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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1906, p. 1

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'ttiii/iii" I ' I . -iround farm hiiidiiiG for handiness - -.- - -.- _ _ - v v "‘ " land comfort are to t found M. John _ i9rchnrda, lot 1, con’ 10. Four tumu- . _ he combined nu counfed in Tp, iii Summer Dress f :ewmxc-cmmmgzmmmmmmE3 r- C4 l A Le. siiuilhMhrlihlihhhioihimchamiijj ' IS: to Mk per yd. 533mm mm xiiiiiikiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiii VOL: xxvn. kii,lrir7- "'Let us Tell you Something Dainty Summer Muslins Are You Looking H. til. MOCKLER Do , 7W77,15~m n t ?,,i,l,t,,,it,,t?, ,ij,t?. take 1n the great Epworth League Remember-ours k the House in the lot. They are the prettiest things ue have passed into stock this season and just arrived last week. MANY HAVE ADMIRED THEM and selected a dress (tom one. Prices from ' You don't know what to get? Haven't seen anything you really like? , We particularly want Butter and Eggs for which we will pay the highest market price. many friends who have favored us .4039) {heir patronage and hope to we.come "yo well as many new ones to our new sture.’ James Ireland The attractive Ming, will enable us to dis- play our goods to good advantage, and we will carry a stock of new and up-to-date goods. Some early Fall Goods are already coming-Gr. ward and very soon every department will be complete. a ( ' We are now established in the hand. somely fitted up store just south of the Standard Bank. We have been fortunate in picking up some extremely new things in emoval Notice take Ais opportunity of thanking the See them before they go. for WWW WWW Only a few of Quality. 33 A' IxmaEsnsu [murmur N.~D. Mc. >, Intyre, assessor of Ems-pi t, has very ' _ kindly furnished u.“ with he follow"- .‘ing information ',-,."t, number of A acres in township. ' t eieared _ _ 46.129; woudlunds. 7,86t t lash. 2.500: ’swamp. 16.500: total assessment. ' 81.9737“): land valu 1.577.385 . _ buildings. 1mm); bu, ess assess- 5 ment. 4,965; Int-time, I m,. pqpnln- . tiou. 2,855; male pers s from' 21 to I As 688: birth. 50; den tr. 18; child- . ren between5and 16, 6; children _ between 16 and 21, 178. otal number but acres in Holstein. 1 l land value. 1817,2go,. buildings.s - t business Masseunwnr, 88,lh'k5,trr,. . ome, 82.35; -ftntal assessment, 72:. .65; popula- '; tion, MO,. male person from 21 to co. m“: children between and lil tilft, /thilfren between 16a 21, 14: births {5: deaths, 1. Total population of iboth Egremont and olstein. 3.095: 5 total number of child n from 5 to. 21. mm. The highest a ed tndteidu.. ill!!! the township is n Browning” lumen assessed over C. ill). The high- !est assessed farm of acres is Rich- Iii? Catttlanh, lot 10, n4. The log- est assessed farm of new that Mt [cleared is lot 5. con . The best " wound. term buildin for htutdinem iitititii'nit manner at the road, td it would soon be done. Anyone ould sooner do that than n. days' w rk. Where they do not have statu labor. each man might he entitled onrelmte of Bay, one dollar in taxes. er putting up his board, the hour in holhmnna b U - _;...-.--u.. "a. wu’eu DU {immediate fnends only. A and Mr, Are"rn left on the 3o’clot‘K rain for a. short trip to Guelph at Toronto. They haye since returuv and now take up their abode in towr A correspondent to t Farmer's Advocate is out with a g sugges- lion in regard to the pl ing of the names of owners or "mun...” n: A quiet and pretty wedaing was soleuinized at the homo of Mir: Mar.. garet Laurie on Wednesday hlternor,n rwhen her daughter, Miss ‘Elizubelh j,idiiiiveit, was married to _ll',"i1',';','ill1, )Brnwn. the ceremony ,t'.iaig"r,1,.t,iit,? ed by Rev W. L. Newton. he bride Iwore white myptndie and carried a. [bouquet of white roses and maiden ihair fern. Both bride ind‘hride- groom Were unattended. "After th ‘marriage a. luncheon wa tetved to immediate friends only. A and Mn Brown left on the 3o'i:loes: rain for a. short trip to Gueiph m Tor'onto. Thkey haze since returuv and now! tn an“. --=--‘L"' . A Annuul IS'xcttt'tfio of the 2Pii.ili lLeague of the Me ndint Ch will he held on Friday; uly 6th. For re- turn tickets from Durham: the fare will be $2.35 for mu ts, $1.20 li' child- Pen. Tickets hol good for return tri nntillnst train fonday evoning. Jury 9th. This "itotais a thte oppor- tunity to we one of the world's grant- est wonders undrtht- 1arsr.esitpioioii. ment of electrical power in tlto uni- V0115?- TORONTO . Durham Lodg L, U. I... and visit- In: .Orapgemen will attend Divine sex-Vice In a bod in the I'veyhyterian church on Hand next. Numbers are to meet at Cal .tr's Hall at In “.m- a very sueeessidi Eggs-1);}: . Nun-1y 88000 Worth of Furniture having been Shipped in June.a 1 8mm us YOUR NAstte.--Tht, REVIEW to January l, 1907, only 40 cents, . Town. Council met on Tues lay even- Ing. Minutes held over till next week. Lrasr.--ott Suuda July I, a pair of gold glasses in a. ms Finder will be suitably rewarded by eturning to JOHN Bttow: t' this Mice. The Furniture Factory ls closed down this week for tittick-takiiut atter u very succeaslul season. Nun-1y RH“! ......_u_ _. n .. _ - (tit) Ow Iifs'il5, il,!))',, P OPICS r. My Newton has tht, musur, and clergy from other {Tankers will he mm” N,---) MC. ERre'r t, has very P m' h he follow: -,.-rt number of 'e, P" _ t, cleared t' Hoo, Mi('l1.. still It in this part and He was one of ti. ad recalls that; his " A. Dm'illmn for Overt?,'? yvnu .120", h tta a d my. while" mm are pas.t (ha formerly of North DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY tsptrodiriutd atinn are an Social I. on the van Ben- is m 0(- Th a The Sangeen Presbyterian Young People's Union lied its meeting on the same day and in the mine church. In the absence of the President. Mr Drye- dale, the chair was taken by Rev D. L. Campbell of Motsrstuid. The reports presented were hopeful in tone though no great advance hes been made during the your. The afternoon program con- sisted ot a report by Mr Little of the Baltimore convention of 1906; en ad. drone by Mr lt B Stevenson on certain hindrances to the progress of the Young l l People's Societlee ; some features of the l Neehvullo Convention of the Student's Volunteer movement by Mine Kate Stewart end an uddreee on "Personal Work " by Dr A Brown of Holetein. It would not be enough to eey that the programme we! excellent. it wee inepir~ ing. There wee throughout that some of earnestneee end devotedneee that one feels " so lurked e. feature of eome of the great religions convention end though the ettendence was not Inge it wee the Miran! atonhviction that it wee one of the Ito t e nethermge‘ t the union bee ever bed. Suehe at; in: ie the beet teetimony thet the move- mont hue not lost ite vital force. " T V - -. - vvr-v a uuuuuy. Everything in that connection wu‘ox- cellent and all the arrangements went through with graceful ease tint $eistititm not only to the hospitality of the ladies ofiNxltmrrsston, but also to their pose: sion of this! fine womanly gift of being able to make trll their guests happy, In In mount!) Schools. Young People'a So. ( cielies and avetemntio bamstitstrtim, were I prceenled and discussed and ngood deal [ of routine business transacted. Dr thum ble addressed the Presbyterv on the subject of the Lord's Day and his pros- eutn tion of the tmbjtsetyxwiaened consid- "able interest. Presbytery adjourned to meet at Arthur on thethird Tuesday ef Septe Inher- Tbe Presbytery were for the day guests of the Palmerston congregation and were entertained in the basement of r the church along with this ...|-,.....- J um rrusuytery ware for the day gums of the Palmerston congregation and new entertained in the basement of the church along with the delegates of the Preabytenut Young People‘s Society. EVBrvlhinu in H.-. ------ A - - -"'T _.._ .u use “you“, "o." OI! I bad married a wife and and not come. . Mr McNamara oil'rnyton was welcomed a to the first meeting since “abduction. . and Mr Little was in tyiplutreiniti'd l iuoderator’s choir wuh ell his commonly ed dignity and genielity. Resolutions: ' of condolence were directed to he hi: _ Mr Crow of Drew who sor we " _ - death of his daughter.. 1WihG Ir; in life‘s prime. to Mrs J Johnston ho mourns her hmrhnud, so 1ottgahuthtat elder in the church at Mildmav, and to Mr John Cameron, the death of whose slate), Mrs C Cameron, removes one ot the pioneers whose bright. brave and hopeful spirit during the days of stress and strain supported her husband and cheered many besides. Reports of the General Assembly were received from the commissioners who were in attend- snce and some of the issues at the day ‘Were informally discussed. Reports of Sabbath Schools. Young People's So. There wan t5 good attendance " the meeting of the Snugeon Presbytery at Palmerston on Tuesday. though one member was detained :11:ng 'ilttit M'miexké- WWW A h' _ . ' ! Folluwing are are stations and I ministers of the Methodist Chum-h in [ the Mt Forest and Palmerston Dis- tricts for the coming year; Mount 3 Forest. pistriet--Mia'i't Forest, David , IV. Snider; Charles T. Currelly. B. A,, left witltottrastatiGn at his ovn request; Arthur. Wray H. Smith; Durham. Thus. Calling. B. A. ; Grand I Valley, Wm. L. Daniels. B. A., B. o. l kenilivorth. Wm. J. Ellis ' Monticel- 'tr. Morley, C. Pearl. B. A, . Holstein, l Chas. P. Holmes; Drew. Gear e w. Smitherumn (Drew Station) , Eur,: I cm. Edward H, Taylor; Uedarville, Win. D. Masson htel/ James Mas. sou‘. Bupevrupttutued,. arney, one to brrtent under the 'upermtendent of Dachau» l George I. Stegbenson. Wm. E. fMtNfra, Victoria ‘ollege: rims. Coiling. Chairman, Wray It, Smith, Fin, Bic. The Law Educulonal Institu- tion in the' "r- the International Correspondent, Schools - will have on display in Mi nrling’s Dr Store window next we the work Iin": by some of their D 'hum students. ft you are interest: in bettering your present position, it and see what theme Schools have ne tor others. Folluwing I“are e stations and "ti"iseto..s, 1" . __ " ‘. .. A -‘- l Would you ll mourn more mon- ‘eyln Four own 1139.11: yo spare time. at a soul oat. p'lJU',','t'it' lionul Uorrespond ce Schools on give you a train: that will enable you to increase yo earnings. Bee their display in Dari a Drug Store next week. Good roads will le to the‘general improvement of the countryside. The. farmer who drives to and from town over a spacmus, smooth well-celled for mud will unconsciously dome to effect corresponding improvements in themanageGsrii' and operation of the farm. . Standard Ban t Gauguin? Bank Departme . - Int In d quarterlg on GEM! aft-om date 0 de. posit to “so! wi “WEI at highest convenient rates. y portion. may be withdrawn at an time without delay. Saugeen Presbytery. w it triiifttni7, 3 whose bright. brave and in during the days of stress supported her husband and w besides. Reports“ the "'"----e.i--.--- lchooh - will have 'nrling’a Dug Store the work me by thtyn,stydttptd. ft to can more mon- >me. In your spare on. The Intern- _ ce Schools can t that will enable ro earnings. See 'rl a Drug Store , x'srsptDkrt (if; Excursion to Niagara Puttin Bttot--A. McDonald. 3t ft. 11 in t T. Brick". 34 ft 7 in . Angus McArthur. 32 n tri In. 5 Entries. Throwing lu-e-a. McArthur. 701111 in t A. Mason. 67 ft; T, McDouull. as ft 2 in. 6 Entrieu. The running of the sports was done as expeditiously as possible, but even then it took a long time. It was indeed a busy attemoon and six o’clock had artived before the bulk of the crowd had gone. Following is the Prize List: - Arum-nos t The London Pipe Band arrived ’early morning train Monday and were met at the station by the re- }ception committee. played over town and in the afternoon generouslyns required for Dragoons, dancers, Pa- laros. &c. The "loud sounding pipe" dear to the highland heart was delightful to those not highlnnd, and this characteristic feature of Scottish games was well represented. A word should be given for the splend- drummer of the band whose arms seemed to move in all directions. - - __.- -w--- "xwulu was also good but too short, for thesthree I reds had the three blues downed in 1 short order. "Sword versus Sword" was another of their exercises in which with protected heads they struck and lunged at each other with great energy in the effort to cut off, each other's plumes. The Dragoons are all right. The horses areranch bred, of average size. light; lithe, and active, something between a Roadster and a hackney say those who know, but scarcely adapted for a farm. The Palaros. These two brothers had their " windmill" erected on the platform and certainly they gave " Fun at the Mill" " they advertised, Their first "performance was simply athletic feats balancing, &e, of which they had a goodly number but their second per- formance gratified the hill side as few _ former shows have done, One of 1 them tixed up as a clown, was funny as well as supple and hearty laughter I and generous applause greeted their tricks at, through. on, under, and above the mill. They gave an exhibition of running and hurdle 'umping. near the open- ing of the afternoon, but the horses in recent camp life had not been used to this work and some onion shied. It was exciting enough but was far surpassed by the later exhibitions the i Balaclava melee being perggps the I best, The bareback wres Inq was I The great feature of the Celebration this year was the presence of eight members of the Royal Canadian Dra- goons. with their homes. The secur- ing of this feature at this time of year was not an as; matter, but the com. mittee, most e actively supported by I Mr H. H. Miller, M. P., and the I'O- operation of the Minister of Militia,“ was successful. They came in on 1 Saturday about noon and their bright imiform on the streets and at Sunday services, was " etteetive advertise"- meat. They were in charge of Sergt. E. A. Steer and all of them proved tg,'2,'ePr know: " up" a We: easement. _ . Monday last opened grey and misty [ but there' was dew upon the grass and eyery sign that a tide day was in store fix the sports and other features so be; looked forward to. It was an ideal day from dawn to darkness, pro- vmg the old Scotch saying true "the third time's fair," for this is the third of Ben Nevis Camp’s Celebrations of the National Holiday and on the two previous occasions they encountered rain and doubtful weather but in ev- ery case they pulled through with the balance on the right aide. Their suc- cess has been remarkable and is due without doubt to their effort to pro- vide the beat that's going m the way of attractions. to the po ularity of Scottish games, sports J,','? music and to their success in putting on every- thing they promise. Every feature they have had in the past may not have turned out as well asthey would have liked, but this year without doubt makes a record for satisfied crowds both at the grounds and at the 1 concert. The committee on behalf of the camp are deepl appreciative of the cordial support they have received in' their effort to perpetuate Scottish _ games and sports, healthy athletics, , and the highest class of concert enter. ( tainment. We find our space so cramped this week that our remarks must be brief. t Sons ofSéothnd no; a third success The Big Demonstrat; The Pipers. The Dragoons ti, 1906 Ing was Summing. July 7. rs Guthrie will sell by go ie auction her residence, Albert t., on Sun out come val. uoble household f re. Terms, Cub. Joh Cluk per annual. JAB. WALKER. Provir Pun but! Jersey hull call for Sale We complete. Apolyto a F. PEEL. Durham Homm TO 1hmr.--catmrorubie nod roomy. OnGeom Bt. All modern convenienceg. Apply to Kiln of lime may for Frid». July 6, at lot 23, con. 13, Bentinck. 12k per bushel. JAB. WALKER. Prom. given away one . "Q photographs at If. . Kn MILL Woon FOR sate-prom Aber- deen. delivered in town, Apply " J. W. Urnwtord'l. _ l A cu of just nrrived at MM- them, b ani er. Brien for e It t Durham Brick Work: of tine quality. Some upon-.1 an: in incoau, go- ing at cost. at J. L. LAMTY'H. Arth ur H. J acknon, Licenses. Durham. The Pnlaro: gnve their " tire and wen twice recalled. The “I (Continual on page eight,) "-"--------..- Business Locals The Stalker listen of Acton, who danced so prettily during tho day pets formed “so u night, as did the Pipers. Every one wu charmed by the ttury like maidens us they tripped so grue- fully in tune And time. Mite Helen Kirby Ferguson is a new our area in Durham and on a return ri. an to town she will be heartily received. She has A rich contrnllo voice and In "Door: the burn, Davie," her expression and her rendering captured the huge G?""" and she had them breathleuly I . l J no. B. Cameron ha been here before bat ha Added largely to his remit-clan on this oecuion. He in e humorm and awry teller of the titat rank, culling no piebdd cumming to his lid. He " " I so a good voceliu and no program can _ he dull on which Cameron appear. i F ifty large 12xu "-_e.r= -. .w- """""e " everyone in the rink, even to than who cmMed thru the chinks at the buck. The opinion is general that the Celebration wan the most successful yet held. The proceeds are not quite up to last year, but never before we think was greater tsatisfaction ex- pressed at the qm'l worth. THE CONCERT. Thu also wn I record In“; Hur- l old Jarviu' fame is wndosprend. m, nun here before but the Town Hull does not give scope to his msuttsidoent voice, His "Death of Nelson" Wu raped: and all his numbers were thoroughly enjoved. lie wu encored of course and by request 'luyr the “Glory Song” for one encore. His splendid tenor value must have been I hard tn good ndynnuge by everyone in g .- -:..I. A _.--- A _' " us. u. thi's order -tireFiai' ground, the crowd following. _ At . o'clock the band and the Dra- Egoons were got ready and marched up hill to the Review corner. Com- ing down they were met by some members of th_e.Reception , mmittee and stalwart Bro. R, Ton? who car- ried the Camp’s large Scottish flag. He took his place after the horsemen and in front of the band, for no foot- men must go before horse he assured us. u. this ordn- ”I... m... e» Ar l NOTES The Brickets of Listowel carried off many prizes. The young lad C Bricker had a nmow escape. While springing at the pole at the vaulting it broke and he went headlon falling ion his head in such a wny Ed spec- tators thought his neck was surely broken, His escape was wonderful. he rallied, was taken to the hotel, and was able to leave next morning. Mr. H. H. Miller, M. P., was on the grounds awhile. Bag Pipe .9.ontest--rirmiiton, Lon. don ' Ross. Toronto t Kerr, London. Judges. Dancing And Piping-gotta Burns. Grand (Jump Organizer and John McArthur. Priceville. Highland tr_liittr--g, Stalker. M. Stal- ker. Sewn Triiibhaa--g. Stalker. and M. Stalker. purse unlly divided. Sallor's i)iiiy'ii'ii'i-',:rlir)7ls'rs, M, Scul- ith Sword unce-M. Stalker, J. ttt er. Girll' Raee--rda Hut-home. Del Lander and A nnie McKinnon nod for lecond pine and each got but of the two prizes. B ortf Race-g, tr. Smith. _ Runnin a . Ste andJum But- ler,4t ft in. a. up Brieker. ti"t 0 int W. 0. Pickering. w tt Sin; ' Entries. an: mile mee-C. Butler. B. Moore, - Benton. 5 Entries. 100 yd: "ee-Butler, Ericka. Pich-, cring. l ”yd: rare-A. C. Bricker. Butler-.1 L. Wuson. Falls '. W. CRAWFORD. DANCING Inner of Marriage J. Bricker, B. Saunders r " tire Act tt The “biotic: mph: to be by dozen will Friday. July 6th. to the Crl'l The (villains Wr'te brought. to Unr- q Ite hum Thursday evening. and plug-rim It we ; 'a1t1, boss‘und nu Fridny at le.. not. a. _ um: "I: cumin! " t (i'iii uerwem Inc. 9 I”: not ing an “a. Left, including name fmc.’ “w“ Ber. I All!!! other points. Mr. lb ‘ tl . mm mm. his two tli'i'it,s,'t'i/5i.lil"'tj'ii'r' I not uephew.the well known J, M. . In. His ruhliuher. all of inmate. were present _ nterment took place in Sumo-m (1-m- Ilttm etert , Many beautiful fiorat “Hm-lugs mv la“ cred the coffin. The Pall luau-ms bore. were T. Harris, Gilbert. Mckechnie. been Jae lt Gun. J. P. 1 elford, A. ti, Humm- l In and u. Butane. TheBunyStoteontth R. B. Keeler & Son l Our large stock of Silverware con- sista of everything that is new and good in silver; hundreds of different articles which we have not room to mention here. Take one look at our Inge stock and when you hear the Jew prices. you will know that Keel. cr’s is the place to lsave money on your puehues. A no ' ot FANCY CHINA Imam?“ WeddiaePmetrntot-1latat. ".'a Silverwqu ft Presentations , 1lyy! Weddings l Keelcr's big Jewelery Store is th, "noney-sttving place to buy your rok, 14k and 18k SOLID GOLD WED- DING RINGS. Also ttttlid Brooches and Necklets for the bride. The most complete stookrof WATCHES and GOLD-FILLED IEWELERY shown in this part of the country. You save money on every purchue at Keeler's Y TIM‘T r,- t ' 'r, Whit? l. A) {II-1'4 7"?“ . ltd In. . ar,', l . _ , " ' r:'..r",'lj-,l,'-'r,3,, - "iiillf t ...._ til“ "-aPM V I wish to thank all the friends who by trauma? and assiuncv rendered ‘md unngt e last illness and at the death of my sister. Mrullu'H‘hus. Cuneron._ and to assure them that I deeply "preciste their, kindness. I regret that the extreme? but wmuher hastened C interment, before many friends in Prieeviuei and elsewhere learned of the death of mv dwu- man-r 0139‘; t Wherever his ministry ertended, Lamas. Prieevitie. Cotswold. Ammw. or einewbere. Mrs Cameron but! nmny friends. She was a true hdpmeut tit the pioneer pastor'. life. and now that let {my (the gndoa and she rests he- side her Giirar."iiii liven will he nssnciul he green. Deceased, as is well known, was" tunter of Mr John Gammon of this town and widow of the late Rev Chas. Mamet-on. She had leached thead. "need age of 82 years but her urirh was ever you and new“ and t now who enjoyed Tor “quaint-nee will bear "Minion: to her' uhlic spirited (-iLizeuship an to her dementia In the PreshyIu-ian church, of which her husband was for nlauy years, an hon. and minister. Thursdug last. the and new. reached Durham t at an old and much ”speck edmidenc ofthil town. Mrs. Chas. Cameron had passed away in the Gen. eml Hospital] the evening previous. She had been ailing for some time but her death Wu co nmnyu our tire. as It IP" to all who knew Ibis 'flllll; in- lelhgent lady I glut regret. Decent-ed. an in well known. was it mater Ir, Mr John Calm-mu of this fnnyn ...- -eA-, - _. - - _ . -. . The ipcrsittst basin“: and import - lace of our town and district wil no douht lurniab human. for both banks and we wish the ttrw comer ali plur- parity. I The empty dick?! and store Guam ‘were there Tuesday morning. hut. with a hustle that betokens human.“ before night they were gone and in their place were elegant bank titrtums we. wickets. etc etc. Wednesday morning they were doing Maine». We been to point nut, to our \chu-ru friendu thnt the Enutenet‘s can get a more on when they try. I A branch of um vigorous h{oumz chartered bank bu been egtta istskd in Durham. Mr Reid of It Fare-t. looking over the insulatio- proceed- ings. It in located m It Lilian"- builclmg. Viewed only on Saturday but by Mrgas, Ireland. The Sovereign Bank. we will we ton on" at tho REVIE& for the] cm. Our friend. will oblige by 'eett thin offer k'pwn. Address alien to r The Review u Bend I heeren damn u - CHAS amen. Flinn an» PUIUIIII. Card of Thanks. h: and arruaiieiG:auiii;ii t e last illness and " the "t sister. Mrs (Rev) Chas. --- H-.- Jewelery Store is the place to buy Four tok, SOLID GOLD WED- Also Iolid Brooches or the bride. The most ttof WATCHES and In Memoriam. ml. the memory an unwanted. nudwill Ion wone brought to nuts evening. cud plum-4m , ml tfriday at 12. R... egos». ng of my dear sigh JOHN CAMERON. Du than o at 36? In“: MN Pl

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