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Durham Review (1897), 26 Apr 1906, p. 1

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IL 19, 1906 L L. RONTO M +1 (hne sil Ne 1€ $ 1 .00 CHANGE et ‘dies 10c mited ONS, it suit tric ‘our you rite ateâ€" We ent )ly, the )C C )C en m AP U N in »d [efale®slaCelÂ¥ele®aloTole®s)e"s o "aln "a lanele®ale "sr ‘ptelatele2e|e=elenele nelenelenela=ele CeleCelaZeleSole bo °o i S# U § ONLY A FEW §.4@: . 4 Licenses, 2 WEEKS LEET § t VOL. XXVII NO 17 oK K A ux / Ptimncdinagsiy. Te ~s/f : ~~â€".; S o oo eeeeene ie snn amn en en mm snn at mt mat e m eairol n hnd hat abldevad Waidedaaedaaenane ib ns is rr . 3 TwoEpecial Features & BRUSSELS Carpet TAPESTRY LACE CURTAINS CRETONS, good colors and patterns, ART SATEENS * (GINGHAMS and MUSLINS, all colors FRILLED BOBBINET UNION Tapestry & Chenille TABLECOVERS WOoOL RICBONS, Worked in muslin and cambric, reg. 20¢ to 25¢ per yd, for ....15¢ t 12%¢ to 15¢ 4* 5+308 w4 SetolOc â€" *‘ «««+ O MEN‘S HATS, CAP3S, BRACES. TIES, COLLARS, SHIRTS. CLOTHING, etc. We‘re ready to clear them right out. COOF â€" MONEY SAVED FOR YOU on every pair BOOTS and SHOES bought here. _ We cannot give you prices. Hunâ€" dreds of odd pairs at odd prices. _ Splendid assortment of Ladies‘ Fine Shoes. We have a special proposition to makg you in regard to tailorâ€" ed Suits to order. _ If you want to be one among the wellâ€"dressed men in town, see us before buying your Spring Suit, OVER ONE HUNDRED new Suit Lengths. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the old couuntry. Everyone who has seen them says they are beauties. The newest weaves and patterns from the English and Scotch looms. We have stocked all the fashionable cloths and weaves in proâ€" {fusion in all the leading shades for the season. HMenriettas Venetians We invite your inspection. fresh goods. _ . It is our pleast When we say that our Stock is _ TEN _ TIMES LARGER than ever before, we are not exaggerating, We are prepared to do a DRESS GOODS TRADE. Ou Ladies‘Suitings & Dress Gioods Tweeds, Cheviots, Vicunas, xEW TROUSERINGS in Tweed and Worsted effects. ir Wash Department is full to overflowing with the nicest and best H. H. MOCKLER 2 o oAAA J AS. TREL LA ND EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTIONS Before the end of our Sale and in these few weeks we want to sell every dollars‘ worth of goods we possibly can. Here are some houseâ€"furnishing â€" snaps : This Sale will soon be over: you can out of it while Chiffon Venetian Crepeâ€"deâ€"chenes Lustres all kinds at. €C»t(ur Men‘s Suitings r inspection. _ Everyone enjoys looking «t nice is our pleasure to show them. CARPETS Poplins Llamas, Serges and Worsteds spring â€" Stocl regular $1 Mohairs Armures 2.50 1.25, sale price $1.00 1,00, t T5 .50 44 .40 .15 Crispine .15 15 40 15 124 95 make all it lasts. DU «* ... . 8§Ce HALF PRICE 40 15 .80 .38 .30 .10 10 10 v kn B T _ U Oe onrormmmmmmmatmmram i*="P."| *% -'L,‘}UWN °3 HIEoPIC E A full stock of field and garden seeds. Mrs Beggs. .’I'Q Arthur H. Jackson, Issuer of Marriage E Licenses, Durham. E Walkerton station was destroyed by #Z fire Monday evening. 3 _ The Great West Life Insurance Com pany sells endowments and other polâ€" Ei iwies at a lower rate than other comâ€" fi | pames, _ Ask for our rates before you ww | iusure, _ W.F. Dann, Agent. td Masseyâ€"Harris M&:hinery is the kind progressive farme use. Joux Moâ€" QUEEXN, Agent, & plass, was $14, selling $11 Dresser & Stand, gervice nak.... was $19, sellling.......... $16 \Sideboard, quarter \cut oak,..... | was $36, selling........... _ $82 | Ash Sic ebourds. waqg $12, selling $10 50 Extension Tables I0 Et long..... $10 lvon Bedsteads from $3 to $25. ! Ep KrRrESS, salesman, next door to | Post Office. Miss Chbarlotte Wiggins, the wellâ€" known W. C. T. U. lecturer, was marâ€" ried last week. ; One 50 cent boitle MaeFarlane‘s Tonâ€" ic Elixir will supply fhe required enâ€" ergy for the spring wor Pure bred Jersey bull calf for Sae. Pedigree complete. Apply to tf F,. PEEL, Durham NoTIOE. â€"Ph&t os, one dozen, and one in a brooch for 38c. â€" Call and see sampâ€" les, in Chapman‘<old gallery. N. Cress, Photographer, D&irham. The dfellows will hold a monster celebratio® in town on or about June 14. Premigr Whitney and other cabinâ€" et membersywill be presenot. / Particuâ€" lars later. \ Having purchased the stock of Geo. Lawrence, we will do our best to supply all his old customers with Milverton flour and anything else f@und in a proâ€" vision store. MaATTHE & LaATIMER DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1906 Mt Forest will hold an old Bovs‘ and Girls‘ Reunion from Aug. 6 to l1th. The 48th Highlanders Band cof Torâ€" onto has been engaged and another leading band will probably be secured. A GrEAt ReEvxiox of old Durham boys and girls is made possible next Z2nd of July by the cheap rates then prevailâ€" ing and the\big Demonstration in the Park. Let there be a rally to the old tewn on thaclpccasion to hear the sights and see the nlusic. CHuaxror or BUTcHER.â€"Owing to his desire to go West. Mr Rod McFarlane has sold out his butchering business to Mr Bedford, of Bloomingdale, near Berlin, ‘hu took possession Monday week. Notice is hereby given\that all closets backvards, and similar places must be cleaned up right awnay \and pat in a sanitary condition in accordance with the Health Act. Hugx McK ay, Health Inspector, Have vou seen to it that the Review fellows that boy of yours who has gone West ? We pay all postage, it goes regularly, it keeps him in touch with home. â€"Is that not worth $1.00 a year ? Or 50 cts to Jan 1, 1907. Insip® IMPROYEMENT. â€"Owing _to large and ever increasing business, W. Black, the hardware merchant, has placed new shelving along the south side of his store, which will increase his space and display goods to better advantage. "The North Bruce Lacrosse Associâ€" ation‘ is the appellation of a new league formed in Tara on Good Friday, independent of the C. L, A. The league composes the towns and villages of Chesley, Port Elgin. Wiarton, Tara and Southampton. â€"Only home players are elgible to take part, and the rules are somewhat similar to those of the Men have various ways of carrying money. Grocers, butchers and miliers carry it in a wad ; bankers in clean bills laid full length in a pocket book ; brokâ€" ers always fold the bill once doubling it as it were ; the young business man carries his in his vest pocket while the C. L. A. Thescheduleis already drawn up and it looks a successful venture, sgnrt carries his in his trouser pocket ; the farmers and drovers in their inside pockets whether it is $50 or 15¢. Printâ€" ers too often carry theirs in other people‘s pockets, We must reduge our stock of furnitâ€" ure, owing to building operations ; Bearoom Sets, was $25, selling $17 Dresser & stand, \British beyel rlass, was $14, selling $11 DurnaMm on DomrnJOx Dayâ€"Again the Sons of Scotland gre out for one of their hifix demonstratigns for Dominion Day, which this year will be held on Monday, July 2. The MAmusement Comâ€" mittee haye atready feveral attractions in view and are logking for more to make it in all respefts the bist public day Durham has evep had. Particuiars will follow. In goifg into this great undertaking they claim to be chiefly actuated by a desire fo carry out healthy national games and gratify the public taste for good musid and manly sports. zOWNA-!i m Reu $17 $11 $16 A meeting of 8, Grey Women‘s Instiâ€" tute will be beld at the home of Mrs, Thos. McGitr on May 3, 1906. Topicsâ€" ‘Aousecleaning‘ and ‘Gardening‘ All ladies are invited to attend. Sexp us Your Nax®.â€"The REeyv Ew to January 1, 1907, only 50 cents. Dr. Burt, spetialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose\ud Throat, will be at the Middaugh HQquse, Durham. for conâ€" sultation on Wedbesday May 2nd from 11 to 4. Eyes test&d and glasses fitted. WaxTED.â€"Good reliable lady to take orders for our tailorâ€"made costumes and skirts. Write quickly. Dominion Garment Co., Guelph, Ont, The tratfic on raillvays during Easter holidays is reported from fifteen to twenty per cent greater than a year ago. The excursionsts to and from Toronto alone is estimated at over 25,000. ; All our Carpets\must be sold at once, as we do not incemd to keep in stock ; Brussels, regular price, $1.40 seiling for $1 ; Tapestry, regular price 60c selling for 45¢, and balance\stock at hbig reducâ€" tions. Epn. KrEss. Salesman. Shylock, Portia, Antonio, the pound of flesh, the baffied Jew, and others of Shakespeare‘s wonderful creations in The Merchant of Venice will be preâ€" sented in the Town Hall, on Thursaay, 3rd May. This is the Dramatle Club‘s best and is in aid of the Public Likrary. Brilliant costumes and setting. Secure a good seat. Plan at MacFarlane‘s. Jellostdome, Alabastine and other bouseclearNpg requisites at â€" MacFarâ€" lane‘s. a The Chesley Enterprise looked up the census of Elderslie, and was surprissd to find that the decrease in 35 years was 45 per cent, which means that the population is very little more than one half of what it was in 1871. Here are the figures from the census returns ; 1871, population 3609 ; I881, 3273 ; 1891. 3048 ; 1001. 2458 ; 1906, 2018. MrJohn M. Bond, one of the most prominent ousiness men of Guelph. died last week suddenly in Montreal. Ixomviovar Commuxnionx Cup.â€"The Presbyterian church of Port Eligin bas inaugurated the Individual Communâ€" ion Cup. This step is taken as a health preservative, as many serious diseases have been contracted at the cormammunâ€" ion service. _ Most of the Jarger cities have sdopted this measure and it is exâ€" pected it will shortly become prevalent over Canada. The Divrectors of the 8. Grey Agriâ€" cultnral Society are showing great acâ€" tivity in preparations for 8. Grey Fall Show. â€" Tenders are asked for in this issue for improvements on the grounds and the arranging of the prize list has been made with great care, new featâ€" ures being added, They recognize they are in charge of a great institution and are bound it shall not deteriorate in their hands. Up.â€"toâ€"date hbats, ib both straw and fedoras for men anddboys at Flarity‘s, the tailor. Turx LatE Axaus McK zonNnI®,. . â€"We haye been suppled with a few particuâ€" lars in a ddition to what we publish last week in reference to the lamented death of the above gentleman. â€" Besides the aged mother and brother John at home, there remain as mourners: his brother Chas. in Toronto, a brother and sister in the Westâ€"Hector and Mrs. Dan Mclonis. and brother and sister in Purhamâ€"Dugald and Mrs., Wm Firth. He was interred in the Rocky Saugeen cemetery. â€" His brother at home sends us some obituary verses breathing warm sentiments of fraternal affection. ExaMInAtTiONS â€"The Entrance exâ€" amination begins on Wednesday, June 2th at 845 a. m, The subjects for that day are : Composition, Spelting, and Geography. _ The next day comes Arithmetic and Written Readingz. The examination closes on the following day with English Grammar and Writâ€" ing. The Deparmental Examinations begin on the 30th of June, and end on the 14th of July. Teachers who purâ€" pose sending up pupils for the entrance examination should notify the Inspectâ€" or of the numberp. so to be sent up, no later than the 1st otf May., OxTArRIO AND THE WrestErx Boox. â€"Woodsrock Sentinelâ€"Review :â€"It is not unnatural that there should be a growing fear among thoughtfal Ontarâ€" io people that the booming of the west may be overdone, especially when it was done at the expense of theeast. It is just a questian if the time bhas not already come to consider the question if there is not just as good land here in Ontario as there isin the west, just as good return for money invested, and just as much reward for labor done. }t may sound a little unpatriotic for Onâ€" tario to raise a discordant note in the great western chorus, but selfâ€"preseryaâ€" tion is the first law of nature. LiE LigHkt LEcTURE.â€"On Monday evening April 30th at 8 p. m., under the auspices of the Guild, in the Presbyterâ€" ian Church. the Rey. T. McCullough, of Harriston, will give a lecture on * ‘the Great West: it« resources, prospects and possibilities" or "Canada, from ocean to ocean." Mr McCallough has been over a large part of the West and has seen the frowning glories of nature in the Rockies as well as che more huâ€" man attractions of the boundless fields of wheat on the plains at their feet. He will illustrate his lecture with limelight views of great excellence, gathered from many sources and will give an addrees that will be an inspiration to a more enâ€" lightened patriotism as well as an appeal tor a broader visioned missionary activâ€" ity. With Mr McCullough‘s gifts of elnâ€" quence and his resources of native buâ€" mor that never fail to move the soul, you are assured of a pleasaut and proâ€" fitable evening. Admission, 10 and 15c. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 10. in 4 a mile of Priceville iwhen it swerves west and runs along James St., quite to the north of the village. It keeps co the north of the Durh:m Road, bending considerably north to avoid the high land between 40 and 3)side road and again crosses the Durham Road at the Eastern end of the (Glea deviation. It goes southâ€" westerly in tull view of the Glen tor a time and disappears behind McGinnis‘ high land, going through the guaily between the big hills on 20 side road crossing the Harctford and Hall places. It keeps on 8 W till it erosses the 2nd Con., 8 D R, Glenelg, at Lot 12, the well known McKechnie "Model Farm* halt a mile tarther on or so, it crosses to the north of the road at lot 7, Jas. Browan‘s, parallels the road till near the Base Line then strikes northwest, erly till it reaches Lambton 8t which it crosses at Rock St near the McGowâ€" an mill. _ On westward till it strikes Durham school ground and even the school house, crosses the river a little east ot Garatraxa St., goes in at Dr. Hutton‘s tront door through his stable past Charter Smith‘s residence and along George St as tar as Cullege St., it you know where that is. C. P. R. Line, less than a mile south of Ceylon. The plan is many yards in length, is elaborately gotten up, and every lot crossed is shown and named. Roug hy we give the general course ot the railway as follows : after leaving the C. P. R. it strikes westerly; crosâ€" sing the Durham Road three times in less than t hree miles ; is then bends to the South tor 2 miles more, till withâ€" It aims then in @a northwesterly dirâ€" | instructive, ar ection curving around Hatton‘s Hill on | W#s beld in b the north, where the gravel popq | Hlart to finigh should have gone long ago. It bends } :;:(;(n{t| 3"' 1‘}1 s rapi,dlv to the South again in by Milliâ€" | views ta:fl; 1; gan‘s, Mathers, etce., bending north to iflmed on the the Durkam, Road again which it \aty, monnts crosses at the bend about a mile west}fi“""" and on of Allan Park, going exactly between |!tk@% lamwber, the School House and the Met.hodis"'"’." enough Chaurech. _ From there to Hanover ic;{':.‘,’.“"i,,‘,',f.,h;':,'?( fullows in the main, the south bank Of | possess (l;r‘l w the Saugeen river. _ From Hanover it‘(Thmvll. Mon proceeds to Walkerton and Lucknow, } mission 10 and and the whole line we have thus outâ€" s lined bears the singularly inappropriâ€" !One More | iate name of * Walkerton and Luckâ€"| now Railway." | in antepas Hearing that the profile, blue prints etc, of the new railway bad been Eluced on file in the Registry Office ere, we called and were courteous!ly shown the documents by Registrar A. W. Lauder, who has been assured the railway is to be built this season, ready for the spring of 1907. The section registered is all in the County of Grey and extends from Hanover to a point on the O. Souud The profile reveals a surprising difâ€" ference of eclevation, and a car started at the eastern terminus should almost run to Hanover itself. _ Here are tour of the figures: 1566 feet wh.re the new line leaves the C P R., two or three miles east of Priceville it stands 47 feet less or 1519 feet, but the next eight miles to Durham brings it down about 400 the figures being 1122. When it reaches Hanover the line is 884 feet above sea level. No doubt slight variations will be made here and there, and one especiâ€" ally must be made,â€"that through Durbam school grounds. The conâ€" formation of this town is such that no other site, nearly suitable, is availâ€" able. We hope the powers that be will see that it is taken along the pasture field to the north of the school grounds and thus * do a great right by going a little aside,‘‘ " Woodman, spare that tree." " Cross Country Linâ€" to be bujlt this year. A small but appreciaive audience greeted Mrs. Newton‘and her assistants last Thursda;‘ night at her piano reciâ€" tal. _ Mrs, Newton fully upheld her reputation as a piano plaver, aad Dr. BHrown, though disappointed in not baving Mr Isaac to assist him, owing to illness, was as usual well received. Miss McLeay, though not wholly a stranger was new to the majority of the audience. She is slightly above the medium in beight. huagne modâ€" ulated yoice and a pleasant expression. Miss B. Crawford, ever willing, susâ€" tained her reputation by bher musical voice which was hsard to good advanâ€" tage. In Mrs Newron‘s selections, while all were well liked, perhaps the opening piece, * Rustle otf Spring ‘ and * Fantas 1a‘ need special mention. Miss Mcâ€" Leay‘s selections were not of the lighter element as some have, and she showed a good knowledge of Scottish and lrish dialect in * Looking tor Tartan ‘ and * Only an Irish Washerwoman.‘ But * An Easter with Parepa ‘ deserves, perâ€" haps, ampler notice. Here she showâ€" ed a fine pathos and a well toned voice which brourht great applause, She very willingly resgonded to the numerâ€" ous encores, Dr Brown is an old fayorâ€" ite. and his selection of * Rory Darling ‘ captured the house. Miss Crawford chose a beautiful solo, * The Land of Nod ‘ and responded to a hearty encore. Mrs Newton accompanied for all. The excellent entertainment was worthy of a larger crowd. C. P. R. Surveys Registered. Piano Recital. Wiarton â€" Canadianâ€"* Phe _ lecture given by Rev T. D. McOullough, in the auditorium of 8t Paul‘s on +Canada, from ocean to ocean ‘ was bright and [ instructive, and the large audience that was held in breathless attention frowm ]amrt to finish testified to its appreciaâ€" | tion. Mr McCullough began at Haliâ€" \ fax in the Ea«st, and stop by step with ‘viewul taken by his own camera, and reâ€" flected on the curtain, showed ship and city, monntain and prairie, | harvest fields and cattle ranches, rivers and lakes, lamber, rocks, minesand fisher» {1°es, enough +o make a Canadian feel t proud of his heritage, and the need of If you want Apy Furniture or Carpets call at Furniturd@8tore. â€" Big reductions owing to building operations. One dozen fine photos and a brooch for 34 cts. Do not miss these prices, at N. ess" gallery : Chapman‘s old stand The _monthly meeting of the South Grey Temperance Association, will be held on Tuesday evening, May 1, in O(.;lder‘s Hall. All are cordially invitâ€" ed. A po‘le to pole railway is now spoken of, that is a railway from the Arctic to the Aucarctic Ocean. The day may be near when a man can take the traim from Argentine clear up to the sea shore of Ontario and Keewatin. It is expected that the corner stone of the new Methodist chutrch at Mark= dale will be laid on May 24. BEAR in MINU the FINE PRESENâ€" TATION of the MERCHANT of VEN.â€" ICS in the TOWN HALL. on THURSâ€" DAY EVENING of NEXT WEEK. Under the AUSPICES of the Public Livbrary. â€" Plan at MACFARLANE®S. Come and See SHYLOCK Baffied Norics.â€"R beg to announce to the people of Duk%ham and vicinity that I am prepared to do all kinds of painting, papering, &¢., in an up toâ€"date manner. A full line of \Wall Paper and room moulding samples to choose from, all new and upâ€"toâ€"date, This notice canocels all reports of my @ving up this business arrox Emvinos. A very pleasant ev(\Qr took place at the manse, Hoistein,%on Wednesday, Avril 18th, 1906, when Miss Katrie Meâ€" Cormack, of Rocky Saugeen, was unitâ€" ed in marriage to Mr Albert Neil, one of the rising young tbusiness men of Hault Ste, Marie. The bride looked charming in her brigal attire . The couple were unattended _ The coreâ€" mony was performed by Rev Johu Little, _ Mrs Neil has atways been a special fiiend at she manse, being one of Mri Little‘s faithfal Christian Enâ€" deavorers in his first charge at Domnoch and Rocky Saugeen, Mr and Mrs Neil leave for their home in Sault 8te, Marie on Tuesday with the hest wishes of many friends for their future success. One More Chance for Nisgara. Can You do Better ? The 3Ist Rogt, goes to Camp Ni June 12ih. . Any one wishing must sign the toll by May 26th, a is the last date.. A few more go cruits will be taken, Apply to Capt. 0. M. Sni Han mission 10 and 15 ¢ 2 mp&; garaen seeds for 5 cts at MacFariane‘s. Tenders fon repa‘irs and improvements to the building of South Grey Agriculâ€" tural Bocieiy \will be received y the Secretary up fNll noon on Saturday, May 12. Plans \nd specifications may be seen at she Sdcretary‘s Office on and after May 1. arate tenders taken for cement fooring. The lowest or any tender no! necessarily accepted. EASTER on the Busy Corner Seoe The Busy Store on the Busy Corner GEO. BINNIE, \A. DAVIDSON, Will be in Durbham Saturd . B. Keeler & Sons 50e or both together for 90 ets. Send theevyen doliat if you like: we will guve you credit on the REVIEW for the 10 cts. Our friends will oblige by making this offer known, Address all orders to # > The Review â€" To new subscribers we will give the REVIEW to Dec,. 31, 1806 for 50c, the Weekly Globe for CHAS RAMAGE, ParmteEs axp Pusuremez. President. Have you seen the big stock of dainty Easter goods at Keeler‘s ? )ur Display Windows 00606 Tenders Wanted. 69 lnlnl."'ll the Monday evenin l @ ie t Stf, Kgt., Win. Ran â€"â€"â€" @4 § > _ and pratrie, harvest le ranches, rivers and rocks, minesand fisher» ) make a Canadian feel itage, and the need of and worth to go in and ,â€"In the Presbyterian ay evening next. Adâ€" ind Durham, Ont e awisning to gFO iay 26th, as that w more good re Apply to t. . M. Snider, Hampden,. Win. Ramage, t V Secretary Thistle A PM at re

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