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Durham Review (1897), 21 Jun 1906, p. 4

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1:3 n 1-1 ,,.,:-;:-:Exams-cmmmxmmmm3.3% i?; Taylor 8000. Taylor 8600. 'ii) wearing 2/urvesars tit tM ETH INC, NEW IN \VASHERS: The Perforated Drum. only in the Ideal P. Lymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dihon nge Stay Fence. The Balance of Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wears at Sweeping Reductions. We bought a large quantity of these Mats at special prices and when you see them you will be delighted with the values. 200 Mats, sizes 18 x 36 inches. regular 15e for .. . . . ...5 at: each 200 Mats, sizes 36 x 36 inches, regular 25c for. . . . . . . . 15 cu each iisrobi)i--ijir-iji-'j-i)i- _ti'iii,,i,ii,'r WOOL! Everybody asking the question----- What are you paying for Wool ? We are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICES, CASH OR TRADE. A trial lot will Our Stock is Very Complete iii) 40m dhdlu’ Beau, " i.56£1§ 25 pr: of mud Boon, " 1.35, sale 60 pro of Men's Envy Boots, clearing at.... 50 pr: of Ladies' Oxfords, regular $1.50,.nle price 75 pr: " n 1.00 & 1.25. an fohrt Glark. W" can give only a mere list of our goods. but In quality and mL- tnhilily to the needs of South Gray we are not excelled: Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- mesa, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned mticlps, fair prices A Snap in Japanese Mats it, A Stirring Sale . of Shoes The best In their line as we handle only the best. Also Wilhelm'u Wriraters, all made by Watson of Ayr. We have also the very latest styles in Ladies' Dongola and Patent Leather Bals 6' Oxfords ot and Shoe Stock is simply too large and to reduce we will sell all broken lines at big reductions. We quote you a few of themi S. F. MORLOCK convince you our prices are right. 30331 Canadian Dragoona will exhibit in ‘Durham on Dominion Day. A Great Spectacle. Cash and One Price. Millinery :yTrtd ftarm Maahz‘nery. 51.50, sale price. .......$l pr 1.00& 1.25, sale price. .752. pr 1.50 & 1.75, sale price..1.m pr 1.35, sale prhxt........1.00pr A few doors South of the Middaugh House. . 1.00 pr The prize list of the Canadian Na- tional Exhihition, to be held in Tor- onto, Ont.. Aug. 29 to Sept. IO, which is now being distributed, contains many changes compared with last year. In nearly every department there IS a material increase in the pre- miums. In the horse department classes have been added for Welsh, Shetland and Hackney classes have in several instances heen doubled. It has also been decided to award the premiums in the trials of speed on the three-heat plan, each heat to be con- sidered a completed contest and the money to be divided according to the place won in each heat. The Domin- ion Short Horn Association having increased their grant for prizes to 82,000 the exhibition management have responded with a like amount. so that there is considerable expan- Iion also in the cattle department. In the sheep division wether sections have been added to each breed of sheep. In this connection“: might be mentioned that the management are making arrangements that will enable sheep to be judged under cover. In the poultry tttteat a number of sections have en added and the list has been increased bv an extra num- berot specials. Several changes have been made in the dairy department and the building is to be enpplied with improved cold storage. In' the ttoral division aprize is ded for the beat and moot original Boral design. Sev- eral section- recommended by the Ontario Bookeepen’ Auocintion hare been added to the honey clues. Ber. eraluctionshaveabo been added to the women’e and children’l deport- mentn. The total increment! round amounts to clone upon um which means that the aggregate Inn given in premium- by the Canadian Notion- d Exhibition in approaching the 'Muttlttrnaek. Entries meet to does on A“ 4. _ Mr Raymond Bell, from Cleveland is visiting at Mr Wm Edge's and other friends around the Avenue. Mr and Mrs Dan Edge paid Owen Sound Itiende a visit last week. The piente which was to have been last kSaturdav was postponed till this wee . Mrs Jas Staples who has been visit- ing her sister in Nerth Bay was ex- pected home last Saturday. Mr and Mrs John Allan from Cali- tornia, arrived on Monday to see his mother who we are sorry to sayis poorly " present. The beef ring has started this week with Mr Thos Tnmbull as butcher. Statue Labor is the order of the day now around here. It has com- menced in three beats. Wm Dezell is iitsishing his cement house here. He has a contract to build a house in Mt Forest. There is talk of Joseph Hall going with him to work. Died on Saturday thh at Hopeville Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, aged 72 years. She was one of the pioneers of Proton. Funeral on Monday 18th to Swinton Park. A larger notice will be given next week. Mr Ham Allan has returned home anera few days sojourn in Glenelg with Edge Hill friends. The few brains possessed by the party in question, are the color of a peacock's tail, green. In their new sphere of labor their infiaenee is as cosmopolitan in its nature as it was in sporting circles years ago when as a jockey, they won great fame and were tendered an ostentatious ovation for bringing in white Dobbin three lengths ahead of Sammy No. lan ’s jackass. One oi the travelling troupe that struck Durnoch several years ago walla {he village recently. - - Miss Mary Vasey, of Sudbury, ae- companied by her ne hew, Mr Wm Drew, ofthe Queen guy, is renew. ing acquaintances In the burg and community " present. The Sunday School, of Latona Pres. byterian Church, Dornoch. will hold their annual picnic in Mr Donald Smith’s romantic grove on Sundav, June 26. Systematic preparation is being made, and, weather proving favorable, the issue will no doubt be brought to a successful termination. He is broad in his views, poignant in his beliefs and imbued with more than ordinary business tact and skill, is Mr Sandy McClean. who, for the past fortnight has been in the employ of Mr H. Hunt. Mr Alex MacIntosh disposed ot his dashing team for a handsome iigttte and supplanted them .1,7, a young team o A1 quality. Alex enjoys wide reputation as a horseman, his knowledge in this line being the best attainable. Mrs Wm McDonald, of the Queen City, who attended the golden wed- ding of her sister. Mrs Duncan Camp- bell, intends visiting in the commun- ity tor some time and is at present enjoying herself around the haunts and scenes of her childhood. Messrs John and Wm Campbell- ac- companied by their wives add famil- ies leave on Tuesday, per steamer Athabasca, for their home in Cloquet Minnesota. A happy reunion took glow last week. when Mrs Thea W nlen ar- rived from St Paul, Minnesota, for an extended visit with her sister. Mrs Michael Smith, whom she had not seen tor over' tirGiirhVe -feaGr Meetings ot this nature warm the lerttt and illmmnate life’s dreary TORONTO - -_._. - Edge Hill tiopeville Dornoch. -.i---------- ii', heavy mist cloud on the lake to- gy, Monday, while the and ll clear nee-inte- the blowing of the fog t hon " short laterals. A Inge The large marquee and tables put up for the men are a great conveni- ence. Field Bungee are also provid- ed for the cooks which is a great im. provement on the old style hole in the ground. A good omit in in con- nection with the arts. mess. this veer. A list ot the menu might be interest. ing t Pork and beans. ham end eggs, Puddings and piers tea or coffee. not to mention porridge. auger and milk end other more common neces- series. Pai Joe C Harrison 16 12 28 3 Sgt Marshall 17 11 28 5 Sgt P Ramses 12 13 25 2 Corp Reid 13 12 25 4 Pas Barker 14 10 21 5 Corp Allan 18 3 21 2 Sgt Pilgrim 15 2 17 3 Out of a possible 40, a very good score for tlea boys. McDonald made 3 mm, ind 1. The writer tails to get to the bum now to try conclusions being too busy otherwise. Capt Snider Pte Joe 0 Harrison Sgt Marshall Sgt P Ramses Corp Reid Pas Barker Corp Allan Sgt Pilgrim Each regiment goes to the butts, one company at a time, where they fire 5 shots rapid firing each shot in 4 seconds. The result is called has regardless of the value of the strike. Po lowing is the result of the score as handed to me. Res. McKenzie and T Harrison being detailed for Bun. day's quarter and main guard re- spectively and W. Darby as marker at the butts. were unable to com- pete l A__ __ - Many went to the Falls yesterday wet and unpleasantas it was. All here sympathize Ith with Capt. Snider in being called ome on Sat- urday by the death of his infant child. The sympathy of brother otrieers was very touching. Camp lite seems to develop a sympathy and fraternity all its own, not only in sickness and death, bat also in or. dinary conditions. Weather has been glorious: fine breezes for drilling, cool nights for the sentry and the sleepers, cloudy on Friday and t"satt1rday,' with weep- ing skies on Sunday. necessitating the calling offof the church parade. A beautiful sight to see a. phalaax of uniformed men halt a mile long by four rods wide, their white hel- meta or yellow straw hats suggesting a. flower garden. As they march off to their respective training grounds one is forced to the conclusion that though many have not an ear for music there are few of the human race, perhaps not one in a hundred, who have not the bump of time--the soul of nutaie--traMeietitly developed toeuablo them to keep step to sur- ring music. While some find it an impossibility to march oat of step, the percentage of the timelers ones is very low. A large marquee has been erected this year for the accommodation of the men at their meals, tables hav. ing been made for each company at Owen Sound. Sheet Iron Stoves have also been provided for each Com- pany, which are a model of neatness and convenience, having large oven and cooking utensils to match. the bacon and tea supplied this morning being of a first class variety, all the boys have put in their first halt day pleasantly. We greatly enjoyed the sail on the lake, arriving long be. fore the o. Sound companies. To old timers I may say that our loca- tion is " the point of an angle at two lines drawn from the Y. M. C. A. tent and the nearest clump of trees in Paradise grove. Amuster roll call was held this Wednesday morning, when every man answered to his name in every conceivable tone and manner of salute, the old and tried hands con- trasting very strongly in the matter ot qualitv and fiuigh of the move- ment with those of present Years, some of whom have a throwing-tho,- shoulder-stone motion. However, their intentions are good. Capt. Frank McFarland. of Flesh- erton Co., is our adjutant this year, while Capt. John Telford, o. Sound, is appointed on the Brigade Staff as musketry instructor in company with Col. Thair, of St Catherinei, the ad- jutant of the 313: some years ago, The following promotions have been made in connection with No 4 Co; to be trergluqturr-ptets Pilgrim, P. Ramage andL. S. Marshall; to tc'g.porah'--ptei'. Lloy d, Reid and an. At Guelph your correspondent had the pleasure of meeting with Mrs L. Phil' pa, (nee Lizzie Adams. ot Dro- more), who is recovering nicely. At Acton, a Ca of the 20th Regiment were assembled to take train by way of Hamilton. They also had experi- enced Iiitiieulty in recruiting. having only 13 men. At Norval it was even worse. 11 men going in the same di.. rection. At Brampton, a tall com- pany was tound. bit it had a band w1th them, which recalled old times in Durham, the loss of the band tell- ing on us today. At Parkdale. the Companies from 0. Bound were tseen on the track alongside and there was time for fraternal salutations.. They were taken around by Hamil- ton, while we, more fortunate, were favored with a sale on beautiful Lake Ontario in the steamer Chippewa. At Toronto, we had the pleasure of meeting with Arch. Robertson, who is looking well. From Niagara Camp 100200 Tot. Hits 20 15 35 4 15 35 4 12 28 3 ll 28 5 13 25 2 12 25 4 10 su 5 3 21 2 2 l7 3 You can keep your lawn in first- class shape by buying one of our 1a- test received Mowers. Nothing equal. If you wish to enjoy your lawn and shade trees, get one of our Hammocks SCYTHE. AND CNATHB The hay and grass in growing rap- idly and you will require a scythe and math. Do not faggot“ we carry a great variety of articles. If you want to paint the town red or any other color, we can sell you the quality, for there is no paint ,t.'.'/y.'ef.af,tSrtd,,,te suit all purposes HI}. Cl Ann. :11: like Sherwin-Mil Giii. THEY ARE ALL COMING The Campbells are coming on the 2nd July, ha! ha! and so are the Royal Canadian Dragoons, ha , ha! but we are always coming forward with a stock of Goods that suits the numerous. 200 acres. being lots 27 and 28. con, 2, E G R, Glenelg, About 110 acres clear- ed, 80 good hard wood hush, 10 good CP- dar. Fair buildings and well watered: the Rorky Sullgpen rum through a cor- ner of lot 28 which would make a good waterpower. 55 miles from Durham ; conveniently situated. The above pro- perty will be sold together or in parts to suit purchaser. For further particu- lars apply on the premises, or to MCCORMICK mum.. Rocky Na ugeeu HARDWARE ! I heard an old farmer talk one any, Telling his listeners bow In tho wide, new country far away, The rainfall follows the plow, " As fast as thev break it up. vou Bee, And turn the heart to the sun, As they open the tu, rows deep and free, And the tillage is begun. " The earth grows mellow. and more and more It holds and sends to the sky A moisture it never had before When its face was hard and dry. " And so. whenever the ploughshsres run The clouds run overhead ; And the soil that works and lets in the sun. With water is always fed. " I wonder if that old farmer know The half of his simple word, Or guessed the message that heavenly true Within inns hidden and heard t It fell on my ear by chence that day. But the gledness lingers now, To think it is lie-aye God's dear way That the rainfall follows the plow. The presents were numerous and costly. which shows the esteem in which the bride and groom were held. They left Thursday on the afternoon train for their home in Weyhnm, fol- lowed by the best wishes of their many friends. The vows having been plighted and congratulations over, the guests as- setnbled to partake of the wedding dinner. while a large, beautiful four story cake occupied the place of honor at one end. After all present had done ample justice to the good things provided. the remainder of the even- ing was very pleasantly spent in mu. sie, games. etc., and the guests took their departure in the wee sma' hours. The bride was attired in [wounded lustre, trimmed with ivory lace and insertion and carried a. boquet of white roses. The bridesmaid was dressed in white organdie and carried white roses. Camp this year, composed of 11 Regt Infantry. 3 squadrons unity. 3 batteries ot artillery, besides . troop of Toronto light horse, ”my service col-pend army Medical stem All are well and hearty and have only 5 days more to put in, time seems to go last here. A very pleasant event occured at the home of Mr and Mrs Hugh Mr? Kechnie. Bethune, Sank. on June 6th, when their eldest daughter. Cassie. was united in marriage to the nmn of her choice, Mr Thomas Ledingham, of Weyhurn, Sank. At 5 o'eiock the bridal party entered the parlor to the strainsof the. wedding march played by Me Wm. Ogiivie. Rev Mr Patter son. of Lumsden. woe the omciating minister. The. bride, supported by her father, came in and took her place beside the gloom. She was supported through the trying ordeal by her sis- ter. Miss Millie, while Mr Mark Led- ingham assisted the brother THE OLD FARMERS TALK. FARM FOR SALE IagDmoAtr.-NcKrecHsttg. PAINT TH E TOWN FOR YOUR 1mm . Black. Hymeneal. uri' N. m.“ "mm" - yea will»: to .1. a... SYNUPSIS ll? CANADIAN WEST KOIESI‘E AD REGULATIONS. qFP ~~ “I -..N. vvuwyegn Q “an! ot one mane: “can of [on or ea. En must be we ll ' tlire'ix to: u'thunr,tlL tr . The how k Nqttired to Mom the Ji'lu','l'l connected Mum: under one at thttol1iiiFiiiaG'i'".. . l At lent six months‘ residenceu n and 'r"ti',',P'a of the had in and: you 'de ttum 21'nbemha ttet-tttter,"- (min “9330! the {Iowa nudes upon I 18111.“: stup_titrirlTiiiTa"ii named for the m1 .--. -- 4 It you intend huyin A new suit this summer. call in 2,'lf leave you! measure at Flality's. We guarantee an up-tn-dnte snil. latest cut, perfect fit, and satisfaction in evety way. Your choice of the best Suiting: and all f; almost. the same cost, as o ready- ma e. A shipment of the newest designs in HATS arriving this week-Fedora.. &e Em": Wméml/as Ttarity, ta, arm,. '%itormade Jud: Let us show you thejnew season’s styles in v: TUDHOPE CARRIAGES. BARCLAY a. BELL, Durham Because you" get the Tud- hope guarantee. And the Tudhope guarantee is backed by a firm that has been making carriages in Canada since 18 5 S , The UNIQUE-the [Indra/la: latest. To or rib can be taken off and replaceth any time. Also the SUIT-CASE. prices from $1.50 to 2 25. , We are having an upholster- er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old good: reno- vated to look good an new should advise utt--we will be pleased to attend to it at once. N htCllf Undertahi stigmplllay ‘ 23831;; Rt One door south of Post (Nice. llil llllllllll Has a. full line. of Curtain Poles, Window Shades. Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. mass, Undertaker Em mall " the 1oeal Tlllu the land is 01M“- _ I""' -_- - ."-e2.-r_" _ 'ne.......-......-........---' orn'l),ilf, w MINI” out - [new '1 A I. ......................‘....... ( cm a'lll'l%"t'a5.'.'.Wairiiariis W. H. BEAN Tablo Linen " in wide 23c - mu......'..f.f..'f.1'.’.‘.7.:Tf.h TAIL! own-m. " In wide......... FIDO]. " I, ly,nnd2yds mm 2 1ertq,2Pareeme 3'/lo .3'"\\i-l-~v as“ " 5'i'ltl'hfllil5 if; 'y irwm'. t 2 " ”'me 8,; " sumac}: a " W'wtdemlt ”unwind Oman sheen ' 72 in “my. L' .. Mlle " 'H Illa 'Ahth%'lhal'l2. u Mu "et,eAeet III“ M'sdighm .. THE BIG N_.' "rgettn “‘ G‘lljlnma now In A. B. chELLAN, Agent WWI “the bridge north (,1 the Part Office. Orders left at Rl'Hl w Office will receive our best attention. Everything in readiness for the Spring senor. Call Ind see our Leader Seed- er, Ploughs, Barrows, Cultivators and Dayle but and amass “me NAHUM % The unloved Eaton! can Sena-non. t a; f" Dauy Chum, Wringerl. Washef Iuyio_ad-,Xrac1rsi, - Baku. Mowers, Biudcrs; Priate and terms to suit pisrchasers Peter Hamilton AGENCY The New Hamburg Wagons Barber Bugm 31.0011 3 [Land Rollers Disc We of Elma ALL SPRING GOODS "---" at; y Chums a Washers . Gray & Sons, (My Ewes bun. BarrieCuv-u'm" Go. Canada Cil‘rmp Car., Bmckviue. VERITY PIDWB: Wnlkingk {in-i in and (in. Plough. Disc HARM W3 and Harrous of nil kinda. SEED DRlLu; a. We”. side delivery and 'day., Pun ett and We my Tacks. Bin” 80.195 'htehiness, . [00m tt Mitt All the mochmery of theWrove Ut ll known Inn in dock or can be Nt- cured " that notice. r6 n11 If. Mun. ricoa nw clam. “clingy. lASSEY- HARRIS ! I‘d tho [Mb 32:23} LACE CURTAINS Cull and see us. htt Machines. il'llU. Organ- & P " Calder’s Block G tn wide - SELLS tl Hon. 'innos in“? new if El " A H It

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