West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jul 1906, p. 5

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_ 1906 $0005 GENCY - - " Co. N - A261 u, V aEr'haatrarxrt,taaaee, Sale The Durham Furniture 00., Ltd. fireproof roofs? JULY 12, 1906 Pttterson's "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing To reduce our stock we are offering lines of all grades and makes at very closiprices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our Warerooms----one door South of the Post Office. aaa if A). I At 1.30 a. m. we neared Kingston. l In about 12 hours we had crossed the , lake twice and weretat the head of the i mighty tit Lawrence river. We pass- (ed throu h the famed " Thousand i Islet ds " groan 6.30 to 8 a. in and con- ', sequently had a good view of the in- ( teresting scenery. Everywhere one l looks there is something to attract lattention. Many of the islands are mwned by wealthy people who have 3 built fine residences on them and have ',laid out prettg gardens and walks. It I would be.' her to describe any one of Ithem. as one has to see them to ap- ! prerinte them. We made three stops (tf, different islands at Clayton, Fron- . tenae and Alexandria Bay. As we ( near Brockville the islands become t fewer and the channel widens. Here 'again, we make another atop. It is a. very print}: town. About twelve miles turther ‘ast We call at Prescott. where. we change trom the Lake to (the River Steamers We step from one boat to the at hernnd pass through in. number of rapids from here to Mon- l treal. The first are the Galop Rapids, l the next and more important are. the " Long Sault Pet,. " Here the host makes several eavv plunges. A number of Americans who were at the front of the boat, were drenched by the water coming over the boat. dining one of its plunges. fl 7 Here are some extrnctu: We M: :Toronto at 3.30 p. m. gliding oat of , the hay smoothly in the ., Kingston; " , the tinest boat of the R. and 0. Navi. gation Co. A tine view is obtainable got‘ some bountiful snuuner homes. ! We crossed to Charlotte. N. Y., and , Lake Ontario is big enough to be for In time entirely out of six t of land, a {a naval experience for a landsmun. iWe neared Charlotte about 9p. m. :and everyone came on deck to see the flights at "Ontario Beach, " which, ;wnth many buildings, were beautiful- Ir outlined with lights. We pissed ' up the Genesee river for a short dis. Etance, waited for another boat and i were soon crossing the lake again. We MAY? received a nice letter from one of the Schonl sum. who has just tuadea mp to Montreal. We leave um readers to guess who it is as she wishes her Mamie withheld If we use the letter puolicly. A Trip to Montreal. TORONTO 5T3 725 13' 75 75 35 75 17 16 A farmer in Pilklngton has sacrificed 3. great deal of sleep to invent th mach. ine that will greatly reduce the hard work of the farmer at a sea-on of the year when time is particularly nimb- le. Mr. Peter Dunbar has perteetasd I mucking that will “to out of the On motion council nd'ourn ' " God Save the King. " 31nd liters: till " November next " T p m, when they will meet in Owen Sound. Nu: yen: the old system of electml County Councils will be returned to end imaged of only 16 members there will be ebont twice that number. A report from South Grey Farmers’ Institute presented " almost the last. day in the afternoon " was ordered to be tiled. Council adjourned " " o'clock till 8 o'clock Sntnrday morning, The clerk was granted 812 and Trau- urer " for expenses attending union In Menard. Also Messenger and cue- taker got " each for their service; The county solicitor wn inst inn-haste the action of Mr 8:22:13 others who were peddlihir w than” li. cease. Accounts for supplies and repairs to Co Buildings were passed. Mr Patterson being authorized ta attend to necesnry repairs to South Grey Registry offiee in accordance with Mr McCannel’s letter. The lighting of Markdale House of Refuge has been in dispute 611100 it was built, Markdale on a technicality refus- ing to suppiy it. Thelcouncil offers] to compromise the matter by a money pay- meal. to be voted on by Mnrkdale next January. Judge Hatton, Imp. Burgess. and Mean-s Pringle. Ball and MoCannol were appointed arbitrators to adjust diffietslue8 in h. S. No lo, Proton, Education Committee recommended an increase of fifty per cent. in the grants made lo the various public schools throughout the county. doing continuation work. It also recommend- ed the payment to Mount Fmest High School for extra maintenance for pupils attending said school from County of Grey of 8514.02: to Orangeville High School for extra maintenance $27.82 ; from Chesley Blah School of 0125.11 ; and of Wiarton High School of $191.86, It ordered the payment to Mr Bell. the County delegate to the Trustees Con- yeiztion in Toronto of 918.10 for his ex. penses and that the account of John A. Richardson for printing promotion ex. amination papers of 884.20 be paid. The communication of James Morrison. of Traverston, re grant to continuation class in " section was referred to the County Treueurer. FRIDAY. 1hmuaee committee reported against. paying St Irtmmtrt'tselaim of 941.64 for nlnnatic. against a grant to Walters Falls Ag. Society. in favor of Moto Medal-d Poultry Association. and of 070.30 to 0. Sound for expense With two Iunatics. Town of Owen Bound " Durtuun....., " Meafotu....., " Thornbury .. " Hanover .. .. “Huge of Dumb": .. th Marbule.. '. Chatswonh Township ot f rtemesia $1,606.30; " Bentlnck........ 1.837.937 .. Colllngwood..... 1,899,766 " Derby...........l.m0.000 tt -hyrxtinopt.......g,'0ar,tm " Euphnsin . . . . . . 1,761.00) it fiWpeltr......... 1,0ti0,000 " Hollnnd.. . . . .. . .1.261,470 " Iieprel.......... 1250.000 It tjohunbr..... 2,285,000 " Osprey.......... 1.399.000 " Pmtoit.......... 1,658.!!!) " 8agawBk........ Mn!) " St. Vincent..... 1.958.”) " Sullivan. 1,822,000 - " . A 8ytlenttqtm..... 1,678,000 The following will he of interest to our readers as it gives the equalized asseesenwnt 'nnd the amount leyied upon each of the municipalities. Artetssernettt Levy Tnmmmn n! A......-.'., .1 m» m". A-wa-w- H Mr McCaunel presented report No I oithe Printing Committee. It recom- utended the payment of several ac- counts which had been referred to it. Mr J. W. Frost presented raglan Noi 2 of Finance Committee. is was perhaps the most important report of the session as it dealt with the County Treasurer's estimate of receipts and ex- penditure for 1907, named the assess- ment of each municipality in the Gaunt which was nfterward enntirm. ed hy T,).'.?))',',', and also struck the rate for the year 1906, Amouust other neonate for roads and bridges were the following: Arch McEncliern. material and work on bridge Townline Proton end Egre- mont M.oo; George ll Scbenk. in- npeeting bridge repairs, 018.90; John MeArtbm. inspecting bridge work Ced- anIlle and Ptiearville, 910.40 ; Neil Me. Cuunel examining bridge on Garufraxn Road south of Darlnum 31.60 ; James Allan, inspecting bridges on towuline of Egremont and Normnuby. townline of Egremont and Arthur. townline of Egre- Ltout and and Proton and towuliue of Glenelg and Enrolment. 67.50: G H Schenk. inspecting bridges on enemy line of Normenby and Mime, 84.50; John Warling, repairing bridge on town. line of Artemenin and Glenelg. M ; S Bell, for inspecting bridge on townline of Proton and Artemesie and letting work ol repairs on townline of Melanc- thon and Proton ; ll J Bell. letting con- tract " Grose’ bridge, " 0. Sound Gwen! an] Murine Hoe. pital was “muted "ooo, but uotiung to o. Sound Hor. Society. THE DUBH " A letter wee presented by Me Allen from the Reeve of Eminent eating tlutthe County Council guarantee " bentures to the extent of 01,000 foe the building of cement sidewelke in the po. lice village of Holelein in laid loam chip was read and tent to the Finence Committee. h request from the Gum! jury for payment at expense: uniting the Home at Refuge was not entertained. Tenth..." County Council Notes. SATURDAY. l HURSDAY. 929,313,176 .45 482 38 (tat 82489 '86 2313 so 1550 50 It100 00 2729 55 1648 00 1955 28 IN? M 3541 'm 2168 " 2569 60 620 oo '.tltt4 U? 2824 10 2593 15 4008 80 ll will double Four enminmwer. It only 2t,17t . few months " this union to comp ete a thorough Mal Bunnies: Comte or 1 Short- haad End Typewrmng Com-send tlt you tor I ”Enema". Maya. Students minced n any time. Full [unico- hn a my time free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Spring term balm April 2nd. The Ichool is itld'h'eiPetgt,ig,'id, in Inching nbiiity. in chemiml Ind elect cal 1'ght' In thttines, Ae., tor full Junior Leaving In Murie- ulntion work. The following competent and are in ffr,'E ' T308. AL AN, In Chas Certificate, Principal was L. M. FORi..R. B. A., Classics. Modems and English. MISS FLOSSIE MCKERRACHER. First CIISI Certificate And third you undergraduate of Queen's Universia'. Science, Mary turd Geography. Intending Students should enter st the begin. ning of the term if possible. Bond an be otr tained st remnnble ntes. Durham in a healthy and “motive town, making it A most desirable place tor_rettdepee. - V V FEES??? Fir month in ndvnnce. Wm.0ottnston, Jr., G. anngo. Chum“. Bench: C. McARTHUR We make a specialty of our Shoe trade. All old stock is now cleared out. Everything new and up-to-date. Give us a can, if you've not yet done so We have also put in newlines in our Dry (ioods See our cheap Embroid- erles amt Insertions. styles-.r Also a. hetieraast, of Men's Dongola Bluebers. which we have handled heretofore, we have put in Girls' White Canvas Shoes Boys’ and Ian's Lacrosse Shoes Ladies'. ti1optrr, in PI", my! varied 2tc,tlidoon, Boots & Shoes sud tum property upon the lens: known plans, 3 or 4 year blunket policies issued on the tunnel instalment or one galrte,t ayatem under the most invonble con done to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insunnee expires this yea, can on, or drop' a card to The strongest ggtr Mutual Fire Insunnc Co. in Ontario. A reco without 'lg',tSlf end . just rewnrd for honest efforts. L conned and “Infected by the Government ; insure. residence on tum property upon the knot known plume New Goods Mlllllll HRE l.lli,l,i,llllllf. (ll)llhllf A Practical Education at FARMER’S CENTRAL The Secret-w. Mr A. M. Hunt Would be pleased to mail I prize List to any one who have not as yet received one. or give any information regarding the Exhibition; on application to the office, London, Um. Durham School , We In having on upholster- er the timt week in - month. Anyone wishing old good. reno- voted to look good no new should advise ttF-gm will be planed to attend to it at once. KRESS, There will be an exceedingly interest- ing prognmme of attractions this year. ot which more; will be mid later. Hu 3 full has of thtrtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Fumes Frames to order of all kinds. In the arrangement of the prize lint the interest of the fuming community have not been lost sight of, and special inducements wsll be found for the enter. prising farmer to show his stock nnd the products of his farm. o natio and tnanutaeturers and march- chanta are not slow to see the advnn- tune it "ora, of bringing their goods before the public. Over "ooo will be expanded on the buildings and ttround_ this year, Ind an manly now Ind up to due entrnuoe on Damian St is in nouns of erection. The Western Pair has taken its place It' the. lending exhibition of Western a $955 The Board have this you added over 81500.“) to the prize lint. making the prize: in all clun- well worth compel; for. Ehtrias no coming in quite hat ind spam in being allotod Accordingly. Tho Western Psi: of London, Ont. wiil be held thin you Sept 7 to 16, Over three thouund prize “at. and seven! has." In" already been mnilod And Hui-rue pastor: wtll be unt out in . few days. ground. In good condihon. end flue In rm", hen some! cal-hire . ny. Alt tttqrimMhetodo into-b onttfeseat and drive his teem of home. He bu patented the machine and in now 'd',1tt'it,2iUr ltn manufacture in lane nnm . It in aid to be a very umpiv conertucted whine and In franc labor never. He expects to hnve ton exhibition It the fall tam this ,etuv-Drarton Ad. NEIL lcCANNEL. Agent, Durham 293; '.,S2t9y 'ttsphere. Sn" and Equlpmont. Owen tgotiiril _N0ltttiEm. Western Fair. Undertaker Ts, " Is good Bread, well made and . properly baked-the bread that . is made by Stinson. This is the . perfect bread-made of the best i flour, leavened and seasoned just . right; thoroughly kneaded and g baked to perfection, it is easily lit, digested and it builds health and ' stfength for those who eat it I.').', Give it a trial. We wiicit the busineu of Manurttcturers, Engineer: Ind others who realize the advis-biL it, of having their .Pruent business transacted by Expert]. Preliminary advice free. Charges mode-rag. QUERY”?! Adm-en} upon .ry- ttest. MaHonlkMaNort, Reg'd., New York Li! M. manual: and Whitman. D.C.. U.S.A. ix‘siiijéfiri'oi'ififiéfi.iiEE'éTfiéivq'rkffi.§r‘ _ STINSON, The Baker. t 'u,,,.,,.,,.,..,",,,,.,',..-..,,:....),.,,:)! Clove! and Timothy and all vu- ietien of (in-den Seed. in n- bundnnce for Spring growing Guthrie's "Royal Household" Kuwatln 6t Five 'toi'.-The very best Keewutin make. A cat-load just, received. SEEDS FLOUR tl .6. Srant in-the best goods made. We have a splendid line tl rum 's Prints Also have a nice line of Mohairs at 37c yd. We have our new Dress Goods in pow. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from mossasxsaxtr and. Order- Our Specialties. Peel, the Shoeman MATTHEWS & LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEN. White Shoes The Best Cure For Dyspepsia If you wear White Shoes, dont wear an un- tidy one. We have the very latest styles. Highest grades only. 500 to 1.25yd 1l,'2ihiEEaiWiii] '10 Dress Sooda "o ‘0". above Durham, veil tmmove¢ "ooo _'v -V-.- . -"__V ""'""'...r9, wcu wul, “on {uncut well wasted, good land. fort7io, Norman ' well an md I 125 Am t . um mm o Do you want to know where to buy 25° Jh.eyputPy.ttyPay, xeu mm. m... my: one was... Asromtn- Ltte. m fiflfldw.m¢gfifl: w. ' . out. ,1'auefaut lit" - All. 'Pnrk. no "Massed Cam"! N; m- lure he: ot out was 'tte - in Bugs 'ltr, 'd,',",',',".: k",'J'll'tttuttt?,ii,'ii. 1n- 'lrl",U. c. P. i'l'hll'l'lritf. at?" A was PM. Nun llama-1.... Durham, Nov. 16. m, the vxrutitFGriiTir2. . t',t,'t,'a', 'tit'lrgs"t.'"eaeterc 'lt'g attended . an. noon mi in; be left n his Implement tram, Ioom. Mc tnnott'roid_,TFiiTiii"iu"v'i'G'; Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, CottuttiisioneF, doc. OMee--thuderu Block. ov Barristers, Solicitors. Con Ae. Money to Loan. (Pce, McIntyre Block, on A. G. Mushy K. 6.2 t W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. o. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J H ENTERS New Store HONOR GRADUATE Toronto I'niver Hue floral College Dual Sumo Mum-y in all its bunches. 0M.13hon8t. - - - - Owenhou t1'Pltt','4tattt, Home. Durban. 't"ttmtwjiiiiii"i"r" "chtrtmsttatrmii 10.. M, tttit p. ll. [an m: to looms}... London, R “a to M" (New York) gt 1'll'll'de Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gen eral {financial business transacted his MB In .ereaasdtt-seosr,enmttanaatrd new l? os.,esooosot mu. oldnoodieuww. . J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C. ARTHUR H. JACKSON F-tl A. m nice. over Gordon's Jewelry ""rt-eettiisaotstorti-,e 'Nertetonttctritdmn. Altman GUN. M. D., DUBHAI. ONT. (Lower. Town) Eye. Ear, Nose dc Ting-at THE A SPLENDID 860100“ Notary Public, ()mumiesh CONVEYANCER. ac ME DIG-A3. .f. GRANT D. D.s 0nm nouns tt mm 2-Mtot. 'i-O v.3 70‘0"”. Connection No. to"'"" LEG-AL. ', MACKAY d; DUNN, DEN HEAL. D, normal Ceylon P. o: C. BAIAGE. Durban Ceylon hu a telephone oimw. BOI'RS l. . ELM“; nmovm commuti- J . P. TELFORD Ply-Jenn & sunken. - . our J. AM. Manor's Store (‘eylon P. o.," will be maim- Tenm on nppllmuon to M may to Loan. DR. BURT {weaned . Auctioneer fo 00010 A.I L'omtuissionet 1. Cottveytuteers ' over the Bank er Post om W. F Dunn Ovation“! 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