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Durham Review (1897), 3 May 1906, p. 3

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splints, ringbone, sweeney, a , SW , sore and swollen thn.g: lave $50 by use of one botâ€" the most wonderful Bleâ€" er known J MHF OHRCY # 2004 t. Lnr;-:“.:n fl..u-: mized, $3; albums, all pr Toronto, Ont. *3, either solid or m s all that is necessary handy and easily Prices for a Block ‘ this machine and Send for booklet, Kb Cumnkinn â€" WE M Kard, soft or calloused lemishes from horses, tblood t and N f High Expenditure. leans Timesâ€"Democrat.) ding at a fearful rate and nenditure has, for the nonce, S FOR SALE _ ftain and the Cabby. g story illustrates the dis. having an article in comâ€" d after one‘s own name. the Clan McIntosh had a onmâ€"lp t lt« _ ISM â€" WHATS THE HERE‘S THE CURE +â€" H TITUTE LOCK MACniINE ELLANEOUS, FRUIT LANDSâ€"1@ tor Se SALE. IF YOU 'fl ;x in Ontario, send for . ) farms for sale Whe Exchange, Limited, d NO. 18. ; Soothing Syrup s*5uHM al. for children teething. Ig d, soothes the gums, cures h Am ir Post Cards EMALE PILLS Box 4. Hamilton, Canadsa SPAYINLLNIMENT SQrAis DIFFERENCE se# D2. LeRor‘s every time. . Waterford, O#be t Detinition, who, as the lfi mey to burn‘ ering the instruc= i5 and living bas 1 on whlc: it can \s the old adage horseback and he From the present b« broken by the the saddlo. After remedy for Diarâ€" d cures any form , Bleeding, are simply m asoe will pass if bout his fare, *‘ indignantly "I am the Meâ€" f you are an "I‘ll have my lays a found invaluable d. and are guaran. Enclose stamp for ‘:“Tom France Letters, hcumatic Cure Relioves in $ n receipt of price m of blood in : an â€" interpal 3 uric A of Piles has irc. _ Money PE 1 the playâ€" d him back nothing but ce legitimate this ntance nager so _ plays may be ovalties!** stamp for place. llomt 14 GREAT LAND BOOM IN THE CITY OF OAKLAND. Attempt Being Made to Snatch from San Franâ€" cisco Her Commercial Supremacy. s 10F CEIn TIPYy NeQus Un & EC ICICIEALC And the Refugees Suffered in the Parks scale, ezrt)coh withdrawal tg’ bP: limited and Squares, to $500. Correspondents of the sevâ€" San Francisco despatch: The homeless eral banks in London, Paris and New people who camped in the park, squares York will transfer centain sums to and vacant lots, were awakened early their credit. The Mint will be the A syndicate has been formed to make Oakland a deep sea port by building docks and piers into deep water. "It is the intention," said the speakâ€" er for the syndicate, "to make Oakland the chiec?f marine shipping port on the Paâ€" cific coast. The enterprise contemplates filling of 500 acres of shoal water and construction of a mole capable of dockâ€" ing the largest ships that enter the bay." The price of Oakland city real estate is going up by leaps and bounds. Complaint of extortion _ in rents is widespread, and powerful influences are at work to keep the real estate boomers within reasonable limits,. Hundreds . of leases of business property have been * since Monday for double and treble 6 figures originally paid by the sellers. All vacant houses have been taken and people who have country homes are leasâ€" ing their city homes at fancy figures and moving out of town. Help for Professional Men. Los Angeles, Cal., Despatch: _ H. E. Huntington, _ of this city, yesterday orened with a giift of $30,000 a fund to alleviate the ruined fortunes of profesâ€" sional men and women who lost their all in the San Francisco disaster. The statement made public by Mr. Huntingâ€" Bernhardt Benefitâ€"Feeding Refugeesâ€"Ground Sank in Lower Part of City. New York despatch: According to a San Francisco despatch to the World a group of financiers, taking advantage of that city‘s misfortunes, seek to snatch her commercial supremdf from her. ton concerning Ais @IL 15 1N pPMIW A7 follows: "During my recent visit to San Franâ€" cisco I was struck most forcibly by the misfortune that had occurred to proâ€" fessional men by reason of the disasâ€" ter. The sturdy laboring man will find work at ence, and through the assistâ€" ance of the relief committees and the abundant call for labor wil} soon be on his feet again and in almost as good eondition as he was before the earthâ€" quake. It" & 01 pop i Pb nds . Pnd c h se s * "It seemed to me that as a class, the lawyers, doctors and other professional men, who depend upon libraries, skill and their clientele for support, are most heavily hit. I know personally of many t(l;ofmional men who lost their libraries, es, instruments and everything but ::idothes they were wearing. _ The are not well equipped to do manual labor, and must take a practically new start in their profession, with little or nothing to becin with." TORONTO . ..z bdP" MAN CURED OF BILIOUSNESS & INDIGESTION. Headache, Constipation, Piles, Liver Troubles, Indigesâ€" fl.‘.l’dflhtb-.ln.dumi‘hmkm, Dizziness, Debility, Anemia, and all Ailments, Blood Im. w Fruptions, etc,. and all ailments arising out of ve bile flow and assimilation.._. Of all Druggift* &ed Medicine Vendors at 50. per box, or post free and Medicin® *OMW"_~ St. Toronto, upon receipt xf the Bilean Co., lionaire Huntington Gives $30,000 to Help Fund for Professional Men. wou °o uBd CMIE MEAAA o 4e 2 WIE «* If anybody is desirous of® really knowing how wonderfully these Bileans do act, let tb:m write 3 6 ans do act, J6D LMCZL C me. I will be pleased to gi :;aporhnoa. £ Yo!l'l'fls; Bileans for Biliousness have one great distinâ€" guishing feature over ordinary medicines. They are so superior that when ailments have defied other _od‘;:‘ Bileans are still able to effect a cure. The following letter sent to the Company by a ‘ntcfill Toronto man whom Bileans cured, will be interesting in this connection. . The letter is from Mr. Frank O‘Neill, of 722 Dufferin Street, Toronto, and reads as follows : * To the Bilean Co.: "*Dear Sirs,â€"I wish to express my appreciation for what Bileans have done for me. I have been troubled since last June with biliousness, wind, feelâ€" ings of fullnees, and a dull, miserable feeling, I had headache and constipation, and was albo?ethcr run down and out of order,. All the remedies I tried failed to do me any good. I tried your Bileans, and I am Eleuod to ulyhthoy succeeded where other things had failed. y have made me well again. In gratitude for my cure 1 give you my full permisâ€" sion to use this inlormt.ionuyol-:y:hinkpw‘?:-' HEAVY RAIN FELL, BILFANS FOR BILIOUSNESS CURE 6 boxes for $210). act, let them write to ve them the benefit of ¢. Frank O‘Neill ; toâ€"day by the water dripping through the improvised tents, which afforded poor protection against the heavy rain that began to fall about one o‘clock and | continued for several hours. Many perâ€" sons were driven into nearby houses for | shelter. |_ Although the various camps were betâ€" | ter prepared for the storm than for sevâ€" lera] days past, hundreds of tents hayâ€" !ing been received and put up since the ; last storm, still there are thousands who | are without proper shelter and who shivâ€" i ered in their wet clothes last night, vainly trying to get warm after the rain ceased, by walking or huddling around little camp fires. The least distress and suffering was at the Presidio, where nearly all the refugees have been proâ€" vided with tents by the Quartermaster‘s department. _A wagon of picks and shovels was furnished, with which trenches were dug to carry off the water and the ground banked around the tents, making them comparatively â€" comfortâ€" able. In Lafayette and Hamilton squares comparatively few tents have been isâ€" sued to those camped there, but the ground is high and the drainage good. In "Cow Hollow," at the rear of Harâ€" bor View, about 3,000 Italians from ‘Teleâ€" graph and Russian Hills, and a sprinkâ€" ling of Chinese and Japanese, are campâ€" ed, Few of them have been provided with tents, and there was much distress among the women and children, of whom there are many in the camps. An Oakland despatch: Conditions are still looking up. The restriction against entering the city is now prncticalg off. By toâ€"morrow the electric cars wiill be running on Market street again,. The banks have both a name and a local habitation. They have found a row of private residences on Laguna street, a thoroughfare heretofore a stranger to commerce, and from the windows of these houses flags proclaim that the Crockerâ€"Woolworth, ~the Nevada and all the others are doing business within. A chilly wind was blowing this mornâ€" ing, and the difficulty of preparing warm food added to the distress of the homeless. The Clearing House, representing the local commercial â€" banks, has been meeting every day. Toâ€"day they arâ€" ranged a plan for paying off depositors for temporary needs on a proportionate scale, each withdrawal to be limited to $500. Correspondents of the sevâ€" eral banks in London, Paris and New CONDITIONS MUCH IMPROVED IN SAN FRANCISCO, \ From Forest to Patient. To obtain free saamâ€" ple box of Bileans mail one cent stamp (to pay return postage) to the Bilean Co., Colborne Street Toronto. Send full name and address ' Bileans for Biliousnessâ€"the great Australian cure for indigestion, headâ€" ache, debility, liver trouble, etc.â€"are purely vegetable. They are entirely different and superior to ordinary liver and stomach medicines. It is well known that liver medicines hitherto in use mostly contain bismuth, mercury, and other harmful mineral products, and rely upon these ingredients for their temporary effects. These mineral constituents are very injurious if taken for long, and produce such effects as that of loosening the teeth, causing the hair to fall out, etc.â€" Bileans are entirely superior. They are compounded from extracts and juices of the finest known medicinal plants. In taking them there is no fear whatever of any harmful secondary effects. They cure that which they are taken to cure, and do not leave behind them evils worse than the original ones.. They do not merely purge and weaken, like the oldâ€"fashioned medicines, or do the work which the liver and stomach should do. They tone up and enable these organs to fulfil their proper functions, so that when acure is effected and Bileans are left off, the organs remain strong and healthy. Users of Bileans need therefore never fear their use will lead to the contracting of the terrible "pillâ€"taking" habit. SAMPLE BOX '/ LL modern science goes to prove l"“""’g ‘fi! ! y A that herbal medicines are vastly superior to those conâ€" taining mineral ingredients. The herbs of the field and the trees of the forest constitute nature‘s "medicine chest;" and the highest benefit which science can confer on man is the discovery of nature‘s medicinal baims and essences, and their preparation in form suitable for use by the people. eashier‘s window for all the banks. The cheques will be made out in the usual form, endorsed by the cashier, and taken to the Mint, where they will be cashed. Superintendent of the Mint Leach says that he will coâ€"operate in this as soon as he can get gnough clerks. _ The savings banks report a satisfactory condition. _ They will open on the same day as the commercial banks. The market price for laborers is $2.50 a day, with the supply limited, but increasing. _ Besides the authorâ€" ities, the War Department and street railways, private concerns want men to clear up their premises and erect temporary saructures. Happily, we are altnost clear algain. The gestrictins on the use of water for anything but external use has been removed. _ It was washâ€"day in all the camps. There was a scarcity of washtubs, _ and wash basins and bowls, anything that would hold water, served the purpose. The shrubs and trees of Golden Gate Park are white with clothes. Women with dainty hands and diamond rings and women with coarser hands traded hands and gossiped over their washâ€" boards. _ Men of dainty habits _ are going about without collars, because the last one got too dirty to be worn any longer. The laundries got it as well as the owners of washing. But the rcfugees hbave bathed, and when the linen has dried out they will be clean next to the skin. Every day the danger of epidemic seems smaller. There is abolutely no increase in the number _ of smallpox cases, no typhoid has appeared, and the cases of measles and scarlet fever are few. Donkey and construction _ engines were hauled into the ruined business district toâ€"dat to get the safes of business men out of the ruins. . They are in the same fix as the banks; they dare not open the safes until they are The Rochester Divine who is Being Tried for Heresy in Batavia. Labor Supply Increasing. Safes Are Stin1 Cooling. DR. ALGERNON S. CRAPSEY,, JAfter a careful survey the enâ€" gineers of the Board of Public Works estimate that the area swept by the fire is about 15 square miles. There are few cities in the world where so much valuable property was contained in an equal territorial area. Within the disâ€" trict _ were nearly 100 banks alone, some of the finest office buildings outâ€" side of New York, thousands of merâ€" cantile and manufacturing _ establishâ€" ments, and about 250,000 inhabitants, toâ€" gether with about 25,000 transients. thoroughly cooled. _ In cases where floors fell, five or six safes are often jumbled together in the basements. The owners get them all out and identify their property. _ They will be left in the streets to cool for the presâ€" ent. The work of razing the dangerous walls goes on smoothly. The next imâ€" portant stage of this work will be the laying of railroad tracks down the main business streets to get out the great masses of wreckage. The Fireâ€"Swept Area. These facts may give some idea of the size of the ruin and of the loss inâ€" volved, but they also emphasize _ the small loss of life from earthquake, fire and shooting. For the death list may not go over 700, and will almost cerâ€" tainly not reach 1,000. This is a strikâ€" ing proof of the masterly manner in which the authorities, civil and military, ran things. The homes of more than 150,000 are standing practically uninjured. | There still remain the great shipyards at the Potrero, the Pacific Mail docks, and the busy district immediately surâ€" rounding them, the stock yards at South San _ Francisco, the wharves along the water front, the. factories along the water front from Mission Creek to Hunter‘s Point, the Mint, the Postoffice, and the large retail disâ€" trict _ on Filmore â€" and â€" Devisadero streets. After all, a big city remains in San Francisco. The Chinese Consulâ€"General _ regis Many Residences Uninjured. ’ | and Jews against the "German Barons in choosing Radicals and Constitutional Democrats as electors. ‘ In connection with the celebration of Stanton Day at Kenyon College, Gamâ€" §bier. Ohio, yesterday, the degree of doeâ€" tor of laws was conferred on Andrew Carnegie. The New York Tribune say®: The Govâ€" ernment of Venezuela is to establish a inationnl.bnn«k and substitute a paper currency for the gold basis on which the country has been operating. The Franklin celebration, preceding the unveiling toâ€"day of the statue of Benjamin Franklin, prosented to the city A remarkable feature of the second degree elections in the Baltic provinces was the complete defeat of the Germans, who compose the noble, or land owning class. Even the Russians entered into combination with the Letts, Esthonians King Edward and Queen Alexandra arrived toâ€"day at Naples, after a stormy voyage. It is feared that they will be unable on accourt of the weather to make the proposed ascension of Mount Vesuvius. of Paris by John H. Harjas, the Amerâ€" ican banker, of Paris, was held in the Palace of the Trocadera this afternoon. The Canadian syndicate which recently purchased the street railway lines of Mexico City, Mexico, it was said yesterâ€" day, has purchased all properties in Puebla of the Puebla Tramways Co., with some 27 kilometres of track. A change will be made to electric power and 34 kilometres will be added. Tha civil marriage of Spencer Eddy, secretary of the American Embassy at St. Petersburg, and Lurline Spreckels, daughter of C. A. Spreckles, of San Franâ€" cisco, occurred toâ€"day at the Town Hall of Passy, France, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. ‘The church marriage will take place toâ€"morâ€" row. The Chicago Chronicle toâ€"day says: Prosecution of the suit against the Armâ€" our & Swift interests in Texas for the purpose of securing a $12,000,000 penâ€" alty for violation of antiâ€"trust laws may esult in the closing of all packing plants in Texas and the withdrawal of the Chicago concerns from that State. Reports from the correspondents of the Associated Press throughout Russia and the Caucasus show in generad a thoroughly favorable outlook for crop conditions and the prospect of a good yield of grain for the coming year. and 300 cars A deed conveying to the National Kailâ€" road Co. of Mexico the property of the Hidalgo & Northeastern Railway will be signed toâ€"morrow. The price paid is $6,â€" Toronto carriage and wagon workers threaten to strike if their working hours are not reduced. has> been m&' graft from his countrymen. . When the first crowd of refugees was taken from the ruined districts the soldiers made the Chinaâ€" men pay toll, usually $5 a head, to be guided to the ferry. He makes a furâ€" ther charge, that the military guard was withdrawn from Chinatown yesâ€" terday, allowintgh crowds of white toughs to poke through the ruins and help themselves to the stocks of Chinâ€" ese stores, He says that a large amtâ€" ount of property was stolen in this way, while the Chinese stood by and took it all in. Being Chinese and in California, they had to. The steamer Marco Minghetti arrived at New York toâ€"day nearly a week over dite, Aprchension had been felt for her safety. The Canadian Northern is adding 33 locomotives to the motive power on its western lines. The Government will introduce a bill to increase the pay of Police Magistrates Denison and Kingsford. The steamer Iroquois, which grounded below the Soo and blocked the passage for several hours, was released yesterday afternoon. While operating a planing machine in the carpenter shop at the Toronto city yards, yesterday, Edward Quartz had his right hand so badly mangled that tl(;e injured member had to be amputatâ€" ed. Several parties from Belleville, were summoned for being at a cock fighting seance in Deseronto on Good Friday, and were yesterday morning fined $5 and $9.50 costs. A Deseronto holtel keeper, who lost $200, gave the thing away to the authorities. The British portion $65,505,000, of the Russian loan has been covered and the slubscriptions list closed toâ€"day, Appliâ€" cations were received from Germany and elsewhere on the continent. Miss Jean V. Sinclair of Indore, Cenâ€" tral India has resigned her position as missionary under the Foreign Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church, in order to marry Rev, J. 8. MacKay, another member of the Canadian mission staff in Cental India. Miss Sinclair beâ€" longs to Madoc,Ont.. and has been in mission work in India since 1889. The rate of discount of the Bank of England remained unchanged toâ€"day at 3 1â€"2 per cent. For sending in a false fire alarm a young man named Harris was fined $25 in the Brantford Police Court. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered Vicâ€" toria College $50,000 on condition that the college raise a similar sum. A freight train betwen Ingersoll and Port Burwell was cancelled yesterday owing to a strike of the crew. The appointment of Mr. J. W. Sey mour Corley of Toronto as Crown Attor ney for that city, was officially con firmed yestelgay afternoon. It takes ef fect on May*"1, from which day the re signation of Mr. Curry dates. King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helâ€" ena toâ€"day opened _ the International Congress of Chemistry at Rome. There were 1,800 members present. BRITISH AND FORE!GN. NEWS IN BRIEF ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO The road has 27 locomotives CANADIAN Quebec despatch: The trial of Gunner John Barry, a former member of the Royal Canddian Garrison Artillery, who is charged with the murder of a comrade named Gunner Richard Kidd HMall, at the Citadel in November last, concluded toâ€" night at 7 o‘clock, when the jury returnâ€" ed a verdict of guilty of manslaughter and the presiding judge sentenced him to the penitentiary for the rest of his natural life. The jury took it into conâ€" sideration that the prisoner was insane when he committed the act and is still suffering from dementia, which influeneâ€" ed their verdict. & Es The prisoner was oblivious of all that was passing during the trial, and even when the verdict was rendered and the sentence pronounced he did not realize his position, and when the guards sought to remove him from the dock he resistâ€" ed, though he uttered no words, but gazed about him with a vacant stare, GUNNER BARRY FOUND GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER. The Minister of Justice may have the condemned man examined, and, if found insane, incarcerated in the Kingston Penâ€" itentiary lunatic asylum. The Havana was showing the usual riding lights and the colision is inexpliâ€" cable. _ The Havana was owned by Capt. Farquhar, of Halifax and was worth $30,â€" 000, She had just returned from a sueâ€" cessful sealing trip on the Newfoundland Wanted a Runaway Marriage With Farmer‘s Daughter, Neepawa, Man., April 30.â€"A newâ€" comer named McCracken, from Horning‘s Mills, Ont., was frustrated toâ€"day in an attempt to elope with the daughter of a wellâ€"toâ€"do farmer, James Poole, living near Brookdale, who was attending high school here. He got a license and went to the rector to have him marry them, saying that he had the consent of ner parents, as she was under 18. Mr. Poole was one of his coast. The Crew of the Havana Had Barely Time to Clamber Upon the Strathâ€" cona When Their Boat Went Down. Halifax despatch: A serious marine accident occurred in Halifax harbor toâ€" night. _ The coasting steamer Strath â€" cona struck and sank the stecamer Havâ€" ana, which was lying at anchor near Point Pleasant. The Strathcona left ber wharf at 10 o‘clock for eastern ports, and half an hour later ran into the Havâ€" ana. â€" The crew of the latter, who had been engaged in saiving the cargo of a submerged schooner, were asleep in their berths. They hurriedly rushed on deck and had barely time to clamber aboard the Stratchona, the bow of which was locked in the Havana amidships. s The committee has the Burton bill under consideration. It is expected that Messrs, Gibbons, King and Coste, toâ€" gether with the American commissioners, will visit Niagara Falls with the comâ€" Buffalo, April 30.â€""We have no stateâ€" ment to make regarding the question of preserving the scenic beauties of Niaâ€" gara Falls, because the commission took no definite action in the matter toâ€" day," said Mr. George C, Gibbons, K. C., of London, chairman of the Canadian section of the International Waterways Commission, this afternoon,. The Comâ€" mittee on Rivers and Harhors of the House of Representatives will visit Niaâ€" gara Falls toâ€"morrow to make a personal investigation of the conditions there. _ Batavia, N. Y., April 30. â€"The court of five clorgymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church, which is hearing the charges of heresy and violation of his ordination vows against Rev,. Algernon and the parent came in his daughter. _ McCra CANADIAN AND .UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVES. HEARING OF THE CHARGES OF HERESY AND VIOLATION OF vOWS. 8. Crapsey, of St,. Andrew‘s Church, Rochester, opened its second day‘s sesâ€" sion toâ€"day in the Batavia court house, The prosecution toâ€"day will call a numâ€" ber of divines, who will testify as to their views in the matter of Dr, Crapâ€" sey‘s orthodoxy. Some members of the vestry of St. Andrew‘s are expected to testify. % ap Asking a question Congressman Perkins, the defense, admited Dr. Crapsey had taken vows. Mr. O‘Brien then called the Rev, Franâ€" cis Wodard, rector of St. Paul‘s Church, Rochester, and asked him to recite the substance of a conversation held with Dr. Crapsey, in February, 1905, To this Mr. Perkins objected, on the ground that this conversation was not in the preâ€" sentment against Dr. Crapsey, citing as precedent the case of Pr. Williams, in which the prosecutor was the Bisanp of Salisbury. Mr. O‘Brien contended that Mr. Perkins was confusing evil>ase to support the charge with the charge itâ€" self, After further argument by* the prosecution and the defence on this point the court decided to exclude the mittee. The House Committee on Rivers and Harbors to Visit Niagara Toâ€"dayâ€"â€" Mr. Gibbons Says No Action Has Been Taken Yet. evidence in question RUN DOWN BY STRATECONA IN HALIFAX HARBOR, TO INSPECT FALLS. FOILS ATTEMPT TO ELOPE. CRAPSEY‘S CASE. STFAMER SUNK. LIFE SENTENCE. by Mr. O‘Brien, chief counsel for as evidence that all his ordination

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