West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Mar 1906, p. 6

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ms of Fayette, erage educated 1,000 per vear. king a totaltof average day k: avâ€"IW day in A K ECH he Midâ€" 1 € o »bht *Â¥ W «P MARCH 15, 1906 &o X j snn â€"gor,ge> oc oo« i ie ts yg > FN.,.G. & J. McKechnie? o An DARLINGS Furniture > 221C The Durham Furniture C€o., Ltd C > <aey N, G & J. McKechnie ipes! Pipes ! Pipes ! Smokers‘ DARLING‘S DRUG sSTOrE This department of our business was never in better shape to supply our customers than it will be this season. Anticipating a big demand we bought largely in the early market and thus were ernabled to secure the pick of the goods and at a price which cannot be equalled. We invite you one and all to inspect one stock. Call and seethem. All prices 3C 10 Prices as low as the lowestâ€"â€"â€"never n sold in any line we carry. Another lot of our celebrated snaps j rivedâ€"better yalue than ever To reduce our stock we are close prices. WOOD, L,OG Cd“ It ~"ONRYr . W avariknruws DRESS CGOODS (The popular Cash ‘Store. The Popular Cash Store. _Oour stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very ‘s. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. our Warercomsâ€"â€"oue door South of the Post Office. SPRING Sundries in great variety The People‘s Druggists C¢<Oirn o ever unrdet just arâ€" $10 +4A The soldier who will dash in through the thick of the fire and reseue a comâ€" rade from the clutch of his enemies, would and has always been described as a " hero ‘‘ Now in our humble opinion this is precisely what MrIrâ€" win has done. That it is largely owing to the vigorous fight, which the papers have put up that the Cement mill in Darhan has not been reduced to a rabbish pile, few if any, will disâ€" pute. If then, in the face of a heated controversy, expressions have been usâ€" ed as often is the case when under more favorable cireumstances, they would not be even considered, our worthy friend has received a financial wound. We eonsider from«a fair point of view that all shareholders of the Cement mill, from the largest to the smallest, will not have done their duty if they allow Mr Irwin to " bear the brunt, " even were he a * millionare." We solicit the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the .dtv'flw'.“ ity of having their Patent business transacted Much sympathy is expressed aâ€" round here for Mr Irwin in his trial, which has, we hbear, been decided against him. those who have it not, conless we didn‘t know our church yet. and his miraculous escapes from apâ€" parent death th:ough his unbounded faitn in his all powerfal Jehovah. It that lecture, proving as it did the powâ€" er of the preaching of the everlasting gospel does not stir up many in giving, uf their means to send the gospel to those who have it not, then we must confess we didn‘t know the people in uesd enoualls d use ie Mrs E. Mellvride left last Wednesâ€" day on an extended visit to her daughter, PFlora, (Mrs J Ross) in Bruce Couniy Mr Wim. Keheler has engaged himâ€" seif for the summer months with Mr Wm Bradley at $25.00 per moath with board. We hbave been officially informed that Pastor Campbell is about to sever his connections with Amos and Knox churches about the 1st of April. _ We regret the removal but still we hayâ€" abundant faith in " all wise Providence " that He will have in store for us anuther Moses in the bullâ€" rushes. Rev Mr Wilson, of Walke: ton, gave his famous lecture with lime light views in Knox church on Friday night. The church was packed to its utmost capacity with a crowd, who gazed with wonder and admiration at the marvellous adventures of Dr Paton among the.cannibalsof 8. Sea Islands And then there was Thos. McAllisâ€" ter and his good wife to whom a little angel girl was sent some time ago, beâ€" lieve it was about the 9th Feb. (alâ€" most forgot.) That the arrival of this little one had the same effect on Thos. we have good reason to believe, as he broke all out in a * terrible broad grin " when he apprised us otf the faci. Blythe‘s Corners advice free. Charges d or Sent upon reâ€" New York Life last Wednesâ€" visit to her J Ross)} in Ordors ALoft With R. McMicken at 3ghe Hahn House Stable or at the REvIEw OrFICEK, will receive our best ttention. . B, WfekGetian Spring Imptements .. Plovghs, Harrows, Drills, Scufflers etc. Enquire at this agency. A High Standard of Thoroughness is always mantained in this school. Enter now and be ready to accept a fine position in the fall. College open entire year. Circulars free. * W.I.ELLIOTT, â€" Poter Ptamitton Agency . .. Harvosting V)aechinery . . Thomas Talbot was assessor John Irwin, collector.... ... John Vert, Clerk and Treas Total remuneration for councilmen..... . SsPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 2nd. 1/ )}ELLIOTIT 3 47 _[Mr James Brown, who representea Egremont, is also still with us, a valâ€" ued citizen. â€"Fd.] I have also the manuscript of the auditor‘s report of Proton for 1857. Receipts for 1857 E‘xpenses........ Balance on hand The first portion of the present County of Grey to be represented was : Derby by Wm. Boyd...........1847. Egremont, Isaac Batey . .... .. 1848â€"49. David Cochrane.... ......1850. James B. own ...... .. .. 1851â€"58. Thowas Suith....;:. .......» : +« L608 Glerelg, Arch. Huanter....... 1848â€"49. Normanby, John MeNulty .. .. I848â€"49, Bentinek, Richard Williams.. 1848â€"49. Proton became eofranchised 1853, in union with Melancthon, the reeve being Jos. Beachell ih 1853. You will notice also that in 1851 and 1852, Normanby was represented by John Robinson. I am of the opinion that this is the venerable gentleman, who is still a resident of the township, where be lived then, is the same perâ€" son. He is now locallvy known as Squire Robinson. Mr John Campbell, tormerly of Boothville, now of Petherton, Wellingâ€" ton Co. sends us some infomation reâ€" garding the representation of the Counâ€" ty in the ve~y earliest davs taken from a history of Wellington now running in the Guelph Mercury, of which the i following is an extract : : Before proceeding to give the Munâ€" icip«l Councils of vhe County since the organization of the District of Welli gâ€" ton under the Municipal act of 1842, it | may be well to refer briefiy to the sysâ€" tem that prevailed for the management I of local »ff.irs before that period. _ This | may give the reader a slight idea of the inconveidences suffered by the people of this district previouns to the introducion of the new sy tem. /s already referred to, Wellington at first " formed » part of the Gore District, of which the County Town was Hamilton. ~All such cases as are now disposed of by the Courts of Assize, Countv Courts and Quarter Sessions were then adjuadiâ€" cated upon at Hamilton. Jurymen bad all to go there, and on account of the distance Sheriff‘s and Bailiff‘s exâ€" penses were high. The business now disposed of by our Municipal Councils was then transacted by the magistrates . assembled in Quarter Sessions at Hamâ€" ilton, and in sonsequence of the dis.! tance and the wretched condition of the roads, the _ magistrates from this district were not able alâ€" ways to attend, so that the disposal of the business that came before them was . not always very satisfactory to those interested. ‘ I enclose you a portion of Meâ€" Kenzie‘s history of Wellington, now running in the Mercury and relating to Co. of Grey. Wellington, you will notice that the District was establishâ€" ed in 1838, comprised Wellington, Waterloo, Grey and most of Dufferin. It was ruled by : District councils in 1842, Counties, by act of Mav 30th 1849, County Ceuncil of Grev, 1854. In the year 1838 an Act of tne Parâ€" liament of Upper Canada was passed, forming the new District of Wellington. It was composed of the Township of Prot_n, Luther, Amaranth, and Meâ€" lancthon, formerly a pars of Simeoe County ; the Townships of Guelph, Garatraxa, Eramosa, Erin, Nichol, Waterioo, Wilmot, Weolwich, and the Queen‘s Bushâ€"now the Township of Peel, Mary boro‘, and Wellesley â€"from the Gore District â€" Guelph, Galt and Fergus were claimants tor the honor of being set apart as County Town, but the decision was in favor of Guelph. Mr. Campbell writes : Dear Sir,â€" THEK DURHAYK REVIEY Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm‘s make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any T HrretH Olle tr: TORONTO, ONT. Early County History. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. ONTARIO ARCH f TORONTO 167 31 10 15 16 ++ LODQ 1848â€"49. 1848â€"49 1848â€"49 14 14 Tudhope Cufter Barclay & Bell CNECTIIONRY | asgeaianc. A. W Watson Buns a: . Biscuits in great variety All kinas of Cakes made to orde W EDING AKFS ourspecialty Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Opposite Middaugh House Stables Watson‘s Breadâ€"T h B+s FOR â€" SPRING FIT YOURSELF pragasod popos, uover in pedrmeus iJnd â€"Tibectwoeonrd pmootin o Cioid coly in padages laof wih High in theine (teaâ€"tone) and low in tannin (bitters), it is the beverage of hy geine. â€" 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c per pound. Grand Mogul always a family luxury. Pleasing to mothers, palat able to children, it is Ceylon‘s bouquet of delicious fla nicest possible blend of the finest and ripest teas. Grown on the sunâ€" is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. _ Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutterâ€"the best, the Tudâ€" hope, at no more expenseâ€" and will have had its use fo the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours, or, at least, take a look over them. With the correct new FOOTWEAR Ogmivie‘s Royal Household and Famous Five Roses Fiour...... each, per barrel. . .$5.25 Also other highâ€"grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel .$4.75 to 5.00 A Beverage of A Swell Good Health at Peel‘s __ drawn. C. P. R Tickets for Sale, * AuwaYys ParowrTt, Nevan NacLi1oBNT." 1650 Acres above Durham, wellimproved. $4000 Do you want to know where to buy , above Durham, well built, well 260 ’efim well watered, good land, for $7500. 126 Acres Normanby, well improved and lo N s 1 i vred 126 Acnr' R e:mz " mpro and lo near Allan Park, 160 * mfNc; FA) Thasp. C To A large number of other properties for saie in Dur hmto:::nud nmwnd::s'lbvnflp Inâ€" surances placed, debts collected, writings Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08 JOHN CLARK _a | _ A.1.Cction.cers. Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &o. C A. G. MacMay K.C. D. McPHMHAIL _â€"a~ Ticensad Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Bales prompliy attended to. _ Rates reasonmble Orders may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" (r;)aus. lcilnlon‘l old stand, or at the Reviacw ce. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyaneers &e. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario,. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store Officeâ€"Calder‘s Biock, over Post Office Office, 13 Frost St W. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. Late assistant to Meorfeld‘s (Lordon, Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New Yerk) Eye Hospitals, HONOR GRADDATE Toronto Univer rad uate Royal College Dental Surgeo GOut Dentistry in all its branches, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales As to dates, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. ss* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P. O., will be prompuUy . attended to, â€" Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceyilon 2. O or to C. RAMAGE, Durham Member College Physicians and Sergeons Ortarto. e {)Mce and Residence Cor. @urafrazxa and George â€" _ pr., at 1006 0f Hill, _ Old Moodie Corner. J. G. HUTTON, M. D, C M Ki Will be at Kmapp House, Durham, the #%. Baturds» in each month, Hours, 1â€"46 ; 2 w.a L. & 1., Loncor, Fxglan Graduate of London, New Tork and Ch mgo. Diseases of Eye, Kar, Nose, and Throat Prywciix & Surero®, Office over J. &J. Hurter‘s Store [f 1 8 to 10 a.M. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Iesuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted #9â€"11 a. m ARTHUR H. JACKSON, flice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, Bi¢~ Special attention given to Discases of Women and Children. ffice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Will be at the mddsu?h House, Durham, the first Wednesday of eaeh month from 10 a. m. til} 4 p. m. Fys, Ear, Nose & Throat #2~ â€" Ceylon has a telephone office Liceonsed Auctioneer for Co. tG4rey Notary Public DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) OPFPICE HROUKK 1 a, m. 2â€"4 p. M. 71â€" p Telephone Connection No. 10 DMPESB LD LCO cfi s H. H. Miller, MACKAY & DUNN, EOUR® J. P. TELFORD THB HANOVEB CONYETANCBRz CONYEYANCER. &e DR. BROWN, Money to Loan. Money to Loan. DR. BURT Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Commissioner, W. F Dunn Owen Sound

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