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Durham Review (1897), 8 Mar 1906, p. 3

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ISs FOR SALE NTS WANTED, _ ______~> fiamiitor, Out, sentey AI LANE NO. 10. 1906 _ ost Cards l WP +. 20 1 E sTEAM et m at 10st stock all prices. We pay menâ€" cures Diarâ€" G LARGEST iny doing an re the hignâ€" in America; i‘x dollars & ilars, Iwants JORDON d al NX DEâ€" Pacific Ne are young supply i1 Telâ€" t, Toâ€" Ltroum .yons, Montâ€" YING ) you., Nur uncan properties la with any of It > pro Crowing y terms, 1 bank : _ road, { Binâ€" black rent. adjoinâ€" Hamâ€" Price dings, Hamâ€" ouse balâ€" 14 > 8 mall Premisos Sufficient Lor Poulitry Reisging. Of coures the hetior, «o orving on was a freque up to several woman was blonde. BGiLL It will p Canadian Woman Found Asphyxiated in Her Room in New York, Kew York, March 5.â€"Mrs. Mamie he ham Incubstos iralways readv. | By planuing to take oil x hatch at the right time, you may have nlenty of broilers to sell when broilers »ro sonres anid prices at tho top notch. 1f you dopend on the hon, your obicks will fiew to broilers inss when every 6thor heu‘s chicks are being muketed, and when tiie price is not so where The If you k sep 20 here from X:lz!n. for 8 weeks, how much casn do Km lose it each hen world have id 3 dozon 6gzs, and oggs ars worth is contâ€" per dosen? _ Ans.â€"$2.00, Thorefore. when the Chathsm Incubator is hatching the number of oggs that twenty hens would hatch, it is really earaing in cash for you $5.00, besides pmductncb:n yuu';Prom chicks by the wholesale, and being ready to do the ’nm;- Lhing over agoin the u.oment each batch a oT. Doan t : think, therefore, that it ‘p.sy- to keep ma= laying and let the Chatbam Incub.i.: «. ihe hatehing? Thovs sro many other reasons why the Th ham rubber Hundreds of People Watched the Battle From Beâ€" low, but None Dared to Interfere. Quarrel and Fight for Half an Hour on a Narrow Trestle Fifty Feet Above Hudson River. Usore of th have all mad old Idem this busineas it like to reaso; In the 1 your aCtuâ€" No one doubts that there is money in raising chickeus with a good lacubator aud Brooder. Usore of tha Chatham Incabator and Brocder have all mads mouey. if you siill cling to the oid idea that you caun sucesssfully tia a poultey business usins the ben as & hatcher, wo would THE SETIING HENâ€"Her failures have discouraged many a pouliry raiser,. You can make money _ raising chicks in the right wayâ€"lotis of it. FIGHT TO THE DEATH BY TWO MEN IN MID AR. NON‘T THROW MONFY AWAY The MAL illiam 2 n:amwNSON CAMPBELL CO., Limited, Dept. No. 33, CHATHAM, CANADA Y O W 10 ALIL PAE Acralicootniryligy 4 etior, ut many a. 39 ing on i -m\x\q}lln ass in a axnall dity of s fuir sized rtalle 0 can r.u!s:’wultry prof to ma W ig from the ald tiea of t cotling hene as natche mam Iacubator and Br 3n..btc'ev€'rybf,dy“m & way in the poult: Â¥â€" snoclal o.‘.ker ;’5& im 19 ramy 1y yo n i END TO HER LIFE. ut many a.Joun RnL MUSim ie : 1 successful and projtable pouiiry a sma‘ dity or town let. Auyore â€" sized #tallo or shed and a small ize poulirty profitably. ake mogey «}ric:dy, you must get the ald tlea of trying to do business w 0 ia careloss motgr often leading her igat wiot woues, xs\\o-, and in places an coygacate her pouug. heve fimf.dor bebavea itself, is a her and very rarély leses a chick, if yau bave lots of room, so much Sut many aean and woman aro aUIKALE. imply you quick] as one abo ed with Hee 1 guote vou prices on **, we can prove to you that sos in ex8, which the 20 hene x theo time you keep thom mling, will be enough to %Ay wulstor and Brooder in five suy nothing whatever of the resuits @ttained by the use neubator aud Brooder. hen to set, you lose at lsast ving ithree weeks hatching cing care of the chickens), or vesks she wonld lay at loast Lot the Chatham lncubator rzhlle the hen goes on laying i 3 6% un about t her m« Un the w quickly from our Cistributing warehouses at Calgary, Pactcrios at CRaTuam, Oxt., and Derroit, Micu. 0 ove each oth« along the tracks of @a and wrestling on the height. A dozen + the watchers below about to toprlc over imbers into the river wace, but every time o his feet, again and in mad scorn of the i Brogder. in got a fair start in tho ‘v¢ business, we make which it is worth your )3 vears 0 11 hatch as many eg@s nd do it beiter. Now, M mould ine M 8 moaths ctress, rada. ound in 200 rad was siopne readv. ‘The Chatâ€" sooder outclasses to You must get in the crowd arted up the t man The man n the room the house The doad that n Wwoimnan a Mamie ht â€" in with a ) and bacl 8t & the iC :Young Man Fatally Wounded While l Killing a Calf. ‘__A Port Hope despatch: A youth named | Guy Grant, 16 years of age, met with [ a fatal accident yesterday afternoon at é Port Britain, three miles west of Port llln;w. In killing a calf for Mr. J. ;Ni.'lnols, his knife slipped in some way, '.t;ul the sharp blade entered a network | of arteries in the right leg about four i inces above the knee, inflicting a wound | about 344 inches deep. _ The wounded |lad was immediately brought to Port | Hope, and the difficult operation of cutâ€" | ting and tying the lacerated arteries | was successfully performed by Dr. G. i A. Dickinson, assisted by local surgeons. I The unfortunate youth rallied nicely | after the operation, but about 5 o‘clock ‘ this morning a clot of blood entered the heart and death followed. are all strong and heallhy,. _A GHIU ?ec}.f“i? ‘xgq'oh.so successfully. Jas. Diy, Rathâ€" "QGentlemen,â€"Your No. 1 Incubator is all right. 1 amperfectly satisfied with it. Will gos a larger _one from you next year. H. M. Locrwoon, Lindsay, Ont." "Gent:cmfip.â€"l think both Incubator and Rrocder is all right. I got 75;,;:: cent. out of thrse hatches. k.5. Fue:iNo, tavillo, Unt." Gestlemen,â€"I had never seen an incubsator u15 I received yours. 1 was pleased and surâ€" priscd to get over 8) per cent., and the chickens Lre all strong and healthy. _A child could Of couree, succeess dcvends on getting a right start. You must begin right. You can never make any considerable money as a poultry raiser with hons as hatchers, You must have a good Incubator and Brooder, but thismeans in the ordinary way an fnvestment which, perhaps znn are not prepared to make just now, and this is just whero our special @ffer comes in. If you are in earnest, wo will set you up in the pouitry business without a cent of cash down. If wo were not sure that the Chatham Inoubator and Brooder is the best and that with it and a reasonable amount of effort on your dparc you are sure to make money, we would not make the special offer below. Many woman are toâ€"day making an indeâ€" pendeut living and putting by money every month raising poultry with a Chatham Incuâ€" bator. The man who had met death â€" was Frederick Moon, a laborer. His opâ€" ponent was Patsy MceAssey, an engineer in charge of the dummy engine used on the trestle to unloading coal from barges. MeAssey was arrested. He told the poâ€" lice that Moon had been annoying him in his shanty, and when ordered out had drawn a knife. That started the fight, the police say. MeAssey was charged with manslaughter. It is believed that Moon‘s skull was fractured against an iron rail as he fell. A Light, Pleaszsant and Profit« able RBusiness for Women Before the policeman reached one of the men fell from a blow on the point of the jaw, and the other stood over him, waiting for him to arise. ‘The prostrate man waved his hand feebly, as if for quarter, and got to his feet. He stagâ€" gored a few steps along the structure and fell in a heap. The other was at his side in a moment, and signalled for help to those below. A dozen men scrambled up and found the prostrate man dead. It was eviâ€" dent at a glance, and the verdict of Dr. MeCord, of the Emergency Hospital, was unnecessary. The setting Hen as a Hatcher has been proven a Commercial Failgre. The Chatham Incubator and Brooder has created a New Era in Pogltry Raising. The Chatham Incubator and Brooder has always proved a Money Maker. slender ladder, crying to the men to cease struggling. C s %er § Porhaps You Pay us no Cash 701 After 1806 Harvest A CHATHAM INCUBATOR and BROODER WE WILL SHIP NOW TO YOUR sTATION FREIGHT PREPAID HIS KNIFE SLIPPED. goad Fanning Mill â€"or good Farm Scale. | pleased and surâ€" Write us a post card with fionr name and and the chickens address, and we will sond yo\g‘nufuuul‘n as A child could well as our beautifully illus book, * How Jas. Day, Rathâ€" to make money out of chicks." Write toâ€"day to Chatham. Brandon, Regina, Winnipeg, New Westminster, B.C., lont:;d. money. a This roally meass that we will set you up in the pouix.r{ business so that {:’u can make mopey right from the start, without asking for & ?hnglo cent from you untii after 1906 harvest. It wo know of a fairer offer, we would make it. _ We know that with any reasonablo effort on your part, you carnot but make money oui of the Chatham Incubator and Brooder, _ _ _ We know that we made a similar offer last year and that in every cass the payments were met cheorfully and promptly, and that in many cases money was accompanied by letters exâ€" pxgelnz satisfaction. refore, we have no hesitation in making this proposition to every honest, earnest man or woman who may wish to add u’tia}‘ieiji profits with a small exponditure of time Brooder has no equal We know that there is money in the ]‘)J%ult? business for every farmer who will go about it right. All you have to do is to get a Chatham Incubator and Brooder and start it. But perâ€" haps you are not prepared just now to spend nfig money. This is why we make the special offer. The market is always good and prices are never low. The demand is always in excoss of the nnppl{ and at certain times of the year you can practicaliy egt. unydn'ico: you care to ask for gmx! broilors. With a Chathem Incubator and rooder {:p can start hatching at the right time to bring the chickens to marketable broilers when the supply is very low and the prices accordingly hlfih. This you could never do with hens as hatchers. P‘ Pm Quite a few farmers have discovered that there is money in the pouitry business and have found this branch of farming so protitable that they have instaled several Chatham ingubaâ€" tors andBrooders after trying the first, e l’erh&fn you think that it requires a &c2at deal of time or a Â¥reat deal of technical knowâ€" ledge to raise chickens with a Chatham Incuâ€" bator and Broodor. If so, you are greatly misâ€" taken. Your wife or daughter can attend to the machine and look after the chickens withâ€" gutilnterterinz with thoir regular household uties. With such & machine you can begin hatching on a large «cale at any time. _ _ ns s You can only get one crop off your flelds in & year, but with a Chatham Incubator and Brooder and ordinary atiention,. You can raiso chickens from early Spring until Winter and have a crop every monta. Think ofit!1 _ _ ‘The setting ben as a hatcher will never be a commercial suocess, lier business is to lay eggs and she shonid be kopt at it. The only way to raiso chicks for profit is to begln right, by instaliing a Chatham Incubatorand Brooder, Almost every farme? "keeps hens," but, while he knows that there is a certainr amount of protit in the business, even when letting it take care of itself, few farmers are aware of how much thoy are lo«ing overy year by not getting into the poultry business in such a way as to make l"e,-.'\‘lL money out of it. _ _ _ hag 4 success has encouraged many to make mmore money than they ever thought possible out of chicks. Every Farmer Should Raise Poultry B j â€" Ho. 1â€" 60 Eggs «4M Ho. 2â€"120 Eggs No. 3â€"240 Eggs THE CHATHAM INCUBATORâ€"Is Many More Scotch Farm Laborers Arrive in Toronto. Canadian Pacific. They were.nearly all farm laborers, who had arrived at HMaliâ€" fax on the Mongalian from Glasgow and the Corinthian from Liverpool. In the party were some twenty women, who came out to join their husbands, and when the Union Station was reached there were many joyful meetings. The train made the journey from Halifax in fortyâ€"cight hours. This makes nearly 600 immigrants who have arrived in Toronto this week, and before this lot had arrived 300 had alâ€" ready been piaced with farmers. The imâ€" migration officers expect many farmers in the city this morning to seck help excellent marksman. _ After all _ the cther resources had _ been _ exhausted the firemen were called out and pourâ€" ed a flood of water into the window, Simultaneously a picked body of police and firemen stormed the stairs. One of the assailing party was killed and nine were wounded before the bandit, who fought desperately _ with a big knife, could be overpowered. A Toronto despatch: A special train, carrying 140 British emigrants for Onâ€" tario, reached Toronto last night over the migration officers expect in the city this mornin; from last night‘s arrivals We know thore is money in nish‘:fiachlckenl. We know the Chatham lnoubator and DRAMATIC INCIDENT IN PURSUIT OF FINNISH BANK ROBBERS. t ANOTHER IMMIGRANT TRAIN, FOUR FALL DFAD. +THE STUDENT c Pac ! San‘ Francisco, March 5.â€"It developed here last night that a San Francisco ‘myetery of two years ago has been | ! touched upon in the confession made by ; Harry Orchard, now â€" imprisoned _ at ; :liuiso, ldaho, on the charge of having f ‘murdered former Govermor Steaneberg. | i.&cccrding to Orchard‘s confession, as | ‘received here, the "Inner Cirele" of the | ; Western Organization of Miners plotâ€" â€" tod the asassination of every prominent man connected with the employers‘ side : of the famous Coeur d‘Alene strike, and cne of the attempts to canzmit murdei | took pluce in this city. . |. In 1904 Frederick wW. Bradiey, supor . intendent of the Bunker Hill and Sulliâ€" j van mines. was living here. On the ! morning of Nov. 17, Bradley opened his : ifront door to step into the strset, on ! It,he'\vny to his office. As he was openâ€" ing the door he lighted a match to licht & cigar. Instantly a terrific explosion | followed. Bradley was hurled into the : street, badly bruised and burned. He was so severely hurt that for a time it was feared he would die. A gas suruts had ‘been leaking in his flat, and the only plausible theory advamced ai tho time was that the explosion was duo t> the accumulation of gas, which became ignited by the lighted match. Orchard, â€" | "Yuen Shi Kai, Viceroy of Chi Li Proâ€" ‘vince, has done all he could to stamp {out the boycoit, but no one can do fmuch when once public indignation is jaroused in that country. Things are vory lapt to become serious before peace again 'reigns. In various provinces the Chinese ‘are on the eve of a serious uprising, and ‘it is hard to tell to what length they will PLOT TO ASSASSINATE MINE OWXNâ€" ERSâ€"A BUMB VICTIM. howoever, in his confession STARTLING CONFESSION however, in his confession says that Augnstns Mvers Hon, S, C. Wood. Thomas Bradley was the victim of a howb o+. kin, K. C., LL. D., Sir H. M Pelistt, 8. W, Cox. W. 8. Allen, Canton agent for a flour company, who arrived ijrom the Oricnt yesterday, said the situation in China was very serious, "The principal clement in the agitation over there is the nows»â€" paper agitation," he said, "The Chinese newsapers have progressed wonderfully. They are at last alive to the general sitâ€" uation of affairs throughout the world and they are becoming a powerful weaâ€" pon. It has been charged that they are CC ’ The subscription taken up toâ€"night ‘for the expenses of the student volunâ€" {teer movement during the next four . years yielded $84.181, the amount being ‘$25,000 more than the great Toronto | subscription. 0 *‘The significance of this convention to the United States and Canada is great. There is nothing that pleases me more as I go about the world than the juxtaposition of these two Angloâ€" Saxon flags. The strongest tie between these two nations is the tic that binds them in Christian love through this volâ€" unteer movement." The first Canadian convention speakâ€" er heard here was J. Campbell White, of Toronto,. Others making addresses in meetings â€" in connection with the convention have been H. H. Laflamme, W. F. Lawrence and Dr. Alexander Suthâ€" erland. The most distant delegation here is from Winnipeg. There are over 200 Canadians present. Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, British Ambassador to this country, will atâ€" rive here toâ€"morrow morning, coming from Washington with a party on the private car of Presidenrt Samuel Spereâ€" er, of the Southern Railway. t Toronto Record E=celled by $25,000â€" i Mingling of Flags of Two Countries j Seems to Please Nashville, _ Nashville, Tenn., March 5.â€"Canada is well represented here in the student volâ€" unteer convention. The delegates as a general rule are distinguishable by pins bearing the Canadian coat of azms or bits of flags in lieu of college colors, which have attracted much attention. The union of the United States and Canâ€" ada in the great movement has been strongly emphasized in the decorations of the big auditorium, where the student volunteer conventions are held. The bond was also referred to by Chairman John R. Mott in his opening address of the convention. saving: OVER $80,000 SUBSCRIBED FOR STUâ€" DENTS‘ MISSION. CAUSE QOF BOYCOTT. ONTARIO ARCHIVES j TORONTO VOLUNTEERS. Grand River bridge, b tor Timothy Mahoney Boss David McKenzie, through the upsetting while placing a fortyâ€" the bridge, was conclud at nthns@ aittinme af +h United Stutes Goveromont and State Boolks .s > 1.3 l...)vs .04 +2 Municipai Bondis .. .. .. .. .... Loan & Savings Oompany Bow@s Evidence as to Stability of Derrick and Track Cortradictoryâ€" The Jury Could Not Decide Whether the Deâ€" fects Were in Roadbed or Derrick, A Guelph despatch: After waiting three woeeks so as to secure the eviâ€" dence of Mr, Clement Amey, the bridge foreman, who was so seriously injured, the inquest upon the accident on the (Gueiph and Goderich Railroad at _ the VERDICT ON CATASTROPHE AT THE BRIDGE ACROSS GRAND RIVER. insomnit, due to over study, and it is believed he killed himself because of this. Unusual care had been taken by tli« student in preparing for suicide. The Capital ... . kLeerve Fund parucwars as to his contemplated suiâ€" cide, Ralph C, Moore, a Columbia College student, returned to his home in Chatâ€" ham, near Morristown, N. J., and drownâ€" ed himself in an unused well in the rear Of his fathe:r‘s house early yesterday New York, Marcl'n 5.â€"JAfter mailing letter in this city to his father, givit particulars as to his contemplated su cide, Raloh C. Mocre. a Columbia Colle« A TORONTO WOMAN SUICIDFES WITH GAS. BRiTISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. Lillian Anne Peabody Williams Takes Her Own Life in New York. Peabody Williams, of Toronto, was found dead in her room toâ€"day. the had placed a gas tube in her mouth ard turned on the deadly vapor. Death came many hours before the body was found. From the records of a marriage found in the room it appeared _ that Lillian Anne Peabody, who was married to Morâ€" yan Leslie Williams at Toronto on Oct. 7, 1897. The janitor of the house said toâ€" day that Mrs. Williams told him that she separated from her husband soon after the marriage. For the last five weekm the only friend Ars. Williams seemed to have in New York, a young man, had ceased his occasional visits. Alâ€" though costly jeweiry and expensive furs were found in the apartment â€"there was A New York despatch: Gazing with inâ€" young woman who was known at the house in West 51st street, where she had lived for four month as Lillian Anne Interest Due and Acorued .. .. 21,186 95 Offite Furniture, Maps, Plans, Agents‘ Balances and Sundry Acâ€" counts .. .. .... .. .. .. .. $15,714 06 Seamrity to Policyholders «.â€"«. «..2s++1+«« t Men +«%4 oeses paid from th~ orgnnizastion of the Company to date WESTERN ASSURANCE CO. Hon, Geo. A. Cox, President; J. J. Kenny, Viceâ€"President _ and Managing Director; Hon. S. C. Wood, H. N. Bairr,Geo, R. R. Cockburn, W, R. Brock, Geo. McMurrich, J. K. Osborne, E. R. Wood. Hon Ceo, A. Cox, President. $ J. J. Fenny, Viceâ€"President and Managing Director Augnstns Mvers Hon, S, C. Wood. Thomas Lonc, placing a fortyâ€"ton grider dge,. was concluded toâ€"night. NO ONC BL&AMFD. Ldi;;-a-’pa'i:l fr'o';' de orza;i-z'a‘tic;;: of the Company to date ..:~... ...... .. .. Reserve Fund ... .. Security to Policyholders SEVENTYâ€"SECOND ANNUAL STATEMENT. 3ist December, 1905 [ OUND HIS BOD‘Y 1 ms city to 1 as to his c C. Moore, a was found just after breal his sister had delivered ti room ioâ€"day, mhe hnad paced in her mouth ard turned on vapor. Death came â€" many FIFTYâ€"FIFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT i3ist December, 1905 by M ailroad at _ the which Condueâ€" and _ Section lost their lives of the derrick n sufferin 1k a 119.347 89 §3,461,077 28 PIRECTORATE: 140,833 0% 148.039 34 Emm aeetamenn omm 20020 00.00.00,00.00miki ana uid mailing a letter was a lo: tion in Man! r, giving |. » € ." , in the afte ted suiâ€" | with his pa r College / usual sign it DIRECTORATE: from rund ; the woman, was one dated, Seneca Falls, aceq | Canada, OQctober 24, it notified Nrs, Wilâ€" liams of the death of her mother, _A 1 on Lible, bore the inscription "Flovence Wilâ€" ary | liams, Moravia, N. Y., Merry Christmas Ifrum mother, 1892." Several telegrams ind | found in the room wore signed "Leslic" l and on an envelope was writien * Jharâ€" "4 | loy, forgive me." Propped against _ the Morâ€" l back of a chair beside the bed in which Uct. | the body was found were two photoâ€" trâ€" i graphs of a young man. In a gold locket that | about her neck was a miniature of the 00 | same face. Occupants of the house reâ€" live ' cognized it as that of a man who had Ams / called upon Mrs. Williams frequently, mn:zl and whom the woman had introduced _Alâ€" | as her husband. One picture was that of furs | a young man in the uniform of the Canâ€" was ; adian police. On _ | hams, M | from m« 1 l found in anrd on : * ley, forg a l back of + I the bod» C‘:l'u Stock Subscnibâ€" o en e e scol uc 2 l a battle becween representatives of the C,. P. R. on the one hand and the Canâ€" ada Foundry Co, on the other to pla responsibiliiy. ¢ 5 ?, of the tra saie W bouse 1 noticed handwri thing w were fis Moore, | found ar was seai Among letters found in the room of the woman, was one dated, Reneca Falls, Canada, OQctober 24, it notified Nirs. Wilâ€" liams of the death of her mother, _A Lible, bore the inscription "Flovence Wilâ€" liams, Moravia, N. Y., Merry Christmas from mother, 1892." found in the room w anrdl on an envelope m ley, forgive me." Proj back of a chair besid. the body was found graphs of a young ma about her neck was a same face. Occupants cognized it as that o called upon Mrs. W and whom the wom: as her husband. One 1 V aimost no sources, it suicide, as ficulties. * $3,401,077 28 ... .... .. .. $1,500,000 on vdian . HMarkom, gene 18 Canada Founc mt the â€" derrick nder his supery ife. â€"Edmund _\ neer, â€" said the Mi s, Moray i imother: _ Amey gave it the cause was due wron first ar‘st considercd , but when the any where about arched and the ith was Do .. ....83,242,020 42 «. â€".$48,012,687 45 g, Rob NX A Wl P. IH. SYMS, Secretary. money. At the end of her reâ€" is beiioved the woman chose the only solution of her diiâ€" LIABILITIES, agled I1rC ittan. Re The gemeral oundry 6W _ Moore Pus letter, wh ected in 1 the family re coutentis Wra 1,742,020 42 â€" $850,00 0 e % L73 46 vidence of M superintendent Co., went ta % hich was ere n, was ‘peric ‘lock, but when the img in the morning This, however, did , because it had ocâ€" we rushed into the hich was erecied n, was ‘perfecUy rge, an export enâ€" d placed upon it e track,. e to _ decide wheâ€" as caused by deâ€" or by defects in he derrick, in face y â€" evidence, but t caused by crimâ€" every one of the y possibly could mmak _ ta â€" nrovent m an u{:town staâ€" turning home early spent the evening $ 1.051.007 se n h ty ral £50,000 00 1,101.607 sg hed into the ich she had er brother‘s suspect anyâ€" of the note juke by Mr. ould not be the Us W ild ns se the 7 #48,206 C+ 144,288 @1 troduced s that of the Canâ€" opmon sinking "Mr. 4. KT 274 $& » had ently, of how cleod eclly we

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