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Durham Review (1897), 15 Mar 1906, p. 9

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at yi9112%ir:iiexxsies=ieeesisaseexxsxs: Ens-€813. Every day and there is ttry horse to equal him for spam] or semsilrilitr. A lady can drive him with perfect safety when he is not uirched to his Milky. You can pick out, tho bones indyour locnlily ever day that are fe on Stock Food. any? you seen 3etuuruorrt............., ffeamrPena............. lteantrBeams..........j. 3cans Tomatoes....... . 3 mm: Pumpkins... . . . .. 3 can: Bluoherriea. . . .. . . thins fiarxilr_tetr.......... 2tinl No. 1 Red Salmon. thins No. l Kipper-ed Ha me specral grocery bargains we offer tot this week should bring hundreds to this store. We had a great run on Canned Goods la..t week. Some bought freely-and came back again and bought, and said that they never got the like before. That's the way with ' our" groceries-once used always used. Now, ladies, if you want to chase the kinks out of your hus- band's face. buy your grocery requirements here and you will be surprised how the wrinkles will smile and fall off. Buy where you get the best-here, The special grocery bargains , hundreds to this store. We had a g Some bought freely-and came back I never got the like before. That's the always used. Now, ladies. if vou wa THE PEOPL E's STORE] ROBERT BURNETT " New Spring Goods arriving daily in all departments of the store GET WISE ---- _-.--- -- - SHOP HERE. Keep in Clo-no Touch This 'ir6torer, and its SOMEBODY NEEDS THESE ALL THE TIME lam Patch is GROCERY BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK ALL FRESH AND ATTRACTIVE. Fed International Stock baud . BLACK. Geo. Meyer‘s team ? Ask Matthew Manna how it cured " horses of distemper. For fattening can ie and hugs there is nothing that can touch ii. Aftera thorough trial, on" of our customms bought three 25 lb. pails last week to fatten his reteems. 6HIONO. I Iiiwt..................2.a, 41biNn. 1 Dates.... ............25c 2tml .PinrAprrie.l.r.'..Cy.i;iri, 3irtrtt Jam (atsttorted) ..... ......‘250 2 cans Clarke's Corn Beef. . . . ... .25c 3 can. Clarke’- Pork and Beans..ygie ft bars Sunlight Boap...... .....250 6 Inn-n Pure (leile Snap .. .... . .260 8 bars Pure Carbolie Snap ......Wie Wit h 'rices The McArthurs g siderable lately 1 their tire business. There are large hero for the North 1dortt1Ontnrtd Fm "V wv - WUlll‘ m north Ontario. From our vi] Mr. I Human Allen. blacksmith, 'ttlt,,',': o Mrs John Hnrdv hr, farms : one ot them to G and the other to Robert Quite a number ofthe of the Park, took in, Thomas Weir’s and r tune. I wonder who the young is, who has the habit of horses and rigs to drivu home. I hope he has bett the future than he had in t think it would be a Co some one to start a liverv. We hear some of the young ladies saying it will be safe to go driving new. as Dan is Cone. We notice a mung gentleman in the park is going in for an education. We do not think it will take him long, as he has three wry good teachers. A very successful quilting: was bed at the home. ot Mrs George Black, on Thursday last. We heard there was only one boy there, and he must have been very good at threading needles, as he kept all the ladies, busy. Mr Will Heard has been teaming lumber to Durham this last week. We notice he likes going to town, as he was in Dundalk twice. Born-tou. and Mrs Thomas Camp- bell, on Feb 28th, a son. Mr and Mrs James Aldcorn. of Cor- betton. visited his brother and mother onfattarday. Quite a number from the park took in the tea meeting at Esplin, on Wed- nesdav evening and report a very en- jnvable time. Mr Wm Kinnell, of the south line, has Cone West to seek his fortune. Mr James Wilson, from the West, took with him, having Cot in the West. 1);: on Wednesday right am number took the degree. Mr John Hannam. who w from the West visiting his pare friends, around the park, retu Tue'sdav. u Vu|\ ”we present was presented no Mrs Margaret McCannel. on Tnes. day night. when the Ladies' Aid of the Salem Methodist church. gave her a quilt. 'She was t member of the Ladies’Aid and was held in verv high nsteem In the members, She and her family are moving to the West, where I am sure the neighbors wish her every succvss. er or mummy last the 4th inst., was conducive to a large turnout at the sacramental services at Amos church. The Bible Society met elected oflicers for the com follows: Hon. Pres.4 J. f. Pres, Mr. Jas. Snell; Vice Jas. Coleridge; Secy., Mr Ch Treasurer, MrJ M Findlav. The mild and very f: er of Spndar: last the The lecture on Wednesday evening at Amos Church by the Rev Thos Wil- l, son of Walkerton, is universally spok en as one of the best ever held here. The interest taken in the lecture and views given was maintained througout. A fine speaker, made the subject a tak- ing one. The thrilling hair breadth escapes of Dr Paton, and the difficul. ties encountered. makes one admire the noble courage and perseverance of the man and shows his faith in the power of God to protect through every difficnlty, The choir contributed Gl anthem at the close by request. The! proceeds amounted to $2 7. A Congregational meeting is called for Friday afternoon to consider the advisability of becoming a self sustain ine body in the future as well as to discuss other matters of urgent im. portance in connection with Amos Presbyterian church. Mr. and. Mrs. Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ramage. Mr Wm Isaac and Misses M. Isaac and Marv Scott spent a social evening at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs D. Hamilton at the Lake. A verv nice present was Miss Mary Scott is leaving again in afew days. much to our regret, for Maple Creek, Alta., where she aecept- ably fil1sa responsible position. _ less to say every member of the choir was present prepared to enjoy them- _crlves, which He are sure they did to the fullest extent. Many of the old time favorites were rehearsed as well as those of later origin'. Some new and novel games requiring some men- ml and intellectual effort were intro- duced and carried to successful issue. After full justice had been done to the excellent lunch and fruit provided and other amusements indulged in, a vote of appreciation for the pleasure conferred and for the steps taken for our enjoyment was carried unani- mously Auld Lang Syne closeda most enjoyable time, we won 't say at what hour, of mirth, Jokes and song. i Mary Scott, a n iater timemembe less to say every was present hm Being old time valuable members, the invitation was heartily received and complied with. and being partly in honor of the hostess' sister, Miss "ore, can” .. “nut . . " . The choir of the Presbyterian church here was honored with an invitation to the home of Mr and Mrs John M. Findlay on Friday, 2nd March. e. to start a livery". V Fohn Hardv has rented her one ot them to George Paralow "sb-.. .. " . _ O, L 1e West visiting his parents and 1, around the park, returned on L. No 1136 held an arch meet- Wednesday right and quite a Pnnl: o1... AA...“ _ west, took a partner back , having got tired bachmg it "Opeville Swinton Park. Roberi 1:52; ' or the young people ok in a dance at Mr and report a good tt, tt much appreciatied and member of thechoir, Need- are travelling con- trying to arrange numbers leaving Iret, nud__(}obalt in 3 Young gentleman abit of borrowing to drive tbeladies has better luck in 3ecs'.. Mr Geo Lothiah M Findlay. very. favorable weath- ONTARIO ARCHIV- TORONTO THE BUREAU REV in tht prise. met lately and e coming year as 'I S. Carson: who was home I, jokes and Mimi s leaving again in to our _regret. for time tor as home res. . Mr S A happy e"ent took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Jas. McDonald. Buuthville. on Tuesday evening, Full 20, when his daughter, Katie, was united in marriage to Mr Jas. A. Wil- son, of Regina. The ceremony was rformed by Rev J. A. Matheson, m f'/',i'ie'Jife?, in the presence of onlv the immediate friends of the two families. [ The bride, who was tastefully attiml.l was assisted by her sister, Maggie. while Mr George Wilson ably assisted the groom. After 1?nnttrttalacions, the company retired to the dining room where a. bountiful tea was serv- led. Mrs Matheson played the wed- ding march. The evening Inns spent in games and other amusements. The many presents wee both beautiful and uselnl. Mr and Mrs Wilson spent several days visiting rriende at Sing- hampton, before leaving for their west- out home. ' All Join in wishing them a we t',t""r"r"""ratkariiiiaiii7r', life We wonder whose waggon We heard going along the road utan early hour last Sunday. Mr John McQueen. otDurhum. span: Sunday evening at his father's lure, who we are sorry io say has not; been well oflate. Mr ll. I1uffman is loud in his proi tome honesty ofdle ynung lady w found and returned his fur mitt but says what else would she do with as it is too big " her to wear. umc mr ueurge wusnn ably assisted] Music of a flrgt class order was sup- " groom. After congratulations, plied bv Messrs Neil McKinnon and 1e company retired to the dining Thon Mchnzall who played very 'om where a bountiful tea was serv- 9‘76an and nicelv together on the vio, i. Mrs Matheson played the wed- lin and who handles bow. with equal ing march. The evening was spent facility as they do a vaulting pole or a I games and other amusements. The I tossing caber. Messrs Arch McDonald Iany presents wee both. beautifulinnd his brother Alex. also contributed‘ ad uselul. Mr and Mrs Wilson spent some on the same instruments very} mend daarrviattintt .triends at. i'i'iill'li';'l'id't'ld for eo.pparattvely new be- smpton, before leavinefor their weat-utinnera. Miss Line, teacher of No 'tt home. . (ii, gave by nest . recitation on- All Join in wishan them safe titled 'sl'al'iru'lir11'l deceased gentle- my home and 1 long and happy 1'lhu't't', widowm( for the name) b., . t . Will"! Motown.» 'h'"'"?"'"" mm. 'n"oireur"aiiiiiitiic Annihi- Mrs Ernest, of Bouthville. span t a few days visiting at Mr D. Ferguson 't. this week. Miss Spence spent Saturday and San. dav at Mr John McQueen, Durham. We notice a number of small child- ren are cakine advantage of the mild weather and going to school. life Mr and Mrs James A. Wilson and Mr John Hannam leit tor their home in Regina last week. We wish the t oung couple every happiness through "In Mr Henry Hoffman has been mail- carrier in the mean time, and ft is needless to say anything only the mail was on time every time. Mr James Marshall has had a busy winter ofu, he has shipped several cur loads of live stuck to the city. I will try und write a short budget this week as it seems no one else is writing. Oar little burg is quiet bat, We, are not sleeping. nu- Wlll Glass, of Durhan charge ofthe service here f, owing to the illness of Rev G. I ent'ion. I A Verv successful social was held in ( tho school, at Vickers. on Friday night last. Mr Alex Grierson was auctioneer and ski'tully filled the position. The priceuf the boxes ranged from fiit,t vent-s to three dollarsi. Mr Wm Liv- ingston acted as chairman. and pro needed with a short programme. cum- sisthg of dialogues and Solos. The proceeds fer the evening amounted to ov, r forty dollars, and it is to be spam in a picnic. Mr and Mrs Henrv McCasiin sunday- ed with Mr and Mrs John Bailey. Mias Mdmud. our popular toaoherg spent Saturday and Sunday with: friends in Durham. 1 Mr Will Glass, of Durham funk te: IMrent8 Mr and Mrs J. W. Vickers. H Miss Annie Leggette. of Durham. visited at Mr and Mrs J. Robt. Leg- gette's last. week. Miss Mary Vickers, of' spending a couple of Wee parents Mr and Mrs J. W Mr Henry Reay. of Red Deer, Al. berta. former] y of this part, is " pros- t-m visiting friends here, and reports times flourishing in the West. The tormenting on the 7th in th Esplin church was very succesfal.: very hum gathering ofthc memhel and “tenders being present and a enjoyed themselves well in a tr'" neighbor” way and with a at” Christian spirir. The tea in the b 'lit . incnngutuo by the good housewive- 4nd their daughters was exceliem The Cedarville chuir with an addiiiui m it of Mrs Rev McInuis and a band t I tour from Swintun Park known tlt, th, Haw brothers who were up mtheil u uni style, game all the muse tha: was eqaived. Rev Mr McInnis, the new pastor and chairman ofthe meet- ing, with the Rev Mr Archer ot Con, '11er Dose" of Badgers god a tumor resident of Proton is vtyt!ry.r his brother and friends here. Be as still lame. the run]: of the collision of the tmlna in British Columbi. whfn he Writ first there. He is talkintt of Coiar again; if so we wish he ml have a safe Journey. The Sunday Se So tish'!,' Boothville. -_-----, of Durham lens. ngeks with her Durham, is pm ism Sunday I. Steph who t he took memory 1 MrChislett verv 'uppropt'itttelsr and ablv replied at length. thanking them tor the appreciation shown by the, don- ors, whom thew would alwavs hold m loving remembrance of the manv hap- " times spent together. Thin is very insuioqttat,elv erpretrted but taking no notes at the time. it has emu-uni m... 5th Signed on hem" of the] iiiirfr7;iir7C'" surrounding neighbors l Kiss K. L. Dixon. Miss Maggie Hooper. To in and In Amos Chislett, Top Olin. It: Rik 1w v -Im-. hut for what they rewesont ', and we will I feel pleased to know 'hnt in the use of them you , will sometimes think kindly of the old friends, nnd neighbors. umong whom the years of your. ymth hue been spent. t Aoeopt then our best wishes for your funnel welt 're. and also these chairs. which we otter" 5 token of our esteem and Btteetfort. We Mk you to l nor-opt 1tPcr1ttt PR mount of " etr_ititrtnstiti Now as it draws hour the time when our "It. tions, u neighbors. must for the present be sever. pd, permit us to emu-es: the high rent-d we enter. thin for pm, as kind friends, whom we n att times found willing to Insist us in trouble u well also as to rejoice with us when we were and. Following is the address: Dear friends,- lt was with feelings of' regret that we learned some time ago. that we were to lose you n'om our neighborhood. and the more so beetuse We had not expected that we were so soon to pan. but were still looking forward tothc enjoyment of a. plenum social gatheriturs, with you in the future as we have enjoyed in the past. , I On Monday of last week bat too late :0 get it in for that week's pa r, there. met at the home, of Mr and Ilfit Amos L Uhislett "Craigalce ", S. Glenelg, a large representation of youth and beauty ot the neights rhood woo bud met to do honor to the host. and hostess for their many tine qualities of heart and neighborship lwtore, leaving the mid homestead where they had spent so manv pleasant years of their life.., They were made the reeeiplents of a leather upholstered arm chair and a velour Covered. spring rocker. together with a warmlv exrpessed address a copy of which I have requested to be sent Von. The address, on the calling of Mr. W. L. Dixon who was unani- mouslv elected to and occupied the chair Very ably-was read by Mr Wm I Ramage, and backed up by a finely worded speech of that gentleman of gentlemen (vide the recent home, transaction.) Mr Neil McCannel. and; the approbation of a host ofas tiue stab, wart vottne men as one might wieh Pl see. What a neuclus to draw from, in r i tilline the tanks ofa volunteer Co,, if}: they could only be induced. g. Watch our Centre Table for Bargains; there will,always be something there to interest you The most exclusive designs ever shown scenic border, panel effects, etc. Also large stock l i t' l, I N e W "/","ig: 4-" thin, _,r,iii'ii's-'gii8 a l " i' 'titSilSl 51> .\_ p a er W..'" ('i' If, 'tkr" Ask yourrpainter- not afraid of the verdict Now is the time to think about your Spring T’ah:;i, '. mad the question arises : Where can I buy the best Paint for he least money? We answer without hesitation--., WRW North Egremont _ _ ,-_..... m. time, it has escaped our ALEX. RUSSELL THE me STORE WEI? thu'dt New Paint Come and get a color card. 921%,?! Buy Hollywood Paint at the Big Store March About 7 miles QWMBM “on at one; 100 Acre The Manse at thurrtt Drama", the building and I during the mouth {HORSES Three m'tven, (Iv Clyde tttlr. tiring} Acres of lilulwrvd cedar, twtunsrae m particulars unnlv I The undmsigned offers a mount of improved Amen This vnrie-I .vU average yield I 103 bus. [8 lbs per new on "mum farm. Brandon. Man, yielded 134 Mi. per acne. Qua thin hull. slit! straw. grain hi ium early. test 38 his- “win“ SEED UA'I'S FOR s _ 7v- W... "T to suit punshmwr. Fo laws apply on the Prem Mamamex Bums r, -- "mm uu "(T-4. t'letus ed, BORood hardwood Dough, to “and Pe- dar. Fm. buildings and well uncured : the Rm-ky Baum-en rune thmugh " car- nee of lot 28, which would make " good w'Merpower. tit mile, from Durham ', conveniently tdtuUted The Mun-u pro- perly Will be suld “number (or in IHH‘IH to Quit l|um¢hnn-» - - he will decide for you. We are Hollywood Paint stands the ttst. Aquiec wedding took place " home of Mr. A. Hooper. S Glem when his eldest daughter Minnie I married to Mr The Buchwell on W ne-day. the 7th inn makes us aiuia: l were given by Miss Belle Dixon, Hieciur Mclhnald. Client-V C and Wm. W. Humane. Miss y Hooper and Miss Kate Dixon c m ted Organ tsvlections. A Dime! able time 5pm”. ingether an inmoiuble and handsome ladies. quality of the young men bu already referred to) came to a in tht earlv hwtrts of the mornh the singing: of Auld Lane Syne, which dancing was indulged i near the break of dav We one tol Mr Neil McCunuel in remittin note tor a dwequ'd home bung his sale, is Wonhvot a Vche h grand song. " Heroes and Gentle, Be is one in a man-mm I luv bv Miss Marv Brown giving the troubles at tram Ireland and the a: erv's Plue He. n" by M son with Same cf theju, pleted the list of rucil ltere given h v Miss Bell jgns. ever shown in Durham; Also large stock of cheap paper. "tPen, tt wo In t, Ethics“ 2 " Old B'ortsAcii "e at Amos Pres" mm". Purchaser!" Bud Canr off all mouth of Mar. App m riiiGiirir. V mutt be mm] = AND TIMBER FOR SALE. upplv G FARM {05,831}; and. and the: [e, He I" by I Some cf thejo e list rd reei M hv Miss Bel deDonald, C , W. Rummage. ad Miss Kate _ “ICE Ili, V_V-....‘ vs IIIIC. straw. grain hem vy, uned- 38 hm. Price 50c Ive-r bu. WILLIAu MvRtutros mg was indulged in till aak of dav We are told. IcCannel in remitting the itaseased home buuzht " wortttv ot a verse in that " Heroes and Gentlemen, " a, thousand. I believe it I Aa,-... -.--, Pu swamp 'rite and pine.' ' Elm- h Axons __ _.. v. nu [ml'lli For {anther pm ticu- premium. or to 3308.. Rocky Sunken) rlcw on the experi- don, Man. and m “If; more. Qunlity white, w. gain hey! vy, uned- by Mr Andrew Wat. rhejak'es added. cum- reeittttiotur, Sung: ss Belle Daron. 51-1er d, Chellu' Chm-An 'I' men. - -- t took Place " the Hooper, s Gltnele, “slicer 1.iinni, wag nku. DI tutremont, as of a maid fresh the swing”! .. nun». J. P. as» "ver “I Winon- off alt luhloigh t Apply to ‘- M. FINDLAY Drama”. I?" a [unwed a- Americun nun, Yield tor the yrs 3 “9003mm: Rocks h" l'ge to show them to you A Pleasure tant l , nd one Pushy l "in fppiCG Also " iii; "t NES, ladies, (the :0 hr. been ' m I clam morning by $th SA 90 the oa'oallv further "ve pro- in parts pm Ucu- uununm Keen M Hill. ', unfair hum-n I 'tttries 'ribtt. enjoy- 'ed. 'tit 4 1.. I 96“ " ti 'XS, 2'3}! VOL. unvmw vautw REVIEW Rtrvntw Review REVIEW anmw Revs" Rana-M Huvmm Rsvnuw! Ruvmm E] W -31 0

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