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Durham Review (1897), 15 Mar 1906, p. 1

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PJ nt ARCH 8, 1906 gains : there ) interest vou M ard. 1¢ A rigasure to show them to you LL Ap RE nds a y Saugeen omore. D rainting, Paint for AHLIOHE «cce i1 tor uildâ€" _ any @aled 10th )RD the tered : ) a corâ€" a good rbam ; ve proâ€" ) parts articuâ€" ing We are he test. Ad ch 11. NOW M. veT sh 1t [ n . @Lie O W â€" ArPâ€" & In will ne rt y pay iper. ptâ€" cCats U at = . H. MOCKLER & %m mmmmmmm% P aon en neer onl Enernea e e uie wllle We on l "ala e alacalaala n nce ncelcela uie anie ce w ie w w ns wl ind wl m n ut l t in P e P w ut l uho t ie w ut w 58 ie d e VOL. XXVIIL NO 11 pltadadered dive Yiene ie ie ind en nitr /. : } 2 : Two Epecial Features £ REvizw and loronto Daily Star Review and Toronto Dail y News Rrvizw and Daily Globe........ Review and Weekly Globe.,. ... Review and W. Mail & Empire. REevirw and Western Advertiser Review and Weekly Sun....... % REviEw and Fam. E{er & W Star REVIEW and Week!y Witness. .. RBYVIEW and Mon. J»xh MÂ¥ ars 14 We invite your inspection. _ Everyong enjoys looking at nice fresh goods. It is our pleasure to show them. We have a special proposition to make you in regard to tailorâ€" ed Suits to order. _ If you want to be one among the wellâ€"dressed men in town, see us before buying your Spring Suit, We have stocked all the fashionable cloths and weaves in proâ€" fusion in all the leading shades for the season. Our Wash Dep: Venetians When we say that our Stock is TEN TIMES LARGER than ever before, we are not exaggerating, We are prepared to do @ DRESS GOODS TRADE. OVER ONE HUNDRED new Suit Lengths. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the old counutry. Everyone who has seen them says they are beauties. The newest weaves and patterns from the English and Scotch looms. Henriett: ODFf â€" O Our Ladies‘ Suitings & Dress Goods MEN‘S & BOYS‘ SUITS BALANCE OF OUR DRESS GOODS AT SLAUGHTER â€" PRICES Review Clubbing BOOTS & SHOEKES Llamas, Serges and Worsteds NEW THROUSENINGS in Tweed and Worsted effects. Tweeds, Cheviots, Vicunas, pi e can‘t quote Prices on the whole Stock Sale Prices. » Ery,3 our Footwear where you can save c : doilars. Our Boot and Shoe Dept, is full of great â€" argains, and Weekly Witness... $1.60 and Mon. Jnfly Merald.$1.2% Chiffon Venetian Crepeâ€"deâ€"chenes We have some Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets that we want cleared oiut of here as soon as they can be got out. Come and see what we can save you on the carpet for even one room. Take a look through our Dress Goods Department. We are pretty sure you‘ll see something to suit you and we‘re certain our prices cannot be equalled in the county. ds Lustres The lines are getting broken into and for this reason we are giving even greater bargains than ever before. cLAND‘S SALE artment is full to overflowing with the nicest and best ‘ole"olp" 00 0n "ain"al6"p, 4o "ole" Men‘s Suitings c$ | Poplins ts pprirBDg cousacs P EC3 1 WB l 1 u6 eond | iramks y . Eie ie ie ieeteeRe $%1.00 $1.75 $1.60 $1.75 §$1.75 Mohairs 1 w | 1 PyA i ons eleRele eulo20!0"el0"0l62ele®cle @ele Cele®e )o ne cLA Armures Crispine Its all on Sale t885 t «> «ol Sicilians Tweeds urhant 1 7 "a 2y ematollllicclc > OWIW *~ HimOpice x / x x ibly informed that a few davs ago on E | the farm of Mr David MceAuliffe, Glenâ€" The second Carnival of the season in town was marked by a very fair atâ€" tendance,. Following are the prizes for costumes : Historical ladyâ€"Jessie Laidâ€" law ; Fancy ladyâ€"Pearl Warner ; Naâ€" tional ladyâ€"Miss Jean Brown ; Comic, ladyâ€"Robert _ Laidlaw ; Historical, gentâ€"8, MeIntyre; Fancy, gentâ€"J. McClocklin ; National, gentâ€"E. Glass ; Comic, _ gentâ€"F _ Glass ; Clownâ€"A. Knisley ; Negroâ€"R. Saunders : Indian â€"C, Seigner ; Fancey, boyâ€"A. Hutton ; Fancy girlâ€"L. Peel ; Smallest girl in costumeâ€"Marguerite Hutton, In the open race Will Lavelle secured and maintained the lead each race ; 20dâ€"â€" Bert Moore ; 3rdâ€"Al, Saunders, A largely attended meeting of citiâ€" zens of this township was held in tha Baptist church on Wednesday afterâ€" noon last to discuss the erection of a hotel in Flesherton. It was the generâ€" al concensus of opinion that in order to retain business the erection of a second bhotel was an absolute necessity, and it was deciged to form a joint stock comâ€" pany forthwith, _ As a preliminary movye four thousand dollars in subscripâ€" tions is asked for by April 1. Of this sum about $3000 has been secured in town and the balance it is expected will be got by the farmingz community, When the $4000 is subscribed articles of incorporation will be secured and the building proceeded with.â€"Flesherton Advance. HYMENEAL.â€"A quiet wedding took place on the morning of March 6th. at the home of Mrs John MceGillvary, Maâ€" loek, when her niece, Miss Jessie Beatâ€" on was united in marriage to Mr Alex McEachern, of Bottineau, Dakota. Revy C E. Pineo performed the ceremony. The bride was becomingly attired in white organdie. Miss Jennie Beaton, cousin of the bride, actea as bridesâ€" maid, while the groomsman was Mr Malcolm MeFachero, brother of the groom. After â€"cougratulations, _reâ€" freshments were served. and the newly wedded couple, having bade adieu to loved ones, drove to Durham, where they took the train en route for Dakota U. 8. A.â€"Com. ALMostT FATAL â€"A very serious acâ€" cident befell the sixâ€"yrearâ€"old son of Mr and Mrs Mark Wilson, of Flesherton, wellâ€"known here, Mrs Wilson being a sister of Messis Edwin, Arthur and Fred McClocklin. Two teams, which were being raced on the street last Friâ€" day, by their partially intoxicated drivers, got bevond control. One team rn into a telegraph pole, smashing neckyoke and couplings, and becoming separated, one horse ran frantically on. and getting onto the sidewalk, ran over the little fellow, as he was going toâ€" ward home and nearly there. _ He was thought at first to be dead, but the Dr being summoned, his skull toweard the back of the head, was found to be splintered and other injuries. which were thought to be fatal, sustained. However he rallied and at latest report is doing fairly well. anxiety during his affliction, which we bope will not be of long duration. Coming so sqon after his operation for appendicitis, it is decidedly hard luck, that Mr J. 8. Drysdale is down with typhoid fever, He is being cared for at Mrs McCreary‘s where he has been boarding, and the Presbyterirn Church and Sons of Sentland Society here have taken steps by engaging nurse Armâ€" strong and in other ways to relieve his elg, Messrs Dan MeKinnon and Geo, Buckngham cut 33# cords of 22 inch Wood in 44 days while Geo Havens split and piled it. _ Phough the bush is getâ€" ting thin, and precious, feats of wood craft are still possible, SerRrtfousuy Irt.â€"Great felt and expressed when A special meeting of Ben Nevis Camp is called for Friday evening. 16 March, to take into consideration the repert of a committee dealing with the purchase of a Prrk anb other matters of importâ€" ance,. A full attendance requested, Parer Haxam®oâ€"As spring apâ€" proaches the prudent housekeeper preâ€" papes for brightening up old rooms, We are open for such work and promise satisfaction, Bert H. Wiruis FarM ror SaALE.â€"SQuth half lot 26 Con 18 Tp Normanby,\ fine buildings. Must be sold, Apply t« Arthur H. Jackson, Durham. The Greatâ€" West Life In\urance Comâ€" pany affords the highest ®ecurity and pays the largest profits to policy holdâ€" ers, W.F. DUXXN, Agent. Rixa Fouxp at SaALEK.â€"Mr Amos Chislett informs us that a gold ring w»e found after the gathering at bis sale bad dispersed. The proceeds of the sale amounted to $1200. Praxro roR SALWâ€"First class Mendelâ€" sohn, extra good corÂ¥lition, will be sold at a bargain to quick Rurchaser, Apply at this office. A carload of " FMe Roses" Flour just arrived at Matrhe and Latimer‘s, Also a full stock of Titmothy and Cloyâ€" er Seed. + 10 Arprextices WaxnTED.â€"To learn the Millinervy trade. Apply at Miss Dick‘s showroome, Lambton St. CooQ and bousemaid wanted, for city. pply to Jas R. Gun at the Drug St&e. I‘wo Houses to Letâ€"One 6 room and one 8 room. _ Has Furnace and bath Apply to W. Black, Thorough Bred stock for sale. Apply to W m Morrison, Edge Hill, Ont. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1906 Wro CaN BEaT IT?2â€"We are credâ€" ireat regret will be vhen it is learned sdale is down with is being cared for where he has been Illustrated songs by the Presbyterian choir. " Loch Lomond," "Hark the herald angels sing" and at the close * The Mapte Leaf " were well rendered and much appreciated. The proceeds of the evening at the small admission fee amounted to over $52, which will considerably enrich the Ladies‘ Aid Treasury. Friday, 2rd March D. Coleridge, Jr., lot 11 Con 19, Egremont, will sell by %uhlic anction, (having sold his farm ) arm Stock, inplements, &o. Sale at 1 o‘clock sharp. Ten months‘ credit, 5 per cent discount for cash in lheu of uotes. This is quite an extensive trip to take in so short a space of time but it was successfully accomplished last Thursday eveaing,. Revy Mr Wilson of Walkerâ€" torn, with the aid of 150 splendid sterâ€" eopticon views, piloted the interested audience throughout the trip, who jamâ€" ed into the Town Hall uniil standing room was unayailable around the doors. After an introductory speech by itey Mr Farquabarson, Rey Mr Wilson startâ€" ed with his audience, from his home in Walkerton. _ His clear sriiculation combined with a concise descriptive exâ€" planation of the views. with a spice of hamor sandwiched in throughout, inâ€" sured good attention and assisted materâ€" ially in the enjuyment of the views. ocean, view the heatherclad hills and silvery lakes of Scotlana, pass to Ireâ€" land, thence to old London. â€" Notre Dame in Paris, arouses out feelings for the beautiful. _ War pictures in South Africa next cross the stage, passing on to India, China, and again over the ocean to Vancouver, B. C,. We travel over the Canadian North West to Port Arthur, thence take the " Manitobha " for Owen Sound, stopping at Presque Isle to yisit Mr Jno. MceKenzie, the veteran lightâ€"house keeper and his little grandson, We visited scenes near Mr W.‘s for" mer charge in Dutton, saw Toronto, Montreal and Quebec, entered the States, and passiug Albany, witnessed scenes in modern New York. In the statue of Liberty in the harbour, to give an idea of its size, we are told that a wedding ceremony at which 12 perâ€" sons were present. took place in the hand of the statue. We cross the Tnurspay, 15 MarcHR.â€"J. Landels Marshall, Lot 13. Con 3. Normanby, will selt on above date Farm Stook and Implements. No reserve. 12 mos. credit. 5 per cent discount. D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer. WrpxEsoay, Marca 26â€"Angus Mcâ€" Kinuou, and Mrs Cath. McKinnon, Admimstratrix. Rocky Saugeen, will on the above date sell by public auction at the McKinoon homestead, Farm Stock, Implements, Housebold Furniture, &c, Also the farm will be sold in separate parcels of 50 acres. Lands are subject toa reserve bid. Chattels, 10 mos, credâ€" it, discount at 5 per cent in lieu of notes. Lands 10 per cent at time of sale, balance in 30 days. _ o. h L i Whaw Around the World in Wara Hrarteno NEIGHBorS. â€" On Friday last, neighbors and friends of Mr and Mrs Jno. A. Beaton met at their home to acknowledge good neighborship and to say good bve before Mr Beaton leaves on Thursday next for far away Edmonton. In addition to a warm adâ€" dress they were presented with a very handsome silver sugar bowl and cream pitcber combined. _ Mr Reaton replied appropristely and then followed some hours of pleasure, chat, music and song, Mr Beaton realized $1500 from his sale under anctioneer Clark‘s hamwer which was surely a good return. CaMP aAT NIAGARA.â€"As a result of the high price demanded for the ground the Militia Department wanted to buy at Pine Plains, Simcoe, for a military camp, it has been practically settled that the troops which in previous yeare have lrnine(;) at Niagara will do so again this season, _ Militia estimates this year have been based upon the exâ€" pectation of training the whole rural corps. Unless the pruning knife is used yery extensively, all the rural regiâ€" ments will, therefore. go under canvas this summer same as last. A meeting of the Farmers‘ Associaâ€" tion will be held in the Varney school house, on Friday evening, March 23rd, at 8 o‘clock. A large crowd is earnestâ€" ly requested, as busines s of importance will be discussed, The Odfellows will hhld a monster celebration in town on or about June 14. Premidp Whitney and other cabinâ€" et members wwillsbe present. _ Particuâ€" lars later. A The Great West Life Insurance Comâ€" pany sells endowments and other pol wcies at a lower rate than other comâ€" pames, Ask for our rates before you insure, _ W. F. Duann, Agent. Just received oMg car load known flour, " Fiy oses," §$5.25 per barrel. Highest grBdes, government standard clover_ and fNimothy at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store, Bert H. Willis is prepared to do paper banging in the best style, and at reasonâ€" able prices. Apply at residence, lower town. & MmmusERY ArprexTicrs WaxtTED, â€"Appiy at 8. F. Morlock‘s. SEEDS.â€"CMver and * government %ested " Store. Clover Seed just arrived at mirs. Begga‘. Haturday is 8t Patrick‘s D ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO Sale Register. D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer. Hugx McKAYÂ¥y, Auctioneer, Dox. McILyvyRID®, Pres. . W. Warsox The UpfMer Town Baker. er and Timothy seeds evieas. | at Parker‘s Drus s 1 One Night of the well For Sale at | _ Immediately after the arr:val of all | the guests Mr and Mrs Green, entireâ€" i ly unaware of the proceedings, were brought upon the seene, being some what overcome as the address below was being read to them. After the ; purse was presented by Mrs Jas Watt, Mr Green, who was deeply affected ' made a brief but appropriate repiy | thanking their many friends for their | kindness. ' To Mr and Mrs A. Green and family,â€" | It was with deep regret that we first learned of your iutentions to sever connections with us | and leave for the far West. We hoped at first | that the rumor would end in talk, but such was | not to be, as we see by the course of events that you are actuaily going to leave us, although we | can bardly realize it, During your few years | amongst us you have made many warm frends, | we feel that we are not only losing good, obligâ€" | ing neighbors, but also kind friends, we hope that ' wherever your lot may be cast, that the same may | be said of you, that the same kindness may be reâ€" | turned to you that your kindness deserves, We would now ask you to accept from us this {mru‘ of money, not altogether for what it is worth but | that we might show in a small away, some mark of | our esteem to you as you are about to leave us. On Thursday evening March 8th., the young people of Hampden asâ€" sembled at the house of Mrs J, Derby to say goodâ€"Bye to Mr and Mrs A. Green and family, who leave for Enderly, B, C. early this week, the principal feature of the evening was the present ation of a purse of money to Mr and Mrs A. Green. We wish you in your new hom» many happy days and we hope and look forward to some time when we may have you again in our midst, it not to dwell with us, to at least renew old acâ€" quaintances. But we leave the matterin a higher hand than ours, we leave it with Him, who doeth all things well, with him who knoweth what is best for us better than we do ourselves aud if it should be his will that we should never meet again on this earth, we hope and sincerely trust that we all without one single exception, may meet around the throne in Heaven where partiings are no more, Signed in behalf of the young I Andrew Derby. people of Hampden. Mrs Jas, Watt. de The first part of the programe being through with, music and dancing and various games was the order of the eyening until early morn when e>ch one left tor home, (and some not tor their own home ) feeling that they had spent a very pleasant and sociable night, and wishing Mr and Mrs Green a sate journey, and many happy days. Among those present from a distance were Mr Green and Miss McCaslin, of Louise swies, Lne race iives On, ana the present generation bave foundations on which to build for the Jaying of which they must thank such poneers as Mrs Dayâ€" idson who came to the * bush" when the name meant hardship and trial, Mrs John Scoit, Upper Town and Mr Aaron Vollett, are now the oldest resiâ€" the civ‘ic lamp has burned. dimly enough it is true, but in its history shedding a tb than it does this day., Th dies, the race lives on, and generation bave foundation to build for the Jaying of must thank such poneers One is prompted to reflect at the passâ€" ing of such a pijoncer as Mrs Dayidson, on the changes she has seen in this town of Durham, of the activities of its founders, long since at rest, of the hopes of many that were aever realized of the downfall of some who promised well, of institutions, like the great monthly cattle fair .which have comâ€" pletely vanished, Yet through it all the civ‘ic lamp has burned. sometimes dimly enough it is true, but at no time Mrs Davidson was the eldest of a family of 4 sons and 4 daughters ; Her brothers were William, Archie, John and Jas, H. Hunter, M. P. P., all now deceased ; her three sisters are Mrs A. B, MceNab, Topeka, Kan., Mrs H. 8. Schotield, Brockville, and Mrs John McLaren, Toronto, all still living. Her funeral took place on Saturday last, from the home of her daughter, Mrs Grant amid many tokens of esteem and regret, The pallâ€"beavers were bher son, and sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr Grast. her three _ nephews, J. P., Arch. 8. and John H. Hanter, and her grandson, Dr J. F. Grant. Deceased was a woman of considerâ€" able force of character, and while posâ€" Bessed to a large degree of all wifely and motherly qualities, had a)so the Hunter taste and talent for business, and in company with her son, conductâ€" ed a millinery business hetre for many years,. Latterly she has made hber home with her children here, occasionâ€" ally yisiting Detroit, where her daughâ€" ter, Mrs MeDonald lives, E. Dayidson. after an atiack of pneuâ€" monia of a few week‘s duration, calls for more than passing comment, A link between che paist and the present has been Lroken, for she had been a resident of Darham longer than any person now living, As is well known, she was the eldest daughter of the late Arch. Hunter, who is rightly looked upon as the founder of Durbham. She was born in Kilbarton, Scotland, nearly 84 years ngo and almost 60 of those ‘years have been spent in Durham. â€" She was marâ€" ried to Mr Davidson â€"who predeceased her many years ago,â€"in the late 40‘s of last century, and their well known son, Archie Davidson, was the first child born in Durham. _Other children were James. who died 10 years ago, Mrs Mcâ€" Donald, of Detroit, and Mrs C, L. Grant of Darham, Mi‘s JOohin & won Vollet nts of the ; FOR SALE OR Address and Presentation. The death on Tbursday last, of Mrs ACce In Memorian. RENT ighter light ‘ individual the present s on which which they CEA 11. Se 4# be 1 Will y.'/""”r" fl:, * h 'W f(;afi@r NA ; e | a&; §\ e ,, M :’; 4; ui. "â€"â€"7 We pr t i -7!-;{‘.;.:.',:?‘â€"‘- k[7 07%/' hT ;: 1/ ,l y o W | (/// J (FsS M * Zci:j c / /Ivhl §M »dos e 4| Bd w Having returned from attending the large Millinery Openings in New York and Toronto, we are busy preparâ€" ing for our Annual Spring Opening and have on display a splendid assortment, embracing all the newest ideas in Spring headwear, Miss Ghent, Coâ€" bourg, has been engaged as head trimâ€" mer and we feel assured, will please all. We have a large assorted stock of SPRING VEILINGS, fresh from and personally selected in New York and Toronto This season we are making special efforts to give every lady better satisâ€" faction than ever, in style, becomingâ€" ness, beauty and price, in their choice of millinery. _ A call at our showrooms will please you, will please us, Mclutyre Block, and surely this datter dealt out to the full. latter hbeing the only cluded punishment for well as comnensation mC th« of Keelers Mammoth J ewellery Store of the press was a fine effor would like to have in prin overweighted in the eves of the dictum of the Judge th must not degenerate into L wâ€"â€" Is known so ail people for mlles around Durham «s being the moneyâ€" saving place to bay. Every body knows where to bring a Wach or clock to have repaired right at a right price. We don‘t sell Dry Goods bat we do sell more than three parts «° the Jewellery that is sold around Darham. Come with the crowd to the Basy Store on the Busy Corner. for about three hours was a feature of the case. _ His interpretation of the »bâ€" Jectionable phrases and references had, we believe a powerful effect on the jfary. At times Mr Brooker might have heen taken for the questiner, and seldom was he rattled, in giving his evidence. This aspect of the case calls for more than mere verbal recognition, written or spoken, and the shareholders, cither individnally or corporately should come to MrIrwin‘s assistance, Nortes, Mr. W. E. Brooker in the witness hox While not attempting ta impugn the finding of the court, there is in the «ituâ€" ation much that ca.ls for comment. The mictakes, if one may call them so, for which such dire punishment was meted out, were committed in an effort to do what the defendant thought was in the interest of the shareholders of the N. P. 0. Co. _ If it is of nouse to enndone the mistakes, neither is it possible to deny credit for a desire for the public good which was not recognised as it appears to us, to the extent it should have been., As a consequence tho charges of libel were practically admitted and the force of the defence was spent in endesvoring to secure mitigation of damages. _ Apâ€" parenily this attitude resulted disasâ€" trously for Mr Irwin for the jury after hearing forceful presentments â€" from Messrs Lucas and MeKay and after being out over an hour brought in a verdict surprising in its severity of $500 and costs, these latter we presums will amount to 8500 more, so it will be seen plainly what a stern view the " twelve good men and true" took of the case of the defendant . The interest in the suit of Ludlow v. Irwin in Owen Sound last week was naturally very great, _ Both parties are well known here, both have their frionds and a dozen or more witnesses were summoged needlessly as it proved, for owing to some lega! procedure evidence to prove justification was not admitted, Jn MY The vlea of Mr J pring un Your neighbor‘s RavIrew : subâ€" scribe yourself; or, if your neighâ€" bor horrows {ouu. kindly give him a gentle kint to send us his nawme, Saves you time and trouâ€" hle and gives beth better eatisâ€" faction,. 60c to the end of the year. Send all orders to CHAS3 RAMAGE, ParxTEr axp PusursEER®. Miss Dick Anglin summ idly, but hislea ndant. He des iges ; Cor ibstantial Ludiow Wins the Suit. Don‘t Borrow The Review Latest City Stvles 0 Lambton Street ty Durham, Ont iIneryV i# 4) AAd

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