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Durham Review (1897), 19 Apr 1906, p. 1

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lik per yd lk per yd President. oral lanacor. oearan ce School ines. tram-cull action made on ceived and in"! k per yd $6 per pr Jellstone P19: ttll Y, A gent. tt inn-n! C. Rama... m gnu Mn ENCY 12, 1906 If 8W ALI is up to 1pestry and I wid.bl arrtun MIX) mu: WI) ted " II " m d " lt 3; H. H. MOCKLER iii-? gym“ 'iiih1iihihiiiiiii"i"ihhiokfi,, E bro Special Features iiii a” JAS. IRELAND (ii)) 3-535:mmmmxmgammxmm333%; Nf EEEZHEEEEEEEREIEEEREE33333333 , Wi 10L. XXVII. NO. 16 We invite your inspection. Everyone enjoys looking at nice fresh goods. It is our pleasure to show them. Our Wash Department)? full to otre_rfl?Eir1Cyit1..! the nicest and best When we say that our Stock is TEN TIMES LARGER than ever before, we are not exaggerating, We are prepared to do n DRESS GOODS TRADE. ed Suits to order men in town, see We have stocked all the fashionable cloths and weaves in pro- fusion in all the leading shades for the season. "enriett Venetian." Ladies’Suitings & 2ress Goods OVER ONE HUNDRED new Suit Lengths. DIRECT IMI’ORTATIONS from the old country. Everyone who has seen them says they are beauties. The newest weaves and patterns from the English and Scotch looms. ( " -H RIBBONS, all kinds at Tapestry & Chenille TABLE COVERS CluilTrhNs, good colors and patterns, MONEY SAVED FOR YOU on every pair Boots and SHOES bought here. We cannot give you prices. Hun- dreds of odd pairs at odd prices. Splendid assortment of Ladies' Fine Shoes. MEN‘S HATS, CAPS, BRACES. TIES, COLLARS. SHIRTS. CLOTHING. etc. We're ready to clear them right out. I'NION BRUSSELS Carpet TAPESTRY " A RT SATEENS .. GINGHAMS and MUSLINS, all colors W001. LACE CURTAINS FRILLED BOBBINET‘ "__ n V _ -- 7 - -_- _-- Ll'amas. Serges and Worstedg NE“? TROUSERINGS in Tweed and Worsted effects. 'l‘wvuh. Chvviots, Yinunas. o"fhiii'IUY" A FEW ‘VEEKS LEFT " " .12h " , Ii1BInRoIoIiMtIEs, AND INSERTIONS urked in muslin and eambrie, reg. 20e to 25e per yd, for. " 12ie to 15e " . " Sc to 10e " . We have a special proposition to make you in regard to tailor- 1sits to order. If you want to be one among the well-dressed in town. see us before buying your Spring Suit, Chiffon Venetian Crupe-tlc-chcnes This Sale will Soon be over: make all you can out of it while it lasts. Before the end of our Sale and in these few weeks we want to sell every dollars' worth of goods We possibly can. Here are some house-furnishing snaps : HS Lust res ()Iu' Men's Suitings Po plis IS CAI? PETS, Spri "gr - Stock Mo hairs regular 81 i' ititititliit A rmures CYispine _.-------- 2.50 1.00 .75 .25 .15 15 12h 75 40 a " ....3he .....HALF' PRICE 25, an le price $1.00 Sicilians is ....15c for....10c .12h .10 .12 .10 .40 .75 .50 .38 .30 20 75 75 40 33 teta s7s.ssbA9mrllNiitr) 395 iiiiilliiiiiiii8lrl'ctll C. L. A. CosvEsTIos.-Good Friday 'marked the nineteenth meeting of this association in Toronto and it was a. record breaker. 126 eluhs being repres- ented. Miller, of orillia, Was elected President; after n, eluse contest while Goodall of Dundalk finds a place in the council. F. C. \Vnghornc's amendment ,to make the 20 year age limit in the ‘junior series was carried. also the led- ldence clause of the same. This will place Durham. Owen Bound, Hanover in fact all the teams around here M constituted last year in the intermedi- ate series, which, however, is at present run faster than the. junior, only has a 'higher-sounding name. Budding ( young players will now have an oppor- 3 tunitv to shine. as it was a. welrkriown _ fact that but. year they fused tried sen- iior men in the Junior series. Other {amendments affecting _the junior and iittttrtyediate, series failed to car‘so ithat there will practictlly he no clause In our national gum thu moo. . Miss McLioay, though so well known M41 almont at home here, appeared for the first time in a public way. Her up. pearing in no sense prejudiced her moial and general pupulnrity. Where Miss McLeav lacks in strength of phy- sxque she makes up in pleasing grace and delicacy of manner, both in her tecibalsand plastique presentations. al- ways sufticieut to captivate her audi- em-v. Miss McLeny was encotwd every time. and hey recponses were always appreciated as much as her fin-at num- hers. _-.- Mitchell Recorder. - This lady is assisting with other stars in the Town Hall Concert, Amil l9. OF INTEREST TO PsnreNrs.-Parents who are desirous ot sending their child- ren to schtml for the first Lime are earnestly requt‘nted to send them on the first day ot the reopening of school after the Easter holidays» viz April 23rd. Let all the little ones start on the same day and thus assist the teach- er in her work. It is very annoying to have pupils starting in two or three weekslsehind others. Please remem- lwrthen to shirt, them on Monday, April '2'3rd. ttlass, was 81 ' sellin Dresser & Stand, ser- 'ice oak .. was $19. selllir .... .. .. Sideboard, quarter Ct _ oak,. . .. Was 830, selling . . . .... .. Ash Sidehmu-ds. was l2.sellin Extension Tablos 10ft nng.... Iron Betisteads from 8 to $25. Post Otfice. Speaking of Miss JfcLeny's fUstap- penance before a large nudionw in T " rumo, the Mail saysg-Miss Flo Mc.. Leay greatly pleased her audience. She has a sweet and musical voice and like her distinguished brother. McLuay of the wtlrion Burett Compan . she pos- sesses dramatic talent ofa gigh under and her manner and nppnnrance before the footligbbs is very plettsinm--in the Town Hall, Durham, on April 19, at the Piano Recital. The young men are all dmiring Mocklers new fancy vests. I ve you seen them. \ We must redaee mr stock of furnit- ure. owing to build R operations; Bedroom Sets. wat 825, selling $17 Dressers: stand, itish bevel ttlass, was 81 ' selling $11 FOOTBALL LEAGUE FORMED. --The Annual meeting of the western On- tario Football Association was held Good Friday and for, we believe, the first time Durham will he represented in league football. Trs, are placed m the intermediate spries. and along with Ayton and Holstein compose district No. t. an for the baseball club and Durham wilt be strictly "in it" for sport this summer. lt is not often that a hotel is seized for taxes but that is, what happened in Owen Sound on Monday week. Last yen r’s taxes for, the Ross House being unpaid, the tax collector, Mr Geo. P. ()reightnn, seized the house, and put the bailiff In charge. Unless the taxes, amounting to 8400 are paid forthwith the hotel will be advertised for sale. SOCIAL EVEstNo.-Another. of these I,",'/'/h"i gatherings has been arranged w the Presbyterian Guild to he held in the basement of the Church on Monday evening the 30th inst.. A pleasant even- ing is assured to all in attendance. Ful- ler particulars next week. A GREAT RE may of old Durham Luvs and girls is unde- possible next 2nd of July by the on " rates then prevail- ingnnd the big emonstmtion m the Park. Lathere P a. rally to the old town on thac new. on to hearthe surhtl and see the music. The Odd [lows will hold anmnster celebration town on or about June ll. Premier ’hitney and other cabin- et, members wi he present. Particu- larsluter. The (from West Life Insuranee Com puny nvlls endowments and other pol- icies ata lcwor rate, than other com- panies. Ask for our rates before you insure, W. F. Qmm. Agent. The electric light plant run hytbe town of IViugharn shows a net irroflt for the vear 1905 of 81407 67, averv satisfactory condition of ntfairs. One 50 cent. tsoitte Mach rlane's Ton- ie Elixir will supply the quired en- ergy for the spring work. Massey-Harri Inchinery is the kind progressive turn rs use. JOHN Mc- QUEEX. Agent, - Arthur H, Jackson, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Durham. Mr. Will Glass has purclEaged the vacant lot on Bruce St” adjoining Mr. Calvert’s. A full stack of field and garden seeds. Mrs Beams. DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 19.1906 Knuss. salesman, next door to J2, selling $10;59 'tiii, $10 $11 810 $32 DEATH or Rom. A. GRasr.--The town WM mrprised and pained on Tues- day to learn of the passing away of the Mime Well-known lawyer in Toronto, practically in the prime of life. at the age M40 Feats. Deceased will he re- membered by mauv in town as a strong. robust man. his death hemp; caused by an (mention performed for leg trouble. after which complications set in, culminating in pmmnnnia and heart. failure. after only a. month's illness. His Wife who died only last Dermnher was a daughter of the late J. H. Hunter. and though re- siding in Toronto anumher of years, they paid many visits to the old home here. The deceased was well respected wherever known and had many friends throughout the Province. A familv of two little sons survive who will here- after never know parentsi care. The Review extends sympathy to the nor- rowlug relatives. DURHAM ON In nxtox Dat-Again the Sons of Srotla d are out for one of their big demons?! lions for Dominion Dav. which this ear Will he held on Monday. July 2. Tl e Amusement, Com- mittee have turea 'several attractions in view and are sokinur for‘moreto make it in all res cts the. best, public day Durham has " r had. Particulars will follow. In gr ng into this great undertaking they laim to he trhieity actuated by a desir o carry out heallhv national games an gratify the public taste for good musi and manly sports. It Is iureresrine, to note that the res- ent drmnntic season has marked) the greatest ,'ihakespearian tevival in many years. No less than five of the great stvs have produced in New York and the princtpal American and Canadian cities, most of the masterpieces of the greatest of English Dramatists. while in London, England, three famous actors have played these roles to packed houses in theatres within a stone's throw of each other. The Durham Dramatic Club will produce "The Merchant of Ve- nice" on May 3rd in the Town null with new scenery and beautiful costumes, us- ing the acting version of the famous Edwin Booth. Under auspices of Pub- lie Library. "be elocuthmary elforls of Miss Flo McLeay were highly appreciated. Her first selection. " An Old Sweetheart of Mine " With its encore. “The Tax on Bachelors " placed her on good terms with the audience. She has a clear voice and has it well under control. and her appearance on the stage is free and natural. Her sword studies and plas- tiques Weve graceful and altisfit.--- From St Mary’s Argus, Ontario, Can. ada. 1villaphear at, the Piano Recit- al Phursduy. April 19th. A SPLEme MAP.--A short time ago through the courtesy of Mr H. H. Mil. ler. M. P., we received a splendid map of the Dominion especially valuable for having the new provinces delimitated. At this time. when so many are going west. it adds greatly to the interest to he able to Hate them m'ographicallv. Our great bnmlnion. all in one scale is an inspiring sight. and we fancy no better emigration and could he devised than the spreading of such maps through Biitish schools. 2 papersxguien seeds for 3 ets at MacFarlnn -6 . In Pennsylvania the other day, 350 school teachers were subjected to a test in spelling. Only thirteen words were given them, all common words in gel . eral use. Only one teacher passed til/e test successfully. The words were: auxiliary. Teneesee. beefsteak. proceed. supersede. precede. pitrttiekink. sieve. seize. sledge. cylinder, succotash and dcssiented. Norrce.-I beg o announce to the people of Durham nd vicinity that I am prepared to do It kinds of painting. papering, am. in an p-to-dute manner. A full line of vV.Ill aper and mom moulding samples to home from, all newand ttp-to-date. T a notice cancels all Ieporrs of mygiving t p this business. CLIFTON ELVIDGE. ders can scarcely he overtaken. Mr and Mrs. wto. Ledimzlmm. Man., will have the sympathy of their In-Iny friends here over the loss of their little son in his third year. We have not learned the cause of death. A similar bereavement will tall heavy on Mr and Mrs Henry Wilkinson, south of Varney to whom we also extend sympathy. SAWMILL 8'r.ors.--The sawmill at the Furniture fat-low started on Mon- day to Whittle down the big pile of loan secured through the winter. Things urea lively in all departments, and or- ders can scarcely he overtaken, Notice is h by given that all closets backvm'ds, an similar places must be cleaned up rig' away and pm in a sanitary conditio in' accordance with the Health Act. U'OH MCKAY. ealth Inspector, Have vou seen to it that the Review Nllowe that, boy of yours who has gone West ? We pay all postage. It goes re-gulurly. it ketips him in touch With home. IS that not worth $1.00 a year ? Or60cts to Jan I, 1907. tie up-to-date ahd us Nasse.v-1tarris machinery, Have you Disc Harlow ? Call at the agent-y w st of the Mid- daugh House, and see th best of every- thing. Stylish Buggies JOHN Mc- QUEEN. Agent. All our C eta must he sold at once' as we do not intend to keep In stock: Brussels, rem ar price, 81.40 selling for $1 :Tnpestry. ogular' price 00c walling for 45c. and ha] nee stock at big reduc- tiom. En. KB 9. Salesman. Be. up-to-date n d "st Massev-1tarris Our Summer Hnsi A and underwear Is in a larger stuck th I ever. Use"Fnr alin " to prevent ' smut ' on your grain ut. up in 5 pound and pound bottle at Pavkerh Drug Store.’ Jello-tone, N bouseclean mg re lane’s. 'ifi'iisaArii" 1i)giittt), I} ‘ahastine and other Misha at Mac-Far- an I‘nruv‘ aunt-"i=5 _ TORONTO H . Mockler. His remOV cause for ft' him best, ttl his memory. He Was buried on Friday last Deanne his wife in Saugwn cemetolv, and", Roodly campuny of friends and neigh- ham paid the last. tribute of ream-ct, to " old John Hall " as he has been known for 40yeus. Q ( His son John for a. number of years had the chief care of the place, but. for. many years past his well-known grand- son. Adam, his been the standby. and he and his mother have done faithful work in the care of the deceased and ol the mother, who died 1oyetus ago. In July 1852 this family came to Can- uda. and settled in Uumfries township, nPar Gait. From here he went with another man by the name of Adam Weir to Goderich in search of land. Finding nothing so suit him, he unwed to Glenelg. buying the place be died on fromanmu named Kindred. and mov- ed there on the 9th of October, 1852. Deceased was married in the 30teof last century and 7 children were born to the couple, two sons and live daugh- ters. These are all alive .' Wus, in Maniloulin Id. t Helen. (Mrs Willituu- sou) in Artemesm; Anne, who has been fur all these years the mainstay of the home; Mary, (Mrs Alex Fergu- son) Fergus l John, of Stult Ste Marie t Bessie and Grace. (Mrs McDonald) of itochester, N. Y. On Wednesday of last, week. the grim reaper called on the above gentle- nmn at the home on tyouth Line, Glen- elg. where he has lived for the past. 53 years. His was a. long. longhfe, and he must, have been the oldest, man in this community. He was born on the 7th September 1812. and in telling this he would often tucetiously Add .. at ten meenuws past twa in the mornin'." He was a native ot Eekdnlmnoor par- Is‘h, Duturrieshive, Scotland, his people being shepherds. He was born on the place he herded until coming to this (nuntry. and one of his schoolmates Was the late Rev Wm Park. tivst min- ister of Durham PreshrterGn church. He had only one brother who was his: heard of in England. A Nonagenarian Passes Away. If u want an up-to-date but. buy tt at t 'klers. Their new ties are all city goods. __ - A SEND us YOUR NAME.-lhe REVIEW to January l, 1907, only tio cents. i After light refreshments had been 'tserved by willing brother Oddtellows. the greater number remained to enjoy the dancing proftPtui--ot' at least to hear the splendid mu.ic--which con- sisted of waltzes. two-steps. can. and was continued until the wee, small hours had grown. All departed well pleased with the evening's entertain- ment and without doubt these popular social gatherings are an impetus to the otreugth of the order. As explained by Mr Laidlaw, for many years it was a. struggle to keep the Society going, int it is now one of the most ourishing lodges in Canada, many new members having been added during the past year. 7 - time to assist, at, the close of the pro- gram. Their selections. both alone up- on the harp and in full orchestra. were greatly enjoyed " everyone. tome venuuing the opinion they were the best yet heard in town. Mr Ed. McClncklin enlivened the program " a well-rendered humorous recitation to which he was forced to ro- spond. The arrival of the four hampers engaged from London for the evening, was somewhat delayed owing tocmn- ing by late train, hut they appeared in time to assist, at the close " the urn- I Giving to limited space in their. own i hall. it was held in the Town Hall. and in. goodly number of the Oddl’ellows, their ladies. and invited friends, mar- ried and single. tilled the upstairs Culli- fortahly to listen to the excellent pro- gram rendered. The chair was ahly occupied by Mr p, w. Search. Noble Grand, who called on Mrs. Newton foe the opening instrumental selection. Throughout. the evening addresses suitable. to the occasion were delivered liv Grand Master Porter, of Listowel. Mrlrwiii and Mr Laidliiw. the. bitter the first iiienilier of this lodge, and who claimed the Society to lie. the oldest in existence. Music-ail selections. both vocal and instrumental. were. much up- predated. and formed a leading feature of the evening's entertainment. In the former line, Misses Pearl \Viuner and Jean Brown Were welcome contribut- ors. being called upon to respond to encows. while Mr H. H. Mockler was also encored in singing to harp accom- l paniment. The instrumental selections were also decudedly pleasing to the ear. they being given liv little Alma Holt; and duetts by Misses Amy Kelly and l Rim Irwin. l A “greater success than has been" was the ambition of the members of Grey Lodge Oddfellows in preparing for their annual " At Home " Tuesday evening, and they made it Bo. John Hall, aged 93yrs., 7 mos Removal at a ripe age " not u. for met. ttt those who knew eat. and at his best will cherish I. O. 0. F. " At Home. " See Our Bisplay Windows 0 O O The Busy Store on the Busy Comet. on the Busy Corner R. B. Keeier & Sons EASTER The ll "Inbred brick rosid surrounding pH. the prom-1 J. M. Hunter "Mate, cottvettie ated on Main 'rt, with rout. lots on AIM” . t will he mld or senarnu‘ly h wit purchase cellar. well and ll runwniun be sold M a re mnuhlu pri, easy let-ms. App ' on the m The Infidel-sign 1 will receive sealed tenders up to 5 I m. ml Tlpesdny. the Wh dav of May. In Kt. fot u competent. pen-0n to run a rotiii grader during the season of rondruakie in Glenda. Ap- plicnnls m tstate pay per day without reward The lowest pr anv tender not names-wily accepted tinlets ntlwrwnse tsatisfactory. I PROPERTY FOR SALE. MISS F110 McLEAY. Watford. and the following well known vocalists: Dr. Brown. Holstein Mr Wm Isaac. Dromore Miss Crawford, Durham Planof Hall at MucFu lane's Drug Store. Open Saturday morning. Ad- mlssion 25 and 35 cents. Clerk's um 1006. l A Mouse ALL BOUND. - but Wednesday. Mr. Jae. Carson disposed [of his household etrects by public auc- _ tion but, we are plvawd to learn he wnll Wenmin with us vet awhile. havme se- ‘rurvd 'st'cottttutrdtttiou with Mr and Mrs jsrmson. who lately pun'hnuvd his resi- idence. Mr Henry has rmnnvvd his re- It"; shop beside the Post Oftive while tMt Still-on has alceady mm down the [old sand to remodel it intrta bake-shop. This coming event, Mrs Newton's tty recital, iscasting its shadow be- ore. As announced i, ismbe held on the 19 inst. and will be marked hy the presence of the lamous elocutionist A meeting of the Board. all moment was held on Thin-Ndnv his! in town and they had the autistncnon of "eeing the whole eight wwriea in operation and tin output in pruurr'ss of ll.50 burwlu per day. The quality we itave nu doubt N still up to the mark. m with an in- crease in quantity. with lmwred ex- peme. and cement prices Utglter, the prospects never were he! ter. Thursday. May 3rd. in the Town Hatt Durham, under the auspice“ of the Durham Pauly. Lihmrv. The greatest. gay ever prnduvol in Dun-hum. "The erehant of Venice. " Can of 20. new acmwry. brilliant cmtumv-x. Plnn at Mnrpirune & (In. Admissiun 25and 85 cents. We regret to learn of the death but Saturday of nnn of Glenelg's promising mung men in the person of Mr Angu- ichecM-I. neon Glnmoudon. for partic- ulars of which tiee Darlmch cut-rmpund- e'tce. Dawns-ed was " lmuhvrnf Mrs. Wm. Firth and Dugnld McKechnw. of Wm. F town. dutinn for the d goods. TENDE as WANTED Can You do Better To new onhscrihen we will [in the REVIEW to Der. 31. I” 1 for Mk, the Weekiy Glnhe for l mc. um both together tor 90tsts. 1 Send theevrn dullm if ynu like: WP will trnre To" credit on the REVIEW for the 10 cts. Our friends will oblige by making this offer known. Address all orders to a tr 1 I The Review .. Have you seen the big stock d dainty Easter goods at Keck?! P CHAS RAMAGE, PIINTEI an Plums... __.-._. v------ Piano Recital. Cement News. I ll t'onvenionces. Will re srmaHo price and on pp ' on the pn-miws to Pd brick residence and l". the properly ofthe 'tate, '1tttvettietttly situ. it, wi:h {our huildin t will he sold in bloc: Cpl pun-chum's. druid (Elem BLM" Tp.Clotk. l Pomona, tty b. April Wh, Durham, Ont M. " UNTKR. H . JACKSON. "

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