West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1906, p. 5

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ON _ bro-ms new MRIS ! “auxin "I. _ . l AGENCY M, Agent i GOODS am Washers - 1906 Home .... 8: Co. my need In any rmf SELLS JI " tl I. Hid. I'UVQ. “no & Hid Chat - rim rinse CHEAP "I“ 'er pr Bl In tM 'Oll IT i want ' A ' . -i)F,itciNesaiigaesaeyriiitiits B. r dik2t o' Furniture Sale The Durham Furniture Go., Ltd. JULY " 1906 Hardware dealers most every If yours does not, write for f: PAVE” IFG. co. LIIITED To reduce our stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very close prices. WOOD, LOGS & L'UMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our Warerooans----one door South of the Post Office. most everywhere have it. "‘ write for free sample and booklet. ' viz'; 5.5:; _I'?,r? rtiiljsirit"siu', , IORONTO and tgtttmt"k Angus Ferguson has got the black- smith shop back from John McMurdu and starting blaekstnitttine attain. We are sorry that John McMurdo is leaving the village, he is a good workman. well-liked among the boys. Yes and with some of the girls; we do not know yet where John will locate. The Eylin Presbyterian Sunday School ha a picnic here on the 29th. managed by the Rev Mr MacInnes and was well attended by the people at the church. it was a success as a very pleasant time was spent. David Allen has gone to Glenelir on a visit and we hear of a number of our ample going to Durham and Dundal to celebrate Dominion Day. McArthur, Smith and others have returned from the West and have nice stories to tell aboutit. George Willshire had a flrst class horse killed by lightning. Two of our neighbors are likely have a lawsuit over a horse trial. TORONTO Additional Locals. -------_.------- Hopeville 75 75 35 75 17 16 THE DURHAM REVIEW Wednedq night "I. full of uncer- tainty. rumors were Matt that the regiment was to much otrat 2 in the morning. Prohshly they would hnve done so only the threatening appur- ance of the weather decided the of- new. towait till 5 in the morning. Uur Reg: was up betimes end not in readiness sud frrtn1ly got off " or about 7 o'clock. How the others fared who started off " 9 the night before in the wet with the blankets but no tents we do not know ; certainly our boys had it had enough in marching what is variously estimated as 25 to 31 miles: probably 20 auvwey. in manoeuvres that can be of no pract- ical use in theftttttre; only to give them a. tame now, ofwhat actual war- tare would be. They were very highly complimented on coming in bv the Brigade and Regimental om- eers on the smart and soldierly man- net in which they conducted the 313mb and coming in as tresh as they I . Addenda to Notes from Niagara The grand tattoo at night with fire. works in the evening saw the most of them with tow exceptions out to take it in, some of them after a game of foot- ball. The Review and march past on the following day was successfully car- ried out as was]. The march forward in grand review order, the different Regts.. Squadrons. and Batteries all abreast of each other With tifed bayon- ets and extending half a mile, wasa most impressive spectacle and was ad- miringly commented upon as a fitting finale toa grand days outing. Thous- ands of Spectators covered the grounds who came in double democrats. hand- some carriages. and costly automobiles, in addition to those who came by ex- cursion train and boat. Proceedings were nyer at five,rmuehed home. had supper and to the aiding fur home at eight. but fraiUly ten before leaving ar- riving at Niagara Falls at 11 p m ; Ham- ilton alter a quick run at twelve, where we lay and bivonucked as best we could, through the din until 8 a in on Saturday arrivmg home as you already know at 2 pm if not footsore and lame_yat weary. A most successful and enjoy- able outing in camp. with commanding offuert, who have been more courteous. considerate and friendly than those of recent years at least. I notice that in last week's Review an error or omission has crept in in regard to the score made. The hundred and two hundred yardeis individual firtug with value given to each shot as it may warrant and can take what time they like to am. The tirst and second columns refer to the points made and the third to the total of these rwo, the last column only showing the hitsut rapid firing with four seconds exposure It loo yde. The following names were omitted '. Pte I. Hooper 16 14 80 hits 5 " J Mckenzie 16 ll 27 Inn 4 " T Harrison 17 7 24 hits 5 Captain Orr, now Mojor. of Fruitlund. once an Institute speaker " Durham and Holstein wag met with and recount- ed experiencos of that motor, and pre- sented no with a. handsome icture post card of his fine orchard anti) vineyard, no taken from the mountain at the rear of his farm Major bneath. brother of the popular Dr at Dromore was also en- countered on iliffetitn oecoioms, and proved to be a courteous modest offitter and void of all vanity of his position, " is too often the case with some others. The 2nd E worth League excursion to Niagara. galls has been tlef1nitely settled this year for Friday July 6th, tickets being only $2.35 and good un- til Monday, will doubtless bring an. other monster crowd this summer to see one of the world's greatest won- era. The following notice from “Satur- day Night." refers to the well known founder of the REVIEW in this town. We rejoice that his; talents, tere tum if»? te,,iyieig,i',pe have hpen rec'ognised at net. Few men with such limited means have done more for science; " Somewhere out in the country back of and beyond Peteiboro there may he to day a farmer and his fam- ily surprised by the peculiar behavior of a little elderly man who maybe seen in solitude. hour after hour, in the bed ot some stream hammering among the rocks. His strange con- duct, will lead the larmer to believe him insane; and friendly and genial as he will prove to he on approach the explanation he will give of the work he is doing will probably serve toconllrm the farmer’s wont fears. He will explain that he is hunting tos. file. and he will explain that fossils are little stone mglers of one kind and another em ed in the rocky formation he is examining. The man willbe Mr Joseph Townsend, former- ly editor ot the Grey Review, in Dur- _ haul. and with a t'll'rlll'"8,e.i' experi- ence covering Dundalk. rangeville. Elora and Guelph. Perhaps no man has done more than Josetph Townuend to search out and clusi y the geolog- ical specimens prqeurlurli' in Outnrio. i Be has made it the hobby of " life and with little reward ha: .tterifieed all his interests to the work. The collec- tions at Ottawa and Toronto have been largely made up by him, and there. muneration he hu received has been small. although he was glad enoth to work and collect for the love 0 the task. For the tirst time in his life Hr Townsendhas rot an opportunity to throw him-elf mo bu tut and revel in it, The Provincial Univeraitz has commissioned him to pun-rue in in. "stlrtuhotty for {our [nondi- this gum- Honor to Joseph Townsend. loo yd ,.-.. 200 yd t't'l lune limit 14 30 bits 5 ll 27 Inn 4 7 24 hits 5 In 3 recent interview with I. prom- inent C. P. R. anal we leaned with n mot deal of “ti-(notion thet the long expected c. P. R. invasion of Hanover in about to become on necomplinhed fact. It appeal that the contract for grading the road from Proton Station or near that point. on the G. P. R. to Walker-eon has been let. Work will be commenced velymn at both ends of this "etion--vid. It Wdlerton and work eastward thrmmh Hanover and Durgem, and nt Proton work went- war . At a. meetlniof the Manager: of the C. P. R. held t is month an appropri- ation was made to build this branch, and as stated the contract has dreadv been let. From the Welterton end the road will be extended through For- mosa to Tenn-tier. A brunch will be mmrtrueted hom either Hanover or Durham to Cheeley and thence direct to Southampton. Hnnoverians would much prefer' that this branch run dir- ectto Cheeley from Hanover, which would give idirect line to Southamp- ton. The business men of the town should get together and petition the C. P. R. to build the Cheeley and South- nmpton line from Henover which in nu disadvantage to Durham and would greatly heneftt us. Our town is growing rapid? and the advent of the. U. P. R. Willa dto the importance of Hanover as a manufacturing centre. --PoM. (llllll,l,?,lllll! W“ CAPTAL. Authorized. . . . . .82,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up.......... 1,000.0Ut RESERVE FUND. . . . . . . . . . L000,000 AGENTS in all principal paints m Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba. United States sud Englnnd. ' A general Banking business transac- ted. Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at earl-em rates w. F. COWAN, President. th P. SCHOLFIELD. general Manager DURHAM AGENCY SAVINGS BAti--utusretrt allowed on savings bank depositslof 81.00 and upwards." Proms» attention and every fucilit? ntrorde customers living at a distance. J. KELLY, Agent. And your ttettttttttretm the discom- fort of sewing in the hot season by purchasing some of our light suits of These goods for texture and comfort. are unexrelled. Something new. Save Yourself ladies U94?TW93I, at, - Ms 291.993 Also see our Zephyr Gimzbamn, Dotted. flttured and Art Muslms, Prints. in all popular colors and qualities, Victoria Lawns Sheeting. twilled & plain, bleached and unbleached. Circular pillow covers. All-over laces in cream and white. Table linen and napkins We do not keep everything, but have an abundant supply of Ill., leer" arias and “Lanny luxuries for the horii e C. MCARTHUR Staff and Equipment. The school it thoroughly equlrped in wmhln ability. in chemical and elect ul supplies 1'lt Bttintis, ac. for full Junior Leaving Ind Intric- uluion GW. The following competent 51.3 no in churn t THUS. ALLAN lst Ci.“ Certificate, Principal M188 L M. Nki..R. B. A., eludes. Modern: And English. Miss “.088”; McKERBACHER. First (tins Gentile-ye mind third yen undergraduate ot Queen'l Unlvenitg. Science. itrtory ma Geography. Intendlng student: should enter " the begin- ning of the term it possible. Baud an be ote tained " Womble tutu. Durham 1: n healthy Bud attmetive town, muting it . most desirable place tty.y.!deyyst. A . " WmJounuon. Jun. G. Rum-go. Charmin. sugary will double you: cuminf power. It only minimal . few months “an. Institution to comp ete n thorough Mal Runnels Course or a Show land ind Ttisewpiuntrcoumeaud fit you forts magentlvq may. .. " " m walnut-nu v u "%e""'"P"". Btudelm udmmed " my time. Full ptuticur I." " my time use. . C. A. FLEMING. I'rineiW Spring term begins April 2nd. Undertaking BARCLAY & BELL Durham School A Practical Education at mIoRII/t/PMW We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thee. Swallow 's build. ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring under- taking. Sntkhction guaranteed in Emquing. Ont Mock of fnnenl w'pplleehu arrived l duo e full iinaot.Catho1ie robes, etc. iiiiiiririiiir month in Minuet: Owen Sound and Embalming A Sure Thing 3 Is good Bread, well made and ' g properly baked-the bread that it t " made by Stinson. Thisisthe t ._. perfect bread-made of the best I l flour, leavened and seasoned just t . right, thoroughly kneaded and (t l baked to perfection, it is easily t .._ digested and it builds health and __. . strength for those who eat it. t. 3 Give it a trial. g '_-r-P--.----.---,---, We Iolidt the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the ttrivisatrii. ity of having their Ifntcnl hqsim-m Inn-acted by Experu. Pullman-r, - free. Chung-:5 nioderate. WWI With! upon rc- “at. Kudonkludon. Reg'd.. New York Life 1llful', neutral: amdwartrdrtgtmt. D.c.. LEM Our Specialties. White Shoes Peel, the Shoeman We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from ban-sv-ss-sa-sara-ste Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37c yd. tt rum 's Prints in-the best goods made. We have a splendid line C. A'. Srant Ottiivie's “new Household" Beowntln .. Five Rom "--The very beat Keewntin make. A carioud just received. If you wear White Shoes, dont wear um um tidy one. We have the very latest styles. FLOUR SEEDS FIELD AND GARDEN. Clove: and Timothy and MI nt- awe. of Gordon and. in - bunduwe for Spring growing sa, to 1dtligd The Best Cure For Dyspepsia STINSON, The Baker. by (Dress food, MATTHEWS a LATIMER Highest stun-s only. J. G. HUTTON. M. IL G “be: Coll. Hm all.” was». Cv't,t.tt Muff“ tthtitttgtfd'gr' airmen nouns F-tt e. In 2--4 p. III. "r-4 p. I Teleeheee ceeeeeuen He. " N. late and“: to MorteSeid's golden. Mg) an. to KMIIP‘I (New York) . 'e lie-plush. otBese,t"tmtttt, - - - - Owentiou will tenth. W11! Home. Inn-hum. the In: Wed-oar 0 each mouth (to. log. I. an 1 p. In. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univeuity. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Oret g t J HUNTERS New Store W. C. PICKERING o. D S., L. o. S. OMee-Galder'e Block. over Post Oftice HONOR GRADUATE mm l‘Inu-r an. Ila-ml 1h"... lhnIAl Hun“... u in” Ho 7 - Calida Dehul sum Dentistry tu if“. when. Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers Ae. Money to Loan. omce. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. Mushy K.c.: W. F Dunn Barrister, Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. be. D. McPHAIL.’ 150 “a. shove barium, well "nprovcdaioou 1tl, 1,tat'aNultitttaniu'ullhyi'l l'" Am s'drrttttug'.'" tun-loved mud lo- l, "'"'athWpt,,tityA"'tl Park, mm JOHN CLARK Durham. Nov. 16, m Do you want to know where to buy ARTHUR GUN. M. D., -wmmumwmu Wo-tdc-mr. urn- Menu. Management; tor ale. to too-tel, he" must be III-den the Review ot- Iloe. Durham. It (Jornq-wdeum can“ then. or to Ceylon l'.u., will he Prom“). amended to, “In: tttOSP-tion to """"'l"‘l . -.... _-_- "-"'"'" - --, m _..-- A)-'mtterytot8ter-eetie-1etnDur, Mum-Ind b1'i'll't8tieg'Je,8ti II- "m"." Maldon- “a.“ an". c. . R, mm: 'tshe. A nun PM. In": Sum-nun] Insurance Agent. Money to hum Issuer of Marriage Licemies. A gen eral timutciau business transacted We, Ear, Nosed: Throat MEDICAL “conned . Auctioneer to the County of Grey. . W Aumtorun Car. of Grey. all“ my “new to. um Mable n- he lull at " Implement Wu.- mm-s Mhl"l21'lUhll'h', out momma J..F. GRANT 0.0.8. LID. S ARTHUR R. JACKSON Mee, over Godon's Jewelry Store. Auctioneers. orto MACKAY d; DUNN, Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey DEN t Notary Public, Commissioner. DURHA'. ONT. (Lower T " HOUR! ', LEG-AL. THE “NOV“ (DEVEYANCBR A CPI-ENOID SCHOOL! J. P. TELFORD B. B. Miller, Plum“ a summit. D. IcPHAIL. (leylun P. U C. BAIAGE. Dun-b CONVEYANCER. " DR. BURT Ceylon In: a telephone olice Money to Loan. dtd. Manor's Sun 8 to 10 A... Owen Sound Mo 'own , it”;

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