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Durham Review (1897), 14 Jun 1906, p. 7

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ds Hp? LS " HINE kWh-s NM in“ “I Go “on! gm " tmtftt JP' Ir? " Mu GENERAL ASSEMBLY I MEEIING IN l0NDON. Rev. Alex. Falconer. The Retiring Moderator Protests Against Purely Secular Schools. London cable: The Parliament of: The retiring Moderator is gm of the 'ltte'lrd.l','li,e,',', opened its session in "iins.eit2ro';kiinnir mu} vinutl,"'ce'aege',t,,agid. . _ . . Is on ministry m e ‘ana ian on i. First Church this evcnmg tad tlr'" . ta! ll",' been fittingly recognized 'l/Ili Rev. Dr. Alexander Falconer, of Pittou+rirtilir, represented in his year’s dis. Nova Neotia, its Moderator. This in tinetiori. Dt. Armstrortg's sermon was the tltirty-n-eeoud Umeral Assembly carefully prepared and delivered with shit! the union of the Presbyterian force and effectiveness. (hur'LM in Canada in 1875. There are u-;---.-_ N-- A-i--", in? oit'.egt can be the venenbh College. Mill alert worn and tem Principal Gordon. Prineipal Patrick the men who wet must interesting of Halifax. the o Canada. perhaps tainly the only I brterian world w Co'!",:: still ailv-X't and interested at lum- "M".'" and tin. Principal Macluren Prineipul (:onlnn. Principal Scrimger and Principal Patrick. are not unworthy ot the Inn-n who went lwfore. "no of the mm: intereuting is Dr. Robert Murray. of Halifax. thc oldest working editor In (amidst. pr-rlmpi on the eotttinent--eer. tuinly the only man in the whole Pur- h, terian world who han held the editor. ial chair of a Presbyterian newspaper for more than half a century. Dr. Nur. ray is not only I veteran journalist, he is also one of the best hymn writers. Bis hymn-- "From ocean unto ocean i Before the unembly adjourned Rev Our land shall own the Lord"- Dr. McMullen of Woodstock gave notio is one of the bent Canadian hymns in of n motion to the effect that the Gear use in any Canadian Church. oral Assembly records its cordial appre mm. b an animal in Mum-dis which umwmxmox third. the body and but lap of . qundruped, And the hum of . B.h. It live. undc may, but. of . -fuh. " live- undc nut. "tym.tthes air. It hy-cmyotit “In in young. Schmid- all it the dud-hm BMW"; " ' r k "ll",i'Ciii {$:;2Euful 00qu yhich “I this my pad“, that lad-ma " ttities- n"!!! srj?dte1tcf,t Win-o1, ritt - ii'inc W. I I. “Iv-v wv-- -_-- r - to the diecovery of bileone, prectieelly " liver end mined! disorders contained ”wry, bismuth and other mineral phone. Theee hurtful ingrediente, if the! for long. hue ouch eerioue Mreetn - booming the teeth. one-in: the hair to fell out or heeome Manly grey, etc. Eileen. on the eontrery.ere purely -ru. They contain no trece od my linen! poison. and ere than not only note powerful " e cure. but ere more He in their no. They cure launch end liver dieordel'l without introducing etherevile. Sopoverhlentheyin Tttt thet they eradicate the an“ the eilmeute they ere compounded to eo-het. end yet they ere eo and that my ere suitable to the - delieete Bot only ere hileene up“ by virtue d their Vegetable more, but being the a: at modern "riorgtifU reeeenh, ere thoroughly myth-due. They *London cable: The Parliament of,' The reti.r.ing 'tryterianinm opened its session in 'dtet,igoeiin'ir,, t yy".? that Te, dir"ii'itiiiljt hr: 'll,',',',','; The Father ntrniarsioner mint smr of the Assembly. commissioners pres. m Cape Breton and d from I" the Pro. mm] in the char: uiannry BighOp at Both those heroes hog: are here trom West Indies. al Assembly " Parliament ot comer. D.D., of Picton. N. s., the New Moderator. of knok "We, M Christian parents should shud- Jer at the very idea of sending our chil- dren to an irroligious school or to an ir.. (',.lli'i',lo','t'r,i' university." a Thanks and Regrets. l Before the anaembly adjourned Rev. Dr. lit-Mullen orWorr1stoerc gavg ngtice Moderator by Aeelamation. The choice of Rev. Dr. Falconer of Pictou, N. S'., to be Moderator was moved by Rev. Dr. Scott, of Montreal, and seconded by' President Forrest, of Dalhousie University, Halifax. He was described as an "eastern man" who was worthy of honor in the west, an old, Mr. A. Monolmn. of Berlin. my. .s-."T have taken biloaus and found they did no a great dad of good. I sutrerod ttom mdm*m“zmdmmwmw no . I y tid t t be to mound them to my a m! (I "e" gay tv-P.".' lbgut than; , m i Mr. Stanley Richardson, of m ltd 6.1ng 'a-att,',: and Eleon- bothl :14" and hugs ttlat, ape-k Vida out ottnti co II In . splendid remedy lot ntl new]! trauma I dun be Plead to mil than " :11 timec ' Mu. II',',',",",',,".,',',',',,',' n "rtiNrst.d if? writing ton powwow. "re-l' n feudalism-um! ueomueitdedttikirm, hvingprovedthonnatvdubb. lam a tainted mam nun. Ill! have " undies ol forty or fifty you" ago, which, " dread: stated, contain does, mommy, Ind other harmful drugs. Banal. without the slr, Meat diaeomfort, prompt the liver and "lii'r2"tUl' 0?». to at in nature's normal “my. caving than mam .treetgtUned and ntimuhted to continue the perhrrmyneo of their duties without further nuisance. They pro-inc. a gentle action of the bowels. curing o: preventing constipation. clans- ing tho stomach nod ridding tho ”atom of alLimpuritirc .. . , t Dalhousie University, Halifax. He was described as an "eastern man" who was worthy of honor in the west, an old- time missionary to Trinidad, a devoted and successful pastor, and the only min. ister remaining who had official rela- tions with the union of the churches in 1875. . -.. ....,,_..--..7. Reports {tom all Parts of Cumin ahow tsowethsetivo no Diwali. when applied to all symptom- niiu; out of liver And stomach dimrden. _ _ ._ _ Rev. Dr. J. B. Fraser. and Principal Merchant proposed Rev. Dr. John Fr'omerville, of Owen Sound, but he asked that his name be withdrawn, and that Dr. Falconer be the unanimous choice. Dr. Somerville was subsequently elected Interim Clerk of the Assembly until a permanent appointment " made to the office formerly held by the late Rev. Dr. Warden. Retiring Moderator', Sermon. Dr. Armstrong/g sermon was a bold cxpresqion of his deep convictiom on the rtlistioys chant-to! of priryatedueatio.n. Schools and colleges- should not be pointed at as godlcas. nor a lop-sided culture without religion be attempted, he thought. Here are some f his axioms: "The conception of purely secular schools to me seems not only Inn-Chris- tion, but narrow and unscientific. "r am not contending for a State Church, but I do contend that the ab. ~2olute "eparation of Chureh and Strte " a mere abstract political theory im. possible of realization. "I do contend against the separation between religion and the State and I do contend against the State assuming tho power to establish a system of arlmnh. exclude the Bible and religious insttvetion from them and compel us to pay for them and send our children to them. ache. multiracial] piles, lint trouble. indig-tion And digs-tin dimming. {undo ailments, akin eruption, biliouo- no“, nick headacho, bod tarte in tho mouth, foul M, dizzin hinting, buzzing noiaesin the wetland urgmforsble {ulna- out, Sg n ht m , vi pins. numb. . ity. no. The, improve dugout-l t22ilt,t and mummy-lobed gt"tuagtd, wok women. roeu.11puee.,trrlf.,e,hP, household mod: u put ”an: will ho my of null-9‘ terti.ott " . fft and-iota. "Stty a a imottrmntuBilean " 'tttg,',','."; Toronto, uponmipt . TOM JrriGGiiiioiGtWthiyetuu sad write mink. nrtunnAdatedttto (and - deal with When“! to. iouaneu. I could not get relic! (to. doetora' medicine and was advised to 2 bilum. I did .6. and with not: ban. - au malt. I - hop We“! in the homo, and um continually muting? them in cam of stomach disorders. h . when, indigestion, comma and vu- iou. other complaints." 13,311 quarters what. they have but tried bunn- m spokn of in similar high town. They Ago- tttttata gun " httd- 5313.333; iailhidr a. BM ths a IbOV. Midn- with on. an up» ply uttt2t,tqlt,11'd “out! oTiiiGaikiairuaa" . was... l This motion, seconded by Mr. John ; Charlton, is certain to secure the unani- 'mous support of the Assembly. I Knox College. In the absence of his Honor Lieut.. th'ernor Mortimer Clark, Chairman ot ‘the Board of Management,'Principal Mae. Laren presented the report on Knox Col- llep,e. The two new professors had add- led greatly to the strength of the "air. The net receipts for the ordinary fund amounted to 826,900.90, and expenditure h"2ii..5lg.71, leaving a balance in hand of $448.19, Under the head of the ordin- ary fund is included a gift of 810,000 from the late Dr. Warden. ’llie sixty-second amiual report of the college showed sixty-four students enrolled in the theological classes dur. ing the past session, of whom fifteen re- ceived their diplomas at the close of the academic year, twelve of these holding university degrees. The Board recorded its appreciation of the manner in which Mr. Alex. War- den has discharged the duties of the " fiee formerly held by his 'late father. The resoitition of 'the Board was re- ptrrttrd, respecting the rtmoval to a. mom Luimble site. and erecting a building at an ouimeted cast of 8300,000, excius- ive of the price to be obtained for the present site. Sir Thomas Taylor supported the row- lution, remarking that he had asaistell in preparing the resolution for the sale of old Knox College property on Gren- ville and Grosvenor out a third of a century ago. I quests the eIiininatimi of such exemption as offensive to the sentiments of the vast majority of the population of thug. ada, and certain in its operations to de- feat in a great measure the purpose of the act, which is to secure to all the people the privileges of the day of rest as a national institution. Mr. John Churltolr made a plea for the consolidation of the three colleges in Ontario an Quebec. Them was no need of these three colleges. Now was the time to consolidate. If this was not done students would continue to go to the States. dation of the notion of the Government and Parll‘ment in introducing and sup- porting so ex‘cellent , bird's Dyr, net as that now before the Home of Com- mons for its third reading, but deeply regrets the proposed exemption of any (law. and respectfully but earnestly re- Principal MacLaren thought Mr. Charlton spoke without warrant. The English and Scotch and United States colleges had declined in exactly the same way an those of Canada and to an even greater extent. Mr. J. K. Maedonald suggested the treatment of aged ministers an one cause of the decline of candidates for the min. istry. A ---- __4 - 77 "red the Toronto iiituation in the light of Church union. icrineipal Scrimger, of Montreal asked if the Knox College authorities consid- RPV. J. A. Maedonald, Toronto. some- what humorously replied that the men who have solved and settled the ques- tion of Church union have decided that the united Church will have one theolo- gieal college in Toronto. and Knox Col- logo will be that one. He made a plea for a forward movement in all the col- leger, and a strengthening of the Chureh's position at all the great university cen- tred, Great fortunes are being made in Canada. and their makers should not be unwilling to respond to these large and iirGaGAGiitdinou/trorn all dot Mrs. Davis and her two children, Gladys and a baby eight months old, were visiting Mrs. Alexander. While the two women were preparing Jinn-h over the store it exploded. They rushed across the room to an adjoining room to rescue the children and their clothes caught fire. One of the women threw the younger child out of the window and its life was saved. With Gladys they started downstairs, the clothing of all Preparing Lunch When Accident 0c- cureed-Two Women Rushed to Save the Children, and Their Clothes Caught Fire. Syracuse, June 11.--The explosion of an oil stove in a second storey apart- ment at noon to-day resulted in the death of Mrs. Desmond Davis, aged 20; Mrs. Homer Alexander, sister-in-law oi Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Davis' three-year- old daughter Gladys. Mrs. John Wright and Mrs. Emmett Harris were slightly iniqred. _ _ _ _ _ _.-. REV. ALEXANDER FALCONER. The new Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada is a Pictou man, of pure Scottish descent, born and educated in Nova Scotia, with post-graduate opportunities in Edinburgh, and four pastoral charges in the West Indies and in Canada. He is well under three score and ten. His ministerial career covers forty-four years. He has held many important official positions in the Synod of the Maritime Provinces. He was a missionary in Trin- "lad, and is a leader in foreign missions. His present charge in Pictou he has held for over twenty years. His two sons are foremost among the younger men in the Presbyterian ministry. One is the Principal of the Theological College of the Maritime Provinces. The other is pastor of one of Nova Seotia's leading and most namesake churches, and both are scholars of the finest quali ty. The new Moderator is worthy of the office, and will worthily represent the Church he serves. agressive projects for the Church and nation. Speaking as a Presbyterian, he said it would be suicidal for the church to withdraw from the strategic position held in Knox College through its feder- ation with the Provincial University. AN ARMENIAN WAR IN BRANT- FORD IRON WORKS. A Question of a Strike Leads to a Liveiy Time-Several Severely In- 'ured--Bo1ts, Nuts Ind Bare the Ween-Alix Arrested. Brantford, Ont.,June 1.--4?hortly " ter noon to-dny there was an exciting time at the Malleable Iron Works. A disagreement broke out among the Armenians who are employed at these works. Some of them wanted their wages increased to sixteen cents an hour, and asked the management for that amount, but were told that the foreman was away and would be back in a couple of days. This satisfied some of the Armenians, but not so with some of the others. Omaha“ were in favor of going on strike, and the others were wil. linstoWF. . ' - _AC__, __s " "Na In the judgment of the board a mater. ial addition should be made to the salar- ies of the professors, and the General Assembly was asked to remit the whole matter to the Synod of the Maritime Provinces, with power to issue the mat- ter. It was also agreed, in view of the debt now on the fund and the other claims upon it, to ask for $17,000 for the college fund during the present year, of which congregations are requested to contribute not less than $8,000. The Tide Bag Turned. Principal Falconer presented the re- port of the Presbyterian College, Hali- fax. He spoke with hopefulness and en- thusiasm of tho work and prospects of the college. The tide had turned and the outlook for students is good. The exodus of students to the States is far less than ten years ago. THREE PERSONS DIE AS RESULT OF BURNS. three on f ire. The report of the Semitd was submit- ted by Principal R. A. Falconer. The resolution was adopted unalii- mously. "'Bné'w'brd led to another, and fUuiily wound up in . pitched battle, with bolta, nuts, iron bars and anything thay they Oll. STOVE EXPLODES. PITCHED BATTtt. i (/((i"r('ill' }\ , I I r/f,,',;;,;,,. f", (V?) I) _),, !\-‘k\§l\\:,.\ _ ll ii_is)i:i)iis,i/ %I/€////II\WI . I , ' I iiiisici,i(ii)iii'i //////p , The affray lasted for only a few mm- utes, with the result tha four Finland. era were fearfully wounded. two of whom, the doctors say, will not recover from their wounds. Restore Nantel. who was stabbed in the abdomen, and Charlie Paine, who received a stab wound in the neck and chest, are in the hos- pital and very weak. No hopes for the recovery of Nantel are entertained by Drs. Cook and McCar- ty, who are attending the injured men. The assailants are still at large, but from the description given by the wounded men the police hope to capture them. FOR ONE YEAR. Lon Angeles, June 1.--Rev. Jas It. Wylie“ self confessed bigomist, was sen- tenced by Judge Smith yesterdny to pay B fine of five doling and to be impri- soned at Folson Penitentiary for one your. The District Attorney'. office re- presented that the crime was not " aggravated use sud dropped prosecu- tioyytgityt thetr.gsrno s 'eel wife. It appeared that the two intruders hm! walked into the Finlanders' dance and began making free with some ot the Finland ladies, which was promptly re- 'rented by the men. who ejected the strangers with anything but easy some. After the dance was over the Finlanderr, started for their homes. At the corner of McLaughlin and Christie streets the ejecte'l pair and their friends were on the look-out for their victims and pounc- ed upon four Finlanderi, who were taken by surprise. WNED FIVE DOLLARS AND JAILED The. Finlanders claim they were not the worse for liquor. The scene ot the tragedy was near where the Galician was clubbed to death three years ago. a. Mrs: Green. Wylie was a minister of the Methodist Episoopul Church at New York, where he married his first wife 15 yen: not - _. - . ' 1Gt yea} the Wylies moved to a min- ing amp near Phoenix, Ariz., and were visits! by Mrs. Fannie M. Green, of New Yor Italian Intruders Turned Out of a Fin- landers’ Dance Hall Lie in Wait for the Finlanders and Attack Them-- The Assailant: at Large. Fort William denpatch: Last night a drunken melee took place at the com dock among a party of foreignéri, three of whom were titalpoed and slashed with knives. The Miray wan-t the result of two Italians being tiwned out of a Fin. huulers' dance hall in the early part ot the evening. could lay their hands on. In the fight which fulloii'ed two or three Armenians were badly hurt by flying missiles. Word of the affair was telephoned to the police hearmrarters. The clergyman sent his wife and an adopted child to relatives " Council Bluffs, Iowa, And during their absence untried the Green womn at Lon An. gelel. last August: The first wife learn- ed of the penny My and swore-to TWO FINLANDERS MAY BE FATAL LY WOUNDED. Six of the fighters were arrested and lodged in the cells. A police guard will bo on duty through the night. when intercepted by the police. a" eoniplnint "chug!!! The edutraetirqt Entic- with biguny. e clergyman and ioeeond%finreieenroute-toV BIGAMOUS MINISTER. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO STABBING AffRAY. I SUICIDE or an. mun, I Email Iowxssm London, June 11.--Cpon the War Of- fiee vote in the House of Commons the meat sandal was brought to attention. Mr. Haldane, Secretary of War, reply- ing said he would be sorry for more than one reason to say that they should only buy tinned meat in the kingdom. There was such a place as the colonien, and he thought they ought to buy where they got the best and purest. He was sending out an expert to inspect tint carefully before being used. Well-two Fame! Ends His Life in I Scautioul 'urmer-.Bae been Suf- fozin; From Mental Trcutles, and Put an End to Them. Cornwall despateht Alex. McMillan. a we'.1.to-do farmer of Finch tawnship, not far from Avonmore, committed suicide on Wednesday morning by hanging. Mr. McMillan had been suffering from men- tal trouble for the past couple of weeks, and it is supposed that, rising early in the morning, he went to the woods with a rope, climbed a tree, tied one end of the rope to the branch and put the other end around his neck. He apparently jumped and was strangled to death. Dr. l-lmniltcn. of Cornwall, coroner, was notified. He Visited the scene of the tragedy last night and decided that an inquest was unnecesmry. The de- cvared was about 65 years of age and it survived by his wife and a large family. Aged Duke of Grafton lonentuily Shocks I Crowd of “saints. l London, June n.--The aged Duke of Graften muruentarily shocked a ', 'svr.ehecn crowd at the agrig-ulturnl I never to enter an autimobile. The diffi- culty in making connection with local trains to reach Kettering had raised the temptation to hire " 'ruttttytilt; , HUNG UP RECEIVER AND "BLEW" THE SAFE. Jjlov,. at Kettering hy grively ln- r nouncing that at the age of " years he WNCABEES “8! PAY OI LIFE or had broken a vow. His hearers were SUICIDE. relieved to learn that the vow was no ' Aba . NA'. J - . more serious than a protnjye te.hirtt.ttlf “PM?“ ".iiii',',lll'i wiki' (This tTU! “BUSY " SAID BURGLAR Conductor of Central New England Freight Train Wu Trying to Ring Up Canaan Station-Met by Posse of Villagers. New York, June Ii.--.' special to the Tribune from Winstcad says: Cracks- men working in the postoifietr at North Canaan at 2 o'cioek this morning heard Mr. Champlin, the conductor of n Cen- tral New England freight train, ringing on the telephone at Salisbury for the Canaan station. In a rough voice one of the robbers asked: "What do you want?" When Champlin replied, "Can. aan," the burglars hung up the receiver, saying. "?usy.'l _ _ _ . - W113i: the irain ruched Canaan at 2.45 o'clock Champlin and the crew met a Page 3f \'i_llngerg, 1.tydetl px‘Postmnnter -~...,.-_-.v. ,. The temptation won and the Duke fell. The sin proved so sweet that be now de- clares the automobile is the greatest in- vention known, and he is quite impeni- J. H. Itorabaek looking for" the burglars, who had blown the door from the post- office safe and escaped, The steel box inside the safe remained intact and the burglars secured nothing of value. The authorities have no claws. Will Denote Defieit " Letters Not Fully Prepaid. . Ottawa, June H.-A new stamp hi! been issued by the PoioHice Depart- ment in eonnectiun with letters not] fully prepaid. The stamp will be for! the we of postmasters only. In the! past it ha- been the custom to mark letters not fully prepaid with a figure, specifying how much the receiver would l have to pay. The stamp will now be med instead. The new stamp is bluish in color, and is in several dencmina-t in co tions. The Suggestion Made by the Secretary of State fer War. ' Vancouver, B.C., Jun H.-- he suspen- sion of Police Chief North beause of the “inefficiency of the force under his com- mand," has led to the publication of ugly charges of alleged graft in the restricted diatrict. it being chimed that women have paid what is called "protection money." There is nothing in these ll- legntions personally implientintt North, who is to Ontario nun, when personal honesty han never been doubted. Would like for the Unification of the Empire end Cost Would Not Be Ex- cessite--CtusMun Pacific Sulphite Pulp Company. London, June li.--W. Blakiston, of Burlington submitted the scheme of the Earl of Meath for interchange of visits of school boys of the mother country to the colonies and the colonies to the mother country with the object of uni- tation of the empire. Mr. Illakiston says 120 boys, thirteen or fourteen years old, could be sent at a coat of £2,500 per year. The idea was merely a rug- gestion, and he would leave the details to Lord Btratheona And others. SCHOOL BOYS OF CANADA AND " THE MOTHER COUNTRY. Suspend” of Chief of Police myth Brings Ugly cum A suggestion that the new chief wilt come from Toronto has led to letters bt. ing published in the local press protest- ing ngeinet “so may positiqn being fill. ed by_ iteoetatiem (to. the at, of the churishes." tihtitit0 TO A TREE, I AIDE!) PROSECUHON. EXCHANGE or VISITS. VANCOUVER SCANDAL. BUY IN THE COLONIES. BROKE vow AT its. A NEW STAMP. or?". GEO. CLARK! COM ’0' TRIAL " NIAGARA FALLS. The C. P. It. Terminal in Iontml to l Be rm 'Ihmtrae, June II.---" o, P. It. I Windsor tstreet station, head office: and tterminau in this city, which are easily among the finest in the Dominion, wilt :be enlarged to about four times their present apneity. cumming to an un- nouncement by Sir Thom" Signghnensy, A Niagara Fat, Ont., m: G. w. Clarke, manager of the Ontario - Company, waa committed for Rh! - tenlay by Police Magistrate Cantata-k on the charge of conspiracy to defraud. The pmmution la at the inatlgatlon of the Cutleta' Guild of Sheffield, England- The case was commenced on May Mt,nnd adjourned until to-day, County Crown Attorney T. D. Cowper, of Welland con- ducted the prosecution. E. T. Malone, K. C., of Toronto, appeared for the Royal Cutlery Company, of Sheffield, England. the private prosecutors, and J. W. New bitt, K. C., of Hamilton, as attorney for the defendant. The charge in that the Ontario Sher Company used "tiltemeld" stamps on cutlery munufnctured by it and “Shef- field" labels on the box". Correspondence between the Ontario Silver Company and the Maiden-Britan- nia Company, which reterred to a pro- mile made by the Ontario Silver Com- pany that they would - using " marks bearing the words "tgheffieWCut. lery Company” or "Sheffield, England." on their goods were put in. After thin promise was made an order was filled with goods bearing the marks, the use of which in objected to. The Ontario Silva Ckmpany wrote to tn: 5iev'cton. Britannia Company explaining that they had ceased using the objectionable marks in manufacture, but Were selling off the stock of goods so marked dually made up. Mr. Clarke stated to Chief Maine that the use of several of the lumpI had been discontinued. and that others would be dropped shortly. These good! have been made and no marked for years before he became emanated with the company. . . _. " "With the rapid growth of our traf. fie," said the President to-night, "we are continunlly more and more feeling the necessity of extending our terminals. And with the immense growth that must come in the but future with (bank’s present rapid expansion. the present time new opportune to pre- pare for our present and future needs. On the new [and we “I." erect splendid office building- nround . terminus." Many N.Y., June IL-The court if appeaU has “firmed with costs a lung- ment of $1,262 in favor of Anna T. rirgo against the Supreme Tent of the hanging of the Maccabees of the World. President of the company. To provide for these enlargement. it will be neon- sary to expropriUe I whole block and close a street. The plairttifrs husband, who hold I policy in the organization, committed suicide, ind despite the bet that the by-lawn state that no beaeftta “all be paid to the survivors of a member who commits suicide, whether an or insane, the lower court- ":on the phintiff o. verdict and the high“. court in the Mate bu "tiegttrd the judgment. um “My.-.“ Under erdsrertottirtation by Mr. MI~ lone, the chief stated that Mr. Clark' had afforded him every possible fucility and aid in his search of the factory. and had freely produced all documents and other article’s now placed in evidence. Many of them would not have been no- cured but for Mr. Clarke’s aid. The Luitaniu in the first of the giant (‘unnnlors to be launched Ind her sister, the Mauritania, will follow ber into the Rea a month hence. The Lusitania ic, 79ty {out long, her displacement is about 60,. (MIO tous, and powerful turbine engines will drive her thmugh the water at I mmtaiml speed of from 24 to 25 knots. The cabin a mimodatiom are for 550' first class, a; wound clan and 1,300 third clam pain-rigors ,and the crew will number about 800. New and Important m M M, The County Crown Attorney rested his use on this evidence. and liked the the accused be committed for trill. Mr. Nesbitt said he would offer no defence. iiiiridiii; FruiilLnk then commit- ted Mr. Clarke for trial at the next court of oompetent_jtttydifiort, and fixed bail at dollars Miles South of Tm Cout, June 11.--A very rich find a! pure native silver bu just cone to light. The find Inn made by a put, sent. out by Lucky Barber, of COMIC. and was located about thirty I“ nouth of this (on. The all in elttbt inches wide. ind has but hunt! our 700 feet. The angle: Wt I. use nbout the debut and that an. Tho new flnd will not. that c Imp Int a! new not! and. “It “I III in For new aver. It in aloud that the pmmcatin of Mr. Clarke will be followed by proceed- ings in the High Court ngnlnst the On- tario Silver Company. CUNARD Gastrow, June IL-The new Cunard turbine steamer Luaiunh, the world’s largest liner, was uuoceutully launched at the Clyde bulk to-d-tsd was christ- ened by Dowager Lady Inverclyde. Hun- dreds of viirtom from all purtu of the (wintry, besides thousands of the local population, witnessed the ceremony. THE LARGEST toitft. A MAGNIFXCENT SCHEME. WON THE CASE. 'Gii'ariiiiiii it -oni, thousand means or COBALT. D TURBINE LUSXTAKIA LAUNCHED TO-DAY.

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