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Durham Review (1897), 12 Apr 1906, p. 4

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'st J. S. MCILRAITH WINTER FOOTWEAR SNAPs SOMETHING NEW IN “‘ASHERS: Thtf'tTerttttrDturtionlv in the Idea Raymond, Sewing Machines. MoClary Stoves for Coal tor Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. Bearing 2farvesttars iw-the best goods made. dt .6. Sruatt We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37c yd. We”) grass Soodo Crum 's Prints We have a. splendid line For the last three weeks we have been busy making ready for our Millinery Openings and our efforts have not been in vain for never in the history of our Store have we seen our visitors wear such a happy smile at the many artistic Models in Fashion- able Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wears. If you visit our showrooms, you will find that we have the right styles at right prices. We have some sizes in a few lines of Oxfords and Strap Slippers which we are cleaning oat at prices that will save money for the lucky purchasers. Spring goods are beginning to come in and we are erowded trom top to bottom and we need the room for the new arrivals. We will be pleased if you will lend a helping hand in making room. Anything we haveleit in winter lines iare down in price. Call early and get a share of the stood things. Custom work and repairing as Usual. Our Stock of Men's and Boys' Suits are the fin- est lot we have ever shown. Made from fine English Worsteds, Scotch and Halifax Tweeds and haye that snap and style about them that gives a man or boy a well-dressed appearance. We have them in Fashionable light greys, navys greens, browns and blacks, made up in thenewest styles............... " to 9,6. 60e to 1.25 yd We an Hive tr',nlti; a mere list of our goods. but In quality and tule ability to t e needs of South Grvy we are not oxcelledt1 Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, 1Lmey's Har- ness, Palmerston Bugg1es. Reno-“nu! atticlns, fair prices fohn Glark. Spring '0litrm my Also \Vilhelm's Wrinqers, a made by Wtitst)tiGCfrrl" The best In their line Jaw/l ghrssr (Skirts hrirtg Ctothing Cask and ' Priee. E War/00k as J1evs germ Maahinerg. we handle only thelbest. The Down "Town A tew doors South of the Middaugh House, Shoe Store The death of Mrs Colin Kennedy, who has been ill for some time with asthma and heart trouble, occurred on Saturday morning. Her funeral took place on Monday to the Eb.. enezer cemetery. The community extends eymrthy to the bereaved husband end may. IrThoe Binnieof O. A. c., Guelgh. end In Belle Bunnie tttWand n 1t!Mtef the nation underthepeb Mrs Geo. Rein left on Tuesday to Join her husband in the Wmt. School closes for the Easter holldays on Thursday when Miss Scidwell leaves for her home in button. Prayer meeting will be held t h home of Mr D. Bron n Sunday autumn; Mr McComb had charge of the last meeting. d,?,',' eie, MctComt:i has returned ater open ng a ew a a with h brother in Durham. y er Mrs MacFarlsno is going to spend Easter with her two daughters in Tor- it was feared the child was lost her people and all the neighbors joined in a search party going in every direction bat the right one. Sadie, accompani- ed by her dog, remained perfectly fearless throughout all, and about eight c'cloek was brought to her home by Mr Frank Scott, when the fears of the neighborhood were set " rest. Considerable alarm was felt in the neighborhood of Glenelg Centre on Saturday afternoon when it was fear- ed little Sadie McMillan, daughter of Malcolm McMillan. was lost in the woods. It seems the little girl was going from Binnie’s sugar camp to their own when she lost her bearings and didn't cease her wanderings un- til she reached Traverston. When Mr T. J. Jordan, Holstein, was in town Tuesday. Miss A. McKenzie. Upper Town. is spending Easter Sunday in Toronto. Mr Donald Benton left Wednesday for Guelph. on a. vieit to his daughter. Mr Lee has arrived to take the posi- tion of assistant chemist. at the Cement Works. Mr Bond of the firm of Bond and Wallace, hook hinders. etc,, of Owen Bound, was in town, 'l'uetsday, and en- de.avortng to work up some business. Any one in want of account hooks. needing magazine binding, repairing. etc., will find them eif1eient. BORN McGaFFrN--On March 25th, to Mr and Mrs w. A. McGaffln, a son. [The above is a daughter of Mrs John Mc- Gillivray, of Mulock. Mother and son are doing fine.] Dr Pickering went to Orangeville on Wednesday. Miss B. R. J. McKinnon returned Friduv, after a. lengthy visit, with Mount Forest friends Mrs Jas McClocklin and two children of Fleshcrton. me spending this weekin town among their relatives the McClock- lin families and Mrs. Alex McDonald. Miss Annie Robertson and brothers John and Archie leave this Thurro day morning, for Ottawa. The boys will return to Durham next week before leaving for Saskatchewan. Mr U. A. Fleming, o. S. Prin. of the Business College, was in town Tuesday. His business lay in the offices of the Cement Works, where his wide experi- ence in hooks, account systems, etc, is no doubt being utilized. Mrs bookie. Fergus, is spending a. week or -0 at her brother’s, Mr Alex Russell. Mrs Jno. McKechnie left to-day, Wednesday, to spend Easter with Han. over relatives. Mr and Mrs Geo. Young, Detroit, have arrived on a visit to her parents. Mr and Mrs Jno. Hunt. Mr and Mrs Smith, cement chemiut. have moved into Mr H. W. Lease-’8 residence on Countess St. Miss Jusaic Gibson, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs Jas. Ireland, left Wednesday for Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. Dr. Jamieson returned on Pri- day from a Visit, to Toronto accompan- ied bv her mother. Mrs Ihadshaw, who will remmn for a few weeks. Mr Jas. R. Darling came homo Mon- day from Windsor and has renewed his position behind the counter in Dar.. ling’u Drug Store. The engagement of Dr Jon. A. Con- key, Indianapolis. formerly of Durham, is announced. Marriage takes place in June. Mr Jas. Baird whois attending the Business College here, spent the week end with friends in Dromore.--Mount 1roreat Rep. Mr David Kinnee left for the West on Tuesday morning. heading for Wat” son. Sask. He will be there for a month or two. Rev Mr Parquharson went to Moore- fteld on Tuesday to assist. at the Induc- tion of Rev D. L. Campbell, Inteof Dro. more, into tus new charge, THE DUB“ REVIEW ' at y. ------ o ----- - Rob Roy. .-<’... TORONTO c. MCARTHUR To Our Customers The 2nd and 3rd divisions of lot num- ber 16, Concession I. East Garafraxa Road. Glenelg, 100 acres. Apply to ANGUS MCKINNON or to J. P. Tamas. Durham Dated April ith, 1906. A pleasant wedding took place at the home of Mt Wm McIntosh. Bencinclr, on Wednesday. 4th April, " four pain, Rev. Mr. Pineo being the oMciatintt minister when Miss Margaret Past, of Bentinck. was united in matrimony to Mr Peter McIntosh of Hannah. North Dakota. Miss Ireland, of Owen Sound. and Mr John McIntosh til1ed the po- sition of flrtst assistants admirably. About sixty guests satdown lo a sump tuous repast after the:ceremonv whi e music, games, etc, made the night pass taT,ht,; Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh eft for North Dakota the next morning where all unite in wishing them a very happy and prosperouellfe. The bride was the recipient of many valu- able and useful presents of which the tollowing is a list t A pretty home wedding took pince at the home. of Mr, S. A very, of Armour on Tueedayievemng, March 27th, when his daughter, Lovinia Elizabeth, of Pal- merston, Was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Richard J. Allan of Varney. the bride looked charming, dressed in cream silk coelene trimmed with tucked silk point de-sprir and russe, and carried a lmquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern. Af- ter the nuptial knot was tied by Rev Myers. of Bervie. and congratulations extended to the young couple, about ninety guests entered the dihing-room, which was suitably decorated with evergreens, and partook ofasumptu- nus repast. The remainder of the even- ing was spent in games and social in- tercourse. Misses Lena and Edith and Mr Thos. Allen, of Durham, were presentand many from elsewhere. The esteem in which the bride and groom were held was shown by the costly and numerous presents. The happy couple will leave for their future home in Durham on Tuesday.--Ptumerston Spectator. Mr Punt. rug. Miss S Past, fruit dish, Mrs Wm McIntosh table cloth and nup- kins, Mr John McIntosh hreakfattteet, Fred McIntosh table cover, Miss Mate gie McIntoah, lace curtains, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNeil cake pure, Miss T. and Mr Andrew Ireland table cloth, Mr and Mrs D Melisa. lace curtains. Mr and Mrs T. Stinson taisle cloth, Mr and Mrs Peter McIntosh Knives, and Forks, Jno McIntosh silk handkerchief, James Mc- Intosh souvenir Wi1lirsmvford, Mary McIntosh spoon holder, Mr John Mc- McDonald Alarm Clock, Mrs John Me. Donald Lace Curtains, Miss Nunez Smith Pin cushion. Miss Ellen Sm" curtains. Mr Wm J Smith carving set. Misses and Maggie Ireland Towel and Toilet set, Mr and Mrs A Mink Ten Bet, Miss Maggie Mine glass fruit dish, Kate Mink pepper and salt dishes. Mr. and Mrs, T. Flannagan bed spread. Mr. and Mrs T. McKnight fruit set china, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith silver magicians. Mr. and Mrs. Limin bedspresJ. r. and Mrs Livingstone 82. Mr and Mrs. F'. Showell curtains. Mr and Mrs G Hnrvie table cloth and napkins. Miss Relieves Hodgson table cloth, Mr Joseph Hodg- ;on table nopkins, Mr and Mrs Orr amp. A very happy (Went. took lace on Wednesdtsy, March 28th, at the home of Mr and Mrs ThOs. Banks, Owen Sound. when their cousin. Miss Lizzie MaeArthur was united in marriage to Mr John Sutherland. of Owen Bound. The Rev Mr MacAlpine. ot Knox Presbyterian church. tied the nuptial knot. The bride was attended b her sister, Miss Katie MacArthur, onyia- guru. Falls. N. Y., while the groom was waisted by his brother. Mr Irving Sutherland, of Owen Sound. The bride looked dainty and sweet in a dress of Whileewiss muslin, trimmed with late and white ribbon and carried a. hoquet of large white carnations. The brides maid wascGrming in a dress of white muslin and lace. About ten o'clock, Mr and Mrs Suth- erland left for their new home on Un- ion St, the bride wearing a Mourning costume of navy blue venetian cloth, trimmed with military braid. After the ceremony was over, the guests numbering about twenty-five proceeded to the dining-room to par- take of the good things awaiting them. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. Their young friends showered them With rice and old shoes as they depart- ed, and their many frivndajniu in wisih- ing them success and happiness in their wedded life. The bride was an Edge Hill girl. and her many friends extend their congrat- uiatiuns to the young couple. ---and everybody, we wish-- Our increase in sales last year over previous years has warrant- ed our putting in a larger and more varied stock of SPRING GOODS than heretofore. We do not attempt, in the space at our disposal. to enumerate nor quote prices, hat we issue a broad mutation for everybody to call, and we anticipate a great deal of pleasure in showing and selling our new Spring Goods. Give us a call. It is a pleasure to show goods, and the goods effect, the SsTrTHEnLAND-MACA RTHUR FARM TO RENT True Easter Joy Spring Weddings. McIN--Pmrr No woman can afford to be with- out one of our Carpet Sweepers. Use one of them and your carpets will last tottrtimetoaiomtaaitrtio-tteGii, Our assortment of Brushes are worthy of notice such as flat andround Paint Brushes, Banister Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Whitewash Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Cream Separator Brushes, Ceiling Brushes and Ceiling Dusters. For the wall we have the celebrat- ed Church 's Alabastiue, 1150 Asbestine and Whiting. This is the time to think of House- cleaning and '-we are happy to inform you that we carry in stock every- thing you require for that purpose. Moat people know that there is no paint manufactured equal to Sherwin- Williams Ready-Mixed Paints. See what we have in GOLD PAINT to touch up Picture Frames. Liquid Veneer and Varnish Stains to renew the Furniture, Flooreac to paint your best floor and S.-W Paint and Hard Oil Finish for woodwork. will Pelege1ite"ti'gin power: It only uires t few months at this mutuuon to comm: thorough practical Business Coune or I Short- hand and Typewrmng Course and tit you fora 'e!1uu.sertytivt pgsitipn. . - u - 'Btude'ms adtititied at my time. Full Maul”: " tuty time tree. C. A. FLEMING. A Practical Education at the TUDHOPE CARRIAGES. BARCLAY & BELL, Durham Spring term begins April 2nd GE. 5’7; J wan us. Buying a carriage is pretty im.. portant business with most men-- and you can't be too careful about the carriage you decide on. _ “71%;"; @119 we want you to talk over your wants with us-and see the Tudhope line. - .. -iraino'w, you don't have to buy unless you feel like it-but you will feel like it when you see The children 'tgt?,',",,',',',',',,', barefoot! hutch mum tlu bowel. 3n n proper con "Ion. Cor. not gay ,omti.t.Po by (Inn! small but!" - _ ... A .. _____-.- IA -uanrxumd. 'r"%'ci'at,%,i'ta'd"Jr'" , nu ma ers mun CORE. emu rem To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How it it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsapstri11tt. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. SS??, There is a great difference between what some people call fixing a watch and real- 1y repairing one. Now this store has always carried the name of having the best goods and a man of good high-class Pxpel‘anCP. And what's more we sell the Watches und Jewelry of any account throughout. thin part of country and the only re"- son why we do is because we give satisfaction. For the Children Percy a. A. Webster i We ha’vo no new! w. mun-h the {bl-nub- of 1:1 our moaning: m con-u tion b In“ Imam m .r.. oIAyor'n “In. L?iUlll'atd,'l'lll'al'21'Gi'. HARDWARE I W. BLACK. Mai-9311192; Graduate Canadian Hurological Institute THE JEWELLER. DIAMOND HALL Owen Sound Fact Worth Knowing Ae4'rA'rA'/ AWE CURE. can" PWL FiGis'at WALL PAPER It Iii/5 II Iii"-"--"-'-: s,"l Double glass on cups. . . .. China egg cups. . . .30c do: W. fl BEAN American pleas-cut glass mane dist 'd1','Me,tiii,iicts/iiiiaaitit,te Crying A'g gold lmlutlon cut glass 4 pie E MacFarlane & Co. BIG TABLE OILCLOTH. i FLOOR " l, "--es-a; ijle Linen M in wid" - Heavy twilled Cotton sheeting, 72 1 Luge It xt size Funuellette Bun Now Print: and Gingham: new zyds long, Shopw est of the Midduugh Home Our Goods nre timtrcUhts, prices mu deute. Call anyway. ' Gray & Suns. Cum» Buggles ham. Barrieturrrow Cu. Canada errmu" Co., Brockville. VERITY PLO‘VS: “Walking. Hin- ing and Gang Ploughs. DISC HARRO Ars and Barrows of all kinds. SEED DRILLS . Hay-loaders, sim- delivery and tedders: Prawn and Beanie Hay Tracks. Daisy Chums & Washers All the machinery of the ulmve well known ttrm in stock or can be M- cured at short notice. Glover and Timothy and all var- ietiec of Garden and: in u- bundance for Spring growing otri1vie's “Royal Household " leewaun 66 Five Roses ”-The very best Keewutin make. A carioad just received. SEEDS Our new stock of wall papers tgffordtt the people of this section practically unlimited choice of patterns. than has ever been seen lieu before. In View of the stocks carried in previous years this statement may seem s trifle ex- travagant; yet we state but the simple facts. For the same rea- son we intend selling a larger share of the wall papers used this year and to insure doing so we have put prices on papers that will be sure to attract all careful buyers. The Stock is ready This big stock is now ready for your inspection, and wheth- er or not you are going to paper this spring we shall be pleased to have you come in and see the new styles. If you are gping to paper, bring in the dimensions of Your rooms and let us give you some interesting figurcs. FLOUR MASSEY= HARRIS ! DRUGGISI‘S and SEEDS!" EN grey It MATTHEWS a LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEN. We hue more papers. better patterns and I wider variety. John McQueen UNLIMITED 27" wide 25c pr 27" wide 40? [r 30" wide 500 pr 37" wide 70c pr Highest grades only. LACE CURTAINS Call and see us CHOICE Jinn wide....... I, 1% Bndg yds wi -- pr " M, long, Neal . SELLS if; CHEAP tet in " Pip Th APRIL SWIG l) "

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