West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Apr 1906, p. 4

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" in " " HI ll, The Down Town We have just entered upon our 4th year of business Three Years in Durham SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: The Perforated Drum. onlv in the Idea Rsymond, Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. Deming JWarvesters tt .6. Sreutt in--theibest?goods made. t'l rum 's Prints We have a splendid line Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37c yd. We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment ffom Me to 1.25 yd Our Stock of Men's and Boys' Suits are the fin- est lot we have ever shown. Made from fine English Worsteds, Scotch and Halifax Tweeds and haye that snap and style about them that gives a man or boy a well-dressed appearance. 'eto 2Vrgrss Suoda For the. last three weeks We have been busy making ready for our Millinery Openings and our efforts have not been in vain for never in the history of our Store have we seen our visitors wear such a happy smile at the many artistic Models in Fashion- able Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wears. If you visit our showrooms, you will find that we have the right styles at right prices. We have them in Fashicnable light greys, navys greens, browns and blacks, made up in the newest styles............... J'g do J'6' We can Rive only a mere list of our goods, hut In quality and ad" mlyilily to the needs of South Grvy we are not excelled:? Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Loney‘s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices Jhohn Glark. (zoning ftmrhey Also \Vilhelm's Writuters, aTi%alTd by WEE)" of Ayr The best In their line as we handle only thelbest. Shoe Store &veit Jpr/ny &tirts '. 37. War/oak (hsriug (hothing We take this opportunity of thanking all who have in any way given us a share of their patronage. We are still doing business in the old stand and will do our best to please all who favor us with a call. Cash and One Pram. Custom work and repairing as usual. Eggs taken same as cash In exchange for goods. .17 nd (harm Machinery. Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it 1 trial. COPYRAGY. STINSON, The Baker. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia a" *regr:\ '. _ BW7rcrr, , bt d MCILRAITH A few doors South of the Juiddaugh House, Miss M cKerrturher, Con. class teacher. " spending holidays With her sister in Kingston. Her col eague, Miss For-far is with a friend in Davisville, Miss Me- Murtry is at her home in Dunnyille. Among the teachers home for the bond?! we noticed Misses Mar Gor- don. emu: . Nellie and Llowyn firo'rl'li," Ayton: Rosalie Blocker. Yeovil; An. nie Pettskw imam-toga; Allie Block. bum. yton; Sumo Me01oekilii, Grad Volley Mrs Hopkins. and siste Mi . Carson, af.ter a stay of 'igefl'utht here, occasioned bv their mother's hurt illness. left for the former's home in Lauder, Man., on Friday last. Dr Park, Hamilton, visited hi - " and his sister here over the 113153;: Miss Irwin, teacher of N012, E . . Rre- mont, Is apendm her h . Toronto friends. g olldaya with Miss Rosalie Brooker was a guest. cf Toronto friends over Easter. Rev Mr Coiling was in Mt Forest and Toronto over Easter. Rev Mr Le1lingham, Waldemar. was the guest of friends and relatives in town over Easter. Mr Will McGowan, traveller. holi- dayed at home over the week end. Misses May McClocklin and Margaret Caldwell of London Normal, are holi- daying at home. Messrs John McKinnon and Oscar Hahn me home from Stratiord and Berlin Business Colleges. Mr Robt. D. Legate has returned home from the Sanitarium a patently much improved in health. “f; trusthe is now in " fair way to regain his for. mer good health.-C'esion Cor, Advance. Mr Hall. formerly of TIaverston,' now of Toronto, is visiting Traverstoh and Ebordale friends this week. Mr Allie McIntyre has returned home for the Vacation. Messrs Esdun Wolfe and Fred Kelly, bank clerks in Mt Albert and Toronto. spent over Easter Sunday and Monday at their homes here. Master Archie Davidson 1s: home from Owen Bound Collegiate tor the holidays. Mr Patterson, of Brantford, was a guest at his ancle's, Mr Adam Weir, Glenelg. Miss Beith, of Owen Sound. is a guest of her sister, Mrs A. Davidson. Messrs Herb Campbell and George Heard and Misses Knox. Aldcorn and Wilson are spending the Easter vacation at their home in Swinton Park. Me Scaife. of Grand Vulleg'. was a visitor over last week end at t e home ot his sister, Mrs Thos, Allan. Mr Jno. Campbell, of Dundas, spent from Thursday to Monday with his friend, Mr J. B. DrysdalP, and bright- ened up the latter’s countenancv. Miss S. vollett visited her friends. the Fitzgeralds' in London the beginning of the week. before their depanure for the West. Mr. and Mrs. T. Swallow and child- ren spent Easter Monday at her parents near Louise. Mr D. Gilchrist. and Mrs Wm. Camp- bell, of Port Elgin, uncleand mother of Inspector Umnpbell, are spending ova-Easter with him. Mr Albert Kelly, of Toronto, was the guest of uis, brother in town over East- er Sunday. Mr A. w. Watson spent over' Easter Sunday on a visdt to his brother, in Shelburne. Mr Jno. Tutmhull. of Galt. was a guest at E. T. MeU1ocklin's over Easter. Rev Thos. Lvgute and little son, of Burford, visited his brother John in town last week end, prior' to leaving for a new charge in South Dakota. Mrs L. Elvidge leh, Saturday to spend a few weeks with her son Walter, at Belwood. . Mrs. Rev Herbert and little son of Port Dover. visited her brothers and sistershere, the Hughes family over Easter. Mr. Brad Jamieson, Toronto. on: home Thursday for Easter holidays. Mr David Smith spent over Good Friday in Toronto. Mr. Finlay Graham, Midland, was the guest. ox 91' Easter of his sister', Mrs. W. Calder. Mr. Chas. Farwharson was in Top onto Thursday for eye lrvatment, while Master Jamie visited Georgetown rela. tiyes. Mr, Peene, representing Buntin Gil- lies Cc , Hamilton. was In town Wed- nesday last. Misses Allie Grant and Amy Meredith are visiting Toronto relatives during holiday week. Miss Ethel Limin. Toronto, is spend- ing the holidays at home. MvAllan McFarlane is sgnding the holidaVs with relatives in etroiL and Flint. Mich. Mrs. A. Robertson and son Allan are spending the Easter vacation with her daughters in Hamilton. Miss Fraser spent Easter holidays in Mt Forest. Messrs W F Dunn and Alex Graham. were delegates to the U. L. A. conven- tion on Good Friday. Mr. A. A. Cation went to Toronto last week end on business. Mr Jas Ireland spent over Good Fri- ftr, on u. visit to his mother in Brant- or . Master Flint Hind was in Holstein on Good Friday. Mrs. Jets Lenahan and Masger Karl Spent Easter holidays visiting In Strat.. ford, Paris, and Hamilton. Dr McLaurin and P. G. A. Webster spent the holidays in 2oronto. Mr W. L. Dixon left on Wednesday lust for a point in Saskatchewan. Mi?t.rt2rtuys Barclay spent. the Easter vacation with her sisters in Toronto. THE DURHAM REVIEW aa sister Miss Sadie stay of some months " their mother's last tulle. ,rorryeO home in & ‘ne TORONTO Chocolates, molasses kis- ©ttndy sea. lemon, cinnamon, Wintergreen & peppermint sticks, horehound candy, peppermint) sorted corals, cocoatines and but. ter scotch st2ekere---momrterd, con- taining four more sucks than any other sucker. . I All lines of Groceries An enjoyable evening was spent in games. music and selections from the gramophone. The bride received .a number of valuable and useful presents. which attested to the esteem in which she was held by her numerous friends. Fig tarts. Fancy Cakes Gum, wafers, molasses and lemon sun 5, pity mixed, fruit biscuits, jerly (1nirers and delicious crisp soda blscuits in pkgs from 5cto Eie. Read These Lists: After congratulations. the guests. numbering about forty, repaired to the dining room and sat down to a sump- tuous repast. The home of Mr Jacob Nuhn, Lam- lash, was the scene of a. pleasing event on the evening of March 2lst. when his eldest daughter Mary. was united in man-in e to Mr William Emke, of Elm. wood, w, U. E. Pineo officiating. The bride was dressed in fawn lustre. term. med in white allover lace. Miss Maggie Nuhn, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and was becomingly attired in cream cashmere. The groom was supported by his brother Mr Louis Emke. Mr Jas. Watscn, Normanhy. went to 0. Sound on Mondav to join Mrs Brat, son who is there as executor of the will of her deceased aunt, Mrs Stephens. who died on \Vednesday last. Mrs Stephens was a Miss \anker. formerly a. resident of Durham, and a sister to Mrs Mighton of this town. Miss Fuby Calvert and Mina Minnie Orchard. of F,'olsttymspent Good Fri- day with thelattev's aunt, Mrs Arthur McClocklin. Mr R, J. Johnston. of Canninqton, visiied Mr and Mrs S. Scott. over Sun- dam Miss Cousins, of Trowledge, is visi- ting her sister, Mrs. H. McCrae. Mrs McCreeehio, of Wrnxeter, was a, quest at Mr Jas Ireland's last week. Mayor Hunter took a trip to his mill 1n Haliburton over Easter.' Messrs Jun. Aldrvd and son Roy left Tuesday for Weyhm n, Susk. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson. Ntueagawera, are quests at Mr. and Mrs. Jnn. Hunt, this week. Mr. T. _Swallow, Jr., left, for Ingersoll, \Vednesdzty on " visit to his sister, who has suffered a relapse. Mr Sharpie: of Atlantic city, New Jersey, formerly employed at the Cream Separator Works, visited old friends in town last week and. Miss. Mable Hunt, toucher her grandparents in town. Mrs. A. C. McDonald. we hear is quite ill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Christie were guests at Mr. Fred Beareh's over Easter while on their honeymoon trip. and left Tuesday for their home in Calgary, Mr John Ehrhardt Detroit. Mr Allen McKinnon left on Tuesday for Port Arthur where he has secured " good position with his brother Malcolm of that town. The editor-in-chiel' is in Toronto thu, Week as a. delegate to the Trustees Sec- tion of the o, E. A. Mrs Jno Cameron is in Toronto this week on a visit to her sister. Inspector (hmpbell, Prin. Allan, and Misses A McKenzie and A Gun Went to Toronto Tuesday to attend the Annual Meeting of the o, E. A. Mr Arthur Webber left tor the West on Tuesday and enters in the employ of the Union Bank at Moosomin. Mrs. Michael Burke spent Enter with her mother iuParis. Clerk Vollett spent Good Friday in London. Mr H. H, McNague, representing the W. J. Gage Co, lorontu. was in town Tuesday. Mr. J. A. McKinnmz. Teacher. of Lamhton Mills spent a few days with hi. brothers. Allen and Angus of town. Mr Auld, of Wingham. visited his cousin, Mrs Rnbt Howard over Easter. Mr Ernest BUICK?" loft Tuesday to ml a situation in Detroit, Mr John Mrkechnie spent Easter Sulrllduv in Hanover whit Mr D. Camp- be . T Mr Jas. Mt-CIm-klin, of Fleshertnn spent Sunday in town among relutivee Mr. W. L. Philips. returned Thurs.. day last to Guelph after visiting his mother-in-law. Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Phillips remain: here at present. Miss Spence. Boothville. and Miss Laing. Top Ulitf, left here Friday for their homes in Arthur and St Mary's Mrs. Noble and son Alfred spent. the Easter holidays in Toronto. Mr Duncan Mackenzie. who has been attending the C. B C. in Toronto. has been awarded the Diploma by the Busi- ness Education Association, and is now employed bv the Imperial Coal Com- pany a9 head book-Lieper. FRESH, and prices right. If you cannot do the shopping yourself. send {our children-, and you may be in ly assured that nothing in- ferior is ever palmed on on a. child in this store. 'e MCARTHUR EsrxR--Nvrrs. Hymeneal. left Tuesday for is visiting regret to Housecleaning made Easy We keep in stock everything to make housecleaning easy such as step- ladders, ceiling cleaners, brooms, self. wringing mops, washing machines, clothes wringers, tubs, tub racks, pails and Gillett's Lye. l Your Wire Fencing There is no fence to equal the Am- erican Steel Wire Woven Fence. Once up properly, there is no need for re- pairs. It lasts for years-just what you are looking for. It's horse-high, pig-tight and ttttil-strong. No stock ; can get over, under or through it. The l most unruly animal can't butt it down, and there are no barbs to tear and in. jute the stock. We also keep in stock all other kinda of wire for Fencing in large quantities and prices are right. Wehavetotueetue tbrhomessaee shoulders and I preventative toe some. It is cheaper to wear out wooden- ware, etc., than women's lives. students admitted " any time. Full particular, " my time free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Spring term begins April 2nd. will double your earning power. It only N‘uires a few months at this Institution to comp eves thorough pmetieal Business Course or a Short- hand and Typewritlng Course and fit you fora re.r.,tyTysrttive. pgmipn. A Practical Education at the p'2'yt-N0RTteRtu') /1,17 Tudhope Carriages. BARCLAY & BELL, Durham You can't be half as particular about materials and workmanship and service-as the Tudhopes are. When a Tudhope Carriage leaves the factory, it is absolutely faultless in every way. Tudhope Carriages are guaran- teed by us-and by the house of Tudhope which has been making them in Canada for 55 years. H3235? For 771171., PoorBloodl, May we show you some of the not "on this ttrand old medlclno runner! do its but work " Um Iiver is nun-mu and the bowels con-tinned. For the but pol-ml! re IIHII. ynn Ihnuld lake l-xnlve done. of Ayer'u hm while taking the Sanaparllln. You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer’s Sar- saparilla; the original Sarsa- parilia; the Sarsapariila the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. Now this store hasalways mrrierl the name of having the best goods and a man of gnod high-class c-xperwnce. And what's more we sell the Watches and Jewelry of any account throughout this par't of country und the only rea- son why we do is because we give satisfaction. Percy o. A. Webster THF, JEWELLER. There is a great difference between what some people call fixing a watch and real- ly repairing one. HARDWARE I A Fact Worth Knowing W. BLACK. w. have no "ttretat We pubis-h the formula. oran our madman". G raduato (3a nadian Horological Inst it ute Owen souild In. 3.0.5 co..!.omxl In“. an fMtl'ulla,'d o! . DIAMOND HALL mun more, . mus was. CHERRY PECT0CM., Pi, W. H. BEAN Double glass egg cups Chin. egg cups” . .30t C Amerifaigggs-cut glass preservq d15h9s--somo TABLE OIIJCLOTH. 45 in with FLOOR .. l, l}._.wd2 1"Itr_r'rots and Gingham; no}; 2 yds long, 27" wide 25c " 2% 't 27" widewc pr 2 I " 30" wide 50e pr 3 ht 37" wide tth. pr Table Linen M in wide IGc; m in Heavy (willed Cotton sheeting, Cg in 't Large' 11x 4 size Flanttvllcttc Blankcl 27255 4 3 _ . "---w" Shupwest of the Middaugh House Our Goods nre first-class, prices mo' acute. Call anyway. FIELD AND GARDEN. Glover and Timothy and all var- ieties of (in-den seed. in a- bundunce for Spring growing Daisy Chums * Washers SEED DRILLS , Hay-loaders. side delivery and teddera: Proven and Beanie Hay Tracks. ' Gray a; Sons, Chub Buggles ham. Barrieturrruv, Co. Canada 1Hrriaips Co., Brockvilie. VERITY PLOVVS t “Walking. Rid- ing and Gang Ploughs. DISC HARRO W8 and Han-unw of all kinds. All the machinery of theyirove well known tirm in stock or can be tu'- cured at short notice. SEEDS Ozuvie's “Royal Household" Keewntin 66 Five Roses"--" very heat Keewatin make, A carload just received. FLOUR MASSEY= HARRIS ! MATTHEWS a LATIMER grey at John McQueen HiShest grades only. APRIL 19, 1908 LACE CURTAINS Call and see us. 90cm. _ Mai-ids" i. -bs , Lr-o K.. -sso long, Guide yds wide HE SELLS " CHEAP ft pr pr (m3, 'Ati t th', A iiiticc, a Smok APRIL 19 The ll! rw.-'- 3‘52“" N ipe It”)

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