t ' U h M mmagaxammgmmmmmmxg: X gs Taylor & Co. Taylor & Co. ii' Store next Standard Hank, Durham. the best busineqs stand in town for general store; will be arranged to suit tenant. 11eated by steam, electric lights. Apply to N. McIntyre. THE PEOPL ES sromz) at Parker's Drug Store And Remarkably Gum. Prices too. This Department sells everything that man would wish for-comfort, appear- ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and see what our offer looks like We re ready to satisfy you every way. Our New Spring Stock has arrived and is meeting with favor among all smart dressers. It includes The First Suggestion of pring This is the verdict of all who have seen our display of New Dress Fabrics. We certainly have the newest and most popu- lar colorings to be seen. Visit this department before buying elsewhere. Comes with the New Dress Goods We have Just stepped into spring. You positively cannot put off that spring suit any longer. Don't let the price worry you. We can show you Dress Goods that will satisfy your taste at a very low figure. GOOD WEAR IN MEN'S WEAR stile -e We mike a speciglty a Men 'ty tieavy Bong Gr" §p§n§§£d can guarantee you entire satisfaction in either our French or English Kips. We have become xamons for our shoe values and anticipating a big trade in this line we have laid in a very complete stock. In buying here you have .a..1ane, yarjety to choose from in ever" Taylor & Go., Dromore nut Spring Dress Goods comprise the leading things of the day, consisting of Mohairs, Fancy Lustres Serges, Poplin , Cashmeres, Brilliatttine; Shepherd Plaids, Large Plaids. Vestings Mercerized Muslims, Fancy Ginghams, Orgnndies, Dress Linen also waist lengths, no two alike. ROBERT BURNETT j S..?,,!],,!])]!] IS UPON US AGAIN but we are prepared for it and have taken spec- ------ ial care to select a Spring Stock that surpasses anything we have shown before. A look through our many lines will convince you that you have come to the place where your trstes will be suited; and last but not least where your money goes a long ways on the purchase of a first-class article. DRESS GOODS TOBACCO " THEY ARE JUST SWELL " TO BENT. 25c plugs We want your trade and feel sure we can please you it: every purchase. Highest Prices for Butter" and Eggs. HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERV AND ALL KINDS OF NIFFTY CLOTHING. for Boots and Shoes Dress Goods I! Mr Wm Johnston, of your town, [visited his father, Mr Wm Johnston, .Sr. on Sunday. Mrs Leeson spent Friday afternoon with Mrs Wallace. The W. F M meet'ng was held on Wednesday oflast. week at the home ot Mrs John Marshall. Mrs D. Lrith and Miss Janet John stun Were guests of the Re" Mr am Mrs Campbell. of Dromore, on Friday A large. number nf the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs John Aldred gathered at their home nn Wednesday evening to spend another social even- ing with them before they leave for the West. During the evenme thev were presented with a dinner tset, a carving set and a Bible, and We hope they may be long isInresi to use them. Mr Wm Johnston, Br, has been ser- iously ill for the past Week. bat is im. proving slowlv. The Rev D L, Campbell preached his farewell sermon an Sundav. The church was crowded. showing the high e term in which Mr Campbell has been held here. The Rev. J. Little of Holstein will preach in Knox church next Sabbath. Mrs. David Marshall had a quilting bee Friday, also a partv in the even- ingr A Very pleasant time was spent in games ete, until the small hours of the morning. North East Normanby. d we hope l use them. met John- " Mr and We notice the McCormack agency has taken the bell of the tame martin and is using it in the agency " pres- out. I wonder who the young couple in, Mr and Mrs Branden Prieeville, visited at the Rev D. L. Campbell's during the Week end. Mr Kileour. of the firm of C. W. Ketlv, music dealer, Guelph. visited at Mr Wm Rarnage's last week. He is booming their fine piano and has made some sales lately. Mr and Mrs Gilmour. Hampden, Mr and Mrs Alex Pettis, Yeovil were in attendance at, church, the two ladies being old time members, gave assist- ance in the choir. Miss Agnes Henry arrived over a week ago tram Niagara Falls, N. Y., and is staying with her father and mother, the latte" being, We are pleas- ed to sav. tptftieientiv ree -vered to be able to attend the farewell services on Sundav last. Miss Maggie Moody is at present staying with her sister, Mrs Colin Me- Millan. Miss Agnes Renwick visited at her cousins ID Dundalk. during the last at the Week. and tailed to get home as intonded, through the fallure ot her uncle Sam to make connections as promised. Mrand Mrs D. P. Coleridge left on Tuesday of this week fur Holstein. having bought a property in the town, where thev will lead a less strenuous life than here on the farm. Messrs Geo Reid and Jag Renwiek aim filling positions acceptably in Toronto as clerks. arrived home lately and intend leaving tor the great West in a few days In the Hall appointment, Misses Hattie E. Watt and Bella Lothian sang very acceptably in duet form te Take Thou my hand dear Father tt on Sun- day evening last, Rev D. L. Campbell preached his farewell tsermon-always an import ant event in any eontrretrtstion-to the largest audience yet seen in the build- ing since the opening day of the church over 22 years ago. The straw: per- sonality and extpeme pupil arity of the pastor being ei'.efie responsible fur the large tumour. He chow for his teat the words .. My God shall supply all your needs "and referred to the TIr-tto sources of supplv, trom which cauld linill'ami spill-Ind wwnislnuent that they may gain strength at d riglueousnosii, such as, having mod hnmes and good friends, the reading ofaehtspter, the. choosing of a text the attendance on divine things and the approaching ofthe mercv seat in prayer. as Elijah, Daniel, Christ and qthers had done and likened these var- ious sources to the different eoaling stations held by the leading nations of i the world. Mr and Mrs Prank Adams were made the happy recipients of a bounc- ing baby buv on Th u'sday last, both mother and ba be M e are pleased to say are doing well. At the close of the service he refer- red gratefully to the appreciation shown and the many tokens of kind- ness given to his home and to himself, during the pleasant 8 yea s and 3 months ministry amongst us and while they may have been the best 8 vears of' his lite, phvsicallv, he hoped thatin the next 8 years, he might be able to gather still more souls into the Lord 'g service. The choir of the church gave an appropriate voluntary $t Only remembered by what we, have done, " Miss Kat..., Dixon presiding at the organ. in the unavoidable ab- sence et the organist, Miss Agnes Ren- wick, who had been detained in Dun- dalk. The hymn " God be with you till we meet again " was sung at the close by the w hole congregation with sincere feeling. Rocky Saugeen. THE DURHAM REVIEW ---.- - .-._..._ BIN ly, Miss Alice Wilson visited friends in Bo_o_thgille iigtgly. Mr Dap McCain! paid a flying visit tothe South Line one "going recent- Mrs Geo Lawrence ls visiting her parents here, Mr and Mrs Noble Wil. son, before leaving for the West Since the high water on the river-:3?) has subsided. we think Will will i'illl'lt able to ti d a shell nearer home than I this Swinton Park. I my: Mr George Wilson has been on the sick list the lass few davs. Too long a drive Sunday night, George. Owing to some trouble over schnol affairs our three trustees resigned and a la.rgelv attended meeting w .3 held on Saturday to elect others in their place. When the following etfieient stuff was elected, Dnugald McCunnel. Geo Witters and John Calder. The fine weather of the pasc week has induced some of our progressive farmers to tap a few trees. They re- port a good run of sap. but will have 20 keep a sharp lookout for midnight fires. give some account oithGGtlfi;Giiiii; ot'..t.tis Quay 1lttlt burg. - Mr Walter Hamburg in not going to the West this spring. We are glad tor we would losea good neighbor. Suc- cess where you are Walter. Wedding Bells will be ringing again this Wed- nesday we hear. Particulars next week. Mr Geo Montgomery has rented the Riddel’a southerly residence, and Mr. Riddel has offered a free house to the next couple to wed. Come boys, look sharp. Mr D Watson is engaged drawing in logs at mill ior Mr Geo Sparling of your town. The sawmill is on the hum these days. They are working overtime, tilling in the rushing orders. The _c_'hypper will be shut, down from April 9th to May lst. owing to the rush of other work. who likes to drive to Priceville in- stead ot going to the court house. Married atthe Manse, by the Rey Mr Newton, Durham, Mr. Gerrge Montgnmerv of Welbeck to Miss Ber- tha Shakerton of Manchester. lung- land. We wish them a long, prosp emus and happy lite. Quite a number left our burg for the West this week. Muster John 1Iorsbt1rg is engaged with Mr H Bedd for the summer. Mr Ed Welsch is busy taking out timber tor the extension of his barn. The assessor passed through begs this week and by the talk there will be alively time at the Court of Revis- ion this year. Mr and Mrs Sutherland, who mar- ried in Owen Sound on Wednesday last, visited with the bridr's parents, Mr and Mrs Chas McArthur. Staff Capt. Mef"rillivray is away to Halifax this week. -..VM.;;A_.I{O;.WHSOD visited Miss Jen- me Knox one day this week. The prayer meeting held at Mr Me- Kinnon's on Sunday evening was larguly attended. Mr MeGillivray will hold a meeting: at Mr MeParlaue's next Sunday evening, when it will he settled as to when a collection for the poor of Japan will be taken. We notice a énuple of mung ladies occupied the chair and took admon- age at the lantern. U _ -. "Mr Duncan and Miss Mary McLellan visit. 'd at Mr D. 1ioeMill.tsu's on San. day last. __ 7 o - ... Miss Jennie Knox visited at Mrs R Heard's one day last week. Sir Stanley Haw is engaged with Mr Jae Patton tor the spring wcrk. Miss V olet Britton has returned after a three days' visit in Durham at Mr TI McComb’s. Owing to the IrndiiTossition of Rev MrNewton, Mr Brown, of Durham, had charge of the service in the Centre church on Sunduv. The sugar season has opened with a good run of sap Among those tar- mers making svrup are Mr N. Ed- wards and Mr Geo Binnie. Mrs McGillivray has returned to his datlglstei"s, Mrs Ford. Mrs McCormack is getting better from her siege of La Grippe. Mr. Gray Wilson, who has been stopping at Mr G'ray's, lett tor the West on Monday, Mrs Leslie. of Mt Forest, v.sited at hog hpme on Sunday. We think it about _tin_1e again to Boothville. Rob Roy. Welbeck. .c-.. I in Durham every Saturday Afternoon. I If we don't see you, send us . pout-cud: We will gladliy give all Information. or. ders or enqu ric- at the REV!" Ottieo will - prompt attention. . In reference to the above. I beg to tn nounce Lint I will be planed at. anv time to meet with auntie. wishing to buy. sell or egchfnge, ut will for qonvepietiee be ,‘_~7.- -ve- --N" v": vs ultv. "I" W. Ramme. This! 1e P. o.. whuhu late- ly been appointed to this position. W0 make no charge unless the property is sold, For further particulars. apply. penonslly or try letter, to either " the Above tuidreis. Lt Rod " Dun-dun St, London. on m If you wish to sell or exchtnge your progeny quickly or L"i'fd".'2, or if you win to buy. don't ail to see or write 'W 2try Aittr.t..t tot tty, 90. of Grev. Wm .- - __ ."""""'""""rE" this cold would. through various and trying vicissitudes of fortune, lay lim and cold on the court). He was tCII' died, as he no douht ho ed, Wirhout being indebted to Grey’s Eea,' of Ref. use for one night's shelter or fur one single meal.- Aytou Advance. THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE l Mr Geo. Klemop of Holstein and 'Reevo Hastie of Egremont were here [last week to get the commission of County Commissioner Si-henk to take ione of their indigence. a Mr. Gem-g9 Dale to the poor house at Markdale. The commission was granted and next, day Mr Chas. Urumm of Holstein w." hired to take hlm there. The poor fel.. low put up a vigorouu but tutile' kick at being branded a pauper, however there was no alternative and Charlie set " with his man next morning, making the distance about 28 miles. in three hours. He was in feeble health and upon arriv- ing at his new home was insulated up n3 flight, of stairs. at the top of which he reeled and fell into his assistants: arms. He was quickly conveyedtou much and Dr Sproule in the absence of the homer doctor, hastily smmoned. His sen-ices were not re aired. The proud spirit that 1%'iQ at being fed from the public hoard, had fled from the inutitu- I tion and the body of George Dale that. 2 hand worked 1tiy for 70 years through I ' h, “A .__‘- .L__..,L . - HAD SWALLOWBD A SNAKE --A story comes from Mitchell of a girl who for some months had been in pom health and who believed there was mine living creature in her stomach. She often had the extremely disagreeable man. sation of feeling something crawling up he! throat and would have to take food to send it hack, Relief came one day late] . When visiting in Ihe country she (frankaglasc of cream which did not agree with her, and induced a fit of coughing and vomiting when upcame a milk snake 14 inches in length and still alive. Judging from the size of the reptile it must have been in the girl’s stomach two years and is auppnned to have been swallowed while drinking from a pool of water. Highest grades, government standard clover and timothy at Maanrlnue’o Drug Store. Floor Oils Wall Paper, Paint, Alabastine, Jellstone Fancy Madras 31,.';§:“;£‘:ii:::m:'::Smaflmzzï¬â€˜gï¬'""’i"“" "in rooms. The colors in these goods are absolutely fast, at c per yd . . diff'e A ' . TM Tapestry Curtains iaui",f,"el"iltJ1e,riti' 3.50 to $6 per pr Wools, Brussels, The House-cleaning season is again upon us and it is up to us to make some little improvement in the appearance of our home. We can help you wonderfully. Let us mention just a few of the many pretty things we carry. Point lyesprit Frill Curtains Plain Net Frill Curtains {315395 Fancy Madras iJJft'tcil"il?da,.toje',,')i" Western Red Estate Exehmgo. Ltd., London, Ontario. irilousiixy=Cleaning Wants THE BIG STORE Exchange Echoes ALEX. RUSSELL NOTICE Tapestry Table Covers at $3.50 each in widths from 3 feet to 6 feet CURTAIN GOODS tl I Fla CARPETS A gonenl Banking ominous "luau-tad Drafts iuued nod collection made on all points. Depuliu received tad inter at dlowed u rut-rem um DURHAM AGENCY CAPTAL. Authorized. ....3z.vm.mo CAPITAL, Paid up ......... Luau“; RESERVE FUND .. _.. mum!) AGENTS in all prim-inn] puma at Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba. United 'ttttoe and Englnnd. W. P. 00th President. a. P. scaomlw. 03mm um. (lll13llllj)lllUf (IMAM The Mun“: at Am": Prestr.vrerinu chum-h Drnrtttore. Purchaser!" tett"tee, the building and dour " all tutlrsUh during the mouth of May. Apply in J. M. Fun“? "urn '" â€mm-red Mir-Imp. ttrur1itrrllr cedar, taumrm- and pine. Fur runner particulars applv to Three mawu. (two in loan l Clyde my, til-hug , yrs old Al nor?! "tl ituirered HORSES AND TIMBER -- FOR SALE. party will be mid tvretpu1Vr'"i%/u"ri'i, lo suit purchmwr. For fun ther particu- lars Apply on the pnmim, or to 5100031110: Bnots.. Rocky mum-en 200 urn-a. being lute 27 and 28, mm. 2, E G R. Glenn-lg About tm an" cleats ed. so good Grdwood hush, l0 trood ce- dar. iNir building; mud well wired t the Rnrky Saturn-n rum through " rur- ner of lot 28, which would make a “and wnterpuwo-r. 6k miles from Durham . conveniently situated The MW " pro- perty will be odd luvpth-r n.- i.. .s..mm.-. Intending Students should nine of the term if possible. 8 ed " remnnble rues. Durtu Attmctive town, tmsking it A m eatdenoe WmJonnnon. Jr Staff and Equipment. The " hool ls thoroughly e ut ped in touch! Ability, In chemical and 'e'ld'it'T'li'Wll,'/id “Ida tings, Ae., for full Junior Leaving and Murrivulu. tion work. The following competent and! nre in chart: t THOS. ALLAN, ls: th%sscertimentr, l'rmoiml 11185 L. h. FOR' "R. B A, Durham School to tsell tv the yd at Ci-tis-ini-ode";',,, Bttd English. [188 H.088â€: WAEttRacttEtt, First Plan Certiticate and third Fear Hindu-granule of 1tt1eeu'tsytyreriiiir' Head (mice; may; FARM FOR SALE FEES: " per month in Mime: Linoleum FOR SALE. " mum allowed an deposit. of .111) and up- lpt attmttion and our, M me"- living .3 tonell by the sd at trciendd Axminster, 3111?: Mc per yd 20 & 30c per yd APRIL ii, 1906 Axons Mx8hmsurx. Rocky Stung-Pu History Ind Geography, nould enter at the begin- tle. Bond can be chain- Durban to a balmy and it I most desirable phoe " C. Ram-go, tmul , nd une Ta pestry in 2 and 4 yds wid.ho KID mung I few " tt tit rim. AAI'II p II prtl'l ',y,D,"/hWlh'l ' siuiiihi . , I) all I_Il_l I] . * - -:it, Ill. ffihtMMi VOL. XX E I FE q " Two Mertriet In Our frest Ladied “we! hum Cht " Weitt M' and Ive, ad W". and Ive, and We and Pu and We and lot and Tor-4 and hail )e