West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 May 1906, p. 8

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T HE PEOPLE‘S STORE | HPEEZ Our Grocery Dept. &« Butter and Eggs Wanted. _ Highest prices, Cash or Produce Â¥ _ At‘the present time the homes throughout the country are in the midst of the annual Spring housecleaning. The house will require reâ€"furnishing to a great extent, and this is just where The People‘s,Store can meet your demands. â€" Call in and inspect our Our large stock enables you to select just what you fancy in &nality, design, shade and price. _ Before buying elsewhere, see e bargains we offer you in this houseâ€"furnishing department. Then we feel confident we can satisfy you. w o e is E ©0O v0 0 o o o o o o 6 o a e o o 0 0 6 0 0 o e o o sc ee se se 000 e e e 00 00 800 @ _ Please explain how 1 can qualify, through the 1. C. S., for the position before which 1 have marked X, : ROBERT BURNETT. )' @treet and No. If you want to change your work, we can train you in spare time for a salaried position in Wur new profession. 3 e can help you qualify, by mail, at small expense, for any of the following positions: Does lack of education cprevent you from advancing? Then the I. C. $. can help you. We train ambitious men or women, in spare time, for positions that pay well because special training is required Z)r filling them. Mechanical EnEineer; Mechanical Draftsman; Electrical Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Surveyor; Mining Engineer; Sanitary Engineer; Architect, Architectural Draftsman; Sign Painter; Chemist; Ornamental Designer; Showâ€"Card Writer; Ad Writer; Window Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenographer; French, German, or Spanish, with Phonograph; Commercial Law. \Write TODAY, stating which position interests you, to Are Your Hands Tied? ANTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools BOX 799, SCRANTON, PA., Machine Designer _ Telephone Enginesr Mechanical Orafteman Telegrapn Engineer Foreman Machinist Wireman Fareman Toolmaker _ Dyname Tender Foreman Patternmakes Motorman ... ‘_‘..,. o | \,;‘. " sAQ) ButeICR 35 [E Bs‘ hhs "‘*:%5?.‘? 1/ "\VCÂ¥Hs _ P s pre 44, " If you cannot call, fill out and mail the coupon TODAY J. A. Macdonald, Owen Sound Re â€" furnish your Home (VISITS DURHAM EVERY MONTH ) * LLLaseeese o+ * e e eee e c cce ce Steam Engineer ox ovus LocatL REPRESENTATIVE: complete lines of Aip Curtains and Curtain Oilcloths, _ Carpets, Poles, Linoleums and Is as complete and tempting as ever. â€" Always fresh and reliable. Rugs, etc., etc. Surveyor Mining Engineer ‘ Tentiteâ€"Mill Supts Textile Designer Sanitary Engineer Heat. and Vent. Engineer Building Contracter Architect Architectural Drafteman Analytica! Chemist Sign Painter wA o o o on o o o c e# € TH® LatE Mrs Buack.â€"We co;;y; the following appreciatiye remar from the C ”l? Enterprise. as an« other reminder of the warmâ€"hearted lady whoh::dgone : "In last week‘s issue we noted the death of Mrs Jno. A. Black. of Durham. Mrs Black was a schoolmate of ours and her sudden departure makes a break in a family of old pioneers at whose home we spent many a happy time in bO{hOOd days. She was a cheerful kindâ€"heartâ€" ed girl, wellâ€"liked in the nei%hbor- ‘hood where she svent her girlbood days and after she was married and went to her own home at Durham, it was a pleasure for any old acquaintâ€" ance to meet her again for it seemed. to be her supreme delight to make others happy. Only July lst last year we enjoyed the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Black at their home in Durham, Then all was sunshine ard hapginess where toâ€"day a bereaved husband and little daughters mourn the loss of a kind and loving wife and mother. Mrs Black was an unselfish. braveâ€"hearted woman, a true friend, and not only in Durham where she made new friends by the hundreds, but around the old homestead and wherever she was known, there is sorrow over the sad event. Alarge number of our readers in Durham and Priceyille and for miles around will remember the above Ken- tleman whose engagement to Miss Genevieve Campbell we recently anâ€" nounced. They are to be married on June 5, and hearty good wishes from the groom‘s many friends here are assured. C ks Dr. John A. Conkey, John, as we may be allowed to call him, was a steady and ambitious youth, and has forged bis way in life with great success, and we hopethis latest move will be better , than the best, _ Last Saturday‘s Indianapolis News had a double cofumu cut of Miss Campbell, in society dress. She is an attractive ladvy and having seen her thus, more than ever we congratulate Dr Conkey on his prize, Below the portrait is her name and the announcement, with the names of the attendants at the wedding which com&)rise two matrons of honor, a maid of honor, two bridesmaids. best man, four groomsmen and two flower bearers. â€"The total appropriation by the Ontario Legislature for 1906 is set down as $6,628,393, an increase of $1,232.377 or nearly 21 per cent.. This is increasing our Provincial ex-“ penditures at a protty fast pace, and it is to be hoped that there will be results to justify it. The supplementâ€" ary estimates, amounting to $662,850 were brought down on Thursday, The new education votes, the revisâ€" ion of the statutes, the survey of the Gillies limit and one or two other items are responsible for most of these There is $60,000 provided for the spâ€" cial grant to public and separate rural schools under the new Act, $12,000 for general equipment of pubâ€" lic and separate rural sshools in new districts, and for poor pnblic and separate rural schools in old districts ; and $10,200 for libraries and scieniiâ€" fic equipment for continuation classâ€" es. County inspectors will divide $6,000 extra, in effect after July 1. For the promotion of medical educaâ€" tiod at d)neen ‘s $50,000 is asked, and $100,000 is dow n as a first grant toâ€" wards additional normal schools.â€" Long life and happiness to the young couple from the ReviEw, Additional Locals. Sponges and Bath Goods DARLINGS, The People‘s Druggists If You Want Drugs Miss Genevieve Campbell CHEMICALS, PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED, PATENT Medines, or sick room supplies, this store.can supply you the best goods at the lowest prices, . These are our speciâ€" alties and this is the part of our stcck which gets our close personal attention. FOR THIS WEEK we are showing IN OUR NORTH WINDOW a very fine and complete line. Eest in town. **Good Goods at Right P rices," Phone No. 3 The late Mrs Mary Loughead. The death occurred on Iuesday, 15th, at the residense of her aon-in-‘ law, MrWm. Pearse. London, Ont., of Mrs Mary Loughead, relict of the: late Jno. Loughead, who preâ€"deâ€" ceased Mrs Loughead b’¥ only three and a half months. he deceased lady lived to the ripe old age of 81 years. Shortly before her death, she signified her desire to be vigited by her pastor, Mr Davie, of the Church of England, commutted herâ€" self into the hands of the Saviour and quietly and peacefally passed to her rest. Mrs P. Pennock, of Glenelg, was very much startled u pon receiving the telegram conveying to ber the sad intelligense of her mother‘s death and left by first train for London to The deceased leaves a large cirâ€" cle of relativyes and friends to mourn their sad loss, foremost among the number being one son and six daughâ€" ters and a brother and two sisters, all of whom attended the funeral, to pay the last respects to their loved one, with the sole exception of one sister. who was unably to attend on account of her feeble health. eBREUE SCC mA d BP PR VE NEROECT be in attendance at the funeral, which was strictly private, The funeral services at the house and atthe grave in Woodland Ce: metery were conducted by Rey M. Davis on Wednesday, the 16th inst. The deceased and family were until recent years, residents of Holstein, and the sympathy of all their old friends is with the family in their sore bereavement. Fall Wheat........... Spring Wheat.... .... Jats.:..:. .;.¢i.s . ...+¢ Pels......;..¢sr.%}r3 Butrlgy ...... s« +; Hay ;«s@+«.sx11.s .sk«s PBUstOr s : sx+s .+ ..ss}.s CEgS::«::rkic«i«..sk% Potatoes per bag.... .. Flour per cwt........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per ewt...... ... Live Hogs........... Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per Ib...... .. .. }Sheepskins........... (Wool.....: .s.... +. 954 lTallow............... Comfortable Dwelling House. Hard and Soft water, heated by steam, Electric lights. Apply to 'Ehe 2nd and 3rd divisions of lot num bir 16, Concession 1, East Garafraxa Road, Glenelg, 100 acres, Apply to Anxaus McKInxoN or to J. P. T®urorpo, Durham This week we are showing someâ€" thing especially new in the Lingerie Hats, made of embroidered linen, valâ€" enciennes, lace and tulle. Recently inâ€" troduced, they bave receiyed the enâ€" dorsement of fashion that have given them their great vogue. Also the Dated April 4th, 1906. Embroidered LINEN SAILOR These hats are trimmed chiefly with ribbon, flowers and wings, tulle and chiffon, _ They present a neat, beautiful appearance to the eye and are the ideal creations for ladies‘ sumâ€" mer headwear. Will be pleased to have you visit us and see them. Prettiest and very becoming stock of collars, ribbous, ties, etc., for the warm weather season. McIntyre Block, LADIES‘ NEW NECKWEAR Durham Markets. Lingerie Hats death occurred on Tuesday, TARM TO RENT DURHAM REVIEW Miss Dick TO RENT. N. McixtTyrE. T5 to $ 75 to 35 to 70 to 45 to 7 00 to _ 16 to 15 to 60 to 2 20 to 2 26 to © 1 25 to 7 00 to 8 00 to 7 to 70 to 24 to 4 to 11 to Lambton Street TORONTO 2 20 1 25 75 10 35 75 45 16 15 26 11 Mr Geo Smith left Wednesday to spend the 24th in Palmerston. Miss Dennett is spending over Vicâ€" toria Day with Toronto friends, Mrs. John Cameron is under the weather tor a week or two back. Dr Jamieson left on Tuesday morn« ing for the woods of Haliburton, Mrs And Marshall is the guest of Mt. Forest friends over Victoria Day. Mrs Hildebrand is spending over the bolidays with Stratford relatives. miss Beulah Uolling returned home from the University on Monday night. Mrs Thos Allan is spending the holi« days with her parents near Grand Valley. Rev Thos. Colling B. A., goes to conference at Niagara Falls, next Monday. Mrs. Patterson, of near Fordwich, is at present on a visit to her daughter, Mrs W. H. Bean. Miss Dorothy Lawrence returned to Stratford Monday, after spending a few weeks at home. Mr John Kennedy, Bunessan. goe's to Toronto, next week to take a posiâ€" tion on the police force. Mr . TLawlor, of London, arrived in town this week and has signed to play lacresse with the Durhams this season, Mr A W Watson went to Shelbourne Wednesday to complete arrangements to establish a bakery there. t Mrs Taylor, Burk‘s Falls, an aunt of Mr W. D. Milis, is visiting there and with other branches of the family in town. Miss Phoebe Wol{e spent from Friâ€" day to Monday with her cousin, Miss Sadie Fletcher, at her bhome near Priceville. Mr J. 8. Drysdale has fully recuperâ€" ated from his recent illness and inâ€" tends returning Saturday to his home in Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Somerville and daughter, of Toronto. arrived in town Tuesday and occupy their former home, ** The Hedges," Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Byers and: baby daughter of Toronto Junction, are yisiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Jno. Williams and at his father‘s, Mr Thos, Byres, Normanby, who is quite il!, wWe beg to congratnlate Mr, Chas, McKechnie of Glenroaden, who reâ€" turned last week from Toronto after successfully passing his druggist ex am inations. Mrs, Adams, Sr, of town, is spendâ€" ing some time with her daughter, Mrs W m Nelson, in Egremont, who has recently undergone an operation for appendicitis, From a letter received by town friends, we learn that the Robertson boys. who went to the West about a month ago, haye relurned east, and are again in Ottawa. Mr and Mrs Jno. Irwin left on Thursday last for Cobalt, where they wiil try roughing it for a while. Their friends in Durbham will be glad to hear of their success. Mrs, John Vollett, Fort William, who has spent a few weeks here with her parentsâ€"inâ€"law, returns to Harrisâ€" ton this week, and after a brief yisit there will leave for home. ¢ We omitted last week to mention the arrival home of Mr Frank Lenaâ€" han after a business trip out West. He saw a number from Durham and vicinity and reports all doing well. THomrsoNâ€"In Durham, on Tuesday, May 22, to Mr and Mrs And, Thompâ€" WALKERâ€"DEXNXNETTâ€"At _ the _ resiâ€" dence of the bride‘s mother, Varney on May 16th, 1905. Miss Belinda Dennett, of Varney, to Mr Geo, Walker, of North Dakota. In the matterof Durham Natural Gas WHEREAR on or about the 25th day of October\A D, 1905 the President and Secreu\rx é the said Company executed an Assignmnent for the beneâ€" fit of Creditors\ to Thos A Harris, of Durham. ~ AND WHERRAS on or about the 30th day of November, 1905, arrangeâ€" ments were made with the said Assignee, and thd Creditors whereby the whole of the &state and efiects of of the said Durha Natural Gas and Oil Co., Limlted. were transferred to the undersiqned TAustees, in trust for the shareholders off the said Company subject to the pa‘{ nt of the indebtâ€" edness of the said C&mpany. NOTICE is hereby\ given that there wili be a meeting of the shareholders of the late Company at the Town Hail in the Town of Durhap, in tfifg.oun- .tly of GreB on Friday,\ the 8: v of ll:ue. A. D, 190;1 at 8 o loicnk p. l:n.. J?r the purpose of consi the disâ€" pou.r of the whole of Ohe ‘uufle and effects of the said Durham Natural Gas and Oil Co. Limited. % Dated at Durham this May, A D, 1906. s0on, a s0N, and Oil C(’)mfiny, Limited, of the Town of Durham in the County of MARRIED, A HJacksox Notice. BORN. t Wt Men‘s & Boys‘ Clothing We are showing some CX from the best markets, Our Clothing Trade is a big branch in our Eui are always showing a big range of Men‘s, Children‘s Suits, (made by reliable mak very special prices. We call special tention to our Men‘s $7.50, 9, 10 & $12 Suits in Tweeds, etc. Our Hardware is Complete WOOL SEASON is Near at Hand Don‘t Miss Custom work and repairing as usual. Eggs taken same as cash. hlonge Auicidinh dadnr J. S. McILRAITH Shoe StOTC ____â€"â€"m * e C Loh o ~ E* â€"«L _ x , Ti @®»® C N ‘o w ulf, 6 “”: c % s V,\v ; F _ e e e mr;fl H it\ # / f : @ b k . J § ’- = goâ€" ’ ) I # "_Tea Kettles Coffee Pots Pres. Kettles THE BIG STORE B. F. AHRENS We have an order for 200,000 lbs. _ We pay the highest market price, Cash or T HANOVER, ONT. The best chance of the seaâ€" son to get your supply of S“OE DRI Starting SATURDAY, MAY 26th to JUNE 2nd, we offer you your choice of any of our black dressings at ALEX. RUSSELL Boots & Shoes Garden Tools, Spades, Forks, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors, etc., at rock bottâ€"imn prices. Suits Readyâ€"to= 1 buy all these goods direct from factory for cash, which enables me to sell cheap For sale by Suits to Order some exclusive patterns in TWEEDS ; markets, that make up natty Suits. Also special pantings. 4 ) ) Percy G. A. Webster | iubg ;;hge of Men‘s, Boys‘ and (made by reliable makers) at rices. We call special atâ€" The Place to buy Jewâ€" elery,Watches, Clocks HARDWARE. PLUMBING TINWARE AND STOVES in stock for all classes at moderate prices. Every watch that goes out of tais Store carries a Universal Certifiâ€" cate and guarantee, We give this certificate in a unice leather case â€"one that you would be proud to show anyone, and the watch speaks for itself. THE JEWELLER. MATCHLESS SILVER POLISH â€"For sale only at this store. *"The best made." SHOE DRESSINGS DIAMOKND HALL in our business. We e will Trade. I1=2 price S T a s o aas n Gtire‘s x T Th y VOL. Revie Revie Review Review Review Review Review Revoew Review Review W fresh g €CP€ Our W ne ed . meot Henr YVene than ex a DRE f1 La Tw we NXE oV 121 W

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