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Durham Review (1897), 19 Apr 1906, p. 8

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H if IE] 'tr The 2nd and 3rd dinsinm of lot num- her 16. Concession I. East Garafrnxa Rond.Glene|g, 100 acres. Apply to Axons Mchsxox or to J. P. Tau-oar). Durham â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"' , THE PE CPL E? 'S STORE l Dated April 4th, 1906. The First Suggestion pi_fiptiilg Comes with the New Dress Goods This is the verdict of all who have seen our display of New Dress Fabrics. We certainly have the mugs: and most popu- lar coloring, to be n. Visit this department before buying elsewhere. We have just stepped into spring. You positively cannot put off that spring suit any longer. Don't list the p_rictw?.rry. yog: w; cnnwshow you Dress hoods ttuit-will satisfy your taste at a very low figure. And Remarkably Goods Prices too. This Department sells everything that man would wish for-comfort, appear- ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and see what our offer looks like Were ready to satisfy you every way. Our New Spring Stock has arrived and is meeting with favor among all smart dressers. It includes Parker's Drug Store GOOD WEAR IN MEN’S WEAR It‘s really wonderful how it reju- venatPs the system that feels mun down' and 'out of sorts , after the activity of the winter months. Time to tone- up the uystom and get ready for the hurry And bustle of spring. Nothing better for the purpose than a home or two of DRESS GOODS ROBERT BURNETT j “THEY ARE JUST SWELL" TONIC and BLOOD PURIFIER EA STON’S NERVE BUILDER FARM TO RENT Spring Medicines Put up only at HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY AND ALL KINDS OF MFFTY CLOTHING. or our Mr James Money, Owen Sound, spent stew dayslasc week with his sister, Mrs Wm. Byitton. Miss Susie Kennedy has been on the sick list lately. A goodly number attended the prayer meeting at Mr D Brown,s Sunday evening, Mr McComb,1ead- ing the service. It will be held next Sandav night at Mr C. Kennedy's, when Staff-Capt, McGillivray is ex- pected to be home from Halifax to take charge of the meeting. “hit-é. D. McFarlane ity spending the Easter holidays with her daughters in Toronto. Chas R. Watson has moved into Wm Ryan 'ig house. Something going to happen soon. Word wave received here by Mr C. MacArthur of the marriage of his Miss Stidwell, our teacher. is eating Easter eggs with friends at Dutton this week. We are pleased to hear Mrs McCor- mick is improving. Mr John Hall died on the 11th inst. at the ripe old age of almosz. 95 years. We extend our sympathy to the rela- Farmers commenced plowing last week but there is frost in places yet. -- Tiers is one young man in this part who does not want to go west. He would rather go south. r ‘c: ‘7' W T p Fr?? - ‘2: N r V a, li, iii') Rob Roy. daughter, Mrs Marie Anderson, o' Human Jih11s to Mr Will Wilkins. Conkratnlations. Mr. Editor: It is now some time since any news tram our stirring vil- lage has agpeared in the columns of your value. le paper. We thought No 3 might launch forth and "write up" the burg bat, as they are appar- ently out of business we will endeavo to chronicle a few of the events that have transpired duriugtbe past. fort- night. Miss R. M Dorsey, the popular teacher of the Separate School is holi- daying this week at her home in Bea. forth. she was accompanied by Miss Lila McKnight who is visiting her aunt, in Sebringville. A Winsome lady 15 Miss Maggie Shewell of the Queen City who is spending the Bauer vacation at the old homestead in Bentinek. There waszt happy re-umon at the home of Wm Vasev Saturday ot last week, Miss Eliza arriving; home from the Queen city and Miss Nellie from Owen Sound where she had been at. tending the Collegiate Institute. After spending a fortnight with her parents in the village, Miss Alice Smith let; on Monday morning for an extended visit with her sister Mrs Jas. Grant of the Prairie Province. Her winning manner and jolly disposition is much missed in the burg. We were much grieved on Saturday last to hear that an old tsehoolrnnte, Mr Angus McKechnie of Glenelg hnd passed to the Great Beyond. Deceas- ed has battled with consumption dar.. ing the past four years, but the great white plague seems irrestible and at last has numbercdamong its thousands of victims, the beloved son above mentioned. The remains were inter- red in the Rocky cemetery on Monday Rev N. A. McDonald oftieiatine at the house and grave. We extend our sincere condolence to the bereaved ones $6 Who sigh for the touch ot a vanish- Miss Maggie McKenna and Mr John Johnston are holidaying at their re- spective homes after spending the win- ter months at the Northern Business College, Owen Sound. Miss Maggie Hughes is enjoying the Easter vacation at her home in Sulliv- an after spending the winter months in S. B. No. l, Svdenham. teaching the young idea how to shoot. Mer O'Mara. the. genial proprie- " of me Bull‘s Head, Dornoch's porr nlur tourist reason. has renovated the $r bar " treating it toa fresh coat. of paint and artistic paper thereby giv- ing it a very homellke appearaDCe. Billy 'g famous whiskev will taste all the, better under such lavorable con- ditions. Miss Maggie McKenzie of Ye Editnr'a town, spent a few pleasant days with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Smith. hand: And the sound of a voice that is still." Miss Amy Edge is home from Owen Sound tor the holidays. Mrs John McKinnon has moved in- to town. Messrs Geo. Leggette and Elias Edge purchased new horses lately. Miss Marion Scarf spent a few days with Toronto friends last week. Mr Will Newell visited at Mr Sandy Hobkirk's, Crawford, on Easter San- day. The funeral of Mr James Campbell took place on Thursday last to the Rocky cemetery. Rev Wm Fat-qu- harson offieinted in the absence of Rev N. A. McDonald. Mrs A'lan Meninnon is spending a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr and Mrs Geo. Newell, before herde- parmre tor Port Arthur. Mr James Watson and his brothers in-law, Mr Harris, both of Toronto, are visiting the turmer's parents, Mr and Mrs Robt. Watson. Mr Frank Collinson spent Easter at his anele's, Mr A-ehie Mekeehnie. MODEL SCHOOL STATISTICS.“ 1200 students attended Model Schools in On- tatio m 1905 and 1186 of them were giv- en vertitnates to teach. Of thy 23 fail- ures to obtain cettifieater, c, attended Brampton, 2 in Chatham, 1 In Cornwall 1 in Ingermll, l in Kincardine. 2 in Newmarket. 3 in Norwood, 5 in Owen Sound, 1 in Orangeville. 1 In Prescott and 1 in Simcoe. That new Easter Hat ! You’re still without it. Call in and welll suit you yet with one of our popular Street Hats, newly arrived- .the bandeau sail.. or, in either ready-to-wear or tailored styles. A large shipment of Fashionable Fancy Neckwear, Stocks and Belts ex- pected this week. We invite 3011 to visit our showrooms and inspect the newest styles and ideas in all branches of Millinery. It’s a pleasure to show you our goods. Miss Dick McIntyre Block; LADIES' FANCY NECKWEAR illinery for Easter THE DURHAM REV IIW Rocky Saugeen. Dornoch Lambton Street TORONTO ti It is our intention to visit all we can J' this week between here and Top Cliff, , (or the purpose ot finding out what " prc-gress the turmers are making by I m; at making preparations tor the appz'rnching seeding, and to begin We made a. call on as big and fine :1. looking man as we Inn's in the place. Hector McDonald. and hand him away Belling implemcms fur the Nox- on Company and doing a fairly good business. Next we called on Donald Gillies and fund him no; Very Well with grippe orisomethine else, bot never theless he is preparing his patch of Ground already. s, the season is ad. vaneing. On our way, we gave Willie Math- er a call, as tine a young man as the count,» can pruduce. weighs near 200 stands 6 feet. 2 inches on his bare fe it. He is a dutiful sun to his widowed mother, and .5 doing well as a fnrmer. As our inclination leans more to- wards the West. we shall defer climb- ing the Artemesia hills to some future time. s, we made a. call on Hugh MePhail. Hugh has his own troubles to contend with, his wife not being Verv well, but We hope as the warm weather witness, sue will be. alright again. Hugh is making tine itoprove- iuentsmi the McNultv farm by way oi making preparations for teneinR it. We crossed the fence to the McDona- all brothers, and on nearing the diet Lug, we thought We were entering a wood yard‘ as the place is well cover- ed with that element. Across the sidemud is the lonely dWelling house at presen-. the future residence ot Hector McKechme as he only purgjmsed the Thomson farm a war ago, Hector at a. new 8tove up and Commissions gen McCannel got his premises insured Hector will probably be on the lookout for some one to keep the stove inns proper Pt us. We took another turn backward and called on Roger MeEaehern. Mr MeEaehern wasn't very well " late, he is prospering as a tarmer cud erec- ted a fine new barn a couple ot vet'ts The next on the way is Mr Hugh biekiunon. Hugh is as busy as a naiier at present, attending to his snack. while his good b:ys are doing the main work of the farm, by way ot “laughing and swung. Hugh is do- ing well and now is the owner ot some 275 acres ot land. We then took a. short cut across to Norman McIntyre's. Norman had all his ploughing dune in the fall and is ready " cultivating whenever the ground is lit. He is a good all round fellow who is always ready to help those that need his sen vice and a. tine, specimen of the human family. We climbed up the hill and called "r' Bob Fisher. Everybody knuws Bob, tor ask him at any part " the cuuntn and he was either threshing or tluiheringthere. Bub is living alone bat has uonne to blame but himself. Amoss the m d we found John A. Me- Donald at home and as it was dinner time we thought we womd have it there. B, the pile of wood he has split. ready tor use the passers bv might think he expects acold sum- mer, but we hope they will be mis- taken. Next we took a stroll to see Donald McDuugail No 45-Donald is making preparations " putting in a big crop this year. Across the line fence is John Me,- Meeken, on the late Hugh McDonald’s place. John 18 paving $150 rent but by attention to business. he is doing well as he is a first class worker. On Patrick sallivan's farm We found another tenant and by the up penmnce of his stock we believe he knows how to farm. His name we think is Mr 1t1otherqtill, and, as he is a stranger in a strange land, we hope the neighbors will use him kindly. On the start we made an omission in passing the residence of Mr Donald McArthur. Townline. Prieevilte. Mr MeArthar of late had the experience that it wmxld_ be necessary to prepare an rg Ark in case of a deluge. ,, "Nunh's Ark contained all living creatures under the same roofnshe and his family occupied, but in this case Mr McArthur and family were msv, whilteall his four footed animals Were nearly drowned on account We heavy flood a few weeks ago, as the stable had no less than from tour to five feet of water in it and nothing Could be seen in the morning bat the cattle-3' horns, no less bat a dog being drowned. The acme to the reader may be more imaginary than real, bat nevertheless it is a fact all the same, Mr McArthur can tell the story to perfection. The next. place we came to is Nell McKinnon's. Neil has bought smash. er farm latclv. and is making ptepar- ationsior putting in an extra large crop this seuson. a fine brick house and frame barn with basement, doing well On the corner to the south is A'ex MeEaehern. owns 150 acres. has a large family mostlv all daughters. Alex is one of the trustees ot Top Che school. Along side Mekinnon's is Samuel McDiarmid on a fine 50 acre farm. “3,3 Up the hill we arrived at Top Cliff school just in time to attend an enter- taimnent held by the good lady teacher. MissLainz. The programme was good, bani: is too bad that the ratepavers take so little interest in school matters as was shown by the smallness of the crowd. Miss Leing is a good, reciter herself, also a. good singer. She left tor her home " St Mary’s (or the Easter vocation. Down one hill und up mother and Priceville. 1trgtstr'tffllllll! - 22 lbs Redpath Granulated Sugar. . 5 lbs Prunes for. . . . . . 25c 3 pkgs 5 lbs Ginger Snaps. .25e 4 pkgs 4 bottles best 10e Extract... .25e Men's Cash- mere SOX, reg. 50c for Dress Goods and Accessories for the Ladies Handsome Gilt and Silver B"LTS. Handsome Embroidered PLASTRONS. Handsome Kid and Silk BELTS Handsome LACE COLLARS. Handsome all Silk BELTS. now we are at Top Cliff. tound the oblqring Postmaster Mr MoCuaig. with his big rain was on just ready to start with the mail. The mail 2098 regular from Top Cliff and Prieeville three three times a week. Mr McCuaig is p~ssessed with allthe facilities requir- ed to be a successful farmer. While so near we took a race ann to see hcw John McLean and his young bride were getting along nn the McCannel farm, found them " right, making great preparations tor pnttingm a big crop this season as John bought another horse and has a hired man. We think we did a good day's ta veiling and now we will retract our steps backward and put up tor the night where we had our dinner. Some other time we intend to visit the good people amongst the Highland hills of Artemesia and report progress. New Spring Suits FOR MEN AND BOYS. Flarity, THE TAILORi 'iittk abuall- , SOX, 35 Soe for c Before ordering that new Suit you reqytrethjs Spring. would h not -be well td call in at Flarity's, the tmlor, and see his splendid stock of We make up a suit for you that we guarantee will please you in fit, material, style and price. Always up-to-date. Give us a trial. THE Blltt STORE A big range of SOFT FRONT SHIRTS at....90e, 1.25, 1.40 The niftiest NECKTIES in the town .. . . .. .... .25e, titte, TGe LEATHER BELTS.... ... .... ..... ....for Men and Boys Our Store is full of New Goods Impossible to describe their beauty here. Come and see them. fireproof roofs? is absolutely fireproof and waterproof-and practically wearproof. It is cheaper than shingles and aasts a lifetime. Hardware atom everywhere handle Pntemon's "Wire Edge" 'teenngetittdryotu Mon having it. We will send you a free sample. Test it yourself. We will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet. NEW SUITINGS ALEX. RUSSELL Paterson?s "Wire edge" Ready Itoofing PARK." "0. 'tet. Him - IWL all. Men's Furnishings Ladies' C ash- mere HOSE. reg. 35c for SN'T it worth something to know that Barns, Chicken Houses, Tool Sheds, etc., have Dry Goods Groceries aims 3 pkgs Dunham's Cocounut 4 pkg: Chinese Starch . . . . .250 8 bars best 8022.. 25c t." 'm'unt light " 2ntr "t res. being lute 27 and 28. mu. 2 E G R. (ilenelg About 110 urn-:- clear ml. 80 grand h,.vdwood hush, 10 guml Ut'- "tit. Fait. buildings and well waterrd hr itorky Snugwn rum through " ('0! mn- of lot 28, which would make a Quad w"leNowt'r. 5; mile: from Durham ' nuvrnio-ully situated. The “in-x " pro pervv wr11 be sold lugelhur or in pan-1' unlit purchtwer. For futthnt palm-u Hrs amyly um the premises, or In THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE i ited " Damn; St, London. oh m If you Wish to sell or uxrh mg;- 3mm- pmpurly quivkly m- profitably. m- M w u “"4: to buy, dort't fail to sm- 0- “we nurGen. Agent for ttteco. of (hm. Wu, W. Rntunee, Thistle P. o., who h '." I tre- lv he"! appointed to this position We meke nn chm-gel ttuless the pri;"' is ml-I. For further purlicuIm-s. apply. :u-remmlly or by letter. to either' uf 1he movt. "ddreso.es. The Western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd.. Landau. Ontario. In rcterenee In the "Ove, I luv“ u nulllK‘P that I will be pleased all unvl to "we! with patties wishing lo luuy, at "xehance. but will brvconveriu,, in Durham ev"P.S' Saturday ul'rrtu If we dou't see you. spud us a ptwtw " a will srladly Rive ull Infurnmtmn. dursm- enquiries at the F.F.vtr:w 0 null rem-Ive prompt. attention. are next Standard Bank. Durhnu. bowl busine-a stand in town tor tal 'dotet will be arranged In suit MCCORMICK Hrtotr., Rocky Smut-on ..............s|,oo FARM. FOR SALE A big reduction in new fine EMBROrDERHi.ui 15¢ per yard for WM. W. RAMAGE, Gen. Agent limited " Mean? -eictril. Apply to N. Mt'lntvrv. IO RENT. APRIL 19, 1906 NOTICE a "mi ', I beg tr I d at unv tit lg bo buy. N unvenioure 1y afiel‘lmu s a (“Khan tmtrtttott. l ':), 10c " JO Je li tt ttt 'y,0iWi'l'hD',F,hy,,T g O"fii' if, WE VOL. XXV Ciy'i iiiil 1 mama Review Clu and lawn .md roronl and Daily and Week and W. I4 and Wane And Wet-kl and Fun. and “Wok; and Mon. all W

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