West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1906, p. 8

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with a mngnim char set. with the vmleaumidl set with amethy man an opal pir Inwtly fancy ct numerous to me Dot hcen occupied in the tiii/iii the Swinton news we wil try and give you a tew items. MrsJ Richardson and Miss Mabel Knox are visiting friends at Lucknow a: present. Mr Thomas Champion is waiting at Mr D NeCormaek's. uranium? and lace and wore pink car- nations in her hair and carried a she“ of the same. After the ceremony and usual con- ngulations were over all manned to the house wlwte nicely decorated tab- lets Were laden with daintlea ot every variety making an up to date bridal ten. flu-n cam occasion» , The crrvmnny was performed by Rev Mr Newton of Durham in the 'rreertce of about 30 of the bride's relatives and nearest friends. The groom supported by his grooms- mam Mr, Agnor of Own: Sound look- ed his test us he stood waiting in the urchin! tor his Winsome bride and no one present i-Ver saw her look prettier than when she came tripping down the path from the house dressed in white veiling and lace with beautiful cumin roses in the dark waves of her hair and L'nt'rying a sheaf of white carnation.sand maiden him- fem tied with white ribbon. The bride was at- tended by her sister Mm Ethel Me- (itllivmy of Owen Mound who also looked pretty in a drrss of cream cashmere and lace and wore pink car- him for teat - The home of Ne Neil Meoiliivrar, (Hench; Centre, was the scene of n very pretty though quiet. wedding In the evo-ningnl June 2". The bride. is the third dauqh'er of Mr. R. MCGU- livmy and the groom. Mr. RCamphell " Owen Hound, LROBERT BURNETT. , Well Mr THE PEOPLE’S STORE} DARLIN GS, The P. JUST ARRIVED Albert Soap Co's, Soaps 3n cmm- lhc‘sml part of allmch ions when the friends of the V's school days and irlhood must mm! by? lo her win has Ileana ite with old and young but try kind wishes and the handsome Ins whwtt they gave her they tube temembered in her new b in Owen Sound. a brtdettroorn presented the bride a "raguiticent gold chain with Highest Prices Paid, either Cash or Produce (EGGS?) Butter, Eggs and W( Our large stock enables you to select just what you fancy in quality. design, shade and price. Before buying elsewhere, see the bargains we offer you in this house-furnishing department. Then we feel confideut we can satisfy you. . At the Present time the homes throughout the country ace m thy midst of the annual Spring housecleaning. The house will mm" rtfttruiahing to a great extent, and this is just where The Peoples, More can meet your demands. Call in and inspect our complete lines of Swinton Park. carrying rand In: a ribbon ‘ her sis of Owe ment " Good Goods at Right Prices." Phone No. 8. ttymeneal. Pl'RE CAsTILE......1asm, 2 for: ROSEBATH...... .......,......10e ca MECHANICS TAR...... .... .10c ca BABYS OWN....,. ..........10c ca SWEET PINK...a 10 cent value for n resented the bride gold chain with ll! and pearls, to tVe A gold brooch 1nd to the grooms- rhe other men-ms and linen are too ' u. ". Mr Chas Moffat, Br., visi'ted friends 7. in Owen Sound lagt week. '"; P.l?1rafe h.ay Mr and Mrs Jos Finch visited deed??? 'l,ft I friends in Flesherton on Sunday. i. A y I Mr John Barns, {In town at fawn: . I or aniz r was: e nest o one and Miss Mabel “:31 a Sg'a"l""ia'Jl'l'ri'Ji' it the home ot endsatLaekmtiiir' Donald McFayden. Wednesday . . . . levelling. Messrs Maitland and o. ppm!) 18 ""t""'lP11n and other friends tram town Re - furnish your Home rhss Ethel Mc- mnd who also Ire-rm of cream wore pink car. curlied a sheaf Oilcloths, Carpets, Curtains and Curtain Poles, Linoleums and Mr Jas. McCallum, of" McKillop Tp., Huron Co., visited his sister. Mrs. Ector, on the avenue last week. MEWaltcr Gurney and daughter, Miss Olive ot Toronto, visited Edge Hill friends this week. Mr David and Ham Allen, Hope- ville. visited the old homestead and mended the Dominion Day Celebrat- Ion. Mr John Allen who recently t tarned from California, is visiting his brothers in Hopeville this week. Mrs Williams :snd her daqghter Mrs Bassett, of the Soo, 0 re visiting friends around here. were present Quite a number from Edge Hill at- tenued the S. of S. Demonstration in Durham on Monday and thoroughly enj 5)ng themselves. - - We believe the telephone must be a great thing in iat'mers' houses. We see Mr Ilobt Merit has got a. little attraction in the park over the phone. We wonder who the gentleman was walking up the road on Sunday evening w1th a. cane in his hand. Mr Thomas Ferris has shingled his house. Tom is a hustler. Miss Mary Chislctt is home tor the summer months. The L. o. L. held their annual picnic on Wednesday, June 27th. The Calithampians did their part well so we hear. The ladies' base- ball club played against the Dan- dalk club and Swinton came out best. Miss Martha Martin is visiting frifyyls athrt Hope. _ _ Miss Fanny Bell has gone home for her holidays. We wish hora vel'Y pleatalrtime. - _ _ _ Mr Geo HinU passed through the park pretty lively on Sunday last. Mr Wm Harrison is ill at present we hope soon to hear of his recovery. Rugs, etc., etc. A shipment of tin: "eople's Druggiists WOOL WANTED 2 for 250 10c cake 10c “he 10c cake Edge Hill. Mr and Mrs Jag. McAuley and child. ren left Monday morning for Lion'a Head to visit the tormer's sister Mrs Shaw. Mr John Burns, Grand Organizer, B. ors. is in town this week and se- cured some new blood for Ben Nevis Camp. Mr P. G. A. Webster' was in To. ronto over the Dominion Day holi- days on a visit to his sister who was ill. Rev Mr Farquharson and elder Wm Young went to Palmerston Tuesday to attend meeting of Snugeen Presby- tery, Dr Spencer and Rev. Mr Allan of Sault. St. Marie, spent from Saturday to Monday with Rev. and Mrs Newton. Messrs John and Archie Robertson, now in Toronto. were guests of friends here over Dominion Dar and took in the sports. Mr H H Mockler left Monday for Ot- tawa as delegate trom the town branch to the Annual Convention Retail Mer- chant's Association. Mr Jas. Moody. Colorado, son of the late John Moody, died last week. The information comes through Mr Wm. Johnston's son-in-law, Mr Alex Moody. Mr and Mrs Geo. Husson, who were visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Geo. Howard, left lately for their home in Oxford, Penn. Mr H. Ball, of Stratford spent over the holiday with Mrs Ball’s parents, the at present remaining here Miss Maggie Jack, Toronto, visited the Turnbull and Fagan families in town from Saturday to Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Frank Livingstone. of Guelph, spent over Dominion Day with town relatives. Mrs L, is re- maining for a few days. Mrs Arch. Davidson. Miss Dora and Master Jack droye to Owen Sound [at week, Miss Dora remaining with rel. atives there, while Archie came home tor the summer holidays. Mr James Mack, Varney, left on Monday for Cheltenham to attend the funeral of an uncle Wm. Wilkinson. ..Mr Ron A. Jamieson, B. A.. vititod friends in Durham on Irridnr.---3" P. Coated. Mrs H. W. Benton and daughter, Mt Forest, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs ll. Williamson, over the holidays. Miss Pearl Wilson, Toronto, is spending the holidays at her father's, Mr George Wilson. Miss Walsh, Palmerston and Mr Jag. Murray. Toronto, were guests of Mr. J. L. Flarxty over the holiday. Master Percy Sawdon. of Toronto, is spending the holidays at. his grand- mothnr's, Mrs Roht McGowan. Mr Herb. Gray. Hamilton, visited his mother and took in the sights here over the holidnv. Mr and Mrs Stag, Toronto, are guests at her parents, Mr and Mrs Robt. McMeekin. Mr and hire Nichol. Toronto, spent over Dominion Day in town nt her mother's, Mrs McClocklin. Mrs Arch. Browning returned home last Thursday after a week 's visit with relatives near Kincardine. Misses A. U. and Belle McKenzie left Wednesday on a few weeks holi- day with Tiverton friends. Mrs (Capt) Porter and two sons of New York are on an extended visit to her sister Mrs (Rem) Newton. Miss Margaret Gun spent. from S at- urday to Tuesday, the guest of Miss Davey, at Orangevillv. Mr and Mrs u. H. Sheppard of Port Huron spent a few days with the lat- ter's aunt Mrs Warner. Mr Arch. McKenzie, son of late postmaster, was a guest of his sisters here over Dominion Dav. Mr Chas. Farquharaon spent the holiday with Georgetown relatives and was in Toronto Tuesday. Miss Magnet Alexander, Toronto. is spending a few days with town rel- atives. Mr Duncan McKenzie. of Toronto, came up on a visit to his father's over Dominion Day. Mm Lottie Lavelle. now of Stratford is visiting town relatives and friends for a few days. Mr Reggie Kelly, of the Btandard Bank Toronto, was home over the hot. iday. Mr Will Johnston, Toronto, visited bu parents over the First. Mrs C. Martin and children of Tor. onto are visiting her sister Mrs B. F. Warner. Mr and Mrs Hamilton, of Attwood, visited their daughter, Mrs Holt over the holiday. Miss Margaret Harris returned hat week Utera month’s visit with Kin- cardine friends. Mr and Miss Someryiile of Toronto, visited their brother at the Hedges but week and this. Mr J. S. Ireland, Mt. Forest van in town Dominion Day. RIO ARCHIVE: TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW. At the close of school, Friday, June 22nd, the pupils of Public School No 8 Nornmnhy, gave their teacher, Mrs Simon Young, a pleasant surprlse by {resenting her with a case of silver nives and forks and the following ad- dress '. Dear Mrs Young,-- It was with deep regret that we learned of your intention of leav- ing us. During your short stay you have made good progress among us. We feel that we are not only losing a good and faithful teacher, but also a kind friend. We hope wherever your lot may be cast that the same kind. ness may he returned to you that your kindness deserves. We now ask (on to accept these silver knives and orb that we may. In a. snmll way. show our esteem to you as you are abouttoleavens. We wish you in your new home. _nm_ny happy days 1:135 -wi, iiuieioiook torwavii' io hiv. inn you visit amongst. us again. Signed on behalf of the pupils of Hampden School. A. . n . Dr Walter Park is home on a visit from the West. Mr Barry Meredith. wife and child is vieiting his home here. IL H. Miller, M, P,, as chairman is hard to heat. His opening .emarks put everyone in good humor and Were in ex- cellent taste. Mr John Burns. from the the Grand Gimp iiiled up the intermis- sion with a. clpital little speech showing particularly the good atamling of the Sons of Scotland Society on government books and the splendid security it offer ed to young men ot Scottish birth or de. scent. The exact proceeds are not known at this writing but everyone must have no- tieed that. a new bank tstarted up In town next morning. Mm Justice Roedding. of Artem, is visiting " her unto” the Misses Mock- Dr and Mrs Watson, Georgetown, came up last Saturday and are guests at her parents, Mr and Mrs J. A. Glass. MrL. a. Inlsnd. Toronto. spent a few days lut week end with his por- enta here. Messrs In. and W m. Cameron We onto. visited their home here m er the holiday. Mr John Cameron left to-day for Muskoka where he will holiday for a few weeks with his sister, Mrs Me. Lean. Mr Angus McKelvey. wife and children. all returned to New Liskeard last Thursday. Mrs McKelvey having feund it impossible to stay longer as she had intended. Mr Chas. Moore spent Dominion Day in Toronto. at the home of his uncle, Mr L. Sanford. Miss Gladys Sanford accompanied him home and will remain for some time visiting relatives. Mr Will McGowan is spending a month’s holiday partly with his moth- er and friendl in town. Mrs Farquhnrson and daughter, Miss Jessie are expected home to-night from their Western tour. The two little sons of the late R. A. Grant. of Toronto, are holidaying with their aunt. Mrs tiomerville. Mrs Wm. Mountain, of Hamilton. is holidaying for a short ttme at her parents. Mr and Mrs Geo. McDonald, Misses Maud Saunders. of Hamilton, and Clara. Seigner. of Toronto, were holiday visitors at their respective homes. Among the teachers home forthe holid-tya we noticed Misses Nellie and Llowyn Moran. Ayton. Miss Rosalie Breaker. Yeovil, Miss B. MeC,lotrklin, Grand Valley, Miss Annie Petty, Wil. liamsfcrd, Miss Allie Blackburn. Drayton. ' Mrs Newton won golden opinions from all the performers to our knowledge, and won from the audience a. rapturous en- (ore to her own instrumental. Mr Duncan McFarlane. of Flint, Mich. is a welcome visitor among his old friends m town. were clever. but one or two of their other exhibitions would have been as well lelt out. rf Address and Presentation. At present we are showing a nice selection of Hats just suitable for ladies' warm weather wear and this week we expect a. shipment of New Embroidered Sailors. and small Turbans, suitable for Matrons. Kindly give us a visit and see our beautiful Summer Mil1inery. A large assortment CHIL- DREN'S HATS now in stock. Also LADIES' BONNETS Pretty Summer 1lliats The Big Demonsnation Miss Dick ( Contiuued from page f.) -----.i----- Austen Derby Rebeccu. Nichol Bertie Marshall fa' Biaur-Hoomm-In Durham, on Monday, June 18th, I? the Rev Mr Newton, Jno. E. ' ells to Miss Ethel M. Hooper. both of Egremont. JscKisoN--scstuorrr-In Mt Forest, June. mm, at, the home of Mrs W. Connor, Miss Catherine Scarlett. daughter of Mr Wm. Scarlett. of Egremont. to Mr J, D. Jackson, of Listowe'. Ross-NON-in Holstein, on the 19 June, at the Methodist pal-sou s. y the Rev U. P. Holmes, B. Anni” Rose. of 2nd con., Normanhy. to Miss Janet Thom, who lately arrived from Scotland. Barra-NEAL-In Mt Forest, June 20th, at the residence of the bride’s 'rep.))" .Gesa. Nei, by the Rev A W. Woods, Miss Ray Neal to Mr F. C. D. Smith. of Toronto. cowas--HoLunAv- In Letter Breen Church. June so, by the theer thuithermsut, Mr Keney Comm to Miss Marguerite Hollidav. DIED. WALLACE-ln Egremont. June 27. Oscar, son of Wm. H. Wttllace, of pneumonia, aged at years. 11 mos. Came to the premises of the under. signed, Lot 1, Con. 9. Glenelg. a two- year old heifer. The owner will plane prove property. ply expense- and lake animal ”my; - Even the Durham's moat sanguine supporter scarcely expected the walk- over accomplished by them Friday afternoon. on the Mt Forest. Lornes own velvety lawn, the scene of many a hard-fought lacrosse battle. Many looked for a close game, with Durham ending in the lead, but the score of 9 goals to 1 rolled up by the blues and w ites upset all calculations. Accom- panied by about three dozen enthusi- asts. the Durhams stepped on the field quite confident of victory. The Lornes were a man short, and our boys refusing to drop a player, Wes. Theobald was induced to again get m- to the harness. Owing to this delar. and to the great heat of the ear y afternoon, the game was delayed in starting until 4.35. At the start the Lornes made it in- te resting. drawing first blood. and at quarter time the game still looked doubtful. Then théiine Durham com- bination began to run like clockwork and during the last half especiallv, the Lornes were clearly outclassed and scarcelv had It look in. The Mt Forest defence was the star end of the team and the end of the defence at that. Theobald stogped all kinds of hot ones at point and cart his team in proper positions, out: his knee again gave way. in the third quartet, and he re- tired from the game. Hamilton with stick and body. chiefty the latter, stop- ped about fivis to every one that ass- ed him, but he marred his brilliant goal-keeping by rough stick-work as 'uv opponent coming within close range was due for a lay-out. He got one c, min. rest. When .. Wes. " left however, it looked to be the stmw that broke the camel‘s back. The rest of the bunch lost heart, and .' blew up, " Hamilton included, and Durham notched flve goals, four in the last quarter. 2nd quzu' 3rd quur. 4th quart MclNNreg.--In Sarawak. on May 29, to Mr and Mrs Peter Molnnos.a The Durhams had no stars. They played the game. and their best game of the season. U. Lavelle successfully cleared the few shots that had courage to stray near his goal, and Matheson at point was there, as in former years. Herman Wendorf. Howard and Bert McDonald, and M. Smith proved an impregnable defence, intercepting the Mt Forest com. pauses time and again. The home shared scoring honors uite evenly as shown by the table below. .. Mulvey 'Cowan, the former idol of Mt Forest lacrosse fans, came in for a. large share of rough usage. neverthe- less shone in combination work With one of Durhums latest acquisitions, Tommy Lawlor, ever cool as the plo- verbm cut-umber. Bert Moore at centre Was the hardest worked man on the team. Close to the Durham nets. Harry and Will Lavelle were pepper-ing shots, and many a fine piece of combination work assed through their stick ending with one of them or Briggs, Durham’s quick shot. notching " goal. or instead hung- ing Hamilton. Irwin and Addison captains. kept the boys on the move all through Ihe match. Halstead McFadden ll. Martin Tyler J . Martin I Thornhill Scott J Lambert tipiers Addison (lumber Ist q uar. Durham Arthur Mt. Forest ll penalties were imposed by Refer- ee Kearns, one af Arthur's stick-hand- lers, who on t he whole, acted fairly tttroughour. 50fthese were Lamas and the following Durhmns '. H. La- velle. Matheson, Cowan 2, B. McDon- ald 2. The game was far from helm: clean but all were ttHoot' offentes, and no trrarious bruins or scraps came off. Arthur next. The lineup ' Mt Forest Durham Hamilton goal U. Lavelle Theobald [mint Matheson Durham Won ; Mt Forest I. son. artin CAME ESTRAY. DISTRICT STANDIEG. goals won lost toplay for ag'u:t GOAL TABLE, team score( Mt. Forest Durham w. Ln MARRIED, [Comm _ anlor (iii Layelle outside H. Luvelle Inside Briggs captain Irwin BORN. goal point cover pt. centre Gm“ Tums. W. Las elle 4 mm Briggs l min \V.Lavelle 18) min H. Lavelle b' mm Uowan 5 min H. Layelle k min Cowan ii min Lawlor 2 min Lawlor 6 min scored by time U. Lavelle Matheson b, \Vendorf “I. McDonald . B. McDonald [Smith -- ll 10 min Moore I3 19 ff Must bear a price in proportion to the skill, taste, time and expense attending its manufacture. All colors, varnishes and stains bearing the label of the EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH As a. consequence, there is Ruskin says " a composition for cheapness and not for excellence of workmanship is the most frequent and cumin cause of rapid decay and intense destruction arts. Poor paint rapidly disappears, therefore insist on getting Holly- wood Paint. Also a full line of OILS, GLASS and BUIL- DERS’ SUPPLIES. . Company may cost a fraction more than the ordinary (get rich quick) compounds but THE VALUE IS THERE. Hollywood Paint f We are moving this week " PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE THE BIG STORE ALL PAINT OF MERIT HANOVER, ONT. July and August ALEX. RUSSELL Probabilities : To our new tstore and will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new one: u are to all at Gold Midai.........rumg 650 It per lb. Golden tmettf......rtu" 625 .. Silver 8heat...... runs 600 " Grean Shoat...... runs 550 " Plymouth Special runs GOO " My experience in selling twine for years has been that the best twine is the cheapest. See samples in window. FOR SALE BY AHREN S G. LAWRENCE’S OLD STAND where we will do our best to satisfy all in either new goods or repairing. Watches ever “10.21! “rm?” ot ufl. going to give A 'i'l'l'ldrtt'll'eg'te "ltgrc m with each and every new N tee Jewelery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware THE J EWELLER. Durham, Ont. Repairing and Engraving n minty. Gordon's old "tutd bu always been the place to buy any of the shove from , diguugngl :11; down to I collar button Diamond. Engagement and Wedding Ring! are our epecnlty. tta e poet pleasure to show goode any time. Percy (i. A. Webster HEATING AN D TINWARE HARDWARE. PLUMBING Ft "ttave the Wm J. S. MciLRAmil a Great Demand for PAINT. line and W DIAMOND HALL ot WWW. “ t" F u f r Comm The C VOL. or $5000 Goods d R1 un ll ll

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