, IN DE TO, I906 GORDON t? ‘10. ac- him " 0 on. but will ram. '0 m been With " Quarn Hundrl HG u " ft, It (i'iyil ht h the tl

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