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Durham Review (1897), 22 Mar 1906, p. 1

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o SHOW !rr,' a n. . OCKLER T:.' m to you l5, was ation there t you int for W sure test. m are " :5“; "iiillGGliihii 'aihliliih'ahuithla?g: E: P Q . “f ':l"i", fwo 8pedal Features iii rim F,'lylFl'dill _,iiii,,,, JAMES” {a DRESS GOODS MU Nl', m Bevin Rmnw an ftewewam annsw um Hevisew 3m REVIEW am Rrvxzw Mu REVIEW an: t Review um REVIEW am I vamw am m gzggflfifiEEEEEERESEEEEEEEMEEEEfiE VOL. XXVII. N0. 12 We invite your inspection. Everyone enjoys looking at nice fresh goods. It is our pleasure to show them. 0: Wash Department is full to overf1oteingrjtlt_thf nicest and beat than ever before. -see are not exaggerating, We are prepared to do a DRESS GOODS TRADE. We have stocked all the fashionable cloths and weaves in pro- fusion in all the leading shades for the season. vamw and Mon. i8reikiriiiiiid.ii7a'i' WOO...“ We have a special proposition to make you in regard to tailor- ed Suits to order. If you want to be one among the well-dressed men in town, see us before buying your Spring Suit, Ladies' Suitings & Dress Goods OVER ONE HUNDRED new Suit Lengths. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the old country. Everyone who has seen them says they are beauties. The newest weaves and patterns from the English and Scotch looms. Rm“? and Ion-onto Dolly tetar Rmvmvvond Toronto Duly News Bran-2w and Doily Globe. ... .... anmw And Weekly Globa... ... REVIEW and W. Mail & Empire. Rrvurw and Wanton-n Advertiser REVIEW and Weekly tian........ REVIEW and Fam. Her & W Star REVIEW and Week” Witness... REVIEW and Inn. our“ "-"M (-3-:awamxxmxmxxzxmxz-EEEEE We can't quote Prices on the whole Stock. at Sale Prices. CAR PETS Llamas. Serges and \Vorsteds NEW TROUSERINGS in Tweed and Worsted effects. BA LANCE OF OUR Tweeds Cheviots, Viennas. Ery Jour Footwear where you can save C l dollars. Our Boot and Shoe Dept, is full of great argains, Men's Long Boots, saize.n b'. 7 k 8, t'PR 2.75 and $3. sale price. 8t.Mpr M m's Plough Boots. reg. 1.25 tol.50, sult- with... . ..... 1.00 pr Boys' Henvy Boots, sizes ll, 12, 13, reg. 1.00 In 1 25. stale pr” Me pp Boys' .. sizes 1 trt 5. rug. 1.25 tol.50. "ale price. . I 00 pr Girls' ledlum Heavy Shoes, mg. 1.25 to 1.50. we Drive- .... 90e pr Women‘s .. reg. 1.25 to 1.75. sale priee. . . . . 1.00 pr Ltuiles' Pine Shoes-we have hundreds of pairs in up-trs . date styles that we are selling at . . . . .. . . . . Slaughter paces )IEN’S & BOYS’ SUITS Review Clubbing Rate. When, w_e say that our Stock is _ TEN TIMES LARGER BOO'FS de SHOES Chiffon Venetian Crepe-de-chenes Luau-es We have some Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets that we want cleared out of here as soon as they can be got out. Come and see what we can save you on the carpet for even one room. Take a look through our Dress Goods Department. We are pretty sure you 'll see something to suit you and we're certain our prices cannot be equalled in the county. The lines are getting broken into and for this reason we are giving eveu grfotor bargains than ever before. Euiji(5j"e SA Our - Spring -- Stock ShiXUG IITER PRICES Men's Suitings Poplins Mohairs _/sei,"., ' --------_ 81.60 31.9 81.85 84.50 'l.00 'l.7tt MAIL 81.751 31.75: fEiiiLiiiit Armures i iiitittltit, Crispine Its all on Sale Sicilians Tweeds , f/ii-ir. Rtit u , PIANO vert SAUL-First class Mendel- Ill , sohn, extra. good condition, will be sold E f m. a. bargain toquick purchaser. Apply [I i at this otBee. T WILL RAISE THE , BALArtnrs.- IThe S nod Augmentation Committee i of the 'rlfl,'l,.,1l,',fi'an/ Church met yester- ;duv afternoon in Rev. Dr. McLaren's t omce at Toronto to consider the vgran ts "or the coming your. Rev. R. iliam 'Ross, of Guelph, converter, was in the :chair. and some fifteen umhen were present, representing each Presbvterv m the Synod of Toronto and Kingston. The sum of 840.000 was asked tor this year for augmentation. and a little more than that wax contributed. so that the gmnts are being considered on the basis of an Increase of $50, bringing the min- imum stipend probahlv up to 8800. This will he the recommendation made to the thaneral Assembly which meets in London on“. June. 0! Due pent DIRECTORS aheer.-rhe directors of spoke on t the Egremont Agricultural Society met suggestions. in the hall on Saturday afternoon of doubt as to last week for the transaction of busi- porate assist ness in connection with the show fair. pointed to st Quiteanumber of the members were subscription present, and the President, J. A. Swan- 2'u?uf).eistion stnn. occupied the chair. The Jele- into the tron gates. Messrs Allan and Sharp, gave a newspaper-fl very full and complete report ot the tion. proceedings of the" convention in Tor- A commitl Onto. Their report was duly received son. M, P. P on motion of Messrs McFadden and but McKect Butt. The annual tall fair Will he held it shareholdi on October 2nd. 1906. It was also de- and no doubt cided that. those exhibiting grain be re- far to meet t quired to exhibit only one bushel in- These cowl stead of two bushels as on previous week and we years. A. Seim endsred his resigns. success they tion as 5eeretarttreasurer of the soci- r. o. O. If. a ety. He was very urgently rogue-ted inn. midwg‘hdnw his 'tlf,',',",',': at. ti In at pressure tram pro ession duties cat-minded gilt; time;i Beige on FOR S motion y ”its an in c neon the resignation was accepted. It was d,?puird then moved by J. W. Walls seconded ' IS' h un by J. 0. Adams that Mr. J. Sharpbe owm a: cc appointed treemst_arrtreaarurm to MI the 2,'l,'l ystszle vacancy caused. by the resignation of . ith hearing Dr Beirn-carrted. A heart? vote of 'ftll A Ir thanks was tendered Dr So In for his e. pp 11'l,tt2't and hearty tan-operation nthewor ofthe society din-in hill Ask-ere terns. 'lll'/al'Gtl'l'l2LSE'llU. and near by. OWEN SOUND IN LrNE.--The lacrosse I enthusiasts ot Owen Sound have Orton- Pized. under the name of the Maple Leaf lLacrosse Club, and have decided to , place a team in the C. L. A. intermedi- iate series. and will probably put upa. (junior hunch also. Owen Sound has :an especially strong bunch of home- bred players this year. and a. strong hid twill be made for junior honors. The {delegates to the C. L. A. convention “are J. Ramsay and J. C. Telford.-- 'Glohe. ( Work is progressing- rapidly at the , Cement works under Manager Mchne. iTheothe" chief offieials are Mr Mait.. Hand, Secretar . and Mr Smith, chemist, "tr. Stephen Eudluw. the late chemist _ having also severed his comwctmn. 'iThe flrsc sues of the c9880“ have been i nmde " an Increase of 20 cts per hurrel lnn fir-t prices of last year. and orders are alrvndv in or in sight for about , half the season. Come in and try or? mesa Brand suits. thes you. S. F. Morloek. Fort \Villmm is said to have the worst outbreak of typhoid fever ever 'known in Ontario. There are about 1400 cases and nurses are in heavy de- ,mund, Last year Dr Bell madea re- 'purt warning the couneil that unless a, better water supply was secured for the ‘eitizem mmething of this kind would happen. The town otfhids suppressed {the report and now there is a. big row i on. i WINTER AT LAs'r.-Sinee our last l issue it, has snowed at intervals. making (the best sleighing of the winter, and it is being well used. FARM POR SALE.--South half lot 26 Con 18 Pp Norumnhv. fine buildings. Must be. sold. Apply to Arthur H. Jacks Jn, Durham. The Great- West Life Insurance Com- pany affords the highest security and pays the largest profits to policy hold- ers. w. F'. DUNN, Agent. HORSES FOR THE 1i%esT.--Mr, T, Cald. well left, Tuesday tor Dauphin Man., taking with him a. cur of horses. His brother Harry aldo returns this week with a similar shipment. l Remember ism I Openings; March' th lowing days. Li st Toronto Slylos. Owen Snund. Hanover and Dundalk lacrosse have organized clubs for the seasnn and are determined to give Dur. ham a hard run. We hold our Millmeev Opet on Wed sdar and ihllrsday. M 28th and th and following days. F. Morlm . 10 APPRENTICES WA TED.-TO learn the Millinprv trade. pply at Miss Dick's growmoms. Lamb In St. A unload of " Fiv Roses: " Flour just arrived at, Matthew' and LatimFr's. Also a full stock of Ti othy and Clog- epb'eed. Thorough Bred stock for male. Apply to Wm Morrison, Edge Hill, Ont. Iwo Houses to Let-One 6 room and one 8 room. Has Furnace and bath. Apply to w. Black. GoverGment Standard Glover and Timothy Seed at. Mus Beggs’ Bre \u; now Spring Dress Goods, B. F. Mor ck. DURHAM, THURSDAY. 1sijiiiiiir'-iiii."=u=i'iri'fs" hold our‘ Myinery Opqpinga as Dick’s Millinery th and 29th and fol- :1. st New York and , hlgrsdny; " ii/GS rue of our pro- aro sure to fit tiii, That comfortable, self contained, 2 story solid htiek house in upper town, owned by undermined. 9 mums. good momy dry cellar and and soft water, good stnhle and barn. Fine gs ion with bearing fruit trees. Term-reason- able. Apply on the premises to A. Gannon. A six ogre potato tot in connection These committee. are at work this week and we hope will meet with the success they deserve. The I. o. P. and I. o. o. F. 'ociettes are ulsu contribut- lax. tion. a A committee cons'sling of Dr Jamie- son. M, P. P.. Mayor Banter and Gil- bert McKeclmie was appointed to colic- it shareholders for aid to the same fund and no doubts. little from each will go far to meet the needs of the cue. A meeting of the citizens held in the Town Hall. last Hiulay evenin . to con- sider the recent lawsuit as it aged: the publisher of the Chronicle, was well nt- tended. Mayor Hunter was in the chair, and stated the object of the meeting, which was to come to the tur- sistance of Mr Irwin fityutcially to en- able him to meet the heavy fine and costs imposed by the court. A number of the petitioners and other citizens spoke on the matter making various suggestions. and there being some doubt as to the legality of givxng cor- porate assistance a. committed was ap- pointed to secure from citizens private suhscriptions to an indemnity fund, the 4tHufleuion of course being that he got into the trouble while engaged in the newspaper fight on the cement queu- - ""V - -. u.” u; val-nun- The Mercury says: The fourth and lam. prize was captured by Mr Binnie, a. junior. whose first appearance it was on the College platform, with an In- tensely patriotic subject. .. The Future of Canada. " Mr Binnie strove to prove that the hue was roseate, abun- dance of natural wealth, a. lavish re- ward for an industrious people. could not help but place such a law abiding and law-giving race in the front rank of the world’s powers. A PRIZE FOR onAroRt-The stu- dents in the Gneirh o. A, L), haven. literary Society an on Friday night last held a Dublic speaking contest. at which Mr Thou Binnie. son ot Mr Geo. Binnie, won one of the prizes fora b eech on " [he Future ofCantuia." Ifhe Meycury save: The fourth and An amendment to the License not is mtrndm-nl into Ihe Manitoba Leaisla- tum which confines the liqnm tvutt1e to the husinvss part of city." Druggisls will he allnwml to so“ 0an under Dr's certificate. Pool moms must close at same time as the law and under the same penalty for the violation of the act. Persons' under eighteen shall not be allowed to loiler therein unless ae- companiml by parent m- guardian. Brewers' license will he raised to $500. High School Entrance exams will be held this year on June 27th. 28th and 29rh. The subjects for the first day will be reading, composition. spell- ing and geography l necnnd dav. arith- nwtic and written' reading I third day. English grammar and writing. Oral reading may he taken either the after- noon of the last day or such other tours as are convenient. PROMOTION FUR WILL VArm-The Detroit, Journal of IIIM'ch IO, tells of thenppointment of our old townsman to the head ticket agenev of the Brush street station. "Mr Vnir tP thorough- ly familiar, with the work and w?” make an admirable man for the place." says the Journal and hearty tytttgr"tttlatioiw, and good wishes says the Renew and many friends here. A ConrtrecrroN.--The date of the Me- Kinnon salv. Rocky Baugeen. is on Wednesday. 28th March, not 26 as we had it last. Week. The latterdate is a. Monday. Wednesday, March 28. Stock Implements. household furniture, Lands. Bee posters. FOR SALE OR RENT A meetin of the Farmers' Associa- tion will he L/l in the Varnev school house, on Friday evening. March 23rd, at 8 o'clock. A large crowd is earnest- ly requeared, as business of importance will he discussed. ' The Upper TXn Baker. The dfellows will hold monster celebralit I in town nu or about June li. Prem r Whjiney and other cabin- et members will be present. Particu- larslnter. Fifty ear-103‘s of settlers left Illinois on March 8th for the Canadian West. Others are to foilow front other states Iowa, Kansas, Massachussetts and New England states. The Grant West Life Insurance Com. puny sells endowments and other pol Icies alts lcwer rate. than other co m- pames. Ask for our rates before you insure, W. F. Dunn. Agent. Just receivvd one car I d of the known flour, " Five Ros " For th $5.25 pet barrel. Highest grades, 'roverntnenistandsrd clover and timothy at MaeFarlaneu Drug Store; _ SEND us Your: NAN.-as, REVIEW to January I, 1907, only 60 ems. . We have the latest “3X: in Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps. 8 Morlock. MILLINERY APP‘NTICES WANTED --Appiy at B. F. Mo' 0ck's. Hanover is talking of securing a free Public Library. - Uh war Seed Beggs'. ONTARIO ARCHIVE? Will Help. ml moms must, close at a the Instr and under the fur the violation of the under eighteen shall not Ioiler therein unless ae- DON. MCILVRIDE. Pres, _'htgit inst unwed M Mrs. TORONTO A. “\WATSON lit------.--..---, d of the well ." For Sale at [We that w W. L. Dixon for mu K. n. heeler dt Som 'lrh 'tttt “33:03 kind! by "it? I'M! goods bought " Keeler'a 'ritt o “N heo . E 'l'luh'I'8t.'ll'll y y be engraved he of alum. Be leaves to mourn his loss, the none and live deuzhtm: duo two brothers and a eiater. He will hemuch mined in the village in which he lived end in the surrounding count: on account of his kindness, his chee ulnese and the many other qualities which no eminent- ly fitted him to he of service Lotus friends. Until the last two or three you: he} was very healthy and appeared Ibout‘ twenty [fears younger than he really was. curt trouble In the con-o of b hi: death. He Appeared bother dual usual the morning he died, March 8, but ' the attack was so sudden that he spoke ', {July one word undone! tutnoet inching it 1 Mr. Tends!» was s good neighbor. s kind friend and as pleasant eotnpapion. He was well read. stbinker and. clever debater. As I mechanic and nskillod workman he was turd to surpass, and he was well known a 3 teacher of vocal and violin music. In politics he was Conservnlive. in religion he was a. Methodist, His re- mains Wereinterred in the North Morn- ington burying ground. the funeral service Minar conducted by Ree J. W. Cameron, the Preeyleriun minister. Mr Cameron made reference to Mr TQM- dnle'a intelligence, his knowleege of Scripture truths and the 'g,c.'d found;- tiona he had laid up for a C rininn life. I The subject of this sketch WM horn: I at Nenthiead, timgland, in Feb. 1834. j I After attending the village school toe l l a few veers he became an employe of, _ the London Lead Go. till he reached the i,' age of 19 years when he emigrated to Canada. In the town of Paris. ont., he lived for six years. following the hue- iless of butcher' and then of pump mik- er and well digger In 1800 he came to I Lot 15, Con 22, Egremont, with his step I father, the late Wm Dixon. 'Hete he! was married in 1863 to Miss Hunnuh ', Harrison. eldest dnunhter of the lute' Daniel Harrison of Egremunt. His. wife died about eleven veers ago. After I his meninges he lived 16 years on thet south half of the aforesaid farm after! which he moved to the township of [ Elma in Perth Coqnty where he main followed farming for eleven years more. Be then sold his farm and for the past seventeen {are he has lived at Britton, four miles rom Liotowel. l On Sunday [net the grave closed over the remains of one of the best, known Citizens of Priceville. For 35 years, perhaps mote, Mr Reilly hm been prom- inent as limitless man and citizen, and the removal of the kindly, genial gentle- man will make a gap in Priceville a life. I which old timers will always notice. For many months he has been been“ afflicted With a cum-er trouble which carried him off. He leaves 1.8 direct l mourners, ho wife. three sons and one; daughter. His funeral was largely at-l tended and upon; riate services were , candugted tor Rev Dri- Matheson. assist- I ed by Ree Arjiaii, __ __-,‘ v. _... mar any. "If! Ulr- son, 0. Round and Mr and Mrs R. U. Stewart, Winfield, the Indies being ais- ters of Mr Carson, are also here. Rev Mr Coiling, her pastor, conducts the services, and the remain: will he imerr ed in Saugeen ceuwtery. The Review extends in sincere sympathy to the bereaved. Three sisters of the deceased are here '. Mrs Weir. Michigan . Miss Wright and Mrs McBride, Toronto. Mr l John Wright, Mt Forest, " a. brother of [ deceased and with Mrs Wright is 'oo here. Another brother is in the West. Dr Carson is the only son who has been able to get home, the three daughters being here. Previous to Coming to Durham. 21 years ago. the tannily resided in Han- oyer, where a. warm friendship is still kept up. From that town. there are present Nady. expected or arrived. Mr and Mrs J. . Adams. Mr and Mrs H.l H. Miller, Mr and Mrs W. Bartletnan. l Mrs John Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Rollin-l gar, Mr and Mrs Boyd, Rev Mr Garner. Mr and Mrs Jas Lavelle, Stratford, Mrs Murray. Atwood. Mrs Boos. Mt Forest, Mr and Mrs Henderson, Chatswarthw are also there Pr on. the war, - Mn Can Mrs. Carson was born in Naasagaweva near Guelph. She was married to Mr. Carson met 40 years aim, their family consistin of Dr. J. H. and Thom of Lauder. gluon Georte, holding a gov- ernment mention in British Columbia. Mrs Hopkins and Mrs Cameron. also of Lauder, and Miss Sadie. ' Last Saturday morning ear-Iv the 'Angel of Death came to the relief of Mrs Jas Carson and she passed from lemons; mortals to the unseen land where her faith and her hopes had long (been centred. Slm'e last August she i has been ill, much of the timea great ‘ sufferer. from Sciatica at first, Hospit- ‘ RI relief was sought for 5 weeks. occas- ional rallies gave hope, hut death was in the cup and she passed away in her 65th year. Beaides her well known husband she leaves three sons and three daughters as chief mourners and to these and many friends she leaves cher- Ished memories. She was it warm neighbor and friend, a devoted wife, a mother loving and beloved. and her children rise up and call her blessed. She was a consistent member of the' Methodist. clutch, a worker in the La-, dies' Aid and other spheteswhen health permitted. and at, all times exhibited an exemplary Chi iutiun department. Many irettutitttrtiorat tributes testified to the esteem in which she was held, and her funeral, to-day, Wednesday, will be, largely attended. Mr. Thomas Teasdale. Mr Michael Reilly. 2m. In Memoriam. l was born in Naasagawvva ', She was married to Mr. I 40 years an). their family] F Dr. J. H. and Those. of i, '.' Georg:._ holding a. gqv- j ;. Jag. Carson. (i Spring Keelers Mammoih Jewellery l Store Ieknown to all people for In". anmtd Durham u hem; the unmov- eeving place to bay. Evervbusiy knowe where to bring . Watch tlr clock to have 1teittt1 right at l MM price. We don t eell Dry Geode bat we do sell more then three perm of the Jewellery that is told Mound Durham Come with the crowd to the Buy Store on the Buy Corner. R. B. Keeler McIntyre Block, and following days. The best display of Street Hats, Trimmed Hats and Bom. nets ever shown in town. This year we have put forth special efforts to please our patrons and extend a hearty invitation to everyone to at- tend our Openings on Ltmt I, " Damian St, London, Out at I If you wish to sell or arch-mg!» your progeny quickly nr pretitolr, or if was Fi; to hay, don't fail to am: or write gour Gen. Agent for the (30. of Grev. Wm LW. Ramsay. Thistle P. 0.. who has lam- lly been appointed to this position. Wo make no charge u'llenn the prapvrty is ‘sold. For further part iculurs, apply, lpononnlly or by letter. to either of the labove addresses. In reference In the "have, I lung " an nounce that. I will he plum-d at, nnv time to meet with panic-H wishing co Duly. sell or oxvhangv, hm will torvonvenietive he in Durham every Saturday afterlmun. If we don't we you, sound us a post-curd: we will gladly give all Iulm-umtmn. or. ders or enquiries at the REVIEW Ottiee will rem-Ive prompt arteotion. THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE The Western Real Estate Exchungo. Ltd.. Landau, Ontario. WEDNESDAY. 4m AmuL.-ihn Rahal-(mu wull sell on above date, It the Robert-on residence, in Upper town the furniture. eue.. of It well furnish d home, all rf It stood. much of it excel- lent. including a tlrstrumt piano. Term. --Catrh. Suh- nt 1 o'rlock. Bee posters. SATURDAY 31% MAnca.-A9n this due. a sale undvr powvrq of Murmur". of part of Int 19, on West, side of Queen Street, in the town of Durham will he held in the Knapp Hnuue at 2.30 o'clork. Termet-20 per cent tranh fay of rude. for trrtttq as to remainder. &e apply to l H. Miller. Hanover. agent. for ven- or. Wsnxnsmv. MARCH 28~An|zus lite- Kiunou. and Mrs Cath. MoKimmn. Admintstratmz. Rocky Hanan-en. will on the above date sell by public MIL-tum at the McKinnon homestead, Farm Stuck, Implements. “mm-hold Furniture, M. Also the farm will he sold in savanna parcelsof 50 acres. Land: are suhjw-t ma veserve hid. Chntmle. 10 man. cr-d- it, diecnunt at Spar cent in lieu of now. Lands l0 per cent at. timeof sale. balance in 30 davs. _ii,,(,,_),fii,_iii,i__,s,.__-,, {fi\ , L. l,, “If “ 'i/ttlie?";:: . i,, (illl'sll 'tj't':1feciia.er'.l: 7.1/3, _ "l, , d . ".yst" 15‘ . .:;_ yy _~.. (I it o" Pd / I f, " ‘ ' /iiii Frlduy. 23rd March D. Coleridm‘. In. lntllCnn Mr. Egremmu. win me" by guhlic auction. (homing auld his farm) mm Stock. "npiements. (to. Sale at 1 o'clock slurp. Ten moutha‘ credit, tiper cent discount for null in lieu oe notes. Wednesday (y Thursday MARCH 28th & 29th WM. W. RAMAGE, Gen. Agent Your neighbor's Ran": aub- Icrlhe venue"; or, d your "eigh. hor hon-own {can kindly (in him . {undo int to and m bio nun». Sum you time And trou- ble and gives hath homer antio- faction. we to the end of the your. Send All orders to CHAS BAKAGI. Puma no Pom-III. 1g Millinery Opening The Review Don't Borrow S iss Dick J As. CARBON Auctioneer HUGH McKay, Auctioneer JOHN CLARK. Auctioneer NOTICE Sale Register 336%.; D, McPHuL. Auctioneer, 3'5 Lambton Street Durham. that y’a- ' u ll/df/

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