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Durham Review (1897), 14 Jun 1906, p. 5

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My need “y to of the Q,'.",': users. gent lollers f More nth of IVIEW ration. Spring tr Seed- ars and BEA? is 0 he I". NGY tite bud nono- "will , nylon etch lln( DS w " P Furniture Sale Now Going on The Durham Furniture Go., Ltd. JUNE M,' To reduce our stock We are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & I:UMBER TAUKEN IN EXCHANGES. Call at our Warerooms-----one door South of the Post Office. mm I As We promised last week we. re. I p oduce a portion of the speech of the Imember for South Grev on the North Atlantic Tracing Co. Mr. Miller is a .clear thinker and he throws light on ;any subject he handles, without being; "?frensive and he always is acknow- Ialged to be tair. l Alter commenting severely on Mr. [ Fowler, for making an “unbecoming 1 coarse and brutal attack on the Prime 1 Minister, tt he referred to Mr. Foster 1as having made a speech which in- jladed b. everything of suspicion, of linuendo. ot insinuation that could be idragged into the debate. "Bind that speech if you will, a yellow icarer will be appropriate, place it in (your library. Will you piace it ‘umong your books of history, biog- raphy and natural philosophv. or lpolitical economy ? No sir, you will l place it with the iletion, beside your iiiullivers Travels, Arabian Nights, 5 Robinson Crustoe. and The House tlwt iplaek Built. Our hm. friends state in reference to the eontraet--I tray) ’they state and they claim bat I can- l inot say they believe-first, that the‘ 5 contract is a secret contract, not prud- gently bat miseheyiot1sly secret ; sec- iond, that the contract is a bad con- itruct made with bad intent and bad {result ; third that it was an extrava- lgant contract: fourth. that it was s lcontract made between or among lthree persons whom the hon. member [tor North Toronto has chosen to des- lignate as Siftonians; dishonestly invade for theirown protits; fifth, that ‘it was a bargain tor the promotion of “work illegally carried on in the coun- tries in which it was carried on, and sixth, that it was a contract that for these reasons ought to cancelled. We cannot support them in their amendment because we believe and we honestly. conscientiously and em- phatically believe that they are wrong in every charge. " Mr. Miller's Speech. m Then the qmrstiou it asked '. Why after all is there need for so great w- crecy ? I will admit that When this matter was first b ii light before the House it seemed rather Hirange to .ne thal there should be such secrecy. I will admit that it did occur to me to ask mviiielf what good "axon there could be that the government shou.d wish so carefully to conceal the munch of the persons who are behind the North At. lantic Trading Company. lint. I was willing to wait to hear the evidence, to know the tncts. and to listen to reason: and that appears to me to be the ditier- enco betwouu my attitude in the matter and the attitude of our friends. of the opposition. They appeared to have jumped very hastily to the conelmion that nil this secrecy could have been for no other reamn than to shield sud to hide the COUlIQ‘ClIOH With this Colu- piinv of Mex-rs Sitton. Preston and Smart. I believe that the evidznce " ready before the House mint have con. vineed ouririenile that they are in er- ror. and yet they have foolishly, I think determined that they will brazen it out auc are not willing to admit their mis- take. I say. Sir. that if the Hon. Mr Sil'ton while he WAS Minister of the In. terior or While he has been a member of the Canadian House at Commons; if Mr Preston while he wesinepucior of immigration in the employ of this any. l eminent; it Mr Smart while Deputy Minister of the Iutetaor, or any of these gentlemen had any connection what. I'ver with the North Atlantic Trading Company: if they were deriving any tineaeial gain. if they had any monetary interest in this companvut allit we; Wrong and they were guilty ot wrong. ButI ask where is there one jot or title ofevidence to connect these men or any one of them With the North Atlantic Trading Company t Mr Smart has been examined and he is the only wit. ness that has been examined who has any knowledge of the facts and I wish to place upon record some of the evi. deuce of Mr Smelt. Mr Smart. the ex- deputy Minister ofthe Interior. on being 1te,t"t, by the Hon. membu for ecqnee Cartier (Mr Monk) before the Agriculture Committee on the 11th of April,geye the following information-. where I reter to the evidence of Mr Smarthill mention the dates became I rush the House end the people to understand that on the morning of the 18th of April as Mr Smut was about to be examined it wee euggeuted by the Hon member (Mr Monk) that he should be Inorn, end noting upon that sugges- tion the oath was administered to Mr Smut end ell the evidence he gave upon the 18th at April or upon my date eubuqnent to that wee given under oath. On the 11th of April Me Smut and to than“. member (It Monk) I tint be was appointed deputy Ilium." ofthe Interior" on the Ut of April. 1897; that hit mignntion u deputy minister we. ueepted on the 8Ut at December. 1904; tint be we: connect“ with the North Atlantic Trading Company nine. 'ltort-agtttutusimuueaio time in April. 1906. oet" tdrthnagtstated nhuqmtly in ttis-ith-) due the - In], 1906. The (not. therefore, I twinn- Ame month: one: it 8mm had covered Lin connection with the department end Alter he lied Maude“, moisten! the In. “. WI be 1:04un 2293.? " PTPtr. ee 99.10::- at The question then is asked by our friends on the opposite side: It this contract was a good one why won it cancelled; Iliave explained. and the contract showsit, that it was the desire I orthe government that the work should he more vigorously carried on and more energetically prosecuted in the sections of Europe from which the more desir- able immigrants may be obtained, and which we the more northeily potions oi the Europenn continent. It appears (and the minister states it and the {acts l support it) that the cotnpnny semis to ‘ have pen working most energeticallv. l nut in the sections from which the tnunt desirable cmigrentu may he onIained bat in [he sections from which compar- atively it" desirable immigrante come --tueeo countries being worn easily worked were worked to the full extent ot the five thousand limit while the more desirable tectione Were not so Well attended to but rather neglectrd. Because of this the minister him quite‘ properly cancelled the contract. I point out that when the contract was made ountninlng a protision for cancel- lation. it was always Intended that when in the opinion of the minister the contract was not being lived up to it should and would be cancelled. It eeenia to me to be a. strange thing that our Conservative friends jump to the conclusion that it the government do what they have been urging the govern- ment to (in that Elli! is an evidence of the guilt of the government. The Croy. ernment and the Minister of the In. terior acting for the government arrived I at the conclmion that the proper thing to Jo would be to cancel tho contract. but the Minieter of the Interior arrinnl I at tlmt eoueluciou with a knowledge ot) the (nets. and by a process of reasoning _ ttltoeotberddrerent from the museum; by which the Oppoeition arrived at a Ito-c" ion to advise that the connect should be cancelled. I would point out that what may be a somewhat strange teometdenee in the minds of our friends the enemy, that the government have concluded to do-although as I have said tluw have concluded to d) it by reasoning from an entirely different standpoitst--wloat they have urged them to do; is merely evideuee that f the opposition were more iroquently right then such a cmncidenca would more frequently occur. urged that this Company ll on un- known Cumin” :that they proboh- ly have sum 1 capitol. and it any be asked : What security has the gov- i ernment thal the company will carry yontits contract? In reply, I point to the fact that the government ob- |tained and still hold $5,000 ot the company‘s money " security that the company will carrv out and h1Itil their covenants contained in the agreement. THE DURHAM ‘3BEVIBW at ill. Noah Aaai"iUi.' We are making a specialty of these gaudy during the hot season. Peach Turnovers Pineapple Jams Shrewsbury (Iced cakes) Fig Tarts Graham Waters Honey Cookies Red cum-ant Tarts Fruit Biscuits Plain and Fancy Lemon Cakes Molasses and Lemon Snaps and those Delicious crisp Sodas in pmchlm-nt packages Cy] .... .........5e each C. MCARTHUR In hot weather is a itepious prnhlem with the Imueekwm-r, Why hum wow] and squander Pin-rgy in baking tea cakes, when such delicious vane- ties us those nunwd below can be bought at frnm 100 to 1.5e perlh, viz: 7 The strongest purely Mutual Fire luau ranc Co. in Ontario. A record without ugmmilcl and Must reward for honest efforts. L amused and warmed by the Government; insures residence nu farm property upon the latest known plans 3 or 4 yen blmket policies issued on the annual instalment or one royment system under the most invorable cowl tions to the insured. Insure in the best. it your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop it end to COOKING lllMI, NINE INSURANCE COMPANY Very sincere regret is expressed over the verv sudden and unexpect- ed death ot Mr Dan Campbell. Dan as he was best known was one of the most oithanded businesa men in Dar- ham and straightforward in his dealings and his word as good as his bond, such at least was our experi- ance in any dealings we had with in). PARhlililR'S CENTRAL Mr and Mrs Alex MeVain were the recipients of a handsome keep- sake in the form of' a bright baby girl last week. Mrs Tyreman, who has been visit ine her daughter. hire Hutchison. returned to her home in Brussells last week. The Farmers’ Association meeting held on the 23rd of May was not largely attended, however among other things discussed. it was settled to meet the last Friday night in each month. Members Will do well by re- membering this date and to insure them doing so would advise putting a tin tag in their nose. IZr Jamieson was wanted to come on Friday night June lst bat ean't come. Guess he is a tnfle afraid of getting caught in the switch between the 't taxati< n tt and the " baron 's cat. tt Rev Mr Mustard occupied the pul- pit in Knox church on Sunday and the Sunday previous, and by his ex- cellent discourses we fancy he has greatly reduced the chances of the other fellows. Rev Mr Lawrence who occupied tae pulpit at the start (but not for a call), is far and 'away ahead ofany We have had yet, in fact one of our supporters Was so de- lighted with him that he said he wi-ulJ double his stipend it We could get him. What's the matter' with throwing out an inducement to the Rev gentleman. Miss Olive Thompson returned home from Mt Forest on Saturdav, after spending a. fortnight very pleasantly in that town. Mr John Sharpe. who has bought the old McGowan farm, has made a poor start off by batching it, but we notice he has a piece staked off for potatoes sumciently large enough to warrant us in saying he will have “a helper,” before this time next year. Messrs Geo and James Peter left to-day (Monday), for Toronto with a couple car loads of prime export came. This isomove in the right direction. We have always been of the opinion that the middle man's profit might be avoided. It they succeed pretty well there are more to follow their example. in; Company. Questioned Ignin upon the 18th ot April, Mr Monk tanked t Are you interested " shuoholder in any wny with the North Atlantic Trtdxna Company? Mr Stuart's answer was we .' No, never have been. Ogilvxe's “Royal Household " Keewatin " Five Roses "-The very best Keewatin nuke. A carload just. received. Clove, and Timothy and all trats ieties of Garden Seeds in u- hundance for Spring glowing SEEDS FLOUR ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO NEIL MeCANNEL. Agent, Durham Head OfBee l Walkorion, Ont. Received too late for last work MATTHEWS a, LATIMER $535.1 FIELD AND GARDEN. Highest gr Mes only. Blythe'g Corners. " Is good Bread, well made and ' properly baked-the bread that t is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the best E ilour, leavened and seasoned just . right. thoroughly kneaded and . baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and . strength for those who eat it, .. Give it a trial. g STINSON, The Baker W36 i, 11p. COPY R Barclay 8r Bell An Ideal Buggy =The Tudhope= We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from Opposite Middaugn House Stables Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37c yd. Crum 's Prints in-the best goods made. tt A'. Srant We have a splendid line o,-...,,....-..-.,-:)" Repaizing and Order: Our Specialties. Peel, the Shoeman White Shoes Don 't drive in that worn, old buggy any longer: be up-to-date. We can supply youa nice one which is the acme of cotufort--the Tudhope. In different styles, and very moder. ately priced. Call in and see them, even if you don't intend to buy. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia 50e to l.2liyd If you wear White Shoes, don't wear an un- tidy one. We have the very latest styles. 'ea, 2bess Soods 150 Acm Above Durham, well unanimous ' bo Durham, ell bull well 250 Q33: w'lll {cum-ed. 'g'la"liU, 'd'Mtll tttt5 Aytep,yetetr.aEeu um um N , than "-'e-V'""'e. 125 Am 19-me Ir'. mm analo- u All“ '"""'a','Se,'t, at PM. when Al n hero! anemic iltiffdl,hftlgi It2lat, “I?" sweep 'p'fudul'lll'l'tt$t'tt yt9tht. dawn. c. F. n. mac-In. " ALwn's Pnourr. xnn 11mm." t Do you want to know where to buy High grade Think I" “It. . own c-mimyenr. 'lillh2h'lllll 'iil!l'i4?? a.“ L19UMENCE NOW. India-um JOHN CLARK Durham, Nov ifil,ii,',i,i'iig.b. ottt Barristers. Solicitors. Connyuoen A e, 0 University. graduate of Boy of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Ovet J & J HIKVTER'H Nu- HONOR “RA DI‘A'H " ”in“: Roy.“ t'olles om Late Lia-Mn Anc-ttmm-r tor the no. at (my. his promptly amended to. um We Order. PO he left " hit [mph-cm I'm mam; 5icKiuttoto old sand. an the RIVIII' Ot cc. Licensed Auctioneer tor 00. Grey Terms madame. Autumn me “In I. to am. dat., Inna! be madeat the 1tqetew OF mac. Durluud. gr (romance-Ml“ more. or w Ceylon 120., will be [nonpay- uwuucu to, 'n-nm on applic‘don to J. G. BUTTON. M.D., C. lumba- College Ply-tum and Inn-on. Ont-no. dice And Redd moo Cor. am and - a up. a» tom Ji Bill. Old was“. Insurance Issuer oi' I Pnrmrux & SI'IOIOK. Office our ut.9.rhrrter'. Store D-llan .rristcrl Notary ARTdUR B. JACKSON " . C, PICKERING D. D s., L. o. S . McPHAIL “Ice. mm- Gnrdon's Jewel HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Rico. M: qr to trtotoa... novnmi no u... Ho 91-... ""pmsuinttetuimotmastooie-, Womennndcwau. Witt he at the mad-ugh Home. mm... the an: Wedneodny at each month tn- Ion. m. tm l p. In. ARTHUR GUN. M. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat J..F. GRANT D. DUBHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) TORONTO. on. MEDICAL “shunt to Moomeld‘l p/ihflt to Kuupp's (New York) Hm THE HANOVER consume}: A SPLENDID scHoou MACKA‘I d; DUNN, Tolophonc Connection No. " bcu1.ecti.e2n..eexss. star. Solicitor in Supreme Court any Public, Commiistomi, kc. DEN M-cK-y K. c. Jury Public amt-9 Agent. Money toLmtn pm“ Mat Huge Lice-unma. A gen ttuaucial basins“ [unnamed F103! * D. McPHML. Ceylon P. 0 C. RAIAGE. Durban. t1lli_vAYPcttrt tldetG B l H Miller, . P. TELFORD w. alum. - For. ofcdlh'i'dNPtlt" J urxwu's New Semi 16. W. Int yre Block, over Money DR. BURT M 'nney to tam" EGAL. OFFICE HOURS Licensed . Auctioneer to the County of Grey. Ins a telephone one: 2-4 p. I wk. (New tl ld' “In“. , "a Yuk; {in Bosnia Toronto Culver penal Burn!) to Loan. In 'ott"uisrtirmet of Royal College W. F Dunn " Store. Post Ottice Owen Sound the Bank '-q [LI Room a GOnt tvu

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