West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Apr 1906, p. 5

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atP S4e e 049 + *% 4 A 4A# eed 2 A SELLS A N 1808 Coâ€" CHEAP WV DARLINGS, APRIL 26, 1906 Pipes! Pipes !, Pipes! P urrniture C l The Burham Furniture CGo., Ltd. RNNlow Going Smokers‘ DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Prices as low as the lowest sold in any line we carry. Another lot of our celebrated rivedâ€"better yalue than ever. all and see them. Arliilâ€"p;i-cve.s' 5c to To reduce our stock we close prices. WOOD, Call at. our_ W arers our Wareroomsâ€"â€"â€"one door South of Sundries in great variety WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. The People‘s Druggists are offering lines of all grades and makes at very 1 snaps just arâ€" never underâ€" $10 Durham School | Staff and Equipment. | The school is thoroughly equi in teachin | ability, in chemical and elecnflcaf?fi%plies and fl% l tings, &c., fo: full Junior Leaving and Matriculaâ€" | tirclm work. The following competent staff are in | charge : | THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal | MISS L. h. FORF..R, B. A., % | REIpâ€"MERCHAXNTâ€"A yery pleasing event was the marriage of Mr W. J. Reid of the 14th concession to Mis |_ Margaret E. Merchant of the 16th. | Thevy were married at the manse, | _ Holstein, on Wednesday arternoon in |_ presence of a number of the near |_ relatives. This would have been a | _ much more ostencatious affair but | for the very sad occurrence at the |__uld home of the bride s few weeks | _ ago. The knot was tied by Rev. J. | _ Little.â€"Holstein Leader. | NEILâ€"MCCoRMACKâ€"A ha;:r_v wedâ€" |_ ding took place on Wednes ay afterâ€" | _ noon, the contracting parties being | _ Miss Katie MeCormack, of Rocky ‘ Saugeen, and Mr Albert Neil, of sault Ste. Marie. Rey Mr Littl:ger- ‘ | formed the ceremony. Miss McCorâ€" _ mack was one of the faithfal Christâ€" _ ian Endeavorers in Mr Little‘s first ' charge of Ro ky Saugeen.â€"Holstein ' | Leader. \ C Classics, Moderns and English. MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s University . Science, History and Geography. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be obtainâ€" ed at reasonable rates. _ Durham is a healthy and ea»u&acdve town, making it a most desirable place ence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Wm.Johnston,‘Jr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Secreta deputy reeves as follows : (a) !f the municipality had the unumes of more than 1.0vo and not more than 2,000 persous on the last reâ€" vised yoters‘ list of the municipalâ€" ’ ity as qualified te vote »t municipâ€" al elections, then by a first deputy reeye, (b) _It the municipality had more than 2,000 and not more than 3,000 such names upon such list. thau by a deâ€" pury reeve and a secoud depaty reeye, and (c) If the municipality had more than 8.000 such uames upon such list, i then by a first deputy reeve, a «ecâ€" ond Jdeputy reeve aud a third deâ€" puty reeve. 2. The number of councillors to be elected in uny township in accordance with the provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1908, shall ve decreased by the uumber of Ceputy reeves to be elected therein. but this provision sball not apply to towus or villages. 2, Suach reeves and deputy â€" reeyes shall be elected by general vote in the manser provided by the Consolidated Municipal Act. 1903. for the elections of mayors of towns and reeves and courcil â€" lors in villazges and townships, and they shall be members ot the council of the municipalities in which they are elected. 2 No member shall take his seat in the county councrl until he has filed with the clerk of the county council a certifiâ€" cate of tha clerk o‘ the town, township or village under his hand and the sen} of the imunicipal corporation that such member was duly elecied »nad bas mace and subâ€" seribed to the declaration of office and qualification as reeve or deputy reeve of the county. stituted us folows : 1. Every town not separated from the county for mmumicipal purposes and every township and viliage shali be represented in such council by the reeve of such town, towuship and yillage municipality, and iu additron to the reeve, by deputy reeve or 1. In and for the year 1907 and thereâ€" atter the council of every couniy or union of counties i@ this Province shull be conâ€" stituted us foilows : The new County Councils Act has been printed and distributed. Its essential teaâ€" tures are as follows : the Post Office. New County Councils Act. MARRIED ++ <Gp »â€" id deputy â€" reeyes general vote in the the Consolidated or the elections of A.B. McLBLLAN, Agent Warerooms across the bridge north of the Post Office. Orders left at REviEw Office will receive our best attention. Daisy Churns. Wringers, Washers, Hayloaders, Tracks, Rakes, Mowers, Binders Prices and terms to suit purchasers,. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. â€" Call and see our Leader Seedâ€" er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Th s New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissell steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora Maple Leaf and SINGER SEWING MACHINES The Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles ALL SPRING GOODS Peter Hamilton AGENCY We solicit the business of Manufacturers, FEngineers and others who realize the advisabil. ity of having their :atent busizess transacted by Experts, Prelimmnary advice frce, Charges moderate. Our Inventor‘s Advisersent upon reâ€" (glest.uulrion '& m:ion. Reg‘d., New York Life 3. Fov k oo e o uce . TT nest. Marion & Marion, Reg‘d., New York Lif ‘hdg. Montreal ; and Washington, D.C.. U.S.A. The Conneil adjourned until called for Court of Revision,. Read These Lists : Weirâ€"Black That for the present year Ward.â€"Carried. Huntâ€"Weir That M Black aud Geo Leitch be paid $1.00 each for repairing bridge at Lot 20, Con 1o0.â€"Carried. Blackâ€"MeMillan That Edwin Hunt be paid $1.00 for inspecting road at Lot 9 Con 1, E G R.â€"Carried. Weirâ€"Black That the Treasurer be paid $1.80 for postage and stationery.â€" Carried. Huutâ€"Black $3.00 for work on sion.â€"Carried, MeMiilanâ€"IBlack 1 paid $1.00 and Mr loading and caring for ried. Hontâ€"MeMillau That the reeve be paid $2.00 for a trip to Bentinck to interâ€" view the reeve of Bentinek in regard to the accident on grayel road betwee G & B and $1.00 for inspecting the road where the accident was said to have taken place.â€"Carried. McMilianâ€"Bunt That the clerk be paid $4.00 for preparing Byâ€"Laws 405 and 4lo0 for National Portland Cement Company, the Company baving paid the same to Tp. Treasurer.â€"Caried, Huntâ€"Weir That Isaac Traynor be paid $14.50 for surveying deviations of Lots 2g. Con 8 and 25. Con9 and making plans thereof.â€"Carried. ET 0 PA aitiate / uce in d Wt tr l c Avaiica hss 3 A Melachlin 75 cents and D Sinelair $1.75 for work and 80 cents for boits and washers. ‘Total $7.80.â€"Carried. MceMillanâ€"Hunt That A Mecleod be paid $4.50 ior cedar plank for repair of bridge on gide:«:ud 50, Con 2, N D R, Blackâ€"Hunt That the reeve and clerk be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to aseign Lot 8G, Con 8, N D R to Joun A MeMillan. and cause the seal of this corporation to be attachâ€" ed thereto.â€"Carried. instructed to ask for Tenders for a capâ€" able man to operate grader, Tende:is to be received by the first of May stating salary. Lowest or any tender not necesâ€" sarily accepted.â€"Carried. MeMillanâ€"Black That the claim~ for damages to Waipole‘s dray wagon. and the International Harvester Company‘s Gasoline engine he not entertained. but that the reeve and MrHunt adopy proâ€" per steps to cefend in care suits are enâ€" rered.â€"Carried. Ths ~Council met April 14th, as per adjournmwent, all the members present, the reave in the chair, minutes of last meeting sead and confirmed. Communiâ€" _eations read as tollows : Dr Ego, account for attendance on a Diphtheria fawmily, Turner& Co, account for medicine for same family, from Isaac Traynor, acâ€" count for surveying, from MacKay and Dann. claim for damages to property on . a snpposed defective roaJl. from Eawver and Maâ€"sey Company Invorce tor rord grader. from A McLachlin aud D Sinâ€" clair, account for repair of bridee on »ideroad 50, from local Board of Healin several accounis for srervices rendered. from the reeve his report on what was said to be defective road. THE NDURHAM REVIEYW Mcl\iillpnâ€"Hupt That the Clerk be E We esnt s e oneet cannot do the shopping yourself,. send your children, and you may be fully assuared that nothing inâ€" ferior is ever palmed off on a caild in this store. FRESH, and prices right. If you ROMPTIY SECURED McARTHUR Gienelg Council. au(l M_r Weir ;1:5-0““;;0”- 8i That A F Wyvil be paird road on loth concesâ€" J S Buack, Clerk ward appropriation be $150.00 for each That the reeye be the grader â€"Carâ€" _ UNTAKIU AKUCHIVES TORONTO I Sold. only in packages at fi 30c, 40c and 50c per pound with yos by porting premium con pons in each peckage. Barclay & Bell Grand Opposite Middaugh House Stables finest and ripest teas. D best possible blemd of the paper bring it to you in the from plantation to tea~ pot, it is the beverage of hygiene. @ No exposure to store dust or microbesâ€"the pack~ GONFECIIORY â€" Sss u:s A. W. Watson Grand Mogul Tea is a product of the sunniest mountain tops in Ceylon. Prepared by machinery from plantation to tea~ Buns a: . Biscuits in great variety All kinas of Cakes made to orde WEDDING CAKES our specialty Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson‘s Breadâ€"The B »st PEEL, The Shoeman is what you should drive in. Everywhere acknowledged to be the leader. _ Why not buy that new one now ? You will find the prices much smaller than in the fall. Then when fall comes, you have a fine new cutterâ€"the best, the Tudâ€" hope, at no more expenseâ€" and will have had its use fo the rest of this winter thrown in. Call in this week and pick yours, or, at least, take a look over them. is worthy of your inspection quickly and neatly done. MEASURES and REPAIRING Mountain Grown A Swell udhope Cufter PEEL‘S new, upâ€"toâ€"date Also other highâ€"grade Manitola Flours, per barrel .$4.75 to 5.00 Ogiivie‘s Royal Housebhold and Famous Five Roses Fiour.. .. .. each, per barrel. . $5.25 SPRING FOOTWEAR Ceylon Tea i High grade Training for Business Life. College tire .__ Our facilities | DustENcE xow. lndnu-ec::mm | W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal, + Cor. Youge and Alexander Sts. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey. Bales mpfly attended to. _ rates reasonable Ts may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review __ _drawn. C.P. R Tickets for Sale. 2 " Auways ProwPT, NEVEER NEGLIGEXT." ; 150 Acres above Durham, well improved. $4000 Do you want to know where to buy JOHN CLARK _â€"» Durham, Nov. 16. ‘08 D. McPHAIL Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Money to bLoan, ()fflce. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to aates, &c., must be made at the Review Of fice, Durham. s«* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly # attended to, Terms on application to Barristers, Solicitors, Cor &c. Money to Loan Omce. Mclntyre Block, ov A. G. MacKey K.C.: ! W. C. PICKERING D. D S:, L Honor GRADUATE of : University, graduate of Royal of Dental Surgeons of Ontario., Over J & J HUNTER‘S New & H:O,\'OR GRADUATE Toronto Univer late Royal College Dental Burgeo Dentistry in all its branches. Oflticeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s ( London to Knapp‘s (New York) Fye Hos) Office, 13 FrOK8tSt, â€"â€" _ .. Owen Sou Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first w::dmm!‘gl_mh month from | {1fice and Residence Cor. @arafraxa and George | mu., ui 100% Of Hill,. _ Old Moodie Cormar. ... «m~iaiac@ctioneceepss. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Prvsiciar & Surcxox, Office over J. &)J). Hurter‘s Store ues s y m t h iA M J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M or to TORONTO, ONT. THE HANOVER CONVEYANXCER A SPLENDID SCHOOL! 9â€"1l a. m #a~ _ Ceylon has a telephone office Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) #@° Special attention given to Diseases 0# Women and Children,. Notary Public, Comn CONVYEYANCER Fye, Ear, Nose & Throat H. H. Miller, ARTHUR GUN, Member College Fhys.cians and Burgeove Outario. .â€"F. GRANT D. p. MACKAY & DUNN, 4 #, MM, 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"â€"® p. m Telephone Connection No. 10 ME L® PE AT D. MecPHAIL, Ceylon P. 0O C. RAMAGE, Durhamw HOURS d PA t . â€"P. TELFORD ced hA TE, DR. BURT 10 a. m. til! 4 Licensed , Auctioncer fo the County of Grey. OFFICER KOURS ommissioner , Conveyancers , over the Bank Royal Colle W. F Dunn ndon, Eng) and Hospitals. of Toronto Post Office Owen Sound Rooms Store GOnt Â¥@ . 14 h

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