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Durham Review (1897), 7 Jun 1906, p. 5

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vÂ¥ vou W hat aders, side 1: Proyen 1906 the Spring eader Seedâ€" ivators and GENCY 100DS tRIS ! & 3 $9 %%4%¢ more Co. king & Rid F , Agent SELLS above well can be seâ€" ice. ugh Hous ME N W ashegs, prices mo ‘ay. work & Pianos up 1 Rollers s of Blora wrows of OrICe . Binders urchasers. ashers : north of t REvIEWw ittention. 1 ACHINES CHEAP le SoC p le #1 p te 1.40 p , ze yda vhite of 0 per pF Block .25¢ yd «c sq ya e ya tyles 10%0A for 3€ &~_____] To reduce our stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANCGE. Call at our Wareroomsâ€"â€"one door South of the Post Office. 6 &e $. y *all m Oe > ) 4 %*4%*XÂ¥ it _i + ># i4 W s iA B RPurniture Sale RNlow Going on The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. 7, 1906 June 21st, â€" The biggest day Durham has ever seen. _ Prenger of Ontario in attendance, R. R. Gamey, H. H. Milâ€" ler and other promin@t members of Dommion and ;’rovinci houses. PruxIxng anp GRarTtING.â€"The unâ€" dersigned is prepared to ‘do pruning or grafting during the next few weeks. Sauisfaction guaranteed, Terms reasonable. The newspaper is a law book for the indolent, a sermon for the thoughtâ€" less, a lhibrary for the poor and an admonisher for the lawless. _ It may stimulate the most indifferent, but it cannot be published without cost aud sent free to subscribers, This is no joke. riage, and a large number of friends assembled at their cosy homs on Berâ€" ford 8t to fittingly mark the nccasion. Mr and Mrs Melligan were made the recipients of some very handsome preâ€" sents, including a valuable china set from the members of the Shamrock Social Club. Guests were present from Hepworth Owen Sound and other outâ€" side points and all were very hospit« ably entertaimed.â€"Wiarton é('hu. On the evening of May 24th, Mr and Mrs Edward Melligan celebrated the twenticth anniversary ot their marâ€" ; “2"?! the father (or mother, if the father is ¢ decenedzl of the homesteader resides upon & farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence mni be satisfied ) | by o‘;,uch person residing. with the father or mother. 4 3 If thesettler has his permanent residence | upon farming land owned by him in the vienâ€" j\ ity of his homestead, the requirements as to J residence may be satisfied by residence© upon p the said land. _ { A Six months‘ notice in writing should befiwu f |to the Commisioner of Dominion at J | Ottawn of intention to apply for patent. P w. w. CORY. ! Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, . g.â€"Unasuthorized publication of this adâ€" vfiwvmmumm. m A YoUuNG@ man of ths town and is best girl were the principals in an unâ€" usual driving incident on the 2th. The scene opened in that most approâ€" priate of places, Lover‘s Lane ,and the gallant switin was neglecting the lines to such an extent that they dropped over the dashboard to the ground. Missing them when the horse began to run, he heroically clambered oyer toe dashboard on to horse‘s back after them but fell off, the horse pursuing his way with all speed with the girl hanging onto th« seat. Finally the brute was stopped and the heroine tied him up in a convenient ‘farm vard, and waited for her beaun to come along. It is needless to add that the lines received n little more attention during the remainrder of the drive.â€" Mt Forest Rep. School Reports. 8. s. No l1 NoRMANBY. 4ihâ€" Willie McAlister. _ Sr 3edâ€" Arthue Gadd, Willie Wallace, Jr 3rd Minnie Keller, Albert Keller, Lizzie Burns. S8Sr2ndâ€"James Marsball, Myrâ€" tle Caldwell, _ Jr 2ndâ€"John Kerr, Walter McAlister, $Henvietta Keller. Jean Morice. _Pt 2ndâ€"Stanley Mountâ€" ein, Mabel Wallace. Sr Pt 1stâ€"Arâ€" thur Mountain, Jobhn Baer. Jr Pt 1st â€"J, Burrms, Dancan Marshail. Averâ€" age attendance 33. . SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Menitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; excepting 8 amd 2%, not reserved, may be homeâ€" swuled by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years . of age to the extfm of one quarter section of 160 acres more or less. Entry must be made mally at the local lilnd d)lliice for the distr}ct in whz:h the land is situated. The Jhomestetder is required te perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : i y 1 At le;;t, ‘si;-xuomm’ residence upon and cuitivation of the Jland in each year for three Additional Locals. M. M. Apaix., Teacher. S H. W. Lersox. THE DURHAM REVIEW ta‘ned. Robbâ€"Fergusonâ€"That the Clerk be ivstracted to order six No 2 Boss Drag ncrlsoru from The Good tionde Machinâ€" ery Co., Hamilton.â€"Carried. Byâ€"Law No 200, rppointing Wm Hay Cow., for Dromore passed usual readâ€" inge, etc, The reeye reported that he bhad met the interested paities re water grievance on Egremont and Proton town line and an agreement was arrived at under the ditches and Watercourse Act which was fyled with the Clerk. Fe gusonâ€"McArthurâ€"That the Clork be empowered to write to the Managers of the House of Refuge regarding refund of §5 re commuttee of the late Geo Wale. Ho‘stein.â€"Carried. MceArthurâ€"Robbâ€"That the reave‘s report be adopted nad he receive $1.50 Com, fees.â€"Carried. Fergusonâ€"MeArthurâ€"That we now form a Court of Revision with the reeve in the chair.â€"Carried, Membters of Court subscribed to the required declarations. _ ‘FThere . were ounly two appeuls, Adam Main asâ€"essed at $4000.00, Ass‘. sustuined, Robert Chnstie, Holstein, ussesâ€"ed at $1800.00, Business ass‘t, $680.00, asseâ€"sme.t on land reduced $200.00. Busmess use‘t reâ€" duced $289.00 : Entries on roll, Joln Jordan, tenavt, Lot 12. Main St,. West, Holsteiu, Heury McDoug»«ll Sr, owner, west 24, Cou 10. Philipâ€"Fergasonâ€"That the Conrt of Revision now close and the assessment Rot] for 190g as revised, do finally pass and Council business be resumed, and the Holstein Leader office be awarded the contract of printing the Voters‘ List,â€"Carried. Fergasonâ€"Robbâ€"That Mrs Muir be exempt from statute labor and land tax. â€"Carrioed. e Philpâ€"MecArthurâ€"That each Road Commissioner boe allowed to expend §200 on roads, bridges and culyerts oxâ€" cepted.â€"Carried. Kobbâ€"MeArthurâ€"That each Comâ€" missioner employ ons of the following persons to operate the grader in his diâ€" vision viz : C E Swirth, Jno MeRobb, David Mcintyre or Win Aberdein, at $2 per day of 10 hours each.â€"Carried. Fhilipâ€"Robbâ€"That the Council emâ€" power the reeve and Engineer to sell the Dobentures, let contracts and all business in connection with drainge No 1, 2 ana 83.â€"Carried. Robbâ€"McArthurâ€"That the Council instruct the reeve aud clerk when disâ€" tributing Pathmasters‘ Rolls to ask ali Pathmasiers to remoye the rolliog stones off the bighway at least twice a year.â€"Carried 4 Resolyed that the following necounts be paid : J H Brown goods, Mrs Bar. clay 4 months. $4; Muanicipal World Debentures, $2; do stationery, $1.35 ; Clerk Post Cards, novices to Pathmsâ€" ters $80 ; D Porter, rep to Kirkness‘ bridge, $1.00 ; O M Seim, printing. §2.75 ; Alex Day, gravel. $8.25 ; D Mceâ€" Intyre pt salary as Assessor, $75 ; C A Drum, spikee, doc. Council adjourned to meet July 7th. D. Auptmax Cierk Met as a Co irs of Revision on Monday May 28 ult. Members alt present: The court being duly consvituted, the follow. immg appeals were heard and wcted npou : Joun Cousts, Thos Francis, A 8 Hunter, W Leggeite, Johu Reay, Jolhn Bailey, Geo. Mighton, John Klagus, asst. conâ€" firmed in all. Robt Wateon, reduced $150 ; Wm Bohiander, reduced $100 ; R H Lediogham, reduced $200 ; Robt Hay reduced $100 ; Jas Hewitson, reduced $300; H Messerschmidt, reduced $100. There being no turther appeals Conrt adjourned aud Council met for general business. â€" Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Byâ€"law No 4, 1906 dividing the Township into 8 polling subdivisiouns was duly passed. esn Willisâ€"Brighamâ€"That the assessment Roll as revised by the Court of Revision be accepted aud the a.seesor be paid his salary of $75â€"Carried. Brighamâ€"Willisâ€"â€"Thas the following accounts be paid : Municipal World, pathmasters lists, etc BHenry Metoalf, burying dead horse 1,50 G H Mitchell, balance of 1905 printing boo Council meeting notices,...22.50 Wilsonâ€"Willisâ€"That Geo Metcalf be paid $4 for lamber & work on Neustadt bridge.â€"Carried. Cronioâ€"Wilsonâ€"That H Brigham be paid for timber for Neustadt road bridge 12422 ft at $1g per thousand.......200 07 10 spiles at $1.35 Bach...............18 50 ‘FoteL $MOT C C 0 000 P [ _ Wileonâ€"Wiltisâ€"That Robert Brigham and others be paid the sum of $99.50 for work & stringers on Neustadt road bridge Wilsonâ€"Willisâ€" That the following aocounts be paid : W Brigham for 87 loads of gravel _ 1 AVUD.,s cce cee en en ce ne n ce n nn n snn Alex Herd, team on grader one half day, 1905....s«csecsssseseee« (Geo Schenck, for plank on Mcâ€" Kenua bIi0GO..».se 0e esc s en s ee +ss Council met May 29th, minutes susâ€" Brighamâ€"Willisâ€"That this council give a grant of $50 for sidewalks in Eimâ€" _ Willisâ€"Wileonâ€"That a special grant of $50 be made for sinkhole on Con 6 & 7 at lots 5 and 5. Wilsonâ€"Croninâ€" That this council give a special grant of $50 on Walker‘s hiil, lot 27, con. 12 and 13 on condition that the gratis work is done first. Willisâ€"Brighamâ€"That the appropriâ€" ation ta each ward to be expended on roads be $200 and reports in detail to be made at council meeting of work done, take action regudin&openiug road on con 2. along lot §4, D R, providing that Mr Milier give the righs of way of bis Brighafi-â€"Croninâ€"That the council take action regarding opening road on Egremont Council Bentinck Council. «4 4 + + ONTARIO ARCHIVES j TORONTO 4 15 6 ®0 Willisâ€"Wiisonâ€"That this council do now adjourn to meet at Dornoch on Monâ€" day, Aungust 6th at 10 a, m. for appointâ€" ing sollectors, etating township rate« and general business. lot and that signers giva number of days free of charge which they agreed to do. COOKINC In hot weather is a serious problem with the housekeeper, _ Why burn wood and «quander energy in baking tea cakes, when such delicious varieâ€" ties as those named below can be bought at from 10c to 15c per lb, viz : Peach Turnovers â€" Pingapple Jams Shrewsbury (iced cakes) Fig Tarts Graham Wafers Honey Cookies Red currant Tarts Fruit Biscuits Plain and Fancy Lemon Cakes Molasses and Lemon Snaps and those Delicious erisp Sodas in parchment packages @.............Se each We are making a specialty of these goods during the hot season. $TANDARD BAKK 0F GANMD1 CAPTAL, Authorized... .. .$2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up.......... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND.......... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager A general Banking nusiness transacâ€" ted. Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at enrrent rates DURMHAM AGENCY SAVINGS BANkâ€".aterest !allowed on savings bank deposits‘of $1.00 and upwards. Promptattention and every facility uflorde(i)(-uslomeu living at a distance. J. KELLY, Agent. a few months at this Institution to complete a thorough practical Business Course or a Shortâ€" hand and Typewriting Courseand fit you for a remunerative position. h hn (og R will double your earning power. It only requires PORMIPVIRTOR NCO Students admitted at any time, _ Full particu lars at any time free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Spring term begins April 2nd.. Staff and Equipment. The school is the: oughly eqqupod in ceuchins ability, in chemical and elect cal supslies an fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. m. FOR! ..R, B. A., Classics, Moderns and English. MISS FLOSSI® McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Univefiia'. Science, History and Geography. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates, â€" Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. y Wm.Jonaston, Jr., C. Ramage, Durham School A Practical Education at Durham Markets. Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" . McARTHUR Keewatin * Fiye Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make. A carload just received. F LOUVU R Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden SBeeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing S E E D S Head Office, Toronto. FEES: $1 ';;ét month in advance MATTHEWS & LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEN,. Highest grades only. Owen Sound NORTHER) Chairman 4 to 14 to 15 An Ideal Buggy 3 Is good Bread, well made and % properly bakedâ€"the bread that § is made by Stinson. ‘This is the W perfect breadâ€"made of the best § flour, leavened and seasoned just W right, thoroughly kneaded and § baked to perfection, it is easily W . digested and it builds health and § strength for those who eat it. WÂ¥ Give it a trial. =The Tudhope® Barclay Opposite Middaugh House Stables Summer Outing & Lacrosse SHOES Pee J, the Shoema Peel, the Shoeman paepsaasoeassecceceedccte We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37¢ yd. inâ€"the best goods made, We have a splendid line Crum‘s Prints C A. Erant Don‘t drive in that worn, old buggy any longer : be upâ€"toâ€"date. Wecansupply you a nice one which is the acme of comfortâ€"the Tuadhope. In different styles, and very moderâ€" ately priced. Call in and see them, even if you don‘t intend to buy. We have a fine line at a fine cut price. â€"â€"For Cheapâ€"â€" STINSON, The Baker. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia 50c to 1.25 yd w â€"Dress Sood: & Bell HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto / University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms 6 Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C. M Office, 13 Frost St, â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen Sou Wlllhentheluduahlloue. Durham the first Wednesday each month from 10 m m. till 4 p. m. fice and Residence Cor. @arafraxa and George O pu., us 1006 0f Hill. _ Old Moodie Comer, ... Oflice HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer uate Royal College Dental Surgeo Dentistry in all its vranches. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to Loan. Oflice. Mclntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C.: W. F Dunn Puysicraxn & Suremos, Office over J. &1J. Hunter‘s Store d 1 8 to 10 A.M. Jarrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. 9â€"11 a. m D. MecPHAIL _â€"~ JOHN CLARK _» Do you want to know where to buy Durham, Nov. 16. ‘08 150 Acres above Duri.am, well improved. 41000 250 Acres, above Durham, well built, well . C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. $ ~_â€" Ofered very <hexp" +9 0 000. C008 A large number of other properties for sale in Dur ham town and W Inâ€" surances Mideh writings drawn, C, P. R, Tickets for Sale. " AuwaYys PROMPT, NEvER NEGLIGENT." , #@* Spocial attention given to Discases of Women and Children., ARTHUR GUN,;M. D. Member College Physicians and Surgeons Licensed Auctioneer for Co. tGrey Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to aates, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" tice, Durham, s«** Correspondence addressed there, or io Ceylon P.O., will be promptir® atvended to, â€" ‘Terims on application to Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted J..F. GRANT D.D.S,L.; DLE LE sbdnds Licensed , Auctioneer fo the County of Grey, Licensed Auctioncer for the Co, of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. _ rates reasonable Orders may be jeft at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms& McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the ReviEw ARTHUR H. JACKSON flice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store orFICE HOURS 1 a. m 2â€"4 p, m. 7 Telephone Connection No Pâ€"AbL[fojaftey efâ€"!â€"»aâ€" MACKAY & DUNN, High grade Training for Business Life. en enwelsr W MMENCEK NOW. t W. Pril Cor. Yo.{mu or to ) ds PA TL. Notary Public, Commissioner DURHAM, ONT. (Lowe: HOURS Calder‘s Block, over Post Office TORONTO, ONT. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCEE A SPLENDID SCHOOL! H. H. Miller, CONYEYANCER. &e D. MePHAIL, Ceylon C. RAMAGE, . _P. TELFORD DR. BURT Ceylon has a telephone office wioeed C w dew, Money to Loan, #i% Town . 10 1. 0 Durbau D(

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