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Durham Review (1897), 21 Jun 1906, p. 5

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im he Spring der Seedâ€" ators and L Rollers of Blora V ashe a & Rid , Chatâ€" ~rriage «rriage OODS § ! Pianos : north of t ReviEw ittention. ve well be seâ€" "roven ns LLS CHEAP Agent es mo ec yws of ide, 2e yd s, white of $1.20 per pr ««« . 200 e..'.."h.q!’= MACHINES ors, 4 styles heaâ€"â€"someâ€" r‘s Block ENCY Binders rchasers. wide 50¢ Hous io @1 le 1.40 : dozem 2 for 5€ P P Omikt iefi l es e t ul it wl °: Ne t mloer N Tt wl e t l e C ies B %f N.,.G. & J. McKechnie % ‘ V AZ / L AMA w ¢/ ,*,'//'/" # }’/' Li $ P / W it AP / s 4 A i DL th . $s v ‘[‘\» t " * ',.: & |; VA 4\ ‘.l.[-:-- : §‘ Lk. ‘ apAlk, | U Games, Races, Piping, Dancing, " Fun at the Windmill,” &c. &c. _ AtS. of 8. Demonstration, July 2 The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. RNRlow CGoing on * af To reduce our stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our Warercoomsâ€"â€"one door South of the Post Office. urniture Sale ~" 1 WISH QOUR OWNER . WOULD USE PATERSONS WIRE EDGE ROOFING AND A~ KEEP US DRY. es Hardware dealers everywhere have it or get it for you. PATERSON MFG. CO. Limited, Toronto and Montreal ) Leaks and dampness are bound to creep in if you roof the buildings with shingles or tin. PaTERson‘s "Wir® Epcr®" makes roofs airâ€"tight, waterâ€"proof and fireâ€"proofâ€" and lasts a lifetime. It keeps barns, chicken hous«s and tool sheds always dry,. Cheaper than shingles. You can do the roofing yourself, Our booklet tells how. Write for it and a free sample of the best roofing made,. Paterson‘s If you son‘s " Wire Edge Ready Roofing don dealers everywhere have it or will . want them sick poultry under \U 99 ing only once a day or once in two days. If an agent tells you that, tell him you (do not want his machine. _A cream separator must be thoroughly cleaned ‘every time it 1s used. Perbaps nothing is relished more by man generally and nothing will spoil more quickly and giye off a more offensive odor than m lk or cream, â€" Haye the Separator set level on a solid foundation, Do not put it in any place with offensive odots. It |should be in a clean place near the hot | water reservoir. _ Milk is in the best |emdition for separatiog immediately i after milking but if it has to be held the | best temperature is fhrom 85 to 100 de» | prees E. j A. H. Jacksor, ) _ Dated this 9th day of Jube, 1906, Many people caunot understand why the cream from the Separator does not always test the same. _ The richneoss of separator cream depends apon very mauny circumstances. _ For instance the faster the machine is turned and the slower the milk is fed into the machine the richer will be the cream or vice versa. _ The temperature and ago of the milk also assist in closer skimming. Here again cleanliness pays an importâ€" ant part. If the separator bowl is airty how can you get from it rich clean cream ? The separation of the cream from the skim milk by the se cf the Separator or any other method depends upon the fact that the cream is lighter than the skim milk. _ When the milk enters the bowl of the machine it is sent whirling at a high rate of speed. This forces the skim milk to the outside of the bow!l and the cream to the centre, _ The object of the devices which are inside the bowl is to break the milk into as fine diyisions as possible, in order that a close: sepâ€" aration may be secured. â€" In overything that is done with a Cream Separator BE CLEAN. T. H. B. In the matter Gas and Oi Durham in Take Notice th\t the meeting of the Shareholders of the above late Comâ€" pany has been postponed until Friday, the 20th June, 1906 \at 8 o‘clock, p. m., at the Town Hall in the Town of Durâ€" ham in the County Of Grey. All sharehoiders will kindly themselves accordingly. y govern 9- JAX_I N, ) ! There being so many Cream Sepâ€" _arators through the couutry. perhaps a few hints as to the selection and care of the Cream Separator would not be ont of place, After the farmer has decuueu to use a cream SBeparator he must look for one that is easily turued and cleaned, neither too high nor too low, built to last a long time, a cleau skimmer and a reasonably cheap machine. Perhaps the better plan jis to get one of these maâ€" chines on trial and if it does not suit send it back, If this can not be done try all the machines possible in tha Agent‘s warerooms before buying. Many people counsider whether or not they wou‘d be wise in buying a separator. In some cases it would not be wise to get oue because the farmer has only a fow cows and lhas an ideal place to keep his milk, _ In other cases it would be in the best interests of the farmer to get a i machine. _ A farmer who has a poor place to keep fhis milk would be money Iu pocket to get a Separator. It is not necessary to have a large number of cows before a Separator will pay. _ It will pay to buy a Separator with a few cows if there is not a good place to keep the milk. When purchasing a separator do no.get one too small; tune and money will be saved by gettiog a medâ€" inm. large size. After purchasing the tmachine it reâ€" quires great care. It ueeds to hbe ciled and cleaned as often as it is used. Some agents, in order that they make a sale, will say that their machine needs washâ€" Editor " Review ; ) Timely Topicsâ€"Be Clean. OTICE the Durham Natural Co.. of the Town of e County of Grey. Trustees BARCLAY & BELL f. Undertaking unessiw se ul Cane 2 2 t E2 Em et CE TEIEC The Progress of a Housewife," in the July Deâ€" lineator, she gives some useful hints as to how to make the best of vegetables. Root vegetables such as beets, turnips, carrots or Harsnips, should have moist dirty roots and fres tops. . If the roots are very clean and the tops cut away, you may besure the maket man has tried to freshen them. The smaller these vegetables are, the more tender. Parsnips and carrots require scrapâ€" ing, when they are young and tender, Turmf»s should be pared, white the skin of beets should not be broken orthe tops cut more than two inches above the beet, otherwise they will lose color and sweetness. When buying Lima Beans, choose green, juicy pods with small finely veined beans. _ Cook for one hour and a half in just enough boiling water to cover, Add salt when nearlg done, Drain off g:n of the water, season wit pep[;-r. salt and tter. and send to the table piping hot. String beans are cooked the same way after being trung and snapped. '13 additiontl‘ Anna W Mortison gives a number w hevseasae d l d s n AET CCR _ & T we do not doubt their integrity and continue to send them the paper after their time has expired. Should any desire their paper dlscontinued they should no:ify us and remit to date if they have not already done so. We were asked by a delinquent subâ€" scriber why we kept on sending the paper after the subscription date had expired. Every weekly newspaper in towns of this size are forced to do this. Should we stop subscriptions when time expires nine times out ten the subscriber would give us a * calling down " for insinuating that his credit was not good. Rather than to cast a reflection against the honesty of a subscriber to pay a small debt, it is next to a necessity for a home paper to continue sending the paper after the time has expired. It is not nece*â€" sary for the city dailles or weeklies, to follow this rule, as their subscribers live at a distance and are not personal friends as is the case with a majority of our subscribers. _ Our subscribers should deem it an honor to know that ai While the modern system of school work may be deficient in some reâ€" spects, and no doubt the tendency is to take on more work and too many branches of study for the pupil to masâ€" ter thoroughly in the time the averâ€" age boy or girl is allowed for schoolâ€" ing. yet thereis a fault on the part of parents which is persistently left out of account in the argument of the ecritic. The pupils, especially in the higher grades, me allowed to spend the nights during the week in various amusements which distract their minds from schoot work, and the loss orsleep incapacitates them for good work during school hours. This is esâ€" pecially important at present as exâ€" amination time draws near. Healthy recreation is all rightâ€"but frown down the frotby and frivolous. Suggestions for the Housewife In Isabel Gordon Curtis‘s helpful paper entitled We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow‘s buildâ€" ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring underâ€" taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming, Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. The Peel license commissioners hay e this year issued regulations to the 1iâ€" cense holders, One of the new rules requires that no drinks be served in stalls This will mean the pulling down of numerous partitions in town hotel drinking rooms. There are two ways of getting inâ€" to a newspaperâ€"purchasing an inâ€" terest and purchasing an interview. " There is still another wayâ€"pulling the wool over the editor‘s eyes and getting in for nothing. This is a very popular form of entry. We have been in the city last week making extensive purchases in Summer Millinâ€" ery and looking at the new ideas. Instead of holding a summer opening this season, we invite all who wish to see the new summer styles to call in at any time; we‘re pleased to show them, We make special mention of CHILDREN‘S SILK HATS at _ $1.50 Additional Locals. Miss Dick Summer Millinery and Embalming ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO A general Banking ousiness transacâ€" ted. Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed «t eurrent rates SAVINGS BANkâ€".iterest lallowed on savings bank deposits‘of $1.00 and upwards. Prom‘rt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance. J. KELLY, Agent. PARLOR FURNITURE, DINING ROOM FURNITURE BEDROOM FURNITURE CAPTAL, Authorized ... ... $2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up.......... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND.......... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. Household Furniture OF GEO. HENDERSON FOR SALE privately at Shewell‘s Old Etand STANDARD BAKK OF GANMD1 W. F. COWAN, President. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager DURMHAM AGENCGCY Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teachin ability, in chemical and electrrcal supsllec nns fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS, ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS L. m. FORF..R, B. A., Classics, Moderns and English. MISS FLOSSIH McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s University. Science, History and Geography. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Wm.Jonaston, Jr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Secretary The strongest purc}ls' Mutual Fire Insura nc Co. in Ontario. A record without agmllel and & just reward for honest efforts,. Licensed and ms‘fected by the Government ; insures residence and farm property upon the latest known plans. 3 or 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annual instalment or one payment system under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best. _ If your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop a card to MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE CGOMPANY FARMER‘S â€" CENTRAL avies and many luxuries for the home C. McARTHUR Also see our Zephyr Ginghams, Dotted. figured and Art Muslins, Prints, in all popular colors and qualities, Victoria Lawns Shceting, twilled & plain, bleached and unbleached. Circular pillow covers, Allâ€"over laces in cream and white. Table linen and napkins We do not keep everything, but have an abundant supply of all necessâ€" Laiies Underwear at 38¢ per suit Sanbhnnines hn nnnnneinpNRAAnpRPIAARATIRARMAIAIINS These goods for texture and comfort, are unexcelled. Something new. And your seamstrees the discomâ€" fort of sewing in the hot season by purchasing some of our light smts of Peas............‘:.1.. Barley.......:......., HMay.:..:*.......:..... Putter...... ........, Pofs:}....>¢:rskars.s Potatoes per bag.... .. Flour per ecwt........ Oatmeal per sack. .... Chop per ewt...... ... Ifiive Ho;lzl\s ressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per Ib.......... Sheepskins........... NSOOL:::.....1.:4s c« x1s ‘Tallow..... .....,...., Save Yourself Fall Wheat...........§ Spring Wheat.... .... Peas.:.::,......‘:.1.. Barley......:......., fay:.::.......:..... Bulter...;:.. ... ..,....; LSpS...s.. 4. sÂ¥ ark. L Durham School On the hillside, All new and desirable goods, Call Early. NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent. Durham Head Office : Walkerton, Ont, Head Office, Toronto. Durham Markets. 7 00 to 17 to 16 to 65 to 2 20 to 2 25 to 70 to 75 to $ 75 to 15 17 16 15 15 15 # _ STINSON, The Baker, > fi‘em&na&%mcuefib uest, Marion & Marion, Reg*d., New York Li/ %ldx. Montreal ; and Washington, D.C., U.S.A. We solicit the business of Manufacturers, FEngineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, Preliminary advice free, Charges Ulover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" Keewatin * Five Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make, A carload just received. S E E D S Is good Bread, well made and properly bakedâ€"the bread that g is made by Stinson. Thisisthe ; perfect breadâ€"made of the best 3 flour, leavened and seasoned just & right, thoroughly kneaded and I baked to perfection, it is easily y digested and it builds health and $ strength for those who eat it. y Give it a trial. us F L O U R inâ€"the best goods made. C. A. Srant Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37¢ yd. We have a splendid line We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from srepairing and Orders Our Specialties. Peel, the Shoeman MATTHEWS & LATIMER White S hoes FIEED AND GARDEN. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia rum‘s P‘rints If you wear White Shoes, don‘t wear an unâ€" tidy one. _ We have the very latest styles, 50c to 1.25 yd Highest grades only. ow Dress Sood: s Adviser sent upon rcâ€" Reg‘d., New York Life A large number of other properties for sale in Dur ham town and surrounding Townships. . Inâ€" Do you want to know where to buy 150 Acres above Durham, well improved. $4000 260 Acreg, above Durham, well built, well â€" _« , lenced, well watered, good land, for $7500. 125 Asraf ineanigpnn imyroved and ie Richmend Farm near}Allan Park, 150 acres * Auways ProwPT, NEever NEcuoext." Durham, Nov. 16. ‘0% JOHN CLARK Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. noad aAcap t SR2CART PHOVET "â€"â€" Nate Royal College Dental Surgeo Dentistry in :ll its branches, Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Pos Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &e. Money to Loan, Ofllce. MciIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K. 5.i W.F Dun® Honor GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J H UNTER‘S New Store HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer Nute BRuacal acn 2 SE LZC T Orders may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" room® lci{xnnon'l old stand, or at the Review "Ve, Durnam. 4* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptl y@ attended to, 'l‘mon a@pplication to Licensed , Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. _ LlcenudAna&oneclottheOo.oquy. Sales promptly attended to. _ rates reasonable Office, 13 Frost St Late assistant to Moorfield® (London, d to Knapp‘s (New \‘ort; Eye nuua-l'.'.) ht J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M Member College h,doh.- and Surgeons mee d on ce e Moodic Comer, 2** OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. m Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted ARTHUR H. JACKSON «katilctioncers. 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 71â€" p. m Telephone Connection No. 10 or to « C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S J._F. GRANT D. Dp.s Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wedneod.y% each month from mm e en‘ S9 Licensed Auctioneer for Co. tGre ARTHUR GUN, M. p.. Pryvsician & Surexox, Mice over J. Ap . HMunter‘s Store 8 to 10 a. a, HOURS : { 2 to 4 P.M, 7 to 9 P, x. A@* Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) Notary Public, Commissioner THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER A SPLENDID scHooL : MACKAY & DUNN, ME LDODELEC.AL D esd PATC , over Gordon‘s mdsA .i D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0. C. RAMAGE, Durhan Ceylon has a telephone oftice. CONYVEYANCER. . H. Miller, â€"P. TELFORD Money to Loan 10 a. m. till 4 p DR. BURT Jewelry Store nents for sales ms at the Review Ofâ€" W.F Dunn ost Office Owen Sourd rad Ont

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