West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Jun 1906, p. 4

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§ e eetere ie Letatenrenteie Brenied en teatod on ts n hed on tenenich x Taylor&Co. Taylor&Co. & Teering ffarvesters sSOMETIHING NEW IN WASHERS:; The Perforated Drum, only in the Ideal Raymond Sewing Machines. _ McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. The We bought a large quantity of these Mats at special prices and when you see them you will be delighted with the values. 200 Mats, sizes 18 x 36 inches, regular 15¢ for ........5 cts each 200 Mats, sizes 36 x 36 inches, regular 25¢ for.... ....15 cts each 40 prs of Ladies‘ Boots, _ " _ 1.50 & 1.75, 25 prs of Misses‘ Boots, &€ 1.35, sale pr 60 prs of Men‘s Heavy Boots, clearing at.... .. 50 prs of Ladies‘ Oxfords, regular $1.50, sale price 75 prs h «4 1.00 & 1.25, sal Gohn Glark. We can give only a mere list of our goods, but in quality and ads tability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies,. Renowned articles, fair prices A Snap in Japanese Mats Balance of Trimmed Millinery and Readyâ€"toâ€"wears at Sweeping Reductions. it, we A Stirring Sale of Shoes Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. The best in their line as we handle only the best. We have also the very latest styles in Ladies‘ Dongo]a and ~Patent Leather Bals & Oxfords 8. F. MORLOCK and Shoe Stock is simply too large and to reduce will sell all broken lines at big reductions. We quote you a few of them i Royal Canadian Dragoons will exhibit in Durham on Dominion Day. A Great Spectacle. Cash and One Price Millinery HAné Tarm ffathinery. $1.50, sale price. .......$1 pr 1.00 & 1.25, sale price..75= pr 1.50 & 1.75, sale price..1.00 pr 1.35, sale price........1.00 pr A few doors South of the Middaugh House, . 1.00 pr The strongest pnrclli' Mutual Fire Insura n:: Co. in Ontario. â€" A record without a ‘parallcl an a just reward for honest efforts. Licensed an" ins&)ected by the Government ; insures residenc and farm property upon the latest known plans. 3 or 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annual instalment or one rnymem system under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop a card to MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE COMPANY Kead Office : Walkerton, Ont. Limited TB Dundas St, London, Ont If you wish to sell or exchvmgefyour progerty quickly or profitably or if you wish to buy, don‘t fail to see or write our Gen Agent for the Co of Grey, Wm W Ramage, Thistle P. O0, who has lateâ€" ly heen appointed to this position. We make no charge unless the property is sold, _ For further particulars, apply, personally or by letter, to either of the above addresses. The Western Real Estate Exchange, 1Ad., London, Ontario, In reference to the above, I beg to announce that I will be pleased at anv time to meet with parties wishing to buy, sell, or exchange, but will for conâ€" venience be in Durham every Saturday afternoon. If we don‘t see you, send us a postâ€"card: we will gladly give all inâ€" formation. Orders or enquiries at the :?.xr.n.'w Oftice will receive prompt atâ€" ention. Heavy rains lately and crops are growing well. FARMER‘S â€" CENTRAL REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Mr Joseph McArdle has taken a business trip to Toronto. Mr Wm J Glenister moyed to Torâ€" onto on the 23rd. He will return to complete his contracts. Mr David Bilton has returned from a trip in Muskoka. Mrs Armstrong was an industrious woman, a good, kind and obliging neighbor, and highly respected, snd it is said she was the first woman to settle in this part of Proton, where Hopeville now is. She ieaves to mourn her departure five sons and four daughters, all married but one son, two sons and two of the daughters living here were at the funeral, also a number of grandchlldren. Mrs Armstrong (nee Miss Sarah Seal) was born at Kingston of Irish parents and was living at Fort Malâ€" don in the County of Essex, when she married William Armstrong, a former resident of the township of Hope, county of Durham,. _ After living a few years there, they went to Hope township, where Mrs Armâ€" strong stayed with friends, while her husband went with the first batch of young men to bunt up land in Proâ€" ton township. He squatted on the land, where they lived until their death, and now owned by their sons. This happened about the year 1856, before the Proton land sale. Mr Wm Armstrong died about seventeen years ago. f The faneral of the late Mrs Wm Armstrong took place from the famâ€" ily residence, on Monday, the 18th, to Swinton Park cemetery and was very large. ‘The old settlers turned out to pay their respect to one of the earliest settlers Proton township had. The funeral services was conducted at the house by the Rev Mr Roach, the Revy Mr Matheson, of Priceville, ag(ll the Rev Mr MclInnes, of Cedarâ€" viile. Road work has now commenced, so we must look forward to our annuâ€" al spell of poor roads. Aquiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr N McGilliâ€" vray last Wednesday, when his daughter, Miss Bella, became the bride of Mr R Camfbell, of Owen Sound. Miss Ethel McGillivray supâ€" ported the hride, while Mr Agnew g‘erformed a like duty for the groom. he hapgv couple lefi that evening for their home in Owen Sound followâ€" ed by the best wishes of their many friends. Miss Maggie Graham, who has been yisiting with Mrs McGillivray for the past month, has returned to her home in Parkhill. Mr Chas Watson was married to Miss Maggie McNally of the 8th conâ€" cession, on Wednesday of last week. We extend to the bride a hearty welâ€" come to this community. A number from this section took the Oddfellows‘ Demonstration Durham last Thursday. Miss Studwill leayes for her home in Dutton, to spend her vacation, at the end of the week. Etaff Capt McGillivray, whs is on a six weeks‘ trip to Scotland and Englaud, is expected home this week. Miss McMurtry, of Durham, visited at the home of Mr W J Young, Saturâ€" day and Sunday. Mr _ Robert Britton spent Sunday with his brother, who is still yery seriously ill. Adjutant Mary Graham, Salvation Army, who has been on a four months‘ vacation to the Bermuda Islands, had charge of Sunde\.gi evenâ€" ing‘s prayer meeting held at Mr John Beaton‘s. NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent, Durham TORONTO W M. W.RAMAGE, Gen.Agent NOTICE Rob Roy. Hopeville. &0 4â€"__._ in in If you wish to enjoy your lawn and shade trees, get one of our Hammocks The hay and grass is growing rapâ€" idly and you will require a scythe and snath, Do not forget that we carry a great variety of these articles. You can keep your lawn in firstâ€" class shape by buying one of our laâ€" test received Mowers. Nothing equal. If you want to paint the town red or any other color, we can sell you the quality, for there is no paint manufactured to suit all purposes like Sherwinâ€"Williams. THEY ARE ALL COMING The Campbells are coming on the 2nd July, ha! ha‘! and so are the Royal Canadian Dragoons, ha ! ha ! but we are always coming forward with a stock of Goods that suits the numerous. ‘This is a splendid outing and everybody shou‘!d takk advantage of the extremely low raigs to see one of the World‘s greatest Jwonders, and see in operation the grÂ¥eatest wonders and the greatest electrical power development in the whole universe. HARDWARE! Arriving at Niaga®#a Falis at 12.35. Returning will leave Niagara Falls at 7 pm. _ Tickets good going only on Exeursion Train.} Tickets from Durham, Varney and|} Holstein gocd to return on any of th§ regular trains up to Monday eyening Jauly 9th. Durham 7 & Varney 7.05 Holstein 7.19 Mt Forest 7.34 Minto 7. 44 Palmerston _ 8.05 Moorcfield _ 8.23 Dravton 8 33 Goldstone 8.43 Alma 8.58 Ferguas 9.13 Elora 9,20 A Special Train 1 according to the Table and Rates. _ Leave Durham 7 a t The Annual E: worth League of dist Church will Friday, July 6, 1906. Anyone sending a sketch and delalguon m ?"W our opinion free w etber:x,: nv is probably fiunublc. Communica uou% Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. On 24th y last the Royal Canaâ€" dian , who are to be in Durham on\znd of July next, were in Windsor &nd we extract from tne Windsor rd of 29 May, the folâ€" lowing : The city was invaded by 15000 visitors} a large gort,ion being Americans. etroit‘s Canadian popâ€" ulation helped to swell the crowd and joined as beattily as any others in the celebration The Highlanders made a very \pleasing appearance and received hearty reception. The presence of gavalry, represented by the detachmént ot the fio_val Caâ€" nadian Dragoons, found much favor with the Spectatoyrs. _ The Dragoons were mounted on\ liyely and fine apâ€" pearing chargers\and gave an exâ€" hibition of rough riling on their fiery steeds. â€" Probably \the most exciting event on the wholé program was a **military melee " by eight of the mounted Dragoons.t" _ These and cther evolutions will\be presented on 2nd July. The hlanders are coming too, so that with the Palaros, the windmill, the ganes, the races, band music, all recgrds will te smashed. PER GRAND TRUNK RY. SYSTEM NIAG‘RA FALLS Committee ; Annual SCYTHES AND SNATHS W. Black. FOR YOUR LAWN PAINT THE TOWN 7.05 7.19 7.34 7. 44 GEO SPARLING A. C, WOLFE W. A. GLASS HO! FOR at Windsor. Excursion cursion of the Epâ€" he Durham Methoâ€" take place on vill leave Durham following Time Adults Children $2.35 $1.20 .16 > 110 2.10 1.05 2.086 â€"~1,06 2.053 â€"1.05 2,05 1.05 2.05 1.05 2205 1.05 2,05 2.00 7))285 2.00 1.85 U 90 95 your friend: of railways. All the other feat ures.â€"only bigger and better than ever: Pipers, Dancers Athletes, games, races, the Palaro Bros and the Royal Canadian Draâ€" goons. Look out for posters, FOR THE CONCERTâ€"Harold Jarâ€" yis. Miss Helen Kirby Ferguson, Coâ€" median Jobhn H Cameron, pipets, danâ€" cers, Fireacts by Palaro Bros., &c &c. And all at theusual low prices. You are invi_.ud for a day ot pure enjoyâ€" After spending a pleasant week at Mr W R Edge’s and other friends In this burg, Mr Raymond Bell returned on Monday to Cleveland, Ohio, where he is engaged as traveller for the Bell Garment Co. are_ invifed ifor a day ot pure enjoyâ€" ment and rrofluble amusement with onl k s C Far 2 onl TP! The Amusement Committee of Ben Nevis Camp, Sons of Scotland, have pleasure in atnouncing that they have completed arrangements to haye for their celebration of 1906, a detachment of the Royal Canadian Dragoons from Toronto. The horses are coming in a palace horse car and the men will give exhibitions not to be seen anyâ€" where in Ontario except at Teronto and the cavalry camps. Dom. Day Celebration By the Favor and Instruction of the Minister of Militia. Mr Thos Greenwood is building a cement pigâ€"pen, which will be a good one. _ He has Mr John Williâ€" ams of town engaged to help him with it. Royal Canadian Dragoons to be Present Mr Wm Morrison is putting up a fine wire fence to the front of his farm. Miss Ida Wilson, of Durham, visitâ€" ed her sister, Mrs Thos Ritehie, over Saturday and Sunday of last week. Mr Chas Goodeve, of Acton, is at present visiting the Greenwood familâ€" les on this line. Miss Bessie Edge arrived home from Toronto last Tuesday looking as it city life agreed with her. Mr ard Mrs Ed Barry, of Dornoch, visifit.edr at Wm Morrison last Sunday. A large number from this burg took in the excursion to Guelph last Friday, OIOULbHY+ +.) ++ :riats +ss serrrrcsttinsntreh 00 Haskett Bros stove pipes for Wm Mathâ€" BWEONR s : rexsrsss issa+bine sÂ¥ 44e 8x ranih a 44 uly@ F T Hill & Co, coal oil for Wm Mathewâ€" wBOD sesserccstraberrtaet rea hx e 66e vxekeu e l The Council adjourned to July 7th ail> a. m. * deutfifijl"oo J McMillan, services re R MeDonald acâ€" Further orders on Treasurer were as follows : Jas Nelson, repair of road lot 10 con 4 N D Bissesssnierrcsassassistss 2431@E 00 R McDonald, demages on defectiye FORUe:sssmusrkirsersrssvssssaezeessstar 00 OQ F E Seigner, cleaning pipes and repairs At HAleivreeerrrterrercavecrinttasstrectt BC Municipal World for stationery .....5 75 M Black, services re R McDonald acciâ€" Buntâ€"Blackâ€"That Thos Davis be pail the sum of $60, being balance of his salary as Assessor for the year 1906.â€" Carned Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That the account of Wm Black for $2.35 and Wmm Mcâ€" Farlane for 75 cents for necessaries for the grader be paid.â€"Carmed. McMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That cheque issue in favor of Bawyer & Massey Co for $23¢ for 10ad grader.â€"Carried. John Greenwood, Lot 4. con &,. was reduced teo $1000, on In%: John Nichol jr, lot 46, reduced $50 and buildings $50; Thos McAssey. land raised $50, bwildâ€" ings reduced $100 : W R Edge, Lot 44, reduced $1ov ; Thos Sullivan, let W 27, con 7. reduced $300 ; John Morrisen, reduced on buildings $400 ; Geo Aljoe, appeal withdrawn ; Tim Ryan, land reâ€" duced to $450, buildings to $50 ; Geo Blair, buildings on lot 7, con 5, rednced to $200 ; A lell, lot 9, con 1, 8 D R, ascessed to Robt and Wm Bell. Samuel Patterson. Roll sustained, Weirâ€"Huotâ€"That the Assessment Roll as revised by the Court of Revision be now certified to by the Clerk, as the Revised Assessment for the township of Glenelg for the year 1905.â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Blackâ€"That Geo E Peart be appointed as a member of the Local Board of Health inâ€"tead of Alex Ellison, who has left the Province.â€"Carried, The Council met June 20d and organâ€" ized as a Court of Revision, all the meme« bers present, each member made the necessary Jeclaration of office and took their seats. The reeve was appointed to the chair. _ Appeals were heard and ;:hunges in the Roll were made as folâ€" ows : ‘ With above chaugesfRoll was passed a finally Revised and passed over to the Council, and the Court of Reyision adâ€" journed. After Court of Revision the Council met for general business, all the memâ€" bers present, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meetings read and conâ€" firmed. _ Communications read as folâ€" lows ; From MacKay & Dunn 1e acciâ€" dent to Allan Boyvd, from P MoCullough re accident to R MeDonald, from Lucas Wright and McArdle re accident to In ternarional Harvester Co, from J Atâ€" kinson, John Colbert and John Haley, tenders for operating road grader, from Committee appointed to investigate cause of accident to Allan Boyd, from T R Earnegev. asking for grant to Musâ€" koka free Hospital. Gienelg Court of Revision. Glenelg Council. Edge Hill Cheap rates on all lines J 8 Brack«, Clerk hifi s Susbdl tir::*1:â€"0 50 a ry .....5 75 C mald acciâ€" ressssrerl 00 I Donrald acâ€" | this : assss«»1 006 | mens 3 If th A permanent residence No mentore i n uy uap y w may be satisfied ?fm upon uxmonflu: notice in writing should be ven to the Oolwho! D?-hbn hnfl at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. w. w. cory. Deputy of the Minister of the Intasi~. or 1 The thomesteader is required to perform the eondltlolu connected thérewith under one of the follow ing plans : Pre 1 At least six months‘ residence upon and mmlonof the Jand in each year (2 three 2 If the father (or mother, if the father is deeen«:&oo! the homesteader resides upon a lr:qrmln &wmzotmm elua:: for flel: uirements as residence satisfi by such person resiqiac oo MaÂ¥y be satisfied mother STNOPSIS OF CANADIAXN wesy HOMSsTEAD REGULATIONS. If you intend huyinéx a new suit this summer, call in and leave yout measure at Flarity‘s, We guarantee an upâ€"toâ€"date suir, latest cut, perfect fit, and satisfaction in eyery way. Your choice of the best Suitings and all ::lt almost the same cost as a readyâ€" made. A shipment of the newest designs in HATS arriving this weekâ€"Fedoras, &c f/ar/{y, Ohe UGaitor The UNIQUEâ€"the Umbretias Ths \ Top ior aih can be taken off and replaced at any time, _ Also the SUITâ€"CASE, prices from $1.50 to 2 25, BARCLAY & BELL, Durham We will show you just the style of carriage you want for the road â€"for every day use=â€"and for the family." Tudhopes make them all. And remember, too, that Tadâ€" hope Carriages are guaranteed by the best known makers in Canada. % We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undern.klng promptly _ attended _ to, One door south of Post Office. Bfl mms Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shages, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, KRESS, aitor made Suits Undertaker CCC resides u: &A and entered tgl?uthe 1ce m‘z‘be satisfied with father or iC W. H. BE AN Chhqueup-!;:c doz. ... Nest ‘M.EAM‘ glass preserve dishs“ HHG, . . . ++ ++ . ++ «11. . + x , 200 ANG oo0Â¥B) Wflmnld imitation out glass 4 piece TABL\ N ou 0 Ciaetibamminecionie _ &1 Th eacl 2 yds long, 27" wide 25¢ pr 2 * 27" wide 40c pr 2 " ~~ 30" wide 50c pr 3 " _ 37" wide 70¢ pr TABLE OILCLOTH, 45 in wice FLGOOR ++ 1, 1%%and 2 Table Linen 5in wide 2%¢; o8 in wid Heavy twilled Cotton sheeting, 79 in wid Large 11 x4 size FllnnellefiesBlnuk- t8, New Prints and Ginghams now A. B. McLBELLAN, Agat THE $ [ BIG Warerooms across the bridge north of the Post_Ofiee. Orders left at Review Office will receive our best attention. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. . Call and see our Leader Seedâ€" er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Daisy Churns, Wringers, Washers, Hayloaders, Pracks, Rukes, Mowers, Binders Peter Hamilton AGENCY The New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissell steel Land Rollers Maple Leaf and S!NGER SEWING N .\qn.\'b The Improved National Cream Separatorg _ styles Prices and terms to suit purchasers ALL SPRING GOODS teeeeSseseeee e e Oe esc a!> y Churns & Washers All the machimery of theabove we‘l known firm in stock or can be se cured at short notice. Bhop west of the Middaugh Hous McQueen & Morics MASSEYâ€" HARRTS ! Ga»ls are firstâ€"class, pri detrate, Call anyway LACE CURTAINS Call Disc Harrows of Elora 31 long vds wid , prices mo US. egE SELLS CHEAP Block ite of per pr l\, Ga Lo t T l 3 \% td tA /

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