West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Mar 1906, p. 8

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T? l) " THE PE CPL E 'S STORE A ween! meeting of council w" called by the Reeve on Much 14th to consider and (lupose of the report of hiwnohlv en- gineer filed by the clerk on Feb. 26, which in designated Drain No 3 With branch. A eertifitmte from Postman". Hols. Ieiu. certified that the clerk had mailed notion: to all panes concerned to consid- er and (impose of and "sport re drain No3. McAr bur itobb--'rlttrt this council is annulled HM we requirements ot the Act tunneling notice to succeed parties to otusider engineer u repor. on dram no " will brunch. have been In Iv complied :icansCoru.................... 3earurPetsa............. ...... :tenmsBrans.......... ....... 3earwTomntomr....... ....... 30am:Pumpkins.............. 39am Blueberries........ .. thins Snrdineu................ 2 tin. No. 1 Rod Salmon. .... .. 3 tins No. l Kippered Herring The laid up": was read, diagram of dra n w.“ carefully raumiued and same»:- menu tally compan-d an" (unearned. Au well suititdied " the construction at the 'nin. consequrntlv no names new “minimum from the p-tttion. ytarstasou--h1' hur--Tlmt the ropm t of “when re drum No. 3 be adapted nod Uni leave beer Med w Introduce a by. Luv t, give effecs to HHS ",solutiou.--Wr. 1'.obt,--ltetsartor--Tht" by law to mus debenture. for drain No 3 with brunch be now read I first ind perond time tsnd Ibo clerk serve the notices reunited as per section 2Sot the Mnmcipal Damage Act. .-Carriod. __ ..1.. l ' with The special grocery bargains we oiter tor hundreds to this store. We had a great run on Some bought ireely--aud came back again and h never got the like before. That's the way with ' always used. Now, ladies, if you want to chase band 'g face. buy your grocery requiregents her: iriUtise" wrinkl'es'wm s'mile 1tot,tr- Pbilp --'Nut orders be drawn in favor of the ddfereut panics for work an survey, board Ind horse hire, to drain No. 3:1mounhmr to 061.58 and to clerk tor postage " Ili, 5am accounts to he charged to sand Drain acc’t. Council will moot It Holstein on April 14th, " lo o'clock a m. as a Court ut Revision on dram No 3 and y,] xsesairsr:iansessgtaiQirmseglrieme= 333% Keep in Clo-o Touch With 'I‘hi- Ettore and its Prices New Spring Goods arriving daily in all departments of the store GET WISE - --. ' -- - SHOP HERE. ROBERT BURNETT J SOMEBODY NEEDS THESE ALL THE TIME Egremont Council GROCERY BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK Curried. ALL FRESH AND ATTRACTIVE. '""'6""""" .._ ---' We had a great run on Canned Goods lad week. came back again and bought, and said that they That's the way with ' our" groceries-once used s, ii you want to chase the kinks out of your hus- ucery requirements here and you will be surprised He and fall off. Buy where you get the best-here. 26c to consider report on drain No 1 and 2 " 2 o'einek p. m. D. ALLAN, Clerk. offer for this week should bring Tne tea-meeting ot St Andrew‘s church on Thursday last'wus success- tal. Rev Mr lllmheson occupied the chair. The speakers of the evening were. Revds Hulburt and Roach. Dromore choir were present and ac- ?Pitted themselves well as usual. rneeeds amounted to over $60, which goes to the building fund. Mr Wm Campbell took a sleigh load of young people to Bethany church. iIopeville, Sunday evening last. BIImNO. l Figs...........-.-) 4ltrsNo. l Datmr.... ............I 2H". PineApple................1 iijnrn Jam (assorted) ..... ......I 2 cans Clarke’s Corn Beef. . ..... / 3 can- Clarke's Pork and Bonus; ff "arsBunlight Soap ..... ...... 6 hour: Pure thvMile Snap ... ... . .' 61»an Pure Carbolie Soap . . . . . .1 Mr Dan McCormick took a sleigh load of young people oat to his brother- inaaw's, Mr John Nichol, on Tuesday evening last week and spent a very pleasant e'vening and part of the morn- mg. Rumor has it that a young mm went on strike lately as to speaking to a )0qu lady, bvcuuse she had talked too freelv to another young man. Ah, now. Keep down jealoasy. One of our young students has time in the midst of studies to be gallant to the ladies, and gave one, a fellow Student. a pleasant drive from Durham Mr Gilbert McCannel and family leit on Tuesday for a point in Saskat- chewan. They have sold out here and their old neighbors wish them much success in their new sphere. Wedding bells are ringing. Listen to the Charivari. More later. Swinton Park. ---rV m Hopeville and back, over the week " They no doubt discussed then lessons all the way. The members of the Dromoro and Hall chain, met on the invitation ot Mr and Mrs Wm. Ramaee at the home on Tuesday last, the 13th inst. am after the usual vocal exercises par- [Juli or an outer supp! r. enters bait-g set for over 24. After ta 1 justice bud been done to the vianus provided sumr Iurther music was t rnis! rd. and ar- rangements made " cyming events. After which a hearty Vote of thanks was tendered to the host and hostess for hospitality conferred and opportun- itv afforded of meeting together under their roof. As usual "Auld Lang Syne "elosed a. delightful meeting. Miss Janet Hay is leaving for Tor- onto on Monday 19th, much to the rev ttret of some of the young men. The Dromore choir in their report of Swinton Park Soiree, where they furnished music ot a high character, speak approvingly of the good time ex. perieneed, apart from the wheezing of the organ owing to dampness, and the dimness of the light provided, owing it is said to bad American oil, or what is more likely the vitiated al- mosphere of the small building, erowd.. ed as it was wlth a 860.00 audience. It was thought by the " Wag " of the choir that it was singularly appropriate that the choir struck up with the an- them, "The Lord is my Light tt when the lamps were simultaneously grow- ing dim, and in some cases out all to gether. , a Quite a few hum here contributed to the funds try attending their neighbor- ing church's entertainment. Mr Duncan Calder, who has been ailing more or less for some time, died very suddenly on Saturdav. when en- tering the door ot his Sun‘s residence, on the 2m con, lot 21. Funeral will take place on Monday. at eleven o'clock, to the Mt Forest cemeterv. The sale at Mr David McIntyre's was well attended from this part, good prices being reamed as astral, with the exception of implements, which are always more or less of a drag. It is hard to.eqnal auctioneer Mephail in his line at business here Mrs Robt. Henry is we are pleased to say, recovering very nicely from her recent indispotsition, happily not as was thought. so bad. The memory of Mrs Henry is ofamost wonderful qualitv being able to quote many of the psalms and paraphrases at great length. _ . On a recent occasion while losing her way home on a. dark night from her daughters, the words ofahymn she had learned in her younger days, ran eontinaoasly through her mind and kept repeating while she strove to thud her way. The words are singu- larly appropriate to the occurrence. Following is the poem, as recited by her to us at the age of 76 : Among the derpest shades of night can there be one that sees my way ? Yes, God is like a. shining light, That turns the darkness .uto day. Wheu every eye around me sleeps, May inot sin without control? No, for a constant watch he keeps On every thought of every soul. It 1 could mm some cave unknown. Where human feet have never trod ; Yet there I could not be alone, On every side there would be God. He smiles in Heaven, he frowns in hell, lie fills the earth, the air. the sea, I must within his presence dwell, I cannot it om his auger nee. He bids me tie, he tells me where, To Jesus Chrtst he bids me fly, And while 1 seek for pardon there, There‘s only mercy in his eye. A large and representative gather- ingot the youth and beauty of the surrounding coumrv gathered at the home ot Mr and Mrs Whitmore and tripped the light fantastic to their hearts' content. as a send off to Wm, who has been home on a. visit during the winter months. His home is in Rainy River district. Mr Geo Reid is home from Toronto where he has been tor some months and contemplates going west in a couple of weeks. The members of Amos Pres. am- grogstions decided at a meeting on ‘riday last to become a self sustaining bodv and keep a minister all to them. selves. The recent call of Mr Camp- bell to Moorefield, hag presentedat opportune time for this creditable move. The managers so far are meeting With marked success. in real- izing the promised increased amounts incident to the change, in the mean- time the building ot the new msnse has been delayed for a. short while, pending farther developments. Our relations with the sister congregation ot Knox have always been pleasant. and we hope the wisdom of the Pres- bytery will find a solution of the prob- lem of service tor them, so as not to check the laudable ambition of the _ growing Amos church tobesustaining. What is this we hear? That cer- tain young men after enjoying the festivities of ' wedding on B. Line, Gleneig. in congenial companv had to walk home? Some waggish young men, with a spice of envious mischief. had removed the buggies to the bush. Lock the wheels next time boys. tNttttRt Inspector.' has made his titat tom-:ronnd the hotels in Proton last wee . Thou McCauley, Ex-Asseasor. and tvavx-eollector. is leaving for the North est. W. Shand has rented the McLean farm from Mr Halstead, of lit Forest, who succeeds D. K. MeArthttr, as caretaker. Mr T_hoe Davis, gho new_Ts_vern li- The mystery of ttm Hopeville are THE DURHAM B1ilW1ilW Dromore tiopeville ht, not yet cleared up. there is talk at a tire inquest being held. _ Meetings in the Presbyterisn church I "as been going on every evening this last week with good success. Mr Mc- bures the minister. was assisted by Mrt Ben rd, ot the Village two nights. I There is sume talk ot . change": the pastor of the Hopeville church. in che near future. Mr Jas Orr, of Egremnut, has giVn I up harming and moved into our v11» latte into the house formerly oeeupieu' by N. A. Man nald. _ Mr and Mrs Thus Wallace returned nu “riday net a few days' visit with Paisley friends. While there they at tended the luncrat ot an uncle. A couple of loads of our young peo- ple spent Tuesday evening very pleas- antly at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Smith. in music, games. etc. Though mey had totake Waggons instead of sleighs. we believe they enjoyed it as much. Quite a number around here are I..id up with La Grippe at present. Mr Walter McCrie left Saturday morning for the West. someone will miss him. Mr Hugh Rose and Wm Johnston, ot your town, spent Sunday with Mr Wat Johnston, Sr. Miss Tenn Allen, of /'arntsy, was the guess of Miss Louisa Gadd on Sun- giay and attended our Endeavor meet- mg. A large number from here were down to Mr Adam's sale near Holstem ou the 7th. _ The Rev D. L. Campbell visited some of his congregation here on Wed nesday. He will preach his farewell sermon on April lat. Everyone Will be very sorry to have to part with Mr Campbell, bat we hope what is our loss, may be gain to others. Mr John and Miss Alma Leith spent Sunday with friends in Egremont. Mr Landels Marshall and Mr J. Allan Marlee leave on the 27th insr. for Innisfail, Alberta, R district north of Calgary, where a number of s. Grey people are located. To the same distriet or near it, went Mr Wm Me. Ilvride and family, on March 6th last. Thus is Ontario being drained of its Mrs James Staples is at present vig- iting friends at North Bay. Mr and Mrs Campbell, of Aberdeen, visited at Mr Thee Greenwooa'is one evening lately. Miss Maria Davis returned to her home in the West after spending the lastthree months visiting her many friends in this part. Mr and Mrs Thos Bothwell, of Twp Cliff', visited the Greenwood families in this burg one day last week. Messrs Hugh and John McArthur, of the 4th con., left las' Mondav to seek their fortune in the West. Hugh and John will be much missed as they are right Jolly good fellows. Pleased to hear that Mrs George Aljoe has fully recovered from her rrcent illness. Pleased to hear that Mrs James Edge is able to be around again. Mrs D. McFayden received the sad news ofthe death of her brother Wm. McGregor. of Aaainiboits, alter an illness of three days, of blood pois- oniug. The council met Feb 10th. pursuant to adjournment all the members present, the I Reeve in the chem, minutes cl lust meal-l mg read and troufirated, 'ld,',",,',,,",',',',',',,') tnona read as follows l From Controller Hubbard, of Toronto, with form of peti- tion for repeal cl section 606 of the Mum- cipal Act. from John Rutherford with ac- count re House of Refuge. lrom Chm- Baueley. account for iron for bridge. b nu the Municipal World account for Muni- eipal stationary. from C W Rutledge. ac- count for printing. from the County Treasurer, list oilendu liable .u be cold in 1906. from the Auditors. then report, from the Review. Chronicle and Standard tenders for pnntinu. Weir-Hunt That this Council desire to put on rec-ml our approval of the "teps taken by the Ontario Mumcipnl Ansoqrim- tion lager-ling the repeal of 800M011 6 ,5 of the Municipul Act end that the Rueve and Clerk of this Municipality. sign and iorwarda petition to the Legislature through Dr Jamieeon. M. L. A, at be presented " the proper time to the Maui. cipal coaunutk--turriod. Hunt-Murillan Thu the Auditors' report no resudmd br the conned be now tintvity passed and that the Auditors be paid $9.oo each for their t-ieett.--- Curiod. Mogilhuv--Hurtt That the Reeve to authorized to purchase I road grader for the use of this Municipality n the but advantage he can get it.--turrud. Mewtiituv-msut Thu the Markdale tstandard ha untried the Tp, pr Minx for 1906 u Ming the lowest tendttr.--Carrud. mats1r--Butn Thlt By-an No 468 for the nppuintumnl. of Township ofruem be now read n third time. signed. ttttsud um engrossed on By-Llw Bool-tue. Wise-Blau That Angus Blank be paid 01.50 for repairing on van sud Ib- moving timber on Con 2, and that A Me. Lucblin be paid " oo for removing tun. bar off bridge on sidewall tio and that J A McMillan be paid $2.oo for work god overseeing on roads and bridiyrs.-Ahm MoMiitan--Weir That Thou Duh In psid " tobuy clothes for Moses Eamon tied North East Normanby. (ilenclg Council Edge Hill -.-.. _------ ET: A Most Magnificent Showin "aT-_-_-----"-'--" O . . 3m.- iiik1t,1figpringltpparsil ' ' VOL. x Paint and Paper Your House Use only Hollywood Paint and Colin McArthur & Co. Wall Paper he being In indigent oircatnstaueas.--thsr tied. MeMilhur-Huut That the Municipal World he paid M for (lush Book und (but tue Dom. Expresu Co bu mum ' cents er- presac areas on "u.e.---cattied. Weus-Me3itlltut Than the clack he naid " 4o express nhurge~ and 810 )u oi,rv.---Carried. Hunt-Bin" TIHLC W Rave prid 82o (W for prinuuss--CUrt led. 1Iuut--Wew Tim the Cuuutv Treaso urer be [Mud $17.09 bull]: the “mum at ‘JcFuland and Stuff rd'" account. tor clothing furntshud John Roland and Geo Roy. inmates ot tho House of mstuee.-- Owned. Hant--BUek---Tlmt Thus Lauder be paid 75 cents tor searche‘m Regmvy ot- tice re Treasurer's oretiotc---ctoried MeMiaa---Blueir That the Reeve and Mr Welt be paid " oo etch fur examin- ing as to Treasurer‘s sure tsmr,-Ahsrtaesii, Hunk-Welt That Chas Bun-lav be paid 50 cents tor iron for Orr'n bruises.- Carried. Hunt-Bleek That Thou IcFayden he paid 81.50 for lieu-woes re Ira-ham at side- ruud 50. Con 2, and that he he pad " forgetting oertitieue and convey-mg Geo Bay to House of I'vetuge,--C 1rried. seemlltur-Weir Thu Jo-a-ph Atkinaon be paid 81.50 for upswing culvert " Lot til, Con 2. E. a. R.--0arried. Weir-must Thu. the lunicipul World be mud the sum of $7.04 for unen- meut Rollhaud tsupp'atu--ctsrriwl. Com aring themselves with the! , h Chineeg. the people of the Unitrd'bbED UATS FOR SALE States think they are an infinitely Bil-i The undersigned otferm a limited a- perior race and thei civilnzuiun iIti,',','e.t": of iruproved Auterion oats. comparably in advance. But if they Th” srtu'imy'. “Pratt? Yield tor five yrrt read what Dr Wilbur F. Crafts, sup- 108 bus. '3 Its Perwv on the experi- erintendent of the International Re- 1.ey,ouAtryy Brtsndon,Mnn. tend it, lin', former Bureau haeeadnbout the cum- 1i,'ildgi, IN Ie... per 'utr, .Oyslits white, mereial invasion ot China by Ameri- t. m hu-lll' stitf "In“ ”My hettvy, tned- cans. their self-com lacence will ru- mm etbt y. te.t.%1tte. Pvice 60ctrerbu, ceiveubed shock. llbtl',i'!l'fl " Wuh-l WILLIAK "tye' ‘2sz ihngton the other day. Dr Crafts told‘x, b', ' is hearers. a [urge eouttrettation in a " _ -------- Preabvteritut church, that Chine wee e I HORSES AND TIMBER prohibition country from the fourth! FOR SALE. century but is now threatened withi Three meromowo In foul) end one intoxicauts from the United irtati,Plr1e fiiltvriri"ir.2rrtt old. Alum few “American beer."he said ’ieu men-came?" of moi-end stump. primionuv second nniv to British opium' iiil.tt"!.'hre tatt-atc and pine. For further Added tint-braver: are misleading the partieuUrtt appi' 2" Chinese, insisting that beer ice 'dll1'l '"""'dffi"tyee jiiiiii,sjj drink, and totmeeo men on _...-...-....-.-.,..??.'.'?.,'-'.'-":"-'?] itoodintt the country with the plague] ' of American cigerettee. accompanied BUB SALE. with obscene pictures. The trade!!! The Mann. at Anion . Preeiiyleriul. who are engaged in this nefarious rhuett Deo-. Purchaser to remove mm cannot be Cttrbiattq but the the huildimt attd ch" " nu ruhhi-h Chinese will resend them end ".sl2'Flla1"rc'u1'h"'rit"r"; Apply to bueiueuu the fruits of the religion J. M. FINDLAY they ere supposed to protect. It iel Drotuote, no wonder that minimum- co'nplein -""------------------ -------- $36. hthe evil t,'ttg't,t, 71M“ trader: 100 Acre FARM for SALE . inc. no anther out eucouutriee. Ah" t t from , ruse more dimcultiee itt their wey oeg,'L'g'2t.' "gM,'g,t."" 131113 Muti- lcuoreuce end prejudice of 'dtlhrdtd'fffae2g.oot I w WY m 'tatiTai-ittrrsnt mini.. I. P. T'WRD The Council adjourned tohprili4.at 108.111. _ -- _ ___ . '1.“ THE BIG STORE Americans and Chinese. Ladies' Silk Shirt-Waist Suit Ends Select your Dress End now. before the nicest one: are all gone, and before the dressmakers are loaded down with work. Next time you are in town, drop in and look at our Stock : nothing so convincing as the Goods. We want the Dress Goods trade of Durham, and are bound to get it by handling the most exclusive goods at lowest prices. In all colors, in price from 4 bottles EXTRACT . . . . 3 Jd iGrkirs COCOANUT..25c 4 lbs CURRANTS..2 3 boxes NONSUCH POLISH...... .............. ....2 ALEX, RUSSELL SATURDAY BARGAINS Stylish Dress Goods BEFORE THE J, B. BLACK. Clerk, edge be 29°F SPRING WORK STARTS. The school is thoroughly ut In warning oblllty in chemlcolond 'egitl'g're/J'/' and fit ttmm, in. tortuitgtmitte Loom ma Natricultr tion work. The following oompetcm mm are in chum ' T808. ALLAN, "tCuiFitivthtr, Principal KISS L. In. FOR' “R. B. A., . (II-Ida. Modems and lingual). 31188 F1068”; chERRM‘Hll 1am cu" (1011mm tad third year 1l't Irnn'asdum of Queen's University Science, Hinton mu! m-ugmphy. Intending Students should mun-r It the begin- ning of the term it pouiblo. Jim-rd an be obtain. edat ramble mm. Durham ir n balmy and Win town, making " a most (humble place enoe Wm Johnston. J r., C. Kong's: Store next Standard Bank. Durham. the best business stand in town tor general more; will be ”ranged to suit Lyman. Heated hfl steam, electric hams. Apply to N. clntvre. 200 an“. being Iota 27 and 28, mm. 2, E G R. Gieneig About 110 new. clear- ed, 80 good Grd wood hush, IO good ce- dar. Fair building: and well wntrred t Ihe Rocky Baum-en run- through I cor- ner of lot 28, which would make a good wuerpovwr. 6h mite, from Durham ; convertieeulr situated. The chow: pro- perty will be suld tum-char or in puts lo suit. purchaser. For further [nation- lam apply an the promises, or to The undonigned odors a limited a- mount of improved American mats. This vnrieny'u Average yield tor tive yrs 108 bus. " lbs per new on the experi- mental farm. Brandon. “an. and in 11115 yielded 134 ha. per awn. Quality white, thin hull. Mitt mrnw. grain heavy. med- ium early. test St?ltts. Price 60c per bu. WILLIAK Monument Edge Hill, Three mm.(two In foal) and one Clyde flttr. timing 2 yrs old Alto a few acres “Mimi-9nd Hump. princimUlr cedar, lnuumu- and pine. For further particulars appte to The lame at Alum Pmllylorim. chum-h 0mm. Purchaser to remove the_hui|ding mad etrur " all ”which during the month ot Mar. Apply to J. M. Rummy Drmume. Durham School 3400083110: 8308.. Rocky Snugeen 4 lbs RAISINS . . . . 25e 60c to $1.25 per yard FARM FOR SALE FEES: 01 per month in “an” Staff and Equipment. TO RENT. Chin-mun Now " t, ' n tt f r 'r! g“ ml U ;jllXlyilhly,',tg', My,,' Mm Run“ “a I REVIEW and Ta REVIEW uud " Rtvucw and u Blvuw “a Vi REVIEW wd w REVIEW And W Ruvmw and F: Ruvmw and hh Ruvmw and I Boys' Heavy Boys' Bl Review 130 A T ITS )ll MI n

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