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Durham Review (1897), 12 Apr 1906, p. 1

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Ml “I. L 5, 1906 0c per yd $6 per pr stolen: I! Imago: ID Nansen-ml Mt made on od and 1mm (k: W allowed Lt!) and Jell SAI 'on It 15c per yd 9M. Axe-t. I'l and chool h Jrilf)l to ----" smug. D I nter ll one II) "ary ll) 0 ve it p- u- " to n 'I- gym 'iviaihiiihiiiieihiiYhimhhmi,'ji, 'iif, Q . 'eric:,.; ci--'--,!?: Two fipedal Features 'eil: " I: N?,,", I Wks, 22:33:12:gmxmmmmmmmmmxxm Pi; "3 5.: £3333333333323833EHEEEEEEEEEE VOL. XXVII. N0 15 We invite your inspection. Everyone enjoys looking at nice fresh goods. It is our pleasure to show them. ' We have a special proposition to make you in regard to tailor- ed Suits to order. If you want to be one among the well-dressed men in town, see us before buying your Spring Suit, Ilenriettas Venetian" Our Wash DepaLtment is full to overflowing with the nicest and beat We have stocked all the fashionable cloths and weaves in pro- fusion in all the leading shades for the season. When we say that our Stock is TEN TIMES LARGER than ever before, we are not exaggerating, We are prepared to do a DRESS GOODS TRADE. Ctr - ()ur OVER ONE HUNDRED new Suit Lengths. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the old country. Everyone who has seen them says they are beauties. The newest weaves and patterns from the English and Scotch looms. Ladies’Suitings & Dress Goods CRETONS, good colors and patterns, RIBBONS. ART SATEENS .. GINGHAMS and MUSLINS. all colors TAPESTRY BRUSSELS Carpet . . Tapestry & Chenille TABLECOVERS FRILLED BOBBINET MEN‘S HATS. CAPS, BRACES. TIES, COLLARS, SHIRTS. CLOTHING, ete We're ready to clear them right out. LACE CURTAINS. . . . . UNION Worked in muslin and cambric, reg. we to Me per yd, mr, . " 12he to 15e " . . .. Sc to 100 " .. WUOL MONEY SAVED FOR YOU on every pair poor, and SIIOFS bought here. We cannot give you prices. Hun- dreds ot'ndd pairs at odd prices. Splendid assortment of Ladies' F'ine Shoes. OPiiY" A _Iippyif"ijilrisfti'ii WEEKS LEFT iiir1iii:'ii': Tweeds, Ctteviot.s Viennas. Llamas, Berges and Worsteds NEW TROUSEH INGS in Tweed and Worsted effects. H. H. MOCKLER 'tt ,llli,lliv(illi'li1lll;lj')vdt " 1X8. IliIELzX ND E31 l 3R0] DERIES AND INSERTIONS This Sale will soon be over: make all you can out of it while it lasts. Chiffon Venetian Crepe-de-chenes Before the end of our Sale and in these few weeks we want to sell every dollars' worth of goods we possibly can. Here are some house-furnishing snaps : Lust res all kinds at Men's Suitings CA1{PETS Poplins Spring - Stock ..regular $1.25. sale price $1.00 . " 1.00, .. .75 .. gt .50 bt AO Mohairs A rmures Crispine . 'iiiitittttt 15 12y 25 75 40 75 HALF PRICE Sicilians te Tweeds .12; .10 1 5e 10c 6e 3119 .75 .40 .75 .50 .38 12 10 'illlfill tt% s"i'iri-y-o.trlNii8.)t Egg iiiaiiiiii8tGtl'l g A full stock of flel nd garden seeds. w Mrs Bums. Arthur H.Jackson, Issuer of Marriage igl Licenses. Durham. 3 We havethe lated novelties in Mil- m linery. S. F. Mag-l . i PROPERTY CHAN E.--Mr John Smith bought last week t a mod ftgure [through the ngenc of I‘thay and ipunn, the store an lot of Mr. Geo. A PAPER on INrLUEscE.--In address ing the jury- at Cobourp; inst week in the libel action of Gayle v. The Globe Mr w. It. Rittlell. K. C., counsel for the plaintiff. gave utterance to the following sentences: -" There is a pa- per known as The Toronto Globe, a pa- per known to everybodv in this country. It has an enormous circulation through- out the length and breadth of the civil- ized world. It has an enormous infhw ence l it is a paper which at least one- half of the Rrown individuals in this country desnre to Bee, and noon which a very large proportion pin their faith. Bo tnthtential was it that some of the Rerormers said. inetead of "Give us thie, day our daily bread, " " Give us this day our daily Globe. " THE PITY or rrl--Owen Sound had a. suicide sensation last week, which presented ‘some harrowing features. A Miss Boyd had been receiving atten- tions fora year or two from a young man and made the discovery that he was shortly to he married to another lady. She seems to have still accepted his coxnpnay.wa.u with him the night revious to her death, and iefta note to Blame nobody 'or her rash act. The deplorable lack of force of character. of willpower or whatever it is. that pre- venta some young people from rising above love disappotrrtmsinta is much to beregretted. vet far more worthy of condemnation is the reckless oung man who plays fast and loose with con- fiding innocence. The iurv brought In a verdict in accord with the circum- stances t she had died by poison, taken by herself while under mental de ree- sion by disappointment in love and1 de. clued it their opinion that the conduct of the T%'lltl who was keeping her company It 1e engaged to another wee inch-erect and ttngent1ernanlr. Miss McLeay, though y well known aud almost at home her , appearvd for the first time in a. public way. Her up. pearing in no sense prejudiced her social and general popularity. Where Miss McLeay lacks in strength of phy- anue she makes up in pleasing grace and delicacy of manner, both in her wrimlsnnd Plastique presentations, al- ways suftieient to captivate her audi- ence. Miss Mchy was encorml every time. and her responses were always appreciated as nmeh as her flrrtt. num- lwrs. __- Mitchell Iii-"order. - This lady i»: assisting with other slurs in the Town Hall Concert, April 19. Bedroom Sets, w at $25. selling? $17 Dresser & stand. ritish heve glass, was ' t, selling $11 Dresser & Stand, 3 rvice oat . . . . was 819.sellling....."..... 816 Sideboard. quarter c t oak,. . . .. Was $36.sellin .........._ 832 Ash Sideboards. was 12, selling 810 50 Extension Tables IO ft ong. . . . . 810 Iron Beasts-ads from 8 to $25. An address will he giw-n in the Barr list church. Good Fridnv afternoon. at 3 o'clock, on the wnrk of Dr Gertrude Huler in India. by the PrcSIdenl of the turcle, Mqumvmn. Evelv Christian Woman in town is cordially invited to he present. A collation will he taken for the starving-children in the famine district. l We must redn our stock of furnit- tire, owing to lmi ing operations ', Bedroom Sets, , 9 $25. sellin $17 Dresser& stand. ritish be“? “ glass, wls ' t, selling $11 v- ___ "e" ED KRESS, salesm\n, next door to Post Office. ' A GREAT R UNION of old Durham boys and girls i made possible next 2nd of July " the et ap rates then prevnil- ing and the big emonetrrttion m the Park. Let,there "' a rally to the old town on film norm ion to hear the sudo and see the music.! Lawrence. Shoemaker McIlruith; wir, understand. will rent the huilding as shop and residence. The 6g National."-vP:irii€s in want of repairs for the National Cream Separ- ator can he supplied at MeLellatt's Im- plement \Vuremnms at, the bridge. A. B. MCLELLAN. Mr Arnold Noble. who lately sold out to go west. has now bought the Dowl- iug farm from E. T. McClm-klm and in- tends [elm-Lining here. Many more might take a liaison from him and stay in Ontario _ The Great West Life Insurance Com pany soils endowments and other pol- icies "ts lawor rnh- than other com- hwmes. Ask for our rites before you imuro. W. F. Dunn. Agent. The Oddfellows will hold a monster celebration in town on or about June li, Funnier Whitney and other cabin- et members will be present. Particu- lars later. NEW MONEY ORDER p)Bce.--Through the efforts of Mr H. H. Mliler, M. P., Orchard has been made a Money Order Office, beginning on May lst next. Hats off to Orchard. A hotel keeper in Hepwnrth kicked a guest into the street when he learned he was a local option suppurtcr. He was saddled with a fine and costs. Mr T. w. Wilson sold a valuable mare last week to Mr John Burns. Aberdeen. for the sum of 8183. Some very ape iaihthime in men's suite at 1i'larity'd in unlitv and price, Massey-Harris Mazhinery is he kind progressive farmers use. Jd N Mc- QUEEN. Agent, DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1906 'tiii, FINE ENTEttTaprMeNTs-Retined also and satisfactory to all in attendance were the three concerts given hy the Green Biograph Co, in the Hall hurt week. Owing to doubt the class and character of the entertainment. the tirtrg evening. there was hut a small attendance, hut the remaining nights, and the matinee Saturday afternoon, were greeted with well-tMd hells. The company posseses an excellent col- lection of moving pictures, some very amusing, and all suits.ny clear. Sleight of hand-tricks. by Mr Green, and comic singing added to the enfynient of the show, though Perhaps t . taking feat- ure were the i lustrated songs. render- ed by Mr Philips. the baritone vocalist. The concerts were under the auspices of the Lacrosse Club. who received . share of the proceeds and will clear about?» APPALLrNo.--Mt Vesuvius in violent eruption is attracting the attentionof puny and helpless man on all eirilized parts of our planet. This so-called "safety valve" ot nature can be deadly enough, for hundreds it is reported have died or been Killed by remainin in churches or houses whose roofs collap- sed with the weight of ashes. in some cases t feet. deep. Some towns and vil- lages are forever wiped out by flowing lava. “They sar,"-i.ientitstC-that 10 miles below South Grey could be found this boiling cauldron. whose sfpouts ap- pear at Vesuvius. Heela, Mt else and many other places hat Canada net-mo to have a good stout crust on it. and you needn't be ahuid to jump for joy that you don't live In Italy or the West Indies: you won't break through. ROTARIES TURNING. 'saturday last, four -of the mimics a the Cement works were started and he familiar smoke cloud is again in evi ence. How. ever near by residents claim and in- deed anvone msy see that the smuke this year' is of a light hue, indicating that " great saving is taking place in carbon owing to new internal arrange- ments. If Mr McGrane continues to manage as he has begun the Fear will he eminently successful, especially as fears for trouble in the coal regions have about vanished, and the usual sup- ply of coal is assured at about the old prices. DURHAM ON ' mmox DAV---Again the Sunni of t3coth ui are . m, for out' of their big demons! ations for Dominion Dav. which this ear Wtll he heldon Monday, July 2. T e Amusement Com- mittenhave ulrea several attractions in view and are ohing for tttoreto make it in all x'esp ts the hest public day Durham has eve had. Particulars will follow. In gain into this great undertaking they ch m to he chiefly actuated by a desire to airy out, healthy national games and p; ~lify the public taste for good music an manly sports. Speaking of Miss McLeay's ftrsetup- penance before a large audience in T " ronio, the Mail srtys-,--Miss Flo Mc- Leay greatly pleased hevwdience. She has a sweet, and musical voice and hee her distinguished brother, Mchy of the Wilson Buarett Company, she pos- sesses dramatic talent ofa high under and her manner and nppmu-ance Iii-furt- the fontlight! is very p1easine,-In the Town Hall. Durham, on April 19.al the Piano Recital FAIRLY IrvMsrrsa.--The Furniture Factory at present. is being rushed wit h orders, owing to the general satisfaction given by the high quality of furniture now being shipped out. Some depart- ments are working overtime. The saw-mill in the rear, will. it is expected commence operations next week. 1vAsTrm.--fi'or Toronto. a general trervnntwho can do plain cunking, no washing or ironing, a good position and good wages for capable girl. Ap- Elly hyletwr. With reference, to Mrs aclennan, 2 Sultan Street, Toronto. All our Cat ts must be sold at once, as we do not 1 Lend to keep in stock; Brawn-14, regul price, $1.40 selling for $1 I Tapestry. t ulnr price 60c selling fox-450. and halal o stnck at big reduc- tiom. En. KRES Salesman. This week we re showing the most po€ular street hat --tite new handeau swam. in readv-t Wear and tailored styles. Pleased to hi 'e you see them, Muss Dick. Be np-to~dn and use r'eg1Ti,lhg'i,.t machinery. ve you a Disc m-mw ? Call at the a _tlc'y west. ofthe Mid- dnugh House. an eve the tiest of every- thing. Stylish uggies. JOHN Mc- QUEEN. Agent. Have vou seen to it that the Review follow.“ that boy of yours who has gone West ? We pay all pstagG, It goes regularly, it kehrs him in touch much home. Is that not worth $1.00 a. year? Or 60 eta to Jan l, 1997. t1,"t11i,',g or Suit. can ttmlarellas, handv for trave ling, at J. L. ‘laritv’s. Dr Brown, ecialist in diseases of the eye. ear, no and throat wiil be at the Knapp Ho . Durham. Saturday April 16. Hour 12 to 5 p. m. Eyes tested and glasses pplied. Mr. M. D. McGrath, son of thss Cen- tral Hotel man has rented the McFar- lane blacksmith shop in Upper Town and is read y for business. WILL MAKE tsmau---The Sugar Beet Factory at erlon wall run thin sens- on, a. new company having taken hold of it. Papers and people of course are enthusiastic overithe prospect. Ule"Fcrmalin " to prev t ' smut’ on your gtainr-put up in h ound and pound bottles at 'Parker's " More.' The subject Jn Sunday evening next, In the Baptist church; will he " The Moral Aspect of Suicide. " Bo I get your spring suits at Flat- ity'a. Tr u. for ur new spring suit. B. P. Myurlock.\ -4- "GNfAR’iO ARC A lttt ttti TORONTO _'htiriititti). ilci"_' imported by a well-known Guel h breeder. He in. height bar. foalgd in 1900 and has been in Mr Roberta' possession over a. year, long enough to assure him that he has gut a splen- did pieee of horse fiegh for he has prov- ed sure. and " ofh/oristg are hardy and well set up. Be asks inspectlon from til men. The fltnst prize winner was tt Mon- erieif, " brown in cu'or. and in form, spirit and make up the delight at the horseman. The other. a pretty dap- pled bay, called " Highborn " by tt Hiawatha, " looked the name everv inch ot it. Those two fittty horses have been in r Hoy's possession for about 4yeers, ad their stock! have been prwewlnnerl everywhere. John D. Roberta' one wish was for more competition tor " fine Hackney _Stallion_ 'Norton Pignger, " N? 8104. Coach and Carriage-John D. Rob- erts, Holstein lst, with his Imported, Hackney " Colton Pioneer. 'l Roadsters--Thos. O'Neill, Holstein. Mr Reid gave an excellent address giving reasons for his deaisions, and pointed out several valuable fentures that should be attended to in horse raising. Be made special mention of Boy’s exhibits commending them highly. This eventcame off on Tuesday last in the Agricultural Park. As will be seen, the attendance at exhibitors was scanty, visitors were more in evidence. Mr Reid, ot Brantford, was the J udge, he has been here before and his de- cisions Cave satisfaction. We are obliged to Sccy. Binnie for the Prize List. Heavy Horsar--Imported--hli. Hey, Orchard. 1st and 2nd. Geo. G, Rus- sell. Hanover. 3rd. Heavy Hortreis--Canadian bred-- Alex Calder, Yeovil, $4 Prince Patric- lun. tr MISS FLO McLEAY. Watford, and the following well known vocalists: Dr. Brown, Holstein Mr Wm Isaac. Dromore Miss Crawford, Durham Plan of Hall " Maehhs lane’s Drug Store. Open Saturday morning. Ad- mission 25 and 35 cts. This coming event, Mrs Newton's piano recital, is casting its shadow be- fore. As announced " ismbe held on the 19 inst. and will be marked M the presence of the famous elocutionist Rev, Mr. Thompson of Rothsay, after which the usual questions were put and after prayer by the moderator 'in the name ot our Lord Jesus Christ and bv the authority of the Presbvtery of Saugeen " Rev. D. L. Campbell was duly inducted 'into the pastoral charge of Mooretield and all the rights and privileges thereto pertaining " Rev M. C. Cameron. ot Harriston. address. ed the minister and Rev. Mr Aull of Palmerston, the people and the new pastorate was begun. Notwithstand- ing the threatening weather and bad made, the attendance was exception- ally large, all being eager to welcome their new minister. A sumptuous re- past was served by the ladiesin the empty menu and everything pro- mises well for a happy and t1sefal pastorate. Notice is hereliy "iiiriciiistii,t'ii all closet s bitckvardn, and aimiln places must he cleaned up right um; and pm. in a sanitary condition in a cordwure With the Health Act. Hua MCKAY. He: th Inspector, On Tuesdey, Saugeen Presbyterv met at Mooretteld to induct the Rev. D L. Campbell, B. D., into his new charge. Punctually at two o'clock the chair was taken by Moderator Rev. Mr. Little and Presbytery duly consti. gifted. The sermon was preached by Mr John Sic-re is moving into the double house of Mt Laidluw's on Mill Street, Mr Allan McKinmm, intending to give mi house keeping ttt present, to go to Port Arthur to work with his brother Malcolm. If you want, an urnituro or Carpets call at Furniture tit' e. Big reductions owmg to building o minus. Darlings. the druggiste. have a very attractive Easter window. The Annual .. At Home " of the i. O. o. P. will he held next Tuesday even- ing, the 17th inst. We omitted last wegk to mention the sale of the J. L. Browne property, on the hill, to Mr Geo. Yirrs, who will move in shortly. The price was 8750. Autumn LABEL-we have again tried to do justice to every single "ttlr.. M riher who has paid us lately by "lters ingthe label necmding to the payment. If in any can» this has been overlooked. or other irregularity is discovered let us know at Ottee and we will cheerfully named it, Will those who seem to have gazette]: the matter altogether. wake up to their dutv and send along their subscription ILOIICO'. The num- of this clue is growing lwanxtilully smaller, but still their neglect insur- iouo mater to us. Remember now not to be last, nor even late. Annual Horse Show. ------i- Piano Recital. EASTER . See Our Dilphy Window COO R. B. Keeler & Sons on the Busy Corner 0 O O The Busy Store on the Busy Corner. A large shipment of Fashionable Fancy Neckwear, Stocks and Belts ex- pected this week. We invite lou to visit our showrooms and inspect the newest styles and ideas in all branches of Millinery. It's a pleasure to show you our goods. McIntyre Block, That new Easter Hat ! You’re still without it. Call in and wetll suit you yet with one of our popular Street Hats, newly arrived. the bandeau sail- or, in either ready-to-wear or tailored styles. 1 Before admitting Owen Bound into .the U. L. A.. this sea-sun. Pres. Geo. L. I Allen intends making the Owen Saund- [em put up the expenses of the Hanover ICluln in their game at the tJounts Town last Season. lt will he recalled that on Durham defeating the Saunders at home last. veur. Owen Snund lost all chance of upturlng the district, and then failed to shnw up in their return game at Hanover. The Past ('luinm the [Ciub was easily out $100 on lhedml, ‘and Pres. Allan is certainly mating iitt the right, in trying to secure for iHunover at least their expenses». LADIES' FANCY NECKWEAR "he elorutionnry "tforts of Miss Flo McLeay Were highlv nppreciutnl. Her first selection. " An Old Sweetheart, of Elma: ""9 its 'i"g"d,'i, .. The To on no can M r on good 1mm. with the audience. SM ham "clear voice and has it well under control. and her appearance on the stage in free and natural. Her swurd studies and plus- tiques. were nrncvful and urtism .-- Frmn St Mary's Al‘glh. Ontario, Cau- adu. Will appear at tlu. Piano 1bunt. nl i'hursdny. April 191 h. i Some very important amendments to the rules of the C. LA. "3‘in he brought up at their nnnuxl mowing this Friday. Perhnpa the most impottant is the proposal to make an age limit for the junior series-20 year-a, and ever, player In this series to be a bonu-fide resident of the town or villago they represent. Another " to peduce the number of playms on a team hon: 12 to 10 men in the jumm mud intermediate series and to limit the length ofthe, field to 100 yards. Thm latter will hard.. ly go throuuh as it would tend to de. velope nmghnrus. A juvenile- set-ies had also been anguish-d. In all mine 30nmendmontsum- to lw brought up. and with hot contests for almost. "very Mice, this promises to he the must in- ten-sting meeting in the hiamry of the Canadian Lemma-up Axum-union. There is I move on forthe arguing- tion of " lacrosse league in North Bruce. independent of the c. L. A.. to he composed of teams from Wiumm. Tara. Cheeky. Snuchmupmn and other places in the district. Harry Pickering. of Mt Forest, broth- er of Dr Pickering, willplny uninrln crosst- this sauna and bu named with the Tecumaehu of 1oronto. Many in town will remember hil excellent work on the Lowes’ defence in former you" With the edlbouof The Sun and one of thriocal clergyman on the out! of omens, the Owen Sound Incl-om club shunld this yea the to a plane some higher mun it has occupied furmmm time. We now note mu the meeting. are held in the Karina of the Y. If. u. A.. imieud oft P mumndjnining the B. A. R. 't'Gt's 1reuev.---Banner, Can Yon do Better , Millinery for Easter for 50:. the WeeklyGlohe for tioe, or both (camber for oo on. Send the even dollu if you like: we will a." van credit on the REVIEW for the 10 etc. Our friends will nhlige by linking min otNr known. Address all orders to To new nuhacriherl we will give the REVIEW to Dee. M. was CHAS BAMAGE. Pun-n Ann Puma-II. Have you seen the big Mock of dainty Enter goods a Ken-Jet's ? Miss Dick The Review Lacrosse Notes. .0- Duo-hum ' Ont Lambton Strut ff} h! Be

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