West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 May 1906, p. 5

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the Spring ader Seedâ€" ators and ons e north of it REVIEWYV attention, H shesâ€"someâ€" , Binders urchasers. wide, 3e yd ts, white or $1.20 per pr «. ... Xd€ y le..25¢ sq ya Nashers, Chatâ€" rriege rriage 1 Rc , side roven OO0DS e well be seâ€" MACHINER tors, 4 styles id 35¢ each cce TABLE ws of Agent $ | $1.75 each ous ENCY ers Ridâ€" CHEAP le 0c ya c dozen .2 for 5¢ io $1 p e 1.40 p Block liers Elora ts &mwww D*# H‘d*: i N.,G. & J. McKechnie % RPurniture Sale N, G. & J. McKechnie The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. RNKNow Going on MAY 17,4°1906 Anticipating a big demand we bought largely in the early market and thus were enabled to secure the pick of the gocds and at a price which cannot be equalled, We invite you one and all to inspect one stock. ‘This department of our business was never in better shape to supply our customers than it.will be this season. It is cheaper than shingles and you can put it on yourself. With each roll of " Wire Edge * are nails, caps and cement. You need only a hammer and you can make all the buildings rainâ€"proof, k â€"«, _ snowâ€"proof and fireâ€"proof. Don‘t you want Barn and Chicken Houses as dry as your kitchen? Roof them with Paterson‘s "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing To reduce our stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our Wareroomsâ€"â€"one door South of the Post Office. Cheaper than Shingles DRESS GO0DS (Thefpopular Cash iStore.) The Popular Cash Store. Our booklet tells about the roofing that never leaks and lasts a lifetime. Let us rsend you a free copy and samples of Em ParErsox‘s " WiIRE Epor.‘" * n Sold by hardware dealers 7 SA Bsc everywhere. : Aweer k PATERSON MFG. CO. Limited \ Toronto and Montreal _ .4 SPRING Whyteâ€"McLoughryâ€"That the reeve, Mr McKenzie and the Clerk be paid $2 each for committee work at Eageniaâ€" Carried. McKenzioâ€"Whyteâ€"That the first meeting of the Court of Revision on asâ€" sessment roll of 190g be held at the town hall, Fiesherton, on Saturday, June 2, at 4 o‘clock a m, and the Clerk publish the req uired noticeâ€"Carried, The 2nd and 3rd divisions of lot num ber 16, Concession 1, East Garafraxa Road, Glenelg, 100 acres, Apply to Axous MCKINNOXN or to o > T.P. TELFORD, Durham McKenzieâ€"McLoughryâ€"â€"That Robt Fawcett pe paid $1.53 in settlement of claim against this municipality for dam» ages to buggy on iown line Artemssia and Euphrasia, caused by road being out ef repairâ€"â€"Carried. Whyteâ€"Bestâ€"That D. G. McLean‘s account of seventy cents for repairing scraper be paidâ€"Carried, MclLoughryâ€"Bestâ€"That the Reeye and Mr Whyte be u committee to look at slde line 30,1 N U R, with a yiew to opening the same, and to report at next meeting of Councilâ€"Crrried. |__ MceKenzieâ€"McLoughryâ€"That the reâ€" | cord of local Board of health be received ) ud that the following accounts recomâ€" mended be paid * Dr Carter $106.25. |\Dr Ego $78, John Whitten $1, Jolun | Hales §$1, Siras Udell $90, H H Galâ€" lagher $3.80, A Brooks $2, Geo Littleâ€" [ johns $3, S W Sloan $2, J P Ottewell | $84, W P Crossley $10â€"Carriod,. Dated April 4th, 1906. McKenzieâ€"Bestâ€"â€"That im regard to complaint of Mr MeCabe as to obstrucâ€" tions on Prince street, Priceville, the clerk notify all parties who haye fences or other obstructions on said street to haye the same removed forthwithâ€"Car ried. McKenzieâ€"Bestâ€"That Johu C Wilâ€" liams bo permitted to occupy the lane at the north of mill reserve No 4, Enagenia, opposite lots 18 and 19, south of Zouave street, on condition that he allow right of way from trayel‘ed road north of river, north to said landâ€"Carried. Bestâ€"Whyteâ€"That the report of Mr Mcloughry in regard to timber on base line in rear of con 2 NE T & S R, be receiyud and that no action be taken at present as to sâ€"le, and all parties are bereby cautioned against removing said timber, and Mr McLoughry be paid $2 for his services in the matterâ€"Carried D G Mclean, account for repairing scraper ; socal Board of health, report resmallpox ; Mr MeLoughry reported yerbally as to iimber on base line in rear of con 2, N ET & S R; the reeve and Mr McKenzie reported verbally as to the arrangement made with J E Williams in regara to lanes at Eagenia Artemesia Courcil met in the townâ€" ship hall on Saturday last, members all preseut, tho reeve in the chair, Minâ€" utes of last session were read and conâ€" firmed. Communications were read as follows : _A McCabe. askiug to haye certain obstructions remoyed off streets in the village of Pricevilie ; Adam Hisâ€" lop, regarding ditches on yalley r10ad ; Rober t Fawcett, claiming compensation for damage to buggy on townline, Artâ€" emesia and Eaphrasia; Dr ‘I. S. Sproule, M P, acknowledging receipt of resoluiion re Sabbath Observance Bill now before the Dominion Parkiamen;; Council adjourned. FARM TO RENT Artemesia Council. â€"The healthy state of Provincial finances. And closed by thanking them for liberal lgl}l)ropriations and invoking the blessing of Almighty God on | country and people. â€"The Education bills respecting the Department of Education providâ€" ing for the new office of Superintendâ€" ent and establishment of an advisory Board. The other, the Public School Act securing better, and betterâ€"paid teachers. â€"The re organization of Toronto University. â€"The new mining policy. â€"The provision whereby veterans can have their land grants commuâ€" ted by a money %ment, and the surrender of 525, acres by the Grand Trunk Pacific granted as a subsidy, both measures removing impediments to settlement. â€"The industrial revolution made Fosgible by the Hydroâ€"Electriz power egislatien. _ _ Cl 4 d is s) i â€"â€"The Liquor License Law ; it had placed more effective resrictions around the liquor traffic and it was "gratiftying to know that now the Province and the munmicipalities would share equaliy in the increased revenues ‘‘ also, " The clauses of the bill tending towards the permanence and efficiency of local opticn have met with very general avproval of moderate men.‘" The repeal of the County Councils Act was lauded and the *‘ continuity of our muanicipal institutions assured by a return to the old system." Referred to:â€" â€"The establishment of a railway and Municipal Board for regulation of steam and electric railways ; Referred to measures passed in the interest of Agriculture, such as the new basis ot paying grants to Soâ€" cieties, the appointment of dairy inâ€" spectors, and taking O. A. C. grad. uates on the advisory board. Pleased that the Legislature had joined with the Parliament in invitâ€" ing the King and Queen. $ A graceful reference to Prince Arthur‘s visit. They were thanked for close attenâ€" tion to public dutics resulting in *‘ work undertaken and accomplished of such extent, variey and value as to make the session now closing without a parallel in the history of this province." On Monday afternoon last in the presence of only a few members and a representation of prominent citizens, men and women, the local house was proragued by Lieuâ€"Goy. Mortiâ€" mer Clark. ‘The closing speech from the throne was the longest on record and there follows a brieft synopsis of its contents : â€"That only 9 voted to rescind the measure may be partly due to the leadership of W. F. McLean, who seems to be the most unpopular of men. His friends rather than his foes were most severe in their handâ€" ling of him for his silent consent in the first place and his noisy converâ€" sion later. â€"Could not all the torceful men in parliament get together and plan for the extinction of the Senate altogethâ€" er? Not suddenly. We would say let them keep their pension, but as vacancies occuar, let them remain va csant, and set a limit of 50 or say 40, which, when reached, should be the signal for its extinction as a legislaâ€" tive body, though the individual members should continue to receive the indemnity. The present senators should agree to this, though of course the army of aspirants in every localâ€" ity waiting for dead men‘s shoes and $2500 per annum, will not fayor the schem e. â€"It has been yentilated now howâ€" ever, the motion to repeal the inâ€" crease, brought in by W. F. McLean, was voted down by 167 to 9 after considerable discussion in parliament and a great deal out of it. Premier Laurier in the discussion promised some change in the hateful pension feature. This is gratifying, and the eountry would be almost wholly satâ€" isfled if that and the increase to the Senators were abolished. â€"This was the chief sore spot in the increase of indemnity legiamion in the Dominion house at the 1905 session. _ Weeks and weeks were spent on autonomy bills in fierce and rasping wartare, press and public beâ€" ing saturated with the arguments pro and con, but as the session was closing the warring factions came toâ€" gether with a snap and before press and public were hbalf awake the measure was passed. â€"Was it a compliment or was it a crush that allowed the supplementâ€" ary estimates to go throufh in two bours during the last days of the session ?> We hope it was the forâ€" mer but from the amount of business rushed through in the clusing days it afiwpears to be a weakness in all legâ€" islatures to allow a piling up of busiâ€" ness to take place which is crushed through without du» discussion. â€"The second session of the provinâ€" cial legislature adjourned last week. Without doubt the work done has been of an important character and if the results are commensurate with the expectations, the session will rank as one of the best ever held. The government too will deserve credit as it has already received compliments, especially the great one of having the hydroâ€"eiectric power bill pass without a division and with very little criticism. ; THE DURHAM REVIEW Random Political Notes. Legislature Prorogued. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Trape Marks Desicns Coryricnts &c. Anyone sending a sketch and desoflguon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether ap invention is probably i)muuuble. Communicn tions ntflct(l)y confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nfiency for ae(mrmxcp-(enu. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive es Lnrm Hopo oi uoL ft OO recuive special notice, without charge, in the A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest oir. culation of any scientifie journal. ‘Terms, $ a Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equ'l_rped in tenchins ability, in chemical and electrical supplies an fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS, ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. m. FORF ..R, B. A., Classics, Moderns and English, MISS FLOSSIE McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year unergraduate of Queen‘s Unlversiti'. Science, History anc Geography, Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates, Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a rost desirable place for residence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Wm.Jonnston, Jr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Becretary We solicit the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, Preliminary advicefree, Charges moderate, Our Inventor‘s Adviser sent upon reâ€" nest, Marion & Marion, Reg‘d., New York Life %l.dg. Montreal : and Washington, D.C., U.S.A. will double your elmln{ power. It only retiuires & few months at this Institution to complete a thorough practical Business Course or a Shortâ€" hand and Typewriting Courseand fit you for a remunerative position. h t 4 & Students admitted at any time. _ Full particu lars at any time free. j C,. A. FLEMING, Principal Spring term begins April 2nd. A general Banking nusiness transacâ€" ted, Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at current rates CAPTAL, Authorized......$2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up.......... 1,000,0L0 RESERVE FUND.......... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all %i-mcipal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. DURHMHAM AGENCY SAVINGS BANkâ€".nterest fallowed on savings bank deposite;of $1.00 and upwards. Promptattention and every facility n.flordexi)cuatomeru living at a distance. J. KBPLLY, Agent. W. F. COWAN, President. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager GTANDARD BAKK 0F CANAN Scienfific American. C. McARTHUR Several shades of Dress Goods Prints Dress Ducks Cottons Towelling CORSETSâ€"at 50c, 75¢c, $1.00 and 1.25â€" best make and most comfortable wear UNN & C0,32!se«== New Ygrk Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" Keewatin * Five Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make. A carload just received. S E E D S F L O U R Durham School A Practical;Education at} Embroideries Art Muslins m of any scientifie journal. Terms, $3 a Tou? muntan PL Soh bFall newedunigre MATTHEWS & LATIMER New Spring Goods FIELD AND GARDEN. Head Office, Toronto. Highest grades only. OMPTLY SECURED Give us a call. Our goods effect the sales. Owen Sound MNORTHER Valenciennes Lace Pillow Lace Crepeâ€"deâ€" chene Barclay & Bell An Ideal Buggy CONECTIONRY â€" Asgteanss® A. W. Watson Opposite Middaugn House Stables Watson‘s Breadâ€"The B »st Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Buns a: 4 Biscuits in great variety All kinas of Cakes made to orde WEDDING CAKES our specialty = The Tudhope® near the sun. |Balmy breezes and light soil produce the mellow flawor that makes Grand Mogul a distindive produc. High in theine (reatone) and low in taunin (biters) it appeals to the palteand tones up the nerves People who don‘t like tea know only the kind that is just biter, the lowâ€" land tea that has more tamnnin in the leaf than you can kdl with any amount of sugar. EGrand Moga! is a High Don‘t compare them only with the best you ever saw. "| Forstyle and quality they are as near perfection as moâ€" dern shoeâ€"making can produce. PEEL, THE SHOEMAN Don‘t drive in that worn, old buggy any longer ; be upâ€"teâ€"date, Wecansupply you a nice one which is the acme of comfortâ€"the Tudhope. In different styles, and very moderâ€" ately priced. Call in and see them, even if you do ‘intend to buy. Ogilvie‘s Royal Household and Famous Five Koses Fiour...... Also other highâ€"grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel .$4.75 to 5.00 is Not Good Tea PEEL‘S NEW SHOE LINES Bifter Tea each, per barrel. . .$5.25 Do you want to know where to buy 150 Acres above Durham, well improved. $4000 » Durham, well 250 fi:ggf, y:flo:.m ma"h‘:'m._&"m 1°000°0, well watered, good land, for $7500, 125 Asra®,NCmavigyagnt improved and io Richragnd, Farm next Allan, Park, 160 ncrm 5 incgn neubes ot otve reprertes tr uie in Dor "" es To t pieent afiee t Auw»ys ProwPr, NEever Necuroext." q Licensed , Auctioneer fo the County of Grey, Licensed Auctioncer for the Co, of Grey. promptly attended to. _ rates l-oonw Orders umm at his Implement Wareâ€" Saflms Mc ‘s old stand, or at the Reviaw ce. Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08. JOHN CLARK HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store ONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer â€" _ rad H uate Royal College Dental Surgeo GOnt Dentistry in all its tranches. W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Morey to Loan. Otfice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C.: W. F Dunn Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &e. Money to Loan. ()tflce. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. Office, 13 Frost St Late assistant to Moorfield‘s gfldon. Keg) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Hospitals, Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office Licensed Auctioneer for Co. UGrey Terms moderate, Anmmfl.u for sales as to dates, &c., must be e at the Review O# fice, Durham. #** Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be prompty ; attended to, Terms on application to Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted fice and Remidence Cor. @arafrara and George O st., as root of Hill, _ Old Moogie Corner...., J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. «katvictioncers. ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFIOE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"® p. m Telephone Connection No. 10 . McPHMHAIL Will be at the uudu{h House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. or to J..F. GRANT D. D.S., L.:D. s. #@> Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Pxyvsiciax & Bure®on, ffice over J. &ApJ. Hunter‘s Store DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) Notary Public, Commissioner Member College Physicians and Surgeons THE HANOVER CONYVEYANCER A SPLENDID scHooL: DLEA i. MACKAY & DUNN, D sn TA TL. HOURS D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0â€" C. RAMAGE, Durhan Ceylon has a telephone oftice. J. P. TELFORD s .g_';mery CONYVEYANCER, &c DR. BURT â€" _« â€"â€" _ Owen Soumd

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