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Durham Review (1897), 28 Jun 1906, p. 1

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TH dies your an m Ice. ite M a; in! Nl'. 'i"di ”‘W'ET; E‘smxmmmmammmgm si4hii1AhikWihhhhhi* flora. xxvn. no. 26 Sons of Scotland DlGrGrilii/irii'irii'=," i:irGiGiI -- \\ James Ireland We will be pleased to Welcome all our old friends and customers ---and many new ones, to our new store. This Store has been newly fitted up for us in the most up-to-date style------); from anything in town ------and we are putting in a new stock of the most up-to-date goods; so you will find this avery pleasant place to do your shopping This week we are moving into our new store just south of the Standard Bank in the McIntyre Block. emoval Notice IA iiiihtrtritgt NIAGARA FALLS ExctmstoN.--The Annual Exe "ion of the Epwmth League of ti,1'i,i'i'i't'iti) Church will be held on F day. July 6th. For re- turn tickets trom Durham, the fare will be $235 tdr adults, 81.20 for child. ren. Tickets hold good for return trip until last train Monday evening, July 9th. This affords a fine oppor- tunity to see ortelpt the world's great- est wonders and the largest develop- ment of electrical W" in the uni- verse. Iter Dr Somervilie who has been pastor of Division street Presbyterian church, Owen Sound. for 30 years, has been appointed clerk and statistican of the Presbyterian church of Canada.' Last Sunday his pulpit was deciaréd vacant Rev Dr Bomerville will re- side in Toronto. Mr Jas. Ireland is moving this week into the McIntyre Block. into the store next the bank, which has been fitted up specially for him. We have no doubt at this fine site he will be able to do an ingreased business. and his customers will easily find him. CANDIDATES BwanMrNo.-This week 83 candidates are writing on the En. trance examination: only once was! there a larger number. They area. bright, earnest looking lot of young people and we hope they will enjoy their three days here and be success- ful. No 1toosr.-None of the school rooms being large enough to accommodate the pupils writing on the higher ex- aminntions, the trustees are indebted to the Pres. Church for the use of their basement- for this purpose. About thirty are writing and all must be five feet apart. Pour Omen Nortcrt.--0n Monday next, the omce will be open only from 6 to 7 p. m. not in the'afternoon as usual. This will allow an unbroken afternoon for everybody at the Dem- castration. The Cement engine run off one of the mils at the Lake last tHturdav, but the report spread around town that it was clean into the lake. It was lighted in the morning. . aSEND us Your: NAme.--The REVIEW to January I, 1907, only 50 cents. aowm. iiiljiiihiiSi't" DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1903 On Sunday last Rev Dr Gamble preached in the Presbyterian church in the morning, in the Methodist church in the evening and addressed a meet- ing in the Baptist church at Mr, p m besides visiting two of the Sunday Schools in tbe afternoon. As a result of a number of years research Dr. Gamble has reached the conclusion ‘that according to the way in which 1 the Jews reckoned the time for their _ Sabbaths. that day was never flared on Saturday. The beginning of their year was to be on the 15th of the Egyptian month Abib. This Was for all time a fixed date, and year by year the lamb was to be killed on the 14th which could never be a Sabbath and as invariably the Sabbath began with the 15th. But how ;did they manage to keep this Sabbath invariably on this same date seeing that there are. 365 days to a year? The device was very simple. They were to couut7 Sabbaths trom the Passover Sabbath which brings them to a Sabbath 49 days later. Then on the marrow after 1 this day there was to be an holy con- i vocation on which no set vile work was to be done and from this second day of the Sabbath. the weeks from this point counted in regular course fora year, at which point again there was inserted a 48 hour Sabbath rest. which kept the Sabbath always at the same date, but which really moved It year by veer a day later in the week. The 'Annual Excursion to the Guelph Att. College retains its popular- ity, and if perhaps fewer than usual this year " excurted. " the cause must be found in the multiplicity of nttm- tions past and to come. The-Farm authorities, as usual, were overtiow. ingwith kindness and crackers, end no one need go hungry. The lessons to be learned from the many-sided in.. stitution were as valuable " ever and no doubt many excellent idea: Were carried away. . Grand The Sabbath Question; viirs' White Silk Wait“ at 2nd of July has been proclaimed a National Holiday. C'iiat fl'jFere.l??tT"f, "de _ M 'ifpr‘! I We ainmlhy that that you: visit may TI,',', t oranwhly ettibyatpU,to yam-3e tutdMes ttar,' tnhmt on In: carry “my w: on. ant 1'llUdi'g,d of the 'lt,',',,') ”out in our midst. . - _ - Iqal- Dal-ha; Dnrhme Stat, 1906. He Wham-Igor and Council ftre the honor done him, regretted “In Whitney had been prevent- d tron mommy!" him, had ban Although 30mg of In my agree to ditto: in out patina!“ toms alpa- litieal ereed, you I on eooMentlr an- aura you Sir. that we all tgtt,St thanking you most bunny or con- aencing to honor us, with your presence here trun _ArtemtttA?,at te. Eng-:3, We therefore feelourselves the more honored. that the Premier of our fait Province has Deon It to come so far out of his way. to tmor the Town of Durham with Meir-men on this our Civic Holidsy. Situated as it is, at the terminus of this branch of the Grand Trunk Rail. way System. the town of Durham is somewhat dimcult of access to those whose business does no: lead in this {articular direction l and for this reas- on the calls that we have heretofore received from those in authority have been like Angel’s Visits-“few and tar between." Premier ot Ontario Sire-On behalf of the residents of the Town of Durham and vicinity. we. beg to tender you a cordial welcome, "in this occasion ot your visit to our own. The chairman in introducing the Premier again made graceful allusion tohis personality and otBee, and in- troduced him to Mayor Hunter, who read an appropriate civic address to which Me Whitney graciously replied. The Honorable f James Pliny Whitney, es. and introduced Grand Master Blewitt, who was met by little Miss Marguerite Hutton, and presented with a bouquet. He was further confronted by Mr 1 Wm. Irwin, who read an address on 1 My." of local brethren, expressing their gratitude to him for his visit, and their loyalty to the order and its principles. Mr Blewitt is a free and easy speaker, with a tendency to hu/ mor and alliteration and after some some pleasantry at Mr Whitney's ex- pense he entered on a discourse brun- ful of facts showing the Wide reaching character of the fraternal blessings of Oddfellowship. It had given 81700 to San Francisco, over 812000 a day were paid out for relief, .. By the bed of suffering, by the open grave. by distress in any shape it was found, its visits were paid to the prison as well as to the palace and the lustre of its love would shine through the years for its tenets and teachings were of use to everybody. " On a platform decked with ever- greens the speakers took their places. Near them were Mrs Jamieson.Mrs D. Jackson, Mayor Hunter. Councnllor Cochmne. Conn. Furneaux. Utran, Whelan, Mr Wm. Irwin, Mr Wm. Laidlaw. Dr Jamieson. was chairman and gave the tirgt welcoming words. thanked the Oddtellows for their ef-. fort in bringing his distinguished lend- er to town, a leader whom he had ever been proud to follow, and who already had shown that he was u. ca- pable administrator, on well as worthy of the first citizenship of the province. He apologized for the absence of Messrs Miller, Gurney, Downey and others, absent from unavoidable caus- the Premier and Mr Blewett took their places in the fine .barouche. be. nide their hosts. the Town Council following in a. special conveyance. all being preceded by Piper Peter McAr- thur and the bands of Listowel. Han. over and Durham. The visitors were taken to Dr Jamieson', for refresh- ments andlater. returned in the same wav to the Agricultural Grounds, where the speaking was to be done and phe Lacrosse game piayed. Thursday morning broke delightful- ly clear and pleasant following the rain of the day before. It was an idealday for a summer outing and while, perhaps, not as many as ex- pected took advantage of it, there was a goodly crowd in town. The special train from Guelph came in about 12.80 p. m. bringing the Hespeler La- crosse Club, a number of visitors, Pre- mier Whitney and Grand Master Blewett of the Odd Fellows. A largel number of Citizens were present at the: station and the distinguished Visitors‘ were welcomed by the crowd, the Town Council. the bands, and by Dr" and Mrs Jamieson. whose guests they were while in town. l I Premier Whitney visits Durham. Oddfellows Celebrate. a. JL. - - 'eNr"AmmNES" TORONTO in: of Ben tury Camp. on Full»; may». ANBattemaneedammttkt to ant. and manuals for the CELEBRATE IN DlRIIAM ON DOMINION BAY. _ . Surpassing Attractions Day & . Night. The 2nd E worth ue excursion to Ntagrarts Bill: has been _I1ef1nitely settled this yen- tor " July 6th, ticket; being onlf $2.35 'ire, un- til Monday. will don less ing un- other monum- crowd summer to nee one of the worith test wou- Damn!) no En TO ttrmw-At intersection of than: Road and Gnnfmn St... on 6-roomed house. only .6 per month. Another hnvig Grooms. furnace. throom. to. get month. Agply t the Roadwore tore to Mar. LAC fttg1tt,','g,tt,f at as. as 09.25. attd86,60it Grant's. - . Doe TAG g.--Ail pa ies having dogs or bitches must secure tag for same during this month of Ju e. By order W. . Vonurr. Collector. Bow Lotm-- bout May 27th. from Lot 15. Con. Normmby. Color, white. Inform: on that will lend ur. her recovery will suitably retrarst-1 HOUSE TO RENT'. Comfortable and roomy. On George ‘t. All modern conveniences.' Appl to Pure bred Jerseygull calf for Sale Pedigree complete. Apply to ct P PEEL, Durham IArtrr.--A brown lguher, morocco put-e, contmning storm) bills. Finder will berewuded by laying it an the Review omce. K MILL Woon F0 "LE-F'votn Aber- deen. delivered in own. Apply at J. W. Crawford's. _ l Some specml its in Raincoats. go- ing at. cost. at J.' L FLARITY’s. White Law: Waist' from 65c to $1.50 at Grant? Bricks for aa/sat the Durham Brick Works of fine (Luqlity. Bee our cmlmm'de d Wuistings at Grant’s. _ Arthur H. J when, I net of Marriage Licenses. Barnum. The music of the pipes and of the bands was good. but, altogether too few opportunities of hearing them. (Continued on page eight.) tSA-chat-i-aura,, meet.- This ended 'the platform progrmu and as a. storm was threatening many did not wait for the lacrosse game. [ We have a fine climate, are part of Pttreat empire, one of its buttresses and a bulwark for the future. Ho ped We would all prove worthy of our heritage, and Conservatives and Re. formers alike, find ittheir duty to see that public and private mmality should travel side by side, should so conduct, ourselves that when our children take our places they may be proud to point to the past. Mr Whitney was loudly applauded as he sat down. We should have stared earlier that as he came for- ward he too was presented with a Imu- quet by little Madeleine Darling, and the gift was gallantlv acknowledged by a kiss. As people began to think. they be- gan to talk, to consider, then to dilfer; the decision of several men mm more valuable them one and as pebbles wear smooth in the bed of a, stream. ideas get improved by discussion and argument. and we have the party sys- tem. Let no men any party govern- ment is an evil ; but rather on a day like thin congratulate ourselves that under in over-ruling Providence we are what we are. stunned at the extent of its industries. He proposed to ignore what we: usu- ally known us politics. but would dis- cuss the higher politics that weséhe property of every clues. Not the he had anything to say ageinst parties. for we could not enjoy freedom with. out the party system. There never wastime when there was no party except perhsps when the rope and the headmsn's axe held sway. As Chris. tianity progressed the masses begun tomove and to think and to decide what direction their happiness should take. This evolutionary process went on till the British people, tivat on the earth, began directly to got ern them- selves. l Business Locals oAvu, MARSHALL. CRA wrest). an is the place to savemoney on your purehatses. Allo large week of FANCY CHINA Masha-in Wedding PM ut u “out. R. B. Keeler k. Our large snack of Silvetwue con- sists of everything that is new and good in silver; hundreds of dii%ent articles which we have not mom to mention here. Take one look at on: large stock and when you hear the lawman, ,qori11iatoirttmt Id. 1ilE1trIerttft1r31tqntattom, J tind _ Weddings 0‘60“ MQOQUMQ Keelqr's big Jew'elery Store is the moneyaeviug place to buy your 10k, l4k and'l8k SOLID GOLD WED- DING RINGS. Also solid Brooches and Necklets for the bride. The most complete stock of WATCHES and GOLD-FILLED JEWELERY shown in this part of the country. You save money on every purchase at Keeler's Tenders will He received by the un~ demigued up to Homily. July 9, was. for the building of u. Grauolithie side- walk on Sinner and Queen Screens. Bpecificatioms at the oniee of the Town Clerk. . Durham, aid une/od, , H. Umneron. 3 Newton, the Pa. hu-o's, Piping and Dancing" ac., the ‘evening concert ii'j,i':t,'iii rink, would seem w make a. day f wonderful rec- reation and w for the\ same low prices " last year. Atedtlhe Ire being organized from ditstyih'Woinrs Dur- ham will be a bad pink. to stay away from on July 2, ", The pipers a drummers. the dun- cers and tablet s. the races. the Pa. lm's. with ther wonderful trick mill we all urmng for the afternoon. and with Jarvis. sbKirhy Ferguson, J. H. Cameron. Newton, the Pa. Can You do Better , , ahe mood notable event this you in the visit 013 detachment of the Royal Canadian ‘ragoons and farmers and horsemen s iouid especially note this feature as tll, the stamp of horse required for \Military purposes. At the same ti their rides and evolu- tions form I. mic which well grat- ity every one v'vho has the good for. tune to have a t or a position in our nstuml grand mud. The pu lic cannot fail to notice that. the nttr (ions offered me far and away allied of anything attend in provincial ‘towns. The ettort in not to make motley but to tiua'tstttr observe our Natio a! Day and to keep dive the best "Liliana of healthy Scotti-h Sports. Mubic. &c. This nnual holiday. the ohuervsnce of whi for the past two years has been successful promises to be more than ever this year. The Sons of eothutd have a reputation ox doing ev rythmg they promise which stands L m in good stead. The Sons of Scotland mmittos have receiv instructions from To- ronto to ha hurdles made for the ‘Dragoons o Dominion Day. This is beintr.rttttatn to. It will beacon that the.Dr as are no dumb show, but will be in tinn in thrilling style. The evolution and movements and melee: that armod the people of Windsor on th 12th. drawing thous~ ands from Det it, and that formed the best exhibit' on ever given in Ches- ley, will he rape ted in Durham next Monday. And nt forget that this is only one of m ny tine attractions for the afternoon nd all for 25 cts. Look up the oth r attractions and please buy your tic ts over town and save delay at the git ticket otttees. TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK. 50c o rboth together for now. Send Lheeven ollu if you like: we will $ve you medic on the REVIE for the 10 cts Our friend- will oblige by muting this offer known. Addreu til orders to . . The Renew I To new subscribers we will flat the REVIEW to Dec. 81. nos ty' Pe., ttyr. Weekly fNotp, toe Oven the Hurdles. CHAS “man. Pun-n AND Punumn. nminion Day Sports. ------ Fi------ Wii. B. N oLUNT, Jo. 1 Clark. Durham. Ont

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