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Durham Review (1897), 26 Apr 1906, p. 8

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F1 M " " The First suggestipp_pf liptipg Mrs Will Livingstone and three children spent Easter with friends in Guelph. diriiidis- with the New Dnjggs Goods We have Just stepped into spring. You positively cannot put off that spring suit any longer. Don't let the price worry you. We can show you Dress Goods that will satisfy your taste at a very low figure. g3}:2-1::gxmaicmmmmmmmmm:53 f; Taylor&t3o. Taylor 8000. ifi This is the verdict of all who have seen our display of New Dress Fabrics. We certainly have the newest and most popu- lar colorings to be seen. Visit this department before buying elsewhere. This Department sells everything that man would wish for-comfort, appear- ance and improvement. Whatever you need come and see what our offer looks like Were readv to satisfy you every way. Our New Spring Stock has arrived and is meeting with favor among all smart dressers. It includes DRESS GOODS GOOD WEAR IN ,MEN’S WEAR Miss May Vickers is spending a few Tm. ll tho first qua-don your doctor won"! " "Are your bowoln "gum?" Me know" um only “(Inn of the bow.“ SI unsolutmy "annual to "can". In: your It"! .ettot and your bowel- - y an" and“. do“. of - Puu. Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it--Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? ROBERT BURNETT j " THEY ARE JUST SWELL " ' mun men. ers mu: COM. CHERRY PEGORAL. We Intro no mats! W0 pnbfi-h the for-ml.- of all our motLetrtes. THIS IS HOUSE=CLEANING TIME Our Stock is wry complete in the Wall Paper newest designs and colorings and any price you want from Sc up to 50ca double roll. We trim all paper, so yon have no trouble trimming the edge. Have a look " our paper. ”at c. A," Co.. Moll. In: no I-uhamnn of We have Curtains from MK to $2 pr. Our $2 is a beauty and equal in value to many at $2.50 PEOPL ES STORE“ P q We carry only one line and its the best on earth aints --the siIERThN-WILLiAM6. Unlike others, they make a special Paint for each and every purpose. namely: General paints. special interior paints, family pants, wagon and implement paints, buggy punts. stain of various courts. fiuor paints, barn paint. etc. Call and let us show them-it's . pleasure. . Taylor & Co., Dromore and this is the time of the year for Wall Paper and Paint and with a very little outlay on either Wall Paper or Paint, a house may be made bright or cheerful. HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, GLOVES, 1i0SERY AND ALL KINDS OF NIFFTY CLOTHING. Vickers. And Remarkably Goon Prices too. l Mr Clark Torry is quite ill at pres- l em. We hope he will be better soon. l Prayer meeting was held Sunday night at the home of Mr .Thos. Remy. l, and was well attended. Next night it will be held at Mr Wm 'Nrry's. Mr and Mrs Wm Wlkingham, of this neighborhood, have moved to Aberdeen and Mr apd Mrs E. Rose. bury, formerly ot Owen Sound, have recently moved on their inn. Mr Will Glass, of Durham, occupied the pulpit here the past three Sundays during the absence of the Rev 6.1. Stephenson, who has been m Toronto. Mr Robt. Adlam, of Durham. spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Henry Rwy. Oar teacher, Miss McLeod. spent the holidays at her home in Priceville. Miss Mary Mighton, who has been visiuing her sister. Mrs J Smith, in Brant, renamed home last week. Miss Zena. Marshall, of Durham, visited her aunt, Mrs II. Reay last week. weeks with her brother, Mr Frank Viehurs, UL" Toronto. Mr Chas. Mighton, of Elora. visited his mother here a few davs inst. week. Mr John Johnston, teacher at Louise spent part ct the Easter holidays with friends in Port Huron. MrSam and Miss Jennie Wilson, of Durham. spent Sundav with friends in this part. Lace Curtains Mr William Britton, who has been In poor health for some time, is not making much improvement we are sorry to say. Mr and Mrs Robb Britton, ot Mama. spent Sunday here with the iormer's brother. Born. --To Mr and Mia Hugh Ed- wards, Glenelg Centre, on April 19th, Miss Stidwill returned on Monday to resume her school duties. Prayer meeting was held at Mr C. Kennedy's Sunday night, Mr McComb leading the meeting. The Sunday evening meeting will be held " T. McComb's. Miss May McQueen, ot Durham, spent last week with her cousin, Miss Kate MacFarlune. Mrs Hall, of King, visited with Mrs McCormack a few days last week. Mr and Mrs David Wariuingtm, who were married last Wednesday, spent a few days in this neighborhood last week. Mr Jack Kennedy, while at work the mill, met with the misfortune spraiuing his ankle, eonseqaently off work for the present. Cool days and irosty nights make it easier to endure hard work on mam and beast daring the early part of Seeding. This is the kind of weather we have at present. Some have commoneed seeding while others only commenced plough- ing. The land is getting in gold con- dition to work now and a goodlv num- ber of acres wi.l be sown this week should every element prove favorable. The Easter holidays are past, and my oh ! how short the week seemed to those who had to be punctual at their engagements on Mondav morn- inglast. Teachers had a good holi- day at home. Amongst those that en. joyed themselves here and nearbv, were Miss Nichol, of Lamlash, Miss McDonald, of Calderwood. Principal Carmichal or our town enjoyed him- self at his home near Collingwood. Miss Lame. ot Top Cliff, was home at St Mary's. The Anniversary will be held in the Presbyterian church about the middle of Jane. More further on. Some of the sick people me getting better, others appear to be in a poor state of health, bat we hope when beautiful May come: it will bring health and strength to everybody. Oar town is kind ol quiet on account of the busy season. but Women with baskets on their arms can be seen wr- ing hither and thither to and from our town shopping. _ Oar hotels will close in a. few days with the present system. but we hope to see good accommodation for the travelling community all the Fame, as people must travel as usual. Misses Kate and Mlnnie Maelntvre, ot Toronto. spent. Easter holidays at home with their mother, Mrs Madn- tyre, South line. Glenelg. We saw by the papers the announce- ment of the marriage of Dr J A Cos.- key, of Indianapolis, in June next. We sincerely hope that nothing shall intervene to cause disappointment and that the, good Dr may be privileged to realize in fulltho enjovment ot wed- ded life at the time and place where the expected prize is to be obtained and although the announcement at present may seem premature we hope to be supplied with the details of the event when the anticipated time is past, when the worthy Dr who was born and raised in oar town shall no more be placed in the singular (tum l, her, agus mar sin sios. Miss Tena McDonald spent (Neva week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McUannel of Durham MissGertie McLeod of Allan Park spent. the holidays at home in this place. Rev Walter Nieluf, son ot'our worthy elder of this place, sailed tor Germany on Thursday of last week as per ap- pointment to fill a. position in his min- isterial capacity. Lodge 140, A O. U, W. of tha place meets now once a month instead of twice as usual. Visitors welcomed every fourth Monday of each month, David MeNichol. EsqN. Ex. M. P. P. pald his friends the ichol family a visit lately and attended church on Sunday. At her home on S. Line, Glenelg,‘ there linseed away on 7th April, Mrs Colin Kennedy. in her 62nd year. For a. year or two hack she has been , great sufferer from asthma. and though ten- derly cured for with best medical skill. she has passed away. Mrs Kennedy Was horn in London. Canada, nod“ years ago was married to her husband, who survives her. They have spent their whole married life in Glenelg. where to them was born afmnil ot flve sons and one dau hter. Bella. G',',', som are John. Donald]. Thomas. Allan, Colin. and they are all nearby and were all at the funeral. She. was buried in the Ebenezer cemetery. Rev Mr Roach, Priceville. conducting the cere- monies at house and grave. Deceased as I neighbor and friend was greatly respecte ' and as Wife and mother was "g'Jg',t, and beloved. Her removal is Keen y felt by her children who feel with the poet who sings in sorrow and l in faith t I " gather gone 13h. how we miss her. None tuit' hleediné hearts eatiieii,' But we'll meet her up in glory. Jesu- hats done all things well. " -, THE DURHAM REVIEW Rob Roy. -----f. o Pricevil le. Obituary. gf TORONTO “11:1 in of is Euthquako and Fire Destroy L San Fransisco. The civilized dwellers on our old ecu thl Wrru sttatstled last Wednerday when the news got around that this big rul- ling hall of ours had had another attack of contraction, the resulting upheaval being particularly destructive as it can". directly under the menu. city ot', 400000 Inhabitants and at an hour. 5 ll. m., when most were nSIvep. The sight, of falling plaster. cracking walls and swaying motion caused a rush out " doors. where danger was greater from toppling chimneys. etc. Some hundreo were killed and thousands injured in the brief three minutes of the earth- quake but even then the hurlm was only manning. ' Inavimhly. ttveg broke ontand work- ed their will, for hydrants and water systems were also wrecked or unwnrk- able. and the firemen were belt1sn Dynamite was used to blow up build- ings in its path to try to stop it, but the supply um out and the city kept on burning. Kept on and climbed a hill m the centre of the city, till. it is estim- "ted, all the business portion. is gnnp and only about 0119 quarter' of the city remains. The suffering. the anguish. the horror of it all, mm only he estimated by those participating. Relief measures: wel'ta promptly instituted. funds were more plentiful than food for a. few days hut the latter is rushing in and famine is narrowly averted. The homeless is es- timated at 300000. Millionaires have given of their wealth. theSmtes Gov- (arnumnt has given a million. Cum-(la promptly Rave '100,000, and sympathy is vowing from everywhere. wh Man to man the warld own, Are brthevs yet fora' that." Our "tscido pages have a fuller .tccmu t of this greatest disaster of "10(1le times. _ .- " NOTES. San Francisco will be rebuilt strong- er and better than ever. The great atPol structures stuod We strai_n_ well, and ne, largely. Thirty six babies were born in one, day among the huddled refugees in the Presidio Park. Thev and their mothers were well cared for by the means at hand, but. many will die. The eatastroplte has increased large- ly the number of weddings. Women, ruined by the fire, appealed to their lovers to hasten marriage. for their protection. A heartrending scene was that of futile effort being made to rescue a man pinned down in burning wreck- age. When the fire reached his feet and Ir, was gone he begged to be shot an this was done. Thursday. May 3rd. in the Town Hall Durham, under the auspices of the Durham Puhlzc Lihrarv. The greatvst play ever prnduced in Durham. "The Merchant of Venice. " Cashnf 20, new went-'3'. brilliant costumes. Plan at Mat-Farhme & tlo. Admission 25and 35 cents. l CRIMINAL CossPmhcv.--The Mild. muv G' z'rtle Is Iesp~tu~ibln for the ful- unving: There is mid to be a little hm In Waikerron who is acquiring a. hunk necouutina novel manner. His Master‘s beau gives the boy ten cents to put down In a little book everything nice also am:- ulmnt him. The boy already has " 50 in the bank and is working the waft to the limit. He has taken his father into his eoufHerute and new the old man to make remarks derogatory to the girl's lover, to which she replies in defence. LOOKS LIKE Bvsrssr.ss.---1he C. P. It, have made another move which gives us fresh cause for believing that the cnmpnny menns business so fur as the construction of their line to Walketton la concerned. and that it will not. he long before the work of construction shall have been commenced. What we refer to ii the filing of the plan ind I'/',','fe1,.ie of the mad in the registry office tere. This WM done. one day lasi week, and would not. likely have been done did they not fully intend to R0 on with the work. Col. Scott met the soticitot'of the company in Guelph one day last, week. and was asaurvd that just as soon as the line to Sudbury had Ween _tornyleted, EY!.' on Ellis line would be. The undersizned will receive sealed tenders up to 5 p. m. on Tueday. the 15th dav of May, next. for u. competent person to run a road grader during the season of madmakiug in Glenda, Ap- plicunls to state pay per day without reward The lowest or anv tender not necevmrily accepted unless otherwise satiMttetovy. An Appalling Calamity. Men's Fancy Skirts The famous Tonke Bros, Montreal, make. Both colored and white, stiff or soft fronts, boys'und menu in all sized. These are of the very best qual- ite. as evidenced by the manufacturers the flt is perfect and vou will be sur- prised at the moderate price. Boys' Summer Suits Just in this week, sizes 26 to M. Light, durable materials and the latest shades. Bring the hove in and wt will make them happy with one of the-e. Folds Fonvenientlr for packing in your, grip J use what you require for the coming holiday season. . l TENDE RS WA NTED C'lerk's oMce, Glenelg. April 10th, "iiiiruiiiliiniis" Will take this form Ter our sun: 095E U.M.BR.ELLA arlty, THE TAILOR Additional Locals. ""' - . -"p iegun.--Wtukerrou Telescope J. S. BLACK, Tp. Clank. Pomona. 0.- and work- Banana for SMIIRBAY _ 22 lbs Redpath Granulated Sugar. . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . "I .00 5 lbs Prunes for. . . . . .250 3 pkgs Dunbam’s Cocoanut ..15e, 5 lbs Ginger Snaps. .250 4 pkgs Chinese Starch F . . . . . 330 4 bottles best 100 Extract. . . .250 8 bars best Soap. .35c Men's Cash- mere SOX, reg. 50c for Dress Goods and Accessories for thtl,_ty1isf.. Handsome Gilt and Silver BITS. Handsome Embroidered PLAY Handsome Kid and Silk BELTS. Handsome LACE COLLARS Handsome all Silk BELTS. SIM CA PTAL. Authorized. ....,t"2,001Wtl0 '1tPI'1'Ara,.Paid up. ......... ”MUM" RESERVE FUND ... .... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all prmcipal nuns m Ontario, Quebec, Manual)». United N'lsalne and England. W. P. COWAN, President. G. P. SCHOLFIELD. General Manager. sAVlNGS BAtits .nterest allowed an mvings hank deposits of 81.0" and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilitv atrorded ('ustonntl‘a mung tata distance. J KELLY, Agent. DURHAM AGENC A general Banking nusineas transacted Drafts issued and collection mum on tll points. Deposits remained and int.et est allowed at cut-rem rates HORSES AND TIMBER FOR SALE. Three umres.(lwu In loan and mm Clyde filly, rising 2 yrs old. Also 1 few acres nflimhered swamp. pmm-innllv cedar, tmnal‘nc oul pine. For fut-lbw particulars applv to A _-..-..‘ tl-rs..----,., PROPERTY FOR SALE The ll roamed mick rouidmwe and surrounding lots, the property ofthe J. M. Hunter eMatv, eonvettiently situ. ated on Main St, wth four building lots on AIM-H St will be sold in block or smmrately to suit purchusers. duOll cellar, well and all conveniences. Will ht- sold on a reusmmlpln price and on easy lerxus. Apply on the premiers to Mus J. M. Human. or to A. H.JACKBON. THE BIG STORE Head Office, Toronto. AAAA BANK AA (1lilfll A big range of SOFT FRONT SHIRTS at. . . .80e, 1.25, Lit) The niftiest NECKTIES in the town . . . . .. ... . .25e, 50e, 75e LEATHER BELTS.... .... .... .. .... ....for Men and Boys Our Store is full of New Goods. Impossible m describe their beauty here. Come and see them. 'itilii)i'"ki'iii A, pw iv ALEX. RUSSELL We, Mc VTOLD You " TIE l nTiifl$t)li's "me EDGE" READY ROOFING ANGUS Mchnmcu. Rocky Saugm-n Men's Furnishings It is the one roof that is not. affected by heat end cold. It never leaks-never harden: or cracks-U min, snow end fire-proof-and lusts n lifetime. Cheaper than shingles. . You will went it for every building rf,, ' I after you know how thoroughly (hr 'it I aliehctory it is. ' _ at h Ladies'Cash- mere HOSE. reg. 35c for i Our free booklet gives Iota of , information that it. Write for aoopymd free sample ofthe but rooting in the wodd. I Has-dun dealer: eveywhexe all Puteuon'u "Win Edge" or will get it for you. £11880" MPG. Go. LII. . tr “In all In... __ Dry 00215 Groceries 1yim?, 250 Handsome Embroidered PLA STRUNS Wauaii.- " _ WA... titore next Standard Bank. Dnrlnm. the best husiueu stand in town tor general slur»; will be arranged In suit Immnt. Heated " sic-um. electric. liurhts. Applv to N. lellh'w. 200 acres. lwiug lots 27 and E G R. Gltatteig About, 110 m ed. Wanna hm-dwnud huh, N data F-cir building.“ and wrll the Rorky Hunmwn I'un- Um; "er of lot gf?, which would m; wuietrpowrr. 55 tttiles from conveniently situated Tht. pony will be sold launcher ' (omit purchaser. For {null late, apply on the prams”, or If you wish to sell or esclr- your' progeny quickly m- I',,".,',"?,',":)) ur if ya: w": to buy, don't Nil to mm ur write our Gen. Agent for the tks. of (21:4 Wm W. Rmunge. Thistle P. 0.. “ha hr Inte. ly "Pen appointed to this position We link? no charge unless the pnqL-rly is Mild. For further pru'tieulars, apply. permmdly or by letter. to vzllu'r ot" the above tuid-ries. THE WESTERN REM. ESTATE EXCHANGE In referent-9 in the alsnve. I In"; ', "ounce that. I will be plensml at mn- to tueet with potiett wiuOp to buy or oxrlmugv. but will fovcouverial, in Durham every Saturday all”! If we dou’l we you. send tts a [ml-l we will gladly give all Inf." um! um. dere or enquiries " the Rr Ulu l will "ecetve prompt ntietttiott. The Western Real Estate Exchange Ltd.. Inndnn. ()Mulw. MCGumuCK Bans... Rock Limited " Dani-I St, London, Ont FARM FOR SA r, i APRIL M, 1906 A big reduction in new fine EMBROIDERII‘ZS HN per yard ion... ,. WM. W. RAMAGE. Gen. Agent TO RENT. NOTICE i'i1,lllfej '),' Mk: ll w (mice trttoorr ml AWN-d an. Or ti en ll ll si :'i"3RMMt A QHIIII tt .e'ih'.y'4h'eep: t lh-:\'n:w I we... 70 L. ' and l ind I ind I and 1 and l and N and , and I And , and I " " IN

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