West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Mar 1906, p. 4

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tX WinNtER FooTwEaAR SNAPS sOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS; The Perforated Drum, only in the Idea Also Wilhelma‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. Raymond, Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. T)eering Jfarvesters &C. L. GRANT. 15 Ladies ‘Skirts...to clear Skirts were $3.50 for $2.75 Skirts, were 4.00 for 3.10 Skirts. were 5,00 for 4.00 CLEARING SALE of WINTER FURS we are crowded ftrom top to bottom and we need the room for the new arrivals. We will be pleased if you will lend a helping hand in making room. Anything we haveleft in winter lines are down in price. Call early and get a share of the good things. Castom work and repairing as usual. S. McILRAITH We have some sizes in a few lines of Oxfords and Strap Slippers which we are cleaning out at prices that will save money for the lueky purchasers. Spring goods are beginning to come in and Men‘s, Boys® and Chilâ€" dren‘s Suits and Overâ€" coats at similar reducâ€" tions, ed prices, ow is the time to buy our Winter Goods. We re selling all at reducâ€" Gohn Glark. We can give only a mere list of our goods, but in quality and ads tability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, lieney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies,. Renowned articles, fair prices London and New York MILLINERY PATTERNS & PARISIAN NOVELTIES on SPRING MILLINERY OPENING ng The best in their line as we bandle only the, best. Wednesday & Thursday March 28th & 290th e respect{ully invite you to our Opening of Paris, S. F. MORLOCK. Cash and One Price. And following Days. Parker‘s Drug Store Stock Foods &E Veterinary Preparations The Down Town All made strictly accordâ€" ing to the formulae of the late Henry Parker. Alterative Powder Cleansing Powder Dry Murrain Powder Heave Powder Cough Powder BRITISH H. & C. SPICEâ€" the best 61b pkg. on the market. Just the thing to get your stock in shape for spring work. Thke old Reliable kind 6 6 * 39 Parker‘s Morton‘s Resolvent Liquid Blister Red Oil A few doors South of the Middaugh House: Garm ]ffaOhinery. only at Shoe Store V. D. Francis, who formerly published the Woodsteck Times, sued &eighton $10.50, the arrears in subscription to the gaper. The defendant acmitted that he had been a subscriber, but statâ€" ed that he had cancelled. the paper after one month‘s trial. The plain:iff Must Paxy ror THEIR PAPER.â€"An interesting case was beard in the divisâ€" ion court at Woogsbock recently when Â¥r ow M OAAAp . PAOSime mieay‘ 2 TDY S id At Naples a bWurglar introduced himâ€" self into a bank in a trunk, which a servant pretended was hers, _ The trunk was brought into the rooms of the manager who liyes over the Bank. A foxâ€"terrier belonging to the managâ€" er, scenting the man in the trung, barked so furiously that the manager became suspicions, and brought in four policemen who forced open the trunk and secured the man. A Meaford man asked his wife :â€"â€" **Why is a husband like dough?" He expected that she would give it up and was going to tell her it was because a woman needs him ; but sbhe said because it was hard to get off her hands. â€"Mr H. H. Miller, M. P. has been appointed on three committees of Parâ€" liament : Railwavs, Canals and Teleâ€" graph Lines, Banking ard Commerce, Agriculture and Colonization. § Coake Wnn Aidivingfcnia in rixztas t 1 Bureaus, MHall Rack, Lamps, Dishes, Lawn Mower, Tinware, Garden Tools, and a number of other articles too numâ€" erous to mention. Terms : Cash, J. ROBERTSON, JOHN CLARK, Proprietor Auctioneer Firstâ€"class Piano, Parlor Suit, Sideâ€" board,. Dining Table, Dining room chairs, Bed room suites, Springs and mattresses, Stoves, Pipes, Drums, Carâ€" pets, Curtains, Curtain poles, Lounges, Cupboard, centre table, side table, smalk tables, Kitchen tables and chairs, Bureaus, fHall Rack. Lamne Nichas WEDNESDAY, APRKIL 4 at 1,.30 o‘clock sharp, the follo uable Household Furniture : AUCTION SALE of entire Household Goods and effects _ The undersigned Anctimeer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at the residence of the Proprietor, Upper Town, Durbam, Mr R. P. Legate has returned from Gravenhurst, where he went to visit his son, R. D., at the sanitarium, who, we are informed. 1s still improving, though he had a temporary set back last week, having suffered somewhat from hemâ€" urrhage of the lungs. Mr R. D.‘s many friends here are anxious to hear of his restoration to health. May he soon be able to return home.â€"Ceylon cor. of Flesherton Advance,. Miss Mary Gordon, Fergus, visited at her home over Saturday and Sunday last. It is improbable that Mrs Gordon and family in town will move West, to Weyburn, this spring as intended, owâ€" ing to scarcity of water and houses, Mr J. S. Drysdale, passing through a typhoid experience, is still critically ill at Mrs McCreary‘s, but it is hoped medâ€" ical skill and the careful nursing of Miss Armstrong, will bring him through. Mr _ Thos Bothwell and his bride, ( nee Miss Minnie Hooper,)accompanied by Stewart, brother of the former, left for Alberta on Tuesday afternoon, goâ€" ing by way of Chicago and St Paul, Mr Amos Chislett left on Tuesday for Toronto where he will be joined by his son Chesley toâ€"day, and together they will go to the province of Sasâ€" katchewan. Master Russell Currie. who has been undergoing eye treatment in "tratford hospital the last two months, returned home last week, but slightly improved. Michael J, McKenna, of Dornoch, wus among the number of oaur young men leaving for the glowing West on Tuesday last. He goes to Weyburn, Mr Jas, Wilson, cattle buyer, was prostrated last week with a severe atâ€" tack of poeumenia. He has rallied somewhat, but is still critically ill. Messrs Sam Edge. son of Robt., John and David Edge, sons of Elias. left on Tuesday last for Regina. MrC. L. Grant is in Toronto this week delegate to the meeting of the Grand Lodge, A. 0. U. W. Mr _ and Mrs Jno. McArthur have moved from town back to the farm in Glenelg, their two sons having gone West. Mrs Collett and daughter, Mary, lor a popular clerk in Mockler‘s store, lef Tuesday for Souris, Man. Mr Wm. Whitmore, North Egreâ€" mont, left Tuesday to join his three brotbhers in Rainy Riyer. Mr Nat Horn, of Toronto, was a guest of his sister, Mrs Jno. A, Darling, a few days last week. Miss May Aljoe returned home from Btratford on Saturday last, after spendâ€" ing a couple of montbs,. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Rourke, returned to Winnuipeg, Wednesday where he is a foreman carpenter, C Mr and Mrs Jno. Wilson and childâ€" ren left this Wednesday morning for the West. ._Mrs. Folchard, Nassegweya, is visitâ€" fi“ her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joon unt. Mr Van McKinnon left ‘Tuesday morning and goes to Winnipeg in the meantime. Miss Margaret McFarlaae returned to town Wednesday last on a visit to her brothers here. Thos. McClocklin, Durham, was the guest this week of W. E. Theobald.â€" Mt Forest Rep. Mr Frank Lenahan started out for the West Tuesday and goes to Fort William in the first place. Mrs Geo. Wilson bas been quite ill the past week with pneumonia, Mr Wmm Black went to Mt Forest Wednesday, THE DURHAM REVIEW Furniture Sale. +# 4â€"â€".._._ the following valâ€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Terms of sale : 20 per cent of the purâ€" chase money to be paid in cash at the time otf sale. For terms as to remainder ot purchase money and for further parâ€" ticulars, apply to JAMES CARSON, H. H. MILLER, Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Hanover *_ Durbam. Agent for Vendor. ! On the property are said to be the followâ€" ing imprevements: Frame two storey dwelling 80 x 45, with extension at front 8ft 8in x 6ft 6in, and verandah, and one storey addition to rear 7 x 22. There is also i sott water cistern,. The place is vicely located in a convenient part of the Town. At the hour of 2.30 o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon, the following property : part of lot number number 19 on the West side of Queen Street in the town of Durham in the County of Grey more paruicularly known and described as follows, that is to say : Commencing at the South East Angle of said Lot 19. thence Northerly aâ€" long the Westerly boundary of sard Queen Street, forty six feet, thence Westerly parailel to the Southerly boundary of said Lot to the Western boundary ol said Lot, thence Southerly along sarid Western boundary forty six feet more or less to the South West angle of the said Lot, and thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary of said Lot to the place of beâ€" ginning, UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the KNAPP AOUSE in the Town of Durkam on SATURDAY the 31TR of MARCH, 1906, Notice is hereby given that the part nership hitherto existing between Thos. Turnbull and Rod McFarlane as butchâ€" ers has this day been dissolyed by muâ€" tual consent. The business will be conâ€" tinued hy the undersigned who will pay all claims against the late firm anvd to whom all accounts due them are payable. Rop McFarrax®. Ist March, 1906. The bill is, in two words, an outâ€"andâ€" outer. If the country wants it, all it need do is to look thankful. If it does not want it quite so rigorous, it should speak now.â€"Toronto Star. Credit must in any case be given the Government for introducing a courâ€" ageous measure. _ It is not a compromâ€" ise ; it is a frank acceptance of the Sabbatarian g)olicy. It proposes to stop all work on Sunday ; to tie up all railâ€" way trains, except those which must run for humanity‘s sake ; to close all places where things are bought and sold ; to prevert any man from carryâ€" ing on his ordinary occupation, unless ke ministers to a sick body er a sick soul; and tu absolutely prevent the running of excursions, the playing ot games to which a fee is attached, or even the shouting at a target for the fun ot the thing. Whether golf will come under this latter clause probably depends upon whether a golf club can be called an ‘* engine. * The bill, if adopted. will certainly limit work on the Sabbath to the most carefuallyâ€"proven necessities and will shut the gates of pleasure altogether. This may be the will of the Canadian people. It undoubtedly is the will of a great many of them, and of those %aced in . ecclesiastical authority. bether this will should be imposed upon the others is a fairly debateable ?uestivn; but it must be debated beâ€" ore this bill passes the two Houses. Behind this bill, then, are the agâ€" gressivye adyocates of the Lord‘s Day Alliance, the influence of Archbishop Bruchesi and other Roman Catholic clergy, and the natural desire of the Dominion Government to see its own measures pass through Parliament unâ€" scathed. ‘This is no private member‘s bill, likelv to be pounded to pieces in committee. We have been accustomed in the past to see Mr John Charlton â€"an untiring champion of a quiet Sabâ€" bathâ€"introduce such measures, and then to see them mutilated beyond reâ€" covery by irresponâ€"ible members in the ambush of committee discussion. Bat a Ministerial measure is a craft of heavier armament, and is likely to stand all the fire concentrated upon it, unless the people outside the Chamber authoritatively intervene. But any who imagine that the Doâ€" minion Government does not intend to push the bill through Parliament, it it meets with the general approval of the people, areâ€"we suspectâ€"comforting themselves with a delusive theory. It is never a pleasant thing for a Minisâ€" try to retract anv portion ot a measure which has been introduced with the Ministerial sanction ; and there is litâ€" tle doubt that in this case the Minister of Justice has made an honest effort to meet what he believes to be the popâ€" ular demand on this question. There may be some surprise in Ontario that so _ strong a bill comes t om the pen of aQuebec Minister ; but the faet :s that some of its strongest clauses are exactâ€" ly in line with the recent utterances of Archbishop Bruchesi of Montreal with regaid to Sabbath observance. The strictest detenders of the Lord‘s Day will find in the Governmeat bill, which Hon Mr Fitzpatrick is presentâ€" ing to Parliament, all that they would think of askiig etf legislation. The measure goes as far as the keenest Sabbatarian would have ventured it he had been entrusted with its preparaâ€" tion ; and much fartherâ€"we venture to thinkâ€"than he has expected the Doâ€" minion Government to go in the matâ€" ter. Dissolution of Partnership. MOoRTGAGE SALE The Lora‘s Day Act. Horse Clippers Now is the time to buy Horse Clipâ€" pers. $1.50 ones selling for g1, Harness We can supply you with any kind of Harness you require. Rope Tugs Our establishment is headquarters for Rope Tugs. _ W.BLAGK. â€"â€" If you intend building a house or a barn, please bring in your bill, We will be happy to figure on it. Trunks, etc. » Before starting travelling, call and examine our assortment of Trunks Valises, Telescopes and Suit Cases X cut Saws and Axes Are You Going to Build ? Students admitted at any time, Full particulars at any time free. C. A. FLEMING will double your earning power. It only requires a few months at this Institution to comeu. thorough practical Business Course or a Shortâ€" hand and Typewriting Course and fit you for a remunerative position. f po Come to the Store whete you can get everything you requite from a fine tooth comb to a hay rake. A Practical Education at the C. McARTIHUR Don‘t forget. _ Great reductions on these goods on Saturday, All sales must be for CASH OR PRODUUE. Prices are too close to permit Credit. SATURDAY lith INST We have these in abundanceâ€"in whole stock, split leather, gaiters and laced boots, and all persons needing plow boots will consult their best interâ€" ests by giving us a call on Talk about SATURVAY BA BGAINS ! This is the place to get bir,sins on plow boots on Saturday next. The season is here when the farmer must be equipped with Spring term begins April 2nd Farmers ! In X cut Saws and Axes we can suit the most particular person and our prices are cheaper than the cheapest, One frequent canse of bad blood is a sluggish liver. This produces constipation. Poisonous subsfances are then absorbed into the blood. Koep the bowels open with Ayor‘s Pllls. Yes. 100,000 times each day. Doss it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad heaith. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood â€"Ayer‘s Sarsaparilia. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Does Your Heart Beat PLOW BOOTS Part of our Spring Stock has arrived with the latest designs in Also some of the latest things in Pearl Goods of all kinds. Eyerything upâ€"toâ€"dat Percy 6. aA. Webster THE JEWELLER. Webster‘s _ | Diamond Hall * HARDWARE I Masonic and Oddfellows Lockets, Rings & Buttons We havo no scerots! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Owen Sound Made by J. 0. A Co., Lowell, Mase. mmmu;onof NORTHER yers Attention ! AGUE CURE. Principal CUTTERS and SL&IGHS All the implements of this famous fir ms make are kept on hand, Just now we want 10 talik to you about RX In Sh0£ West of the Mid, ugh House, W. H. BEAN i W”"‘\’ | t o > i O MBEHDOS ... 000. ..... .. ..25cand 85¢ each Crystal and gold imitation cut glass 4 piece TABLE SETSOI75e.ch Double glass egg cu **2++++++++>++++.» > 75¢ dozen Chlmmcuu....;;cdoz. Nest eges... .2 for 5c Amer{gl_z _pressâ€"cut glass 24 2 yds long, Table Linen 54 in wide 2¢; 68 in wide 50c ya Heavy twilled Cotton sheeting, 72 in wide, 25¢ yd Large 11 x4 size Flannellette Blankets, white or mystolmperpr TABLE OILCLOTH, 45 in wide FLOOR «+ 1. 11z and 9â€" 5 4 New Prinu;rnnd Ginghams / Ne‘ desscscccececeeesese e se e t Masseyâ€"Harris Agency Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in nâ€" bundance for Spri ng growing Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" Keewatin " Fivye Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make. A carload just received. S E E D S FLOUR MATTHEWS & LATIMER John McQueen FIELD AND GAROFEXN. 27" wide 25¢ pr 35 long, 37" wide 85¢ pr 27" wide40cpr 3!, "~ 5"wide §1 pr 30" wide 50c pr 31, * 54" wide 1.40 pr 999 udn Mn w 37"" wide 70¢ pr Highest grades only LACE CURTAINS Call and see us so in wide.......... ... . 25¢ ya , 114 and 2 yds wide..25¢ sq yd Calde® _ Block HE SELLS ving CHEAP some MARCH 232 DA RLJI Pipe T he 2 6. qWw M 0 yz € DA I

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