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Durham Review (1897), 26 Apr 1906, p. 2

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of 3 8 1 Hunter‘s Experience VWith Troop He Found Asleep. We ware mewring the end of our shoot, und aithough we bad done fairly weli, we had not as yot seen any signs of lion. We hanvcened to arrive st a swamp where a large troop of lions ima been sean some to &uow an are to be establisaed if the voltage rises above a certain limit. Once this has heppened and an arc formed, the resistaunce or the gas is reduced, gince heated air is a better conductor thin coid air; and the line voltage will, in general, be sufficient to maiatain an are if means are not provided for breoking it. This may be brought about by blowing out the arc by an electromagnet, or by arranging ihe path to grourd in such a way that, after the arc has been established, the voltage across the sparkâ€"gap falls so low that the arc can not persist.‘" Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandruff. time tefore, but as the ree swamp were very extensive hope of coming anrose them however, we resoivel to cLop try our luck. . Eventually I got into troken groundâ€" a mound of round, grassy hillccks about 1,000 yards from the edge ofi the water. I had just guined the top of one of the hillocks, says a corresponddent of the Londou Fiskl, when I became aware of a numbar of yolowish objects on the top Of anctber hill about 200 yards away. I locked through my giasses and was astonishelto ind it was a tmmop of Hone, five in all, apparently fa never expected to find ther Hike this, especially as the splecdid cover so clous at . thore they wene, so, after Hike this, especially as there was such splecdid cover so clouse at nausd. However, thore they wewe, so, after a consultation with my gunâ€"bearer, I deckled to muke for wnother hillock quite closs to the hous which I could resoh without being seen by up io tae top, l leoked over, I got quite a sbhock in finding how near we were We oul_d not hz}yo been more than twentyâ€"five yards from the lions. ‘The male lay on the very top of the mound facing me and just below kim was a Horem, also facing in my direction, whils just the other side of the Mon were three more famabes. ‘The ne 1 intervenes ed cioud. the charge er, and w tweea ther face is ne SHOOTING LIONS IN AFRICA. le: at no TCM HHD AECHRLBEC CIUUU J _the earth and the chargâ€" tervening cloud acts with 9 as an electrical condensâ€" t lischarge takes place boeâ€" %\ harge upon the upper surâ€" $ , ard that on the lower hA / set free, and consequentâ€" PA 3\ a strain in the dielectric| â€" CÂ¥ \Â¥N and the earth, with the ) r,"";;, lischarge takes place, it %2, e ervatic path. The efâ€" es is more serious than L'/ oke, and lightaing rods | CHAS. H. POWELI times prefer to find igh the hot gases of than through the It is suggested that there Nt D64 ns of lion. We ramp where a on sean some 1 beds by the we hol little n the daytime; for a day and gazines be proâ€" tallic sheathing; es not guarantee in 1. crawling Ond ho tal. thau rods _ way trokes It is .. Reporterâ€"Unele, to what tribute your long life? Oldestâ€"Inhabitantâ€"â€"I don‘ young feller. They‘s several 0 ont medicine companies thai with me.â€"Chicago Chronicle. Minard‘s Liniment for sale everywhere the front wheol, pitching Dol headiong to the ground, striking upon his face, which was crushed and bruised in a most frightful manner, chief of which was a terrible gash clear across his forshead. while the nose, mouth and chin were badly cut. If a GCow gave Bitter (Avrora Argus.) Doll Faulkner was the victim of quite a serious accident yesterday evening, while riding a bicycle out to her brother Towm‘s home in the southeast part of the city. as a result of the breaking of the frame nomr the front wheol, pitching Doi headiong to the ground, striking upon his face, which was crushed and bruised in a most frightf=1 mankind would have to invent m‘"*~. Milk is Naâ€" ture‘s emulsionâ€"butter out in shapne for digesâ€" cion. Cod liver oil is exâ€" tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. combines the best oil with the valuable hypoâ€" phosphites so that it is casy to digest and does £ an order was made for ihs . wages 7"'_1" more good than the very interesting point of law aoulfi cil alone could. That have becndsgttled}, and a favorable ansâ€" » were accorded to those who say that if a makes Scott‘s Emulsion constituency desires to be represented the most strengthening, by a poor man it should not s debarred nourishing food lie medi_ :rom eitlarcifsinghits tChOiCe because it is uit mpossible for him to attend at Westâ€" cine in the world. minster.â€"Lewiston Journal. z_/ â€"Gn 446 â€"__â€"__._._._. Send for free sample. Asking an Innocent Question. SCOTT & COWNE, Chemists Wirst actressâ€"Why, haven‘t you h Toronto, Ont dear, I‘m engaged for one of the pflnm e f parts in ‘"Beauty and the Beast?" 5Osc. and $1.00,. All druggists Second actressâ€"How nicc! And who plays it in To whom it ma; certify that I ha LINTMENXT myself required, and ha; the desired effect troops as any in Germany. Her army numâ€" bers more than 200 men, well armed. Finâ€" ally. she bas hor ambassadors in every court in Europe. They may not be known in the regular diplomatic world as such but they are there all the same. from her father. In that place alone she has 40,000 workmen toiling for her, who, with their families, make more than 200,000 perâ€" sons dependent upon her now. If other conâ€" cerns be added we have a total of 300.000 dependents. She owns gas works, railways, tolegraphs, telephones, her own bakeries, slaughter houses and general stores. She has even her own army, regularly drilled, with stern rules of dicipline; it is called a fire brigade, but is as much a body of picked "I was induced to try Antiâ€"Pill by reading the testimony of someons who had been cured of constipation ‘by it. I had sufifered for eightcen years and had taken tons of stuif recommended as eures, but which made me worse rather than better, Doctors told me there was no cure for me. Dr. Leomrhardt‘s Antiâ€" Miss Bertha Krupp, the richest woman in the world perhaps, is now known as "Queen Krupp‘‘ all around Hosen, where are lovated the vast cannon factories which she inberited CHAS. H. POWELL Kingston Man Tells How He Suffered and How He was Cured. camp and found S. had shot a fine Moness, also close to the rushes. This made a total Of thirteen lions seen that aftecnoon, and t.b.gr:_e were probably more besties. All that night we heard the Hons chasing the herds of zabra, but. although we woere out very early next morning and beat through the rushes and long grass we never saw them again, not even the lioness I had wounded, although I am sure, by the way she went off, that she must have died someâ€" where ia the vicinity. uUs, sitting on their haunches like dogs; the liomesses hal evidently disturbed â€" another troop in the rushes, and they were all lookâ€" ing very nasty. I couk soe with my glasses that they were showing their testh in an ugly manner. It was getting late, an« as they all looked so roused I thought it would be a bad policy to attack them again, especially as I know the wourded loness was somewhere about, so I went iback to Oli. We socn found the lion stone dead, the bullet having entered his back, just missing his spine, and tearing a great hole inhis stomach. We set to work to skin him at once. He wasâ€"a young lion in fine couâ€" afibn. with a good mane, yellow with black pS. We had just finished skinning him when, looking towards the swamp, I saw no fewar than two lions and nine lionesses looking at had hit her, but I am sure he did not, as a bullet from so powerful a rifle at cuch a short range would almost bhave finished her off lion was down about twenty yards away. ll discovered that the instant I bad fired my! gun bearer had Jlooeed off both barrels of a | 450 at the nearest lioness, quite contrary to ! the orders I had given him. He swore he The shock was too great for her, and lho’ turned and made off after the others. I fired two more bullets at her, but I do not | think I hit her again, aithough she lookel very sick. All this had happened so quickly that I , had not beon able to pay aftention to anyâ€" ! thing else. My boys now ‘toid me that the | up for us. I reloaded at once and firel at her as she came round the foot of the hillâ€" lock, but the bullet went over her back. I ghoved in another cartridge and, taking a steadier aim, as she came up the slpe I hit her somewhere too far back. cott‘s Emulsion All nit my prac MARTYRDOM DESCRIBED. Told All in One Sentence. Inhabitantâ€"=I don‘t know yit, ‘r. They‘s several of these patâ€" no companies that‘s dickerin‘ lers, or the Wilsonâ€"Fyle Co., Niagara Falis, Ont. m it may corcern: This is to at I have used MINARDS T myself as well as presctribed waetice where a Hoiment was ind have never failed to get Still in Doubt. ncle, to what do you atâ€" Miss Krupp. C. A. KING, M. 1 ging his story,. "A martyr to _ chronic constipation, but now 1 am free from it and all through the use of Dr. Leonhardt‘s Antiâ€" Pill. _lor years a mar tyr," is how Chas.. H Powell, of 105 Ragiat much a body of picked Kinaston,. be Wages of M. P‘3.. l Under old constitutional usage memâ€" bers were paid what was termed their "wages" by the constituencies that sant them to Parliament. Andrew Marvell was the last man to receive his Parliaâ€" mentary wages but before his time it was quite common for members chosen by counties and boroughs to exact payâ€" ment from those who sent them. The custom of paying members wages only died out. It was never abolished by act of Parliament, though in tho reign of | Charles II. an act was introduced for | that purpose and read second time.! Therefore there may still be a common law obligation on constituencies to payi their members‘ wagesâ€"i.c., the expenses to which they are put by representaâ€" tionâ€"if such members ‘demand it. Lord Campbell, indeed, some forty years ago expressed his opinion that a writ cou%d still be sued out by a member of Parliaâ€" ment requiring his constituency to pay him his wages. To test this, why should not some member of Parliament who is interested in the matter, but who beâ€" ; lieves with us that local payment is a ! far better solution than payment out ; of the national treasury, bring a friendâ€" | iy action against the borough or county for which he sits, asking for his wages. If the courts decide, as we believe they might, that his contention was good, and an order was made for his wages, a very interesting point of law would have’ been settled, and a favorable answer acâ€" , corded to those who say that if a con-l stituency desires to be represented by a poor man it should not be debarred from ‘ exercising its choice because it is imâ€", possible for him to atterd at Westminâ€" | an order was made for ihs wages a very interesting point of law _ would have been settled, and a favorable ansâ€" were accorded to those who say that if a constituency desires to be represented‘ by a poor man it should not 1 debarred from exercising its choice because it is impossible for him to attend at Westâ€" minster.â€"Lewiston Journal. Hill, drawisag his ba "then I beg the lady devil‘s, too." Buznlight Soap is better than othor soupa, but is bost when used in tho Sunlight way. Bay Sunlight Boap und follow directions, ed, "What‘s the matter there? The devil seems to have got among you!" A plain countryâ€"looking man immediately started to his feet, and addressing Mr. Hill in reply, said, "No, sir, it aren‘t the devil that is doin‘ on it; it‘s a lady what‘s lainted:; and she‘s a fat un, sir, as don‘t seem likely to come to again in a hurâ€" ry." "Oh, that‘s it, is it?" observed Mr. Hill, drawisag his band across his face; nowland aul was grealiy annoyed when there happened to be any noise in his chapel to divert the attention of his hearers from what he was saying. On one occasion be was preaching to one of, the most crowded congregations that ever assembled to hear him. In the middle of his discourse he was disturbed by a great commotion in one of the galleries, and looking in that direction he exclaimâ€" Spanking does not cure children of bedâ€"wetting. _ ‘There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. SUMâ€" MnEiws, Sox 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her toâ€"day if your children trouble you in this way. Don‘t blame the child; the chances are it can‘t help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difâ€" ficulties by day or nigkt. Bank Building. Another instance of the stimulative efâ€" fect of newspaper advertising upon the banking business is reported from ®poâ€" kane, Wash., where one of the most conâ€" servative financial institutions of the Northwest entered upon a systematic publicity campaign in 1902. On Nov. 9 of that year the deposits of the bank amounted to $1,253,182.08. On Nov. 9, 1905, the deposits had grown to $4,062,â€" 347.15. The increase resulted from the publication of a six to cight inch "ad." across two colunms, three times a week for three years. Some bankers look upon mewspaper appeal as a sacrifice of digâ€" nity. Some fine morning they will wake up to find that they have all the dignity and their advertising competitors all the deposits. * _ *‘She never laughs at jokes," asid the man. "‘Maybe she has no sense of humor," said the othor man. ""Mnybe she has false teoth," said the woâ€" man. St. Leolin, Glo. Co., N. B., April 16.â€" (Special)â€"Mr. Patrick Downing, of this place, is a young man orly twenty years of age, but some time ago kidney disease had him firmly in its grip and had it not been for Dodd‘s Kidney Pills he would probably not have been alive toâ€"day. "I think the cause of my trouble was over work," says Mr. Downing, "any way, it began with a heavy dragging pain in my back and across my loins. Then I was subject to headaches, cramp in the muscles, dizzy spells and weakâ€" ness till I felt fit for nothing. But the worst symptom of my case was when I noticed my urine was streaked with blood, then I knew that my kidneys were affected, Hearing of Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills I sent for some and I am pleased to say the pains have all gone since using them, and I am well and strong as ever I was." His Case was More Serious Than he Thought, but Thanks to Dodd‘s Kid= ney Pills he is Welt and Strong Now, Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Cure a Young Man Who Had Reached a Very Critical Stage of Kidney Disease. NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS CASE Thoy woere talking about the new star in And then the convorsation languished BETiER THAN SPANKING. Nhat the Woman Thought. Vihat‘s the Matter. d across his face; 3 pardon. andâ€"the TORONTO Mizerd‘s Liniment Relieves Neuraigia, The town of Lovelocks, in Central Neâ€" vada, ran so short of fuel the other day that the inhabitants had to pull down some of their buildings and use the maâ€" terial for fuel. The mercury was at 30 below. Conditions improve with time and serenity increases. This time ten years ago you were worrying about how you could manage to pay the difference when you traded off your old wheel for the seasou‘s model. ‘Thers is something heroic about the woâ€" man who can view the display of Kaster milâ€" linery and then go home and trim over last season‘s bat. Totter, Salt Rheum, Ccald Head, Ringworm, Eczema, Itch, Barber‘s Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Prurigo, Psoriasis, or other eruptions of the skinâ€" what Dr. Agrew‘s Oiniment has don« for others it can do for youâ€"cure you. OQne apâ€" plication gives relief. â€"35 cents.â€"87 The anrouncement that the United States will build a battle ship of 19,400 tons disâ€" placement, or about 1,500 tons over thke giâ€" gantic Dreadnought, which has been launchâ€" ed by King Edward, is possibly the forerunâ€" ner of the navy construction which will put all previous exertions in this line in the shade. Naval experts decline to admit that the limit of size, combined with effectiveâ€" ness, has been reached. The Dreadnought is a porfectly practical ship; then why not one little larger? This is the a‘gument of the shipâ€"building nations. But if there is no limit upon the size of ships which may be built there may be attained one day another limitâ€"that of the pocketbook of the soâ€"~ulled naval powers. came Removee all Kard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one botâ€" tle. Warranted the most wonderful Bleâ€" mish Curs ever known A young city clerk entered a restaurâ€" ant one day for dinner, during which time he was making several complaints about the cooking of the food, much to the annoyance of an old commercial traveller sitiing opposite him. He lisâ€" tened to him til he could bear it no longer, ther fte quietly looked up at the clerk, and said to him: "Young man, if you had your dinner where I had my breakfast this morning you would have less to say, I doubt." "Oh," asks the clerk, "where was that?" "At home," ENGLISH SPAVINLINIMENT FIFTY YEARS. Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger eviâ€" dence of the power of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis, Shamokin, Pa. He says:â€""I look upon‘ my cure as a miracle." It relieves in ten minâ€" utes.â€"89 According to the United States Conâ€" sulâ€"General at Nieuchwang, the indusâ€" trial development of Japan is coincident with rapid strides in the art of advertisâ€" ing. Me reports that the Britishâ€"Ameriâ€" ean Tobacco Company and the Japanese Governmentâ€"which deals in cigarettes as a sideâ€"lincâ€"are engaged in a strenuâ€" ous campaign for the cigarette trade of Manchuria, and that the little yellow men are giving their Occidental comâ€" petitors cards and spades and yet beatâ€" ing them at the game of publicity. The commercial progress of Japan has been phenomenal. _ Now that advertising has become a factor in her forward push the western nations may have a hard run for their money. The only relief is in the same medicine the Japs find «o beneâ€" ficial, and more of it. Advertise in the Times. _ _Every seat and every box in the great avditorium was oceupied last nichtâ€"exâ€" cept Jimmy‘s loge. Mr. Dundy noted the fact. "Fooled again," he sighed. Fifteen minutes later a newsboy handâ€" ed to an usher a crumpled note addressâ€" ed to Mr. Dundy. On it was serawled in peneil: "Don‘t sell that box for this perform ance," Mr. Dundy ordered. â€" "We can‘t come night." It didn‘t dawn on Jimmy all at once, but finally he was made to unâ€" derstand, and with the box coupons tightly clutched in his fist, he choked, muttered incohorent thanks and disapâ€" peared. isâ€"$2.50 for Granny‘s seat, an‘ fifty cents for me own. _ But de guy in de cageâ€"â€"*" "CGive the boy a loge hbox," he told Mr. Kingsbury, "and tell him to take his money and buy his granny someâ€" things she needs." Mr. Dundy had come out from |] office and heard the unvarnished tale HAVE YOUT A SKIN DISZASE > "You see, it‘s dis way," he exâ€" plained, "Granuy, she‘s old, an ‘sick and takes care of me, and I thought it would cheer her up to see the eleâ€" phants an‘ tigers an‘ Marceline _ an‘ things at the Hip, an‘ so i saves me spare cash since New Yoear‘s. â€" Here it Mr. Kingsbury was interested, and, drawing the lad out, found that his name was Jimmy King, and that he livâ€" ed in Harlem when he wasn‘t selling paâ€" pers on Broadway. EIGHTY YEARS OLDâ€" CATARRH "No Limit to Size of Battle Ships. the unexpected reply. One Longâ€"Forgotten Worry. Cold Weather in Nevada. JIMMY‘S THREAT FAILED. * A Modern Heroine. A Smart Rejoinder, Japanese Progress, Granmny died toâ€" from â€" his "It isn‘t considered polite to ask a Chines» how many wives he bas.‘" ‘"Well, it isn‘t polite t) nsk an American how many wives he has, either." DROPSY IS OME POSITIVE SIGN OF KIDKEY DISEASE.â€"Have you any of these unmistakable signs? Puffness under the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothering feeling? Change of the character of the urine* Exâ€" haustion after least exertion?* If you have there is dropsical tendency and you shouldn‘t delay an hbour in putting yourself under the great South American Kidney Cure.â€"8 EMerly man (greating former acquaiaâ€" tance)â€"I remember you face perfectly, mis®, but your name has escaped me. The Younz Womanâ€"I don‘t wonder. It That precious remedy, is a positive cure for all female discases. Write for etroular and free sampie. R. S. MOGILI, Simcos, Ont. Â¥? you are miserable because you are not great, think of the former greatness of Rome and cheer up. For eleven hundred years Rome was mistress of the known world. Toâ€"day the language of the Romans has almost been forgoiten and the Roman capital has no commercial importance and is known among mon as & curio. The Româ€" ans, noted as philosophers and soldiers, who invaded and subdued every nation known at the Roman period ,are now museum curâ€" fositles. If you are not great, you will at least escape the humiliation of having your :odyh exhibited 2,000 or 3,00 years after eath. DOUGHTY‘S CEMENT BUILDING BLOCK MACHINE Farmers and Dairymen FIBRE WARE armass Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Suniight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. 17 Tub, Pail, Wash Basin or Milk Pan Equally good with hard or soft water. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc~ tions). Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Best for ali household purâ€" poses, Sunlight Soap‘s superâ€" iority is moest conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Qrange Blossoms is a perfectcleaner and will not injure anything. Sunlight Soap No Great Difference After All (Detroit Free Press.) You will find they give you satisâ€" faction every time. Consolation for the Nobodies. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto Insist on being supplied with EDDY‘S every time. E. B. EDDY‘S THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE No Wonder, (Chicago Ledger.) ago. I am married Makes all kinds of Blocks, either solid or hollow, and one set of pallets is all that is necessary The. machine is simple, handy and easily oper: ated. Why pay fancy prices for a Block Maâ€" chine when you can buy this machine and outfit at a moderate cost? Send for booklet, prices» etc. Awarded diploma at Canadian National Exhibition, 1905. GEO. DOUGHTY, Patentee, Waterford, Ont. 157 l" Positively the last New York exzourâ€" ‘sion this season. Friday, April 27, via |Lehigh Valley Railroad. Tickets only |$9.00 from Suspension Bridge to New IYork and return. Good 10 days. Good on L. V. R. fast express trains leaving Suspension Bridge at 3.50 and 7.15 a. m. '-.n-;l 7.15 p. m. Don‘t fail to go. For , tickets, time tables, maps of New York |and further particulars,all on or address A SOUR STOMACH AND A SOUR TEMPER travel handâ€"inâ€"hand, and are the precursors of mental and physical wreck. Nine hundred and ninotyâ€"nine times in a thousand food forment (indigestion) is the cause. Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple ‘Tablets keep the stomach sweetâ€"aid digestionâ€"keep the mnerve centres well balancedâ€"they‘re naâ€" ture‘s panaceaâ€"pleasant and harinless. 35 cents.â€"88 ""What are you crying abo "I got licked twice toâ€"day ‘"How was that*" *"Teacher licked me an‘ I t went up to lick the teacher a licked pa, an‘ pa came home a Minard‘s Liniment Cures Burns, ete. Canalâ€"Boat Churches. Both in England and France, says Sunâ€" day Magazine, canal boats have proved of great service in the spreading of the Gospel. In England the canal boat trayâ€" els along the Fens, and reaches scattered districts on the banks of the Broads which otherwise would be lacking a reliâ€" gious service. Rervices are held on the boat itself. In France, where it is posâ€" sible to travel thousands of miles â€" by canal, the McCall Missicn has done good work. A boatâ€"chapel, which seats 150 people, moves slowly on its way, stopâ€" ping at hamlet after bhamlet for a fortâ€" night or more. Usually the boat is crowded and an overflow congregation listens from the banks. Sometimes the boat is moored under a bridge, and then, too, holds its crowds of listeners, for the services are very popular. On the Delaâ€" ware River is a wooden church built on the decks of two large boats, and it zx be towed from point to point, as Feâ€" quired. Public ownership and operation by the various provinces would be attended with many difficulties and much friction. . At every provincial boundary the people livin« on either side would be compelled in comâ€" municating with each other to make use of the trunk lines of both provinces whica would be attended with difficulties of double connections and double tolls so far as the people were concerned and the account keepâ€" ing and adjusting of reveaue by the differect provinces. e Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 10 king street east, Toronto. | £. ,A | o y x« nPre ‘5’ 1 o $F exdfl / hucel d € v mP tor ‘As P § for 1 & ic Pacil sea tuggists; or by n Charles E. Mughes, speaking before the Ethical Culture society yesterday, found an admirably terse expression for the causos of corporation malfeasance. Me said: "Whon we say a corporation has or has not done a certain thing we mean that the directors have attended to or neglected a duty." In other words the responsibility is always persona!. To attack the corporation as such is so much sword play wasted. The officers and directâ€" ors constitute the soul under the ribs of death. Since they mare subject to the usual moral and judical penaities, they alone are really worthy of a reformer‘s effort. 12 for 10¢; 60 for 50c; 100, $1; 200, $2; 500, $5; all different. Largost anf finest stock in Canada; 500 mixed, $3; albums, all pricey® W. R. Adams, Toronto, Onrt. OAKWLLE FRUIT LANDSâ€"10 lots. excellent for fruit . curi ISSUE NO. 17. 1906 Mre. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup should a|â€" ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarâ€" rhoea. *# lots, excellent for fruit, gardening or poultry; close to electric cars; big money in m Write quick to A. S. Foster, Oakville, c Asafe, sure and reliable monthly regulaâ€" tor. These Pills bave been used in Francs for over fifty years, ana found invaluable for the purpose designed, and are gurranâ€" teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for sealed ciroular. Price $1.00 per box of muggists; QF by mail, securely sealed, on recelyt of price Souvenir Post Cards Just One of the Real Aim for the Reformer MISCELLANEOUS. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Pa Had to Get Even LE ROY PILL CO., Box 42, Mamilton, Canale FEMALE PILLS DR. LeROY‘S Difficulties about *** told pa an‘ pa an‘ the teacher ACRE SAN Men wart doul M as Golden Gate 1" prised to see it trees that line shrubbery clear The Kew York _ despat Union received the . Fire Confined to Residence NU §( o n BURNKNED OUT. | §3 r1ed to Telegra dence Section. the pa to the eb: 7 followi \ iÂ¥ i¢ The

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