West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jul 1906, p. 1

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ches, ware TH 5, 1906 " INE BIN" Cute, int I IT AITH eek , mr M ll :yammwwwwwm it) 5'3 SE Commencing Sat., July 14th w"y1'?'e1h'i,rlylvpy1',ytgi,e Butter & Eggs taken as Cash public a chance to iise the" goois. "i' OF IT! PRICES CUT ALL OVE] Big opportunities for careful buyers This has been an annual event in this Store, but never before have we had such a choice and varied stock to put on the bargain tables. fixmmmgmammamam The Cash Store H. HAirockier IPI. xxvn. Nb. 28 We are starting early this $5000 worth of Choice Summer Goods to clear in 30 days. ' We particularly want Butter Eggs for which we will pay the hit market price. James Ireland emance to use the goods. JUST THINK PRICES CUT ALL OVER the STORE We take this opportunity of Ganking the many friends who have favored us will, Glen patronage and hope to welcome Elem as well as many new ones to our new store. Mid = summer Clearing Sale complete The aeractive Mines will enable us to dis.. play our goods to good advantage, and we will carry a stock of new and up-toO-date goods. Some early Fall Goods are already coming for- ward and very soon every department will be f We are now established in the some] y fitted up store just south t Standard Bank. ".9.9S.S..t.t:6.tt CE: emoval Notice '9itS."i.t.t:6.tt 9:9:3333x3xm3333mfi -""""----aTacaaL'ir=L"'dueL91. Our Annual WWW WWW Highest prices paid ant Butter and pay the highest year to give the shéd in the hand- just south of the "..s', It, wasn't u. Missouri editor buta ? . . : printer's devil who was 30mg through A V his first experience on " making up " ajforms. The paper was late and the ' boy got thegulleys mixed. The Best “but of the obituary notice of a pre- ‘5covious citizen had been dumped in "the forms. and the next hendfulof l type came off the galley. describing a. :1 recent tire. It read like this.. “The‘ .‘pall hearers lowered the body to the "rare and it was consigned to the ' fhunesthere were few if any regrets sf for the old wreck had been an eyesore Ute the town for years. Of course _ theme we: individual loss. but that i was fully covered by insurance." The iwidow thinh the editor wrote the } obituary that wey becauee the lament. !ed partner of her joy! end sorrow I owed him the your eubecriptlon. ' X LOCAL Demos W'v'Hmo.---o'uOe ‘iMubeelast week rendered " decision t overturning the local option law in 'r: Owen Sound tor a number of reasons :iehietiy irregularities in the manner of [ l its submission. The hotel people (hoisted tlam, or rejoicing. there was ghandshnking by the symptthizers. 'and a hurried meeting of the council, [ (which, by 7 to l dectded to appeal the ldecision and sent a deputation toin- , terview the minister at Toronto. ,Meanwhile Prov. Secretary Hanna 3 has decided that no licenses are to he I“ issued. while the apnea! is pending and 'that, will be till Sept. next. The tem- 1penance people are conthient of win- ning out in the end. (also form a leading feature in the day’s sport, as both Durham teams are par- ticipants. At 10 a. m. the first game _ Durham Juniors va." Hanover is billed, 'l, while the Durban's are pitted against ‘ Wingham in an exhibition in the afternoon. Neither town bunch will be in a. position to place its strongest 1 line-up on the field, still both are out towin. With favorable weather, the 12th will probably see a record crowd for Hanover. I HANovrm ON TUE T, sister town to the West , Thursday, the occasmn semblage of Orangemen surrounding district, ir hum lodges. Lacrosse also form a leading fem-n iiiitittliit iih' [ SEND us YOUR NAsre.-.-The REVIEW - to January I, 1907, only 40 cents. , The lady members ofa Guelph Meth- l odUt church choir appear in church without their hats. Will it spread , Meatord is rejoicing over the comple. x tion of their new breakwater which E gives them 10 or 12 acres more of a PPO- M I tected harbor. I Bows AND Otrr.--htr Rel formerly of Walkerto: through the city this mor visit to his early home, aft dence of 36 years in Sun The Golden Gate City is out fur keerm, Mr Collins on I The lightning storm of last week _ seems to have been specially severe on . ustrip through Nornmnhy and Egre- mont. Numerous places were struck S. Neal's barn was fired but the rain put it out. ti. McGowan got a. Blluck l and others in the neighbor hood. , To NIAGARA Fsr.ri-.The excursion under the auspices of the Methodist Church on Friday host was eminently successful. The sale of tickets here amounted to about 8350 which more than clears the railway guarantee and expenses leaving other stations to the good. This is to be an annual affair and furnishes a fine opportunity to see the tug fall and enjoy a day’s out. ing in congenial company. l A Stratford girl night by a. burglar room over the win, pitcher of water and face. He umde a ha ladder by which he open window. ) FINE Bmcurs,--Mr Ayling of the l Durham Brick yard showed us some bricks the other day, made by a. new process. which heats anything in that line we ever saw for tine smooth fin.. ish. Two samples may be Been at this omce, Don't fail to viait. th a booth and the Art miller den Social on the Ree Friday evening. mum "wrung m the council, by 7 to I decided to appeal the I and sent a deputation toin- the minister at Toronto. hile Prov. Secretary Hanna ded that no licenses are to he ‘I.,I7 4' 7 TORONTO by a. burglar crawling into her w'er the window sill, seized " of water and dashed it into his F the next handful of e galley. describing a. read like this: "The mod the body to the , Walkerton. puss city this morning on N TUE Tweurru--our :he West will be en fete occasmn being the as- 'angemen from all the istrict, including Dur. Jacrossc matches will a hasty exit down the 'y, ', after a. resi. Robert Collins. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 12 awakened one reached the apanese Ten at the Gar. , ygrounds passed . DESIRABLE nous TO tyrsp.--at intersection" of Dar am Road and , Garnfm'xn St.. one roamed house. a only 86 per month, nother having , 9rtioritsr, furnace. bu room. a. Mt t er month. Agply at the Hardware ' gtore to War. LACK. I Mulock Baptist Co nation are _ holding their Annual rden Sock! _ on the- evening of July 2th, on the grounds of Mr Duncan clean Ben.. tinck. H, H.Miller. M. " in to oc- cupy the! ttt gin Ned in: he»f the chemo t em c, en ce mm Durham with other iiiiiliillyi he lpment. Admmion induct... curing ydinr license Fifty large 12X1t Mtogmp given away one Wi every photographs at F. W. KELSEY Pure bred Jersey hull ca 1 Pedigree complete. Apply 0 tf P. Prre ] Iaosr.--on Sunday. July 1, gold glasses in a case. Finde suitably rewarded by returni JOHN BROWN rthis' Haven TO mesr.-cm ortal roomy. On George St. ll 1 conveniences. Apply to Mm, J. W. 03 WE Young Mant If you a tt of gating tyrried, start risr r, SATURDAY, J In.“ lbs Granulated Sugn only, at The Big 8&qu MILL W000 For deen, delivered in IV. Crawford's. -_H ___. um" h I" Works of tine (whit): ArlhurHJa kson, Licenses. Dur am. A car of salt iust thews & Latin: . First class M _ u ply to JNO. A. AC “pricks for ttale t I " On reassemhling in their Lodge , Room after the service on Sunday last . in the interest of L. O. L, Ihuham District, the brethren tendered u very I hearty and unanimous votcof thanks to Rev. Mr. Fnrquhnrson. of the Pres- [ hyterinnlChurch, for the very able ser- mon addressed to the members of the lodges represented there. The sermon was well thought out. well delivered and extremely appropriate and we hare little doubt that all present were highly gratified-Com. Mr John Ferguson, B. A., of the H. S. staff. who recently completed his curriculum for the. ministry " Queen's University, Kingston. was dulylicensed to preach the gospel at l a meeting of the Guelph Presbytery. He willlikely accept a charge in New l 0ntario.-trtrsrtts News Record. The , above refers to a. son of the late Alex 1 Ferguson, formerly of North Egre- t mont. We extend congratulations to Mr Ferguson. who is a. nephew of the t writer, and who. through m-my dim. c culties. has achieved his aim. F A Word to 6 Ladies of Durham and any oth ' persons interested in the study of foreign languages. The lnteriatlmm Correspondence Schools havethe m at, modern meth- od of teaching the reign languages which is by the use f Edison's Re- peating Phonograph. We will con- sider it a. favor to have on call at our display this week in Mr Darlings Store and receive a free demonstra- tion, Trinity Charo Garden Soc: Friday evening at e Itectorv. program. varied in' character, sure to he Interesting. The Art lery will he worth set: . Ni like it in Toronto. The western wheat harvest is ex- ported to he 10 days earlier than usual, and will likely begin by the middle of August. All preqpects are good for a great crop. and 25.000 men will be re- quired. Standard Bat of Canm Bank Departm t. -- Int, quarterly on depo s from posit to date of with' awal convenient rates. A po be withdrawn at any im delay. Egremont she. Convention was held in Holstein last week, Those in attendance speak highly of the en. thusinsm prevailing and of a splendid [ addrese by Rear Mr Hanna. Holstein voted for cement sndewnlks quite decisively t 9 against 88.tor. The sidewalks will he all completed before the holding of the fall show and the trim little village will look better than ever, Dr Bro . Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. will at Knapp Hotel, Dur. ham, July u. Hours 10 A m to 6 p m. Eyes tested an lasses supplied. Egremont S. 8. Convention was held in Holstein last week. Those in Ittendance speak highly of the en- Fc.-.,,, -.- Business Locals N meN r thistoftire , it; 'rmr.-cou' ortable and tloro Eeurge St. ll modern " . Apply to {ask Ins J. W. CR WPORD. lite. once I If you a thinking . rried, start rig t by tte- f 1t't :ensefrom need A. D wows, urhum. "on nous To Rum-At Pb?“ >f Dur am Road and 1Pr).e " one roamed hon”, nest" ouch. nothet. having one , tea] be. Tong a. Mt toe I py at e ardwnre ( Knox. 'Iflt miss Co anion are ottter Annual mien Sock! “one! 1'?! {917- Ah, on the that 1 ""ver%ty, Kingston. was sed to preach the gospel at of the Guelph Presbytery. Ply accept a charge in New Fergus News Record. The rs to a. son of the late Alex formerly of North Egre- ' extend congratulations to Cow for sale. Ap- ACK. “the Durham Brick l O‘ORPnphs to be J.t' every dozen W. Kerski. 'outa-From toWll- Anoh N. Ihre Durham l July l, pair of 2. Finde will he r relurni to "N rthis' meg Ihr, ortable and St. ll modern Issuer of Marriage arrived at mu. 1gotL--at hr $1.00 one day Garden Social on e Rectorv. Good in' character, and f Canada, Savings " - Interest paid (a from date of de- From Aber- Apply at J. for Sale ml at highest portion may limvs without Mat- LN G'al. N uthing PI Ftic - -- vuv wvuu. 1110 stone: call as to trust in God that without huts we may do given In with nuance. tsom/ad, Indlon. Thu you will tind own noblest brimmin- ml“ aviimi. But besides these stones remind us that the struggle " one that will require time and patience to complete. Davui " a. stroke killed the giant. but It took him A life time of slow and patient. work. through the exercise of all his gifts as rule! and singer. even to begin the tut of awakening the people to new, life. Deyl Inch es the Boyne occur but once but the tank of setting up the prin- l cirlee of truth and right " for all time. A l the problem. before he tell he of the I need. not no much of the etroke of the l eword. n of the patient laborious toil of physicinn end friend. Todey over the world the burning quesion is that of Ed. I nation. It tttutettt' be laid to be solely on between Protutent- and Catholics toe in England with 95 per cent of tho people protectente the “wife is regi:.g' with an ittfrritr nneqnelled in any I otherpen of the world. The memorial I ntesnaG--iC..rTL: .. ‘A me right. of full and free examinatmn ofits contents. No priest may come between us and our God. In church and state the law of right as interpret- ed by )ur best judgment is to he our guide and these memorials rt-new to us the pledge of faithfulness to these un- changing principles. ) But not only do they tell the lesson of trust they remind us of the prin- ciples we are called to support. These men in the struggles of the past were not awakened to endure such hardness for nothing. Israel cried against the thraldom in Egypt because' "hey de- sired to get away where in freedom the might serve the God of their fathers. Ttmt same my has roused the noblest enthusiasm in every age. The spirit of Protestantism is this very claim for the ri ht of independen"t _ examination. When Martin Luther was challenged to retraetat Worms he answered that he would withdraw nothing save what was contrary to the Bible and right reason. That' has ever since been the rallying cry of I Protestants and indeed of independent sipirits whether protestant or catholic. ram (your vet! principles you are pledge to stun forthe rights of Con- ectence. No overlord dare come be- tween the soul and its God. No body can take from us the open Bible and the right of full and free examination ofits contents. No priest may come I between us and our God. In church i and state the law of right its interpret- _ ed.hy my best judgment, i. n. 1..."..- ilhaitiiti. tl we worst elements in the land sought. to crush ll free people and rob them of their civil and reli ious liberty. The scene of the worlg's conflict for the moment was transferred to Ire- land and for a time it seemed as if the whole country was to respond to the I call of James. Liberty, loving. faith- ful citizens. had been removed from office and men, tools of the govern- ment put in their place. Only Lon- donderry and Enniskillen remained true. In the former, the au'angements were all made for a sunender: Lun- dy had agreed to make no resistance and the enemy was at the gate. when] thglelndorship cann- to the voung than In mu: nuance. '?pmrideratemuv, n. Thu you will tind out your Ioblost principles and in doing” out an spin: otour Lord and Out of the ashes came Mam er and the reformers and still tory was not won. A base race threatened to destroy our freedom and allying themsel the worst elements in the lam It) cit-ugh a free peonle and . a”. v. ”muA Huh unougll tttest to the spirit of independence. that through all the ages has dared to as sert itself against L mnny and oppres sion. The ntrnggfe. has been along one. and there are many heroic deeds to record. Time after time the the seemed all but quenched, hut ever "new the flame L',','.'),; forth. To the last extremitv the cause was reduced in the middle ages when Ziskey the last of the outspoken followers of John Husa with spirit unconquerahle he- queathed to his successors his skin. which. 'tretchedon adrumhead. would stillrnlly men to the standard as he had tallied them lone before Nothwi . t . LI all: ',i'ff,'i,l,1liiitiiltp, the wet I lit --- , ii'l'L'lll'"E', forcefmi‘wiatiglotming' in Ld? (00339.1? Shamb- 'dli"le in thzme servicened tall in: an Catholic wn Mints“ thd pul . 'rCTl,h"Jr'd'll our Jo. the “mac gageplltform (i'ie'l,ir',l',fi,ii.ir'i. E13323 (lr1U'i'ete, to Sta} . er 5 . " t.'lj1,?i/1te,'r'r'or,i) fi. "g large 'ed: On If“? -p"Vlle;: 0n tl ' What m for ft tex ev Mr Ira 3 of I?“ into his r as G 3.0mm 003*1thm0msngshu0zv'02-Ia:000 'd'dl2ltt emoriea tttpirin "and a} ' Sttt my " . point ' of the tt power iii) the de lug the (i,i'i,'t),?,r'?,ts,ti'.: i'ib'i,'iil'd'iiiie'iroi:,', A,' ready thot/o the f; ese me ye for th . tr. the d W . in t of God {Nana's oft elitinp,trn, eeds ,l o "a i . he . ' Petrent Witt tl n dan catrn “We (l I Tight . 1rou lt Joréagf i'iit,'iet',b',2'if.t'.f, of faith): "eple', all": with; CI','" “use" W? not "Potty the Rivae ton?" own Cir't"J,'l 'l'li',""Jat, to 'ti all Dnss'd Mter u? tl that in tt es ' he land Aiken, city “ed. for the? Play Were wo de; struck n. tt Vet nd to con , urlln. b nt to, Wet ' Ota w not a I quer the y 00m thug an“ 'iliyrii,'ll, had fullen tg', Was C',',,':,":', of [his]: God won Ae to ”Pugh the 'rhn y the ind, were Pronou n {gem °£zlwga the")? '"s'/ if.:?,?',.?,)')',?, l 'ii"l,j2le"r'f thrlefacc "I . _ " do n tteg yo ts witl (“lug ' . , ten [ ti'i"iFi?i",l,r,tyt:,lrt/t,,rt "dTity 'C",.' l tbeir 53:5:‘50 h"ld1 m . . , , . . . graham inthtitasit $0901" {ma ttde,; I 331:3 0003.330 Se P, which JT', to (00,": pedge We areelllmnan an of 'll 21st, INS , first or.“ '. l arlpeoplel lay“), am not "Tefgrnch M305“? t"/ie/,leth 0n t2,22ellt? inths Rev . y to t "1300.10 Imes 'uette 5 of tl ' y.oltstiojt_or he, "i?,l,i?,i,'ei?t,','otplci, 'tflt,r,:ih',y,. mam; l ur thmmyh Huh.“ tration, MY Ill prom 00.. 'r. , oflove I .eev Tem... '.aud ‘14 Orangemen at Church " vet! principles you are team forthe rights of Con- No Overlord dare come be. soul and its God. No body {gognnus tlu: open Bible and ,___.-..v\.. A"o' W“ the tide thomth many yetto puss. Long days to Ie,ttidured, much had “purist. tyranny and oppres- , ntmgg e has been u. long here are many heroic deeds Time after time the the l but quenched, hut ever t.lytec nun-st forth. To the .:t-- . we may dithe RE]; owners and stilltbe vic- von. A base race of kings 1 destro our British tllrlnir. tgemselyes with n to the kiiGitii7ii 'ii/iii; em long before ashes camg Myth) Luth- not erected after the r all passed. for they Ike a city and to conquer a vet not a, blow was wall had fallen. only the ed through the river and to them' the pledge that them. So it is with the nes you have set tup ; I that the lmttle is fin- , 1906 ' in order A meeting of the ire Brigede will beheld at the are Hal n Monday, the 16th inst,. to decide”: proposed trip to the firemen', Deni amnion " Hamilton on the 8th of mutt. All member. are requested t be present. R. To Y. Chief. _ L. B . Bee. l :. maintain proper equipment, etc. , Then we need a bpildine as an -, ni'moury. or drill shed, a place to , store arms and ,eeornretnerots, a I spot to represent our military aspira- l tions, as the school does our educa- y tional and the town Hall our civic I interests. This building too could F be and should be the home of the , newly termed rifle club, which has l ‘ madeagood beginning. It is time something was done and we hope the leaders in both bodies will get together and see it they can evolve something creditable and useful. We think, too, that since We have no harborsto dredge and no break- waters to build, the government might be minded to come to our as- sistance and edd . little to the um coeds ot the sale of the old armoury and build as a new and n to.dete "air, which would be e credit to the town and to the government. end at" stimulus tothe pmiotic spirit which' is at the batten at both the voluuteel i system end rifle clubs. l nqU1. the n . v' "'"‘“‘I In ever m _ w" W Was was :3: of Knuth. 'i'li'if'nd'l'l',1f/'hf thorn; JI'l'f,Pf, 1Wttr the '1? tt indium), £3.22??? In one bran]? i;'Jtll'ti"oe',nv'it22,'. Proapa y an to out ' at all w ' e in a e that this er._ I‘ben we no III 'll, lunged Durban. dark]: t an th the . “mug Hun t at after iod mol the l thelrv P? they tsel W t be 330 ta . lctory bv dri ki . amazed e Shall rt ot he is lu" would be taa, tt 9trtillrlortu Jew ere endeavor to Kee .nd of the name Hanan“) t)itrtingttish between ”ted on the prone; I ledge We are hm" ‘nd phat ofMordec-l “Inmate... " Your people bud limy' "up use“ tuGirriiiiii Watt in town {fullnnag d o dose 'siMuiineoiaw . [bv . (lend-v . , n ' endanta of th "Hung the h prominent - ' tunes better way of lit at accuraed race to a contractor hack, tints Will be in 0' The power of prams ------ 0-. - f the' tracioua ofl proportion to the . '/.'i" Two a . th owe and Imam. “(Dummies , ”it: :0 go. With hate 1t,',tl'rt', we are able town Tuesday Pe ultras" 0 e true to a r no mun itis om» ' ' ti "ot o as- , od and ours l "unawatr h , . pt'tns- men. Tly" We Shall 22:8 to our fellow. before dun” Ohio which u long :1)? Fi. God's grace beet?" ownlivee Th P Nre wasdone, l e . a . Leg-fig a: 't'llle,"lu',y amniotic“ as: P323810! in "him Tummy" Melodies .... p on gun. _ "Y Trumtv Chu, This would be indeed a retrograde step and one we hope that Will never needto be taken. The loss of the band a number ot years ago was a serious blow to the company. and the destruction and sale of the old drill shed tended in the same dires tion. We think that on both these points scinething might be done that would revive an interest in No 4 Company and make it a worthy re . l resentative of our town and neigE 1 borhood. [ It should be quite possible to have our band here made a section of the regimental band, with certain con- ditions attached which could easily be met, these conditions of course im- plying that a government. or countv grant, or both, should be given to! maintain proper equipment, etc. a a pusslullll . nay. even a probabil- ity, of No t (gemp-ny being disband- ed unless more enthusiasm can be worked into it resulting in a larger attendance than has been seen in recent years. We have heard since ch: coming of the volunteers that is a possibilit . nay. even a pm ity, of 'e"d'lhTa'lY,i: hpimr Hi, Mr J. A. McDonald. district for the above Schools is In to Aveek and in company with Mr General Agent, isexhilnting th, of their students and manner ol business. Their system of be languages by means of a. ghon: is must, unique and should M? at! Go and see them and hear them Unce more there in the danger ol trusting to an arm of fhstrh rather than to the “mug God. It was God who opened a way through the see. who dmded the waters of the Jordan end who blessed them in the good land to which they were led. In God is our strength end shield. Man that God bless won and make you the living mem- orials of the noble principles you profess, Once more trusting to an to the livine opened I mu Notice A Firemen, better may of lite, ’tmts will be in pl unions of love an to do. With hm to be true to God men. Thus we s and by God's gr spreading our can to those about us. Exhibit at Darling's Drug Store --__- ..,....... We we in danger also at hoping to win through showing the {tillage of others rather then through the pnctice of our own virtual and graces. We are told that in a degenernte Jewish age they were wont to celebrate the feat of Purim. by cursing at every mention of tha "an“: Al "2., .-- International Cor. Schools --------==i_"- -------= ' Three dangers stand in the WI . We (late in danger of putting mere y“his"! C. P o It. Moe 1t','."t/e, piles of the rinlluligiouc -- i e. a protect against a o an arm in Roman Cntholic‘s but find it only to, ff, hati the “Ming-e tall into the nme ourselves. We user: P.P t'."r.'t,',,',', t r. our rights to study the Bible, huttool'c‘ P: . Elwin” rt!? 1stten leave n on the shelf. We use" i looking over th.e ssituatit our prinlege as Goda children of com- ldentiy PrePQrmR; the me into his Presence. buttoo often In"... Imrlv um..- .- _ n Hm A-., 77 ' - Military Matters .v-unlulllllu. ("strict agvntl we Schools, is m town this I Iconumny with Mr -- Put. isexhilnling the work ( huts and manner of doing _ Their system of teuehing' y means of n. vhonogmph 1 use and s_h_ould le effective. i, ,.,. "v-uwlll _ may the Bible. but too '0 I the shelf. We use“ 1 lo u Godh ghildren of CON. Ide l them regarded an other than a system i. attic attempt todiseredtt the "let-sure. , An important chum.- ia (under mm the home templntioh by Dr Seath in the u ueher~ at there exhumation. according to ll statement probubil- he recently madein \Voodstnek. l'p. 'lititiili'ii'ii,iiliite the opening of the three additional can be Normal schools he proposes to abolish a urge" the present junior teachers' exoth- seen in inntionsfrom the high "thool course. and to place it at the completion ot' the. rrpgrade normal school course. Thus the work wattlezgz of the normal school will he acmdemit' ) was a on well u pedagogical. This will, if ny. and adopted. materially affect the number 'the old of candidates for examinations from [g dire high schoal centres. at hoping to mum of he pumice . We no Jewish age the fen! of l mention of R. B. Keeler The Busy Store on th i Our large stock of Silverware con- sists of everything that is new and Gui in silver; hundreds of different larticles which we have not room to mention here. Take one look at our large stock and when you hear the low prices, you will know that Keel. et’s is the place to save money on your pus-chases. Alan large stock of FANCY CHINA which makes nice Wedding Presents at a small cost. Silverware for Presentations P"ytey-raving place to buy your 10k, 14k and 18k SOLID GOLD WEI)- DING RINGS. Also solid Brooches and Necklets for the bride. The most complete stock of WATCHES and GOLD-FILLED JEWELERY shown in this part of the country. You save money on every purchase atFeeler'r, 0 Q» ”we... on rriuay evening will In , worth hearing. Futures to we up , well u hear. Friday. 13 July. , The County of Grev pays 88.58.!“ In ' High Schools outside of the county in: , extra maintenance of Co Grey pupils. ' Mt Forest alone getting 'lug of this I tum. Owen Bound gets from Bruce Go. over 8400 for Co Bruce pupils. A Cort. of give and take in which Dur- ham has no share though doing the same work for the some exuminnt ions, ft in not a. High School. Km LURotmAur,--rhe Owen Sound Times writing on Justice Mnheeu do. ciaion qua-shim: the [nerd Option by. hor, closet: no article as follows '. "The ’nnture ofthe judgement is lolu- re- lgretted in view of the fart that the effects of the measure were proving quite ”tinfnctory in spite of the trav- elling bottle vendors. and the five gal- lon keg carousel: which need not he “more damage was done. ’ The Plantation Melodiestoh, in character " Tr- Church ti Social on Friday evening w worth hearing. Futures to, welluhcar. Frldnv m Int- l "'""----- u‘ Two automobiles paused Lhrm town Tuesday. resulting in at k one runaway home which was can; before damage was done. The Plantation "AIME“ In In- .. _,--_.-v... “lab no” FtrtMttiott will begin " an earl ' date, Dnrhum. during the consgructiou waded will be a sort ol headquarters. e shill endeavor to keep our wad on; posted on the progress made. _ Assistant General Manager Leonard was in town Tummy. accompanial bv a. DMmi-unnt nn-“‘ -- Can You do Better To new whet-(hon we will give the REVIEW to Dec. 31. 190tt for tioe, the Weekly Globe for wombat!) together for no on. Send theereii dotiat. if you lake: we will me you cu-dit on the i%Tr'le6' for tho 10 as. Our friends will oblige by making this otter known. Address all orders to CHAS mums Pun-n an 1 ‘. P. R. Movements The Review place to buy your tok, SOLID GOLD WEI)- Also solid Brooches " the bride. The most : of WATCHES and theBuyc Send: in the It lll‘hf "dim: to a “Menu in Woodstock. l' an Puma.“ “an “y mr an He VI. looking for ll 031060. and any I reddenoe as well. Ity 'tshoot around we'll] iee gig? 'i?, 11N2. 'h'%Tg E! . 'yeeirdGii., to, t' _ .. the: for ttoeta. - g '. loll“ it you like: - ‘ m “edit tNt the s I In mg E in 1ue I." r. l Review r V _- ther “C... On Sons 10 met is the In: week of Stephens. a was in town It and evi. “trough It lent caught P uung Harden

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