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Durham Review (1897), 19 Apr 1906, p. 5

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heed er ? his " 1906 SELLS stters mish HS ! AY il - - " Co. il EA P aa-a-smash-issued' sE-y.terciBsjEaaggsiiggy;','i'i DARLINGS, Clllltrhaiatrarocit,tmaarre, APRIL 19, 1906 The @urham Furniture 60., Ltd. 1iyltilr'aarmmsr Going Callrallt0h. Smokers' Sundries in great' variety ipes! Pipes l,, Pipes.' DARLING’S DRUG STORE Prices as low as the lowest sold in any line we carry. Another lot of our celebrated snaps just ar- rived-better value than ever. Call and see them. All prices S: to $10 To reduce our stock we are close prices. WOOD, LO Call at our Warerooms . WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAkEN IN EXCHANGE". The People's Druggists are offering lines of all grades and makes at very never under. one door South of the Post Office. or.nhaaAac-m, Russell. Manitoba, Russell Heath Ledingham. third son of Wm. and Margaret Ledingham, aged 2 years. 6 months and 19 days. wyIaaNBoN-In Normanby, on 16th inst, Llovd Noon. oniy child of Mr and Mrs Henry Wilkinson. aged 11 months. dfArrraows--Ar.exANDreR--At, the resi- dence of the bride's sister. Mrs J. Bald. win Rogers. 216 Gerrard tit, Toronto. on April 11th, 1906, by Rev Canon Baldwin of All Saints Church, Isabel J. Alexander of Durham to George Donald Alexander Mathews of the z. N. w. Telegraph Co. of Toro'nto, for. merly of Quebec. l The Reeve as instructed had inter- v1ewed Tp Solicitor in Holstein Police _ Village and reported as follows: ‘ I. That an additinnnl survey be made [designating and numbering the village Hots now called parts of turn: low and f also mtsriuitr boundaries of said village. Robb-Philp---That we now adjourn to May 19th. as a Court of Revnsion on Drains No‘s l & 2at 1.80 pm and the by law for said drains shall be published by service by the clerk as provided by action 22 of the Municipal Draining. Act and council shall meet at 10 o'eloek a m for general business. Carried. D ALLAN, Clerk. Feri,ruroa-L'utrb-That by law ---to i issue debentures for ttrain No 2 be now 'read a. Ist and 2nd time. Curried f Ii'ergusuv--MeArtrmr--Tbat the fol. I. lowmg ucc'ts be paid and charged to drain i, No 3 ; Engineer's ucc't tor survey 0126: J A Lambert. printing by law 310: Clerk Serum: notices on parties interested " : 5 do postage 76 as. McArthur-Robb-That the Raeve's report be adopted and he be paid 83 for his services and the Tp Sohoitor's aee't for above of " be paid, Carned. 3, That the Police Trustees make ap. plication to the council to submit a by- law for the purpose, be introduced and given two readings with an order for pub. lieation, fLxin,rg date and place of polling. said polling to be conducted by the coun- cil. u vote is favorable the debenture may be disposed of on the bv-lnw. or after the County Council has passed the amended by law as necessity requires, 2. That an amended by-law to more clearly designate the boundaries of and police village be passed by utho Couutv council. Report on Drain No 2 Watt read ere, " above and no numea withdrawn. Rotdr--h'ersyuuu-Thnt report on drain No 2 be adopted and a bv-law be introd- uced togiveit eifeet. Carried 1tobh--1itArchur--Tir,t Engineers re- port on Drain 1 be udup‘ed and u. by-law be introduced to give it effect. Carried. Jtobb---Plns'ps - That Ily-law ---- to iome debentures for drain No 1 be now read a first and wound tune. Carried. 1lobb--Pltilp---Tuu Cum of Ravhmn now clone. Carnml. ' Phtlp-Fvr.rws.ou---rrhat this council is satitstied that the requirements of the. act respecting notices tun um"! purliI-s to consider 11151310099» lhrott re: Druinnl and 2 have bum fully cmupliml witlt.--- nod 2 have beet: fully cmnpliml witlt.--- Curried. new". on Dunn No. l Four') and Proton was tend anduu opportunity gin-n for any party to withdraw hiq tntme--tsll were tsatie,tieil, Council met April 14, us a Court of Re. Vusron on Drain No 3 and m consider Par port on Dmim No l undz. The Mem- uers nubacnucd to reqniled declaration» and C'ourt Was' opened, Clerk "otified mm. no “meals had been filed. Jam. Bel. ton paid 6150.50 ', Geo Han“ $25.06: W. Wood.. 85. being full amount. tll than an- Sahsmenh cu ssid drum. Mehtthur--rer,rr,msou---Tlrtt Drainage By-Law No 3 he uuw r, ad 3rd time, sigu- ed. sealed etc. Carried. Egremont Council MARRIED DIED ‘9}: : l. B. loLELLAN, Agent Warerooms across the bridge north of the Post Office. Orders left at REVIEW Office will receive our best attention. Prices and terms to suit purchasers Daisy Chums, Wringers. Washers. Hayloaders, Tracks. Rakes, Mowers, Binders Maple Lent and SINGER SEWING MACHINES The Improved Nudonll Cream Bernrators, 4 styles The New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissau Steel Land Rollers Disc Barrows of Blora Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and see our Leader Seed- er, Ploughs, Barrows, Cultivators and ALL SPRING GOODS Department of Public Worksfud “a. l. Ottawa, April 3, 1900. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it. Peter Hamilton AGENCY The Departmentis not Bound to ac- cept the lowest or any of the tenders. By order. FRED GELINAS. Combined specifications and forms of tender can he obtained at the Depart- ment of Public. Works, Ottawa. Ten.. ders must include the towing of the plant to and from the works. Only dredges can be emploved which are reg- istered in Canada at the time of filling of tenders Contractors must be ready to begin work within thirty days after the date they have been notified of the acceptance of their tender. I ed and endorsed .. Tenders for Dredging " will be received up to and including Wednesday. April 18th. 1906, for the dredging required at the follow- ing places in the Province of Ontario during the present year, Pentauiguish- ene. Meatord, Fesserton. Goderich, Point Edward, Port Stanley, Port Bur- well. Bandeau. River Thrines(mouth), Owen Sound. Nigger Island Channel, "nd Trenton. I Amongst the tar reaching measures i is the new mining law intrcdueed by ' the Hon Frank Coclirane which bids I' lair to be of great value by its provis- lion for safe guarding actual miners land making actual discowrv neces- l, sary to obtain title. Prospecting per- '; mite will be issued hat with conditions _l attached that will prevent speculation. l, Mining partnerships are, regulated, I sanitary rt-gufatiuns provided for. and I minersaud laborers can entorce cul- llcctinn oi wages inlthe same way as I mechanics under the Lien Act. From the standpoint ot the temper- ance standpoint of the country, the new Liquor Bill is not a success, and the liquor men are not pleased either. Temperance men see that prohibition is not, thought of. bat that License, strictly enforced. is the ideal aimed at and it should not be forgotten that Mr. Whitney was under no promises or pledges to go further. Temperance people without doubt helped to give him his great majority. not so much to help him as to punish Ross, and they will have to make the best of it now, Some change is greatly needed to give better recognition to continuation class work, such as is done in Durham. This isa class of work in almost all respects the same as that done in High Schools, but the financial aid given is vastlv disproportionate. It is to be hoped the government in their zeal will give due attention to this matter. In this conneetion the government are getting credit for their determina- tion to unrk the Gillies iimit, a rich territory of a Iandredpqaare miles, tor the benefit ofthe provxnce at large, The new bill relating to education makes some radical changes most of which are undoubtedly for the public good. The new Normal Schools are expected to be ready in the tall at 1907, when it is supposed, the Model Schools will be dropped. Provision is made for betterment of the salaries of teachers by introducing the rinciple ofa minimum salary, fdf2, in the meantime. at $50) for single-teacher rural schools. This is a radical change and Irom the teacher's standpoint, whuliv deserved, but weak sections will have to be considered and this Will be done by some system of gov- ernment aid. f The government are entitled to credit. for the activity they are dir playing in introducing far reaching measures tor the public get d. It is a notable evidence oi the value of a sub stantial majority During the last years of the Liberal administration the narrow majority forced the party in power to be continually on the look out for their life. and they had littie heart to inaugurate big schemesior the public good. We solicit the barium of M_a_ttuftcttsrers, Engineerolud others who ruling the ndvinbil- ity of having their Patent bum-Ann transacted by Experts. Prelununry advice free. Ch. rye: moderate. o- m. AM." sent upon re- tteq& ?"rdottAtmrGii, lord” New York Life WN2'i2'ld' ad -ibueek D.C.. HAL ENDERS add ressed to the undersign- Tenders for Dredgmg. will“. “UVWAIW REVIV‘!’ my 5.1 J J1rilCriEjtttat.%ttt'rt Ls .,,er,,,", """CrNTJuqto -Araeiitvt!ar 1"u. C, In the Legislature. 'sr??,?)?','; *u '., _ "tyi' Secretary; Barclay & Bell TORONTO Gram; Mogul will: _ akiirGrMuiririi Opposite Middaugn House Stables nerves. Mama-did» atituteRtrttittem qSoid ae.ARy 9% “a and 50: or paekedirtptsisoneusiead. GPndMoeulaopeutothe (l()llfi(lll()llM 5333513??? A. w. Watson Buns a: ' Biscuits in great variety All kinos of Cakes made to orde WEDDING CAKES our specialty PEEL, The Shoeman First=Class Manitoba Flour For Sale " come, to you free fromadulteration-thenio. est possible blend oftb firtestteasot'Ceyko--antt "tsrdsyoudoutgetusv Watson's Bread-The B mt is worthy of your inspection against inferiority and housekeeper's pro airtight packages are the id m: “whittled“ (IQ-and Mogul is net exposed toaoredustor is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutter-the best, the Tud- hope, at no more expense-- and will have had its use fo athe. rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours, or, at least, take a look over them. quickly and neatly done. MEASURES and REPAIRING PEELS new, up-to-date A Swell iudhope Cutter Ogilvw’s Royal Hnuwhnld and Famous Five ltoses Flour...... each, per Inn-Hal. . 35.25 Also other high-grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel 34.75 to 5.00 SPRING FOOTWEAR (Land Mogul Pure Tea High [Me Taming for Busine- Life. Con open and» . Our was In than: 88llflllla%,r. Banana-e 'ahn1ttIr" A large number of other W10! "letn oti, huntown sud 1','Tl'l'g%d?art,tigt 2ut some: plum ' u...- - an“. Ci. R “mention-hie. -1 " Ann“ PM", Niv- Klaus-n." ' 0w - 've'r'y'chen' F. Ajax: number of other u 150 Ann. Ibove Durham, well Improvedjm , the" Durham, we" bull well 250 ttttt well wanted, good mm. to: rdiat. Norman ' well in ved Audio tttt5 1ttted: than an. no Risking-d 5.1.1139 Alina Park. 150m Do you want to know where to buy Durban. Nov. 16. m, JOHN CLARK o 0138.7 Licensed. Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Co. of Grey. Bola mayo; mood to. ute- moon-hie In no he left n " Implement Wane. ml. ,'ltllL'folfl old and. an the [inn Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Cort Notary Public. CotnmifsidrrG, a. Late “man: to MoorNMT (London. ”8) and to Knupp's (New York J By. Human. omee, " Front St. --' - - - Ova: sou Will beat the Kudzu?! Home. Durham, the am Wednesday 0 cub month to. IO I. In. an 4 p. m. University, graduate of Roy of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Over J & J HUNTERS New HONOR GRADUATE Toronto l ante Royal College Menu! t Dentistry' in all ita bunches. ottitee-caider's, Block. oven Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance". Ac. Money to Loan. (Pee. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MncKIy K.C.; w. . n..-- ,__--.vuccu lUl' uu. urey Terms moderate. Antigen can for uln- u to attes, &c., must be made at the Ravi"! Ot- tlee, Darhnni. Bar C3?mupoiuiGa “at“ there, or to mien P.0., will be prompdyl "tended to, Team on Amalie-ml to ()er and Fttiftee,cor. P,tpteaa, ml Goo-o Par-mun & Stu-ox. Office our J. cu. Hun-(09's 6hr. -.----- I “010;... J. G. HUTTON. M. D, C I Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A Ren- eral financial business transacted. Insurance Agent I __ _ n n. - orrum not)" F-tt a. m. 2--4 p. Ill. 'l-q p. I Tannin-n Connection No. " TORONTO. om'. Auctioneers. {LMcPHA IL) ARTHUR H. JACKSON - Specm “tendon given to blun- 0 Women and Children. orto A SPLEN DID SCHOOL l mce, THE HANOVER common ARTHUR GUN. M. D., ‘. C. PICKERING D. D S., L. o. S ItoNort GRADUATE of Toront Bye, Ear, Nose & Throat Licensed lent»: Coll... Phy-iclm and Supt-a Dunno. DURHAM, ONT, Notary Public, Cotnn tif.LN_CEYAttcErt on. u was of Hill. Old Mood. (w. MEDICAL . F. GRANT D LEG-AL. MACKAY & DUNN, HOK‘RS . B. Miller, w. J. morn. my i Got. You...“ “and. on. EN TAIL. over Gordon's Ceylon bu u telephone one: ‘. lcPuuLI ciy'nLrTP. o C. RAIAGE, Durham . P. TELFORD DR. BURT Money to Auctioneer for Go, '. ( Lower 'otnmitssioner faontt. J ewelry Mort Itorat College New Store l'niver b'umeo 'own) Owen Sound . F Dunn 'ost WBee V Urey Rom“. 'oron to Gont

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