West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Mar 1906, p. 2

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34 4 ® €1 Wiggâ€"So the editor said Seribbler‘s brand of humor was too delicate, eht Waggâ€"Well, that wasn‘t exactly the word. He said it was sickly. The German state railway is much tempted to encourage the Emperor to travel as often as possible, for cach journey he takes is a considerable sum in the pocket of the nation. His Maâ€" jestey travels in great splendor. As a rule, there are two special trains, cne for the Emperor and one for the Einâ€" Kss. These are the property of the ussian state, but the travelling exâ€" venses are paid for by the Emperor hiinâ€" self. © The court trains are charged at the same rate as ordinary special trains. Thus, the journey from Borlin to Elbing, near the northâ€"east frontier, costs rathâ€" er over $1,500, and the same fee is, of course, charced for the return journey. â€"Chicago Journal 1 ung Business Methods in Farming. (Boston (Gilobe.) Thousands of farmers in the more opulent agricultural regions of the counâ€" try still conduet their farms in a hapâ€" hazard way, but everywhere the advanâ€" tage and necessity of the business spirit are being recognized. The west has been warned, ftor example, that the ferâ€" tilizer problem of the east and the south will have to be met before many doâ€" cages unless the soils are put under betâ€" ger rotations and ecomomy of land is being preached. It is now generally .eeetted as a truism that the better the business man the agriculturist of toâ€" day becomes, the more profitable will be found that occupation which once was described by a keen, though not wholly wise farmer, in the statement that "farmin‘ ain‘t all keepin‘ books, by a long shot." Newlywoedâ€" After a man is married he looks at things from entirely different point of view. " Oldbach â€"Yes, his wife‘s. Cash or Cure Incidentally it is worth noting that while the average man is increasing in sizeâ€"a fact also attested by the clothing tradesâ€"he is not keeping pace with woâ€" men, and there may be something more than pleasant irony in the prediction of the pessimist that unless the man of the future shall inherit something of physiâ€" eal size and strength from his enormous mother he will be a pigmy. **o gymnasium and on the athletic field. That‘s a pretty reasonable argument, too, but the clothing manufacturers and the desigrers of women‘s clothes say the change is due to a more healthy and rational style of dress, which perâ€" mits of growth and expansion, while the advocate of woman‘s right to work mainâ€" taings stoutly that the entrance of the sex into fields of labor hitherto filled by men is sufficient to account for the matter. As for the cause of the growth, all GXND!‘loni“y well prepared to train young the evidence is yet to be brought forâ€" ;gbfitz;tr:;r“:g:gteg?er?{té\.ifes:n% 4 l.lug";]l{ ward. There are suggestions of cours@, egraph School, 3 Gerrard street east, Toâ€" but they are all of selfâ€"interested kind,. ronto. W. H. Shaw, president. ‘Thus the physician culturist sniles Inia | ~ O I TT Otoococâ€"__.~â€"â€"â€"â€"4«â€" superior way and says there can, of| SOUVGH"‘ POSt oards course, be no doubt that the increnseg 12 for 10c; C for t0c; 100, $1; 200, $2; 500, is wholly due to woman‘s appearance in | ”53 all different. Largest an~ finest stock 65e qomnaesinm ow an Fhe athiatin‘Pianr k C:nat!s),‘y mixed, $3; albums, all prices. These big new women are all young, and if they were seen only on the stage or in similar places where it is a case of selection the phenomenon might have no importance, but they are seen everyâ€" where. The curren; crop of schoolgirls seems larger this year; the newer girls in the shops and the girls who are in their first season of long skirts are larger than those of older date. Wheâ€" ther the increase holds good as well for the country crop as for that of the city no observer has been found to testify. Increased stature is, fortunately, not the only gain made by woman. She is heavier and plumper in proportion. Unâ€" derclothes are larger and the signs to be seen in some shops, "Extra Size Underâ€" garments," would seem to indicate that the growth continues from da yto day. In cases where an exact large size canâ€" not be found in stock it can now be made at short notice and small extra cost. Formerly the reply to such a demand used to be: "We haven‘t got it." With this general growth has come also an increase in the sze of legs, and hosiery for women of nearly all grades is now larger and many shops carry what are called "outsides." And even feet have kept pace with the change. Regardless of the oldâ€"fashioned ideas of fem.inine‘ pulchritude, Dame Nature has decreed that the new woman shall have suffiâ€". cient of the wherewithal to stand uwpon and shoes are larger. A fashionable dealâ€". er says he carrics No. 9‘s in his regular stock now and that 7‘s and 9‘s are called ; for constantly. I "For years," says the manager of a large shop on State street, "the longest skirt carried in our stockâ€"or, so far as I know, in any in this cityâ€"measured fortyâ€"two inches. If longer were needed the suit had to be made to order. Now we carry readyâ€"made skirts of fortyâ€"four inches and we sell ‘em too." dences S HIL O H 25c, per bottle. All dealers guarantee it. If you have a Cold, Cough, or any disease of the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, ty If it wasn‘t a sure cure, this ofer would not be made. Can anything be fairer > If Shiloh‘s Consumption Cure fails to cure your Cold orCougg.b;:ugethck all you paid for it. You are sure of a Cure or WOMEN GROWING LARGER. How the Kaiser Travels. Port Arthur, Ont., March 12.â€"(Speâ€" cial)â€"That Dodd‘s Kidrey Pills cure the Kidney ills of men and women alike has been proved time and again in this neighâ€" borhood, but it is only occasionally they get a chance to do dowble work in the same house. This has happened in the case of Mr. and Mrs, Dick Souvey, a farmer and his wife, )i\'iug about seven miles from here, In an interview Mr. Souvey said: "My wife and myself have used Dodd‘s Kidney Pills ,and have found them a big benefit to our health. We had La Grippe two winters and were exposed to such frost and cold. Our sleep was broken on account of urinary troubles and pain in the Kidneys. We each took six boxes of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and now enjoy good health." If the tide of immigration contin 6 Inmue ducke was the wimest duck I aber and the procession oflg':mn men hm h-.”duck. yrae the wildest quck,f over westward is proltmgedâ€"wiat is to be: **** l mchc en come of our girls? Are they not sui & Alpa. for the‘strenuous life as wefl? They ':ie:l] Grander Than the have to speak up. When is leap year _ DPémcherâ€"Johnny, for what is Switeeâ€" anyway? land famous?t â€" A Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Doing Good Work Around Port Arthur. t Mr. Dick Souvey and Wife Both Had Kidney Troubles, and the Great | Canadian Kidney Remedy Cnred. Them. I Tonic Effect of Music. Good music is a powerful tonic to many people, especially those suffering from melancholia. lt lifts them out of their solemn moods, dispels gloom and despondency, kills discouraged feelings and gives new hope, new life and new vigor. It seems to put a great many people into proper tune. It gives them the keynote of truth and beauty, strikes the chords of harmony, dispels discord from the life, seatters clouds and brings sunshine. All good music is a character builder, because its constant suggestion of harmony, order and beauty puts the mind into a normal attitude. Music clears the cobwebs out of many minds so that .theyl can think better, act better and live better THET MADE THIS COUPLE KAPPT but is best when used in the Sunlight way. alve, more tremendous." Buy Sunlight Soap a2d fol‘ow directions, "Limburgar !" APPLE TREES â€" BEFORE â€" BUYING write us, or see ‘our agent near to you, for prices. We have the largest stock of fruit trees to be found in Canada. We pay the freight. The Browns, at Browns‘ Nurâ€" series, Ont. Vl‘ ELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE IN DEâ€" mand by New Grand Trunk Pacific Company and other Canadian lines. We are exceptionally well prepared to train young men for railroad operating and to supply competent graduates. Aduress Central Telâ€" egraph School, 3 Gerrard street east, Toâ€" ronto. W. H. Shaw, president. W. R. Adams, Torunto, Ont. WANTED. MEN FOR CATTLE STEAMâ€" ers, free passage and return from Montreal to European ports. D. J. Lyons, authorized agent, 123 McGill street, Montâ€" real. Enclose stamp for particulars. cording to . Co., Hamilton street east, Hami#iton t oman aay w n ne en inz ic2ld F ARM FOR SALE, 14 ACRES, 30 ICLEARâ€" ©d, frame house and barn. Price $500. John H. Coldwell, Huntsvilie, Muskolka, Ont. MiuiPo ind ts ds ind ind usc snn m ns 2 WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, TWO GIRLS about 20 years of age for positions as cook or housemaid in a private family; good wages to reliable girls. Aldress in writing to Mrs. Geo. F. Glassco, 74 Hanuah whsmak ols evo pertics we can give emall capital a the above cases. WANTED. COMPETENT _ GORDON huraas | Hea B es e o o sn C AORES We will arrange free transportation from Hamilton to inspect any of the above proâ€" waskt.s (8) 100 (6) 50 acres, Township of Nelson, new (7) 2% acres, Township of Willoughby, 12 miles east of Waelland, good buildings, good soll. Price $900. (5) Beautiful 6 acres, 3 mi‘ss south of Hamâ€" M_. fine fruit, good buildings. Price (4) 36 (2) 140 acres, Township of Waterloo, magâ€" nificent land and good buildings, adjoinâ€" ing Town of Preston. Price $1,000. (3)100 acres, West Flamboro; fine buildings, good soil, part timber, 7 miles from Hamâ€" llton. Price $5,000. J ' e for the pu s teed by t sealed ci: rugyists; or oy mail, sec 1. uen fnle es | fisholarâ€"Whyâ€"m‘mâ€"Swiss cheese, Sunlight Soap is bettur than other ssaps, | "Oh, something gramder, more impres Apply to FARMER & GOULD ) 100 aores, Township of Trafaigar, 14 miles from Toronto; good buildings, black loam, orchard. Price $6,000, or will rent. and new bank barn, 15 acres clear, balâ€" ance firewood. Price $900. brook, 14 miles from Hamilton. _ Price $1.000. press feeders; wages $7 7 James street south, Hamilton, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEGUS. Chirp Up, Girls! LE ROY PILL CO., Box 42, Hamilton, Canala. give an iindustrious man with i1 a rare opportunity in any of A safe, sure and relfable monthly rogulaâ€" tor. These Fills have been used in Franco for over ffty years, and found invaluable for the purpose designed, and are guaranâ€" teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for sealed ciroular. Price $1.00 per box of y mail, securely seaiod, on recaipt of price eeders; wages $7 to $10, acâ€" qualifications,. Robt. Duncan FEMALE PILLS good land, Township of Binâ€" DR. LeROY‘S | _ As chief of every regiment in his army ; he has the uniform of every regiment, j and not only parade uniforms, but orâ€" | dinary uniforms. He is, moreover, colâ€" : onel of each of his Guard regiments, | and in thes corps there are 13 uniforms, all of which are in the Kaisor‘s wardâ€" | robe. "Out gunning, ech? Get any wild ducks?" "No, but I shot some tame ones." u“]g,idn’t you see any wild ducks at a â€"*"*Well, the farmer that owned the Soon after the picture was completed Thackeray chanced to be dining at his club, when a pompous officer of the guards stopped beside his table and said : "Haw, Thackeray, old boy, I hear Lawrence has been painting you porâ€" trait." "So he has," was the reply. "Full length?" "No; full portraits are for soldiers, that we see their spurs. But the other end of the man is the principal thing with authors," said Thackeray. The following st:)ry furnishes &n exâ€" ample of*the manner in which Thackeâ€" ray did not hesitate to treat what he considered vanity in others. ‘After long pleading his family inâ€" duced the famous novelist to sit for his portrait, ard Lawrence, the paintâ€" er gladly undertook the task. (Boston Transcript.) Owing to the protest of several New York women the aldermen will probably take acâ€" tion to diminish the street cries of various itinerant merchants i1 some parts of the city. And yet what is the huckster passing The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest or any of his neighbors. Gentlemen,â€"Theodore Dorais, a cusâ€" tomer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of sufferâ€" ing, by the judicious use of MINARDS LINIMENT. Mjnarfl_’s Liniment Co., Limited: At Potsdam and Berlin they are under the chargoe of the Kaiser‘s head valet, | engaged in keeping them clean and makâ€" / ing repairs and alterations. When the ; Kaiser orders a new uniform he never | sees the tailor, but he is photographed in ! the new uniform when alterations are ‘ necessary. _ These photographs are at | once destroyed when they have answered j their purpose. ! Altogether he possesses 150 full miliâ€" tary and naval uniforms, with al their appanagesâ€"swords, straps, belts, sashes, caps, hats, helmets and shakos. The Kaiser owns more uniforms than any other potentate. In his wardrobe are numerous Austrian, Hungarian, Britâ€" ish, Russian, Italian and other uniforms, naval and military. time for experimenting when you‘ve disâ€" covered that you are a victim of some one form or another of kidney Uisease. Lay hold of the treatment that thousands have pinned their faith to and has cured quickly and perâ€" manently. South American Kidney Cure stands preâ€"eminent in the workl of medicine as the kidmey sufferer‘s truost friend.â€"62 Russia Still Aggressive. (Cleveland Leader.) Russia is stealthy and tireless. Even while its armies were boing defeated in Manchuria and its throme was shakon by revolt it was secretly fastering a firmer grip on parts of the Chinese empire. The fact that Russia has a line of military posts across the northâ€" ern part of the Chinese empire has been kept secret from the world. It was revealed by an indiscreet publication in a Russian Provincial newspaper. Russia‘s purpose beâ€" yond the satisfying its o}1 lust for dominion can not be determined. Whatever it is the powers interested in maintaining China‘s territorial integrity are directly affected. Minard‘s Liniment for sale everywhere _ "It is said that if a child begins to cry on Thursday he will find it hard to stop. _ $Â¥ 6 x «d But th other day I met a man older and wiser than any of the rest. He was very old and very wise and he told me: "It r bad luck to cry on Monday. "Toycry on Tuesday makes red eyes. “fiing on Wednesday is bad for chilâ€" dremf‘s heads and for the heads of older people. o 9gs 8 Now I have often thought that there are little boys and girls who cry, _ now and then, at the wrong time; and I have asked many of the older people, but none of them could tell me the best time to ery. A Number of Pointers for Little Boys and Girls, There are millions of little boys and girls in the world who want to do just the right thing and the very best thing. But they do not always know what just the right thing is, and sometimes they cannot tell the very best thing from the very worst thing. _ J M s $ _ _ A. COTE, Merchant. 6t. Isadore, Que., 12th May, ‘08. KIDNEY EXPERIMZENT.â€"Therc‘s no Big and Little Nuisaases. Wild and Tame Ducks, The Kaiser‘s 150 Uniforms Thacksray‘s Portrait, WHEN NOT TO CRY. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO m. and 7.15 p. m. For tickets, Pullâ€" mans and further information, call on or address Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent L. V. R., 10 King street east, Toronto. BGpecial ten day excursion to New York ‘;hotoy Fx;ng-;y,, Ap’rsil n(217;.1:. Tickets only $9.00 rou: .. Be or and guide of New Yorrlr:‘: free. 3+A only ten dollars round trip from Susâ€" pension Bridge, Niagara KFalls. Tickets ood ten days. Stfi over allowed at %dt.imore and Philadelphia on @eturn trip. Side trip, Philadelphia to Atlantic City, only $1.75. Trains leave Suspenâ€" sion Bridge April 13th at 3.50 and 7.15 a, from 3000 in Iio:, the inst yeer mewe u, | | mm Mathmert Yhe Dry Goods Retie® ‘andmies sus e s o Bc ) . â€" uoi [hng _ 1 â€"~ _ eepinippmuin mmlflh":r“' eame period. ‘The m‘ | ie sost mmmth Th Lborid ...mf«f’?:‘z‘.:i‘m“m is where lboi * thhsk postal® for ofrtiubeem ze‘ B. '._'a‘__i mnsstle * sw 4w ** less than cight years ago. For imports into Gpend your Easter vacation in Washâ€" ingten and Atlantic City. Special Washâ€" ingtom Easter excursion via Lehigh Valâ€" ley Rnilwa‘y“Friday, z%pril_ 13. Tickets ‘ Who Got Into the Firm. (Judge.) Once there were two lads, Paul and William, who ertered the employ of a great manufacturer at the same time. Paul devoted himself assidvously to his work, and so did William; and in time they were familiar with all the operations of the concern by which they were employed. Paul had the inâ€" terests of his employer at heart, and afâ€" ter many years of thought and experiâ€" ment he devised a plan for bettering the: product _ without increasing the cost. _ William _ also devoted several years of time and thought to the proâ€" duet, and at last ho invented a proâ€" cess by which it could be made 40 per cent. cheaper to the manufacturer by means of undiscoverable adulteration, and the price to the consumer could be kept at the same figure. ‘Ten guesses will be allowed each contestant, and the question is which of the boys is now a partner in the concern. ‘ PR. AGNEW‘S CATARRHAL POWâ€" DER.â€"Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the Baptist Emanucl Church, Buffalo, gives etrong testimony for and is a firm believer in Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powdor. He has tried many kincs of penmwedins without avail. "After using Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder I was benefited st once," are his wor‘s. It is a wonderful remedy, 50 cents.â€"65 Minard‘s Liniment Cures Rurns, etc, The district of Bihain, Belgium, with a small part of Salmchateau and of Bart, has the unique distinction of posâ€" sessing the hone mines or quarriese of crystalline slate or coticula, In Bibhain is found a quality of hone much appreâ€" ciated by the cutlery manufacturers of England. These mines or quarries have been worked for centuries, and are at present exporting the products to all countries of the world. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandruff. "Well, it was this way," replied ithe shade of General Washington: "Papa said to me: ‘George, did you cut down that prunus seratina? ‘No, papa,‘ said I, ‘I cannot tell a lie. I did not‘ And there the incident closed. You see, the tree was not a prunus seratina at all, but a prunus cerasus." DR. AGCNEW‘S OINTMENT CURES PILES.â€"Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. Comfort in one application. It cures in three to six nights. It cures all skin diseases in young and old. A remedy beyond compare, and it never fails. 35 cents.â€"63. The Truth Out at Last. "General," said the shade of Emerson, "I should like to know the true story of the cherry tree episode." _ _ Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup should alâ€" ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures v;‘md colic and is the best remedy for Diarâ€" rhoea. Putting the Blame on the British, (Calcutta Englishman.) It is the custom of the Khonds in the Madâ€" ras presidency to offer a buffalo in sacriâ€" flce in substitution for the bhuman victim, but in doing so they make long apolozles to the deity, explaining that they themâ€" selves would willingly make the customary gacrifice, ‘but are preventel by the British Government, ¢n whose head they pray that any anger @L their neglect of duty may be vicited Speaking of foreign trade, one would never dee from the trade statistics that thog Uncle Sam‘s Trade With Spain, 4 «o SU NLIGHT «:. =% and lincleums with warm water and Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe SOAP dry. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. s Common soaps fade the colors and injure the surface. â€" Sunlight Soap cleans. freshens and preserves oileloths and linoleums. Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can injure either clothes or hands. £.. 8 Un rancharaatiainies FASTER EXCURSIGNS. Hone Stones of Belgium. All Plain Sailingâ€"on Paper,. (Detroit Free Press.) Now we are going to invade China. A ho«â€" tile army of fully 5,00 men is to be sent from the Philippines and 20,000 more are to be sent from the Pacific comst, all on conâ€" quest bent. While we don‘t know what this mighty host is to do particularlyly, we preâ€" sume that its misslon is to overcome and subdue 400,000 Chinese. Our 25,000 will walk straight through China from east to west, Minard‘s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. 80 parasangs as the crow flies, leaving death and desolation or complete humiliaâ€" tion in their trail: ‘Then they will march rortheast 450 Oparasangs, also as the crow flies, leaving the same, in order to make a point from which they miay bisect the counâ€" try from north to south, 60) parasangs, and come out clean on the southern coast with glad cries of ‘"‘The sea‘! The sea!" ani a banquet awaiting them at Hong Kong. "None is" or "None Are." All the friends of liberty of speech, says Harper‘s Weekly, owe gratitude to Professor Lounsbury, of Yale, for his deâ€" fense of the use of "none" as the subject of a plural verb, What idiot precisionâ€" ist it wa sthat started the movement to schoolmaster that use of "none" out of existence we do not know, but his effort has had a deplorable degree of success. An awful example ought to be made of some of the grammarians who try to make language conform to rules instead of making rules conform to language. It will take years to untwist the tongues of worthy peopie who have compelled themselves to learn to say "nome is" when their congenital impulse was to say "mone ave." That precious remedy, is a positive cure for all female circular and free sample. R. S. McGILIL, Simcoe, Ont. Grand Prizs Competition A FOURâ€"YEAR UNIVERSITY COURSE, A TRIP ARCUND THE Wu._D, o $;i,000 IN GoLp. FIBRE WARE amtcess Farmers and Dairymen so GENXEROUS and HELPFPUL that every industrious TERMS a PROFITABLE and COMFORTABLE Farm Home,. ‘The character and purpose of our company, which is organize AUSPICES OF THE INDEPENDENT OoRDER oF FORESTERS cribed as STRONG, RELIABLE, HELPPUL, PATRIOTIC. AGENTS WANTED EVELRYW HERE FARMS AND BLOCKS OF iax In sizes to suit purchasers, from 160 acres u ways in the famous wheat growing districts of For information and prices apply Tub, Pail, Wash Basia or Milk Pan Orange Blossorms You will find they give you satisâ€" faction every time. PMQMMMmMMM_EI.' ks win A cash commission !ll be 1: t .m?u:yhm'r "“nm“m“mmm -l-l-m- MAN‘S MAGAINT is un!ite any other, is conte: qaretul lighed .".‘um-fl'.h*w)_n-dx..:'fi, It o u::-r;.clvâ€" nf.‘-..-.....:ll lan Grosers, Her@waere ant °5 al Canab MANITOBA. SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA Insist on being supplied with EDDY‘S every time CTHERE 1IS NO SUBSTITUTE . B. EDDYS Ask your grocer for When you require a MANAGER LAND DEPARTMENT, The Union Trust Company,Limited TAEVMPT» E BUILOINC, TORONTO FOR SAL Peculiarities of Two Big Cities. (Cleviand Plain Dealer.) *"They haven‘t inspected the water moters in New York for twentyâ€"one years. "‘In Philadelphia when a water meter wal 21 years old they used to lat it vote." if he would but test their potency. ‘They‘re veritable gems in preventing the seating of stomach disorders, by aiding and sttnulatâ€" ing digestionâ€"60 of these thealth "pearis‘ mended by most eminent physicians.â€"64 The Busy Man‘s Magazine Removes all HKard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, bMlood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one botâ€" tle. Warranted the most wonderful Bleâ€" mish Cure ever known Growing Monopoly in Fuel, (Philadelphia Record.) It is believed in the anthracite region that the coal railroads ane eliminating the indeâ€" pendent producers by buying them out. Sevâ€" enteen million dollars is reported to have been paid for coal lanis within a whort time. Senator Tilliman says the Hepburn bill must contain a stringent pmrohibition of the ownâ€" enship and control by public carriers of arâ€" ticles to be shipped over their Moes, But A CASKET OF PEARLS.â€"Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple Tablets would prove a great solace to the disheartened dyspeptic A cholce of which we offer to the inâ€" dividual securing YWe largest number of wholly in one state is one of the most aggravating things about him. If a hunter succeeds in getâ€" ting within gunshot of him the chances are ten to one that no damage will be inflicted. His hide is so thick and tough ana is covered with such a heavry coat of fur that an ordinary discharge from a shotgun has little or no effect. With an ease that is exasperating he simply lopes out of danger and is soon lost in the brush.â€"Kansas City Star. ENGLISH SPAYVINLINIMENT It is said that he has an especiai liking for mutton, especially young lambs, which fall an easy prey to him, and that he is most frequently found where sheep are numerous. But hbe will not turn his nose up at tender little uigs, and when he cannot find other things more to his liking he will not scruple to become a common chicken thief. â€"But his skill in eluding his enemics, especialy human, is remarkable, and this "" 2r00ers, Herdwere ani :_.al, Canat and ®ther suscemxul paperoâ€"and who are Bcratching out a shallow hole in the ground, they line it with small sticks and dry leaves. Here the mother wolf takes care of her young while the father is scouring the country for miles around in search of food. He is rarely seen by day, and then only for an instant, for he seems to melt away like a mist into the weeds or brush, his tawny hide making it easy for him to disappear trom sigh .: > .>.} f The wolves now found in Jackson county are in size between the coyote otf the western plains and the big woives found in the Ozark region. In generai appearance they bear a resemblance to the Scotch colie dog. They live in unâ€" frequented places, generally in the timâ€" ber or along the streams, and a favorite abode is in caves or overhanging ledges of stone. â€" HODSON KEluding His Enemies, is organized UNDER THS i2 Cotario took 25 in one Write for description 12. own d G di W in Al an in« t or Th int O‘Ha the M tonian distres tonian and _ would WI OH The t fro mo m el WoOu whic molished. The half h men of the wrecked & plain view of those on tonian and Manmhei however, do nothing the way of resoue, have been suicide to the heavy sea. At 140 p, m. the mallad "Hoeln us: we i Kir W tai Wh We foun m Ma Magnificent Resc i and in A Tervible Tate ofl Saalfi The Vesse! Sinks I Sable is BRITISH K ‘OST 1N Iy U 0t [( Other St 11 VI t« CTue

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