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Durham Review (1897), 12 Apr 1906, p. 8

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" " " H w \ THE PE OF’L E? 'S STORE I Store next, Standard Bank, Durham. the best businesn stand in town for Kenn-n1 store; will be arranged to suit tenant. Heated h steam. electric Hahn. Applv to N. L/ir,','.'; The First suggestion prplIg Comes with the New Dress Goods 9-:35:3ggmxmmmgmmmmmmxE trll if, Taylor & Co. Taylor 8000. ir, We have just stepped into spring. You positively cannot put off that spring suit any longer. Don't let the price worry you. We can show you Dress Goods that will satisfy your taste at a very low figure. This is the verdict of all who have seen our display of New Dress Fabrics. We certainly have the newest and most popu- lar colorings to be seen. Visit this department before buying elsewhere. And Remarkably Good Prices too. This Department sells everything that man would wish for-comfort, appear- ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and see what our offer looks like Were ready to satisfy you every way. Our New Spring Stock has arrived and is meeting with favor among all smart dressers. It includes GOOD WEAR IN MENS WEAR DRESS GOODS Parker's Drug Store Time to tone up the system and get. ready tor the hurry and bustle of sprung. Nothing better for the put-pow than a bottle or two of It'" really wonderful how it reju- venntr-s the syslem that feels 'run down' and 'out of sorts ' after the anclivity of the winter. months. ROBERT BURNETT j " THEY ARE JUST SWELL " TONIC and BLOOD PURIFIER EASTON’S NERVE BUILDER Spring Medicines TO RENT. Put up only at HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY AND ALL KINDS OF NIFFTY CLOTHING. or our I! I SEND vs YOUR NAME.--lhe REVIEW I to January l, 1907, only so cents. The Municipal Council ot Proton held a meeting on the 3lst March here, and the old question of Dan Wilson, ex- .eeve, drawing money for roadwork and paving it to one Smith for work never performed, was on board again. Wilson and Smith bluffed off Mr Peer, who laid the charge, that the work was let by Pat Shaw. Now Pat Shaw was away in the North-West, but Mr Peer, not to be outdone by them, wrote to Pat Shaw. who answered stating the job was not let by him nor done. When the council got cornered up in this way. the reeve called the case off and ordered the parties to quit. Mr Peer had almost a dozen tarmers to prove the work was done. Smith did not put in an appearance. Mr Beard, late pastor of the Church here (the independent) has not let: yet bathexnects to be t."rpy in a few dgvs. A Mr Summon of Toronto, preached here on Sunday lst and held a busi- ness or investigation meeting on Mon- day. the 2nd, which was well attend- ed. It was in session a long time. other little meetings have been held since. A Miss Saunders. who has done cun- sidcrable missionary work and is a first class dreisatnaker. has procured a situation from D. K. McArthur. H Allen and J. McArdle are, still on the sxck list. .. s"', (' . A', .1 / t tiopeville. Mr Thos. Firth, of Toronto, attend- ed the tuneralot his cousin, Mrs Will Jack, of Zion. Master Robt Williams, ot Berkley, visited with his grandmother. Mrs Chris Williams for a few days last week. V M; and Mrs Ham Allan, of Hope- ville. visited " Wm Mekarltute's over Saturday and Sunday of last week. A large number from this neighbor- hood attended the funeral ofthe late Johnnie (Hencross last Sunday at Zion. The svmpacby of the neighborhood gees out to the bereaved friends and relatives, who have had their double share ot trouble within two weeks. Mr J W Firth, of Toronto, came up on Saturday to attend the funeral of his cousin _ -iG, ihis Staples returned on Satur- day from her month’s visit with Amends in North Bay. Sorry to hear that Mr Robt Eater is non improving very rapidly. Mr ind Mrs Sandy Ellison, of Wand- by, visited " Mr Rob: Eetor's last Sunday: -- _ _ _ _ Mr Hiram Dean and his Winsome bride arrived home trom Toronto last week and Icoks as it My life agreed with them. One evening last week a number of the friends ot Rev D. L. Campbeil, Dromore, met at. the Manse for the lass time with him to say good bye to him ttf his family and this is how they i it: Rev D. L. Campbell, Dear Sir: Please kindly excuse the liberty we take t our excuse must be that, we felt that We would like to express our feelings towards you " the present time as our relations are about to be severed. First, asto our appreciation of your services to us as our pastor t vour whole ministry in our midst has been most successful and greatly to our ad.... vantage. bat what we prize just as much is the cordial relation that has existed between us " pastor and people, not one instance of strained feeling having occurred that we are aware of, a tact of which we are much gratified and must attribute it to your great forbearance and good tact as much m st have occurred to teat your patience to its limit. We are happy 1n the thoughtthat it is not lack of har- mony that has led to the step you have taken, which is a gratifieation to both, and kindly lorgive our apparent flattery if We again repeat our high appreciation of your devoted services. Under your ministration we have largely increased our membership, we believe our spiritual welfare has been advanced, your pulpit service has been instructive, stirring us up to more strenuous effort to our higher in- .erests both in this life and the life to come. Your personality has been an in- spiration amongst us. Always happv and genial, we had the highest pleas ure in our association with you, and we trust this feeling Was a mutual one. We realize that you were ever watch- fal of our best interests, borh as indiv- iduals and as a congregation. We note also the saerifiee of vour valuable time and energy in regard to the teacher-training class which was of much benefit to us. Your time was so freely and heartily given t we had no right to expect this, being outside the requirements of your regular minis- trations, and to show and express our appreciation of your services to us We beg you now to accept the token which we, cheerfully tender you. We teel that you will recognise the spirit in which itis given and value it above its monetary consideration. Our prayer is that success and bles- sing may attend you in vour new charge. We would have chosen you to remain, but others are to be con- sidered, our loss is their gain. You will have new interests but we trust we Will not be forgotten. that We may have the pleasure of your genial presence if opportu itv occurs. that both you and your esteemed partner in life may be blessed in your labor of love, that the higher blessings ofthe future may be abundantly \‘ours and that you may have manv stars for your crown both in Amos and in any charge you may be called upon to flil. Signed on behalf ot class and congregation. ROBERT RENWICK JOHN SNELL Mr Campbell's reply. Though taken bv surprise he thank- ed them heartily for the expression of their thoughts as to his work. He had tried to make first things first. He had looked upon his work in the class as a great neeegsitv, and given it what time and consideration he could spare. The benefit had been his as wellas their'e, and, in leaving. was glad to know that there are Some in the congregation. who are able "ul willing to continue the work Kind words and encouragement given had been duly appreciated. Interest in the work of the church musical and otherwise had been of a prominent chcmter, their services being always in demand. Amos, he said he might claim as " tttttt love and felt it the will of God to go to this new field and we: sled the agitation was not through my lil. ll. Ho cordially thanked them all. Mean Jno. Snell. W. Issac. W. Ramona. A Clark. the chairman W. Exotic ght,t,"i1' took e',-',,',',' in the " ter prom gs nape: in: orsin in or both. The sentiments of the Rue: dress were agreed to, it won not one Address and Presentation. THE BUREAU REVIEW Edge Hill TORONTO whit too flattering, it being generally agreed that nothing could be ot more benefit than the teacher training class had been. The presentation consisted ot a snug sum of money. The time of making it v.2-s'not known widely or more wouid have been there, but present or absent good wishes go with the popular pastor and his family. We received last week but too lute for that; issue a tim- Jest" intivu- letter from Mr Jaw watson, of Nuruunmv. dealing with the above city in which he and Mrs. Wuhan have men! the winter. The writer being in well known but views and observations become doubly interesting and we have pleasure in producingit. He says: ‘ 66 I fully realize that what [may any may he very common and that some: thing similar could be sand of any other large city, at least m many respects. I will not become historic. if I could. l but will merelg say that the fltart inci- dent connecte with the historv of this I city was in the Fear 1700, when a 1 French explorer by the name of Undil- l lac with some fifty soldiers and Indians canoed up the Detroit river and camp- ed here. Prom that date until civilized and peaceful invocations were permu- nently established, Detroit has Chung: d flags three times, was besieged by ludi- ans. being the scene of twelve unusa- cres and tifty hattles and was once Iot- ally destroyed by fire. The city was in- corpornted in the year 1812 and connect- ed with its histmyof tho date we find such names as t Jefferson. \Vashington. Woodward and Cadillac. in homn- of whom some of the leading avenues of the cit y tut-day atenamed. The streets radiate. from a central) square Him reaching the most distant l part ot the ctty in the shortest possible way. Some of these nwnues are claim- ed to be among the. best on the t'ottti- nent. The Detroit River is one of the things the average Detroitet has a just pride in and due appreciation ofrcsts fun-tor of impmtatwe in the develop- ment of the city'" material interests as well as the euthet in part it plnvs in the city's makeup. There is carried through its “titers an annual tonnage greater than any inland water in the world, and Ist-nt-ried ll) every conceivable kind " craft from the huge heighter of I0,000 tons capacity to the most luxuriantly tirterl passenger hunt. There is pro- lmMy no branch of human progress which has reached a higher standard during the past. half century than that of carriage by land and water. An In- dian raft and an Athntic Liner are both Carrying mediums on water. a donkey cart and an ex tes"' train are of the. same class on land). These are suggestive. .. The travelling facilities of this city are almost ideal. Electric car lines radiate from the city in ever-v conceive able direction aggregating more than six hundred miles. whtcli makes it GHFY to reach any part, of the city (5 as) and on six of the lines to distant cities These conditions make it poesihlo fur a speedy departure hy any who may de- sure. that, their friends or creditors may not, haven very accurate knowledge as to the time and direction of lheir de- parture. . " . . e'"" ___- _ . The population of the city is around 400.000. Of churches there are about 200, with Catholic. Methodist, Prwhy tepiatt and Baptist standing M to num- lwr in the order mum-(1. Of schools there are Mullewhat. fewer. Asa "vrnutacttuittpt centre Detroit is rapidly forging to a tivst place. Along the river brink for seven or eight, tuiles it is almost. one unbroken rhnin of man- ufacturing works. the Parke Davis Manufacturing Company employing about, 1800, the American Car and Foundry employing 4500, the Demon. “love Works employing about W), each the largest in the world ll) their respeclhe lines. Perhaps no indirid.. ual industry has made: such strides as the automobile manufacturing of this city. There are no fewer than eight of the typical Anserican cars manufactur- ed here and it has been said that more auroruibles are. made in Detroit than all other comstries combined. Tobe housed, clothed. fed. eduoeted end en- tertained is what the clone of life no directed tone-cure end“ n lay-l Con-Ann I rejolce in the belief that I belong to that country where these ere beet attuned by the m. end more gene-‘25 enjoyed. In this respect Canada end the Uni Stones are easily tirgt. The American ll wmewhnt fond of the plume " the best in the world." I don't (Unlike him a bit on that account“ much of itis peobehly true. We receive tt ell Ingood humor um use it a an incentive to rlnl. my excel our America cousin In all tint In worthy_ The City is well supplied with parks, Belle l-ele twing the largest. This is an Island in the river. trio acres in extent. and may he reached by n fem y. or In) a fine bridge three qnmrteI-s of .1 mile in length. This island has been fitted up aca great expensv " the city. There is an atuarimu said to be aevond on the continent with an exhibit. of fur, n."' great. variety from the Arctie seal in the Tropical Aligntor. Mam 'c2',iiR'.l.h,i'e' ofa menngel-ie. Lawn. flowers, lunnt- ains and canal: us Well as the natural beauty of the place make it an Ideal place to spend a. sumniei af'vrnnon an evening. on llItlllV of which band mush- is furnieht-d by the city at comidemhlv expense. or other parks there are sov- en or eight, distributed through the City offering inviting resting plumes for all classes. _ . . .. .. Ot tho more notahle buildings are: The Migiestic. County Building, General Post 0 ce. Uhmuhre of Ounmerce, Un- ion Trust Building and the Masonic I‘emple- From the roof of the first named, which is It stories high, an ex- allenc view of the city. Windsor and a nadian landscape riding in the dis- tnnqe_ma.y_be haq. The city water works is tt, very inter. e>t1ng place to visit and is at all times open to the public. The power house iq situated in a ground of thirty or for- ty acres, heuutifully kept. Seven huge engines pump the water frmr Lake St Ulnlr through a tunnel under. the lake. and pipes from two to forty-tin: inches distribute it to the highest, and most. distant parts of the city. The ,rrslue of the. plant is given at $6. 300, 00000. In speaking of this 1 cannot but remark of the eontrmience of a. good water supply and to be ul most as well served in the country is not beyond attainment by tttly Well to do and pvogtessive further. Of the places of entertainment. they are in ahundance to suit the. lust. and purse of all classes. Entertaittmint in generally bought in the citn--ia the country it it generally made. Beautiful Detroit. The House-cleaning season is again upon us and it is up to us to make some little improvement in the appearance of our home. We can help you wonderfully. Let us mention just a few of the many pretty things we carry. Point lyesprit Frill Curtains :1 Plain Net Frill Curtains 3,1333% Fancy Madras )uitei;1elet;iittl)'i] Tapestry Curtains 133,3 Wall Paper, Paint, Alabastine, Jellstone Wools, Brussels, Floor Oils Along this line let us h.ope, for the advent oi free international trade, . high standard of national courts? 0nd good will and on acknowledging and fol owing of on tho. is Best in each. of the American, he may be slmost said to he s heardlessbiped of the Anglo Sam!) type, The whiskered specimen in a rue phenomeno and {a may figure in the exhibit of some enterprls " museum duly labeled $h Ancient Type of Ameri- can. the only trug smglmen 1z._tlry1 ind procured " you wish to sell or excivsnge your' property quickly or profitably, or if you wish to buy. ddn't fail to Bee or write our Gen. Agent for the Co. of Grev. Wm w, R.amage, Thistle P. o., who has hue. ly hero appointed to this position. Ive make no charge unless the property is sold. For further particulars. apply, pardonully or by letter, to either of the above addresses. In reference to the above. I beg to an nounce that. I will be pleased at any time to meet with patties wishing to hay, sell or erehrnge, but will for qonvepience he in Durham every Saturday afternoon. If we don't see you. send us a post-card: we will gladly give att Informant"). Or, ders or enquiries at the REVIEW Ott1ee will receive prompt attention. It great expense." The whiskerless tile are in- veterale smokers. as are also many ot s CanBd- ian cousins, handling the cigar in ummmer high- ' ly gratifying to himself and in some cases for the humiliation of the persons smoked It. This In“ 1 become. quite an on when gracefully performed I Ind is intended to establish the smoker n being n l man of considerable importance. Itis sometimes . quite effective from the smoke" standpoint Ind ', is always humiess, except to the smoker. , 1 can only spent of the lund not! the city. much l Intending Students should enter at the begin- of which is too tint uni is held st price. too Pit,,' 1 Mug ot the term it possible. Bond can: he obtain to be prolitapl? for agricultural J'?gll1'll'i and n ', edat remnable rues. Durham is a health) and mm! cases is held in the hope dt o aiuing ty gunman town, mum; it a most dasimldo plum- prices. _ . . _ _.. I esldence Lot It, Con 4. N. D R. (-unminlng 10 acres. more or less. tr, acres cleared qprim; creek, Rood well, hank hum. im- plvuwnt house, larg" {rump dwelling house, good orchard, convenient to' church and school. Building. fences, &c all in good condition. 25 non-s ploughed. 4 acres under fall wheat. Possession given any time after Isl March. For furcher particulars apply on the premises, to Donald Benton. Prop. THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE The Michigan farmer is brought in touch with current events by rural daily mnil deiivery, t con- venience which the Dominion Government has none: eotuideged pm'iuble. nut 1. probably just IS much so in {noted districts as it [sin Mighig‘u' . n 'BS-' ' AL , A L! u.~......_. There are mt possibilities itt the mind trf I _-ie-q-r---------.--- hopeful dlnfosltion and in public " well us pri: ------------------ -- V" A _- _--------.-- mandarin-s tthis was“?l beuro; 3353's tgtg 31m: FARM FOR v tt or eir u meat. t u ope u Ind helfful in bringing things to (you tor our in-, BALE dividuo and collective walla-eon eooptrtstiot.1 :1 200 acres, heing lots 27 and 28 mm a electric cars. good roads, hurl-med soon. condi- E G R Glenel hl 110 . . ' , in tiors,ttgovermnent Lpprooch “f the ideal,equit-, , 80 . g ' "mt Ht't'ts t-leat - able compensation tor lsbor. eisun to ',"ghiit et , 209d Grdwood hush, lil gum] t't' widening libenl septiment. 1'Pir,,i,1e/,ey', life, Idfr. Fur buildings and well wuteved : :an lower conceptions of Bel, ore some of the ', the Rockv tiaugeen run: “WU” ,h _ tu r- tltings which are growing. Shall we. help or; n of l _ 28 . " " ' hinder? Wemdoing one or the other. I et' m ' which .youl.d maku- " crood Respectfully, iWMPI‘Pf'WW. 55 miles from Durham ; “um “'ATSONA I,ronvenientlr situated The HIN'VL Pro- Every day bargain day in Agricult- ural lmplemenls. A full line in stock, will be pleased to have yum-all. Sue ad elsowhere. A, B. MCLELLAN Shop at the bridge. and sane money. The Western Real Estate Exchange. Ltd., London, Ontario. House=Cleaning Wants in nice. delicate Btraue8--ule new allay Madras goods tor bedrooms and drawing rooms. The colors in these goods are absolutel y fast, " 7 __ - Li " Duttd" St, London, Ont mind FARM FOR SALE THE BIG STORE WM. W. RAMAGI. Gon. Agent ALEX. RUSSELL NOTICE Tapestry Table Covers at $3.50 each CURTAIN GOODS in widths from 3 feet to G feet JAMES WATSON CARPETS E5 in different colors and weights from delieate tshades-the newest thing in curtain iiti"ci'GttiElk 1lltN) HANK AA CANADA The school is ttoirie/g,t'gg'g'trr' In “Aching ability, tn chemlnl Ind et en sugplios and tit tings, Ae., for full J unlor Lavina w Mtrtriculte don work. The following competent ttttttf Are in chum ' TKOS. ALLAN, lat Class Cerutlarte, Principal CAPTAL. Authorized. _ . . . . .slemm SANTA-“Paid up. ......... Lulu!” RESERVE FUND .. ..._ 1.000.000 AGENTS in I" pnncilul points m Ontario, Quebec, Mnmtoba. United Stat- and England. The Mamie at Amos l’reshytm in. church Dromore. Purchaser to wnmv» the building and clmu- off all xuh‘ninh during the mouth of May. Apply to J. M. Fuan' De-te, W. P. OOWAN. President. th P. SCHOLHBLD. Gallon! Inn-get. DURHAM AGENCY A senor-.1 Bnnking muineu "unwind Drafts isoqu and collection made on Mt point... Deponiu received and inter est Allowed u "I'J'ren' rum SAVINGS BAR}. mun-opt allowed on savings bank deposits of 81.“) and up- wnds Prompt attention and every mum worded ell-tome” living at: "tattee. J KELLY. Agent. Wm.Johnston,Jr., G. Humane. Chairman. 5n "et'. rotwehiently situated The me pru- perty will be sold together or in par!“ lo suit purchase-r. For further [unlim- lars apply on the premises. or to MCCORMICK 8808.. Rocky Snug-won Three mares. (two m foal) and one Clyde filly, rising 2 yrs old, Also u few alt-res uflimlwrul swamp, princiuullv cedar, Immu‘uc 1nd pine. For further particulars npplv to HORSES AND TIMBER FOR SALE. Durham School KISS L. h. FOR' .3. B A., Classics. Moderntr and English. was “.088”; MCKERRACHER, First Has: mama-u bud third you uudertmsduate of Queen's plyversltl': - 7 - Head Office, Toronto. FEES: $1 per month in Minna Linoleum Staff and Equipment. to sell the yd It',vt,inft 50c per yd 3.50 to $6 per pr 314 2 Mc p 20 er & 30c per :2 FOR SALE. Axminster, APRIL 12, 1906 Science. History And Get Axons MoCmuncx. [Lucky Samoan: Tapestry in 2 and 4 yds wid.bo h Fe,lhllyl,',' II u 'ly'ly'l, l Ft -mw WAN JOL I “H I" D .JIUI and and ' and sud and and cud and and ll

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