West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Mar 1906, p. 5

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1906 & Co. El Indindinaizatinnt 2 %% 4A mÂ¥ AN kehe® C MARCH 22, 1906 %g,‘(‘éw "%2 & @3' @; i(g i}% 2&1 4 ;&Q,‘ggfi A ,cir, & fi(\.a’_-;-% tak # Eurniture S:ale "N..G. & J. McKechnie} DARLINGS, $xJ M EY A~" [ ? Estfy \\\\\ /A ces \\\\\\.::: t )‘1‘:‘.1". Pipes! Pipes !. Pipes! The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. oT Going on Smokers‘ Sundries in great variety DARLINGS DRUG STORE Another lot of our celebrated snaps just arâ€" rivedâ€"better yalue than ever, Call and see them. All prices 5C to $lo Call and see them. All prices 5c to Prices as low as the lowestâ€"â€"never t sold in any line we carry. To reduce our stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEXN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our Wareroomsâ€"â€"one door South of the Post Office. The People‘s Druggists Eeseeveet C never underâ€" tSPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 2nd Artemisia Osprey Melanction Proton Glenelg Normanby Egremont Bentinek He watched the clock. He was always grumbling, He was always behindband. He had no iron in his boed,. He was willing, but unfitted. He didn‘t believe in himself, He asked too many questions. He was stung by a bad book. His stock exceuse was " 1 forgot." He wasn‘t ready for the next step. He didn‘t put his beart in his work. Helearned nothing from his blunders. He felt that he was abovehis position. He chose his friends among his inâ€" feriors. He was content to be a secondrate man. He ruined his ability by half doing things. He never dared to act on his own judgment. Ct Mr Geo. Campbell, Pomona, notiing our excerpts from the Dandalk Guide of 29 year ago, sends us »long with bis sub., a relic from a Mt Forest paper 34 years old, in his possesasion. It is dated Jan. 11, 1872 and contains a record of a political contest, which may interest modern figurers. The Lander was a brother of our Registrar here, Abrabam by name, and be and his opponent are both gone, South Grey at that time was comprised of eight townships, and Durham, then, we presume, cast in its lot with the two adjoining. Here is the list. _ He did not think it worth while to learn how. He tried to make "bluff" take the place of abilitv. He thought he must take amusement every evening. _ _ _ | W. F. COWAN, Prosident. |G. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. Familiarity with slipshod methods paralyzed his ideal. â€"Re thought he was clever to use coarse and profane languag»e. 7 He was ashamed of his prurents beâ€" cause they were oldâ€"fashioned. _ _ \DURHAM AGENCY He imitated the the habits of men who could stand more than he could. He did not learn that the best part of his salary was not in his payâ€"envelope, AVEVNAV, UNL, ~~ ‘ A High Standard of Thoroughness is alwa mantained in this school. Enter now and ready to accept a fine position in the fall, Colle open entire year. CiFCnlars free, ___._; w. J, ELHOTT, Cor. Youge and Alexander Sts. ST1OAR) BANK 0Ff SCMRA um inb ac ol s ce c CAPTAL. Authorized CAPITAL, Paid up....... ... . _ 1,000,0}( (! ESERVE FUND ........... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. A general Banking npusiness transacted Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at errrent rates SAVINGS BAN# â€"uteres allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and upâ€" wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living ata distance. ‘ J KELLY, Agent. Why He was not Promoted. % /" / M w /{; "/'/‘L An Old Fight Recalled. Head Office, Torontc. Lauder _ Dickey 1670 200 148 168 283 $+» Wrr o8 1519 $2,000,000 1,000,0¢ 1,000, 000 308 270 202 116 194 150 158 Peter Rtamilton Agency . .. Spring Imptements .. Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scufflers etc. Enquire at this agency. dearth of children, He simply makes the plain, bald statement, and lets it go at that. Hon Nelson Monteith, the Minister of Agriculture, was rather astonished _ when the matter . was brought to his attention, but Major Hugh Clark, M. P. P., for Cenire Bruce feels his county‘s disgruace keenly, He was last seen in the library at the Legâ€" islature paddling around in a sea of scientific works seeking for an explanâ€" ation of the remissness of the sturdy settlers in the peninsula. The report continues that in one echool gection in Middlesex the schools had been closed because there was only One child of school age in the section. ‘the lecturer says that a large number of farms in the same districts are devoted to grazing. The lack of farm labor was a serious obstacle to mixed farming, and a factor in the transformation of these farms into grazing lands. The houses and buildings in these farms were allowed to go to ruin, and the gardens and orcbhards ran wild,â€"Ex. There is a grand opening for the Salâ€" vation Arimy to dispose of their first importation of martiageable English girls en bioc. _ Just ship them up to Bruace and Huron and the west and north divisions of Miodlesex, and unâ€" less there is something radically wrong up that way bachelor farmers shonld receive theim with open arms and wedâ€" ding rings. _ There are more bachelors and fewer children in Huron and Bruce Counties and the north and west of Middlesex than in any other district in old Ontario, " is the rather startling statement made by one of the Farmers‘ Institute lecturers in his report to Supt. Putman. Being a lecturor upon soil and subâ€"soil, and cattle and grain and other things of a material nature, he doesn‘t detve further in the peculisr situatiou presentegd by a superabanâ€" dance of bachelors, and a marked A. Bell, W. Atkioson. Jr8rdâ€"A,. Atâ€" kinson, R Lawrence, R. Smith, W, Crutecbley, B. Davis, N. Collier, 81 2nd â€"M, Cratchley, R. Mathews, B. Matâ€" hews, M. McGirr, 8. Bell, J. Staples, J. Weir. Jr2ndâ€"L. Aljoe, J. Beli, W. Weir, M. Paterson, H. Atkinson, T. Ritchie, V. Hopkins, W. McGirr, A. Aljoe, Pt 2ndâ€"R. Meenagb, J. Matâ€" hews, E. Atkinson, B. Bell, Srlstâ€"M. Mathews, J. Mathews, C. McGirr, L. Paterson, G. Whitmore, W. Mathews. Jr 1stâ€"E. Meenagh,. Average attenâ€" dance 47. J. T. TorcuARD Teacher. MHarvesting Tiachinery . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm‘s make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Ordeors Loflt Class 5â€"M. Weir, A. MceGirr, L Weir. 4thâ€" W. Smith, F, McGirr, P. Hukas. 8r 3rdâ€"V, Ailjoe, C. Ritchie, E. Atkinâ€" son, E. McGirr, H. Whitmore, A. Davis. T suits ToA J l And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every THE NURHKAM REVITY department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see ror yourself. A ofirst class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘sstore. We solicit the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent GOOD REASONS : Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any With R. McMicken at 3he Hahn House Stable or at the REviEw OrFICE, will receive our best ttention. TT ILIATSORITSGS G. H. STINSON 8. 8. xo 9 GLENELG Wives Wanted. WEDDINXG CAKEE School Reports ; oud Varkingive, 0.C. SAAA ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO oLettan ut business transacted 7.dv'lee free, Charges a Adviser sent upon reâ€" , Reg‘d., New York Life CONECIIONRY amireanmte. A. W Watson Tudhope Cufter First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Buns a: . Biscuits in great variety All kinas of Cakes made to orde W EDDING AKES our specialty Watson‘s Breadâ€"Th B +s Barclay & Bell FIT YOURSELEF FOR â€" SPRING Opposite Middaugh House Stables is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. _ Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutterâ€"the best, the Tudâ€" hope, at no more expenseâ€" and will have had its use fo the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours, or, at least, take a look over them. With the correct new FOOTWEAR People who don‘t like tea know only the kind that is just bitter, the lowâ€" you can kill with aty amount of sugar. I Grand Mogul is a Highâ€" Ogiilvie‘s Royal Household and Famous Five Koses Fiour...... Also other highâ€"grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel .$4.75 to 5.00 land tea, growr on e mountains of Ceylon, up @Balmy breezes and light soil produce the mellow Mogul a distinctive product. High in theine (tea tone) and low in tannin (bitters) it appeals to the palate and tones up the nerves Grand Moguli Tea C Sold only in packages lined with part of the advertis: fatk â€"and do not detrac from the quality of the m Is Not Good Tea A Swell at Peel‘s each, per bartel. . .$5.25 Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &e. Money to Loan, (\Mice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, HoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store Late assistant to Moorfeld‘s (Lordon, Fng) and so Knapp‘s (New Yerk) Fye Hespitals. Office, 13 Frost 8t W. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. *4 uate Royal College Dental Surgeo _ GOut Dentistry in all its vranches, Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &c. Money to Loan. J. G. HUTTON, M. D, C M Member College Physicians and Surgeons Ontarto. lattte ()fce and Residence Cor. @arafraza and George me., ut r0os of Hill. Old Moodie Corner. OoFFICE HOUR®S 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"$ p. m Telephbare Connection No. 10 Graduate of London, New York and Cb‘ mgo. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat R3"Will be at Kmapp House, Durham, the #A. Baturdar in each month. Hours, 1â€"4 ; 2 wm.n JOHN CLARK _»& HONOB GRADDATE Toronto Univer uate Royal College Dental Burgeo Licensed Anctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Salm . promptly attended to. . Eates reasonable Orders mayr be left at bis Implement Ware {’ogm. McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review ce. Durham, Nov. 16. ‘08. Do you want to know where to buy Office over J. 150 Acres above Durham, well improved. {6000 250 Ac(';:d.' wbove Durham, well built, well fenced, well watered, good land, for $7500, Normanby, well im 125 ‘&'&? less than ‘m proved =sflo nd F near Allan Park, 160 acres Rl‘hmcred u.r;.an‘p Mso A large number of other properties for sale in Dur ham town and mnoundm% Townships. Inâ€" surances placed, debts collected, writings Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to autes, &c., mnst be made at the Review OK fice, Durham. #«" Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be prom ptly attended to, Terms on application to __ drawn. C. P. R Tickets for Sale. " Auwayse ProwPT, Nevaz NEGLIGBET." Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted ARTZ~UR H. JACKSON, ARTHUE GUN, M. D. #@> Special atiention givem to Discasoe of Women and Children. Will be at the l(iddlu’h House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. til} 4 p. m. ffice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank Fye, Ear, Nose & Throat J. F. GRANT D.D.S, L. &A .1i1cCtioncers ME T3 L.D T C 2fi ds or . MacKay K.C.! Notary Public, Commissioner, MACKAY & DUNN, K â€" Ceyion has atelephone office pURHAYM, ONT. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey MOUR®S o uie â€"|ac 99â€" Co ie mssy "R. J. P. TELFORD CONVEYANCER. &ec D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. O C. RAMAGE, Durkham DR. RROWN. Prywciaix & Sure®os, ver J. &1J. HMunrter‘s Store 1 % to 10 aA.X. DR. BURT PHAIL _a THR HAKOVER CONUNYTANXNCZE H. Miller, Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey, (Lower Town) 1., Londor, Frglen W. F Dunn Owen Bound GOut at

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